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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Sep 1957, p. 14

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tii -TH!E CAKADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVML!. ONTARIO TE mi foi TI Ce C( Ci 3- 'c Ir 01 F r 7 desire ta earn icrn ccrding*ý Witflout farewell he tell asleep'14t -....I\AandtaR t I t. your abillty, then this is fr Wt nymn~ for s a n_____________________Lui yO .I ou ar lo e trey W e have hst, but G d has O N T ' V I c SM ALL farm near B wman- tion, why not investigate? gained, i. ville. Write Advcrtiser 711, c/ao M 1. SALARY One of the best dads the wonidj CHOICE MEATY BIRDS Th andConctsan . r TRAININ 1 Bhx Canadiwan Statemn . o C 2COMPLETE I cantained. 1 DRESSED AND DELIVERED Tw fBw~~ii'Bx1 0 amnil.371* anec 2. TRAINING j ~-Sadly m isscd by daughter T oTw n of'r 7 We req ire im m diael 3. GROUP LIFE INSURANCEi Mary, san-in-law Howard and - f flIj,.a LIL1IdiateI farm ADHOSPITALIZATION gm dhlre.3-*MAPLE GTP>MA1T558T DRAi 4. PENSION at Retiremient I___ 7.*1GOE MA355."-' 1~JLD D 1 h THOMP ON-I lovng m mory26-tf Tenders fer floor covering for .L oo ii l wthvî e e NO LA-Oa f aur dean Parents. Jamesth Town Hall l be receivedj to use as an accordion studio. hnds 6. AD A MNO S R TG Sjthil n 6. DVACEMNTThompson, who passcd awav D bY the undersigned up ta 12:00,IRoom required tram 9 a.m.tein ws formenwhoproe teirSeptemben 8th. 1937, and Annic Decorating o'clock noon, D.S.T., Saturday, I6 p.m. Saturday only of each 1 pulbs. for n who Maud Tompson who passcd * For the Finest Paints September 28th, 1957. Specifica- week. Room could he in private Jpue Sae xerec reerd away June Ist, 1953. 1hIfr Sals xpeiece reer __ Ever remembened bv their * For the Latest Papers ions and particulars may be1 homne or office, etc. Phone or -es. 1!ý but flot neeessary. aw daughters Oive and Femne * For the Best Workmanship obtained at the office of the 'write, statina' rent, to actual WrteAveiie 78and sons-in-aw. 37-1* underslgned. candit Wi Te adrianStesmniaoT7i08jS G. Preston & Son The lovest or any tender not Wilson & Lee Ltd. Pots P.O. Bhe 190 _______________Piano________ S necessarny a Pe.MUSIC STORE 1saleM P.O.Mk 39 Box 190MA3-91 PhonesI A. J. LYLE, 187 Sirncoe St. N. Oshawa jTcrm BOWMANVILLE - ONT. A ýRTHUR Collisan. ephnMA351 MA 3-3101 Sept. Ilth, 1957. Town Clerk.i Diai RAndolph 5-4706 Reid,i 871M re 330.3-tf J7-2 .37-1 ris, c]( 1Wanted ta Buy MANURE wanted. Downham Nursery. Phone MA 3-5690. 37-1 WHEAT wanted, at latest mark- et prices. Phane A. W. Glenney, Newcastle 2771. 36-21 HIGHEST prices paid for live paultry, goose feathers, feather ticks. scrap iran. rags, metals and rawv furs. Phane RA 3-2043 -____________ Cards of Thanks j Articles for Sale-j Articles for Sale Cars for Sale ]BRYANS-Mr. and Mrs. Robertj We wish ta thank aur friends 1100 B USHELS oats. Phone 4 r 9 STAKE body, 14' x 8', rid epl,';4 PLYMOUTH hardtop, Hy-1 ]Bryans annaunce the bîrth of and neighbours for their gifts of Orono. 37-1* 72" rack, extra equipment in- Drive, two-tane blue. excellent1: their son Gardon Rabert, 8 lbs..; flowers and messages 0fsy- cluded. Phone MA 3-2493. icondition, $1.495. E. Laird, MA' Il oz., an Thursday, September; pathy during aur recent bereave- KTHN casoe uc 35-3 3-5908. 