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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Sep 1957, p. 15

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.r ~r - - M%- v. A VaLLEL.' UIN J A.FAI I.LL1 Ckussified eor Rent THREE Urge rooms. Telephone MA 3-3735. 37-1 ]BED-sitting room for twp gentle- mnen. 61 Liberty St. N. 37-1 .MREE unfurnished rooms. Ap- . 152 Base Line, Bowmanville. ~ TED apartment. Suitable for Young couple. Phone MA 3-5784. 37-1* TrHREE rooms and bathroom. Central location. Apply 59 Centre St. 37-1 BRIGHT, newly decorated flat. Central. Abstainers. Phone MA 3-2198. 37-1 ]POUR-room heated 'apartment, Division St. Cali Mrs. B. Annis, 105 King East. 37-1* IN Newcastle, heated apart- xnents, modern conveniences. Phone MA 3-5589. 37-21 COMFORTABLE room, board optional. Write Post Office Box 503. Bowmanville. 37-1 FOUR-roomed fiat, East Beach, inside toilet and running water. Phone MA 3-2875. 33-tf ILOWER duplex, heated, five roomns, bath, garage: October lst. 75 Scugog St. Phone MArkett 3-3787, 37-1y OFFICE or store space. Also apartment.on King Street West, Bowmanville. Phone Oshawai RA 3-3559. 37-1i APARTMENT, three rooms and Iathmoomn. Furnished if desired. Available October 1. Telephone MA 3-3231. 37-1 29EW. riodern, heated four-moom apartment with bath. Apply Mrs. Gus Annis, 105 King St. E., Bowmanville. 37-1* * IOUSE for rent, 4 rooms -and bath, furnace, garden. Adults. Available Oct. 1. Write P. C. Box 153, Bowmanviile. 37-1* SIX-roomed house, fumnished, *gas heated. Aduits oniy. Ref- erences required. Write P. C. Box 983, Bowmanville. 37-1* LARGE store for ent on King St., suitable for any business or offices, hot water heated. Ap- proximateiy 1,500 sq. f t. Phone MA 3-5868. 37-1 55 ACRE famm, large modern house and barn, 22 acres orch. ard, the rest wokable; near Ca- bourg. Apply Allan Jamieson, Camborne, Ont. 37-1 }IOUSE for rent or sale. Imn- paqUr ,e possession. Seven-rooni ,ra main street, Orono, close ta b~tol and business section. Writq&A dvertiser 709, c/o The Canàdian Statesman, P.O. Box C90Bowmanvilie. 37-1* I Notices d. cleaning plant at ~i snaw open 8 a.m. m. Phone MA 3-2829 or kfstock_102J. 36-tf Flsh and chip orders will be taken from il to i noon and fromn 7 ta 10 at night. Friday and Saturday until 11. Telephone MA 3-5579. 37-1 Personal XYGENIC supplies - (Rubber goods> mailed postpaid in plaini sealed envelope with Drice list. fSix samples 25c, 24 samplesi $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov.-Rubber Ca.. Box 91. Ham- ilton. Ont. 1-52 Get Your Price For Your Liveslock through STATESMAN CLASSIFIEDS Phone MA 3-3303 i * 1, I. I. 1 Coming Events ý1 Keep the date, November l5th for St. Andrew's Church annual bazaar. 37-1 St. John's Anglican Guild will hold their' bazaar on Friday, December 6th. 37-1 Turkey supper, Wednesday, October 2nd at Sauina Commun- ity Hall. Further particulars dater. 37-1 Annual turkey dinner, Parish Hall, St. John's Anglican Church, Bowmanville, November 7th*; i sittings 5, 6 and 7 p.m. 37-11i Watch for Penny Sale of Re-1 bekah Lodge, Friday. September1j 2th, 2:30 p.m., with draw at1g 8 o'clock at Lions Centre. 37-21 Bingo at St. Mary's, Port Hope, Tuesday, September l7th at 8:30 p.m. Jackpot $190.00. Nineteen (19) numbers called. 37-1* The officiai opening of Brown's Schooi. S. S. No. 5,' Thursday, September 26. 8-9:30 p.m. Everybody welcome. The ladies of St. Andrew's are holding a bake anddei- tessen sale in the ehurch bse ment Friday afternoon, Septem-i ber 27th. 37-21 Regular weekl 'v bingo ta be resumed Thuîsdav, September I 2th at the Union Hall. 20 games and jackpot. Sponsomed by St. Joseplî's Chumch. 