ÇTflflA V1 BLIm ru !77TTMmAISA. O MNIL.OTROPA!EnR .~a XA . * - fl1 laiv? Local B., & P, Club Blusiness Women's Salute to Women Who Work Is the theme for Business Wo- rnen's Week being observed Sept. 22 to 28 by the Canadian Federation of Business and Pro- fessional Women's Clubs. This is the third national observance of the Week in Canada, though it bas been celebrated in the United States for 30 years, and in the Province of Ontario for the past five years. All women Who work are Included in the salute, whether wage earners, salaried women or homemakers, but women Who are actlveiy engaged in empioyment whether in buý,i-~ ness, the professions, art or politics are particularly stress- ed. In particular, observance of the Wcek salutes iwomen, Who, having accepted iese privil- eges, are prepared io share the responsibilities that go with thcm. MNE Y AVAILABLE FOR MORTGAGES Ralph S. Jones Barrister and Solicitor 65 Simecoe St. S. Oshawa RA 5-3525 Purpose of Week The purpose cf Business, Wornen*s Week is te acquaint bbc public witb bbe noie Which business and professienal wom- en are playing in tbe economic, social, religieus, cultural and educational lîfe of Canada. The main objective cf bhe Club iss "To prornote bbc in- terests of business and profes- sional wornen tbroughout Can- ada". Posters have been placed in stores in Bowrnanvillc, bringing the Club and ils aims and objectives te the notice of the public. On Radio Mrs. Florence Toniinson is con venor cf bbc Week for tbe Bowrnanvilie Club, assisted by Ruby Garvock and Helen De- vibl. On Sunday aflernoon. Sept. 22, President Vefrna Gay will represent the Bowman- ville Club in an interview about B. & P. Club activibies over ra- die station CKLB.1 While net primarily a ser- vice organizatien, individua] clubs have prqjects assisting their conirunities, and aise provicle scholarsbips and bur- sanies for dcserving studenîs. Providcd Curtains Tbe Bowmanville Club whicb bas a rnerbership ef 45, lends its support te sucb comrnunity drives-as bbc Salvation Army. Institube for bhe Blind, Rcd Cross, Mýenicrial H-ospital and Girl Guides. A project -which crealed a great deal of local interest xvas supplying bbe stage The L- [±i LS2refreshment Pepsî-Cola T i e egiserd Smith Beverages Limited Bowmanville AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR MPRE-CAST CONCRETE -Septic Tanks- Sidewalk Slabs- -Coloured Patio Slabs- - Porches, Sieps - -Curbing- B'ooklin Concret. Products PHONE BROOKL1N 155 Collect Cails Accepted 1Freel1 Free!1 Vigor Standard Gasoline GAL. including tax Saltes z:MORRISH 1 Buses F S a lu tesSunday, September l5th was, ajhrred letter day in the e i history of our Church when theI anulAnniversary and Thak-1Smtignwn W e kgiving Services were held at oetignwj 23 .m. when the Rev. D. W. ibe seen in Bowm; curtains for the Town Hl.1ý unst of thf Fred Victor'week. Two of a fi Now once again "curtains" wili Mission. Toronto, Was gue.st mn-1special eined ai go up-this time in Ladies' 'ister. The 7:30 p.m. service was1 handicapped folk, Powder Room at the Lions 'taken by our own minister, the buses, with home b; Community Centre, as a club Rev. A. W. Harding. Baskets of: fax. are making a tou project. Plans are also under beautiful fail flowers were the centers. to show wh. way to set up a bursary for a only decoration giving an extra timers have been do 1Bowmanville High School stu- touch of beauty to our bright' ing their bandicapp dent. little church. to see hockey game: The Civic C o m m i t t ee, There was a large congrega- sporting events; or convened by VI McFeeters, also tion present to eflioy the inform- them for a dirive in assists the Chaniber of Coin- iai sacred musical worship serv- The bus will be on merce in the Welcome Wagon lice arranged by Dr. Hunnisett,5:30 p.m., Sept. 