37-1* 1, 5th, at Memarial Hospital, Bow-1 ment. Heard. 84 Elgin St. 37-1* man'jll. AbirtdaypreentFALL pasture, rye, oats, alfalfa '54 METEOR Tudar, $995. Sec manvlle A irtdaypreentLeddy Family. 1 McCLARY wood and coal stove. claver and timothy. Swain SeedJ Jack Lees, Seaway Matars, 428. for Nancy. 371*1 371* Phone Orono 13 r 12. 37-1 *î Cleaners, Burketon. Telephone King St. W., Oshawa. RA 5-8141 HOY-Stan and Alice Hoy ar We wish ta express aur sin AGEsac-eaeiod o-Blackstack 89 r 11. 36-4 o r Newcastle 3831. 34-tf hapyt anuneth irh cere thanks and appreciation to1 dition. Phone MA 3-5629. 37-1 FLOWERS - Artistic arrange- '55 FORD Tudor, $1.495. See1 their daughter Wendy Jane, on'aur friends and neighbaurs for ments for ail occasions. Cut flow- Jack Lees, Seaway Motars, 428 Thursday, August 29, at Memor- 1 hiSsmahPadfoalti- ACE heater. Can be seen at es Feh ~ hrsKn t . ial Hospital, Bawmanville. ;BowmanOshawa. RA 5-814137- Iutes in'aur sudden bereavement anil1eae lb 71 Afrîcan violets, summer price or Newcastle 3831. 34-tf 37-1* lof a husband and father. CHESTERFIELD in very good 175. Dew worms. Ail guaran- 15 eer rvtl & Mrs. George Ovens and 'condition. MArket 3-3749. 37-l'* teed. Mrs. Abrams, 1 St. George ONE 190 Meer pia el McCOY-Jack and Marilyn are famil\' 37-1* - St. Phone 3-2843. 32-tf a w n e di, excellent condition.'1 happy ta announce the arrivai ____ COMBINATION gas and coal Appiy Vernan J. Powell, R.R. 1,c of their son, Ricky Lamne, o n We *iht ae hsopr stove. Phone MA 3-3313. 36-2'* NEW-Space heaters, radias, Oshawa. Phone Brooklin 638r2.r August 2lst at Halifax Hospital. s atk ti po-$19.95; twa-piece chesterfield,. 37-11 A rthrfo ebi adtunity ta say "thank ý,ou" ta Dr. APPLES-Wealthy and Pippins. $129.00;* chrome kitchen sets,7 A brthe fo DebieandSusan. IH.B. Rundie, nurses and staff J.W. Boyd. Phone 3 r 18, Orona. $4950, trade-in allowance. Used '54 FORD 1/2-ton pick-up, like M1FA-Nra1nd Alc anf tive s for ksindn fend 3 7-1 > -Keivinator refrigerator, coal new. Sec Jack Lees, Seaway MOFFT-Nrmaand Alek ad reaties or indessandrange, two-piece chesterfield Motars, 428 King St. W., Osha- of care du ring Ruth's stay in hos- MEN'S C.C.M. skates, size 10, and studia couch. Murphy Ca., wa. iRA 5-8141 or Newcastle wish ta announce the birth O i a nd c r of u son an reasonable. Phone M A 3-3098. King W ., B w a vl e h n 8 1 4t thi o amsAekonS.-duhand icme Rthour nd 3-1*MA B3m-ni3781.o 337 1 . -3-t Hospital, Bowmanvilie. A brath-j1,0 NE plboewr erfo Mrgre Rth 3-1 Tom and Ruth Sheehan j 1,0NE apeboswr construction machinery contact erfrMrae uh 71;37-1 bound, 75e eachi. Phone 1 r 6. P ~ T ( Giffen Truck Equipment Lim- SHEHANomandRut a " iOrono. 34-tf RAB.UI J.S ited, 5461 Yonge Street, Willow-1 boys welcome the arrivai of 1 1 would like ta thank Dr. REGI STERED Richmond wheat. NEW ZEALAND WHITES daennt 7l twins, August 15th, 1957, alI Keith Siemon, iaurses, nursing Apply L. Carl Bradley, MArket Best for Meat or Show 1956 FORD station wagon,- 4- 9 brother and a sister. 37-1; aides and other staff for the 3-2904. 