.PAGE TWELVB Ready for Inter-Sch B.H.S. Ati Records c Five new records were set by athietes from Bow-manville High Scbool at their annual tracec and field meet. held Monday to aid in selecting ai team to represent B.H.S. in the forthcoming Tri-scbool meet at Cobourg, Wednesday, October 2nd. Top honours for the day went to Form 12A, whose students compiLed a total of 174 points. Second place was won by Form 1l1D with 167 and Formn 12B came third witb 160. Sets New Record Barbara Bathgate cleared 16 feet, 2% inches to set a new senior girls' running broad, jump record. The previous; record was 14 feet, 1!'2 inches. This adds to the intermediatei and junior broad jump records1 Miss Bathgate bas set since be-1s coming a pupil at B.H.S. t John Twist set a new record' in the junior boys' running biete Shatter Five :rf Track -Meef Virgina Brown captured the Jump: 1. Barbara Bathgate, 2. girls' intermediate title with 17 Ruth Pascoe, 3. Marion But-i points. Christine Smith was eyStnigBodJm 1 secod wih 13poins.r Beverly Smith, 2. Barbara Beverley McRobbie and Don-'Bathgate, 3. Camille Smith, na Bragg tied for first in the High Ju mp: 1. Beverly Smith, girls' junior division with 1512. Camille Smith, 3. Joan Smith: points each. Second place wer't Softball Distance Throw: Bey- to Sandra Shaskavich with 113,2 erly Smith, 2. Joan Smith, 3.j points. Marion Buttery; Softball Speed1 Winners ln Beys' Events Throw: Mary Anne Heavysegej and Mary Mitchell, 2. Joan and Charlie Trîm claimed top Camille Smith, 3. Beverlyv bonours in the senior boys' Smith and Alice Lootsma; B as- group with 31 points. Richard ketball Speed Throw: 1. Bar- Strikwerder came second with bara Bathgate, Donna Akey ani 30. Gary McCullough w~on the Marion Buttery, 2. Joan ne' boys' initermediate with 211/ Mackie, Mary Anne HeavysegeI points. Bob Archer placed sec- and Margaret Harvey. ond with 1V/2, while Wilber Lemon was third with 181,,,. Junior Boys uo .,a ....,.,inwi VV wonV Ut meLi jun ir boys' cbampionsbip with 25 points. Alex Wiseman camte second with 21 and John Twist tbird with 16. Junior Girls broad ju mp with- a jump of1 50-yard dasb: 1. Beverly Mc- 16 feet, 11 inches. He topped Robble, 2. Barbara Pbillips, 3. the previous record by one Karen McArtbur; 75-yard dash: foot, 101A inches. 1. Barbara Pbillips, 2. Sandra Sashavicb, 3. Helen Panas; New Intermediate Record higb jump: 1. Sandra Sbasha- Peter Reynolds broke the old vicb, 2. Charlotte Austin,3. intermediate running broad Donna Bragg; Standing Broad jump record of 17 feet, 8 inches Jump: 1. Donna Bragg, 2.1 with bis fine 18 feet, 6 inch Beverly McRobbie, 3. Sandra jumP. The old record was also Shasbavich; Running Broad broken by two otber competi- Jumip: 1. Donna Bragg, 2. Helen i tors in the event. Don WelEli Panas, 3. Karen McArthur; I m-ade a distance of 18 feet, 4 1 Softball distance throw: 1.1 inches, and Gary McCuiloug h1 Barbara Hughes, 2. Elva Reid, jumped 18 feet, one inch. 3. Cecile Park; Softball Speed Charlie Trim set a new re- Throw: 1. Karen McMaster andi cord in the senior 220-yard Heather Bissonette, 2.Lia dasb by covering the distanc Broigad eelyM o- in 2.7 econs. he peviicebie, 3. Sandra Shashavich and!, reodh en 2 5.7 seconds. 