- -s ,-.-,---.~- - -.---- -.----------- ~ -. f - - - -- CANA!AI ETTESAN.fl~VAVW.?~' ~I'AWW JL zm - Urx. and Mrs. Leon Cannons 0 ~ently visited Mrs. Elrner Ott aontreal. ..fi Janet McDaugall, George- toii was a holiday guest witb JeLevitt. Lorne Doreen and jýnhave been visiting griendis in Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. F. Weekes, Toronto, wene weekend guests Of Mins Editb Weekes. Mrs. E. J. Reid, Cremona, Alta., is visiting ber daughter, Mrs. T. Arthur Morgan. .Miss Dorreil Hammond, To- ronto, was a weekend gucst o! Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ham- imond and famiiy. Miss Chris Crombie bas ne- turned ta Asbestos, Que., atter spending bolidays witb Mn and-Mrs. Jim Crombie. lirs. Kennetb Bley motored up fsrn Charlottesville, Vir-- ginia, to spend, a weck with ber imother, Mrs. M. J. Hutchînson. Dr. and Mrs. Allan B. Syl- vester and son Gary bave re- turned atter vacatianîng during August at Bala, Lake Muskoka. Ms-. and Mrs. A. Rivers xre- turned ta their home in Winni- peg after spending 10 days with ;r. and Mrs. J. Holdstock and Anne. Mn. C. A. DenHertag left Malton Airport this week for a two-week visit with relatives and fsiends in Mydrecht, Hol- land. Misses Eve and Mary Sullivan, Kingston, spent two weeks wîtb Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bottrell. Mns. Sam Brooks o! Rouge Hills also visited witb them. Mrs. Alex MeGregor and N'eu, Miss Janet McGregor, Miss Margaret McGregar spent two wceks in August at the former's cottage, Hawk Lake. Dr. and Mrs. H. B. Rundle Sind sans bave returned troni their cottage at Ivy Lea in the Tbousand Islands where they çnjoyed twa montbs' vacation. We don't k4ow what kind o! season this indicates, but Mr W. H. Carruthers, Scugog St., Pentecosta I Church 91 Ontario Street ftev. G. Y. Leno, Pastor Sumday, Sept. 81h BUNDAY ICHOOL b[ORMNNO RBHIP EVANGELISTIC SER VICE Wed., Sept. 111h 8 P-. One Heur Sound Motion C.loured film on "Present nappenings ln Jarael» .hown by Dr. Atklnaon, a couvert- ed ,ew. ALI, WELCOME last week found iboth blossoms and apples on: a Tranparenti tree. Mrs. J. D. Healey, Port Arth- ur; Mr. and. Mrs. Prower Mc- Murtry, Chicago: Dr. G. N. Murphy, Sudbury, have been recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Frower. Rev. A. W. Schaafsma receiv- ed a call from the First Christian Reformed Church of Toronto,I near Eglinton and Yonge Street, but has decided to remain in Bowmanville. Mr. Russell Nesbitt, Q.C., To- ronto, and his cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Nesbitt, Neýstie- ton, were dinner guests Satur- day evening with Mr. and Mrs.1 Geo. W. James. Mr. and Mrs. J. Holdstock motored to Quebec City for the weekend to visît their son Oliver who is in charge o! a helicopter display at the Exhibition from HMCS Shearwater. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bell and dlaughter Andrea, London, Ont., spent the weekend witb bler mother, Mrs. Harry Rice, Mrs. Bell and Andrea remain- ing this week for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Wagner, Douglas and Brian, Mrs. Pearl Hamilton, Detroit, Mich.. -were supper guests Friday eveningl with Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Maek - lin and Marlene, High Street. Holiday weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Carruth- ers were their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Smith, Gaît, and Mrs. Carrth- ers' sister, Miss Edna Hughes, Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Macklini and Marlene, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Wagner and family, Mrs. Pearl H amilton, Detroit, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Mack- lin, Fenella. Visiting Mr. A. W. Pickard recently at his summer