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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Sep 1957, p. 3

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MM OeMADIAX »BATuMALr. EOWVARflXOeqARZO PAI M -.-0 -M~ FLOYD - JAMES ta mratch their gowns, long whi gloves, and carried cascadesg Wh±ite poms and shasta white shasta chrysanthemun chrysanthemums on "the altar and poms with salai leaves. and baskets of white gladioli Mr. John Irwin performed t flanking the chancel steps form- duties of best man, and tI ed an effective background in ushers were Mr. Bruce Jame St. George's Memorial Anglican brother of the bride, Mr. Donal Church. Oshawa, for a wedding Lowe, Mr. John Alexander a: nt 3:30 o'clock Saturday after-MrChseByatoRgln noon, Sept. l4th when ShirleyMrChseByatoRgln Anne James, daughter of Mr. The reception was held in tf and Mrs. George R. James of garden of Pleasure Valley, N6rt Oshawa was united in marriage Oshawa, the home of the bride with Donald Walter Floyd, son parents, where the bride's mott of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Floyd er received the 225 gue& of Oshawa, formerly of Toronto. wearing a sheath dress of Dic Rev. Clinton Cross performed blue Chantilly lace over sil the double ring ceremony assist- faille, small white satin ha ed by Rev. T. H. Floyd. matching accessories and corsap of wine cymbidium orchid Mr. Matthew Gouldburn play- Assisting was the bridegroon ed the weddimg music, and the mother who chose a two-piec choir, of which the bridegroom deso hman rnhl is~~~~~ a1ebr ag"rieM over satin, a large picture hatc Soul The King of Heaven" pre- chiam pagne siîk beaver wit ceding the bridai part.,. up theveetacnsmahigcc aisie, and '*O Perfect Love" dur- sories accns, acg of e ing the signing of the register. sre n osg fbi Given in marriage bv her iath- cymbidium orchids. er the bride wore an original A four-tier \vedding cakei full iength gown of carnation a setting of white tulle flanke white slipper satin. A portrait with white tapers in silVE neckline outlined in seed pearis candelabra centered the table fc highlighted the bodice. buttonedi the bridai party. and arrang( at the back, and the sleeves werej ments of vari-colored gladi long and pointed over the hand. decorated the tables for th A jlong train swept from the guests. waistline offsettingz the sheath Rev. Cross was toastmaste skirt. A crown embroidered in, and the toast to the bride we pearîs and beads heid her finger- proposed bv Mr. Frank McCluri tip veil of silk illusion, and she uncle of the bride, response bE carried an aIl wh*te cascade of, ing made by the bridegroon f e a t h e r,e dcihliysanthemums! The bridai attendants were ais stephanotis and cymbidium orch- appropriateiy toasted by the be. Idq. man, Mr. John Irwin. The Zio Mis. Donald Lowe was matron Doubles Club served the guest ef honor, and the other attend- For the honeymoon trip1 ants were Miss Sally James, Bermuda. flvinga from Toronti sister of the bride, and Mrs. the bride travelled in a sheat Arthur Keir, ail weaîing ident- dress of orchid silk organza ove ical waltz iength gowns of em- mauve taffeta, a matching feath erald green. The satin bodices ered hat, long white gloves. ai featured scoop necklines and a brown mink cape stole: brief sleeves and the hooped corsage of white orchids corr skirts of Chantilly lace were pieted ber ensemble. On thei waîn over sheath skirts of satin. return the couple will reside i They wore feathered bandeaux Oshawa. SAVE NQW on Broadloom-- and Carpeti ng Sold and laid. w l- -W l We do the complet. job for you. B O D O M Large choîce of samples - Free Estimates For home demonstration without obligation Phone MA 3-5576 >Wm. M. A/lin 19 SCUGOG STREET BOWMANVILLE WooI Chiefiain Wool for those new bulky sweaters in a full range of colons, also in eight new tweed shades 69c foor two ounces Polar Wool for heavy outdoor type of sweater 98C f or four ounces mcm PATON & BALDWTN BREHIfV1 HARDING KROI 100% NYLON - ..KNITTING BOOKS and CR0 Core ne uand IY and MONARCH WOOLS )CH] d vis ORLON -ANGORA - CROCHET COTTON ET PATTERNS isit our wool corner. Jte ai mis the the ýes. ld nd he th E's sts or ilk at, ige ds. n's ýce ice of ith îge in :ed 7en for oi ;he ras e - Isc Lst ;ts. ta ta, ith VAN CABP - 1(0510W A wedding of interest here took place in Hilton United Church, Hilton, Ont., on Sat- uîday afteînoon, Sept. 7, when Miss Ruby Jean Morîow be- came the bride of William Richard Van Camp. The bride is the daughter ai Mr. and Mrs. Roy Monrow af Hilton, and was a member of the teaching staff of Central School, Bowman- ville, last yeaî. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Stan- ford Van Camp ai Nestleton. Multi-coloured giadioli de- corated the church for thel ceremony which was perform-1 e d by Rev. Don Richardson, B. A., B.D. 4 The wedding music was play- ed by Mrs. Miller and Miss Thelma ibonaldson and Miss Colleen Whitehouse sang "Wedl- ding Prayer" by Rev. H. A. Meliow, and "O Perfect Love". Given in marriage by her fa- ther, the bride chose a floor length gown ai nylon chiffon blended with Chantilly lace and iingertip veil. Her flowers were deep pink roses. Miss Gwen Wilson, Nestieton, was maid ai honour, in shrimp, Miss Doreen Van Camp, Nes- tieton, bridesmaid, was in penvanche blue and Miss El- zabeth Casson, Hilton, as fiow- er girl, wore maize. Ail wore identically styled gawns ai crys- I talette with matching headdress- es and canried bouquets of white carnations and chrysan- th emums. Mr. Glenn Larmer, Nestieton, acted as best man and uishers were Mr. Gardon Cole, Hilton, and Mi. Mcmriii Van Camp, Nestieton.I For the receptian which fol- lowed in Hilton Hall, the bride's mather wore a dress af iight blue with navy accessories and the groom's mother was in blue grey with dusty rose accessor- ies. The couple leit on a wedding trip ta the East Coast, the bride n wearing a three--piece wooi a suit in turquoise with black ac- cessories. They will reside at R. R. 2, Nestieton. Before the close ai the school o year in June, the staff of Cen- tral Schooi, Bowmanville, en- teîtained the bride at a dinner ,er party at the home ai Mrs. How- b- ard Pbilp, Tyrone, and pre- nd scnted her with a silver ente a dish. M- Mis. Douglas Rigg, Bowman- Ër ville, beld a glass and china in shower. The counsellors at Belleville C.G.I.T. Camp pue- -sented the bride with a lamp. Fniends from Hilton, Wade's Corners and Spîing Valley held an aiternoon sbower, present- ing the bride with a floor lamp and cofice table. STEPHENS - WYMAN St. Andrew's United Churcb, Oshawa, Ontario, was the scene oi a wedding at.3 o'clock Aatuu- day aitennoon, September 7th, ,when Marion Doreen Wyman, daughter ai Mr. and Mrs. Mor- ley Wyman ai Prestonvale, Ont., was united in marriage with Maurice R. Stephens. son ai Mr. and Mus. R. M. Stephens ai Bowmanviiie, Ofqtaria. Rev. George Telford conducted the double ring ceremony against a background ai white chrysan- themums and Picardy gladioli banked with feins and iliumi- inated with two seven bianch candlelabra. Mr, E. Kelvin James A.T.C.M., played the wedding music and Mn. Ross Metealfe ai Bowman- ville, sang "The Lord's Prayeir' and during the signing ai the register Mn. Metcalfe and Miss Joani Mattbews ai Oshawa, sang as a duet "O Love Divine". As the bridai party waiked up the aisie, the congregation sang "Fraise My Soul, the King ai Heaven," Given in manniage by ber fathen, the bride wore a ful length gown ai lotus white tai- feta on princess lines having a bigh Victorian bodice ai re-' embroidered Alencon lace with short siceves complemented with long mittens. The billowing ski-t swept into a circulai train. A plateau cap ai lace studded with sequins and pearis heid her three-quarter lengtb illu- semi-cascade ai pink tosettes an dwbite stephanotis withi sprays ai white heatheî from Scotiand. Mis. Hans Geisiberger of Hampton, was matran ai honor for her sister wearing deep turquoise, and the bridesmaitis were Miss Donna Barweli and Miss Marilyn Davies bath in salmon pink. Tbe gowns worn by ahl the attendants were iashioned on identical lines af silk crystallette