1 reiu Karen Ormiston; Basketball 1 He also came within one incb Speed Throw: 1. Donna Bragg, of he ew enor unnngLynda Rackbam and Karen broad jump record set during MAtu,2 ai ony the day by Richard Strikwer- Barbara Hughes and Pauline dler. Labrecque. Richard Strikwcmder set a! ncw record of 17 feet, 9 inches in the senior unning broati jurnp. The olti record was 16 feet, 11l,à inches. Girl Champions The girls' senior champion- ship was won by Barbara Bathgate who has been an out- standing athiete at B.H.S. for four years. She had a total of 25 points. Beverley Smith was second in the seniors with 161-' and Marion Buttery came third with 16. Lions BINGO Monday, Oct. 71h LIONS COMdMUNITY CENTRE Interniediate Girls 75-yard dash: 1. Christine Smith, 2. Betty Phillips: 100- yard dash: 1. Betty Philhips, 2. jChristine Smnith, 3. Virginic Brown: Standing Broad Jump: 1. Lintia Mutton, 2. Christine Smith, 3. Beverley Wraigb; High Jump: 1. Heather Mau- gban, 2, Ailcen DeWitb, 3. Joan Davey; Running Broad Jump: 1. Virginia Brown, 2. Anne Wilson, 3. Julia Allin andj Helen Maugban tied; Softball Distance: 1. Myrna Peterson, 2. Virginia Brown, 3. Eleanor Pickarti; softhall speeti throw: 1. Linda Mutton and Myrna Pc- terson, 2 Barbara Verneulen and Eleanor Pickard, 3. Kay Brown anti Shirley Knapp; Basketbahl Speeti Tbrow: 1. Doris Stalk.q, 2. Santira Bragg and Virginia 'Brown, 2. Myrna Peterson, Barbara Verneulen and Linda Mutton. Senior Girls 75-yard Dash: 1. Barbara Batbgate, 2. Marion Buttcry, 3. Mary Anne Heavysege; 100-yd Dasb: 1. Barbara Bathgate, 2. Marion Buttcry, 3. Mary Anne H1eavysege; Running B r o ad Jane Parker APPLE PIE Reg. Price 59c-SAVE 10o oach49 mI9 T!I~ CANADW( STATESMAN. ROWTHUNVTLAY, SEPT.YI uWYf? A~~'flh, Nine New Teachers Join High School Siaff 1 '-~-~~ -'~-~--~----~ -, 1uu-yard ijash: 1. Alex Wise- 1 man, 2. John Twist, 3. Joe i rBothwell; 220-yard Dash: 1. Alex Wiseman, 2. Joe Bothwell, Greg Cooper, 440-yard Da-h. 1. Joe Bothwell, 2. Alex Wise-4 man, 3. Greg Cooper. Ho.), Step, Jump: 1. John Twist, 2. Joe Bothwell, 3. Don Engne11;I Running Broad Jump: 1. Johný Twist, 2. .Johnny Jamies, 3. Joe s Bothwell, Shot Put: 1.* John Twist, 2. Joe Bothwell, 3.1j Johnny James and Keitb Welsh tie; Hîgh Jump: 1. Jim Moore- craft, 2. Johnny James, 3. Don Bagneli; Pole Vaukt: 1. Alex Wiseman, 2. Joe Bathwell, 3. Brenton Hughes. Interniediate Boys 100-yard Dash: 1. Peter Rey- Nine new teachers bave loin- nolds, 2. Gary McCullougb, 3. cd the staff at Bowmanville Wilber Lemon: 2-20-yard Dash: High School this term. They are 1. Peter Reynolds, 2. Bob Arch- fromn the left, front row: Miss er, 3. Cary M'PCIIILouch; 440-i Anne Garamone, Miss Evelyn yard Dash: 1. Bob Archer, 2. _Boyd and Mrs. Nrrê Wolfe. Wilber Lernon, 3. Gary Mc- 1Back row: R. T. Higgins, Barry Cullougb* Hop, Stop, Jump: 1 ' Cornish, Bruce Baîl, Ian Mal- Norman James, 2. j- ~ c-i loch, M. Johnson, Farncomb Le- Culloligh; 3. Don Wl. 31: RLI.-! Gresley. ning Broad Jurno: 1I. Peler Re,, - Miss Anne Garamnone noltis. 2. Don Weish. 3. Gai-v Miss, Garamone, 21, is a re- McCullough; Shot Put: 1. BillI cent graduate of the University Osborne. 2. Norman James, ..of Toronto wbere she receiveti Don Welsh: 1-ligh Jumrp: 1. Gary ber B.A. degree. She is teaching McCullough anti Wilber Lemon French, Englisb, Spelling and tic, 3. Bob Archer andi Keni Physical Education. While in Park; 880-yard Run: 1. Grahaîn Toronto she tutored severali Pikrng ecsfe . an pupils in French. She is a mem- Mavin, Wilber Lemon; Pole 'ber of Gamma Phi Beta Society.1 Vault: 1. Brvan Hughes, 2. Bob A pianist, she enjoys listening to Archer, 3. Dan Cattran. modemn jazz. Her favourit e Senio Boyssports are tennis, swirnming, Senor oysbadminton and skating. At 100-yard Dash: 1. Charlie present she is staying with Mrs. Trirn, 2. Richard Strikwcrdpr, Evelyn Knigbt, 57 Division St. 3. Clare Mutton; 220-yard Dasb: Her parents are Mr. and Mrs. B. 1. Charlie Trim, 2. Paul Ruther- Garamone, 921 Ossington Ave., ford, Orono; 3. Richard Strik- Toronto. werder; 440-yard Dash: 1. Char- Miss Evelyn Boyd lie Trim, 2. Paul Rutherford,I Miss Boyd was born in Win- urono;3.iuiarcu trtksweruer Hop, Step, Jump: 1. Charli( Trim, 2. Richard Stmikwcriem Running Broad Jump: 1. Rich- arti Strikwerder, 2. CharhiE Tmim, 3. Carlos Crydemman Shot Put: 1. Bob Hannah, 2 Richard Strikwerder, 3. Pete: Belsey; Higb Jump: 1. Rosý Kossatz, 2. Peter Bclsey, .1 Richard Stikwerder; 880-yamd Run: 1. Charlie Trm, 2. Rich- ard Strikweriem, 3. Peter Dyk- stra; Pole Vault: 1.: Paul Me. Mackon. 