36-2 Registration for members of Bowmanville Skating Club for 1957-58 season, including Fain- iSkating, will be held Frîdav, September 2Oth fmomn 2 ta 9 p.m. at the Town Hall. 37-2. A generai meeting of ail mem- bers of the Bowmanvile Skat- ing Club wiil be held on Tues- day, September 24th at 7:45 pm in the Council Chambers, Town Hall. 37-2 Morrish Anniversarv Services. Sunday, September ISth. Guest speaker, Bey. Wesley Hunnîsett, Fred Victor Mission, Toronto, at 2:30 p.m. Bey. A. W. Harding at 7:30 p.m. Special music at bath services 3- NEW OR REPAIRS Foundations - Floors - WVallis * Chlmneys - Etc. v r . - I Prompt Service at a Fair Price Estimates Free -13 y L f e PIIONE MA ü'-3702 or 3-3U3 L. UR ERTyrone: The Wornen's Mis- L. TURNER sioxiary Society xvas held a h 29-tfI home of Mis. Russeil Wright,1 _ _1with 16 mnibers and four vis- READY MIXED CONCRETE !tors pkresent. President ivs. R. WVe pour them ail, large or small1 Glaspeil opened the neetiog Far or close. right on the nase xith a RcpFoaBeuiu We give free advice, Dayv.'"RcpFoaBeuf: And reasonable price. A letter w-as read froni the Also coininittee on overseas r-elief Forming, Laylng and Finishing showing their gratitude for th At bale. An invitation was extend- e othe ladies to attend a CURRAN & BRJGGS, alaTe tte oeo READY MIX LTD. K<. C. Hlopkins, Ebenezer, Sept.. 991 Simncoe St. S. RA 5-3516 18, from 3 ta 5. Date bas been 0 S H A W A seIt, or the April Thankoffer- 251 ng c.îvice for 1958 when Mrs,. M\. La'.eys wili be guest spea k- er. She is Executive Seyie tary HAMPTON Hm isos Mis. R.i]I Meicer.aPort onj Came and dance the.,aid visited ber brothers, Sam aý *danees at a real "Country Hoe- Percy Dewel.- dlown", TvrQne Cammunitv Mr. and Mis. Harold Balsc Hall, Saturday, Septerber 21st., and childien spent Sunday wi Admission 50c. Music by Hol- Brantford. *royd's Orchestra. " 37-2 Mr. and Mis. Orme Croiei You are invited ta a demon- shanks, Joan and riîcnd stratian of Massey-Rarris and Peterborough. were Surnday vý -Ferguson tractors and tillage itois at Perey Dewell's. equipment at the farm of Stanley Mr. and Mrs. Wili WilbL Ailin on Higbway 35 and 115, and ,Mîs. J. Rewson weîe Sui two miles noîth of ecsl day visitais witb Mr. and Mr on Monday aftemnoon, Septem- Chailie Smith, Oshawa. ber 16. Sid Lancaster, Massey- Mis. Walter Richardson, Tc Haris-Ferguson Dealer. New- ronto. spent a week witbh h castle. 37-.j* cousins, Mr. and Mis. Sar Dewell. Mis. L. C. Snowde "Old Time MeihodiSi and Mildred, Maple Grave, ai Mi. and Mis. John Bake 1ir..-"Solina, also visited with bE Awaknin Meeiiis"'there. Awaknin ±'ee~ngs Dr. and Mis. A. E. Aluin, Foi HELDEACHWilliam; Mr. and Mis. R. Stoci S undav ai 3 pm er, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mn p.m. L. Clemens and Bon, Hamptor at Misses Carol Wright, M. Gri fin and D. Heard, Enniskiller Burkeion School nouse weme visitais with Mm. and Mr! A. L. Blanchard at their cet EVERYONE WELCOME tage, Williams' Point. (ncRsi Fe Lane, a residnt, RLev. E. E. Magee (eMRis Fr e Pet i dTmnto j Preacher Hampton many yeaîs ago) wvl Toronto, Ont, has spent the s4.imer at be 37-4 cottage at Bowmanville BeacF called on a number of friern Wcmtedhere on Saturday accompanie( SN atedby lier daugbter, Mis. CoriE DEAD and crippled fari stock,I Mis. Merwin Mountjoy spen picked up promptiy. Phane MA a couple of days at the Exhibi 3-2679. Margwill Fur Faim, tion. Tvrone. 