37-1 d LI~Lor, automatic transmission, E kînd care given my huband VAN_______DYKE___ 'F whiteTT7' d wall tires, windshield Engagements while a patient in Memorial Has WOOD and coal cookstove, also A355 vsocerxrdo;15 hvae Engagements__________ pital. Bowmanville, aiso y ail cookstove. Phone MArket 4'371*al new rubber, low neigbor an peole f Hydon3-374.37-l 371*niieage; 1954 Ford 2-door, iow Mr .Amtogwse ofor transportation ta and from, OLsaehae1lre SDFr qimn-ner 94Cerlthi-o annaunce the engagement of his hospital, also for affers of help. ehaelresîze,,UE am qimn-ne-mlae 94Cerlthl-o daughter Flossie Elaine Arm- Ms avdMlci l.excellent péDcnition. Telephone national Farmail "H" tractor,f truck, iow mileage, at Cowan nr, on of Mm. an e ol Mrs. Daaidealcolm MArket 3-3710. 37-1 McCormick W-4 tractor, Massey- Equipment Ca., 134 King St. E., nrsoofM.adMsWatr 3-1 Harris "22" tractor, Case ,v,, Bowmanville. Phone MArket Woolner. The marriage ta takel1 SINGLE bied, spring-fiiied mat- tractor, Gibson "H" tractor, best -5689. 37-1i4 place on Saturday, October l2th To aur many friends in New- tres good condition. Phone offer; Case 3-plough tractor oni in Maple Grave United Church. tanville, ma y Ne extend a sincere MArket 3-3158. 37-1 rubber $150, Massey-Harris disce A GOOD 37-1* thank you for the beautiful FLO nihrfrrn lough, Massey-Harrîs 8-ft. field i Used Carfr Sale gifts presented ta us recently.FOR pl1hrfrrn at cultivator, John Deere 8-footfo Theenagmet s nnunedWe enjoyed the evening very Mason & Dale Hardware, 36 cuitivator on rubber. at Cowan b ofeMm.ademenrs.icael 1 much and we would like !King St. E., Bowmanville. 13-tf Equipment Ca., 134 King St. E.,cîo ' ' of Viri adSrocha l dagherespecialiy ta thank the commit- McCORMICK - Deering c o r n Bowmanville. Phone MArket Puli a Ioigt anaic, a ZryLenic, onaftee for planning such a mcm- binder, good condition. Phone 3-5689. 37-1 Sale begins at 7:30, at j Mm. and Mrs. Dmytro Lesnick. ableocad ion ar am l Gen Rae Farm, MA 3-3090. SAVE on appiances-Keivinator e a The marriage ta take Place in BKay, Hoard, Di ian 37-1 wqVer washer, il-lb. capacity, L.fiJfevanf 1t Newtonvillc United Church on Betic n D-d rito.* eleMic timer and pump, regular AUCTION ROOM i Saturday, September 28 at 2:30 37:-1* IJSED washer parts and repairs.I $229, naw $139 and your aid 33 Hall St. Oshawa, Ont. o'clock. 37-* - Paddys Maket, Hampton. Tele - was InMemoriam Phone Mt~ 3-2055. Open until wser; Kelvinator standard; 1941 BUICK SEDANh Mm.andMrs Jhn agume T... pm.washer, 1l-lb. capacity, withljwith customn radio and heater. anoneteengagement of BOUGHEN-In loving memory evntrdlxeeci agfl their augher ataJnt of my husband and father, Ralph GET the best, Aisco aîuminum j1evntr euececncmn e ntered by Art's Car Market 1 C( Murry dRihear A not, oa Boughcn who passed away doors and windows.' For fmee 130 inch size, regular $309, n0w' Bowmanville, Ont. b Mm. anRicMrdC.R.Anott, Beleo epebe of196 demonstration Phone MArketi$259; Kelvinator efri.gerators, au71 vil. and m ar R rag e ll e S oep t me s it is, h rd1a56n.r- 3-3871. 37- 1 * 111 cubic feet, regular $379, now _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ vile hemarag il b omtme i s ad o ide-$259' International HarvcstcrT- J I zolemnized in Trinity United stand QATT ofbcdaala hay, refrigerator, 8.2 cubic feet with iou are Inviieu Church, Bowmanville, on Octob- Wysm hnshv ab second cutting; also quantity of Iautomatic dcfrost, $249; chestia er 2th at2:3 p.. 3-11Butin His wisdom God has; baled oat straw. Phone MArket type freezer, 20 cubic feet that TO INSPECT AND DRIVE THEfa Beyo nd rpwrt c. 3-2373. 