VAG! SJXTEEN TH~ eAIqADIAji ~TATI~MVA~ 1~O rAVWITT.W AIvrAu?~ J ack Reid's Sale Barn Demolished By Storm .Tobacco Farms Suffer çonsiderabIe Storm Damage 'The above photos tell a grim story of disaster which struck several farms in the j.owman,ý,iIIe-Orono area Sunday night. Jack Reid, prominent farmer and auction- eer, suffered an estimated $50,000 uninsured loss when his sale barn was blown apart in the top picture. His farm buildings and house wcre also damaged. Mrs. Walter Wjddjs, Mrs. Reid's mother, kneels hv the chesterf'icld in their living-room. On the ehesterfiéld are a few of the thousands of pieces of glass from the fr-ont window which blew in. Patsy Reid's face was grazed by the braneh in Mrs. Widdjs' hand. The lowest photo shows some of the dam age inflicted on Ivan Onyschuk's barn for about $20.000 loss. 14om of<had wo, on on@ tank <4 fuel (j11 gal1long). ee nIa 1amPlowing rny farm, which if; heavy 61p-v Ioarn, for lestihan 12e per acre!" )FIM " OuihW inuc ve ye>w c ating a DAVMD OWN 900 DIESEL W.& FL MORRISON BURKETON Mr. and Mi sM. Lahav and Ruth were Saturda.v guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Rone. Mr. M. McCnov basrcoer from bhis reccnt illness and bas ag1ain taken un bis duties as t eacher. Everyone is nleased to see him back to healtb once mon . Miss Jcan Smith, Toronto, is visiting Mcr. and Mrs. Sam Hall for a tew days. Attenclance ai Chiîrch and Sîîndav School was 'very gond on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Bouie were wcekendi visitors nf their lauuihîer-, Mrc and Mrs. George Wallen. Markham. W'hile there th(-ýýcv alled on their rther dlai.iphier and fanîîly, Mr. and Mcs. George Lavvson, Gd\ Id andl Pattie.1 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Adamis,1 Bowmaliville, were Sîînday vis-1 itors of bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. MI. Adanms. Mc. and Mrs. B3ob Carter and tamîil, Whitby, spent Sunda.v wîîh bis mother, Mrs. John Cart- er'. Mr. and Mrs .Sam Grant, Oaa.spent the wcekend with ber- parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Da vev. Mrs. Gien Mcflonald whin ce- centlv underwent an operation in Memoriat Hospital, Bowman- ville, returned home on Sunday.1 Best wisbes for a speedv return ta bealtb from bbe community. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gatchell, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gatchell. Toronto, were Sunday visitors of their father, Mr,.1 Leonard Gatchell. Mr. and Mrs. Markland. form- e tenants of Mc. L. Gatcheil,j bave moved la Oshawa. Mes. Fred Smith and son Joe, Mcs. Barlow, al] of Toronto, visitedt Mrs. E. Caughill recent- 1 v. Mr. Chester Hoskins atten-ded the funeral of an nId friend. Mr. R. Slincrrland in St. Catharines last week. Within a short distance from any Ontario border point, resorts abound wbere relaxing ini bbc sun is alNavs the order of the day. ~i r For Achievement Day F'ifty-six 4-H Homemakingl den Hill. Solina and Tyronê Club members, as well as Club chose "What Makes Good Sleep.. Leaders and mnany visitors at-ý ing Garments." Dianne Bige-i tended the Achievement Day low, Bethany; Darlene Thiciz- held at the I.O.O.F. Hall in son, Elizabethville,, Joyce Bell,ý Orono on September 141h. Gai-den Hill1, and Marilyn Quan- Leaders and members have tri Il, Solina, commented on ex- participated in the proj&- rt hibits entitled "Some Require- "Sleeping Garrnents." During ments of Good Sleeping Gar- this project each girl was re- ments." Shirley