THURSDAY, SEPT. l2th, 19.571 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO inR game of their Oshawa and M a ip GM his successor, Lloyd Stainton dintetacunl8atih.I RsCer-Dieig District c.O.F. Softball LeagueM r e fin a ls T h u rs d a y o f la st w e e k a t ad ia h. c c a Y o e - h r e d le c il8 a t W int rE c pt f r a s o r i e a Laeie ar.Creditpd %with spirit We lodt=th.odea n ja um ofte hutout victory was Dervent up r ak tSe nine. about ten vears ago nowv Inthe w:flter. counltry drw h a. o a ee ev Ph n fCO.F. who gave up only three S p r6 atSe eo le trn at the ral D rigaim W c hwasworkîng wit Ja - rmaaini ie.Is n e 3-3 3satrdsfte ntetl.6am tteCýtIDiyadWr as o cr it ettaintehushist satrsa etDaie s n he i. e f r Tr a d . ( o tiu d f p g n ) volunteered himself as àhhep- oo.- Bake\.a s igh %\.as usd '~ xn t te n w eî. ______ _____ ______ ___tripeninr three1hose ta o ptro page one er for Joe. He worked until inwi'îter on the couaintrytr rUnited States. Her sse , ps1le a d alool tme ed alo o gt- a d hing done hi. s ccsso a d Bas tPo s t o naate r a d a yM r ip G o r g e M .a n d M r s . R o e r an t v e r. Nt o d otadhieg i i n n S u n d a y s. o n a tde r dkn o .v e a do t e w o-, -0B e ole r f e n vmice itar on ahday tnpeorgtMrand Mrs. Ro rtanthae Mr .ma Dale, a graduate o .hv otnosy epne nh sdt epDnMthl iIgttebst of care froni going. In spite of the d'-iwbacks Ctmr XIIMs the United States.tre rmaplaathldyH.S.,will enter the School Of ftheir grocery business at 1Ma- at te ream 0fn Bunarys. th Lloyd, plus ther customand tea hhi Joe ikedofhîs wor.Ot Wl, fyumshtepo! à1r. and Mrs. A. W. Manby, a aeKsaaiao. Nursing at St. Michael's Hos-'pie Grove si'c taig n150t, oss hreadwhnMru!suga he loudtsotheson ofinerykdof eahhe ndheobJooucn e at L ke K shag wiga og. tal oron o, n xt w ek. hey w ith a sm all store, have flow M itchell old out, Joe bought M r.' and M rs. Erie Stainto n a e d r ic .si h u to e s a o g y i Toronto, were weekend guests! Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McDonald are' the daughters o! Mr. and installE:d the latest supertnarkF!t two Of theoSes ivr n hrhSre.Kn t ie Vt is odrueaemsigyut Miss ViviaiSadier sentvtheeFals tole.inar.iand Mrs Mn Vian MS W.R. Spetrie Fanls talyn Mr.d ig Mrs Mlil S ae aclte.Scout, a Pinto. With horses o! 1 A Thirteén Hour Day In the old days, aIl deliveries u ihyu ews stweek at the Canadian Kes- James McDonald and Nancy of Among those from Bowman-j The most modern frozen food his own at last, Joe wvas really 1 rudt~nwr yhre n eto ukt on b àConierence, Ferndale, Ont. N ew York on a ïhort hbliday. ville attending the Gilbert cse- mpeevhom you have tdraindoe f isiGongbaksoe easnedrondtinn er thore n Mr. and Mrs. L. Coombes Nrs., Florence Perry, Detroit, Barton wedding at Christ Mem- ase omlteysoce w apyan eand ne0f wsGo n backsme yea rJe aInead ingSre wol have returned home after an 1 Mich., has returned home after o. a Anglican Church, Oshawa,! dairy case and meat case, will molt weckends. Joe has two route in town, he did a country agodsprinkiing of buggies esupidifoubgh B.C. 'ber brother, Mr. Frank McIndoo J. Austin and Mr. and Mrs. Keith best in quality and service. Murray who is stili at home, This wouid take hlm to Shaw s camne pretty well convinced __________ dr.W .Brs a eundand other relatives and friends. Shackleton.. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Beg:nning in the one-room ai0 a daughter Lillian (Mrs. School and the old CKGW ra- that th e motor car was here ii _&.W .Brshsr reiMarshall o! Campbellford. form- 1store and snack bar, part o! a' Arthur Hone', di station on the east to Cour- stay. Btteehv las Msci iie i o after spending six weeks with Mr.Jh ie (e eleelyo omnil eeas ouse purchased from Mrs. Li-- A Worthy Successo tice and Ebenezer on the west, been horse drawn delivery a atr ae uiýadi h her son, Mr. and Mrs. Alec Birks Wiims n duherGr guests. 1 han Allison, Mr. and Mrs. Beech cosltoa ev nd er the Middle Road and Man- gn in Bovvmranvillean stili vn n cn,~ lvontreal.& trude and a friend Mrs. John- Ara1n og n ~t b 1 Mis G ac H y w a d nd Mi ston o ! Syracuse . N .Y ., w ere A lex T . M uir of E ldersle i three years later buit a ne w Ro do.he n r h tr . a e t d y a r s a a r ab m n t n a o m l d o Ray hama, hiovistedherguests of Mms. T. S. HolgateI Farms. Courtice .is in Nothern1 store and service stationUe obhe liked so well i tat.ngaot7amJeoenGnReDir.m-M vBkrEdy .RyCmarents, Ms. Pdery while in town. Ontario this week judging Hol-1 latter operated by Mr. H. Web- Hayward. Mr. Walter Rundie, Clerk of stein cattle. Mr. Muir is the! ber. At this time they joined Darlington Township, and Mrs.1 offici al iudge at tne Temiska- the Red and White chain of -Mrs. T. Burnell and sons,Rud dMnE Mîî nngDsrcBacadWht stores and changed to a self- Thornhill, have been visiti ng leofCake Townsison si how at New Liskeard Faim and serve system. Their late§t ex-t Mr. and Mms. H. C. Marr, Lib - Celte of CamTonsiplco- r e- Npss District Black and pansion marks another step for- er'-~ Street. !eto tBiwnIn White Show at Verner Faim. ward. Mr. and Mvrs. Marcel Lajeu- Guide and Brownie Mothers A potato weighing more than' By taking charge of the flesse were guests of her parents will hold their egular meeting Itwo pounds and measuring 16: Bee ch's daughter Bonnie, ncaw Mr. Fand Mrm. J. O'Neill, Ove" Sept. 18 at 8 p.m. in the Green1 inches in length and 13 "2 inches ,7, when she wvas a babyMs tfic weekend :Room at the Lions Conmmu nity aroun d the centre xvas recentîv B1ec ch's mother, Mrs. Elias Asb- 'vr. and M. .ASumr Centre. Ail Guide and Brown-1 taken fmom the garden o! Harold 1 ton who makes ber home with attenided the funeral of the lat- 'le mothcrý are3 v. elcome. 'Ouarrmv,. Hampton. Agricuitural tbem. made it1 possible for Mn. ___________ ter's mother Mrs. H. W. Weegar: Congratulations to ML-s HaZel. Reoresentative Ed Sumn'mers and Mrs. Beech to take advan-j in hetevileOnaro.Webber who won the proficiencev coimented it was one o!fthe tage o! the opportunity to start 10 Day Sale .Mrs. Frank Legree and Don- i nurses in a class of 36 at Peter- ['ycar i h tr.Tei okI I ( ind Chstwai:e.Onti. piz frseon 'a sdntlrges ptabe beba sentfohis r Jbuie now14,0 a dartu- o2s a l l l e*R ald Ohaa msFrd avj orough Civie Hûospital gradua- Ralph Clark lias lct o g fmioSuimee war, alaoge, pet Fidv ioneercss onSet.4th. Calgýry, AILta., where be was; in the, store when not attending WihMr. L. B. Nichols, Carlisle Mrs. S. G. Chartran and hem pos.ed uopon enlisting in the: sehool.thSurare IDA NNE L OL daughtcýr, Mmm Lame MeQuar- IQucen's Own Rifles. FminJ In addition teSm-aktIDA G E A I Mr. and Mrs. Donald McLeod rie, have rcturned from a ten*- and relatives