baving a deep V neckline above thc pointed bertba with long streamers at the back. The waltz lcngth skirts were gathered ta a paint- ed basque. They each wore a feathered crown ta match theïr gowns, set with rhinestanes, matcbing mittens and shoes, and each carried a cascade ai gladioli roses and tulle florets ini shades af pink. Miss Sandra Tbompson ai Part Hope was iiower girl in a long irock ai deep turquoise crystallette designed similanly ta, that ai the matron of honor with matching headdress, and ber flawers were a nosegay ai petai pink carnations. Mr. William- Stephens ai St. Catharines was best man for his brother. Ushering were Mr. Hans Geissberger ai Hampton, brother-in-law of the bride and Mn. Gardon Thompson ai Port jHope. jThe reception was held in the lower hall ai the church where the bride's mather rcceived the guests wearing a dress ai del- phinium bloc Chantilly lace over tafieta. em4broidered in sequins, a small feathered bat ai dusty rose and matching ac- cessonies. Assisting was the biidegroom's mother wha chose a two piece diess of navy and white silk navelty weave, a pic- turc bat ai navy velvet and matching accessories. They bath ware corsages oi nases and carnations in shades ai pink. The Women's Association of St. Andrew's Cburch seîved zhe wedding dinnen. and pink tulle formed the setting for the tlir.e tier wedd=n cake ceater- ci c Sc c el Tr w Pl P. Married in Trinity Church Mr. and Mrs. James Lewis Rosseau who were married in Trinity United Church on Saturday, August 31, are pictured as the bride, the former Marilyn Lillie Singular, signs the register following the ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mis. Harvey Singular of Bowmanvil' le. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mis. Perey Rosseau af Picton, Ont. Impressions of Canada Told by-Mrs. Geisberger Solina: "Citizenship and Edu- cation"' was the theme ai the Woamen's Institute meeting held on Thursday evening. n'S.E. Cryderman and Mrs, Stan Mill- on were convenons ai the splendid program whieh was thoroughiy enjoýyed by 65 la- dies and the girls ai the 4-H Club present. Mis. Charles Langmaid, lead- er ai the project, "Sleeping Gar- nents,' spoke brieily on the woik oi the 14 girls who corn- pleted the project. Following this Pat, Knox introduced the skît vbich depicted phases ai their activities during the summer ing the candle-lighted bridai table. Standards of white chrysanthemurns and Autumiu toned gladioli also contributed1 ta the decorative theme. Dr. Telford as toastmaster offercd grace and later proposed the toast to the bride, which was responded to by the bridegroorn who in turn toasted the bridai attendants, s'esponse being made by Mr. William Stephens. For the wedding trip to Ot- tawa and other points, tilu bride don ned a suit of navy blue English worsted. Pink ac- cessories and corsage of gar- denias completed her ensemble. On their return the couple wili reside in Bowmanville. Mason & Dale ANNOIJNES rfflv OnIy $89-9 COMPUTE 3 ireutest Advenoes la Ve<taudonenr Design, Rio WHILS tfloot the new golden LEWYT srnoofMfy over deep rugs, door sgis, everywhere. RtOLUNG NOZZLII OlUdes 0sIlY On imoli wheels. No mnorefiring puslh.puiL RIDER-ALONG TOOLS o rock. Do 23 cea~nno lob> withSit one wasted so'r suE ST TODAY C MASON & DALE LnMITED HARDWARE Phone 408 36 King St. E. Bowmanville Imonttm, Marilyn Quantnili gave comments on the exhibit of sleeping garments which was nicely arranged. Mis. Ross Cny- derman an bebali af the Wom- en's Institute thanked the girls and leaders for providing this part df the evening's program. Mrs. George Knox gave two neadings relating ta the theme. It was a pleasure ta have Mrs. Hans Geisberger Si., ai Zion, as guest speaker. In ber re- marks ber first impressions of Canada xvere tald in a pleasing manner. She aiso spake ai the way Swiss people gain ent:'y ta Canada and told ai receiving ber citizenship papers. In closing Mis. Geisherger read one ai Edna Jacques' poems "A Smile." Mis. Stan Milison thanked Mrs. Geisberger, one ai aur new Can- adians, for