'I'~ ~!A!~AflTAM ~'I"A'I'I'~M A?? ~flWMAMUYT .7.1! f~?.N~A ~?f~ __________________________________________________ * ~** *~~W ~LI*UKbLIAX, bErI. lIflfl, 15~ Officiais Do Efficient Job * ~' .4 Eflf-icieiitiy handling the refereein cluties in the final game of the Darlington Senior Footi-a11 League Playoffs were those Ontario County Football Association officiais. Kcp,, busv ruiniinq with the play these men are required to cover as long a distaine 'cli-2 ýý'ame as the piavers do. They are, from the left: Harvey Balson, linesm-a; Jk.rin Dcrem, ,,eferee; Jeff Sweet, linesman, ail of Oshawa. Maple Grove Juveniles Down Merritton Iln Firs! Game of Playoffs Bowmanvilie Orpbans regis- tered a decisive 7-2 victory over the titie defending Merri- tton Juveniies at Vincent Mas- sey Park Wednesday of iast week to move into a one game lead in their best-of-three On- tario Juvenile B playoffs. Righthander Billy Bates gave bis top performance of the sea- son by holding the Visitors to four singles. He was huriing a no bitter until relief right field- er Bernie Stubbert found the range ini the sixth frame. Bates received strong support from bis fielding staff who seemn to improve with each new oppon- ent they meet. More than 200 fans were at the game to sup- port the self-sponsored club. -Long Drives Pay off Shortstop Johnny Mason poked a long triple into rîght field in the third inning to spark Orphans' flurry of bits. Bill Os- borne drove Mason in with a three bagger into left centre- field. Starting pitcher Jack Obee was retired after the lo- cal lads belted the two triples in succession. Ted Todmar took the mound for Merritton Vwith none away in the thIrd. Hank Lane pound- ed a drive down the third base line that allowed bim to makeI second and brougbt Osbornei home as the resuit of a wildl tbrow by the third baseman. McFadden grabbed, the bail in time to throw Lane out at first, but overthrew the bag and thej rightfieider hurled it back wild- iy for their second error. Winning Run Todman retired the next three batters. In the fourth Archie Crossey shone by start- ing Orphans off with a triple into left field. Bob Marjerrison drove Crossey home with the winning run, but was tagged when be tried to steal to sec- ond. Johnny Mason bit a dou-i ble and went to third only to be left stranded when Todman ±anned Hank Lane.E Curt Vanstone put Bowman- Wins Second Championship 'Y ;~veSeniors prox-cd \orthy champions for a second year. They are from the lef t, front row: Wcn'i t1 \eý1k when the.v won *theoir second Creighton Gray, AI Lobb, Bob Carsweli, Alvin Stacey, stri:V )" 'n'tn IWbllLea,.-ue titie by doxvning 1Zion Mort Richards, Don Flint. Back row: Norm Bothwell, 2-1. Uî,i rnmvDi.-Ili of XW. H. "ic"Brown, local manager; Ray Preston, George Jones, John Fowler, John J. I. (a !ilLi.the (cl) \vaý11e first dpe Grove team Munday, Don Marsden. Absent when photo taken: Dick to cap! "miecuown xhcn thL' vn last ycar. Denhertog, Barry Cowling, Ken Brooks and Sponsor W. Hl. Their Ui ' 1 Jîi s dLuing the season tand lplayoffs Brown. enable lu) 1*m('m1'ii)lie Jack Re\.noldsRIUemorial Trophy Final Juvenile Game ville into a 4-0 lead in the fifth when he doubled, stole third and scored on an error. Todman aIlo£wed only the one hit in the inning as be fanned two and Crossey was tagged at first when he pounded one into the pitcber's glove. Spoils Perfect Game Bernie Stubbert ended Bates' chances of a perfect game wben he bit a single into right field in the sixth. AI Mclnnis also found the range for a one bag- ger and he was touched at se- cond on a fielder's choice that moved O'Grady to first base. Wilson Stubbert drove in Mer- ritton's two runs when his line drive down to third base took a high hop at the bag and went into the outfield. Merritton wvere retired when Johnny Ma- son made a throw to second to catch Stubbert stealing and caught an infield fly by Krsul. Hitting