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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Sep 1957, p. 3

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'1'HT.IRSDAY, SEPT. i2th, 195? THE CA!~ADIAN ~TATESMAK, BOWMANVITJLE. ONTARIO PAGE TEREN Wed in St. Joseph's Church P-ictured cutting the wedding cake following their! mnarriage in St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church on Sat- urday, August 31, are Mr. and Mrs. Gunther Stahi. The, bride is the former Lorna Martin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Martin of Bowmanville and the groom is the son; of Mr. and Mrs. John Stahi of Frankfort, Germany. They will reside in Bowmanville. -Photo by Rehder MORTON - TYSON In a ceremony at the United Church, Colpoy's Bay, Lillian Stella Tyson, daughter of the jate Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Tyson, 4W iarton, Ont., became the bride %'f Richard Donald Morton, son si if Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Morton, Orono, Ont. Rev. O. B. Strapp, Edmonton, Alberta, uncle of thé bride officiated. Given in marriage by her bro- -A.E. Tyson, Richmond ~J,4W thebride chose a waltz- - gown of peari-tone IvW~santung fashioned with portrait neckline outlined in braid and iced with pearls and sequins. Her veil was a fam- ily heirloom and she carried a bouquet of red roses. Mrs. H. M. Brown was ber sister's matron of honour, wear- ing a gown of turquoise blue taffeta with matching bat, and carrying yellow roses and car- nations. The flower girl, Hea- ther McGilI, niece of the groom, wearing a dress of white or- gandy and carrying a basket of mixed flowers. Donald Staples, Orono, was the best man and the ushers were Andrew. McGil, Orono, and Ronald Gatis, Colpoy's Bay. The wedding music was played by Mrs. Malcolm White, sister of the bride and the solo- ist was Clarence Couch, ne- phew of the bride. At 'the reception given by Rev. and Mrs. Strapp, the bride's aunt wore a dress of pale blue silk, and the groom's mother wore a gown of rose lace. Two solos were sung by the bride's cousin, Mr. James Whicher, baritone soloist of Bloor St. United Church, To- ronto. Guests were f rom Hailey- bury, London, Orono, Toronto and the Bruce Peninsula. Mr. and Mrs. Morton will re- side in Toronto. Looking for a DIAMOND? We now have a special display room where you can look over our diamonds and choose yours in privacy. ASK TO SEE OUR DIAMONDS HOOPER's Jewellery & Gift Shop 28 King St. W., Bovwmanvills Phone MA 3-5747 GILBERT - BARTON Multi-colored gladioli graced Lthe altar and chancel of Christ Memorial Anglican Church, Oshawa, for a wedding at 7 o'clock Friday evening, Sep- tember 6tb, when Ellenor Pa- tricia Barton was united in marriage with Glenn Morden Gilbert. The bride is tbe daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas D. Bar- ton of Oshawa and the bride- groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gilbert of flloom- field, Ontario. Tbe Venerable Archdeason H. D. Cleverdon perfonmed the ceremony. Mr. W. G. Rapley pnesided at the ongan consoles and accompan- led Mr. Alexander Yonson wbo sang "The Wedding Prayer", "The Lord's Prayer" and "O Perfect Love." Given in marriage by bier fa- ther the bride wore an original gown of cloud white peau de soie, pellon lined, haýving a deep yoke of re-embroidered French lace below the portrait neckline. The bell skirt was ballerina length, and short wbite gloves studded with pearîs complemented the brief lace sleeves. French lace em- broidered in pearîs fashioned ber plateau cap whicb held bier finger-tip veil of tulle illusion. She wore a single strand of pearîs and carnied a white prayer book crested with a mauve orchid, and having white stephanotis caught in the white ribbon streamers. Miss Colleen Barton was maid of honor for ber sister wearing a waltz length gown of turquoise nylon chiffon over net and taffeta designed witb a deep V neckline with two floating back panels. The bouf- fant skirt