r -~ TRURSDAY. SEPT. 12th. 1957 TRE CANADIAK STATESMffl. EOWMANVffM ONAMW Social and Personal Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Miekie comfortable house trailer. $aurepaire, Quebec, visited Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Brow Mrs. P. F. LeGresley last Montreai were weekend% ors with Mr. and Mrs. Recent visitors with Mr. and Rickard and family. Mx'u. G. H. Hodgson were Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Tracy En and Mrs. Chas. Baldwin and and family accompanied by farniilY of Tottenham, Ont. Rita Embley, Miss Oldfield His friends will be s orry to Mr. H. T. Manes visited learn that Mr. Clifford Cuffe IMr. and Mrs. M. Parkes in Is a patient in Memorial Hos- eliasburg on Sunday. Pital, Bowmanville, and will Mr. and Mrs. Clifford1 Wish for hlm a speedy and cher of Grafton visited wit1h Complete recovery. a nd Mrs. P. F. Hare on TJ Newcastle mernbers of the day. Womnen's Auxiliary of the Mem- Mr. Stuart Ryan and Mr. criai Hospital will he conduet- cheson of Port Hope, were in their annual canvass in cent guests of Mr. and Mr5 the village on Monday andI R. Lovekin. Tuesday of next week. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Belsey and daughter Pat, attended the lasti day of the C.N.E. in Toronto o Evening Bran( Sturd hm as ek olw-.D Mr. and Mrs. Perey H are re-P ry Ing motor trip to Haliburton, Huntsville, North Bay, Smithns Falls and Iroquaois with their In co e The opening meeting for e r fait and winter season of Evening Branch of St. Geor v j omans Auxiliary was hel? the PrihHalon Wednesi Ail PY Lrî,tendance. Troirep M t48ia 4#OW11qi4F The meeting was openedi ~/~# &~ TO.ATFif/prayers followed by the r( ing of the minutes and rep gvnby the treasurer of grceting and welcome __ given by the president arý Heating and Eavestroughing I Authorized PL - eGChalcoDealer PHONE DIRi. 332.6- NEWCÇRSTLE Newcastle 3686 a ORDER NOW 9 a 0 and assure your home af having a steady supply of heat all winter! USE THE BEST LIQUIFUEL FUEL OIL Finest Quality Stove and Furnace Oil for safe, economical heat Metered Beliveries Prompt Delivery 24-Hour Service I Ste phen Fuels C.N.R. Yards Bowmanville Phone,,MA 3-5410 "NOW 1 PLOW FOR LESS THAN 12< PER ACRE" ocys Iyal l cks of Che.rry Valley. Prince Edward County, Ont. DAVID DROWN 900 DIESEL Plowing heavv dlay loam is hard work for a tractor'* says Lyall, -Ébut my David Brown 900 Diesel gives .ne between 18 and 22 hours hard work an one tank of fuel (Il gallons). That means I arn plowing for lees than l2c par acre. I believe I can plow an acre, oftland cheaper with this David Brown 900 than with any allier tractor!" Prove il for yourself! Find out how niuch you can save by operating a David Brown 900 Diesel on your farm. Ca)l us today and arrange a demonstration.. W. H. MORRISON &L 1, ORONO PHONE ORONOlS r, YTf of visit- John nbley 1Mr.-S 1 and with Amn- Bou- h Mr. rues- .At- e re,- s. E. ch rthe Coun cil Wl! Discuss Pro posed Waterworks With Havelock Village Members of the Newcastle Dept. application for the clos- village council at the Septem- ing of roads in the village. The ber meeting on Monday even- general feeling of councillors ing, instructed the village clerk was to the effect that the mat- to arrange a meeting of coun- ter should not be dropped here, cil with members of the Have- but it was feit nothing further lock village council through could be done until the official their clerk, so that local coun- decision was received. A spe- cillors might discuss the water- cial meeting of council will be works system now being in- called when this information is stalled in Havelock by the On- received. tario Water Resources Commis- A cheque in the atixount of sion. Havelock being approx- $202 was received fromn the imately the same population as Provincial Government being Newcastle, councillors feel thai the Recreation grant for 1956, a discussion between the two based on the money spený by councils would be most benefi- the municipality for recreation cial before arriving at any de- through the Newcastle Recrea- cisions in the local situation. tion Committee. This amount1 Highway Report will be turned over to the No ffiia noifcatonof hecommittee to be used for re- Nodgmentciandeifcatdonbf