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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Sep 1957, p. 6

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PAGE .m TEE CANADIAN STAT!aMAM Nfl AAM'VTI.TI~ flWf'An?~ Furîher Prominence Given Pro po sed Provincial Park (Dr. L. B. Willlans) Whatever seems to be the vi- sion and -atherwise when a public Park is promoted, the timne invariably arrives when with natural progressive con- gestion it becomes a God-send necessity. That is particuiaely true in a Young country like Canada with its natural resources large- ]y as yet uncovered. A present instance is the some 200 shore acres between Bowmanville and Oshawa, east of Hall's Marsit, Iying immediately sauth ofthe C.N.R, and of Highway 4101, facing the Ontario lakefo. The way in which large in- dustry is iocating eastward of Toronto adjacent to its water- needs of the lake front, with its EWA -t-R conbe yourst %WATER\\ c~ JACK BROUCHII PL UMBING Division MA 3-5615 and HEATING Street South BOIVMANVILLE Deodoranis Ban -- -___1.25 Stopette Creami 1.25 Veto Stick ------ 98c Odo-ro-no Spray-- 49c, 98c Arrid Creani--- -- 53c, 75c Vacuum Bottles Woodbury Shampoo Bal! price 69( White Rain Shampoo alneedy apparent snarling anaund Oakvilie, illustrates haw timely it was that the Provin- cial Lands and Forests Dept., whiie defining Highway 401, punchased the passibilities ai this netural breathing space in publie welfane. We in Ontario just take aur Great Lakes system, an expan- sion ai the St. Lawrence water- way, for granted. Whereas, I reaiized after being abroed that if was the greatest fresh-water inland sea in the warld, an in- exhaustible fresh weter supply riglit in the middle of the new worid continent. While the shane lune oi Su- peniar fascinates fthe travelier in rugged, racky grandeur, thel Ontario shore shoulder ai High. way 401 is in character ai top- soul dressing, a veritabie Gar- den af Eden for productive fer- tiiity. Wîth this park area in pres- ent relaxation, the rankness ai grass, alfalfa and what we cal weeds generally, is iargcly ri- valling the clump and avenue trce planting ai the Departmcnt which is madestly gaining a "gothold. West of Lake Supenior, Cana- da lias ovcr a dozen vast parks in forest, mauntain and lalze pristine natural grandeur, with the hand of man banred. While this park area as from vantage point I scan its horizon, will in perhaps yive years time, an- swen to the cail of all the artifi- cialty that modern so-called civilization may clay-dream. Off shore, ships piying the placid waters inbound from the Atlantic a thousand miles- above, guidcd by the shore-line, wi]l be the jet planes cutting timc's integers ino decimls- behind you, double track Dei- sel railways national haulage, while spced-mad automobiles zisrcgand the miles ai Highway 401 or parked by the thousand n this wonderful as yet unnam- ed park, right next door fa us in Durham County. The very naming (I hope -iat), ai this provincial parkf wiil have ta run the gauntiet 1 School Pens Fountain Pens 49c, 79o Bankers Bail Point 49c, 98e Waterman Bail Point 1.29 Waterman Fountain Pens 1.95 - 3.95 - 4.95 - 9.50 Hay Fever Reinedies Co-Pyronil- 2.25 Pyribenzamine - 65c, 2.05 Razmah Caps - -79e, 1.50 Allergitabs-.