Morton, Cav- quired to keep a record book an, and Kay Davey, Tyrone, containing information and ma- commented 0on exhibits froni terial she had assembled at their clubs entitled "The Sleep- each of the meetings of ber ing Garment. Ensemble." club. She xvas required 10 Peen etiiae Jmake a pair of pyjam-as or MsW .Bon sdn nightgi)wn which was aîspla\ed Mrof W . H.Durham nDisri W ' at Achievement Dav. During of'Ws uhmDsrc om- the morning programme, club ens Instilute, presented Çounty members took part in individ- Honour Ccertificatnes and Pins uial judging and activity. The to thr six girls Who bad suc- afternoon session consisted of . rose fu ly» completcd six 4-H exhibils and demonstrations1 Homernaking Club pro-jects -- splanncd and presented by ecd i Kay Da vey, Tyrone Club; Shir- of the six clubs. ley Morton, Leora Smith, Marie Snider, Nancy Snider, Mary1 (:libs Giv'e Jemonstrations Syer and Margaret Sycr, Cavan Demonistrations on the sîîh- Club.- r.Ei cLa.Pei lect, "How to Prepare Fabric dent of East Drîrharn Women's1 for CUtting." wcre prescnted Institutes presented a silver by girls from BethanY. Cavan I-omcmaking Club spoon to and Elizabethx 'île clubs. Gar- 'ai ýh girl completing the pro- dcci s'Utisra(.tor.ily. Cerîlcat'sof Ac hievement wcre prcsenterd b the follow- ing girls Who had completed Presentation t wYîcs ue Deans Leaviing : iGarden Hill; Juanita Fraser and Burket n 1 Helen Parrinder, Solina Club. Bine urketonehayan A farewell and presentation; certiticates, having successfully Party was held at the home of 1.rm)letcd four projects, and Mr. and Mrs. Lillie Argue on Marýilyn Quantrili, Solina, ten Thursda *v evening. Septemnber 12 projecî.ýts. n bonoiî1r of Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sel] Dean who have taken n Lemorrs for Iliîîs proîjctwei'e: temporary residence in Bow- BîayCu.Ms .Petn manville until they can, get Mrs. G. Scott: Cavan Club, Mrs. Possession of their new home in S. ron Elizabethville. Mis. MapIe Grove. M. White, Mrs. L. McAlliste r; TheDeas hvebee lie-lngGarden Hill1, Mrs. Bey Gray, resdens ofvBurken and wîllMrs Cordon Wilson; Solina resdens o Buketn ad wllCILub, Mrs. C. Langmaid, Mr,,.. leave a noticeable voidi as tbev oyam:TrnMs r have been closely assoiated 1Dm a Wor odlMrs. . YoN- witb church and communit affairs. yiman. About 40 friends and neigh- Mis Frances Lampman, Home bous atened nd he venngEconomist for Du rham. Peter- was spent playing euchre, bingobrohan Vitia onts and hinse ceckrs.was in charge of the day. She An d hies cbs eers. Mr.was aýssisted by Mrs. 'W. C. An drs a edb r Matin, Peterborough; Mrs. 1T. A. E. Ribe.y and a sumn of money Montgomierv. No bleton, and was presenbed by Mrs. H. Larm- 1 Ms CrelCad, ntarin er on bebaît of ail Presenit. Departmeni. o giclue Mr.ç. Elwood McKee was nt Ilamilton. the piano and led in the Sing- Tht' prrî.ect which the Homp- ing of "For Tbey Are JollY nmaking Club members will be Good Fellows" and a sing songi participating in this fail is "The of old familiar songs. Club Girl Stands On Guard." I A lovely lunch was served bv They voted to take the projectJ Mrs. A. E. Ribey, Mrs. Argue,f "Being Weil Dressed and Weil Mrs. Adams and Mr. A. E. Ribey jGCroon'.ed** in the spring and and Mr. A. Hubbard. àiumimcr of 19583. - - w-mm - qu m qmum mlw - -m - - w w ut thîe CASEORAMA REVI EW AFIERNOON at W. H. Brown's Farm Mile and a Haif North of the C.P.R. Overhead Bridge on the Town Line at 2 p.m. Wed., Sept. IStI' FREE