was offset with a wide cummerbund embroider-1 ed in fluorescent sequins and beads. She wore a matching picture bat, long mittens and shoes, and carried a cascade of pale yellow shasta chrysanthe- mums. Mr. William Brooks of Toronto performed the duties of Ïbest man, and Mr. Clifford Bar- ton, brother of the bride, ush- ered. The reception was held in Christ Church parish hall where the bride's mother ne- ceived the guests wearing a dress of Dior blue crystal cbarm,' having bracelet length sleeves and a floating back panel, with which she wore a small feath- ered bat of dusty rose and matching accessories. The bridegroom's mother who assistcd chose a two-piece dress of beige crystallette, a small bat of brown velvet, and brown accessories. They both wore corsages of petal pink car- nations. The Evening Guild of Christ Cburch served the guests. White tulle formed the setting for the tbree-tier wedding cake which centered the candle lighted bridai table. Arrange- ments cf vari-coldred gladioli lent colon te the hall. Archdeacon Cleverdon offer- ed grace, and the toast te tne bride was proposed bby Mr. Al- len Tbompson of Taunton, Ont., uncle of the bride, wbich was responded to by the bride- groom. The bride's father voic- ed good wîshes to the bridai couple. For the honeymoon trip the bride donned a navy blue suit, white featbered bat, navy ac- cessories and an orchid corsage. On their return the couple will reside at 82 Wood Street, Osh- awa. Following the reception the guests were entertained at the home cf the bride's parents, .Hillcroft Street. Oshawa. OSBORNE - ANTIL -Baskets cf vari-colored glad- joli and tail standards cf ferns formed an effective ibackground in Courtice United Cburch, for a WEdding at 2:30 o'clock Sat- urday afternoon, September 7th, wben Lois Aline Antil was united in marriage with Ronald Charles Osborne. The bride is the daughter cf Mr. and Mrs. Paul Antil and the bridegrcom is the son cf Mn. and Mrs. Charles Osborne al cf Courtice. Rev. L. M. Somerville cf Tborndale, Ontario, performed the double ring ceremony. Mn. Frank Walter played the wed- ding music and accompanied Mr. Murray Osborne, brother cf the bridegroom, who sang 'The Wedding Prayer" and "O Perfect Love." Given in mar- niage by ber father the bride wore a floor length gown of chalk white Chantilly lace and nylon tulle over net and satin. A long sleeved lace jacket but- toned te the Peter Pan neck- line complemented the formal bodice. Double insetp cf lace at the hipline featured the bouf- fant skirt of tulle. A crown beaddness studded with se- quins held ber fingen. tip illu- sion veil, scalloped at the edge, and she carried a cascade cf red roses with clusters cf white stephanotis. Miss Shirley Antil was maid of honor for ber sister and the othen attendants were Mrs. James MacGregon, another sis- ter, and Miss Margaret MacGre- gor, alI wearing identîcal waltz lengtb gowns cf seafoam green embnoidened taffeta, fasbioned with sabnina neckliiWs and cap sîceves. Triple folds cf mater- ial with tiny bows at the back accented the waistline cf the elongated bodices. The skirts were very bouffant. They wone narrow floral and tulle bail- deaux and short mittens to ,match their gowns, and each carried an arm 'basket of yellow and bronze chrysanthemums. Miss Sharon Graham was flower girl wearing seafoam green embroidered taffeta iden- tical with that cf the senior attendants with matching lbead- dress and she toc canried a basket cf yellow and bronze cbrysanthemums. Mr. Raymond Osborne was best man for bis brother. Usb- ering were Mn. George Os- borne, another brother, and Mn. James MacGregor, brôther- in-law of the bride. The reception was beld in the lowen hall cf Courtice IChurch, which was decorated! 