~fl5fl~ft~, U!PT. iuU~. ION? T~ CA~AflA!~ BMZSMA2I. 30 WMM~ VILLE, 0?~?AM0 New Members Join ,Major League Bowlers '-in"First Competition 1 The Men'u Major League started the 1957-58 seasan on Wednesday, Sept. llth, wîth President Jack Lander doing the hanors of welcoming the bowlers and explaining the new rules. Many changes have been made in aur point system, ri ze money and advance bowl- ig. Preslderrt Jack hoped this would ail add up to make a better league. New Members Several new f a c e s have been added this year replacing tame of the regular members Who have dropped out for per- sonal reasons. The new bowlers are Paul Chant, Frank Hooper, George Poulos, Bob Martyn, Tom Cowan, Glen Fry, Lloyd Hamilton, Jin Murphy, Russ Lane and Charlie Disley. The aid - bers who are out for this season are Bill Hearle, Ernie Pcrfect, Bill Ste- yens, Ron Maynard. Ron Rich- ardJh Ford, Harry Gay, ihBegley, Bob Cale and Ray Brock. Modernized Alys Manager George Eliiott had bis alleys looking like a million dollars but as they say in horse racing, the track was sticky. Manager Elliott has advised us that this condition was due ta the high humîditv and that in a couple of weeks the alîcys will be in perfect shape. Frank Samis captured ail tha big money the first night win- riing h-gh single gaine with 346 and high triple 769. lHap Palmer Was the only other bowler ta bit the 300 mark having 310. Seven other bowlers were over 700, Dick Little 720, Hap Palmer 717, Jin Levett 716, AI Osborne 711, Matt Harrison 707, Norm O'Rourke 703 and Phil Cancilla 700. Jim Murphy made an aus- piciaus debut winning the low singie score, 108. Charlie Dis- eywas next, 112, Bob Martyn 112, and the old Pro, Doc Aus- tin, 115. H. C. Osborne, dear old Dad, won the low triple with 430. Glen Fry had 444, Counillor Brough- 445, as did his co-work- er Charlie Disley and Garfield Clarke 450. AlIey Chatter The bowling emporium is now sporting a P.A. system which Manager Elliott gets great delight in using. Walt DeGeer is back after one year's absence due to Ro. tary Club business. Mel Dale is sporting a pair of bruised knees while Bill Oke has a couple of sprained wriâts. Dr. Rundle's teamn is leading the pack in team standing andi Frank Samis is an top of the averages. Men's Major Bowling LeAgue Standing End of lst Week 1957-8 Season Teain W L Pins Pts Rundle -___ 2 1 3313 2l Bates - 2 1 3309 2 Tighe 2 1 3197 2 Dale ____ 2 1 3096' 2 Williams ___ 2 1 3045 2 ORourke 2 1 3004 2 Osborne 1 2 3245 1 Bagneli 1 2 3174 1 B. Oke - 1 2 3153 1 R. Oke __ _1 2 3125 1 Lander 1 2 3061 1 Brock -i ----- 2 2975 1 Average% Qamnes Ave. F. Sqmis 3 25C D. Little 3 240 H. Palmer 3 239 J. Levett __ 3 239 A. Osborne 3 237 M. Harrison 3 236 N. O'Rourke 3 234 P. Cancilla ______ 3 233 T. Bagneli 3 23(; J. Parker - - 3 226 B. Milne ____ 3 224 R. Hearle 3 222 R. Halîman -- 3 222 Dr. K. Siemon 3 221 D. Bishop 3 220 E. Rundie_____- 3 220 G. Piper - 3 219 G. Larider 3 211 P. Williams ___- 3 215 H. Bennett 3 214 D. Taylor 3 214 G. Seliers ___ 3 2i4 B. Westlake ____ 3 213 R. Wright 3 210 B. Polley 3 20P M. Dale ______ 3 208 H. Janzen _____ 3 206 G. Poulos _____ 3 206 B. Bates -- -___ 3 206 J. Lander _____ 3 203 M. Larmer _____ 3 2011 L. Hamilton - 3 202 Mixed Bowling Leagae Began Schedule Friday "9e rewl-formed Mixed ".eBôwling League began its schedule on Fridayv, September 13th. The 200 games (few and far between) were as follows: Howard Bromeli 284, Morley Etcher 279, 220, 201: Elton rok249, J. Bond 248, 236, Art jcer 242, 240, Ron Mutton 246, SBrock 239, Bob Mitchell i215, J. Richards 223, Onie er 223, P, Gould 215, AI Hickling 201. Team Standings ITeam W L Pins Pts. Etcher 3 0 2759 7 HIGHLY