the creation purposes during the Municipal Board in regard to wne ots +1,- Mrs. W. N. Ruddell addressed: Gardon Âgnew, Edilor Phone 3621 game without doing ItL Coach- ing strategy on the part of Stouffville beat out the local lads when, with two- out and two on bases, Kelly Lane came up to bat and a run was almost assured, but to the chagrin of ail present Stouffvilie decided ta walk Lane to f111 the bases. A pinch hitter was sent in by the local coaches only to strike out with the score still remaining 9-8 in favour of the visitors. The series came ta an abrupt end in Stouffville on Saturday when the heavy bats of the homesters battered the offer- ings of three local pitchers to win the game by a score of 17-4 thus taking the series in two straight games. * s*0 Bantams t. Wellington After a long lay-off the loc.?l Bantam team travelled to Wel- lington on Saturday for the first game of the O.B.A. Eastern Qntario Bantam "C" finals. It was a hard fought game with few errors, ending in a 2-0 win for Wellington, scoring one in the first and one in the seventh. Brian Rowe went the full fine innings on the mound for New- castle with brother Verne doing the receiving, striking out five and walking one. Burr and Guernsey were the battery for Wellington, striking out 17 and 'the wt eard to earîn g cnuî the council seeking permission! rge'swtreadtth ihas for the Memorial Hospital Wo- i@E Id in men's Auxiliary to conduct a:l sday, card of thanks for flowers re- canvass in the village next ri at- ceived fromn the group was re- 'Monday and Tuesday. This per- ceived fromn Mrs. Peggy Boyd. mission xvas granted. with It was announced there Due ta the tact the next re- Cz ead- would be no meeting of the gular meeting date af council ports Little Helpers' Group until Oc- talls on Thanksgiving Day, a'***<~ I and tober due to the prevalence of motion was passed setting the 4.S word whooping cough in the district, date for the Octobier meeting was Plans were discussed for e of counicil on Wednsday, Octo- rid a card party to be sponsored by br 16th. - - theLBranch during the early The remainder of the meet- D M N O part ot October. ing was spent in discussing rou- 1.Soewl h da The members of the Branch tine matters ot business includ- were invited to attend the ing sidewalks, roads, building I* Deanery meeting which will be permits etc. The members in- held in Harwood on September spected the new sidewalk onj 26th. The meeting was brought King street and the entrance to ta a close with the serving ot the community hall with soine delicious refreshments and it satisfaction, considering it a was announced the next meet- job well done and a real im- ing would be held on Septem- provement to this section of ,- ber 25tb. the village.ec h o g ro/e .W .M .S. St'arts M eetings Dt'a September Sale lime at DOMINION and there are faod bargains galore 1 You'll save on top quality meat . . . you'il gave on the finest fresh fruit A fte V oc tio Per'odand vegetables . .. you'll save on canned goods. Switch ta DOMINION A f er V a a io P ri dthis week and cut dollars off yaur food bill. Of course every hnyobu W After a two months' vacation interesting introduction to the at DOMINION la 100% guaranteed. If for any reuson you are flot wholly the United Church Woman's new study book, "Cross and satisfied . .. and you are the judge. mention l the next time you're in, Missionary Society resumed ifis Crisis in Japan". It was an.ira- you'll be well looked alter. Switch to DOMINION this week. Cul food cosu monthly meetings when a good- pression of visits to various during September Sale and through the entire year, ly number of members and vis- churches in Japan and their itors gathered at the Parsonage services. Ad eýt n el on Thursday, September 5th. The president spoke feelir.gly Ralsztomto Fay nieal!otte PEIA The president, Mrs. W. F. of the recent passing of a be-Relom oFaoui-z.ote SPCA Rickard, opened the meeting loved former lite member of the A with an appropriate message society, Mrs. Norman Rickard, and Mr. C. o ps ror and a favourite hymn of the Ai liymer Catsup 2 for 37c The theme of the osi ser- ory. sn Aylmer - in Tomato Sauce - Boston Browned; vice was "The Joy of Christian Reports of the variaus secre- Just Heat and Serve! 