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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Sep 1957, p. 6

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PAESIXTE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVTLLE. ONTARIO Relation ship Between Salesmen and Buyer Discussed at Rotary Salesman's rights. honest ad- salesman deserved special cour- vertising and discount buying tesy. were threc phases of the sales- Morley Vanstone stated that nan-buyer rclationship discus.i- the salesman bas a right ta ex- ed in an enlightcning Rotary pect caurtcsy but some are often Club panel discussion Friday a: too persistent. Its re gular meeting at the Bal- Hoet Advertising n:moral Hotel. Under the Rotary classifica- How hanest is advcrtising? tionof ocatona SericetheMr. Vanstane felt that most ad- panel discussion proved ta be bcvesn shnst u ed Jhigbly interesting with several teive that too many superla- membersvoicin theirvicwsvs are used ta describea frmbsvcn the irlor product. He cited patent medi- Chaircd by Ken Marris the cines v.hich promise miracu- panel 'consistced af Morley 'Van- la us cures as an example of ex- atone. Art Ribcy, and FarbesIaggeratcd advertising. Heyland. However there is much con- Salesman*s Rights stuctive adUverisiL1gand tflis is beneficial in making the pub- "What courtesies has a sales- lic aware of a product Mr. Van- M-an the right ta expect framn stone said. ka buYer?*" was the first ques- M.Hyadtagtta tion posed by Ken Morris. M.Hyadtogtta Forbr Hylad pintd ~ manv advertisements are mis- that if a buyer doesnt buy, he leading in some respects. has nathing ta sel! and accord- Wen asked ta comment ingîy a salesman is an impor- George W. James painted out1 tant factor in business. that if advertising is untruthful Privileges granted ta a sales- it will certainlv reflect back znLn should include a quiet upon the advertiser. "If an ad- Place ta discuss business and vertiser loses the confidence of a reasonable amount of time for the buyer, he will also lose the seller ta present his storv. sales." }'urthermore a salesman should- Throughout his publishing n't be kept waiting nor his time career Mr. James stated tha' wastcd. he has advised ahl advertisers Salesman shouldn't be asked ta avoid exaggeration and not to give special treatment or dis- ta compare their products witli counts since they have a se, those of their competitorbu companv pol;cy ta fallow. He play up the desirable faue also thought that the yaurig of y'our owAn praduct or service THANK YOU . A CIA policyholder writes: 4I should like to fake this opportunity to express My appreciation ofj the courteous and prompt service I received when I had my first accident recently. Botb you and your adjuster Iooked after this unfortunate occurrence for nie with the minimum of inconvenience to my- self." (Signed, A.IV.S., St. Catharines, May, 1957). See your CIA representative for helpful infor- mation on auto, farm family liability and accident and sickness insurance. 1 HOWARD FOLEY King St. W., Bowrnanville Phone MA 3-3277 Co-operators Insurance Palmolive Rapid Shave Bomb 98c Lustre Cremne - 75o Lustre Crenie Vacuumi Botties 796 %.Noxzema, JAMES BARNES Newcastle Ass oc ia tion Gerito1 89e Vitamin and Minerais Liquid or Tableta 79e 59e 1.35 - 3.29 - 5.49 TAKE Extra Vitamins NOW Wamnpole's Extract 1.50, 2.75 Deep Heat Rub 984 Quantity Buying The third question asked if the discounts allowed ta the large buying organization was fair ta the smtall operator. Art Ribey felt that it is jiot fair as the smail operator wvoîks an limited capital. He felt that lit is just as economical for a producer ta make a n.umber of small deliveries along a route as it is ta make one trip toa large vao.îme buyer. Morley Vanstone felt that imany discounts given ta the volume buyers are oftcn harger than the actual savings. jKen Marris v'entured that tbe sellers are not àlone ta blame. Many of the big organizations put 'pressure on the producers far larger discounts. President Keith Slemon pass- ed on a vote of tbanks ta the panel members for their enjoy- able program. Birthday plaques were pre- scnted ta twa past presidents of the club, Cy Slemon and Lau Dippehl. Commendation was given ta Marty Martin and Garnet Rick- ard for the Rotary Rest Station they aperated at the Orano Fair again this year. Visiting Rotarians at th e meeting were Reg Geen and Tam Dobbic of Oshawa. 