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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Sep 1957, p. 16

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PAGE U~!TEEN TEE CAKADIAN STATESMMf. EOWMAKVILLE. ONTARTO THURSDAX". SEPT. l2th, 105? Efficient Staff at O.P.P. Detachment Keeping a watchful eye over the siAty of our high- senior officer in charge; Clerk-Stenographer, J. Haire; ways is the efficient staff of the Bowmanville Detachment, Const. L. IF. Dryden and Const. L. B. Tilison. Centre row: Ontario Provincial Police. Working out of their office Constables S. J. Rospon 'd, J. T. McDonald, D. R. Stevens located on No. 2 Highwav, just east of Bowmanville, these and D. J. Wright. Backi row: Constables E. J. Crough, J. officers play a vital role in safecuarding a large rural area. W. Cartwright and H. R. Corneil. Their primary job is higbwav patrol. They are f rom the ]eft, front row: Const. D. G. Foulds, Cpi. G. M. Keast, -Photo couirtes.ý' of Police Nevvs Friendship, FeIIowship Key Qualities in Rotary District Governor Says, To District Governor 1.P ro told the Rotarians on his e'Brett" Bretteil the Rotai. keyýý- 1offic iiai visit to Bowmanvi lie, stone qualities of t'riendship and Fridav. fellowship are fUli 'V exeïnpliied The far reaciniig benefits of by the Bowmanville Rotaryv thee conventions, hie continued, Club. can best be seen irl the fact that It is this sane spirit that pre- the.v bring Rotarians together vails in the Rotary International from 104 countries. Anv trepi- conventions the District Go\- dation one Rotarian max have Septemnber Special HAIR CARE FA ST NCAAOMMEi Borne Permanents COLOR Regulat SHAMPOQ O Gentie 15 Shades Supetf Glamorous, lasting color Pin Curtin 15 easy minutes. Pin CutIConditions Little Girls wvhile it cleanses Reg. 1.75 14 Reg. 1.75 14 Now only ---14 Now . ....14 Jury and Loveil4 PHONE MA 3-5778 BOWMANVILLE Free!1 BRAKE ADJUSTMENT with every lubrication and oil change Alignmnent Special " Check and Adjust Wheel Bearings " Lubricate Front 'Wheel Bearings " Inspect flrake Linings *Rotate Tires il for $750 This offer expires Septembher l6th Drop in and receive yoflr CAR CHECK SERVICE RECORD ROBSON MOTORS LIMITED BUICK - PONTIAC - G.31C. TRUCK DEALER 166 King St. E. Bownianville NIA 3-3321 I i I I I I I I twrsa Rotarian from anoth- Rua1-ra er country' is soon dissoived. Th e'Rur l Ar word "foreioner" is not in the Rotary dictionar. C - e atn The theme of these conven-C op r tn fions and the International As- semblies at Lake Placid is htir miiv."Humnility," he quoteolfln r und Drive istepriceless. ingredient that keeps us small as we grow big- A number of disti cts arouind ger." Bowmanvî lie are taking part The top executives in Rotary in the canvass for funds to lie described as big men both in assisî the WomresHsia and out of Rotai'. "But they ý-Auxîliry o«MernialHs are plain and unassuming men ta] in ils work. The canvass in and not wvhat you might expec tibnth Bowmanville and otheri of men in their position." communities participafing is1 Rules Important on Monday evening, Sept. 161 Mr. Bretteli went on f0 urge from 6 to 8 p.m. Mrs. Kenneth the mlembers to foliow theiMorris is carnpaign. convenor. constitution and by-laws of i This annîiai campaign is made Rotarv. "Follow the cules." he b.v the Women's Auxiliary, and said. ýand Rotary will take care 11ot the hospital board. The of itself." Auxiliary supplies ail linens, "I believe that Rotary 15 an etitlery and dishes for both the honour svstem. You and 1", he hospital and nurses' residence. explained. "are honour boundc Bowmanville captains for the f0 ail the Rotary Clubs in the canvass were lisfed last week. world to follow the cules of Captains foc surrounding dis- Rotary. Rules will keep Rotary tricts aire Brown's-Mrs. Mac- alive." shahli Pickering, No. 9 - M-s. Community Service Morley Allun; Orono and Kirby Speaking of communitv serv- -Mrs Aia Marn MapieskGrv ire the District Governor warned -Mrs.I W.H.aroin Mrs. C. H.e aganststrtig agrndisepro- Greenham: Salemn-Mrs. Ernie .ieet which thev will flot be able, Twisf: Hampton-Mrs. Jack Me- f0 