cottagel at Williams' Point, Lake Scu- gog, were bis brother Russell and wife, Kingsville, Ont.; also bis cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell Park and Mrs. Arthur Col- licott, Cleveland, Ohio. Miss Helen McGregor hi,. returned to ber position as head of the Classics Department, Pet- ST. JOHN'S CHURCH (Anglican) Twelfth Afier Trinity- HOLY COMMUNION 10 and Il a.m. - CHURCH SCHOOL MATINS EVENSONG IL .4 St. PauI's United Church 9 Minister - Rev. H. A. Turner, B.A, B.D. Organist - Mrs. Reta Dudley, A.T.C.M., L.C.C.M. C. 9:50 arn. - ALL CLASSES OF SUNDAY SCHOOL ASSEMBLE IN LECTURE ROOMF il arn. - DIVINE WORSHIPA Members are requested not to enter the n Church Auditorium until the Sunday i School Classes meeting there have been r dismissed. F No Evening Service ini September. Trinity United Church Minister - Rev. T. Arthur Morgan, B.A. 11:00 A.M. - 7:00 -Morning Worship 7:0 .M -Evening Worship RemOpeningI of Sunday School "I:0 A.M. - i ~ Nursery, Kindergaten and Primary Depariments 12:15 P.M. - The Senior School Daby sitting service for infants Organist-Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M. &oci-aI & ersonial Phîone MA 3-3303 Miss Marnaret E d w a r d s daugbter o! Mr. and Mrs. Multas Edwards o! North Bay, formelv o! Bowmanville, was the North Bay representative at the Pro. vîncial Camp Councîl o! thE Canadian Girls in Training ,which was held Aug. 21-31 a, IPort Ry'erse on Lake Erie. Mrs, Edwards writes that they look forward eagerlv each week te recciving their hometown paperý The Statesman. His friends thought Don Williams bad chànged bis oc- cupation, as a panel truck was scen outsidc. of bis bomne or Silver Street - bearing the: in- scription "Don Williamns". But furthei 'clown it. said, "Everlast Concrele Flancs, Ajax". Or investigation we found the, the owncr was a man doing some work in connectian wtk the renovations ta St. Paul's Su[nday Schoal. uPatriciac Fisher, 13-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fishr, .R.1, Hampton, was placed 2nd with 88 points -in the under 15 age group, in the piano competition at the C.N.E. on August 30. She later com- pctcd in the Junior Scholarsbip Campetition, winning the $50 scholarsbip. Patricia will play at the final concert at the C.N. E. on Saturday. Patricia lsaa grade 9 student at B.H.S. Prior ta tbeir wedding on Saturday, August 3, Miss Bet- ty Pake and Mr. James Me- Kenzie were banorcd by the Columbus cammunity at a miscellaneous shower beld in the basement o! the churc-. Many lovcly gifts -were re- ceived tram friends in Colum7 bus and Bowmanville. The staff at Eaton's store in Osha- wa wbere Betty is empioyed gave ber a loveiy set o! dishes. Misses Jean and Joyce Bragg, twin daughtens of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Bragg, have lcft ta take up new duties. Jean. who was on the teachingz staff o! Ontario Street School, Bowmanvillc, last year, is a member o! the teacb- ingZ staff o! Laurentian Public School in North Bay. Joyce is at St. Micbael's Hospital, Toron- ta, whcre she is taking a post graduate course in aperating room, technique and manage- ment. Joyce wbo bas ber R.N. Elegrcc is a graduate of Osbawa General Hospital. Mr. Ted Goddard, son o! Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Goddard, has returncd home. He spent the summer as a Junior Forest Ranger in the Kapuskasing district, and Mr. Donald Mc- Gregor, son o! Mr. and Mrs. Alex McGrcgor bas also re- turned atter spending the sum- mecr at the same type o! work -n the Hearst district. Don bas returned ta B.H.S. and TedI .vill enter the degree course ili E'orestry Engineering at Uni- j v'ersity of New Brunswick, ati erborough Collegiate Instiute, atter spending several weeks at home with ber mother and sister, Mrs. D. S. McGregor and Miss Margaret McGregor. Miss Tanya Goddard, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Goddard, who bas been on the staff at Ban!! Springs Hotel for the summer months, will have a brie! vacation trip ta- Vancouver and Victoria before returning ta Queen's Univer- sity, Kingston. Dr. C. B. Sissons and Mrs. Sissons af Orono have return- ed tram a mator trip tbrough. Quebec and the four Atlantic provinces on wbich Dr. Sissons has been making an education- ai survey ln cannection wt h is study o! Cburch and State in Canadian Education. Miss Nancy Wood, Miss Eve-' lyn Brawn and Miss Doreen Ogden have returned froin several weeks' visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Switzer, Gates Milis, Ohio. The tbree girls were driven ta Bowmanville by Mr. and Mrs. Switzer Fni- day o! last week. Dr. and Mrs. Charles J. Aus- tin and daugbters Dianne, Char- lote, Patrîcia and Janet have retunned tram a trip ta the 'West Coast, where they visitel Dr. Austin's mather, Mrs. Jas- eph Austin in Fernie. During the iast twa weeks of August the Austins were at their cot- tage, Crow Lake., Mr. and Mrs. Ken Morris icft for Stratford Thursday of this week ta attend the annual con- ference o! the Ontario Chamber o! Commerce Executives Assoc- iation. This thnee-day conter- ence offers a program for bath secrctary-managers and theirI wives. On Saturday the group will sec a presentatian o! the Sbakespeare's Hamiet. Friends Honour Miss Singular Wih Showers Pnior ta ber marriage on Sat- urday, August 31 ta Mr. James I L. Rosseau, Miss Marilyn Sing- ular was guest o! bonour at a number o! sbowcns. On August tb Mrs. David Cunningham, Guelph, aunt of 1 the bride, gave a miscellaneaus shower for ber niece wha is formerly a! Guelph. Atter opening ber many loveiy gifts. tbe bide-elect and guests en- joyed games. The tea table was cavcned with a white cut-work cloth and centred witb an arrangement o! ycllow manigoids, flanked with yellow tapers in silver candelab- ra. Colaunful salad plates wce served. Gucsts wene present tram Hamilton, Dundas, Guelph and Bowmanville. On August 21 Miss Marie Brown and Mns. Max Brown were bostesses at their home, I Nelson Street, Bowmanville, for a miscellaneous sbower, wben the bide-elect received many lovely gifts. Pink and white streamers dcconated the living- room for the occasion. A loveiy lunch was served by the bastess- es, a feature being cakes made and specially decarated in hon-, aur o! the bride and the groom by Mrs. Brown itnd Mns. B. Ki- ney. ENNISKILLEN IlFredericton, N'..vMr. andi IVrs. Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Lanmb Goddard will motor Ted down were with Mr. and Mrs. A. on tbeir vacat!on nextweek. Herring, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Weaving and Rickey, Thornhill, werc 5 "i weekend visitors with Mr. and H cop".çMrs. W. H. Moore. D ance Neubacher, John Mclntosh and Don Bourguard, Willoughby, (Continued from page one)1 Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pe- ond and third prizes were 25 thick and Robin, Toronto. galonsof asoineandE. in-wcre weekend and Sunday vis- alons95Onaso edE. WixandI iors of Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Hoar acott, 51 On ario stretand Pelhick. Miss Nancy Wood Hwrd Dvey, 5 Labs Lne.returncd home from holidays werethewinnrs.with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. jGordon Wilcox, 53 Duke tSwi tzer. street, won fourth prize of a~ Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Dickey, set of car mats. Fifth prize of Miss Elva Orchard, Bowman- a idhield washer set was ville, with Mr. and Mrs. M. wo yRonald Locke, R.R. 4, Stainton. Bowmanville. J. H. Rogers, 24 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Werry