'with arrangements of multi- colored- gladioli. To receive the guests tbe brîde's mother wore an aftennoon dress cf cern- flow' - blue silk crepe baving bracelét lelngth sleeves, a small satin bat cf pinky beige, matching gloves and black ac- cessories. The bridegrcom's mc- ther who assisted chose blue 1grey silk taffeta, on princess lines having a deep lace yoke and bracelet length sleeves em- broidered in beads. Her bat was a small model cf black velvet accented with shades cf pink. They both wore corsages of 'pink roses. Pink and white tulle formed the setting for the wedding cake centering the bridai tabie, and pink and white flowens decorated tbe tables for the guests. Grace was offered by Rev. Somerville, and Mn. John MacGregor cf Courtice, as toastmaster proposed the toast to the bride, which was res- ponded to by the bridegroom. Mn. Raymond Osborne toasted the bidal attendants. Members cf the Woman's Association cf Countice Cburch served tbe guests. For the honeymoon trip the bride donned an apple green fine wool jersey dress featur- ing beading at the neckline, tcpped with a duster coat cf novelty weave in a natural beige shade. Her mandarin sailor bat cf silk straw and accessonies matcbed ber coat, and bronze chnysantbemums compised be corsage. On their return the couple STAHL - MARTIN Pink and white gladioli de- corated the altar cf St. Jcsepb's Roman Catholic Cburch on Satunday mcrning, Aug. 31, when the marriage was solem- nized cf Miss Lorna Martin, daughten cf Mr. and Mrs. Syd- ney Martin, to Gunthen Stahi, son cf Mn. and Mrs. John Stabi, Frankfort, Germany. Rev. R. J. Garvey performed the ceremony and officiated at the nuptial mass. Given in manriage by bier father, the bride looked lovely in a gown cf beautiful chantilly lace and net. The bodice cf white lace was fashioned in a basque style bolero with V neckline framed with a stand- ing lace collar. It had long lace sleeves. The full skirt cf white net was floor length. Hen full lengtb veil cf Englisb lace extended into a train. It was held iby a tiara cf tiny white flowers and lace. She canied a white prayer bock with mother cf Pearl cover and a bouquet cf white carnations and red rose buds. Miss Jean Lawrie was the bridesmaid. Her azure bluc pnincess line gown cf peau de soie was fullskirted and baller- ina length. The rounded neck- line of the fitted bodice was draped with matcbing nylon chiffon net. She wore a close fitting bat cf feathers cf the same shade cf blue, matching gloves, and siippers cf paie blue satin and silver. She carried a shower bouquet cf Talisman -roses. Jacqueline Martin, sister cf the bride, and Doreen Mitchell were the train bearers. They were dressed alike in pretty frocks cf pink nylon. The bodi- ces wene tucked, and the very full skirts were ballenina length. Their small pink bats, pink gloves and pink satin sandals xnatched their frocks. The white prayer 'book car- ried by the. bride was the gift Trinity Wedding' for Couple The bride signs the register following her marriage to Mr. Clifford Alldread which took place in Trinity United Church on Saturday afternoon, August 31. She is the former Shirley Beatrice Young, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Young, and the groom is the son cf Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Alldread, all cf Bowmanville. The couple will reside at 23 Liberty Place, Bowmanville. 1 , -Photos by Rehider Recent Wedding of Interest Mr. and Mrs. Donald Blake Dodds are pictured following their marriage which took place in Trinity United Church on August 17. The bride is the former Patricia Ann Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey .. Smith, Bowmanville, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Blake Dodds of Toronto. -Photo by Rehder cf Rev. F. K. Malane. The bride's gift to the bridesmaid was a gold broocb. Hen gifts to hen train beaners were gold lochets. The best man received a gift cf a tie. Joseph Stabler, Toronto, a cousin cf the bridegroom, was the best man. The ushers were Bill Holdnoyd, Hampton, ai-d Dennis Shuttleworth, Hampton. Follow.