26-tf 1.Mr. and Mis. Meîwin Moun'ý jay spent Labour Day weekenc FIBST mortgage of $1,200 at at Conway Gaîdens, Port Perrv 10% discount on modern five- Miss L. ,Reynolds bas retui room house. Write Advertiser ed fîom a visit with ber b;:o 710, c/o Canadian Statesman, thers in Toronto. P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. Mis. B. Burgess, Tyrone, wa5 ___________371* -a visitor on Monday with he: W. ROSS STRIKE, Q.C. Chairman A. _C.Woods. __Phone _C larke1 2r04. 14 tf1 TO look alter chiidren while1 Smothers work. Large yardi fenced ta keep children off the' street. Plione Mrs., George' Jones, MA 3-5277. 37-11 GUARANTEED repairs ta al mnakes of cars and trucks, ail jobs are guaranteed, competent workrnanship, at Cowan Equip-1 1ment Ca., Meteor-Mercury Deal- er, 134 King St. E., Bomn ville. Phone MA 3-5689. 14t Plasf ering Repairs QL'ICK SERVICE STUCCO AND NEW INORK R. L. TAFT 69 King St. E. NIA 3-50301 6-tf: Brick and Mason Work; GEORGE VAN BRIDGER Manager -M Mis. R. Giasocîl called on pel *k Honoured ribership. Mis, S. T. Hoar who bas beený a ml-ember of W.M.S. for 38i years and a life member foi. tel] years ta miake a presenta- tion of a life membership ta Mis. J. C. Cook. Mis. Pcîcy Werry pinned a corsage on the bonourcd lady. Mms. Cook cxý- prcssed tbanks ta the ladiesý for their appreciation. Grotîp leader, Mis. A. Rlan- ilton called an Mis. A. HiFL for the Seriptume reuding. Mis. H. Brent played a piano solo. Mirs. P. Wermy introduced thte new Study Book on Japan! and %vas assisted by Mis. R.1 Glaspeil.i Miss Girace Srnith gave a report of the school for leaders at Whitby. Miss Smith tbanked1 the ladies for giving ber this opportuinîty. Li brother, Bert and Mis. S'evcns i Miss Anna Smith, Osbawa. ZMON 3"visited at the home of lier sis- ith i ter, Mr. and Mis. Lewis Truli. W.A. mneeting bield at the! i\Ii Ms. Ada Tamblyn.. Orono.1 Sunday Sehooln with rather a visitecd relatives bere last ,veek. smail attendanee. Mis. Stanley k- 1Mr. xand Mrs. Sain Keane Ogle had charge of the devo- of Oshawa, witb bier parents, Mr. tional. Mis. Pcncyv Davidson atid Mis, T. Wray. read the scriptume. Paîcels weie handed in ta go in the )Lit School re-opened with the box ta bc sent ta Miss Irene ngt1?is r.H Moore at the Leper Colony at 117S duti in charge of Grades 1Rang Kong. Mis. F. J. Rced 1ad2.:iVrs. D. Hall, Grades 3 gave an înteresting talk on "ei-and 4: Mrs. Lawrence, Grades Ghana. Mis. Russell Stainton ir6.7 and 8. ini the new sebooal gave two mouthorgan selections. of ad is~s Thelma McEachern Mis. Jack Cruicksbanks. Mis. Ge o Port Perry, in charge of Perey Davidson, Mis. Stanley id Grades 2 and 1, meeting in the Ogle. Mrs. Jim Stainton semvcd e., . dsehool. There aie 22 be- deliclous efreshments. Mis. ergînners. Garfield Trevail thanked thel Mr. and Mis. Pauil Kelly and graup on behaîf of the ladies for rtNancy who have been residimîg a nice afternoon. The October -k- witb bier parents, Mi. and Mms. group are: Mis. Leonard Bail, Fs . Honey. for severai yeams, Mr.,. Ed. Hoskin. Mis. Donald )n bave taken up residence aL Part Ycllowlees, Mis. William Hasiuk. if. Credit wbere Mr. Kelly is ern- Mis. Patrick Boberts had a mn, pioyed. Sor'. ta Jose theni surprise birtbday paîty for ber rs. frinm oui village. mother, Mis. Neilie O'Bourke on1 t- Mi. Doug White bias been 01onlier 75th birthday wben thosel the sick list tbe past week andi present were: Mr. and Mis. C.1 t, confincd ta bcd. LaCombe. Rochester, N.Y., Mr. of __________ Fred DeBocher, St. Catharines; ha Mirs. Jack Buckley. Oshawa; ýer Miss Mary Buckley, Toronto; 'h,;O igina Idea Mis. J. O'Rourke, Anmiie and ~jO d tuf H re Huntsville;*Mr. and Mis. Kn nt neth Fisher and Kirk, Oshawa. )i- Last week the Canadiari Press Mis. Ray Camneron and Judy, issucd a feature storv on the Donna Henry spent a few days t- "original ideýa* dev.elopec? by at Hamilton. id the City of St. Catharines t , o Mr. and Mis. Roy Thornas y.atiact new' industry. The city wcre Sunday supper guests at nis lio g "~Open House" ta Russell Stainton's. 0-wbieb it bias inivited representa- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rae. 