- 1.00 - 2.00 Methul Spans. - 2.00, 4.00 Privine Drops - _95e Haytone-------- - - 50e Nyal Nasal Draps -- 85e Plastic Band-Aids 90o value 79o Raid Bug K i11cr 98c Value Lustre Creme 75c value 65e 1 Benzedrex Inhaler- 75e 790 Endenl Shampoo -. --- - 1.69 Fly Tox Spray 35c, 59c, 98< Toni 'Home Permanent 2.29 Pre-m -------' - - 2.00 Fly Tox Bomb-- 89c, 1.39 Tonette for Children 1.75 Kan Kil! -----------8e, 1.39 One-A-Day Brand Muiltiple Vitanins 1.40 - 2.50 - 3.95 - 7.95 CO'VmW LI NG'S PHONE MA 3-5695 DRUG STORE WE FIT TRUSSES Royal Theatre Bowmanvillk FRIDAY - SATURDAY - SEPT. 13-.14 2 C NT RYFOXprsete M -G-M 's DIFFERENT BRAM A ! tTENNESSE CHAMP, D I1NG SHELLEÏ"WINTERS1 Exclttm GRi&WYNN - iEviiMARTIN Last complete show 8:35 N!ONDAY - TUESDAY - SEPT. 16 - 17 ITSRMANCE SET TO MUSIC! Joyous high-jinx! M G M n f ' * t se staroti TEN TIIOIJSAND fiât CINEMASCOPE NceMETROCOLOR S.,ANNA MARIA ALBERGHETTI EV ARJOK - DEWEY MARTIN- WALTER SLEZAK- PAUL HENREID Feature at 7:20 and 9:35. Lest comiplete 9:15 WED. - THURS. - SEPT. 18 - 19 'A Face in the Crowd' Starring ANDY GRIFFITH and PATRICIA NEAL Aduit Entertainment jof ail types of selfish, dainag- ing political intrigue. There are no words so euph- aniaus as Indian nomenclature -such would not invite contra- versy and after ail the very parkiand was origlnally bauglit by the Government fromn the Mississauga Indians, so why not keep out af ail local argument and eall it, "Mississauga Park?" "The giory of the Redman Haw shaîl it pesa away Whie his words of music lin- ger On each mountain Stream and bey." Truc, Oshawa is aiso Indian, but the park isn't in Oshawa or even in Oshawa's County ad the park itself locks the door on Oshawa's or Bowmanville's aspiratians in that direction. Gettinig a name isn't ail the trouble the unique seftlng of this park has on its hands. Erosian for centuries has been stealthily receding the shore- line towands the cariier inland shore leveis ta what until ne- cently wes the Canadien North- cmn Railway lune. Even the willows that have stalworthy endeavoned ta mainl- tain the shore lune are right now tappiing in a losing battie with wind and wave. This is land fertiiity's one weakness. This shore line is receding hene as elong the shore-front off Meple Grave where a fer- mer told me, "In 20 years I have moved back the shore- front fence thrce times." Whcre local pianeer graver- yards existed along this shore front, even 100 years ega the rernains ai caskets wene pro-1 truding through thc shore-benks1 and human bones stnewed the shingle.1 Even the dcad couldn't sluni-1 ber in peace. At one shore spot I sew tflic timber cribbing af what I pre- sumne was once a farmer's well. It is now night ouf in the shore 1 water. I presume this is one well that won't go dry in the future. But whie relentless crasion carries on, I sec fthc lagoon of [Iall's marsh is filling in be- hind send bars, so I suppose some-time an enterprising Osh-8 awa Cauncil wilil be texing lot fronts ai Hall's present marsh, but it sounds ail wet ta me. e Except for fthe sa-called "Bea-P ton Road" automobile entrencef ao the park area lies its hazards from. 401 Highway across C. N. R. tracks. One solution bcing valunteercd la an Eastern en- trance off the Pickell Roed iby S' neking iurtlier purchase ai, orP lirougli the Pickell iarm tfa park boundery.E I cen recaîl a few yeers ago SI of seeing hundrcds of ducksh vliose breed was eanlier fhat 1: f wiid ducks bcing then ueanidustry at flic Dean it ickeil farm. d This whole park area was S nce, like Turkey Point andk Long Paint on Lake E rie, aP KEDRON 3 A splendid ettendance merl e d the first feul meeting Ic Kedran W.A. leld on Wedne! Iday evcning et flic home ai Mr R. E. Lee. Vice-President Mr C J. Dyck apencd fhe meetiri The worship and programme, a a Missîonery theme, were cor ducted by Mrs. E. Mauntjo and Mrs. M. Walter. Feature ai the cvening were flic stuc based on the prescnibed misskol study book, feken hy Mrs. Walt