2. Don Meehan, 3. Don Welsh. A&P's Pantry 'STOCK-UP' Featuring Exciting [AIL SAVINGSý Fancy Whol. Korne! Reg. Price 2 tins 33c-SAVE 2* A&P CORN 2.14-oz tins 31 Cfiaice Quaity Reg. Price 2 tins 35c-.SAVE lie OCOE ISE A&P PEAS 4 2oztns 59c NOW ON SALE Chai e Qualty Reg. Price tin 23c-SAVE 3o Woman's Day A&P PEACHES 220-oz fins43C A&P Fancy Reg. Pric. tin 29c-SAVE 3o mhlOc TUMATO JUICE 248-oz tns55V' Super Right Quulfty Meuts Lamb Sale LEGS FRONTS CHOPS FLANKS SHORT CUT SHANK FULL CUT RIS LOIN LEAN STEWING CUTS lb 63C lb 33C lb .55c 2 Ibs 29C e SALEM Salem W.A. hcld their Sep- tember meeting in the chumch. ir MsE. Twist, the presitient, SIopeneti the meeting anti con- ducteti the business. Mrs. E. 41 Twist announeti the Hospital jAuxiliary canvass for this com- -munity amounteti to $88.75. It -was decideti that the different flowers for the chrc Mrs. G.fo gouprs forth e mesponslGfo Shackleton was in charge of pogram anti openeti the tievo- tional perioti with a poem. Mms. E. Twist gave the Bible reati- ing followed by the devotional reading by Mrs. G. Shackleton. Vocal duet by Mrs. E. Twist anti Mrs. K. Shackleton. Mrs. Ralpb jGlaspell anti Mms. Percy Werry, Tymone, introduceti the new st udi- book on Japan anti gave some interesting madings fmom -Conversations on Japan". Mms. Jj. Hall gave a reatiing. A social time was enjoyeti. Our community was saddcn- jet on Sunday by the sutiden passing of Mm. W. G. Wermy. IAlthough be hati not been in the jbest of bealth Ïor the past two weeks bis sutiden passing cameJ as a shock to ail who knew hlm. He will be gmcatly misset i i evemy community affair. Wc. extenti our sinceme sympathy to1 Mrs. Werry, Thelma anti Ken1 anti their f amiies in their great, ioss. nipeg and receiveti ber B.A. at Pass, Manitoba, and a B.A. Hon. degree in English and History at Queen's University. Rer ex- perience includes fine years in Picton and five years in Shel- burne where she taugbt English and Music. She bas a great interest in music. During the summer she cnjoys spending bier time in the Rookies and vacation- cd there for six of the past seven r years. Mirs. Norma Wolfe Mrs. Wolfe teaches Home Economics at B.H.S. and ,Black- stock High School. She is a graduate of the Ontario Teach- ers' College. Before attentiing Normal School she was a mcm- ber of the staff of The Canadian Statesman. She bas taught in many Durham County schools as well as scbools in Toronto and Weston. Mr. Wolfe is an cm- ployee of General Motors anti they have two boys, Brijan, .6,1 anti John, 4. She is active in the Blackstock Women's Insti- tute anti O.N.O. tbe 25th wedtiing anniversamy of Mr. anti Mrs. Cecil Hooey, New Toronto, anti was also din- ner gucst of Mm. anti Mms. Bob Mowers, Oshawa. Mr. anti Mrs. S. Daw, Wendy. anti Sandre, Port Credit, spet the weekend witlî Mr. and Mis. J. Hiîls. Mm. Theo. Down, Lakefielti, was supper guest of Mm. anti Mrs. R. Virtue. Sympathy to Mr. Luther Stainton on the passing of bis brother, Mr. George Stainton. Mr. anti Mrs. Russell Low, Port Hope, wvas Sunday guests of Mr. anti Mms. Don Stainton. Mr. anti Mrs. W. E. Stevens, Hampton, Mr. anti Mrs. MU. Tennant anti family, Bowman- ville, werc Suntiay visitors