21, poeutby calling on ail new- he included a acever onf Each bus holds corners to town. selections by acee on chairs, each loaded 1 U.N Cildens Fnd pianist from the Mission, "My ramp mb t te wide U.N.Chidre's und Cathedral", "Silent Night", "How with each wheel-ch Reie mbering that the or- Finm A Foundation", "When fastened to the floor ganization is international, the Mothers of Salemi", "When I In addition, there a Bowrnanville club supports the Survey" and "Christ The Lord able seats for il o United Nations Children's Fune. is Risen Today". Two vocal capped persons. The annual tag day for this solos by Dr. Hunnisett, "This is fund bas met with wonderful My Story" and "The Lord God response from local citizens and Gave the Sunshine"'; a duet f the club is proud to hold a "Great in Thy Faitbfulness" .a n aai a ni membership in the United Na- sung by two choristers also from1 tions Association. The F. V. Mission. Needless toH In the wider field of the Can- say this musical programn was HuflA C adian Federation, a National very rnuch enjoyed and ap- Loard meeting was hcld Ini preciated. I Torntoin un atwhih ii- Dr. Hunnisett took for his text Dairy Pro liail steps were taken to provide "0 Worship The Lord in the for the setbing up of a permaf- Beauty of Holiness . 'Cadisarth cnt office for the Federation in This informal and oftimes'Cndas r h Ottawa. humorous manner of presenting est consumers of da Worne On Bards the gist of the sermon emphasiz- in the world with, IVomn O Bords ed the need of Christians to consumption last y Clubs across Canada are realize the Presence of God in. alerted to the need for womnen ,Church or other place of wor- pounds of bulttr, 2 on boards administering such 'ship. Church is God's House cheesend6.5 pints.o Plans as those xvhich corne un- where everyone is wloe the . u pounds cf evap der the Ontario Hospital Ser- is a holy place, set apart fo hI86pud fea vices Commission. praise and worship of God. iade.1 onso The Federation is also asking1 The Junior Choir and three powdr the Federal Government to wi- adults led in the singing of 0f a total of ovei den the advance poli privileges hymns under the direction of the pounds of milk sol te include tiose who are absent) organist, Mrs. Helen McHoim. in 1956, butter accoi xvibh good reason on election There was a much smaller per cent, fluid milk day. At present it is limibed to congregalion at the evening cent, concenlrated r certain persons such as a coni- service which was conducted by creama represented mercial travellers, railway menI the Rev. A. W. Handing. The an:d cheese accounlE and fishermen. Monnish Choral Group assisted cent. Substanlial assistance bas the Junior Choir and Mrs. E. In the five-year 'been given by the Federatien Wilson accompanied the organist 1951 to 1956, d airy c toward the relief of Hungarian on the piano. The special selec- i Canada increased refugeees, including educational tion by the choir "The Lord is to total 3,163,670.j opportunities for women. My Shepherd". another by the lime, th~e annuai a Miss Margaret Hyndman, Q. choral group "Biess This House dcinprow c C., of Toronto, Ontario is the and a solo "Grateful O Lord Arn dution aper cw r International President Mrs. W. F' beautifully sung by Miss Car-I pounds, nîce F. (Maude) Baylay of Meadow- oline Jones of Orono were al puns vale, Ont. is president of the mucb appreciated. Canadian Federation, anid Miss in Lunch was served to the visit- Elsie Gregory MacGili îs . în- g minister and friends after r---- prs-service at 5 p.m., also afler the dent of the Ontario Federation. vng service to the Junior Objectives Achleved Choir, Ladies' Choir, organist Some National Federation and pianist. Master Rodger objectives acbieved in 1956 and Harness thanked the W.A. for 57 are: Federai Equal