'tives of batiks, rail and higbwav Markbam, visited at Bussell 1transportation companies. and Peikins. ergoveîrnment agencies concerncd w .ith the piovincc's industrial Mi. and Mis. Jim Stainton developiment. These key nmen and Davy accompanied Mr. and wili be grected by civic digni- Mis. Leonard Shaw and Pat ta taries, taken on a condueted Peterborough on Sunday. tour. and sbown the services and Mr. and Mis. Fred Woods, facilities the city bias ta aliter. Oshawa, visited at Fred Cam- We congratulate St. Catha-1 eron's. ines for this progressive actioni Mr. and Mis. R. C. Stainton wbich the story says '"may point entertained some of their friends up a lesson for other Canadian! at a coin roast on Satumday cammunities'" and hasten ta ob- night in Stainton's flats and serve that they arc only now aftenwards at their home. doing exaetly wliat aur own (Intended for iast week) Bowmanvilie Chamber of Com- Mr. and Mis. HerberliCam- merce did twa years ago.' Re- eran, Tvîone; Mi. and Mis. Har- cent commercial growth and the aid Trivett. Weston. visited at acquisition of Johnson & John- Mus. Alex McMaster's. son Limited for aur town 15 Ail-ni Glaspeli spent a few proof that the idea is sound. davs at Vernon Poweil's. Colum- and we are flattered that so uQ I prominent a city is followingl kMss Gwen Glaspeil. Tyrone, Bowmanviiie's exampie.i spent a few* days at Ger Glas- I I pel's. <1T~.IWMr. .and Mis. Henryî-v n SbALEMlV Kenncth visited at William Damt's, Woodville. Mr. and Mis. Walter Black- Mi. and Mis. Keith Staintan bain and family, Toronto; Mr. and Clarke spent the weekend and Mis. W. Blackburn and at Lake Simeoe. family. Haydon, Miss Stella Mr. and Mis. Tom Samson, Blackburn and Mis. Nettie Cale, Toranto; Mr. and Mis. Victor town; Mr. and Mis. Farewell! Holalit, Lais and Diane, Oshawa, Blackburn weie Satumday even- 1visted at RuselPiîs ing visitais with Mr. and Mms. Cogatuations ta Patsy Fish- GeraldShackltonvben ail en- cm on winning the $50 Seholar- îoved awiencir roast. sbip ini Piano at the C.N.E. jMiss Gerda Cîaig, nurse-lu- Mian Ms:WsCaen tiaining at Hospital for Sick visited at Bernard McEwen's, Childien. Toronto, was homne for Paîgrave. severai davs last week. Mr. and Mis. Pemcy Davidson, Sorry ta report Mr. W. G. Mr. and Mis. Chuck Terry visit- Weiry under the doctor's came.1 cd relatives at Manitowaning, ;Hope he will scion be feeling , Manitoulin Island, an the long better. jweekend. Mrs. Mattbew Marchant andi r. and Mis. Wes Cameron, Susan spent several days last r.RselPki adM - wcek witbh ler parents at Tient- gamet visited Mrs. Bessie Lundy, on and attenided tbe wedding ut!___________________ liber sister, Miss Shirley Parson.: and Mr. Nelson Salter on Sat- furdav. IM.and Mis. Sani Botterj I ANTIED îMIN. Ken Butter'. Miss Marion Dead, Old and Crlppled B1utterv werc Saturday supper: FARM STOCK guLests of Mr. and Mis. Allen: Pieked Up Free of Charge Ci-osie and 'Miss Jean Crasier,; Sunderland. 24 Hour Service Phone Collect J Cobourg FR 2-3721 AI] music is ivhat awakes frQ-n Peterborough Ri 2-2080 výou wlhen vou are ierninded by ZICK PECONY the instru ments.