ýing the veremony a re- ception was held at the Bal- moral Hotel. Mrs. Martin, moth- er cf the bride, wore a smart suit made cf silk spun in a sý very blue shade. Hen bat was beige velvet trimmed with a bnilliant ornament. She wone a corsage of pink and white car- nations. Later Mn. and Mns. Stabi left by car for the Bay cf Quinte. On their retunn they will ne- side in Bowmanville. For tra- velling the bride wone a tail- ored suit of light wool i green and black plaid. She wore a black bat with touches cf green and ber corsage was roses and carnation. ALLDREAD - YOUNG In a quiet ceremnony in Trin- ity United Chunch on Satunday afternoon, August 31, Shirley Beatnice Young, daughter of Mn. and Mrs. Stuart Young, was united in marniage with Clif- fond Alldnead, son cf Mr. and Mns. Ceci Alldread, ah cof Bow- manville. Rev. T. A. Morgan officiated. The bride wore a ballermna length gown cf white enystal- ette, the bodice fashioned with scoop neckline. The matching jacket was buttoned te the throat and the skirt was grace- fully full. She wore a white feather bat and corsage cf red roses. Mrs. Ray Stainton was ma- tron of bonour wearing aqua- marine erystalette in ballerina lengtIi lashioned on princesc bines with low neck, short sleeves and full skirt. With it she wore a yellow feather bat and matching gloves and cor- sage cf yellow roses. Mn. Ray Stainton acted as best man. A wedding supper followed at Venture Inn for the immediatc family and the groomn's grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Anderson. The bride's mother wore powder blue terylene with white bat and accessories and corsage cf white roses. The gnccm's mother chose navy blue taffeta with navy accessorî.2s and corsage cf pink roses. For a wedding trip to Otta- wa, the bride donned a sheath dress cf red wool worn with a small black bat and black ac- cessonies. Mr. and Mrs. Ahl- dnead will reside at 2 Liberty Place, Bowmanville. ROBINSON - HALI, Standards cf mixed gladioli, beautifully decorated Tyrone United Churcb on Salurclay, August 24th, for the marriage cf Ethel Verona Christina Hall.1 daughter cf Mn. and Mrs. Hon- ace Hall, Tyrone, te Mn. Keith Caries Robinson, son cf Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Robinson, Bowrnan- ville. Rev. J. Jackson officiated at the ceremony. Mns. Arthur Reid, organist, ably accompan- led Miss Margot Rankine, who expressively sang -I1 Love You Truly", prier to the ceremony and 'O Promise Me" duning the signing cf the register. Given in marr?age bN- her fa- ther, the bride looked lovely in a gown cf embroidered nylon net oven silk taffeta. The cap- sleeved bodice, featuring a sweetheart neckline, was corn- plementd with a fully gathered hallerina Icngth skirt. Match- inrg mitts of emnbroidcncd net. completed ber ensemble. Her shoulder length veil of tulle illusion was held by a coronet of sequins and pearis. SILe car- ried a white Bible, with Pink Delight rosebuds and white pinnocbio 'mums caught in wh,'e satin streamers. Miss Judith-Ann Spragg, Hamilton, cousin of the bride, was maid of honour, wearing a ballerina length gown of apple green chiffon over taffeta. The full skirt fell softly from the fitted, off-sboulder bodice. She wore a white feather and se- quin hat and carried a cascade bouquet of white 'mums and pink carnations. The flower girl, Miss Joan Marie Hall, sister of the bride, was daintily dressed in pink flowered nylon, featuring a ga- thered skirt. She wore a pink lace bonnet anal carrIed a bas- ket of 'mums and carnations. Mr. Stewart Hall, brother of the bride, acted as best mani, and the ushers were Mr. Ross Hall and Mr. Roland Robinson. A reception followed at the Tyrone Community Hall, wheu the bride's mother received wearing a dress of wine lace and taffeta with white acces- sories. Her corsage was of white carnations. The bridai couple left later on a wedding trip to Northern Ontario, the bride wearing a grey sheath dress with match- ing striped bolero. A white feathered bat with matching accessories and corsage of pink roses completed ber ensemble. Mr. and Mrs. K. Robinson will reside at 67 Ontario