r ~ .' e.r,~ ~ . - - -- - TH1IDAY. SEPT. ltb. los? THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMAb"v-=L. ON~TARIO PAGE SEVZN Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Davis and family, Toronto, spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. A. Wright. Mr. Leslie Taylor, Burketon, won several prizes on bis Tam- iworth bogs at the C.N.E. and at Orono Fair. Mr. Ralph H. Carruthers, New York City. is holidaying with bis parents, Mr. and Mns. W. H. Carruthers, Scugog St. Mrs. M. G. Hancock, Execu- tive Director oi the Cornwall Y.W.C.A., was a guest on Sun- day of Mrs. Herbert Layman. Mrs. George W. James W a a guest at the Floyd-James wedding at St. George's Angi-_ can Church, Oshawa, -on Satur- day, Sept. 14. Mrs. Jas. Shand, Victoria, B.C.; Misses Margaret and Bella Shand, and Miss Ida H. Peebles, Coiborne, were weekend guests of Mrs. C. J. Smale. Mr. J. S. Reed, Beverly, Mass., bas returned home after spending bis vacation with Mm. and Mrs. D. T. Brough and vis- iting oid friends in town. Miss Christina Lamb, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Clive Lamb, a graduate of B.H.S. entered the Atkinson School of Nurs- ing at the Toronto Western Hospital on Sept. 10. Mrs. Harold Hayes, Mrs. Jack Hayes, Elizabeth and John, Columbus; Mr. and Mrs. Or- ville Hammond and Bruce, Dundas, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ham- niond and family. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hender- son and Mr. Bill Henderson were in Peterborough last Saturday attending the wedding of their grandson Mr. Donald Bate to Miss Gladys Sutherland at Al Saints Churcb. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Wood will celebrate their fifth wed- ding annivemsary Friday and as part of the celebration they wîll visit frîends in Cornwall who are celebrating their first wed- ding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Conway spent a week in Ottawa visiting friends and relatives. Their daugbter Pat accompanied them and has started in the 1957 class of nurses in training at the Otta-I wa Civic Hospital. Weekend visitors. with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Lander and fam- ily and attending the baptism of baby William Spencer Lander were Mrs. Lander's mother, Mrs. G. H. Van Alstine and Miss Leab. Van Alstine, Napanee. Mrs. Alan Taylor and son Michael of Duncan, B.C., called at The Statesman this week-to renew old acquaintances. The former Ileen Balson, Mrs. Taylor was a member of The Statesman staff for several years prior to ber marriage. Cmne of the largest Hubbard squashes seen this year is on kdisplay at Yeo's Grocery. It was -4 *rown and brôugrht to town by r'James Arthur Werry of Ennis- Pentecostal Church 21 Ontario St. Rev. G. E. Leno, Pastox 10 &.m. - SUNýDAY SÉROOL' for ail ages, including Aduit Bible Class il.mr. - MORNING WORSHIP 7 p.m. - EVANGELISTIC SERVICE SPECIAL MUSIC A Cordial Welcomne ST. JOHN'S CHIIRCH (,Anglican) Foutrieenth Aller Trinill HOU COMMUNION le aidil a.rn. - CHURCE SCHOOL MATINS EVENSONO killen. Vital statistical measure- ments indicate that it is 3%½ feet in circumference. On Sunday, Sept. 22nd at the morning service, a memorial gift in. the form of a baptismal font will be presented to the congre- gation of St. Andrew's Presby- terian Church, by the family and close friends of the late W. E. C. Workman, and dedicated by the minister. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Humpage, Beverley and Jean, Kitchener, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Hooper over the mekn and were godparents at the christening of Barry James Hoop- er, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Ken. Hooper. Baptism took place at the morning service in Trin- ity United Church. Dr. R. F. Richamdson, Port Hope dentist, was appointed to the Durham County District High School Board on Monday even- îng. Dr. Richardson takes the place of Mr. H. R. S. Ryan, Q.C.,. who bas taken a position as as- sociate professor on the staff of Queen's University, Kingston. Miss Dorotby Hockin ac- companied by Miss Jean Wil- liams and Miss Rose Powers of Oshawa are returning today fmom a vacation in Califomnia. While there they visited