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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Sep 1957, p. 10

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PAGE TUI THE CAKADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMÀNVILLE. ONTARTO ~~?TmLVN A ~ ~Zfl~T~ q AIt. ~ £1 UX~LJZL Ap .L * AV~ZJ4 ~ Mr. and Mrs. Lancaster, Van. couver, B.C., have been visit- ing with their cousins, Mrs. H. J. Ragen and Mr. Walter Doug- las. Mrs. Lynda Stone, Oshawa, spent the weekend in the vil- lage visiting with Mrs. George Smith, Mrs. Irwin Farrow and Mr. an~d Mrs. Lanson Millson. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Nicholls, Bowmanville, were Sunday vis- ]tons with Mr. and Mrs. George Walton. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jose and Douglas visited with Mr. and Mrs. Balfour LeGresley and family in Toronto on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Williams and daughter Nancy, Bowmati- ville, and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gilkes visited with Mn. and Mns. Gordon Agnew on Satur- day evening. Weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Bitton were, Mrs. J. D. Cunningham and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cockwell, Toron- to, Miss Marion MacKenzie, Westmount, Montreal; Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bitton and Janxe, Belleville, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Atkinson, Stouffville. Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Le- Gresley, Mrs. P. F. LeGresley and Mr. and Mrs. Farncomb Le- CG. GOULD Heating and Eavestroughing eAuthorized ChalcoDealer PHONE Newcastle 3p86 ___ - t GresIey visited with Mr. and Mrs. Balfour LeGresley in To- ronto on Sunday, on the occa- sion of the christening of thoir daughter, Karen Laurel. Mrs. J. McTaggart and dau- ghter Cathy, Winnipe, Man., are visiting with their grand- mother, Mrs. John Garrod. SPORTS' BRIEFS Newcastle's last hope for an O.B.A. championship ended on. Saturday when the local Ban- tam club was eliminated by Wellington in the best basebaîl game we have seen this year, regardless of age grouping. Wellington took the game by a 2-1 score in the keenly con- tested fine inning fixture with the local fine (that's all the playens they've got) showing amazing skill for a team that has flot been too successful ail season. Brian Rowe xvent the distance on the mound for the locals with Fis brother Verne receiv- ing, whîle the visitors had the advantage of a spare pitcher tcr save the game for them in the latter innings. Both teams went scoreless irrtil the fifth when each team sconed one run. The only other counter of the game was scored by Well- ington in the sixth. ,*The local lads came very close on two occasions to bneaking loose, but that final push needed to score base 1'un- ners seemed to, be lacking and pinch hitters were one luxury the locals didn't have to corne through in the pinches. Newtonvile Takes First in County Serles Newtonville Royals, South Durham Rural League Champ- ions came through with a 13 ta 2 win oven Omemee if Kendal on Saturday aftennoon in the finst game of the County Championsbip senies for the James Trophy. Lane and Holman workîng on the mound for Newtonville held the vîsiting Omemee club te six scattered bits while thein teammates recorded only two errons. Ashton did the receiv- ing for the Royals. Elliott on the mound and Carr behind the plate fonmed the battery for the North Dur- ham League champs giving Up 10 bits while thein teantmates were committing f ive errons te contribute te the 13-run score garnered by the Newtonville club. 1This series will be completed i Omemee on Sunday after- nooyt 1:30 when the second game will be played followed by the third, if necessary, at the close of the second, to'de- cide the County Championship1l United Church W. A Plans Many Activities At September Meeting Newcastle - The initial fali meeting of the Woman's Assoc- iation of the Newcastle United Chùrch was held in the Surn- day School Room on Thursday afternoon, September l2th. The meeting