finish. Another fault is tfle Nab: Enniskillen-Mcs. E. Wer- duplication of service work wifhryEbeerMsAlaDon other service clubs in the coin- This is yorMopportunityon munity'. FHwever, if another Ti sýoropruiyt club does need help the Rotar- j elp an organizat ion which doe, ians shouhd flot hesitate f0 give1 a necessac 'y job exceedingx- aid. Weil. Memorial Hospital serves Credif should be given to a large communitý in addition Rotarians who carryN on indi- f0t the town itself. Weicome vidual comrmunity service. Their youc canvasser and give as gen- other service work, he explain- erously as you can. ed, might distcact them from à giving full attention to Rotary but nevertheless thex- should. be - LA 1 TCI fully recognized by the club. B A K T C International Service Rt. Woc. Grand Mistress for International service is a dit- Ontario East, Coca Johnston, of ficuit part of the Rotary pro- Janeiville, visited the Black- gram in which f0 participate, stock (Pnide of Cartwright) the speaker said. But iA is a L.O.BA, on Thursday evening.1 vital pro.ject and Rôtarians A splendid meeting xvas heÎl should make a special offmr <o aftec which lunch was servedi participate. -Creating world and a social turne enjoyed. fellowship is marching towards The Explorer girls held. their wvorldi peace," he poinfed out. fir'st meeting of the faîl terril In closing his address District on Thursda\- affer schooita Governor Bretton stated, -'I arn is girls 9-12. The C.G.I.T. atth cuite confident that as good a parsonage, Friday at 7.30), girls Rotary' Club as this wh con- 12-16. Boys 9-12, Ty ro and SI.- floue f0o grow.' ima C 1'2-16 group in the Sui n The hionoured guest was in day School room Fridavr 7.3 CI troduced b.1' Club President. and the Y.P.U. at the pacson- Keith Siemion and thanked. by age Sundav 7.3(1 pin. We hop,? Vice-President Rex Walters. aIl of these ages will avail Mc. Brettell has been a miem-, themnselx'es of the opportîini+y her of the Mimnico Rotary' Club of attending meetings eachl since 1935 and has held ai im- week at the above times and portant offices iin the club. Last pae.As iso ad1 Jueh1uceddWatcD- fhe Sundav Schooi room every Geer, Bowmanx'ille, as District, second Tiiesdav affer school. Governor of District 241.Corautin to hef- 1The club met with the District ongratumonion,,Io trhucessels Goenra1h Community inliesoc exhibits at Ottawa Centre Fcidavý evening for a and Toronto Exhibitions: Fred close examination of the <'lth's Trewin won, i champion ew',e, oî-ganization and set-vice pro- to frt w hrs he Jects. 1 forstand thir fith on Having the i-eputation of be- Oxfrd shanep aee Ottawa 0an ing one of the better singing Ofiv od s, tO tirda;three clubs in the district the local aiescnds two fithrs athTo- Rotarians gav'e a commendable fourths,an w fitstT- 1 so\vngforth Ditrct oe ronto. On Tamworth swine af fortheDitrit Gv-C.N.E. two senior champions., A highlight of the sing songý two gr-and champions, four was a brief appeacance bv the firsts, three seconds, three Rotary Quartet, Tom Palmer,ý thirds, one fourth. and one Tom Rehder and ad f if th. Rundle. In the absence of Ken N. H. Gi-cen and Sons had Mor-ris. Song Leader Walter De- Leicester sheep at 0fttawa and Geer filled in as trie fourth man. won fix-e seconds, six thirds, 1 Panit Dve orrsonaccm-'three fourths and Iwo fifths PanisdthDae Mrîisonacci and a fuIll une of firsts and se- A 15-yeac perfect attendance conds at Peterborough. pin was presented f0 Mel Dale Keith Van Camp had South- Sand a three-year pin f0 AI With- down and Leicester sheep and erspoon by District Governor Yorksh ire pigs at Ottawa and Brettell. jw-on one junior champion, one Sole birfhdav celebrant at the first, six seconds, five thirds. meeting was Frank Jamieson.