Mrs. J. E. Hopps in Sacramento and Dr. Robent Dodds in San Francisco. The girls travelled both ways by air. B. H. S. graduates Tom Park, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. Park, George Marlow, son of Mrs. , E. L. Marlow, and Bob Brown, son of Mm. and Mrs. W. H. Brown, are attending Teach- ers' College at Peterborough. Others attending from this area are Mis.s Jacqueline Rosevear of Tyrone and Miss Ann Best of Orono. Mm. and Mrs. Gemard Wilson and children Jimmy, Gerry, Anne and Margaret moved this week to Peterborough where Mr. Wilson bas been transfer- red as manager of the Belîvue Finance Co. He was former.y manager for this company in Oshawa for four years du ring which time they bave lived in Bowmanville. Messrs. S. Chas. Aflin, Wes. Allin, John Tabb and John Cox, all of Bowmanvile, motoned to Oakwood, September 9th and spent the afternoon at the home of Mm. and Mrs. Howard Grills. Here they had a neal good visit with their old friends Messms. George and Will Aihin, formerly of Bowmanville. The ages of these six gentlemen totalled 508 yeams, all over 80 yeams and one is 90 years old. AUh-are in good bealth with the exception of Mm. Cox in bis wheel -chair but al weme in good spirits we are in- formed.j Mm. and Mrs. W. W. (Bill) Bagnell bave returned from a trip to Los Angeles and Holly- wood, California, wbeme they visited their daughtem Lynne, a member of the Shipstads and Johnson Ice Follies show. They saw the 1957-58 show in the Par Pacifie in Hollywood and report it a more beautiful and exciting show than the previous year if that is possible. Lynne is in five numbers. While in Hollywood they were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Williams and Dane and Mrs. Adoif Koidofsky. In Los Angeles they were preseni at -the TV show "Queen for a Day" which is telecast from the Moulin Rouge Night Club. Mm. and Mrs. Bagneil repomt thal Lynne is fully recovered froni hem necent injuries received in a rehearsal of the show. Among the guests ft-r Bow- manville attending the Step- bens-Wymnan wedding on Sept. 7 weme Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Ste- phens, Rev. Harold Turner and *Mrs. Turner, Miss Suzanne Cole, Mn. Gregory Stephens, Mr. and Mms. R. Frank, Mm. and Mms. H. Knapp, Mm. and Mrs. S. Fonsey, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cook, Mr. and Mrs. H. Moore, Mns. E. Goyne, Mn. and Mms. Charles IGreenham and Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. J. Martin, Mms. G. Van Camp, Miss Karen Clarke, Mn. and Mrs. C. Bell, Mm. E.- Dad- son, Miss Sheila Coverly; at- tending fmom Hampton were Mm. and Mns. Hans Geissber- gem, Sm., Mm. and Mns. R. Ail- mey, Miss Bertha Geissbergem, Mr. and Mrs. Ewamt Leask. Fmom Tymone weme Mr. and Mrs. R. Gibbs, Mr. and Mrs. J., Woodiey, Mr. C. Woodley; also Mr. and Mms. D. Stephens, Or- ono, Mr. and Mns. F. Griffin, Mns. Richard Giffin, Burketon; Mr. and Mrs. G. Goyne, Cour- tice. Tura OId Furniture juta Cash witlu STATESMAN CLASSMFEDS Phone MA 3-3303 Trinity United Churchj Minister - Rev. T. Arthur Morgan, B.A. 11 A.M. - W. 'The Sunday School Promotion Service Ir P.M. - "Insight"J Organist-Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus. Bach,, L.R.S.M. ,Women'1s Organizations Will Sponsor Cooking School A number of women 's organizations in town are sponsoring the sponsoring organizations. Shown planning the event are representatives Consumers' Gas Cooking School and Fashion Show being held in the.of these associations, from left: Mrs. L. Lucas, Mrs. F. Dilling, Mrs. M. Town Hall on Monday night, Sept. 23 at 8 o'clock. Two "Betty Bright" Ferguson, Mrs. P. Bathgate, Mrs. Ab Piper, Mrs. Rose McDonal, Mrs. girls of the Consumers' Gas Home Economists staff will give demonstra- Helen Cain, Mr. Charles H. World, Area Manager of Consumers' Gas; tions, using the latest in gas ranges, and a fashion show directed by Mrs. Miss Marjorie Chandler, Mrs. L. Wilson, Mrs. W. Paterson, Mrs. W. C. Rose McDonald of Milady Shop will be a feature. Modern gas water1 Ives, Mrs. R. Bate, Mrs. W. Teeple, Miss Velma Gay, Mrs. W. J. E. heaters and driers will be on the stage. Funds raîsed will go to thei Ormiston, Mrs. Geo. Alichin. -Phioto by Ireland Studio, Oshawa Courtice Wins Junior Titie For 2nd Year Courtice Juniors captur- ed their second straight Darlington Junior Football League titie Tuesday even- ing as they battled to a scoreless tie ith Zion in the final game of their best- of-three playoff series. They won the series four points to two. As champions they wlll retain the E. A. Werry Family Trophy which they won from En- niskillen last season. MAPLE GROVE Mm. and Mrs. Harold Smith, Niagara Falls, Peter and Ben Murdock, Bowmanville, visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Bennett and Milton Carmen recently. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Green- bam, and Elgin, attended the Stephens-Wyman wedding ai St. Andrew's Church, Oshawa, on Saturday. Mm. and Mms. Ansley Wemyff, Mrs. Cowell and Mr. Benthem, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mm. and Mms. Roy Van Camp. Mm. and Mrs. Alymer Flegg, Bonnie and Brian, Finch, visit- ed with Mm. and Mrs. Neil Browneli. Mrs. Harmy Morgan, Chatham, visited with the familles of Roy and Gordon Van Camp. Sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. Clifford Hall and family on the death of hem sîster, Mrs. Anderson, Bowmanville. Miss Sheila Munro and Mr, Harry de Lang. Toronto, with Mms. L. C. Snowden, Miidred and Bob. Mm. and Mrs. Walter Dole and famiiy, Richvale, viîsited with Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Doyle on Sunday. Mrs. Howard Bradley accom- panied by ber mother, Mrs. Etta Page, Enniskillen, Mizs Clame Page, Toronto, and Miss Francis Page, Honolulu, enjoy-1 f-] n htpcq +,.i,, +,'vLo.,6no ICaseorama Twister Review Here Hi ets ext W eek frompage one) i Next W eekgreehous, 18 ft.x 24 ft. was qo shattemed, as well as a compara- or An entirely new concept in tively srnall quantity of tobacco 'roi the demonstration of farm destroyed by bail. Their telev;- wî equipment will be staged beie sion aerial newly installed last enc hy W. H. Brown and the J. 1 week was broken in baif and pi( Case Co. on Wednesday, Sept. their kitchen xindow bloxvn in, h 25th, it is named, appropriately, followed by a flood of water the "Caseorama Review."' Par- t bat piied up six inches deep an ades will mark the opening anid on the floor. thi closing of the program. Un- Lm hdsUmvd i usua deonstatin tehniues To the east, Jack Reid's sale ca] as weil as a passing review of ban rceolyte ersP a yea of armig ar feaurda go this month, was in muinz. w events. The entire program The front part where the auc- st< wili be moderated and music in we hl, asntc.d wiii be integratcd throughout. Eion were haelwa tact. cd New Case Equipment wil bc om rlanip shes leftoer w; displayed and guests are in-Iro Fidy igtsacon h vitd t oprat itperonaly.were stili on a table where they ro( A social boum will conclude the hd enpae.Bttesuhi program, with refreshments ibe- section of the building was of ing served, and door prizes a- completely demoiished, with wl wamded. Al farmers in the area are invîted to attend - admission is free. Location of "Casorama Review" wiil be a' COMPETITIVE PRIC W. H. Brown's farm, l1/2 miles north of the C.P.R. overbead bridge on the Town Line. Start- ing time is 2 p.m. Local Youths Remanded in Slashing Caset SPECIAL VALUES AN~ Two Bowmanville youths ap- peaing -before Magistrate R. B.___________ Baxter at court heme Tuesday were remanded until October 1, onche o do ting ifldmagis- ~ K I ochre s o n ittindage is-E M " to public propemty. THE PERFECT Police laid the charge fol- HAIR DRESSINGi lowingr an investigation into the slashinig of two tires on the i Bowmanville Police cruiser e- iehas..jrs centiy. , Skcutiàng Club Miss Burgoyne bas been the buy BRYLCREIM .to visit ber sister and family. ('Continued from Page one) More mnE 1 professional of the Port Hope thon any other hoir dr.ssingi the world SALEM Figure Skating Club for the - past two seasons. She achievted There will be a special Raly ;% fine record of success there and her pupils passed a gratify- , Day service at Sunday School ing number of C.S.F.A. tests. ORLY NILEEflEAX next Sunday at 2:30. Everyone Miss Burgoyne bas passed is invited to attend. the. 7th Figure Skating Tests andHS H Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Mc- has