ern e history aiflhe W.A.a jero from ifs inception i 1913. A reeding wes given i Mrs. H. Crassman and Mrs. É Moses contributed a vocal sol "Bless This House", eccampanie( hy Mrs. Lee. Business was conductcd b1 President Mrs. William Wcnxi and was largely relative fa tI'f tunkey dinner pianncd by thi W.A. for November 6,' A meeting aiflhc W.A. Ex, ecutive is ceiled for Friday ever. ilng, Septemben 13 et the lomE ai the President ta completE Ilthese plans. Hostesses with Mn: Lee were Mrs. J. Dyck and Mns R. Down. The nexf regular meeting date lias been clienged fa permit folk to attend a neiglibouring com- munity supper, and W.A. wil meet an Thursdey evening, Oct, 3nd, et flic home af Mrs. PF Mountjoy. Ron Werrv was an usher et thec Saturday aiternoon wedding ofa Ronald Neele and Miss Ann Longland, in Pickering United Chundli, and a gucst etthflic n ception hlcd et the home of Mn. and Mrs. Ernest D. Longland. Cliffard Tregunne, London, visited lis parents and ather members ai th& famiiy here, during flic pest week. Local Junior Farmers ettended the regular meeting in Broaklin Hall on Tliursday evening. Bert Pearson, Uxbnidge, led in flic discussion tapie ionrflic boys, and Mns. Murray Mountjoy gave an interesting teik on Home Nursing ta the young ladies Jpresent. Mr. and Mrs. on Tregunna were in charge af recreation. Mn. and Mrs. Foster Snowden and Mrs. E. Mountjoy attended the memonial service on Setur- day afternoon ior flic late Mrs. - John Bott, known ta nieny as flic mother aiflice late Ernest Bott. M.A., D.D.. wha died while an -active missionary duty for the United Churdli in Japen. The funerel was held fan the 92-vear-oid Mrs. Bott et Pine- dale. Miss Rosemar'y Bohaker lias leit ta enter a nurses' training schaal in Toronto. The area schoals are aif ta an excellent stant under flic super- vision ai the follawing teecliers: Pereman's Scloal, Mrs. W. Spry; Maxwell Heiglits Sehool, Mrs. Beerd (Principal), Mrs. Hall, Mrs. MacDonald. Caranation Scliool, Mr. Farrow (Principal), Mns. Ashcnhurst, Mn. Michael,i jMrs. P. Phillips: Calumbs. Mrs. Iw4Mn, Lewis; McKe=*.i School, Mrs. Robertson; Raga School, Mrs. Auld: M. ariel School, Mr. Peter Baluk. 1 D u ck Shooti Ronald Werry was among the guests ai Mr. and Mns. P. Neale, Vili O pe Pickering, on Thursday evening p n when they entertained the wed- Duksao n arito ding party for the Neale - Long- duClk eaonhips ainDur- ad ntals ilown r-hem County will officially open hearsal.Octdber 5, at 9 a.m., Depart- Several Kedron folk attended ment ai Lands and Forests the ýAt Home for Mr. and Mrs. Conservation Officer Ken Tai- Arthur Ross, Columbus, on the mie announced this week. occasion of their Golden Wed- Hoerrsdet o! a- ding day, Wednesday. Mrs. Ray Foee eiet fDr Scott and Mr5. Wm. Werry were lingf on and Clarke will flot be among the tea assistants. Mrs. as fortunafe as duck hunters in Clarence Werry and Mrs. George the other townships of Durham Scott presided at the tea serv'ices. and surraunding counfies. In RoasLee Jak F~ncs, ow-the counties af Haliburton, Vic- Ros Le# JckFFjnci, Hw-toria, Peterborough, Northum- ard Farndale, William Werry, berland and other townships oi Walter Davis and Rev. R. H. Durham, the seasan wlll open Rickard attended the supper September 28, at 9 a.m. meeting in Simcoe St. United Church, Oshawa, in cannectian The season in ail counties with the Oshawa and District mentianed will close December Sector Project. 