STYLED MODERATELY PRTCED LADIES' WEAR La Vogue ,ÇJac que/mne Cor. Athol & Celina, Oshawa M EN WANTED Àpply Brookdale- Kingsway Nurseries Lid. BWMANVILLE Spicer 2 Bronieli -- 2 1 Bond. 1 2 Mutton - 1 i 2 Brock 0 3 Averagea 2628 2514 2399 2377 2203 Gaines Ave. M. Etcher___- 3 233 J. Bond______ 3 223 A. Spicer _____ 3 222 E. Brock______ 3 206 H. Bromel______3 204 B. Mitchell 3 203 0. Etcher ____ 3 196 J. Richards_____ 3 189 H. Brock ---------3 182 A. Hickling 3 181 R. Mutton-____ 3 180 P. Gould ___ 3 175 C. Mutton 3 163 L. Eldridge ____ 3 156ý E. Cox---------- 3 156 D. Reynolds 3 155 C. Oke ----_-- _ 3 152 B. Charles _____ 3 152 D. Mutton ____ 3 152 D. Charles 3 146 A. Winacott___- 3 144 E. Stringer 3 142 J. Cox------------ 3 139 J. McKnight ____ 3 138 G. Stringer_____ 3 138 P. Bartelse ___- 3 137 E. Bromeli ____ 3 134 C. Reynolds ____ 3 131 R. Mitchell-____ 3 130 C. Evans-_ __ 3 130 D. Bond -___ 2 128 J. Evans. __ 3 126 M. Hickling ____ 3 109 E. Winacott 3 90 R. Spicer ___ - 3 84 J. Eldridge _____- 3 74 High single-H. Brorneil, 284; high triple-M. Etcher, 700; high average- M. Etcher, 233._ Friday, Se Saturday, Tuesday, S Wednesday, PUBLIC SKATING 10 p.m. ,ptember 20 September 21 3eptember 24 ,September 25 I dulis 40c Children* 25c CHILDREN'S SKATING Tuesday, September 24 3:30 Io 5:30 p... ADULTS ACCOMPANYING CHILDREN - 2se PÂGI1R U! BantamsLose3rdGame y In Provincial Finals F Aurora Takes Title2O Zion Seniors are winners of the Moe Bresiin Trophy Dave 1Esterbrook, Russ Hall, Mike INemis, 1"orbes Fisher. awarded annually for runners-up in the Dariington Foot- Back row. Sam Mcllwain, Alvin Fisher, Bill Nemis, George ball League Senior Division. League leaders during the Killen, Vice-President of the Darlington Football League; season they finished in a tie for first place with Mapie Ben Hoogkamp, Garet Bowmeester, Hank Hoogkamp. Grove when the scheduie ended. Players are, from the Absent when Picture taken, Keith Fice. left, front row: Rolly Bail, Grant Williams, Dick Nemis,I Joyce Major 'Hus High Triple In Ladies' League Starting the first week off with a bang is Joyce Majoz with high triple of 682. Joyce Is stili in there to tie witb Norma Gay for high single of 299. Gaines over 200-Norma Gay 299; 211, Joyce Major, 299; J. Baker 280; B. Budai 260; J. Sel- lers 258: L. Moffatt 256; H. Brock 248, 207; M. Cooper 243, 223; D. Martin 241; M. McNul- ty 240, 230; S. Bickell 239, 235: B. Brown 232; L. Wright 235; O. Etcher 225, 204; E. Larmer 223; S. Bissonette 214, 203; M. Harrison 213; Viv Cowan 219: Peggy Haines 206: L. Bates 205; H. Gilhooly 205; L. Martyn 204; B. Westlake 202; H. Corden2. Averages Joyce Major -_____227 Norma Gay -.___ 224 Mel McNulty 216 Myra Cooper 213 Hilda Brock ---211 Shirley Bickell 209 Onie Eteher- 198 Donna Martin _______197 Bernice Budai ______195 Ena Etcher ___-191 Sally Bissonnette 191 Larraine Martyn 190 Viv Cowan ----- --- 190 Lydia Bates ______-181 Lii Hooper -131 June Baker 181 Lii Phillips 180 Lucille Moffatt 179 Peggy Haines 177 Helen Corden ______-177 Babe Brown ____ 76' Ev Sweetman -_____175 Eileen Holroyd 173 Lola Wright -____173 Ollie Patfield -______171 Mary Harrison _____1691 Joyce, Tennent --169 Jean Sellers ------- 169 Barbara Buttonshaw 168ý Del Vinson ----------- 166 Courtice Jrs. Lead In Serie's Courtice Juniors downed Zion 5-4 to move into a gaine lead in their best-of-three Darlington Football League playoffs at Courtice, Thursday of last week. First gaine of the series ended in a tie. ~Town League Seeks. Players Hockey players who Swould like an opportunity Sto play Town League Hoc- key this season are re- quested to contact Roy Neads at Bowmanvihle J Memorial Arena on or