20-oz. tin SPECIAL Friendship" and was ably con-j taries and treasurer were given ducted by Mrs. F. Butler. The and announcement was made of Scipur Lssn ndmei teecinal. allytobehcd B eans with P ark 2 for 3 .5c and Mrs. Milîson gave a talk October l7tb. The various cam- Children love it in sandwiches on the many blessings life has mittees were appointed for this Aunt Sally's - With Pectin - 24-oz. jar SPECIAL brought, as expressed by St. rally. The members decided ta Paul, followed by prayer by hold the annual Autunmi Mrs. Butler. Thank-offering meeting on Oc- S r w e r a 7 discussion for group Bible stu- Mrs. C. Carveth moved a Special Offer! Saving at time of purchase! dy, revealing what needs ta hearty vote of thanks to Mrs. Chase and 10c Off Pack 25e Off Pack be done ta make the church Fisher for openîng ber home far more genuinely Christian. Mrs.1 the meeting whîch closed with Sanborn 2-oz. jar 6-or. jar C. Cowan gave a splendid and prayer by the president. Instant Coffee 50c 1.3 3 Lios n arRep rtsOnDelicious Fruit - Serve Otn Lion He r Re ort on Horsey Brand - Orange & Grapefruit Sections - SPECIAL Club' s S ummer Pro gram Cif rus Sa lad 2~. for 49c Oo Biscuit Feature! Carnival Returns $600 Party Treat - Oatmeal or Raisin - One Full Pound The first regular meeting for This system proved Most suc- E ookies 35c the tati and winter season of cessful last year and membersCnyFaue -the Newcastle Lions Club was 1feît it should be continued. SCnyFaue held in the dining roora of the Charter Chevrons Dominion 9-oz. pkg. * Queen's. Hotel on Thursday Seven members ai the club *evening with the President, Roy b L% udste wt 1 ya Forrester, canducting the meet-Cherer ee e vrth ns yad a p ie B d s39c inner ro tso f avr i us- Certificates at the meeting. Dominion - Flavourful 16-oz. jar 24-or. jar dinerreort o vaios sm-These were Lions Irwin Cal- mer activities were heard and will, Jack Nesbitt, Ken Stephi- fl . discussed by the rnembers. ensan, Chas. Knox, Harry Jase, ff I ' IiP * Lion Milt Walker gave a re- Percy Hare and Keith Aiken. e n t Bt r a53c ' port ai the Recreation Programn Long service perfect attend- D.S.L. Black Pkg. of 100 sponsored by the club for the ance pins were alsa presented children ai the village, at \Val- ta Lions Jim Porter, 12 years;7" *tona Park during the summer. Brenton Rickard, 9 years; Chas.T a B g8 3 There were 150 children regis- Megit, 7 years and Harry Jase fered with a daily average at- 6 years.Rikr e a B g83 tendance of about 30 percent. Lion Brenton Rcadsg Freshly Ground lb. pkg. Helack o felinterestlou ta ect frth e clumb. esciiier ic m lloffee 8 9c * tendance was due cbiefly ta the a community swimming pool as 50 per cent of the children par- apoetfr h lb ecited '5t cîatîg i th swmmig ls-the $65,000 pool spansored by Richmello,- Creamy 1-z a i sons, had learned to swim dur-tePtrbouhcbwîc '$~ îg th tim theprogam w s only slightly over twice fh S a Lion Mult. reported the cara- - as been an unqualified success a r ss n 5 mittee had spent ý285 on the lie raid be believed the local Cut Bread Costs! Carry it home and save! prograra n ai-i t it had been1 club could canstruct a suitable Sliced - White 24-oz. loaf a god sart nd ouldproab-pool for tbis community for $10,- ly be improved through exper- 00o less, and believed other 1 ience in another year. Amongar rganizations would ha willing suggestions brought up during ita or ithe nclfr ub nhep discussion ai the project includ- in aras unsfr uha i!Serve Of ten! li-oz. tin ed the charging ai a registra- comunity project. tion fee wbich might increase There was no discussion on home interest and attendance; this propased project, being leit Mandarin c:ra g s i fr3 c and the opening of the prograni, as a suggestion for the membersO r n e2 fo 3 7 ta ail children in a specified ta think over and bring 'up for Claver Valley 8-or. tumbler age group whether residents ai discussion at a later date. the village or not. It was re- ported that ahl comments heard regarding the recreation pro- 'Ch eez Pleez 37c gram had been most favour- KIClvr'1- 1-o.oi able. S O R S l vValley 6o.rl The financial report af thc June Carnival as given by Lion B IF Hi'nLo Cheese 37c JmPorter sbowed a net