37-1 J olds 675 poulds of frozen foods, R L RTc Mr. and Mrs. D. Howard Mc- -Remembered by wife and SAVE on lumber, direct from J barbecue with eiectric motor d Gee, R.R. 2, Flesherton, wish ta family. 37-1 'miii ta you. Phillips Lumbwan quipenta announce the engagement of - berjat Coan qiaetCmpany, Ecno y ecrd Ca their only daughter Jean Eliza-' oKnon, nai.P e 134 King St. E., Bowmanville. id BOWEN-In loving memory of 17 r 11. 13tf Phone MA 3-5689. 37-1 coming ta us direct from C.N.E. s<: beth ta Martin Haugaard Olesen a dear wife and mother, Emma This car set the record of over 40 C]E of Flesherton. The wedding willj Theresa Bowen who passed KEYS cut automatically, while miles per gallon from Winnipeg take place on Saturday, Septem-aayS o at tMsn&Dl ad ber 28, 1957 at 3 p.m. in St. ay ept, 1l, 1943. tender aMso DaeHad TV A RIALS ta Mexico City and will be sold .Jon' Unte Chrc, Feser Two dear bright eyes, a tne ware, 36 King St. E., Bawman- T A by us unden a new car gu aranteejp .JohUnitdChr 37Fee- smile, i ville. 46-tf IF YOU NEED e n. 3- A Io ving heart that knew no HARD and soft water dei1e.Ne Ril J E T R U E wish ta annaunce the engage- Deep trust in Gad that all was Phone MArket 3-5476 or MAI'1 rnn fterdaughtcr Ruth Hrigt13 -5805. 48-tf' RLoor Aerials 50 Anglia - $145 br .x4 oAtu MorsJns, Hrjoy to akesm thrCepbu Od so Ms ars bright. FARMALL "A" tractor, A-1; 2-1 ovrin a Ana, taArthur Morris os c or suffering anc shelfurrow International pîow, 13-Covron50 Cepbtgo Joness of Bowmanvillc. The mar- f knew tt0 Ford - - $495 li riage will take place an Satur- ot cultivator. Phone MArket orRear h day, October l2th, 1957, at' Some gentle act of love she'd 3-2952.3- RfnseadRcodtnd sl 3 o'clock in St. Paul's United N do. 1 71 WE HAVE THE WORKS! ieiihdadRcnîînd 5 Chuch Bwmnvile 3-1Nothought of self, but of the 'ONE Lloyd baby carniage, two ALL GUARANTEED 51 Cev - - $45 Chueh Bwmnvile 3-1other years aid. One man's C.C.M. AT EXCELLENT PRICES Deats j1 know He said "Weli done bicyce, good condition. Phone OW E 'V Torpeda sedan - Custom radio Hositl, n n--Ever rcmembered by husbandDR funcboksei,31 rir 51 Chev. - - $495 fcnfo CORY, Maude-At Mmra and fami]y. 37-1 DYfraebokem $32 MA 3-91 Powerglide Radia ,3 f 't omavle n r-1-load two cords, cQrdcd, Aresaw- Sel day, August 3th, 1957. Maude McCULLOCHIn î' ngmem ed. J. A. Carscadden, Orono. 2 Rover - $495 me Lucas Cary, bcloved wifc of the - faderwf n d ovîng cm- Phne 35 .3 3cat late Wm. J. Cary. Funcral amy 0f a dearorfSaandRmothor- cverrd9.v35-3 service was held at the Arm- Elsie McCuiloch, who passedIJELECTRICAL Rcpais-Prampt A Lvesock forSal Raia - over cve 8an strong Funemai Home, Oshawa, away on September 13, 1956. 1 service ta electricai appliances, PUREBRED Yorkshire sow wiA$3,00 ne'ow7r crI, on Saturday, August 3lst at 1:30 -Even remcmbered by husbandllarge and small. Lander Hard tr York-Landrace cross. Tele- 5 Ford -5 Ao ru aiy 71wr. hn A357.4-f1lîten u-fil p.m. Interment Oshawa Union adfml.3- ae P oeM 5 7. 4-fiphone MA 3-2887. 37-1 Customline - Clcan Cemetery. 37-1* IIiatE MYLES-In loig eor f HEFRIGERATOR, e s 5 n9 SEVEN Yorkshire pigs, seven are COUC -AýÙèmria -HspialDclbcrt Myles, who died *sud- house, white, perfect condition, wceks aid, wcll started. Apply 53Ce.