Powers Shows Orphans insured the win witb their rally in the sixth when they pounded Todman for thre doubles and two singles to score tbree runs. Again it was Jobnny Mason who sstarted them off as he singled to lef' field. Bill Osborne clouted an outfield fly and Mason stole se- cond on the throw. Hank Lane Merritton Comeback Ties Juvenile Series son in. Vanstone came up with another double scoring Lane. Catcher Joe Kennett bit the same target for a two bagger and brougbt Lane across the plate with their final run. Ted Fairey singled to advance Ken- nett to third but tbey were left on base when Bill Bates went down swînging. Among the highlights of the" fieiding by Orphans was B-1] Osborne's high leap into the air at first to catch a bard drive from the bat of Frank Krsul in the eigbtb. Ted Fair- ey's catches in centre field in the second and third innîngs when be bad to cover consid- erable distance. A near double play by Hank Lane at third wben be caught a grounder and fired it to second in the final frame. And a couple of neatI catches by Johnny Mason at shortstop. RHE Merritton 000 002 000-2 4 4 Bow'vilie 002 113 00x-7 13 1 Merritton-Mclnnis 2b, O'Gra- cly c, W. Stubbert ss, Krsui cf, Dempsey lb, McFadden 3b, Obee p, Miler rf, Jackson If, Todman (3) p, B. Stubbert (5) If. Bowmanviile - Crossey If, Marjerrison 2b, Mason ss, Os- borne lb, Lane 3b, Vanstone rf, Merritton Juveniles made a startling comeback bld to trounce Bowmanville Orbans 10-0 and tie their best-of three Juvenile "B" Ontario Playoffs at one game each, before a good crowd at Merritton Sun- day afternoon. Soutbaw John Demsey pitch- cd sparkling two bit bail and sent 14 Bowmanville batsmen down by strikeouts as be went the route for the winners. He allowed only five walks, and none of them proved tbreaten- ing from a scoring standpoint. Coach Bob Williams used three pitchers against Merritton in an attempt to-break their successfui efforts. Bill Bates went in for Bob Osborne in the third and he went good until the seventh. Hank Lane took over the duties and finishedethe game. The loss was attributed to ..Qsbrrne aithough be ailow- ed no hits during bis stay on the mound. Costly Error Four costly errors in the third inning paved the way to the one-sided win. John Demp- sey started Merritton on the road to victory when he went to first on an infield error. He advanced to second when Mill- er was sent to first after being hit by a pitcb. McInnis took a free ticket to the bag and that sparked tbe base stealing an- tics that had the local lads !lightly confused. Tbree more rf. Bob Jamieson Gets Golf Titie At Peterboro Bob Jamieson, 14-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Jamieson, formerly of Bowmanville, cap- tured the Junior Peterborough Golf Club Champlonship over the weekend on the 37th h6Te after a great match with Jim Cullen. In the 36-hole compe- tition, they were ali square at the 18th and again tbey were even at the 36th. requiring the extra hole to give Bob the titie for the year. Botb Juniors play- ed some great golf throughout the tighit match. according to the report in the Peterborough Ex- aminer. The competition was open to junior members up to 20 years of age. Here Saturday Afternoon errors and a single by Lamne Ward saw tbree runs cross tbc plate. Frank Krsul snagged a one bagger to score Ward, put- ting Merritton into a 4-0 iead. Homne Run Clinehes Win Krsui shone again in the fiftb inning wben be blasted a borne run with one man on to fur- ther their edge. He drove an- other run in wben be singled in the seventb and scored Mer- ritton's eighth run by stealing borne on a wild pitch. Brian O'Grady bit a triple into lef t field to score Rountree and th-m came home on an outfield er- rom on the bit to end the scor- ing. Bob Mari errison's single in the first and Curt Vanstone's one bagger in the seventh frame were ail the Bowmanville lads could coilect