and Jane street, wvon sixth prize fa Deborah, Ottawa, were with a car wash brush. Seventh Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Werry. prize of a rear view mirror Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wagg. wvent to S,.dney Venton, 79 Uxbridge; Mr. and Mrs. A. n. Division street. A Kleenex dis- Wearn spent bolidays at Que- penser was eighth prize and this bec City and Portland, Maine. was won by Ralph Poole, 2 Miss Betty Jane Werry spent Edsail avenue, a few days with Susan Wearn. Thank HOLMr. and Mrs .John E. Griffin Thank Hos and family, Miss Doris Griffin, "Mick" Brown led the guests Blackstock, visited Mrs. E. in roaring applause for "Hap" Bennett. Fenelon Falls. Pbilp i n appreciation of theI Mr. H-. Stevens retired froni (e\cellent tie enjo 'ved bxv ail. the Goodyear. Aug .30, and The'i the crowd ioinrd in wilh .was guest at a dinner at thie a rousing thrcechceers. Venture Inn where be was Tribute -,vas also paid Io Uic presen ted with a lawn coucii; band for their fine perform- and chair by Dept. 272. ance. Members o! the band1 Mrs. Silas Trewin, Toronto, included: Ruth Wilson, pianist;1 was a visitor with the Siemon Mrs. Charles Nesbitt, accordion-1 families. ist: Stew-art Hooev-,. violinist: 1 Mr. and Mrs. H. Stevens vis- C. H. Porteous. cdrums and Bill ited Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Smith, John.son. àquare dance caLIei. Oshawa. s WiI Enforci Parking Du, Four-hour parking limit from 12 midnight to 7 a.m. has been left in the parking by-law but it wjfl be enforced at the dis- cretion of the police and only fromn November 1 to March 31. ,At the September Council meeting Tuesday, Coun. Jlm Presson reported that the Police 'Administration Committee had reconsidered the by-law after numerous complaints from auto- mobile owners. The 4-hour reg- ulation was not deleted since it would be needed on special oc- casions such as removing snow off streets. Through Street Propoual The proposed suggestion ci making Church a through street from Scugog to Liberty was turned down after some discus- sion. Coun. Keith Lathangue point- ed out that leaving Church Street. open School (Continued from page one) the conversion of young souls. It is, however, strictly a school for children of parents whose religious profession is in har- mony with the "aforesaid doc- trines." Knox Christian School begins with a staff of three teachers who are well qualified to give the type of education which the parents desire and the pro- vince requires. Mr. Jacob Uit- vlugt, B.A. Ed., the principal, bas been the pioneer of thil- type of private education ir. Canada. For the past 15 years he has headed such a schéol at Holiand Marsh. a world fam- ous vegetable centre stear Brad- ford and Newmarket. Mr. Uit- vlugt and his staff there have won the confidence and respect of the Canadian community, Of educational leaders, their col- leagues in the Public Schools. School Inspectors, High School principals at Aurora and Brad- ford, and officiais at Queen's Park, especiaily Mr. S. A. Wat- soni, noxv Superintendcnt of Cu rriculurn. The Intermediate Division mrill hc in charge of Miss Gladvs Jager, B.A. Ed., who has three years experience with the principal at Holland Marsh. Mrs. J. Groen, who has haci several years experience teach-1 ing in such schools in The Netherlands, bas been persuad- ed to taire rare of the Primary Department. Knox Christian will endea- vour to be a blessing to the community and to this goodj land, Canada. about 19 PUpis and Kendal e4- Hour M.Jh odn xod 1 1Ii daughter, Mrs. Earl Burley and iring inter his brother, Mr. Spence Gardon. Miss Ruth Gardon spent the aL stop street at Silver would be Miss Inez Gordon, asslsting at