$9 Bowmanville, on Thursday, denly, September 12, 1956. 60 cycle, 9 cu. ft. Asking $150.'1Orvilie Hindman, MA 3-5225 Deluxe - Radio September 5th, 1957. Frederîck -Ever emembered by wife and 106 Scugog St., MA 3-5025. 3-. T. Couch, Newcastle. aged 77 famil.y. 37-1*______________37-1* FU n n-afmnhod 5Ce.$,9 !on ycams, belovcd husband of Ida DO yaur own floors-Rent a pullets. Best New Hampshire Deluxe - Two-tone f Sch Allin. Service was heid at the1 MYLES-In loving memory Ofi sander ora floor polisher from strain, $ 1.50 each. MA Marris Funcral Chapel, Bow- a deai' father and gnandfather 1 Lander Hardware, 7 King St. E., 371 - eer - $1Tu mnanvilie, an Saturday. Septem-, who Passed away suddenly on 1 Bawmanville. Phone MA 3-5774. N4gr5-Toto Imer ber 7th at 2 o'clock. Interment 'Septemben 12, 1956. 3-tf PUREBRED Yarkshire boars, Nigr 5-oe stoc Bowmanvillc Cemetcryv. 37-1 Wc little knew when wc awoke i nearing service age, $40. Glenn SignaIs - White Walls inew that morn INSULATION,- blowing methopdj Larmer. Telephone Blackstock Custom radia ri FOLLIOTT-Suddenly at R.R. 4, The sarow the day would with rock wool. Workmanshl5 r 22.371 Bowmanvilce, on Wedniesday', brin". Ruanantecd. Fr ee estimates.'1e55> DIicJ $1,695 sF tm, September 4th, 1957, Charles shock severe, H-arry L. Wade. Phone Clarke LIANDRACE boar hog, pumebred, CutmSeial w-a e i MevleFlitin his 68th, For the caîl was sudden, the 2420. 39-tf, eistered, fmom impontcd stock, A Bcauty Sepr yeam, bcioved husband of Eva1 To part with anc we loved 501'IBAROea trpCrs11 months aId. Phane Osh awa auct May Fox and dean fathen of;i dear. 18 NOR ea ti hiIRA_8-8060. 37-l* ST W' SP CA Dorothy (Mrs. Robent Tustin),! -Lovingly remnembencd by son Cnaft mator boat, ice cream-.-- S E " P CA Toronto. Mn. Folliott nested at Howard, Jeanne, gnandsonsi cabinet, four-hale, new coin- J ENTIRE pen of young Lcah arn the Marris uealCaen o--T yadBro-3- pesn hoe Ohw R ult Teeple- ea ro 5R m le 115 b 43 King st. W. MA 3-5463 BOWMANVILLE 50-tf Auction Sales Twa large fumnitume sales will bc held at the Durham County Sale Amena, Omono. an Friday evening, Sept. 131h commencing .t 8 p.m. sharp. Jack Reid, auc- ioneer. 36-2 Kcep in mind the sale of 40 .cad of Holstein miikems and springers of Mn. Austin Wood, fimst farm cast of Bowmanville emetery on Saturday, Septem- cmr 28tb at 1 p.m. Jack Reid, uctiancer. 36-2* Auction sale of 55 registered ind bigh grade Hoîsteins on the îrm of Roy Taylor, Cartwright rownship, an 7A Highway, anc nice nortb f Blackstock, Satur- fay, September 28 at 2 o'clock. amm sold. Sec bis for fumtbem letaihs. Temms cash. Ted Jack- :n. auctioneer; Cccil Hcayn, lerk. 37-11 1 have been instructed by- Mn. Ieten Hinton, Lot 26;, Con. 4, public aIY, LU sei 107 acre farm with 65 acres 5 acres an 35 Highway, ideal Y Pueben 2th ionion p.m.: 45 workable, 25 acres wood, large for gas station or motel. Price Seeding ewes, 35 rgistred Pond, wels, good fences, 55' x $5,250.00. ýokshirc pigs, 1,000 bales of. 35' bank barn with extension, 4 rom bungalow in!i aton, ýay 150 bu. at, racor fllimplement shed, lien bouse; 10 large lat, garage. $ ;J"e O [ne 1,500 bus. oats tractor, fu- roam.ed soid brick bouse wîth Down, $1,000.