be- Sfore Saturday, Sept. 21. Goodyear WiII ~Have 4-Team SHockey Group Goodyear Mercantile Hockey League will begin their season with two exhibition gaines at 12 pin, Sunday, October 13, it was announced this week. The four teain league offie- ially open their schedu.le the following Sunday. Office, Fan Beits. Hose and Mats -will ho the four teans playing in.the lcague this year. Em Stringer -- -___165 Eleanor Larmer 164 Dorc Muttôn - -- 164 Brock _______2 Helen Gilhooly 162 Beauprie 2 Eva Whitehead 161. Buckneil _____2 Dot Crombie -----------161 Gay 1__ Team Standings Dunn 1 - Team Points Pins Bates 1 Mutton -- 2 2869 Etcher 1 Patfieid 2 2741 Coole 1. Budai---- 2 2588 Crombie ----- ------i 2557 2501 2289 2734 2644 2570 2514 2287 2201J Aurora Bantams had *a suf- ficient edge over Bowmanville Legionnaires on Saturday to win the third gaine of the playof fs 2,.0 and take the Ontario semi- finals. They will now meet Strathroy in the finals. A large crowd was on hand at Memorial Park ta watch as fine a baseball game as has been seen here this-season, considering the ages of the participants. It was almost airtight plaving. with bath moundsmen turning in superb performances. Bowman- vllle's poor hittlng and a couple of errors made the difference in the two clubs. As in most close bail gaines, ail that was needed to reverse the score was a couple of breaks which just didn't corne for the locals. Aurora took f ull advantage of their opportunities and an the day's play deserved the win. Terrifie Pitching Duel Moorcraft went the route for Bowmanviile, making bis third gaine pitched against Aurora. He had Il strikeouts. allowed eight hits and gave up one base on balîs, demonstrating once again amazing c o n t r o 1. However, against Aurora, he met his match In Scot. who not only bas pitch- ed beautiful bail throughout the series, but proved one of their best hitters. He registered 14 strikeouts with three walks and Bowmanville only reached hum for three hits. Undoubtedly, his performance was a big factor in the outcome of the gaines. Weak ln Hlttlnt Bawmanville was very wealx in the hitting department, Doit "Butch" Bagneîl getting two singles and John Twist a dauble. Bagnell also beat out a short one ta third when Wall juggled it and was late makingz the thrawV. No- body elsb came close tora molid hit. In fact, only three other runners were on base. Barry Steven. John James and Twist. and they were there due to walks. In contrast, Aurora had men on bases in every inning except the third and only Moorcraft's terrific hurling in the clinches prevented additionai scoring. Bowmanville's two errors were credited to, Steven and James. Steven missed a hard- hit bahl through first from Wall's bat in the fourth and James dropped a fly hit by Wright in the fourth. He actually caught the baill but it fell out of bis glove when he turned ta throw and cut off the runner rounding second and the officiais ruled that he did flot have possession for the necessary three seconds. The local Bantams wili now enter league playoffs for the John Foote Trophy. but no de- tails of gaine dates have been announced. A total of 2,294 births were a ttended by Canadian Red Cross nurses at Outpost Hospitpls and INursing Stations in 1956. tbk U1\in thmnkINw IR-M.g Lie A. PARKER& SONS PLUMBING a HE.ATING s OIL BURNERS 17 King St. E. Phone MA 3-5051 acups & ocs w HOOPERS JeweIIem'y j 28 KING STREET WESTi Bowmanville nly 6 ets -Availob le.. We have, in stock six sets of Fine Silverpiate Flatwear CORONATION, LADY HAMILTONA, LIDO, ENCHANTMENT, VICTORIAN ROSE, NEW ERA MEMORIAL ARENA _Bowmanville Tffr-ýcAlfAt)" BTATIKSUM. noirMA"Mr. ONTAlue W&UMDA% SEPT. "th, Io" i