( six fourths, four fifths and1 A visitor at Ihle meeting was! three sixths. These fellows are .lim DeGeer, son of Walter De- exhibifing at most of the local CGeer. faiî-s and coming back with top __________________ a w ards. What happenied ail the Wom- E LZA ETHVILE en's Institutes who usuallyex Blackstock was the only one (lntended for last week) there this year. Mrs. S. A. Powell, Mrs. Mc- Congratulations to Mr. and Allister visited with Mrs. Leah1 Mrs. Richard 'Van Camp (Ruoy White who lix'es with Mr. and 1 Morcow> on their marriage in Mcs. R. Halliwcll, Starkville. Hilton Saturdav. Those from Mc. and Mrs. Ken Trew Blackstock attending the wed- spent a day at the C.N.E. going ding were Mr. and Mrs. Stan- on to London, Woodstock and ford Van Camp and Miss Dor- returning home by Delhi and cn r.Go rut.M.Ge Simce, Sturdv. 'armer, Misses Joyce Graham, noon on the occasion of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Werry's wedding anniversary. Glad to report Mr. Jim Bal- iingal is "doing nxcely" in Port Perry hospital after his opera- tion. Miss Lorna Harris is in To- ronto taking a course as certi- fîed nursing assistant. Mr. and Mrs. P. Woodward, Gale, Sharon and Esther, Pointe 1au Baril, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stanford Van Camp and Doreen. Recent visitors of Mr. and. Mrs. Cecil Hill were Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hill, North Bay;! iMr. A. -W. Pickard, Bowman- ville: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mc- Conneli and Mrs. J. E. Patter- son, Norwooçl; Mrs. Geo. Win- terbourn, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hanlin spent the weekend at her homei in Kirkfield. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Lathan- gue, Omemee, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bradburn and boys. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Bea- cock attended the wedding of his cousin Harold Beatty and Miss Betty Goodland in Bob- .caygeon Saturday. Miss Doreen Van Camp is teaching public sehool in Brook- lin. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Strong and Mrs. W. Archer visited Sunday with Mrs. Robt. Bruce who is being cared for in a pri- vate home in Port Perry. Miss Phy' llis Strong went to Peterborough Monday to com- mence attending Teachers' Col- lege. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Strong and Mr. Roy Ferguson attend- ed the Silver Wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Williard Spencer, Oshawa, Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mount- o * v vsitcd triends in Peterbor- oUgh, and Norwood. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bul- mer. Fenclon Falls, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Graham. Recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Orr Venning were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cox. Bowmanville, Mr. end Mrs. Alfred Thompson, Osh awa. Mrs. Jas, Parr, Mrs. Howard Bailey, Mr. Neil and Miss Cath- erine Bailey visited Mrs. Levi MeGill, Peterborough. OBITUARY PETER M. SEXSMITH There passed very suddenly and peacefully f0 rest, one of Hope Township's most respect- ed persons, namely, Peter Mof-, fatt Sexsmith, on July I7th. The late Mr. Sexsmith was of a retiring nature, a man of sterling qualities, a sincere and true friend, ever ready to take the part of the less fortunate ;n the community. The sonl of the late Thomas Sexsmith and Margaret Moffatt, he was the youngest of a famn- ily of six, namelv Ella, Joseph, Alice (Mrs. W. L. Barton) who predeceased him, Eliza andi Thomas. The late Mr. Sexsmith was unmarried, and leaves to mourn hi.s passing, one sister, Eliza (now of Bowmanville) and a brother Thomas,' at Roseberry Hill. The funeral look place from j the Ross Funeral Chapel ini Port Hope at 2 p.m. July 20th. Service was conducted by the Rey. Mr. Walmsley, in the ab- sence of a former pastor, Mr. Scott of the Presbyterian Church. Interment was in the family plot in Port Hope cern- etery. The late Mr. Sexsmith was a faithful member and eider of the Preshyterian Church i Newtonville, until it was closed in 1955. The bearers were Messrs. Ar- thur McKa.N, Tupper Johnson, Stanle y.Jones, Perey Snell, Dawson Bebee and Roy Best. There were manY floral tri- butes. Friends were presenti from Norwood, Peterboroutgh, Carleton Place, Trenton, Ham- ilton and Bowmanville. mo4da. 1l Easy Payments ift. r maIl down, Payment i Ti 1«~1. m &low-cost Super Model is the big "bonus baby', of '571 Top-quality Frigdaire feetures: - -i Real Zero Zone Freeor-hola 44 Ibo - Exclusive Cycla-Matie Defroetng in refigerator sec- tion - Four Pufl-Width Shelves - PU-Width Glide-Out Porcelain Hydrator - Big, Deep Storage Door with Five removableA Suflt und bucked i .Gee;rnal .t-Ors MASON & DALE LIMITED HARDWARE l'ione 409 36 Kîngi flowmnanville St. if. District President Tells Influence of Blackstock : The Womens Institute met in the communitv hall Wednesdav evening with. Mrs. Cari Wright, hostess. After regular business the President reported our success at Black-1 stock and Port Perry Fairs -' First on displav« at each place1 and one first, four seconds and two thirds on individual entries in the display. A committee was appointed to take the display f0 Orono Fair, Friday. There was considerable planning about fix- ing the park, also arranging for the euchres for the winter months, the first party to be on Nov. 1. Secretary was to send a card to Mrs. Chaperlin. Mrs. A. Palk read the Script- ure, Mrs. W. W. Van Camp pre- sided for the program. Theme was Community Activities, mot- to-We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing, while others judgç us by what we bave already done. Mrs. P. Romerîl gave the cur- rent events with a few high- lîghts on their recent trip through Vermont, the Adiron- dacks, etc. Mrs. Van Camp gave Itoreadings. AIl were inter- spersed bY community sir¶ging. I ns'titute Highlight of the eveniniz was the interesting address by the District President, Mrs. W. H. Brown, Maple Grove. A few of her thoughts were: Let us be. the first f0 give a friendly sign. The future of this Branch will be an influence to the future of the Province and the Province te the Dominion. Life is to b. lived wîdely, and deeply as possible. Greater values put be. fore the lesser ones. The knowledge of having given hap. piness to others. satisfaction from duty well done. well ad- justed social relationships Inake for true happiness -nd s ýzcess in ail our endeavJÇ%s After thanks ha4, b een ex. pressed and meeting closed. a dainty lunch was servedby the group and a social time enjoyed by the, 27 ladies Present Smith Beverages Limited Bowmanville AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR ERTER'RED &WHITES F~RIMIEA WAY ,ýCONTS v Evryone Wins a Lovely Prize!... Nobody Loses! 5-lb. bair a - - - - 36c GET THIS[ CONTEST IRANDS FREE ToweIs ln BREEZE ING S'mwîl MIE! Si."wt 11PI 111 w - 83c83 ..REE .S iLVEU421'c b, .&MID GIANI Package BLUE SURF Gietan710 LUX gt. 83c, Ige. 43c NEW LUX, gt. 79c, Ige. 41C HINSO git. 79c, Iqle. 41c SUNLIGHT SOAP 2 bars ci Deodorant -SoaÊù . Bah IC BUOFy. Ca Bes NIBLETS - FANCY KERNEL CORN HEINZ TOMATO SOUP . y 10-or. tin pq a m m 3 For35ci -Genuine Spring Lamb Shoulder Lamb Chops lb. 43c Lamb ln aBasket lb. 33c Brookfield Skinless - Pure Pork- 1-lb. pkg. Sa usage m m m - 49c There's a Red & white Store Near You BOWMANVILLE Yeo's Marketeria MAPLE GROVE Maple Grove Groceteria ORONO Cornish Marketeria BLACKSTOCK Blyth's Marketeria SAVE ON THESE CONvaSTBREAM GOOD AUNT MARY'S 15, 9 1BL ND O-bu 35e rs >SSOLO 1Bg s \ M » o rg in . 1' ;90 890 ýGET FREE :-TYFRSa Corne To Ma pie Grove For: FREE GIFTS - During Their Gigantic Sale This Weekend FIVE ROSES F LOUEB 14-oz. tin - a2For 33C time for a...' jJi Free!1 Swift Premîum - By the piece Swift Premium - 12-oz. Plasticups BOLOGNA - - 1h29c HEADCHEESE - Ea. 35c CANADA No. 1 50-lb. bag Potatoes 8 9c SUNKIST VALENCIA - Medium Size - Oranges » M2 doz. 49c FIRM', RIPE Bananas l- b. 17c Aylrnier Brand Fancy YORK Nature's Best CREAN CORN FANCY PEAS TOMATO JUICE 15-0z. tin 20-0z. Un 48-oz. Un 91,011.00 6 For 1.00 4 Fo r 1.00 Show Pack Solid White 1 /'s. Chan Quart tin TUNA FISH -5f*nrl1.0 SPEED COAT - - 59c Breakfast Size - 2-lb. cello bag Clean Sweep 4-string PRUNES - - - - 35c BROONIS ----79c BIRDS EYE FROZEN FOODS LEMONADE, 6-oz. tin ---- - 2for 29e STRAWBERRJES, 15-oz. pkg. 39e GREEN PEAS, 12-oz. pkg. .. .-23e HADDOCK FILLETS, 12-oz. pkg. .__29c TEE CANADIAN STATTMAN. BOML&NVMLLM. ONTARIO TEURSDAY, SEPT. 12th, làgt:i PAM gtxTm 1

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