REFRESHMENTS wDOOR PRIZES Fi rst Prize $124 Watch Visit Your Friends Bring Your Family Frorn the moment y<>u take your scat, you'Il bc royally entertaincd at our presentation of the CASEORAMA REVIEW. AIl the excitement of a fair, music, refreshnients and prizes! You'Il sec lively demionstrations of Case Tractors and inlplern.nts-%%orking under actual field conditions. New profit-niaking equiiment wiIl bc on display and ready for your examina- tion. There wiIl be Case factory farm niachinery experts therc, too, for those questions you'd like ansvered. We'll bc looking for you - plan now to attend! EVERYGNE WELCGME w, CASE DEALER ':1 BROWN I e.. ___________________ - - t ..... M BURKETON Mrs. K.Dorrell a 'supply1 teacher, took over the duties of Mr. M. MCov while hie was'iii last week. Mrs. 1. Argue who bas been in Toronto for a few days visît- ing heîr daucbteý, returned home on Wednesday last week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Madv, Linda and Catby, Lindsay, call- ed on Mr. and Mrs. R. Bone on Thursday of last week as they were enroute ta Oshawva whcre bhey wiIl spcnd a few days visit- inz with lier aunt andi unclc. Mr. * and Mrs. Charles Tyler, and then on ta Agincourt to the honiciof lier parents. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith on Kennedy Road. W.A. Meetingr The W.A. met at the home of4 Mrs. Cyrus Ashton on Tbursday, Sept. 12 with 16 members present. There was a discus- sion as ta what forrni of enter- tainmient would be most suitable *to use as a celebration on open- ing the new church hall whicb is steadtily nearing completion. It wa~s decided ta hold a short dedication service, followed bv a supper. Further details wijl be announced at a later date. Several ladies brougbt in sew- ing which is being prepared'for the Faîl bazaar. Some remnants of drapery material were dis-'. tributed to be made &pi . 1 cushion covers, etc., for the ba- zaar also. j A pleasant little episode tank place at bbe close of the meeting .t' wben Mrs. H. Larmer, on behalf ..,,$7ý "' 1 of the W.A. presented Mrs. Rus- ~~ sell Dean with a litIle gift as al:tP Y remembrance from the group. J .~~. IMrs. Dean, who recently moved "*~ 10 Bowmanville, bas been a very willing worker in ah Ibhings per- i .lA taining ta W.A. work and sheH 1 graciously thanked the ladies for the gift and expressed her l ?~k~¼.'r Iwillingness to help the group in any way she eould in the future. e4 A social haîf-hour brought tbe meeting to a close with Mrs. K. Roblin, Mrs. B. Breck and Mrs. Directly in the path of the freak Storm were two 1 ripped to shreds as shown by Mr. and Mrs. Samau i~n the R. Bone as hosiesses. tobacco farms operated by Henry Aikens and Albert lower photo. Their house rocked on its founidation and Mr. and Mrsý. Ross Hubbard îSaman, northeast of Bowmanville. Mr. Aikens suffered 1 the kitchen window cxploded just after Mrs. Samari han1 and Janice, Trenton, were Sutfl1 , heavv tobacco loss, while the Saman farm lost a $2,500 'movcd away from it. Their son Freddie, 11, suffered dvdinner guests of day; B. Hubbard. greenhouse above and a small quantity of tobacco wasI hand f rom the flying glass. They had insurance. Durham Homemakers 7.Gather at Orono Hall. Win Valuable PrizesI .~ ~ il., . "THEMOST ECONOM.ICAL TRACTOR [VER OWNED."y Da, y$LOMKi Hks e Ch,,,V.1e, P,,.« L-'d Co -ti X.R. 1, ORONO PHONE ORONO 19 r 31 il iRcitx HO PAGE SUCTTEN "tl SDAT. WWT. l'on r TUE eANADIAN STATESMAN BOWMANMAX. ONTAAM