--Walt Whit-1 - Ot ma n.Peebruh - Ot SV RALPH'TEE ENFIELD i\lr Elmo Ashton. Detroiî Mr. Jack Ashton and Fr.M Hubbs, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs . Wilbert Smith and Dorotby, Mr. and Mis. Ross Smnith and Murray, Oshawa, visited with rM11r and Mrs. Harold Ormiston. -Miss Elsie Sarnis is visiting friends at Toronto. Miss Vera Stinson and Miss Corsina Samis are holidayiag sli British Columbia. Mr'. and Mis. Eda Prescot and Glenn were weekend visit- sors witb Mr. and Mrs. L. Rahni, Richmnond Hill. Mr. and' Mis. Frank Lvcett 1 nd Dennis. Oshawa. were with the E. Lee's. Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Prescott, Mrs. Donald Prescott. Marvin, .Ianice and David visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. Gibson, Green- bank. M iss Evelyn Cunningham, IBrantford; Mr. J. Smith. Mrs. T. Smiîth, Blackstock, were vis- itors at W. Pascoe's. Miss Marion Prescott spent the m-eekend with her grand- parents. Mr. and Mrs. Hosken Smitb, Hampton. Sevemai from here attended Orono Fair. The Cochrane and Stephenson horses and Bowman Hoîsteins were prominent in the show ring. Beverley and Stuart Samir, had some holidays with the Abernethys at Manilla. 1 E. V. Bowman. Cà1ifornia, is ivisiting xvith bis brothers. Miss 'Louise Haîtman has re- s;ured ber teaching duties after spending ber holidays on an 1extended bus tour through Western Canada and parts of the U.S.A. Theme are six beginners: Da- vid Wright, Bobby Grills , Louis Stabieford, Stuart Samis, Jim- mie Oake. Teresa Smith. There is an attendance of 16. Mr. Edwin Ormiston. Eben- ezer, had Sunday tea with Mr. and Mirs. W. Gray. Mr. and Mrs. Robson Bow- nman. Barrie. visited with the1 W. Bowman's. IL ail seemd a littie like over- Ads NH0WBO0UT THAT 0OF COURSE ITý FLAT!!"/ Work Wanted I YOU AND> YOUR LITTLE PLUMBING, heating, eaves- 1RP OPECTYT troughing. free estimates. Harvevj SAVE MONEY. WELL TH4IS Partner. Tvrane. MA 3-2240. BLOWOUT WILL-ADD ANOTHER 12-tf 1 NEW plastering and repais.20FBCST TEC Stucco and cement plate OF. THAT NEW DRESSI ftR'e1DAy. SEPT. 12th. 19,5' SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER lSth This inlerrupiion is made necessary in order Io repair equipment which burned oui on Tuesday night. The co-operaîlon of ail power users is appreciaied. Bowmanville Public Utilities Commission t. 'Many SmaJ O verlap in C By Rev. A. C. Forrest For two lavely August Sun- days I had ta stay home from morning church ta baby-sit. I rather enjayed letting the fam- ily go to worship while 1 went for a walk alang the lakeshore and gat better acquainted with aur twa-year-old. At home we have a nursery in our church and so ail go toge ther. I couldn't help thinkinig thaugh that if I were in Africa she would have been welcome at church tao. But then African children seem ta be able ta keep stili in cburch, and ours neyer could. Whether it's up- bringing, geneties or vitamins i don t know. The result 1 went ta church in the evening. And my own denomination and others like it have become tao dignified or something ta have evening ser- vices in that summer resoît town, so01 i ad ta look for a less familiar chuîch. One evening I went ta a littie cement block basement church, and faund real and helpfîi womship and fellowship with ai- Apostolic congregation. Tl he other I1sent tôa a Fi-ee eh odist service. ht was helpful and vital too, Many SmalI (burehes First 1 should say that mrv con.victions about the cburcL~ union inovement are sucb that 1 Ihave always been a littiee criLi- cal of the gîcat num ber of churches in that particular nortbcmn town. You couid have ail] the church gacîs of aî'y g iven Sunday into onc good.- sized church and have a vacant !pew or two.l but in addition ta the Roman Catholic church il has at least seven others. Being a practicai sort, I've al- wvays wommicd about the seveî;, buildings, the seven coal and light buis, the seven preacher, and their salaries. wbilc so mnuch of the world is withat chur(ýh and missionarv, aîili even ir. aur awn land mach is neglccted. 