Pay Act the l9vely refresbments served. passed in August 1956 wbich This correspondent had the came into effect Jan. 1, 1957; misfortune.to fali and break ber woman commissioner of Fed: left arm a week ago, necessitat- eral Civil Service appointed ing a few days in our local bôs- Feb. 1, 1957; Canada signed pital wbere she neceived the ut- and ratified the U.N. Conven- rnost attention, in fact we were lio onPoitialRigbsof sorry bo leave the company of Women, Feb. 20, 1957. sd many attentive nurses. There Sorn Onari Feeraionob-is a moral to tbis story - Don't jectves chived re:attempt to climb a rail fence if jecîve acîevd ae: oren vou are over 70. If you can't public school teachers in Ot- caludr unaon n tawa wvere made eligible for waîk iack tbe way you came- the same maximum salary as it's rnuch safer. menpubic ehol tachrs;'~I Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Cowan, suance of real estale broker'sî Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones and license to married Wornen; daughten Miss Caroline Jones -of right of married women to per- Orono xvere supper guests of manent appointment to On- Mrs. M. J. Osborne and Mrs. tario Civil Service and to par- Haines on Sunday. ticipation in the supenannua- Mrs. Fred Cornisb. Mr. Jack tion plan established. Cornish, Miss Helen White andN Formed 1950 Mr. David Addison, ail of Port The BoWmanville Club was Hope, were suppen guests of formed in June, 1950 and bad Mrs. William McHolm and Miss ils charter night in Novemben Beckett on Sunday. of that year. The first presi- Mr. and Mrs. George Henden- dent xvas Doris Robinson and son, Newlonville, were guests of ethel- presidents bave been: VI Mr. and Mrs. Morton Henderson McFeeters - 1951-53, Frances on Sunday. Hearl-1953-54; Isabelle Davis -1954-56; Velma Gay-1956-58. Memorial Hospital Th aainRdCross re--epr ports 165,896 Canadians of all vveekly R p r ages participated in Water Safe- For the week of Sept. 9 - 15: ty courses in 1956. Amsin --4 Birtbs, 4 maie, 3 female __7 fi Discbarges ------------- - 46 ~ L Major operations 11- i a n d 7 t e r a8 3 0 p m Emergency treatments -----16 Vîsîtîng hours 2.30-4.30 p.m. Manor7 o8.pertins - 1 for fiill information or write il wonl the Pulitzer Prize and ment plan too, for FREE folder, 'Runnint gave its stars a long string cf Water, the Farm Necessaty . award-winning cititations. As a film it is destined te go down 1 , as bbc mest deligblful comnedy in the bistory of movic-rnaking, 4 an.d there sbould be plenty cf j prizes in store for Marlon Bran- S do, G enn Ford, Japanese star Machiko Kyo, Eddie Albert and Paul Ford. .. Fisby is supposed to, run bis job by Wasbington's -Plan B," wbich calîs for the building cf a Pentagon-sbaped schoolbouse, lectures on democracy, and a general spur te efficiency ana Amenican get-up-and-go teeh- niques. But tbe plan tells Fisby nothing about the Oriental way of doîng thîngs, such as the pblicmetn in whicb he is showered witb gifîs from theý IU9 S& SOFTi R~ I p eein LINITE P82 ager vîllagers, bbc best gift bing the lovely geisha girl, Ln- ..ONDON C AN A D tus Biessom (Machiko Kyo), LIMITE cornlications. The other ladies sent the unfair competition, but PLUMBING and BEATING this is settled wben Fisby Division S4reet South agrees te bave Lotus Blossoni 96K MA -565 BWMAVILE 9vegcisba iessôns te the La - 9 ig SL 31A -561 BOWANVLLEaies League for Democratîc Ac- ________________________ tion. PONTYPOOL :or Handicapped lere Saturday n buses will Purcbascd by an orgzanization înville Ibis known as "Callow Veterans' & Ieet cf four Invalids' Welfare League", xvhicb md built for the Caliow pays ail expenses of operatien, ise aI Hall- the buses in one yean alone r cf Ontarioe took no less than 11,897 bandi- at tbe Mari- capped pensons on outings cf ing in