()o. hinry. Terms cash. Farm' unning wate, hydro. Price Wants ta trade far n saller Ild. Jack Reid, auctianeer. $10000 witb terms. bouse or scl-4 bedroom slid 37-2 370 acre dairy farm on lake brick house in Orono. Modern. shore, east of Newtonviilc, with Price $8,000.00. Down, $ 1,000.00. The Grey-Bruce Live Stock 240 acres workable, 30 acres 189 Sugog St. Bowmanvlle O-Operative are holding their Wood, remainder in pastume, Phone MArket 3-3644 fthannelsal Offedercatlestream, wels, 4 aros, 2 frame 't anul al o fedn ati, houses with runîuing water Salesman ,00, at Wiarton on Thursday, hev jywrd a afmiè J .Hrwg apo eptember i9th. 1957. cm c ut iePHshafml .hn Arig,3Ha2pt5 ieciget10am. frantage. Asking price PhnMAkt305 ~ing asot 1 am. DS..Ah $37.000. Terms arrangcd. 37-1 tîlesoredgraded, weighed ,d divided into truck load lots. 200 acre farm with 75 acres of Hereford, 8 Shorthorn and 3 workabe land, 110 acres ofPe r K wa berdeen Angus Buls - eigible valuable wood, cmck, 50' x 30' e r o a S25% prcmium uP ta $60.()o bank barn (10 yars ad), impe- REAL ESTATE BROKER hl be offered for sale imm cd- ment shed, hien hause, etc.; 8- GE R L IN U A C tely aftem the commercial catîc roomed brick house with heavy E RA INU NC t sold. 37-1 duty wiring and hardwood 99 King St. E. Bwmanville floors. Price $11.000 with terms. Telephone MA 3-5868 Mr. rwin Rainey. Lot 1, 100 acre farm, 50 acres wrk- Box 817 on. .5, Dalington Township,i able, 50 acres wood, trout stream, New 3 bedoomn brick bunga- le mile north f Clarke Union wels, 54' x 32' bank barn with low with stne front. Hardwood ,hool, bas sold bis famm and sel sacin. hn hue and tile floons. Fonced air ail ll sedi by Pubiic auction on implement shed, garage; 7 nam- hating. Copper plumbing. Ahi esday, September 7tb cm- d frame house wth funace rooms are of good size. Twa encing t 1 p.m., allis farm, kitchen cupboards. Pice $7000 wcks Possession. Asking only ck, Massey-Harris tractor like witb haf cash. $11,500.00. $3,000.00 down. W, tractor machinemy, 300 Hy- 90 acre farm, 3 miles west of 3 bedroomn brick and frame id pullets, ready ta lay, and Bawmanviiic on lake shore. Is bungalow. Tile floors, il heat- e furnitume. Many ther ahi workablc land witb 10 acres ing. Large bright kitchen, large nms. Trms cash. No eserve. in raspberris, 3 acres in staw- living-room. This is a beauty. ease note - sale date Tuesday, bernies. good 60' x 40' ank Asking only $9,500.00. $2,000.00 Ptember 7th. Jack Reid, barn, implement shed, hien down. etionee. 37-1 ouse; 7 roomed stucco ouse in Enquime about ur trade-in good repair with hardwood service. You may find il an flors, funace. Price and terms asier way ta dispose of yur 1have been instmucted ta sell arrangcd. present hame and get the home Public auction the pmoperty 4 maamed frame hause on you want. sisting of furnittfre, car, Highway 2, east Newcastle, with We mequire bouses and farms ls, etc. of Mm. Edwamd A. bydmo, hcavy wircd. Good wcil. for waiting clients. For fast. ransan in the Village of Mill- 75' x 165' lot. Price $3.700 with efficient service came in and )ok at bis premises an Satur- down payment amranged. discuss your problems witb us. YSeptember I 4tb at 1 p.m. 5 raamed, new, ranch style Salesman - J. A. Barton' np. Terms cash. There w.iil bungalow in Newcastle an 1 acre MA 3-3098 be ffrcdfo sae sx- lot, with full basement, ail furn- 37-1t rn solid brick bouse witb ace, clcctric water beaten, bard- j age 12 x 18; two large lots. wood and tîhe floors, modern, cme available. Subject ta re- kitchen witb buiît-in cupboards, 'e bid. Immediate passes- 4-piece bathraom, Double garage ThCadanSaemn 4 n.R. J. Payne, auctianeer. built with the best of matemial. -1 36,2 Asking pnice $13,000.00 witb CLASSIFIED a terýms arrangcd.ADV R ST : 6raomed ranch style bunga- *:. 