1 BETHANY LAC Victor Woods, with the R.C.A.F. at Cintan, was home for several days last week with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Woods. Miss Laura Hutchinson, Toron- o, is visiting with her sisten, Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Kennedy. Mr. Clarence Buller, Brant- ford, was guest of Mns. Clara rArmstrong. Miss Joan Bristow, Oshawa, and Miss Ph.vllis Bristow, Peter- bonough, were home for the weekend with their mother, Mrs. Hilliard Bristow. Miss Joan Ramsay, Toronto, and ber mother, Mrs. W. Ram- say, Fowlers Corners, were Sun- day guests with Mr. and Mns. Ross Carr. Mn. Leonard Cavano, Peter- borough, visitcd for several days with Mrs. W. Cavana. Mrs. Ina Gribble, Lambeth, spent the past weck with Miss Laura Morton. On Sunday, September 22nd, St. Mary's Anglican Church, Lifford Line. will celebrate its lO5tb anniversary at three o'clack in the afternoan. The guest minister will be the Ven- erable Anchdeacon F. G. Ongley, M.A., Peterborough. St. Marys is the aldest cburch in Manvers Township. Harvest Home St. Paul's Anglican Churcb held their annual Hanvcst Home Service on Sunday cvening. Thel cburch was beautifully dccorated for the occasion with an abund- ance of flowers, fruits and vege- tables. *Rev. G. E. Meades in bis serm- on said: "Ail gaod things, the seed time and the harvest, aur life. aur beahth, aur food are the gifts of our Heavenly Father. The farmer tilîs the soil, saws the sced and reaps bis harvest, but the seed itself is God given; s0 also is the gift of human life. We must be tnuly grateful and express aur tbanks by giving of aur matenial gifts, and mast of ahI, giving aur bcarts and lives *One-A-Day Infra îînia ±ns keeping; for i-is mercies, Crea Mutipe Vtamns ub e ver sure, shahl endure through Creai Mutipl VitminsRulal time." 980 - 1.25 1.40 - 2.50 - 3.95 1.3S9Metn ________Alphamiettes 1.00, 1.85, 3.50 1.39 Metn VI-Cl-Fr ------ 1.5, .95The members of the Waman's VI-Cl-Fe - 195, .95Missionany Society of the United 100 Paramnettes 2.00. 3.50, 6.00 Buckley's Cburch were cntertained at the A.S.A. Tabi. Neo Chemnical Food Caps, home of Mrs. Earl Weathenilt for 1.95 - 3.45 - 7.65 Rub their September meeting with 190 Scott's Emnulsion 1.00, 2.00 596 Mrs. Otto Spencer presiding. ___________________________________________ Mrs. Florence Jobnston took charge of the worship service. the theme being "The Joy of ('hlld's Lunch Box ---- 2.99 Tonette for Chlldren- 1.75 Christian Friendship" based on Thermos Baffles 1.89, 1.98 New Prom -_____ 2.00 the Apostle Paul*s letter ta the Mens Lunch Kits --- 1.29 New Tonj! _____ 2.29 The studv period was dirccted bY Mns. Edgar Been. This vears study on Japan is based on twa NyaI Creophos Stops Bronchial Coughsbok TissJan" yWm Axling and "Cross and Cnisis in Large bottie - 1.50 Japan" by (Charles Inglebant. Mrs. Beer displayed a map show- ing the size and population of the country and told of their different fonms of religions and i te show but steady pnagrress of Chriiantb Shie also display- VV LIN G I ed a nîîmber aof Japanese articles made by the natives. Her talk PHON69 RU OE WE FIT was folowcd bv a question and TRUSSES membens took part. Lunch was qserved bv the hostess duning the social hou r that fol lowed. IRoyal Theaitre Bowmanvll Mrs. Niddery FIR1. and SA'ï. - SEPTEMBER 20 - 21 "The Qui et Gun" With FORREST TUCKER, MARA CORDAY Last complete showv 8:40 NEXT MON. TO WED. - SEPT. 23 - 25 Feature at 7:15 and 9:30. Last complete 9:15. Thurs. - Sat., Sept. 26 - 28 - "BERNARDINE" ;Hampton W.. r Hampton Women's Institute t held its September meeting with iMrs. Chant presiding. The ral call was answered bv -~What I jlike about Septemben'. Letters ofthanks and other correspond- Jence wene read. The Fail bazaan will be bcld Novemnber 15. Our ladies will collect for the bospital. IMns. Sam Dewehl took charge of the Pragram. Mns. Honey gave the motta, 'Take