opened wvith the sing- ing of a hymn followed by the scripture lesson read by Mns. Malley. Mrs. Howard Allin gave a talk on the theme, "You can- not ru naway from the stress of life." She explained that prayen, which channels peace from God to mankind, is the only antidote for stress and anxiety. Mrs. Brunt led ini prayer and the devotional per- iod ended xvith the singing of a hymn. An article from "Sat- urday Night" by Mary Lowery Ross on Mrs. Ellen Fairclough, \vas read by Mrs. M. C. Fisher. The business portion of the meeting xvas conducted by Presîdent Mrs. George Walton who welcomed the members back fnom thein summer vaca- tion and paid tribute to, the late Mrs. Norman Rickard who wvas a member of the associa- tion. After a bnief period of silence Mrs. M. C, Fisher of- fered a prayer in memory of Mrs. Rickard. Plans were discussed for the annual bazaan to be held on November 8, when afternoon tea will be served. Mrs. Col- will's group will be in charge of the booth selling towels, aprons and other sewn articles as well as the "Touch and Take" booth. Mrs. Brunt and Mrs. Grace Brown were ap- pointed to take charge of the home baking and tea& tables. Mrs. Hare, Mns. Colwill andj rs. Fisher were appointed toj the advertising committee and suggested that the Newtonville, Bowmanville and Onono Assoc. and the holder of coveted John M. James Trophy for the com- ing year. Four Minor Clubs Eliminated In addition to the Newcastle Bantams, three other Lakeshore League Minor clubs were elim- inated from O.B.A. Playdowns on Saturday. The Bowmanville Bantams lost their contest with Aurora 2-0: Courtice Bantams lost their game to Fenwick 13-4 while the Cobourg Juveniles lost out to Fort Colborne i two straight games 10-9 and 3-2. Tt is expected the Lakeshore Minor Baseball Association playoffs will be resuming this week to declare winners in the various sections of the district league, now that the O.B.A. playdowns for local teams are nearing an end. -- r... Point Sirloin Roast Rump Roast SONRESS Round Steak Roast ENCYCLOPEDIA Salada Brown Label TEA BAGS Monarch White CAKE MIX The Oat Cereal CHEERIOS Skim Milk Powder A&P Instant Mil Jane Parker RAISIN PIE Jane Parker Giant JELLY ROLL MiId & MeIIow, Custom 8 ýqCLOK(0F Stan ard Quaity Re IONA PEARS 3 2oozs 49c Standard Quality Reg. tin 31c--SAVE 7c mOA PEACHS 28-0.~5,5c BONELESS BONELESS FUNK & WAGNALL'S VOLUME NO. 2 NOW ON SALE my 99C PRICES BFECW h4YLSTUDY Xf T-EAleE2Wt, 15-7. 'i 1 iations should be invited to thE bazaar. Authority was given to thc Parsonage Committee to pur. chase a new hall rug for thE pansonage. Mrs. C. Cowan and Mrs. Fothergill were asked tc fonm the visiting committee foi the month and it was announc. ed that the Association is plan. ning to serve a dinner for 50 at the noon hour on the thiri Wednesday in November. Mrs. W. Holmes neported or the recent Lakeshore fire and the need for help for the fam- >ily of f ive. The three chilci.- dren are 15 months, a girl 12 years and a boy 9 years. Cloth- ing, money, bedding, cutlery and dishes, new or used, would be gratefully accepted. Contact should be made with Mrs. Holmes or any Lakeshone mem- ber. Mrs. Carveth announced the 60th Anniversary W.C.T.U. Tea in Oshawa on October 18th from 3 to 6 and also that the County W.C.T.U. is meeting for service in the Newcastle United Chunch on Sunday, September 29, at li a.m. wher. Mrs. Beth McKay will be the speaker. It is nequested that ladies interested in attending the service will meet at 10:45 and enter the church together. The meeting closed with a social time, when tea was served. Bowling Group Formed From Couples Club I c The Menry Marnied Couple's Club of the Newcastle United Church met at the home of Mn. and Mrs. Brenton Riekard for their September meeting with the President, Alfred Graham, opening the meeting, extending greetings to the members and presiding for the business ses- sion. The club decided te fornm a bowling gnoup with games to be played in Bowmanville. Mn. and Mns. Albert Peance are in charge of this group which will have four teams for