4 AÂNNUAL SALE low in Bowmanville with hard- RATES a ý'NL1H YRKHIRS ndwod and tile floors, il furnace, X___ NGLISKH YRSHIRS d unning bot and cold water, 4-ARILSFRAE LANDRACE piece bathmoom. modemn kitchen X ARTICLES FOR SALE 1 aINVERAWE FR with built-în cupboards, pictume FOR RENT - HELP WANTED One Mile South of window. Pice $11000. Ternis. L 0 CARS FO SAL ETC I5 roomcd, ranch style, white 0-4 LS FUD EC C oboneclapboard fbouse in Bowrnanville ::Cash Rat*.4c eroWord iwith hrdwood nd til floors usit . paid by date oflnsertion. on N. 2Higway picurewindw, -pice ath %m Il charged, on additional 25c * on o.2 igwa 'icure inhond o3-ice at, lwill be odded. a fu rd ay , S ep t. 14 u ni g b t a d c d w te, il A ch rg of 25e w ll b. made foi morace, built - in cupboards. . al replies directed ta iis office. . at 1:00 p.m. IPrice $9.500. Temms. NOIFBCMIGL neh wilI be served at faon1 6 maomed home in Newcastle ) AND CARDS OF THANIS 4b 3741* i excellent repair with ail furn- 4c a Word wjth a minimum et 4 ace, running ht and cold watcr, $ 1.00 for 25 words or les. WifrdSai, o 3.4-piece bath, bamdwaad and tule * ?e cession, 3, Clarke Township, flors. i acre lot. Down pay- *i. ERIAS - EAGEMet concession north, nc mile ment $2500 witb price aranged. $ 1.00 per Isertion Eof Newcastle, bas sold bis 3 lots an highway in Newcastle 4104. iand wiII selI by auli t $600 each. Szes 100' x 300' j 1.0lus10Ealo forvert an on Wcdnesday, Sept.18iiB esides above mentioned we % i!?O0 çls ic datin1.50 e entire ousehold effects of have app oximatey 200 m re aiiuif n n~ 0- o m o se en D rb m properties ta choose from . 41 inc w ith a tmin m1.50 ne parb 10-rom hose, tn Duham . Additioncil insertions at the oc" Hereford milk cows, rangung Contact - eight fram 1,200 ta 1.400 TFa A AI] Classiied Ads muni b. tu eleven Hereford calves. John F. Devi ii this office flot 101er 4 De 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday. mbed Hereford, bull, bred Reaitar and General Insurance *.Ssnd cash, stamps or money aidez ns, team af good work hors- Newcastle Phone 3341 Clpt. u o r aemnd e.rn 1 4 9 G . M . C . ½ý- t a n p i c k - u p , S l s e :* . C i h s o t f r h n y r f r u c 1 mleae 5,50,perec Donald Mountjoy, Bowmanvile 4 OFFICE HOUES lumen, ae h et u nue M -35 . Monday throuqh Friday tion Bahb e d hac v, rniur M-3- 95. :30 c.m. to 5 P.=. ta commence promptly t Mrs. Jean Woolner, Hampton a3oatur N n. Livestack sale t 4 p.m. MA 3-2175 8:0am tr i s casb. Na reserve. Jack Daniel Boehm - Port Hope 4. iai MArket 3-3303 4 auctianeer. Lawrence Han- TU 5-5042 é: for Classifed Ad Service 4 ,Ie mk. 36-2 * 37-1 4 . . . 4 4 ê . 4 . S Real Estate for Sale 1SUMMER cottage, large lot and new well, alsa one building lot. 1Very easy terms. Phone New- castle 3906. 