14. Hunters will be permitted Rev. R. H. Rickard canducted eight ducks per day, ane of the church service on Sunday which may be a wood dutk. morning and Mrs. Richard Possession limit wili be 16 et Moses contnibuted a vocal solo one time. Therewill be no lim- that was much appreciated. it imposed on Mergansers. Geese Geese are limited ta five a )RIJLVERTON day and there will be a posses- sio liit f 1 atone time. Congatuatins a Ms. ~odCoofs, rails and gellinules are StCeygatatioesveton who wa dlimited ta eight per day, while the lucky winner af a cedar thme.pseso inf~ 6e n chest chuck full af useful articles1 ie at a draw held in Lindsay re- Hunters will have a compar- centîy. ably langer seasan an grouse Ycivrtan W.A washel and partridge this year. In Yelvrton W.A.was eldDarlington and Clarke the sep- Thursday evening at the home son opens November il and ai Mrs. Ray Robinson. Most ends November 23. The couîî* business deait with plans for a tics of Heliburton, Northumb- turkey supper which is schedul- erland, Peterborough, Victoria ed for Thanksgiving weekend. ,and Durham (with the excep- Last Sunday the Raîpli Mal- tion ai Dariington and Clarke colims fami]y enjayed a trip ta Townships) open their scason Bracebridge and Santa Clusi September 28 and close it Nov- Village. Mr. and Mrs. Rae Malcelm ember 25. Gos and Mrs. Georgina Burns, alaiof ju1 Jenetviile, visited the Marshal ; Daiiy bag limit on ruffed, [Vilcoims ai Stratiord. 1 sharp tail and spruce grouse in ,fltL anapr. .ay .LtUUiJbUL, lieving parked their children e t flic Raipli Meicolms, cnjaycd a short weelçend etthflicGardon Hendersons and flic Ex., frcc ai littie encumberances. Past dlaims as ta the pro- fîciency ai Yelverton's hag pro- ducers were abiy substantiated at flic Bacon Show heid in con- Juunctian with Port Perry Fair lest Monday, wlien Yelv erton's' three exhibitars ai four bacon hogs aplece placed lst, 2nd and 3rd in a ciess with il groups exhibited. Top lionours af exhib- iting the best bacon liag present went ta Howard Malcolmi who alsa cieimed first place vil i group ai four. Looks like How- ard won't have ta jain fthc Farm- ens' Union ta gef his fair share,' )raviding he stocks his new 125- foot pig barn extension wlth this cless af stock - "Landrace. Yoark" hybrids. Second place, alsa Lendrece-York cross, went to Floyd Stinson who demon- strates thet lis ability as e park Producer rivais lis prawcss with power-shovel.1 Third Pasition went fa Arti Rowan with his streight York-I hire founsome. Art dlaims that he leit his best ones et home. Al 2 hags exhibitcd were Ai grade. Uncanfîrmcd rumaur las it fIat a new grade is fa be intro-. duced into, hog gradings ancej step above the present A, ta bel .rown as "Yelverton Speciels",' Purely speculative af cou Ç.I Rearty congratulations ta fhi-se Dxhibitors far their fine show- Ing. Miss Sandra Gibson spent thej wcekend with lier sister Mrs. Tohm Wright. Mn. and Mrs. Jim Taylor and 1 smily af Niagara, have spent hcir vacation with lier sister,.1 orna and Jack Wilsons. i Mn. and Mrs. G. E. Wilson I 'cre present et the reception id, et the bride's parents, fhe FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS (fir~~t fi te "II8 d. h% . rR*fkNri«M 4aus e mn. STFFR ~BROS. J L- ; uthorizedi Stafford Bros. Monumental Works Phono Whitby MOhawk 8-3552 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby i L o To Pay Peut Due Bis To Consolidate Payments Monthly For Holiday Expeuses For New Purchasei For Eniergency The Difference with Bellvue is the Service IBELL VU FINAN( COR?. 291simcesS. l OSHAWA IE nu in flic aggnegete per day. Possession limit is 20 in the aggregate et anc time. In the ather caunties mentioned the cleily limit is 5 in flie aggregete per day end e possession imit ai 20. Hungamian Partridge season opens September 28 and closes October 14. Deily bag limit is ciglit and the possession limit is 16 at anc time. Deer and elk miay be hunted and shot from November 4th ta November i6th, in the Coun- ty ai Haliburton, in that por- tion ai the County ai Peter- barou-h-,ying north ai Num- ber 7 Higliway, and in the Townships ai Longiord and Somerville, and those parts ai fhe Townships af Dalton and Verdun Lathangues af Baliy- duff for Mr. and Mrs. Ross Kerr of Bethany. Congratulations to the newlyweds. Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Heaslip and family spent the weekend with his parents, the George Heasiips. Yeiventon was weil represent- ed at Orono Fair on Saturday. Sorny ta repart that Jerry Black of Lotus was the victim of a car accident this week and is in hospitai convalescing. Mr. Wm. McCabe has started to rebuild bis barn, recentiy de- stroyed by f ire. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Page and family spent Sunday with the Floyd Stinsons. Sorry to re- port Mn. Gea. Page suffered a slight relapse and was unable ta return home from hospital as planned. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Malcolm, Mir. and Mrs. Iýoward Malcolm and Terry, Mn. and Mns. Mur- ray Malcolm and Misses Danlene and Marleah, the Gerald Brist- ows and Garry attended the Phiip famiiy picnic on Sunday t St. Christophen's Beach, Lake 3cugog. Velverton Quartette suppiied 5pecial music Sunday evening at Nianvers Station Anniversary. Bethany W.A. FowI Supper IL k.T~1DY 1T Zf,13 ing Season Digby lying forth ai the Monk Lake Road, ail in Victoria Coun- ty. In the areas where there is an open season on deer the sea- son begins Nov. 4 and ends November 16. There is no season on moose in the Lindsay district this yeer. For information concerning moose season pleese consult li- SmaiI Gamne Black, grey and fox squirrels may be hunted fnom November Ilita November 30. The limit is five per day and the possession limit is 10 et anc fime.Ter is no closed seeson an rcdsqi rels. Rabbit seeson begins Octaber 12 and ends February, 28, 1958, in Clarke and Darlington Townships af Durham County. A speciel township license is necessary authanity. Pheasant season in the Lind- say district 'begins October 26 and ends November 9, witli the exception ai Clarke and Dar- lingtan Townships,.In Clarke and Daniington the season op- ens October 12 and closes Na- Trout Season Ends Fîshing season for speckled, rainbow and brown traut closes September 16. The season for lake trout ends on October 6. 'With one exception Section 61 of the Fishenies Regulations closes ail fishing on October 16, in àil iniand waters of the Counties of Durham, Northum- berland, Peterborough and Vic- toria Upper and Lower Dalryni.- pie Lakes, Lake Scugog and the waters af the Trent River. The one exception referred ta is that it is permissible to fish for rainbow trout frorn October 16, ta November 30 in those portions of the Caunties of Durham and Northumber- land south of Highway No. 2. Fur Beariag Animais A trapping license is neces- sary for hunters and trappers in search of fur bearing ani- mais except in the case of a farmer or his sons trapping ani- mals other than beaver on their awn lands. Aiso raccoon may be hunted or trapped under au- thority of a raccoon license. Beaver season north of No. 7 Highway. begins October 15, 1957 and ends April 30, 1958. South af No. 7 Highway it opens November 1, and closes Êiprii 21. Beaver may be taken by quota aniy. Fisher and Marten Fisher and Marten are also limited ta quota with the sea- son running from November 1 to January 21. Lynx