a stant. The meeting was planned for an outdoon cornn oast, but, due to ramn and cool weather, it was decided te bold the meeting in the recreation room of the bouse wbere entertainment was pnovided by Mn. and Mrs. Nor- man Williams wbo showea slides of pictures taken on thein trips through western Canada and the U.S.A. A bountiful lunch of bot corn-on-tbe-cob, tomatoes and coffee was very much enjoyed and words of appreciation to the committee in charge, Mn. and Mns. Rickard and Mr. and Mrs. Williams, were expressed for the most enjoyable evening. Teachers Eleci New Off icers For Clarke Twp.. The Septembe r meeting of the Clarke Township Teachers was beld Monday, Septemben 16, at Crooked Cneek School with 30 present. Mrs. Martin, former presi- dent, opened the meeting and called on our Inspecter, C. A, Holmes, to preside for the elec- tion of officers, which resulted as follows:-President, James Pollard; Vice President, Doneen Powell; Secretany - Treasurer, Ina Taylor; Press Reporter. Mns. Stapleton. Each teacher was introduced along with the name of the school. The October meeting will be held at Clarke Union. KENDAL Miss Mildred Vondracek, Ty- rone, is teaching McLean's school this yean. Mrs. Mary Luxon and Mn. Roy Mercen wene dinner guests Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mencen, Orono. Mn. and Mrs. Carl Langstaff were in Toronto Tuesday te bning Linda borne. The youngen children are getting their third polio needle at Newtonville Tuesday menn- ing. Mrs. John Jackson, Whitby, and Mrs. Wilbent Honey were recent guests of Mrs. Cecil Glass and visited other friends in the village. Saturday afternoon was an ideal day for the first game of the playoffs between the nonth and south of the Durham bard b all league. Newtonville won ow manvie b Ho3spcorea. 0Mr. Wm, Geany was taken week. We wish him a speeay recovery. Allen Fos ter finished their tobacco Satu.nday. They cele- brated by holding a wienen roast for the gang. Sunday night Kendal receiv- ed a share of the ramn and winci storni. Mn. Tom Danchuck on the Sixth Line bad the tobacco I which was in the field nuined. jWe wene also wvithout electric Ipower for nearly an lhour. Five Generations of the. Cooper Family ~r'r~~' -y, On Sunday, the above group met at the home of Mr. age 86, who celebrated her birthday Sept. 5th; Charlie and Mrs. O. S. Cowan, R.R. 1, Orono, for a family get- Cooper of Orono; Mrs. John (Lenora) Stapleton, Kendal; together. Young babies and older citizens filled the Mrs. Dean (Anne) West and 51/ months old baby Teresa. house, although flot ail of the large family were present. Other guests included Mr. and Mrs. Carl Flintoff and This photo represents five generations of the family and family, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. John Connolly and includes, from left to right: Mrs. Frank (Laura) Cooper,. family, Toronto. Mns. J. E. Richards visited her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. IDixon, Alderman Margaret Ful- lerton, Mr. Edwin Fullerton and their daughter Jean, in London Wednesday. The Clarke Township teach- ers held their first monthly meeting Monday at Crooked Cneek. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Alan Strike, Bowmanvillc, on the binth of a son, a brother for Ronald. Mn. and Mrs A. L. Hooey were in London Tuesday with their son Wayne, who is enter- ing Western University. Mn. and Mrs. E. Rainey have1 moved from their farm to Mrs. Chas. Beebee's bouse. Mrs. Mary Luxon, Mr. Roy Mercer, Kendal, visited Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Mercer and family on Sunday. Mn. L. Mitchell, Bowman- ville, releived Mn. A. L. Hooey, manager of Canadian Bank of Commerce, on Tuesday. Miss Viola Gilfillan is spend- ing a few weeks with ber niece, Miss V. Gilfillan, Toronto. Mn. and Mrs. O. J. Luxton, Bowmanville, parents of Mns. Lawrence Hooey, have pur- chased the house west of Orono Wood Products. Mn. and Mrs. Gordon have rented one of E. White's apart- ments. Mn. and Mrs. Leland Bail and daughten enjoyed a motnr trip to Ottawa and Napanee last week. Mns. Lena È. Smith bas been 'visiting the past few weeks with her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Beal, Toronto. Mrs. Geo. Waddell, Bethany, visited ber daughter, Mn. and Mns. Bruce Hancock and ichild- ren called on several fniends. e a e e Mn. and Mrs. R. Moon, Raglan, - h Miss Edith Cutteil, Mn. and Mns. Donald Cutteil, Toronto, spent Sunday with their cousin, 1Miss Alma Cuttell. Mr. and Mrs. Harny Mencen and Mns. R. R. Waddell were in Oshawa necently te pay thein respects to the Cragg family at the time of thein bereavement. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Awde, Toronto, visited Mrs. Chas. Awde on Tuesday. Third Line Clarke Sunday visitons with Miss Lucy Graham were Mn. and Mrs. Clarence Turner, Bowman- ville, Mn. and Mrs. Chanlie AI- dnead, Miss Floss Graham, Mn. Rob Graham of Newcastle and Mn. and Mns. Cliff Reid andi daughten of Bowmanville. .With Mn. and Mns. J. Milne last week wene Mns. Stuart Brown and Susie, Mns. Olive Brown of Ajax, Mrs. R. E. Lam- bent, Oshawa, and Sgt. and Mns. Wallace Brown and son Gordoxn. Sgt. BÈown and family just ne- tunned to Canada last week af- ter thnee yeans in England and Germany. Sgt. Brown is with the Medical Corp. With Mn. and Mrs. Stan For- teous wene Mn. and Mrs. Mid- dleton, Port Hope, also Mn. and Mrs. Dick Haskill and son San- fond, Port Hope. Mn. and Mrs. Aif Graham and family, Newcastle, wene Sunday visitons with MVr. and Mrs, Alf Penin. Mns. Jack Bridger attended a trousseau tea Saturday even- ing in Richmond Hill for Miss Mary Reid. Sunday visitons of Mr. and Mns. Jack Bridger wene and Mr. and Mrs. Vic Bridger, Mr. and Mrs. R. Allun Ieft Frn. Weston. day night on a trip which toolc Mrs. J. Milne and Mrs. J. them to Iroqiuois, into New McLaren visited with Mrs. Ar- York State and through the chie Brown last week. Adirondack mountains, return- Mr. and Mrs. W. Allun and ing Monday evening. Get aIl you grow-every cob that's on the stalk, including the nubhins and hard-to-get-at ears! New McCormick pickers give corn-saving ad-vantages that save you 4 te 8 extra bushels per acre ... fast, dlean snapping and ribhon- free ears, everi in highest yields. There's a model to match your acre- age, crop and power ... te give you dependable, lowcost picking in any weather and any condition of crop season after season. Your 1H dealer is the man te see now. AIi-ne.w heavy-duIy McC*rmiciL 2-MH-2-roq Mounted Piko. COWAN Epuipment Co. 134 King St. E. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5689 lmý -",- -- i,ý7,ERNATJONAý;-:FtARVESJER, COMP!.% CÀNADA. LIM.ITED HAMIL N, ý-O;F . FICE 601 BÜRLINGTOW STREET 'E. Bowmanville Regi*stration of Members for 1957-58 Season in the Council Chambers, Town Hall, on FRIDAY. TOTS from 2 to 9 p. m. FEES FAMILY SKATING $10 per family which includes parents and ail children under 18 - Mters of a member family 18 or over, $2.00 each. Nenibers 30 or over m $8.00. HOURS IOth TUESDAYS THURSDAYS SATURDATS *Tols 4 Io 5 --Senior's -1 o Juniors - 4 Io 6:15 Seniors - 6:30 Io 8:30 m a Tols - 4Io 5 Juniors - 4 Io 6:30 General Meeting-of Bowmanville >kating Club,] WIlN be held in the Council Chambers, Town Hiall, on Tuesday, September I4th, at 7:45 p.m. Senior memhers and parents of Juniors and Tots are requested Io attend as well as any other interested parties who may have suggestions. Sordi Agw, EilorPhono 3621 Social and Personcil The Orono News Telephone 127 Reg. $1.9-5SAVE 100 box of 90 99c Reg. pkg 35e-SAVE 5e 2 16-oz pkgs 65 c Reg. pkg 27o--SAVE 4c lO½h-oz pcg 23 c Reg. 99o--SAVE 10e k 3-lb pkg 8 9c R.". 49o-4SAVE 4o e.cil 45 c Reg. 5o--SAVE 4c each.55 c Ground 3-tb bag $2.13 FI1 lb73c g. 2 tins 37c--SAVE 7o PRODIJCESPECIALj! Ontario Grown, Fancy Grade, MeIuiosh Red A ÀPPLES Hand Seteeted Quahfry, Frnest for Eating 3-lb ceg. bag 3 9C 6-qt basket 6 9 c PAGE TM_ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWbLANVnJeý. ONTARIO -IquymcnAv -Cr.lpT 1041% làm q Skatïnq Club for 1957 M58 Seoson SEPTEMBER la $6.00 JUNIORS m $12.00 SENIORS a $16.00

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