help- vanious kinds. At most sporting ped persons events in tbc Maritimes, bbc ýs and other wbeei-chair patients arc regular just to take attenders, witb other service the country. clubs co-operabing by making ndisplay aI sure seats are available at al 1957. events. Ib migbt be added that 12 whie these are usually the best in tbc l-,ý hbouse. hlm a speedy recovenv. M-.. and Mrs. Eanl Wright, Peterborough, vere secent vis- itons witb Mr. and Mrs. Clift Fallis. The Wnigbts enjoyed a visit in the Prairie Provinces Ibis summer. L.O.L. 82, aften the customarv July and Aiugust bolidays. î'e- sumned activities on Monday evenin. Mr. Sonny Hackwoed, Peter- borougb, was a wcekend guest witb bis parents. Several from hene attended the Swanston Auction on Satur- day in Milibrook. If you know more news- tell us about il. There is nothing so powenful as trubb-and often notbing so strange.-Daniel Webster. Our local W.A. held a success- fui quilting bec in bbc chuncb basement Wcdnesday. Tbey aisei conductcd a refnesbment booth at tbc Zabaski auction. Hats off te the ladies. Weddings cf local intenest ne- cenlyinlued bbc Curtis - Fin- ney Wedding in Betbany United Cburcb pansonage. Friday. The stork visited rccently and the proud parents cf a son are Mr. and Mrs. Bob Moses and Mn. and Mrs. Bill Harper. Mn. Ozzie Whitmec, Oshawa, visited friends bere recentis'. Sorr te learn that Mr. Eanl Ligget, former C.P.R. agent, wvas in bospital after belng bit by ar car. His mnanv, fniends bere xisb milk andt ice 10 per cent ed for 7 per J. H. ABhiNEU4Y cow numbers P it& Wala e by 155,825 At the samev Reaepro- 33 King St. Wv. Phone MA 3-5431 ose to 5,476 ase of 204 W b gel -a beautiful Brantford Roof aaafor LESS than you think n Roofus the Turtie. Ho'. neyer had trouble with a, bsautiful new Brantford Roof for yaur home isn't lyou znight think. And it costs a lot less thon you sautiful new Brantford Roof, for an average sub- osts less than, $200. That includes labour. 0OW EASY IT IS... earest Brantford Dealer. Look for him lin the Yellow Roofing Contractors, Lumber Dealers or Building in ta see him. Select the style cf ahingle you like rur favaurite colour. And your dealer will probahly arrange a time puy- Now here's something that only Brantford canalol er ta he!ip you with your new roof. Brantford bas a new exclusive "Check List". This Check List is your guide te a really snug roof. Ask your dealer for a FREE copy. Even if you dont know a thing about roofing, Brantlord's exclusive Check List will show you ail the points ta watch. You con keop right on top of the job without even getting off the ground. And you'll ho able ta, talk ta yaur roafer in the same lon- guage. You'Ul know why he pays special attention te "hips" and "Ivalleys" uni "starter strips", etc. Got your FREE Che.ck List rlght Grwey from your douter or write: "q Erantford Roofing Company Limited ýAINT JOHN, MONTREAL, TORONTO, BRANTFORD, WINNIPEG BRANTFORD DEALER FOR BOWMANV ILLE and DISTRICT eppamrd ~a nd Lumber Co. Linuted Goi Phone 14A 3-5715 lc WALLPAPER lc 2Zforl1C SLE 2 for lc Pay- regular price for the firsi roll of wallpaper and th:b. gel the second roll for only lc. Our new wallpaper Uines are coming in -four monihs earlier Ihis year so we must clear our current stock to make room for the new wallpapers. uome in and look them over - Now is the lime Io buy and save BLACK DIAMOND #STAMPS with every purchase of gas VIGOR OIL Service station CORNER 0F MANVERS ROAD AND F1FTII CONCESSION Phone MA 3-2919 Vigor9-GL Higmpestbrication t a RbîPtac High eTesiato t àRaolicet STOVE OIL AVAILABLE IN ANY QUA.NTITY AT THE STATION OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS Bowmanville L .&JýLUZUMUJxl i5jE;I-E. letil, 1957 PAGE ELEVBN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVnLE. ONTARIO 11 týii