Pains witb vaun meals sa vau won't have pains afterwands," by a verv nice paper on sanie. Mrs. Ker- sev- gave a good account of the bus trip in August. IMrs. Pnescott was intnoduced l and gave a wondcrful papen on "Agriculture and Canadian In- dstries". A vase of sweet peas and anc of rases adorned the table. Mrs.1 Niddenv (aur oldest member) was asked ta take a special chair and Mns. Tamblyn of Orono, ai charter member of Hampton, formerlv' Miss Ada Cryderman, i xas called ta the front and ruade 'a n lue speech and Presented Mrs. Nidderv With a lite membersbip pin and certificate, Mrs. Nid- Iderv lias been a continuaous mcmr- jber for aven 50 N-ears. nlber reply Mns. Niddenv Rave USsosme interesting ac- caunts of \ears aga. Thene xvas a gaod attendance. Tbanks %verc Riven the visitons. and the East G roup served a nic2 lunch i change of Mns. Luther Aluin and Mrs. Çaiaick. Mrs. Som (G Given Su rpri A very pleasant surprise party xvas given for one of Bowrn;oî- ville's older residents on Satur- day evening, September 14 when neighbors, friends and relatives gathered at the home of Mrs. Sam Glanville, Elgin Street, to help her celibrate ber 80th birthday. A corsage was presented to Aunt Florence as she is known to sa many, by a niece, Mrs. Har- old Èalso'n. With close ta 100 present there was much enjoyment and when the gathering was eventually called ta order, Sidney Little, a lifetime friend, acted as Master of ceremonies and welcomed everyane. He then called upon Flarence's oldest brother- George, who, with his wife. travelled frorm Ottawa for the occasion. He spoke on behaif of the broth- ers and sisters. Clarence Cox, son of Blanche and Albert Cox of Oshawa, xvas asked for a few words on behalf of the nieces and nephews. Mrs. Everson Prout in ber Lions Intern 'I IGeorge Webster thanked Mr.r lanville Is ~Palmer for bis nprgtak J Cluanvoe. Te.ePreIdet ise art Triutewas also paid ta Presi- y dent Fred Cale by Tail Twister Bob Kent on behaîf of the club. amiable style, spoke for the Lion Bob told the members of neighbors, of whom s0 many the president's early if e in Bow- turned out ta offer their con- 'manville. "Proof of bis sterling gratulations.i character lies in the fact thati After all congratulations and:flearly all organizations of whicb good wishes, Florence gave a' he is a member bave appointed well spoken "thank you" ta all; bim their treasurer. The Men's for the purse of money which, Major Bowling League and the was presented by Little Susan t Lawn Bowling Club have con- Burr. She welcomed everyone, tinua fly re-elected him ta thec to her borne and voîced ber sin-1 office of treasurer for many cere appreciation for every-1 years", be said. thing."Eleven years ago be joined Clarence Cox brought a]ong tbe Bowmanville Lions Club and bis banjo and entertained during has put forth tremendous efforts a short sing-song.j and carried an as a t!rless!z A deliciaus lunch was served worker for all club activities. by some of the nieces, in&luding Having Il years perfect attend- a lovely birthdav cake made andanebehsencarmno decorated by a niece, Mrs. Lloyd many committees, tailtwister, Hancock.lion tamer, directar and vice- Hancock.president, and this vear he bas After everyone partoak ta taken on the leadership," be their heart's content, a deight- said~ President Fred Cale was ful evening was brought ta a then grceted with a standing close, ovation by bis fellaw Lions. Out-af-town guests were pres- Exctv Daan igsas ent from Toronto, Ottawa, Os ha- Eadcutv alo.rgsas wa, Alistan, Hampton and adessed the members and paid Whitby.tribu te ta the new president. He Whitv. Icongratulated District Gavernor Herbert "Deac" Goddard on bis being elected. He praised the club for their excellent showing ration ai at the Peterborough convention hlff" and in the parade. Councillor Pays Tribut e President Fred Cole Higb and deserving bonours wenc paid ta President Fred Cale by International Councillor Joe Palmer, Toronto, and the mcm- bers of Bowmanvihle Lions Club at theinr rgular meeting in the Lions Centre, Monday of hast week. "An incoming president should be honaîîred". Lion Joe Palmer told the duced