attcnded a sur-1 has the foilowing fulli time and Thrasbem of Empire Loalist '(a;. motor trip around Cape. pre party for Raiph at the part timne help: Mrs. Margaret Brand Heavy Grade - Medicinal QualitI descent, spent the holiday weck-' Cod, visi:ing wfth friends in home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross . McGui*rk, Mrs. Florence Burn- D 16..4 end witb Mr. and Mrs. Donald î Leominster, Mass., on their wav Clark last Friday evening. The jhaFm, M1rs. Mvrtle Bradley, Mis-; speCiaît ReellO _40-". Robb, King St. East. home. guests enjoyed dancing and a Sandra Bragg. Miss Henny Van __g. 5e -- - ------------ Fort William, spent the weekend Miss Janet McGregor, daugb- Prior ta 1950 Gordon Beech I ie with bis sister, Mr. and Mrs. R. ler of Mm. and Mrs. Alex Me- \vaS a warcbouse supeinten- SDoW I..A Pentecostalckr, n teirwav ta Gregor, will attend Lavai Uni-en it5; dinOuCrn eaCOD CRAtS A May, N.J. Dr. A7in i wictrthQecn'sUniversity. Mir s nd mhis wife Athe so! te-sizeng C urh!of the Prov~incial Heath Labora- an exchange of student plan laie Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Beech, stt0T\,rX Contains Lanolin 1 .9' McGregor is speciaîizing in nisçkillen. Hen father, Mr. Elias ,~0 2 Forla 21 Ontario Street Weekend guess o! Dr. anîd French and Spanish. She wiîî Ashton is now deceased. 2 for 25c 2 For23, 1 Rev. G. E. Leno, Pastor Mrs. C. W. Slemnon were her _________________- oear a eg. 50 brother. àMc. and Mis. F. C. c entoe en ousetyer £ or 10 arn. - Virtue, Burlington. and hem s- ad msH m cI.D.A. BIBLE CLASSESter,Mr and Mms. Howard PriceP M.adMs . mte ro s S o BIL LASSand Biliy, Tomdhýto. Mms. F. Church St., have eceived word ros Lvwnww LIVER I CA o FOR EVERY AGE Cator, RHR. 5, Bowmanviile, from their daughter NancVl who M I ..-was a Monday visitor. bas arived in Gcrmany ta *oin ovvC o el0018 250' MORNING WORSHIP Mn'n Ms ilimR Ber r~y Armstrong. She reportsRgRe g.i have eturned fmom two weeks 1a vei-y pîcasant crossing on the 730 p.m. - holidav in Midland, n *jo ying Saxoia, landing at Le Havre, a e s R ad8C18 beautif ul weatbem. Duing their'"Fanean sop1.89 Pri EVANGELISTIC stay Mms. Roberts, A.L.C.F., was i France, anistoping a Pari SpeialMuie ndSinin Anlian buch nd¶'ing are enjoying their life in a di!- we learn very quîckly how ! veycrilwloe request "0 Rest In The Lord"' ferent'country, having drives in rlosely our readers scrutin- i BabySaeea A vry ordal elcme from Elijah. Jth-e Black Forest and enjoying ize every page. to aIl.Oshawa COF. posted a 5_0() German cooking. The paty L as w acrto a-dingSe ______________________ Ebenezer in the open- Nancy was with on the joivés pa oe, rateg hnb alFeHaing Padstobu ______ ______ _____ ______ ___ wi overo ! d of some wjouathoev, r, u r n ok buy i Divided feed ng d sh, * S f l n e o e and families o! Flying Officers !rom the city. Unfortunate- cereal bowl, tumbler I hoha aredyamivd n ly, the mail truck in the 1.003Hetsic ih a led rie n ato had "U.S. Mail" and cup----------- ST. ~ ~~ St. Paul's ~~~Gemmany by air. ato hod ndsr*4Teistt and Mrs. Stuart R. James, and and a couple of correspond-Mn No _nn ams1 sn -! ri ..uhseerlloalsoter- Tdel-BbyShlrni- l9 CHURCH (Anglican) United Church Mînister - Rey H. A.Turner B.A., B.D. Organist - Mrs. Reta Dudlev Thirleenth AT.C.M., L.C.C.M. aller Trinity 9:50 a.m. - ALL CLASSES OP 8 and Il a.m.