a safety factor for school child- Central at Newtonville. ren fromn Central Public School. Many friends and relatives It rnight atherwise be necessary fromn here attended. the funeral to hire a tratfic guard if Church of Mr. Bert Reid, held Sunday was made a through Street, he atternoon in the United Church, added. Orono, with interment in Ken- TemPerance Street, Coun. La- dal Cemetery. Our sympathy is thangue continued, is the main extended ta the bercaved family. thoroughfare ta the North Ward Miss Mý%ry Lo!thouse has been and he also felt that this would visîting her aunt, Miss Catherine cause a traffic congestion if cars Stewart. Thursday they left for were required ta stop betore Oshawa and the C.N.E. crossing Church at Temperance. C.N.E. and also Port Hope Fair Coun. Wes. Fice opposed the on Saturday were attractions for suggestion on the grounds that many of our residents. Silver, Temperance and Division Miss Jean Paeden, Croaked were short streets and did flot Creek, wlth Mr. and Mrs. Bert warrant through street priv- Thompson. ileges. Church, he contended, I Congratulations to Mr. and is the logical through street. Mrs. Gilbert Metcalf (nec Iris On a vote of council it was Koropatwa, who were married decided ta leave Church a stop Saturday in the Greek Catholic street at Silver, Temperance and Church in Oshawa. Division which is the way it bas Mr. Gay, the student preacher been for a great many years. wn-o was on this circuit, visited friends bere an Sunday. Well, Kendal had ramn on ]KENDA Monday, which was very wel- KENDALcome-the first ta amount ta anything since the start of hay- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Langstatf ing. vissted their daughter Linda on W.A. met Wednesday evening at the homne of Miss Catherine Sunday at the home of her sister, Stewart with Vice-President Mrs. Ray Moore, Toronto. Mrs. G. Cathcart in charge. De- Miss Margaret Jackson, R.N, votional was taken by Miss Who bas been on vacation, re- Stewart. The cookbooks are ex- turned ta Ottawa, Saturday. She pected soon. Mrs. T. Stevens was accompanied by Miss Kath- introduccd ber- friend, Mrs. leen Jackson who is starting ta Webb of Markham, aur special train for a nurse aiso, in theI guest, who delightcd the music Civic Hospital. loyers with her beautiful mus- Mr. nd Ms. lber Steartical selections. From Ethelbert Mr. fandmrs. Albhert Stert Nevin's work she played The an. d Fa llswithber ohe, Venetian Love Sang, The Gon- Mrs. red aa the ai rsevd home doliers and the Good-night Song.- rovb r te~barseved om C. Chamninader, the Scarf roomsfor heiruse.Dance; froni Godard, Berceuse; Mrs. Mary Luxon - and ROY Bach, Jesu, Joy of Man's Desir- Mercer were dinner zuests Sat- ing: Handel, Largo; Morrîson. urdav, evcning with Mr. and Mrs. Meditation; Mozart, Minuet in Ray Hughes, Port Hope. E flat: Durand, Waltz in E fiat. At the scbool meeting Wed- It was an cvening the ladies wil nesday evening it was finally long remnember and a hcarty decided ta take Grade VI and vote of thanks was extended ta VII tram Kendal ta McLean's, Mrs. Webb and Miss Stewart. giving each teacher six grades 1 The dainty lunch and social bai! to teacb, with McLean's baving hour were aiso enjoyed. in 1956. This is a free service. COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR TRIS WEEK _____ w NEW, MODERN WAMPOLE PHOSPHO-PIEX PHOSPG.PLE TAIt gl NERVS REIEVE THE "EVERY DAY" WAY TO REST 'DRED NERVEC HECTIC PACE GETTING YOU DOWN; IT'S S0 EASY TO0REAX JUST TAKE PHOSPHO-PLEA RELIEVE THAT JUMPY, "TIRED ALL THE TIME" FEELING. ENJOY LIFE PHOSPHO-PLEX IS THE EVERYDAY WAY TO RELIEVE NERVOUS TENSION. Wompole PHOSPHO-PLEX is a modern nerve food and tcflic, rich in B compound Vitamins and other important restorative ingredients. Ask your Druggist for PHOSPHO-PLEX in either easy-to-take tablets or conven. ient liquid form. A FULL THREE WEEK TREATMENT 50 TABLETS 16 OUNCES" 2.50 2.50_ SHOP AT YOUR DRUG STORE - the dependable place to buy ail your medi- cines and health and beauty needs. Save 30e on I.DA. Idasal Tableis (I.D.A. Brand Pain Tablets) Reg. 89c .