ber talk. The leaders ai the Club pro- ject, Mis. Chas. Langmaîd and Mis. Don Taylor, were present- ed with a cup and saucer by Manie Flett and Dianne Tink. The president ai the Club, Pat Davis, vaiced the appreciation ai the girls for the fine leader- ship. Pat Davis delighted her au- dience with well--rendered pia- no solos. Mis. C. Vice comment- ed on the motto, "A nation is made icher by the character of its people". Mns. B. Hooey and Mrs. Rae Pascoe wene appointed leaders1 for the Club praiect, "The Club girl stands on guard". during the coming winten months. The Women's Institute have accepted an invitation ta visit Biackstock W. I. on Oct. 4. October 23rd was set as the date ion the bazaar. Rail cal was answered with "How can 1 be a better citizen?". Lunch was served during the social hour. COURTICE Evening Auxillary The September meeting of Ebenezer Evening Auxiliary was held at the home of Mrs.~ C. Eiliott with Mrs. H. Sweet- man assisting. In the absence of the president the meeting was in charge of Mrs. Alec Muir. The devotional period wvas in charge of Mrs. C. Elliott who based her thoughts on "Let your light so shine among men." Mrs. H. Sweetman assisted by reading The Ten Command- ments and The Beatitudes. Readings were given by Mrs. W. Brown, Mis. R. Siack and Mrs. J. Pearce. Pleased ta have Mis. Eber Snowden with us at thîs meeting. She gave a most interesting talk on Cit- izenship. A social time was enjoyed at the conclusion of the mneetig. The next meeting was an- nounced for October 2nd a, Mis. Jack Pearce's home with Rev. T. A. Morgan of Bowman- ville as guest speaker. Sunday School on Sunday was well attended at Courtice United Church. Parents are invited ta, attend the Rally i Day service next 'Sunday morn-1 ing at 1l a'clock to be held in the church auditorium. This is a good time ta start bac k toSundav School. AIl teachers are urged ta give secretary a list af pupils w'ho are to be promoted on Sept. 29th. Details for this service are in charge of Mrs. Earl Gatcheli and Mrs. Chris Tooley. Church serv'ice wiil be in charge ai Mr. James Alîman, student ministen, on Sunday next. Chuîch service on Sun- day last was conducted by Mr. Alîman whose services are mach appreciated in the abs~ence- of a regular nn!stc. Mis.ýj Dorochy Barber sang x'ery sweetly a solo, 'St.ay Thou ià Near By," accompanied by or- ganist Mi-. Frank Walter.' 1 C.G.I.T. met at the church on Wendesday night to make plans for the Faîl. A list of girls who are eligible for C.G. I.T. was made. A wiener raast wili be held for ail girls who are C.G.I.T. age on Saturday' night at 7, at Mrs. Clarence Penfound's. The Official Board af Cour- tice Pastoral Charge met at Ebenezer United Church on Monday evenîng at 8 a'ciock with Rev. Harold Turner, min- ister appointed by Oshawa Presbytery for Courtice cir- cuit, in charge. Mr. Harry Freernan. chairman ai the Pas- tonal Relations Committee, made a fu report ai the work ai that committee up ta date. His many fîiends wiii be glad ta know that Master .Greg Simmons is convaiescing at home following painful in- juries received when Greg, bicycle and tree coilidcd anc day last week. We wish a -speedy recovery ta Mis. Gray who is in Osh- awa Hospital at time af wîit- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Laine Pen- found, Joni and Jerry attend- ed the biîthday dinner for Donna, Wayne and Nancy on Sunday at Mn. and Mrs. Don- ald Cochrane's home, Ponty- pool. Mr. Donald Thompson, Mr. Chuis Tooley, Mr. Earl McLean, Mi. Hanold Gnaham, Mrs, Harry Herron and Mrs. Clar- ence Penfound attended Anni- veîsary Service at Wallbridge United Church on Sunday night and enjoyed the servieco- ducted by Rev. Clarke af Frankiord. Mn. and Mis. Ceeil Simmons are attending the Wonld Plow- ing Match this week in Ohio, U.S.A., whene Mr. Hugh Baird, Mis. Simmons' brother repre- sents Canada as the Champion ploughman ai 1956. Mn. and Mis. John Peniound and Mr. Roy Penfound, Tor- onto, were Sunday callers at Mr. and Mis. Sim ]enfound's horne. Saturday Bride Is Honoured at Trousseau Tea Mis. Arthur