- SUNDAY SCHOOL MEET. ROLY COMMUNION 1100 g.m. C10 RCHdSC1OOL i MTAEREV. H. E. PARSONS, CHURH SCOOL .A.,B.D., of Carnborne, will conduet worship. Sp.m.- No Evening Services in EVENSONG September. NESTLETON PRESBYTERJAN CHURCH SAnniversary -Services ~ Su nday, September l5th Il à-i. m- i 7-111 nm. SPEAKER Rev. D. W. Hay, M.A., D.D., Knox College ANNIVERSARY SUPPER t Tesay Spteniber l7th at 6 pn Trinity United Church Minister - Rev. T. Arthur Morgan, B.A. t il A.M. - "THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM" Parents having children to be baptized are asked to contact the minister. 7 P.M. - "SECURITY" Organist-Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M. - - - - - - - - - - - - Mn. Howard Piekard were the gucsts o! bonor at a familv party Sunday evening celebrat- ing their bimtbdays. Mr. and Mrs. James and Doug motomed ta Windermere House on Sat- urday to bming Norman who has been on the staff there for the 'summer, home. Aftem spending Sunday at their cottage, Good- emham, tbey arrivcd home where it bad been arranged members of the familv would gather to surprise Norman. Present werc [Mrs. N. S. B. James, Mn. A. W. Pickamd, Mr. and Mms. Howard Pickard and daughters Eleanon, Margie and Betty, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. Lau Dewell, Mn. John James Sr. and John James Jr. 1A lady who takes considen- able pride in ber native town commended aur article in lasi weeks Statesman about weed contrai within the town. She suggested we give Works Fore- man Lloyd Quinton and the Weed Inspector (if we have such a civic official) funther co-operation in ridding the tawn o! the unsightiy weeds 4ay having themn take a jaunt out, ta the Manvers Road ànd sec first hand the prodigious gmow- th o! wceds wbick% in somc places bas grown ta such ai bcight the bouses cannot bej seen from the road. Whilc on this tour o! inspection they migbt alsa take a look at the luxuniaus crop o! wceds grac- ing the town prrking lot. This lady further suggcsted if we- are gaing to have our town look at its best for the Bow-t manvihie Centenary next yeari we bad better start now ta 1 clean up our boulevards and 1 streets 50 that visitons willi realize we bave a beautiful town as weil as a friendly town. So boys,' get t1ze power lawn mower or scythe in ac- tion before the snow flics! I. I. Libvcvy IELIZABETHVILLE The Women*s Institute meet- (Cotincd rompag on) ing was held on Wednesdav provided for in the north end President Mrs. H. Quantnili pre- o! the children's part o! ther siding. The minutes o! the hast building. meeting wenc read and commit-- It is expected that at heast tees elected ta look after fowl 25 percent more shelving wil! supper. A paper on modemn and be provided in the aduit librany, past living conditions was given and this will gradually be in-j by Mrs. Quantrill. A papen on ceased as finances permit. Histon ical Research was given Thus witb langer quarters, a by Mrs. Wbeeier. Mrs. H. 1 sepamate boys' and girls' libra- Thickson's group served lunch. ry, and larger number o! books JMr. and Mms. E. E. Elliott and in botb, the libPary wîli be family, Oshawa, witb ber sister, 1 Imuch better able ta give go od Mr. and Mrs. Quantnili on Sun- library service to the people of day. Bowmanville. IMn. and Mrs. Durward, Sun- Following Tuesday's meet- derland, spent Sunday witb theirj ing, Chairman