111flhe town there is a pretty littie Anglican chuîch, with a congregation not nated for re- gulamity. Theme is a fair-sized United chumch. which. is fuîll of tourists in the sun-imer and of local people in the wvin-ter. It was formed long before church union in Canada by a local union of Methodists and Pres- byterians, and functioned wcll that way for many years. In recent years the Presby- terians have stamted womk again and the small congregation is unable ta support a full-tinî(- minister; nom cou]d they keep anc busy. So they have an El- deriy retired man. FulI-Time Ministers There is a nice littie Bapti-t chumch: a Salvation Arm-y cit- adel. with a fuil-time officer: there is an Apostolie ehurch.' xvith the part-time services of a layman, although he is ta be witb themn fuill- time shortly, and they are planning ta build a niew church above the block basement. The Free Methodists have a nice little church, and theri- mnay be others. I understand the Latter Day Saints have been calling through the community with some thought, of estab]ish- ing a cause, and the Jehoivah's Witnesses move among the is-_ contcnted and dispossed. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. ROV;MANIM.T.v nmJMAP-rn «% A ý lm InIr t:.Ilt 9 Il Churches .ommunities lapping ta me. And tbere are many communities like it, and in many parts of Canada there is even more competition. However .1 was impressed by tthe services, and I think ami sincere Christian would be. And tany sincere non-believer would be heiped by such fellowstiip iT'hey were good people, and it was obvious that their religion was the centre of their lives. At both services there were testimony meetings. 'I<he Free Methodist minister said he dtd flot want ta hear much about "what the Lord did for you when you were converted in 1923, but what He has been du- ing for you the past week."1 TestLmnonies An elderly man with à beard stood up and testified in sucli a quiet voice we could scarceiy hear what he said. One your.g mother had trouble getting through hers; she was nervous and her voice choked Up and she had ta stop. But the folk wvaited with patient under- standing until she got control of herseif and continued. Participation of the people was important. Everyone sarg the hymns: almost haîf the ad- ults present had a part in theL service in testifying, leading na prayer or something Like thai. They were informnal and friend. Iy. 1 arn sure the stranger would feel right at home. The sermons were good. The ministers were obvious]v sin- cere. flve heard more brilliant preachings. but in each, cas;e they wcre Biblicai sermons. You teit you had the testimony of the ages. flot just the prea- cher's opinions on current tapies. WIlI Go AgaLn I went away glad ta have been there; 1 shall baby-sit again and go at night some time 1 wasn't convinced that these people wouldn't have been bet- ter getting into the aider esta- blished churches andi workin hard, and working for church union rather than duplication of efforts. At the same time I suspect thati many of these good people might have been lost in the larger congregations with their more formai ways. No 1 wasn't convinced. But 1 couldn't he]p thinking that the wise Heaven- ly Father knows what He is doing when He raised up new d e n o m i nations, seets, and groups to carry on the saving work of His church in the world of men. Volunteer members of thec Canadian Red Cross Corps gave 107,465 hours of their time for community service in 1956.

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