__.. 59C Save 10e on I.DA. Cocoanui 011 Shampoo 4-oz. bottle39 Reg. 49c 39C Aromafic Cascara Ret,. 63e 49C1 Rfe. 35e 29c TONI Rame Permanent plus Applicator 3.00 _____29 value -- 2.2 DEODORANT SPECIALS! 0do-Bo-No Spray 1.50 value 3-0y.. squeeze hottle------- - 98C Veto Cream Twin pack o! two 53c jars 1.06 _ 9 value79 Etiquet'Stick Deodorant Regular 98e size 79c PRESCRIPTIONS An excellent dietary supplement Vita Dief Capsules Helps maintain n or ma 1 health and resistance ta disease. 3'. 1.95 ioo's 4.501 It's Time te Buy SUNDRIE RUBBER I.DA. "Dependable" Hot Water Boufle A well constructcd heavy rubber bottie - guaranteed; years __.3 Hot Waier Boille Sligbtly iigbter w e i g h t battlc than the abave but guarantecd ta give 2 yeans', trauble-fnee ___ .8 service ---- 19 Baby Hot Wateri Bottles 1.69, 1.79, 1.851 "Bluettes" Linied Rubber Gloves .1 .98 Other styles of Rubber Gloves ------------- 59e up "Safe-Heat" Ileating Pad ----------4.95 Other Heating Pads prlcedl at ------- 5.98, 6.95, 7.95 Special! E-Z Brand Combination Atiachmeni Set incluî priec -off. orn' tubinz. slip pip:es. J r.Gond valur' at 69C *~~~ ~ AUSRBtT 5 iL *STIRILIZED PAO:UZ JOHNSON'S STERRlE GAUZE PADS SEALID IN INDIVIDUAL ENVELOPES. READY FOR IMMEDIATE U SE. 2"x 2" 12's 45c -"x 3" 12'S 60<i rvET FAST RELIEF witls GIN PILLS 0O7TEKIDNEYSt REG. SIZE 590 t~<,EI ÉCOHOMY 98e moils 25c iNEW! MAN SIZE Your I.D.A..Druggist can .' also supply you - Breast Pumps Crib Sheeting Ice Bats Caps and ColJars Invalid Rings SPR SRN T Rubber Tublng S RO RE! T5 Ear, Ulcer, Douche, Fountain and Rectal Syringes I.J R- EI 5 A SPECIALTY Alex. McGregor, ýWe Deliver Store Drugs Phone MA 3-5792 Arons To Open (Continued tram page onie) dlean this year,> Mr. Watt as- serted. "There will be many guests visiting it during aur centennial and as it is a coin- munity arena we feel it repre- sents Bowmnanville," he added. Local Ice Time Insured "Some bookingÈ bave already been received by the cominittee for ice time. Haweven, as mn the past, Bowmanville requests will be given the first consider- ation for available ice time,"F he said. «Facilities for minor hockey under the direction o! the Bowmanviile Recreation Department will be at a par with those o! last year," he said. "It is expected that th.? Bawmanville - Orono Combines wili have a good club again this scasan and will provide fans with some fine hockey. Also. the Robson Pontiacs, in their second year as a junior club Yo ur Local I.D.A. Drug IeDeAle BRUG STORES 1 TM CANADUR STATESUM. BOWLANVT=. under the sponsorship of IRob- son Motors, will pravide somne exciting hockey," Mr. Watt sa1~ AIl-Day Parking One thing drawn ta the corn. mittee's attention lately bas been the tact that rnany persans who used the main street for .all-day parking pnior ta the in- stallation o! meters, are now using the arena lot. «'The lot will be used specifically for arena purposes only., wben the season begins," he pointed out, "and these all-day parkers wil be asked for their co-operation in the matter." The canteen Is scheduled to apen sometime next week and it is under new management this seasan. Members o! this year's Arena Management Com- mittee include: Bob Watt, chair- man, Clarence Oke, secretary. treasurer; Dave Higgon. Jack Lander, Frank Hooper, Waltee DeGeer and Jack Braugh. More than 22,000 CanadiRns borrowcd S'C k 10ron suPPlîe,3 from the Canadlian Red Croea '. Mr. m liff q»A~ ý- ý v