Dippell tonkJ son, Mn. and Mrs. Gea. Durward. board members to the highj Miss Donna Mercer, Toronto, scbool wbene they inspccted the was home for the weekend. type o! hibrary tables in use 1 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mu]- there. Other members present1 drew, Marilyn, Mr. and Mrs. W.: at the meeting were Chairman 'Muldmew, Oshawa, weme in the o! Premises Committee R. G. village for the weekend. Mns. Ha.mlyn, Secretamy Glenholme1 L. Mu]direw and Marilyn took Hughes, A. M. Thompson and in the C.N.E., Saturdav.j Mrs. Roy Lunney. Librarian Bobby Mencer spent last week- Mrs. F. W. Bower was also end in Toronto with his grand-. present.j mothen, Mrs. Beatty, bis uncles, Roy and Jack Beatty. Miss Don- na Mercer, bis sister. toolt hlm Politeness bas been welI defin- ta the Ex. on Saturdav. cd as benevilence ini small Several attended Orono Faim J thi.ngs.-Macauley. . on Saturday. à ents noticed the peculiarity. We thank them for bringing it to our attention, but one o! the staff noticed it first, just after the paper had been mailed - too late te do mnuch about it. A couple o! weeks ago, we flot only neglected to give the time that Grade 9 at the iiig :ýcnoi wuciau er 3 for duty, we also caused some confusion at the home o! one of the staff who was sick at the time. A classi- 1 1 fied advt. offerlur a piano for sale had this poor chap's telephone number by mis- 1 take. His wife had a busy 1 time answerlng the many calis and, to show the pow- er o! Statesman advertising, the calîs were still coming iu this week, two weeks after the advt. appeared.f ýEnniskillen Jrs. Take Lead In Rural Bowling The Rural Bowling Leaguei stamted off their season on Tuesday nigbt with Enniskillen Juniors quickiy jumping into the lead. The teama standing after the first night is as fol- lows-- Enniskihhcn Juniors ~..7 Maple Grave 5 Biackstock ----- -- ------ 51 Enniskillen Seniors ------- Tyrone --------------2 iHampton ----------------------2 Hi gh Single wcnt to C. Be-' bec with 309 and high triple tei, A. McGili with a score o! 674. Those in the lemon icague in- cluded B. Snowdcn 91, J.r Coombes 91, H. Stevens 95 and A. Shampe 75. ijiaper iiag Wasbable, quilted plastic zipe eosng---- -1.89 Club Brush and Comb Nylon Combs vale 3 For 19C Bobby Pins Card25 of 75 Orient Bubble Bath 12 ___ 9 ounce --- 9 Bath .Brush 98e value ----.-. _ __79c Bath Epsom Sali Ibs. __ 33c ,Jcanette Bath Salis 3 5-95C *bs ---------------- 3 .5 value Watermnan's Skywriter Founf ain Pen PLUS 2-oz. 25c bottie of ink 1.95 Smooth-writing Fo unfain Pens 49c; - 79c; SAVE 19C 98e value B ilifol ds Leather Ali around zipper English Morocco 2.50 value 79c 1 --,98C i - .----1.79 Flashlights------ .1 9, Ligbters---------------- --49e Playing Cards 2.50 value-----1.98 BATHROOM SCALE Guaranteed for 12 months - accuratelv weighs up to 250 lbs. Ras easvý,-readin'g magnified dial. 6.95 value 5l9S Only ---- - --- - 5.9 SAVE 13e tWASH CLOTHS beau l!UelV 12" x 12" cloths of sof t terry cloth generou .S Regula r Assorted colours 19c value- ----------------- - -----2 dis5cpac nser 5 H4eavy duty 12 inch x 100 foot rolis in box with metal cutting edge Regular 31c roll 28c, 2 R.11.1 55C PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex. McGregor, SWe Deliver Your Local IDA. Drug Store Phone MA 3-5792 Drugs Svalue PAGE SEVEN ý «1.65 98C S.tore 3-57921 mm-W MA