Street, Bowmanville. Prior to their marriage the young couple were honored at a combined miscellaneous show- er and wicner roast at Bow- manville, August 3rd, given by Miss Lorna Cochrane and Mrs. Wm. Sellers. The bride-to-be received many beautiful and useful gifts at a family sbower held Au- gust 2th, for which she ex- pressed her sincere thanks. A delicious lunch was served by friends and relatives. Shirley Young Guestof Honour At Showers Prior to ber marriage on Sat-j urday, Aug. 31, to Mr. Clifford Alldread, Miss Shirley Young' Iwas guest of bonour at a nm ber of sbowers. On Friday evening, Aug. 24, the bride-to-be was entertained at a mîscellaneous shower held at 'the home of Mrs. Gordon Leslie, Masson St., Oshawa, at which co-hostesses were Mrs.* Edna Shaw and Mrs. Lillian Hayward, Oshawa, and Mrs. Joseph Levett, Bowmanville. About 40 friends and rela- tives surprised the bride with many useful and pretty gifts. After expressing ber thanks, the bride collected recipes which tbe guests had brought. A deliclous lunch was served including a cake made in ber honour. On Aug. 24 the bride-to-be was the recipient of many gifts when friends in the commun- ity surprised ber at a shower held in the Memorial Park Club House, Bowmanville. Over .10 attended the pleasant event whicht was convened by Mrs. Victor Jeffery, Mrs. Gordon Wilcox and Mns. Bill Barnett. On Aug. 29 Shirley was pre- sented with a table lamp froin the employees and staff of Boowmanville Foundry. In the afternoon, the office staff of which she is a member, present- ed bier with a coffce table. Miss E. Barton Entertained percolator. On Wednesday evening tIr- bride-eleet was guest of honor at a family party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Thomp- son, Winona Farms, Taunton,l when she was presented it an anray of miscellaneous gifts. Miss Diane Thompson, Mrs. Douglas D. Barton of Oshawa, and Mrs. Charles Austin of Bowmanville served the guests. On Thursday afternoon, Miss Barton was bonored by the Or- der Department of Genenal Mo- tors of Canada, Oshawa, wben she was presented with a Beat- ty electric floor polisher, a Sun- beam Food Mixer and a china HIGHLY STYLED MODERATELY PRICED LADIES' WEAR La Vogue §a ccueline Cor. Ath ol & Celina, Oshawa Couple Married at Tyrone Mr. and Mrs. Keith Robinson are pictured as the bride signs the register followîng their marriage in Tyrone United Church on Saturday, August 24. The bride is the former Ethel Christina Hall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Hall, Tyrone, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Robinson of Bowmanville. -Photo by R. Carruthers, Bowmanville teapot of ber pattern in china. Thursday evening the bridai From the Packaging Depart- party were entertained at the ment of General Motors, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas future bridegroom received a D. Barton, Hillcroft Street, monetary gift. Oshawa, parents of the pros- Following the rebearsal onI pective bride. BEEHIVE REBEKAH LODGE PENNY SALE- Friday, Sept. IOtlh Starting ai 2:30 p.&i. Lions Community Centre Draw for quilts, blankets, flannelette sheets, ete. 25 Tickets - 25e Af ternoon Tea - Home-baking - Candy Door Prize every hour Draw for prizes at 8 p.m. Prizes on display in Hydro Shop Window Tickets on sale at Hydro Shop or from miembers iE FARM GASOLINE ""ESSO and ESSO EXTRA" " Correct Volatility " Correct Octane Rating " Free from Corrosion and Abrasive Materials " Resists Gum Formation For Prompt Delivery and Service PHONE MA 3-5516 A. H.Sturrockç a nd Sons Sturrock Street BowmanvilleA WOMEN'S AUXILIARY of the Memorial Hos pifai BOWMANVILLE are holding their Annual CANVASS from 6 la 8 p.m. Monday, Sept. l6th our donation will help carryon the good work the Auxiliary is doing at the Hospital. Be as generous as you can. TIRMSDAY, SEPT. 12th, 1957 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOMWANVILLE. ONTARIO PAGE TIMES

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