season be- gins November 1 and closes February 28, and may be taker by quota only. Mink may be hunted or trapped fromn Octo- ber 15 ta January 21, north tif Hlighway No. 7, South of High- wray No. 7, the season opens November 1 and ends January 21. Musknat season in the area north of No. 7, Highway, runs nrom. November 1 ta April 30. South of No. 7 Hfghway fthc ceason begins November 1, I I 'i T r f c s 4 and ends April 21. Otter seasan closes April 21. r.orth of Highway 7, begins Oc- Raccoon season Is now open tober 15, and ends April 30. ln through order-in-council, and the area sauth of No. 7 High- does not close until October 31, way it opens November 1, and1 1958. At Last! 1A watch you can take on vacations ... wear in any sport! Wear a BULO VA SEMLF-WINDING WATE RPRO0 MARR'S JEWELLERY Kingj St. W. Bowmanville Pa'int Spe'cials! Utility Paint Gai. $3.49 ENAMEL QT. $1. 88 PT. 95 C also Gold Cross Paints - Pittsburgh Paints Rem Tone. - Spred Satin - Wallpapers and nieny other lines COME IN AND SEE IF WE CAN FILL YOUR REQUIREMENTS Je H. Abernethy Qt. 98C Paint and Wallpaper Store 33 King St. W. SUPERMARKET Cordially invites you to attend their Phone MA 3-54X OPENING 10 A.M. THURS., SEPT. 12 Grand Opening Specicil Swift's Branded Beef STEAKS or OSTS0 69 c 69LB. "qqF REE". I-'lu lU UAE MEDU P FINEST GUALITY NYLONS, pr. "Bring the Kiddies for Lollypops" 'ABS - - 49C jr 15C I RED ROSE COFFEE, 20c off QUAKER GATS, Instant - AYLMER'S CATSUP m m « - - 1.09 0 le a m m 5 Lb. SIC OGILVIE CHOCOLATE AND WHITE CAKE MIX 35c MqONARCH ANGEL FOOD Berkel Most Modern DAIT CASE and FROZEN FOOD FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE Bethany: The Waman's Asso-. Iciation of the United Church Swere entertained at the home Iof Mrs. Carl Porteous for their September meeting with 22 memerspresent and Mrs. T. Jennngsfirst vice-president, -in the chair. Mrs. J. J. Clark read the Scripture lessan, with Mrs. Car] Porteous giving the explana- tion and leading in prayer. Minutes and correspondence were read by secretary Mrs. Mervyn Porteous and the f i- nancial statement given by 4treasurer Mrs. Walter Neals. Mrs. John White was eiected a& president for the remainder af the year, following the re- signation of Mrs. M. Finney, which was accepted with re- gret. Mrs. R. Carr was also ap- pointed as pianlst ror the re- mainder of the year. A request fro mthe Women's Institute t0 have the use of the church kitchen for a short course in food preparation Was granted. A cheque in the amount of $50.00 from Miss Ma- bel Ryley of Toronto was grate- fully acknowledged. Miss Ry- ley requested that this maney be used for some iurnishings în the Parsanage. Thcre was some discussion as ta the merits of having a fowl supper and it was decided instead ta have a canvass of the members for a free-will of- fering ta add to, the treasury funds. The programn was in charge of MNrs, Ciarence Rowan, leader of Group Two. The topic cm Christian Responsibiliiy was prepared by Mrs. Reg. Edmunds and read by Mrs. Rowan in her absence. "As Christians we have certain respansibilities. We need courage ta be differ. ent and practice the Master's teaching." Mrs. James Fraser gave an interesting taflc on her recent trip ta Newfoundland and toid of the customs of the people there. a Lunch was served by the hostes.s and mernbers of group Iwo. j La a Àst day- "Tea and Synipathy" at 7:15 and 9:30 1 ' PAGE MX TM CANADUN STATMM". 30"L&NVMLLF. ONTAMM MIYMM 40bal- 4A.M CROSS . .. m a . . 39c GOLD ý-, Ji R VE GRAND or ROASTS RED & WHITE PEANUT BUTTER le 2 For 39C

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