also successfully completedRA TH Clure have been visiting with the Silvér Dance Tests. She bas Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Thomp- passed her Figure Skating and SERV -AnTISSUE son and Mr. Jim McClure, Dance Tests in Canada as well Florida, for a couple of weeks. as in the United States. Miss Grace Blackburn was a When she was only 10 yearsBO weekend visitor with Miss Bar- old Miss Burgoyne entered the bara Graham, Town. Junior Ladies Mid-western Fig- Glad to report Mr. W. G. uring Skating Championship Werry feeling some better and held in Buffalo .She was skat- able to be outside for a short ing against girls of 19 and 20 time. in this competition and she Miss Joyce Collacott returned placed 4th. Miss Burgoyne home Saturday alter holiday- spent five summers at the Fig- ing in Ottawa for two weeks. ure Skating School, Schuma- Mrs. Bob Coliacott and Joan cher, Ont. spent several days with her For the past four years she parents at Brighton. has been skating during the Mrs. F. Cator retumned home1 summer at Michigan State Un- Monday evening alter stayinglIiesiy Bu Wilson, Boston20 a we ,k due to illness at the Skating Club, is the senior pro-r39 home of Dr. and Mrs. C. W. fessional there. *e.TéeMr Siemon, Bowmanville. __________________ Salem W.A. will hold their Sept, meeting in the church 2o 9 Thursday, Sept. 19. Trowev A number of children and aduits in this community have been sick with the flu. G one Although it did flot cause much damage in this area other (Continued from, page one) tban trees being blown done, George C. Haines, who served end of the bad thunderstorm on For bis livelihood he operatedevroewsga asetete ona oute iecif Sunday evening. wagon factory where the Royal Theatre now stands. The original Haines block was 0 SOFT ?NSN destroyed by lire in 184btea ABSORBENT Brother of rbitin the same .,ear. * TEILZE ED AU M rs. R. Hooper w:: the Standard Bank which JH SO ' was located where the Agricu]- Dies in Crash vauîtsOff i llOW ar f h building. tTn James Cunningham, 52, Chil- The oldest tenant is the Walk- STERILE GAUZE PADS cott Ave., Rexdale, died shortly er Store which bas done business SAE NIDVDA after he was involved in a two- in the same location for the past SAE NIDVDA car collision on Dixon Rond near 30 vears. The Agricultural 0f- ENVELOPES. READY FOR Hîghwavý 401 last Saturdav. Two f ice was established in the buiid- IMMEDIATE USE. others also lost their lives n thisi ing somne 20 y'ears ago.2"x21's4e-Y3"2s60 fatal mishap.i The building in the past also 2" "2s53x"1'6O The deceased was the son of had a shootirîg galier >v in the _____ the late William Cunningham cellar and a ballroomn where the and Mrs. Cunningham, formerly i Central Billiards is now located.j of Bowmanv:il]e. Hîs sister, Mrs. Mr. Cox was born on George Roy (Emma) Hooper. resides on Street in Bowmanville wbicb Elgin Street. She and Mr. Hoop- street he believes is named alter er attended the funeral on Tues- the several Haines who bore the day. name of George. His first name The accident occurred wben a of Haines incidentally is a trans- trol and smashed into the Cun- name. ningham car. A voung box walk- 'Mr. Cox presentiv resides In ing beside the moad ahd a pass-, Rivýerside near Windsor but he enger ini the car were also kil- and his wife expect to stay in W Dei r «L- -. 1Bowraa2viUe for a short timL he galvanized steel from. the ound topped roof blown many ods into the bush to the east. Garage Roof Shifted His famm buildings on the ad- inîng property were also par.- ally wrecked, with steel blown 0 rods until stopped by trees ra fence. Even bis garage oof, on a cernent block building ,as shifted six inches, blocks acked, and the gas pump top- ed along with many trees on s property. Fortunately, no lives were lost id no animais injured, al- ough several valuable borses ithe Reid barns narrowly es- ped. The two Reid chiidren, atsy 14 and Charles 10 were 7atching television when the brm bit. A large branch graz- d Patsy's face wben the front indow blew in, scattering amp glass aIl over the living- om. Mr. and Mrs. Reid were iMontreal and oniy leamned ftheir estimated $50,000 loss rhen they amrived home Mon-1 