Herbert Fred Cole club after he was intro- by District Governar "Deac" Goddard. Greatest Ho-nor "It is a great banaur ta bc president of a Lions Club, anc of the grcatest hanours a Lion can bave. A president must have great ability, understand- ing and above aIl a keen inter- est in Lionism. These qualities are prominent in the man yau have laccd at thc bead of your clu tis ea",he tald the mcm- bers. "Your president bas a bighly responsible office and should ne- SAVE DURING 1947 ROCII ceive full backing from the club" he said. Mn. Palmer pointed out the problems faced by a president during bis tcrm of office. He commendcd Presi- dent Fred Cale on the fine con- tribution be bas made in bis community and in bis work in Lionism. Fleet of Shlps Llonism is a fîcet of ships and summed up in four wards. Mr.. Palmer said. They are fellaw-ý sbip, leadenship, membership a n d readership. Fellowshipj means an interest in Lionism, in yaur club, district and at an international level. It also means fellowship at meetings and baving a feeling of being able ta serve your cam- munity. Leadership covers the leader of your community, our club and committee meîbers wha work industrialhy. These persans are aIl leaders in their' cammunity and find pleasune in serving their fehlow being, he pointed out. New Members Membership means thinking of the man ncxt doon for a passible candidate for member- sbip in voun club, cburcb or other activities. Think of him and invite bim ta belang as yau do. Readership is reading. Have we read enough abaut Lionism, sa that wc may better serve aur club and Lionism, hc askcd? He discusscd Lionism at its inter- national level and pointed out that each club is a member of a fleet in Lionism. In concluding he rcad the members a poem centitled "What Have I Donc for the World To- day". "The Lions Club gives me a greater feeling of obligation as a fathen. Lion and cburch- man'%, be told the members. Lion oe1 OTHER EXCITING VALUES 16 PIECE SET FOR 4 3 PIECE PARTY SET i4andsomily Giff Pockaged N4ew Gift Pocae , 4 nvs 4 Forks $25 9 Cod Meat Fork $6.95 4DsetSpoons OI BrySpoon W 4 Rg.TeaponsSAVE $7.05 Pastry Serve, SAVE $5.55 MARR'S JEWELLERY King St. W. Bowmanville HAYDON Visitors at Mrs. W. Tbomp- son*s on Saturday were Mrs. 1 Elgie, Mn. Lloyd Tbampson and Tarry, Mn. and Mrs. Earl iù Tbampsan and Larny, Mn. and IMrs. Donald Thompson, Mn. and Mns. Walter Bridgett and Danny. Mr. and Mns. Paul Phîl- ips, Bowmanvilc, Mn. Roy Tbampsan and Dennis, Lesk- ard, Mn. and Mrs. Roland Thompsan, Hampton, ahi enjoy- e d a corn raast on Saturday Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Taylor ! and family, Enfield, werc Sun- day visitons at Mrs. Tbompson's. Sunday visitons at Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton's were, Mn. and Mrs. Ted McLaughlin, Patsy, Jimmie and John, Bur- ketan. Mn. and Mns, E. Simpson, Bunketan, Mr. and Mns. Bruce Reid a. Mn. and Mrs. Chivers. Mn. and Mrs. E. Cox, Islin- ton, Mn. and Mrs. Eanl Tnewin, Daneen and Donald, Mr. and Mns. Fred Toms, Enniskillcn, wene Sunday evening callers at Mn. and Mns. Lloyd Slcmon's. Visitors with Mn. and Mns. Walter Loveridge and Mns. Wmr. Trewin were Mr. and Mns. Daug Strawbridge and lamîily, Hamp~- tan, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Billett, Hampton, Mn. and Mns. Frank Virtue, Burlington. Mn. and Mrs. Jack Potts wene Sundav evcning visitors at Mn. and Mns. Arthur Tncwin's. Mn. Rabert Gay. Oshawa Miss Evelyn Reid, Kendal, wene Sunday visitons at Mr. and Mrs. C. Garrard's. Mrs. W. Thampson vîsitedl IMr. and Mrs. Walter Bridgctt and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Tbampsan Sunday. jMr. and Mrs. Lloyd Shernon and Mn. Milton Shemaon were Sunday dinner guests at Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Slemnon's, Don Milîs. Mn. Ronald Rahm spent the weekend with Mn. MacDermid, Mrs. Leslie Graham are holidaying in the Algon- quin Park district. Mn. and Mns. Burrows . and boys, Toronto, with ber moth- en, Mns. David Malcolm, Sun- day. Mns. Malcolm accompan- ied thcmn home. Glad ta bca' Mn. David Mal- colm is doing nicclY at Sunny- brook Hospital, Toronto. On Sunday afternoorn