E. Coverly, Prince Street. entertained at a prettily arraîîged trousseau tea an Sat- urday aiternoon and. evening. Sept. 7, in honour ai ber dau- ghter, Miss Sylvia Jeanette Co- verly, whose maîniage ta Gar- don James Kilpatrick ai Bow- mfanville, was solemnized on Saturday, Sept. 14. .Mis. Coveriy and her daugh- ter and Mis. W. Kilpats-ick, mother ai the groom, received the guests. Mis. Arthur Collisori and Mrs. Howard Foley welcomed guests at the door and MissPa tricia Kilpatrick was in charge ai the guest book. Miss Jean Panko, Oshawa, showed thel beautiful wedding gifts and Miss Mary Ann Smale was in change ai the trousseau raam. The lovely sbowen giits weie shown by Miss Ann Thomas, Bowmanvilie, Miss Inene Emer- son, Oshawa, and Miss Jane Dobson, Toronto. Guests weîe invited into the living îoom where tea and re- fneshments wene served by Mis. John Bond, Mis. Robent Stock- er Jr., Miss Joan -Gibson., Miss Ceeule Park and Miss Sheila Coverly. The tea table was ci- fectivel'it entred with a love- iy arrangement af yellow dah- lias, Engiish walliloweîs and annual blue larkspun. Pouring te-a were Mis. Nor- man Down, Oshawa, Mrn, Syd- ney Venton, Mi. Victoria Frànk and Mrs. Rose'MacDon- aid, Bowmanville. Those assisting ini tea-mak- ing and arranging plates were Mrs. John Martyn. Mrs. Harry Hughes, Bowmanville, and Mrs.. Jack Dobson, Toronto. Legion Aux. Make Plans for Birthday Party The Ladies' Auxiiiaxy of Bîanch 178, Canadian Legion. hcld their first meeting for the Fali tcîm in the Legian Hall, Monday evening, Sept. 16, with President Comrade Ann Piper presiding. Reports of committees tram the baoths at the caînival and weddings which have been cat- ered ta.during the summer were îead which showcd the hard work the ladies have been do- ing. A discussion fallowed with re- gards ta purchasing a bronze plaque with the names oi al the past presidents ai the Aux- iiary ta be put on, aiso the 1 birthday partv ta be held the third week ai October in theI Legion Hall. On request af Poppy Chair- mari Comrade P. Bathgate, the President asked for volunteers ta canvass the stores and homes priai ta poppy day in Novem- ber. The meeting then came ta a closeand unch was served by Comnade Jean Firth.*lnh OC.N.O. Club Makes Plans For Autumn Blackstock: The September! meeting ai the O.N.O. Club was' heid at the home ai Florence Collins. Vice-President, Shirley Turner pîesided. Rail cali was answered with a "child's cute saying. Oui ONO. children are an exceptional group! Plans were made for the SiN anniversary danice to be held Nov. 9 with Montgomery's Or- chestra providing the music. FI- nal arrangements wers made for the Barbershoppers, who are coming to Biackstock Oct. 25. *The Girl Guides are starting and $25 was given to them to- wards the purchase of badges, pins, books, etc. Business con- cluded the hostess then set up tables for a game of progressive whist which was much enjoy- ed by ail. A deliciaus lunch was served by the hostess and her group bringing another pleasant evening ta an end. Next meeting will be at Gwenyth Thompson's and ral caîl will be, "Wlhat we are thankful for." Looking for a DIAMOND? We now have a speelal display room where 70u eau look over our diamonds and ehoose yours lni prlvaer. ASK TO SEE OUR DIAMONDS * 0 4 HOOPER'S Jewellery & Gift Shop 28 King St. NV., Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5747 Registration FOR Night School Classes will take place at the HIGH SCHOOL 7:30 Io 9:30 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday SEPTEMBER 241h and 251h Classes will be given ini ... >Voodworking -Metalworking > Homne Econornics Physical Training. and -academic subjects.-0 provided a sufficient number enroil. Time tables for various classes will be announced next week.0 Consumers' Gas .Cooking Demonst ration AND FASHION SHOW IN THE TOWN HALL Bowmanville, ai 8 P.m. Monday, Sept. I3rd RECIPES - LUCKY PRIZES Tickets may be purchased ai the dbor or from local women's organizaions. "uml-wjL,-n am. loth, igav lý

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