day momning. It was not cover- ed by wind insurance. Mm. and Mrs. Hector Bowen,1 a quarter mile south of the1 Reid property lost their gas bouse, outhouse some s teel roofing and many trees, but the main bouse, even the television aeriai was intact except for one bedroom window blown in. On the Bowen farm, Basil Bell of Garden Hill, suffered the biggest ioss. Two of his ex- pensive wagons used iin a coin cutting operation wcre coniplete- ly wrecked. Even the wheels were tomn off as the wind tum*. bled them over. Nearby, Ken- neth Hill lost a chieken bouse. Gradually, other reports of comparatively smaller damage continue to be reported over a wide area. Fortunateiy, the ap- pie crop was flot bit extensive- ly, but several farrns lad dam- age to other crops. Hydro and telephone cmews have been working alniost round the dlock to restore services. Social & Eersonal Phone MA 3-3303 M nS PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE IPU lTRE qD REMINDERS FOR TIS WEEK K-B-C SALE SECOND BIG WEEK!, Ends Sept. Ilst Here are just a few products that are on sale at you, I.D.A.. Drug Store I.D.A. Toilet Tissue Reg. 2 for 25o 2 For 23( c Safe-heat Heafing Pad 4.95 value 3.991 Save 13c - Wash Cloilis 19, value 2 Fr25c I.D.A. BRAND MINERAL GIL Heavy Grade - Medicinal Quality I 3c40-oz. 87 - Reg. 55a -- 3 Reg. 1.10 -- --- 87c I.D.A. Wax Paper Reg. 31@ 28c, 2 For 55c1 I.D.A. Paper Napkins Reg. 17e 15c, 2 For 29c Regal Bathroom Scale 6.95 value 5.98 ' Bath Brush 98o value 79c I.D.A.CGLD CREAN SOAP 2 or 23c 12F-,o 1.29 100' Reg 200 141 I.D.A. SACCHARIN TABLETS 1/iGrain 12 Grain 98 500's 100'. 10', 500'8 10 r. Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg. B 550 79o 230 650 Ic 39c 59c 17c 49c 7, 00's Reg. 98C r9c I.DA. Easi-Gloss Floor Wax .. 45c, 2 F-- 89c HALIDUT CAPSULES Reg. 1.15 89c Reg. '2,.,9 £.U8JReg"4 . 49 PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY McG regor, Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store * Modess SANITARY NAPKINS NO0 &AUZE.. 6eoeuse ncw fabric cover is stronger, more absorbent Box of 12- 4.5 c REGULAR *JUNIOR a SUPER IMAN SIZE SUPER STRENGIFI DRY-OR T! 35 c 81G 8J- 3.PLY.. .. . . . ...... With Wondersoft* covering NOW IN THIS SOFT GREY PACKAGE 1 21s 45c 4E' RD A Drugs Phorie MA J 5ý792 Public Schools (Continued from Page one) expressed hope that the Police Committee might now decise a xworkable solution to the safety problem. Several urged thqt publicity be given to the pro- blem sýo parents and motorists would be advised to use ex- treme caution when driving in that vicinity during school hours. The meeting which took place at Vincent Massev School dealt with another controvcrsial pro- blem. This year a small num- ber of pupils, living outside the toxvn, have been attending Bow- manville schools. In each case, the parents own property in town and pay taxes here. Average Taxes Paid According to the Public Scbool Act, persons paying above the average residential taxes in a town but living else- where may send their childreil to the to%&n's schools. In one case, there was no doubt about qualification, but three others were very close to the average or below. The board decided ta seek legal advice and, if pos- sible, place the onus on the par- ents to prove their right to send iheir children to town schools. Ni ght classes foir Basic Eng- lish for New Canadians will hc operated again this year if suffi- cient people indicate an inter- est. Notice of the starting date of this course xviii appear in a later issue of this papes'. Prin- cipal Merle SIiote will be ini charge as in previous years. Permission xvas granted for the purchase of a portable sew- ing machine. It will be operat- ed in Central School basernent and an electrical mil let xviii be installed. l'le tin flashing above the new doors at the same school xviii be painted. Recently, the board sold 84 old desks to the Knox Christiani School for 75c. each. These xvere the old style type with the drop down seat used orig- inally in the school and replac- ed over the years with tbe mod- ern complete desk units. Clocks purchased by the Home and School club were înstalled during s u m me r months and are now in opera- tion. 1 . . 1 e liq ma