a grass fine Lyot I arted in the field iust nortb 'of Mr. Malcolms borne. A motarist who was passing and happened ta see the smokc told Mr. Malcolmn, wha phonc:d around for belp. If this fire had got a little more headway it would have soon cleaned up a lot of fine bush. Mr. and Mrs. Rt5nald Rabm and family were Sunday even- ing callers at Mr. W. Rahm's, Tyrone. Sunday School Rally on Sun- day aflernoon at 3 p.m., a coni- bined service, church and Sun- day School. W.A. September meeting was bcld at the home of Mrs. Cccil Slemon, Hamptan, on Thursday afternoon. President Mrs. Lloyd Sleman opened the meeting. Devot'onal was taken by Mrs. Billctt'. Bible reading by Mrs. Cowling. Mrs. Don Cameron bad the following programmc: ing better. er qoomed for success To lie successful, look successful! That priceless "band-box" appearance cornes easy when we cleau. your suits. You'll say they look as gond as the dý you bought 'em ... every spot and stain completely banished, sparkle and freshness restored! Cost? Surprisingly little! Try us and see. Phone MA 3-5520 for Free Pick-up and Delivery Band Presented WIth Certificafe Lion Wally Braden presented Legion Pipe Band President Jack Knight with a certificate from the Lions Club for the band's winning third place in the parade at Peterborough. Mr. Knight pointed out that the band had been foÈmed as a benefit ta Bowmanville and district and it had been a pleasure ta march with the local club at the parade. A certificate of menit for marching was also prcscnt'ed ta President Fred Cale for the fine performance of the Bowmanvihlc Club in the parade. Twa guests at the meeting were Stan Wilkins and Vic Mill- er. Lions Ron Hethenington, Dave Pressan and Harry Cryder- man celcbrated their birthdays. Stu James led the group in a gay sing sang whilc Ross Metcalf played the piano accompaniment. IMrs. Dorreli Is Hostess W. M. Meeting Blackstock: W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. Earl Dorreil Wcd- nesday afternoon, with 19 la- dies present. President Mrs. Er- nest Larmer apcned the meet- in.g with a pocm, "~The Power of Prayer". Mrs. P. Romeril read the Senipture and gave a fine talk basing ber thougbts on the blindness af the Phari- sees xvho rejected Jesus wben be healed the man wba was born blind. The roll caîl, '.something 1 like about this montb", praved intcrcsting. After the regular business was dealt witb Mrs. Fred DayL-s prcsidcd for the program. Mrs. David Hill cancluded the study book, "East from Burma", and literallly took us on a trip through Thailand. Mrs. Ralph Larmer gave an interesting Christian citizenship paper and Donna McLaughlin rcndered a piano solo. Mrs. Dayes express- cd thanks ta the hostesses and ahl who bad taken part. Lunch was served by the group and a social haif-hour enjoyed. heîit's neede ot Your e ea certificate simplifies hospital admission Il There is no fuss or bother upori admission ta hospital as your Blue Cross certificate repre.- sents YOur "PassPOrt ta worry-free recovery". II works best when il is needed most-another feature which has made Blue Cross the choice of Ontarians everywhere as their answer to the cost of unexpected hospital expense. ONTARIO HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION TORONTO 7,ON-TAfIQ - 1. PAGE six THURSDAY,_SEPT._lOth, 1957 Guest speaker, Mrs. Px'escott, gFave a talk an notes of the Bi- ble; readings, Mrs. Theron Mountjoy, and Mrs. Roland Thompson; piano solo, Mjws Horn. Lunch wvas served by hostess and Mrs. Came 3 group. X.A. October m*Vii %vill be held at the Manse, Ty- rafle. Rail caîl will be answer- ed by giving something for touch and take for bazaar whicli will be held Nov. 27. Plans are being made for aur Thank-offering servi ce whichiI will be held on Sunday even- ing, Spt. 29, at 7.30. Mr. Jim MeNeil has gone to spend the winter with bis sis- ter, Mrs. H. Siemon. Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mecil were Sunday visitars at Mr. and Mrs. Dan MacKenzie's, Toron- ta. and xvent ta sec Mrs. A. Me- Neil. Glad ta hear she is feel- Bowma nvilIle Cleaners & Dyers Ltd. 84 King St. W. 1 ýi

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