36-2 HOUSE in Bawmanville. -91 raams. Rented for aver $150.00ý a month, $15.000. This is a good investment. Phane MA 3-2383.1 37-2 CHOICE building lots far sale an bath Liberty and Concession Streets, close ta town. Robert Hendry. Phone MA .3-5126. 37 l* REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Properties Sold, Rented Managed and Appraised L. M. Allison Real Estate Broker Phone 2566 - Newcastle, Ont. Twa blocks north of traffic signal Newcastle 5-tf WITHIN FOUR MONTHS We sOlRDI7SFRmsT IWhen Buying or Selling contact, for speedy service and resuits J. J. Van Hérwerden REALTOR 741 King E., Oshawa RA 3-4471 Charles Rankine REAL SAEBO R Buying ar seihing, it will pay you ta sec us. Week's Special 3 oomed cottage, an 1 acre of garden land, fruit trees. bush- es, perennials, hydro. Vicinity Maple Grave. $3,650 with terms. 52 King St. W. Bowmanvjlle MA 3-2453 or 3-2762 BUYING or SELLING Residential * Farms Commercial -Industrial Acreages and Lo-ts Contact P. A.FRN and WALTER FRANK 177 Church St. Bawmanville MA 3-3986 MA 3-24031 Representing D. WV. McQUAY REAL ESTATE Members of Oshawa and District Photo Co-op. 7t De WithReal -tf si Real Estate for Sale James NixoD REAL ESTATE BRO4W Gorcery store and living quart. ers. 6 rooms, 3-piece bath, ail furnace, heavy wiring. $13,000 -$3000 down. Merchandise at invoice price. 5-room brick stare.y and a haif, 3 bedraoms, living and dining. iraam, modemn kitchen, oak floors. 4-piece bath, aluminumn windows, heavy wiring, Posses. sion arranged. $11,000. Terms. 6-room frame cottage, new roof, water inside, heavy wiring, in- side conveniences. $1,000 down. Immediate possession. 100 acres with about 50 to 60 thausand Scotch Pine and a small percentage of Red Pine, the last pianted 4 years aga and a cut ta go this fali. Full price $7,000. 47 Queen St. Bowmanville Box 941 Dial MA 3-5682 37-10 4 moom new bungalow, ai1 fumnace, hardwood floars, at- tached garage. Large lot in beautiful locatian. Suitable for metimed couple. $9,000.00, 4 room bungalow, ccntmally located, ail fumnace wîth bot water hcating; gaad lot, garage. $8.500.00. 7 room duplex house on Qucen St., full basement, hot water heating with oul, double attach- ed garage. Good income home. Inquime about this anc. 6 moom house in Hampton on iacre. 3 bedrooms, attachcd garage, iaw taxes. $6.300. Tcrms or big reduction for cash. We have a good selection of houses ranging fram $17.500 to $5,900. List with Leask 65 Ontario St. Bowmanvllle MA 3-5919 3 - Peter Feddema REA ESATEBROKER 140 acres, pastune farm, godc fences, good pond. Price $5.000. Temms. 14 acres, 5 bedroom bouse, bath, full basement, large barn. ben house, garage. Price $8.500,00. Easy tcrms. 12 acres, 4 bedroom Aise, pressure system, ail ftVjnace, barn 30 x 70, hen bouse, g&rZ4ge. -i ALL kinds of live poultry want- ed. Top Toronto prices paid at vour door for large or smal] quantities. We have aur own market. M. Flatt, Bethany R.R. 1. Phone collect ta Bethany 7 r 13. 28-tf Repairs RADIO and television repairs. Prompt service. Pick u-p and delivery. Lamne Dareen, 85 King E. Phone MA 3-5713. 2-tf REPAIRS toall makes of refrig- erators, domestic and com- mnercial-, miiking coolers. Hg .«on Electric Limited, 42 Kýing Stg. E. Phone MA 3-5438. 25-tf Waîch Repairing AT M acir r's 'JL«IIU.KbIJAY, bEPT. 12th, 1931 Et mRrln.,ZnAv I.Mlr.,Plr I-P*lh l«ýl 1 ! 11!1 mimi

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