profitB walking seven men. Newcastle, t1hough getting il runners on the base paths were unable to get any around the route to score. Wellington had only four players stranded. The second game of the best two in three series is scheduledi for the local park on Saturday at 3 p.m. when local fans will have a real apportunity to geti out and support only local team left in the O.B.A. playdowns. Let's ail get out and give the boys our moral support in this big one on Saturday. Following is a list of the play- ers: Wellington - Guernsey, Burr, Pike, Dujeski, Turpin, Channel, Gainsbury, Pratt and Greenfield. Newcastle - Brian Rowe P, Verne Rowe c, Larry Pearce lb, Ben Dickinson 2b, Walter Gibson 3b, Harry Kup- ery ss, Jim Scott If, Gary Barchard cf, Bob Brown rf. Newtonville are still champ- ions of the South Durham Rural Basebail League having defeat- ed Welcome 6 to 2 in Kendal last Tuesday and 4 to 3 in Welcome on Thursday to take the series 4 Rames to 2. The rural league champs will now meet Omemee, winners of the North Durham League for the County Championship and the John M. James Trophy in a best two in three series begin- ning in Kendal on Saturday at 3 pm and continuing the fol- lowing Saturday in Omemee. Newvtorivile Royals are the pres- ent holders of the James Trophy and will no doubt be fighting hard to keep) the silverware again this year, so--o-o, it shouid be a goaid series. OBITUARY FREDERICK T. COUCH A well known and highly re- garded resident of Newcastle, Frederjick T. Couch, died in the Memorial Hospital, Bow- manville, on Thursday, Sept. 5. Mr. Couch had been 111 less than a week. He was 77 years old. He is survived by his wife, the former Ida Allin. Mr. and Mrs. Couch celebrated the 5Oth anniversary of their wed- ding five years ago when they were tendered a reception in the Newcastle Community Hall. Mr. Couch was born near Newtonville. He was the son of the late William Couch, and had two brothers, George and John Couch. For many years Mr. Couch owned and operat- ed two farms about twa miles east of Newcastle. He was ac- tive in local affairs and served 100% Guaranieed Meats Fresh - Grade A - 21/ to 3 lb.. - Roasting or Frying Pre-Dressed Chickens lb. 39c Devon Brandl Rundless Bacon 1.lb. pkg. S 85sc A aple Leaf 1-lb. pkg. SIkinless Sausage 53c Shopsy Hickory Franks Smoked - Ahl Beef - 1-lb. pkg. m m m 47C =Fe -iu: *l& eel :es Canada No. 1 Smikli,5-lb. poly bag Onions 19C Frst of the season - Califoria No. 1 Red Tokay Grapes First of the Season - Cape Cod No. 1 - 16-ar. pkg. Cranberries 25c Tender, Milky Kernfls - Ontario No. 1 - Dor. Fresh Corn 39c No. 1 Ontario Grown 50-lb. bag Paf ataes 89C Ontario Grown - Fancy 6-qt. basket Wealthy Apples 6,5c No. 1 Elberta - Excellent value for preserving Celer y unkist Oranges 2 Large Bunches 19c* Size 138's - Dor. HOLLAND BULBS For Fail Planting TULIPS.- CROCUS - HYACINTHS PKg. 4.5c Handy for Sandwiches! Hi'n Lo - Interleaved 8,-oz. pkg. Cheese S lices 29c Five Minute 28-oz. pkg. Cream of Wheat 31c Values effective in Bowmanville until 6 p.m., Sat., Sept. à4 DOMINION STORES LIMITED as Deputy Reeve of Clarke Township 25 years ago. He retired trom farniing 18 years ago and took up resid- ence in Newcastle. He was a îmember of Newcastle Council for five years, and a Past Mas- ter of the Masonic Lodge, New- castle. Since his retirement frorn farniing he was employed by the Bell Telephone Company in con truction work up to the time a his last illness. Funeral service for Mr. Couch was held at the Morris Fun. eral Chapel, King street, Bow- manville, on Saturday afternoan, Sept. 7, at 2 o'clock, with Rev. M. C. Fisher officiating. Palîbearers were Messrs. Reg. Woodhams, Harold Couch, Mar- low Hancock, Bob Alldread, Les Alldread- and Charles Alldread. Interment was in Bowmanville Cemetery. IHUsbands! ÎWiV! Get Pep, Vim; Feol Youigcr, Thosisaids of cou p es are w'~r snrn-o,, exhausted because bodyIakqIo. o e 'o70e feeling . 4,trY' Ostrex Tona TabIei. Contain iron for new'P'V e, irl supplement dose Vitamin B13, uasnl Ostrez supplis Il uc iron ai 16 doz. Tae, cysters, 4 Ilis. of liver, 16 Ilis. of beef. " c ocuantcd' size costs little-onlv C60e. or get -cnoY Size and save 750. Ail dxuzzists.' -~ Ir% Pm 1 tbleffl qqrfftqqewtb it