from Dempsey. R HE Bow'viile 000 000 000- 0 2 7 Merritton 004 020 04x-10 9 1 Bowmanville - Marjerrison' 2b, Crossey lf, Mason ss, Bil Osborne lb, Lane 3b, Vanstone rf, Kennett c, Fairey cf, Bob Osborne p, Bates (3)- p, Lane (7) P, Lutin (7) if, Crossey (7) cf, Fowier (9) cf, Vanstone (8) C. Merritton--McInnîs 2b, Ward lb, W. Stubbert ss, Krsul cf, Rountree if, McFadden 3b, O'Grady c, Dempsey p, Miller F. Bottrell's' Pigeons Take Top Ex. Award Frank Bottreil, 9 Carlysie Avenue, was awarded top hon- ours for baving tbe champion boming pigeon in the pigeon show at the Canadian National Exhibition in Toronto recently. Mr. Bottmell's prize birds aiso won 17 firsts, 14 seconds, 15 thirds, 12 fourtbs, 4 fifths and 3 sixth place awards in the show. In the recent Ottawa Central Exhibition he won first place with ail 26 entries. His pigeons captured 22 firsts and four doves he bad entered won first place in their division. rGet Cash To-day for OId Appliances through STATESMAN CLASSIFIEDS Phone MA 3-3303 Ph I Ma pie Grove Takes Darlington Tîtie Maple Grove Seniors captur- ed their second straigbt Dar- lington Football League Crown by posting a 2-1 decision over Zion at Courtice Wednesday of Iast week to win their best-of- three finals two games to one. Dick Den Hertog and Mort, Richards were the goal-getters for Maple Grove. Grant Wil- liams tailied the lone marker for the losers after Maple Grove had mounted a 2-0 iead. Maple Grove will keep tneý Jack Reynolds Memorial Tro- phy tbey won ]ast season for another year. Zion will be awarded the Moe Breslin Tro- phy for runners-up. INOW in Stock! Jbhnny Brown PLEATED BALLET SHOES ~ bas commended bis Maple Grove team on their excellent season. Mr. Brown is the local J. I. Case dealer in Bowman.. ville and being a keen suppor- ter of football bas sponsored the team three years. FOLKS WHO TRY "Be not concerned, nor be surprised If wbat you do is criticized. Tbere's always folks who surely can Find some fauit with every plan. Mistakes are made we can't deny But only made by folks whe Children's, Misses' and Women's sizes $3095 pair COMPLETE LINE 0F Children's Savage Shoes WOMEN'S WOMEN'S NATURALIZERS LOGROLLERS Lloyd Ellis Shoes 49 King St. W. Phone MA 3-5941 Free! Freel BRAKE ADJUSTMENT with every lubrication and oil change Alignment Special *Check and Adjust Wheel Bearings SLubricate Front Wheel Bearings *Inspect Brake Linings *Rotate Tires aill for $7.50 This offer expires September 25th Drop ini and receive your CAR CHECK SERVICE RECORD BROBSON MOTORS LIMITED BUICK - PONTIAC - G.M.C. TRUCK DEALER 166 King St. E. Bowxnanville MA 3-3321 From tip fa toe Disio. :v' \mnngsrnîles alter thecir 7-2 xictorv over Mermiton are are from the left, front row: John Perry, batboy; Joe Kennett, Lloyd Bowmanilics * elf'ý1-P1SOFOncd JuVenile Orphans. Orphans are presently Stainton, Bob Osborne, Bill Cole, David Goheen (kneeling), batboy; Curt in the mni.cst cf tie Oniario Juveniile '"B" pia,,-offsý. The best-of-three Vanstone, Ted Fairey, Ted Saliows, Ron Poilard. Back row: Murray series is ic-ci ùur'-'aîneI:c ,I. wiri:' 'on the second game 10-0 at McKnight, manager; John Mason, Bill Osborne, Bill Bates, Bob Marjer- hiome on -ýun1iiy. ï.ual wvil1 bc pIayed hlcc SiÀttrday aîternoolî. Flayers rison, Archie Crossey, John Lunn, Hank Lane, Bob Williamsi coach; Ted Bagnell, assistant coach. TAILORED PERFECTION Lcy J! rt k Çl3ros. To ensure success u n b eing properly attired, why flot have your next suit or coat tailored to your own personal measurements by Firth Brothers Ltd., tailored to measure specialists. 400 NEW FALL SAMPLES NOW ON DISPLAY FOR THE FIRST TIME. Bruce Minns' Ciothing MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR 29 KING ST E. J i '3 9e0, BOW.MANVILLE 1 TRE CANADUN STATEsmAw. nowmANv=. omTAnTi3 MtNTT"07%A" IM'VnPP latl. *AU& e 7-2 t t i S t t 0 9 ti e t] ti t] Sq n t( h fi SI ti SI IVictorious Here