of Mm. anti Mrs. W. H. Taylor. Mr. anti Mms. Don Shieldis of Whitney, calleti on ber sister, Mms. Jackson anti Rev. F. Jack- son. Mm. Lloyd Harmer, Clamkson, visiteti Mr. anti Mrs. J. C. Cook Messrs. Lomne anti Lance Phare bave given Mr. anti Mrs. C. Bigelows houÉe, a new look, Silo filling anti apple picking is the order of the day. Mr. anti Mrs. C. W. Rahm, Weston, Mm. and Mms. Cecil Rahm, Burkcton, visited Mr. anti Mrs. W. Rabm. W.M.S. will meet at the home of Mrs. A. Hilîs, Oct. 3, at 2 Mr. R. T. Higgins clude badminton, tennis anti degree at the University of Mr. Higgins received bis B.A. golf. Michigan anti B.S. in Phys. Ed.. degree at Mount Allison Uni- Mr. Bruce Bail at McGill University. He teacbh. vcrsity in Sackvillc, New Bruns- Mr Bahl is a recent graduate es physical education. His par. wick. He teaches EI-;s'ory and, of MeMaster University and English. His experience inclue od ..dge.H ted ents are Mr. and Mrs. J. Hf. one year at Prescott andi some 1 cd High Scbool at Uxbmidge. Joindsor nt 0 an194ph Ae time in the Provinces of Prince; Track anti fielti is bis favourite Wnsr nai.I 98h Edwamti Islandi and Nova Scotia.' sport anti be held the senior wn boeth te Ca vndiaGmp. He was born and raiseti at track records for the haîf mile insititl ntiiindr H amp. Hunter River, P.E.I. Mr. Hig- and one mile in tbe Central idnshp nainsor. e frta gins is quite active in the Young; Ontario Secondary Scbools As- cdtegmati1ih o sociation until o956.eiUneteas thrce-year perioti. Active in al Peoples' group of 1t5e.United high school sports he continued Church, both at a local antid also the senior champion at high wt i otalpaiga h Preshyterial level. He en.ioysi school. Mr. Bahl is engageti to Unihrsisy footballipangAtte classical music, reading andi Miss Betty Noble, Stouffville, Uiv e csiof chigan.eAotbal- history. and plans to be married next tGlî H cfohei te fotball Mr. Barry Cornish year . Tbe many sports be en- tema.tis favdh oîte sportm Mr. Cornish is a recent grad- iovs include track and field, gymnios and Gil he oheti gym uate of the Ontario College of baktal oc and oti tblngalso en.joys swimming andi track Education. He holtis bis B .A., are bis hobbies.aniied specializing in psychology. His M.Frcm erse parents are Mr. anti Mrs. Etiwarti Mr. Ian Malloch Mr. Frm LeGresleytsfm Cornish, 394 Bleeker Avenue, Mr. Malloch teaches industrial MrLemsycoesfo Belleville. He was employeti arts. He is from Toronto wbere thiscdstrict. Hs elreceived in with the C.N.R. for three years he bas lived since coming fromnti itit ercie i prior to bis attcnding college. Scotland six yeams ago. His B.S.A. at Guelph O.A.C., and At college be was manager and previous experience includes be-I attendeti Newcastle High Scbool also played in the Vamsity Band. ing a technical education teach- i prior to that. Previouslxr be waa He plays the saxophone and cm at Belleville Collegiate. He employcd with the Bell Tele- clarinet. His favourite sports in- is a graduate of the Ontario Col- phone Co. toîl central office at lege of Education anti sopwok.r Oshawa. He is the proud, father bas akenof an eigbt-month oltid IÈght mauv baneauxwithsequnsadvanced courses in sowr.Pici.H stes t r maue bndauxwit squisHe attendeti Marr College in atd ricia . eGrte sorýf7Mr mauve shoes and white mittens Troon, Ayrshire, Scotland, and and M. ARcamateur sle$ New completed their ensembles. was a keen sportsman while I casi nomaeu drc0ý an They carried white lacelon there. His favourite sports in- caîl stertareVE aBHQ.Ho noscgays with yellow and mauve clude ruggem, soccer and golf. calo eos ainting and is ken baby 'mums anti stephanotîs.- Mr. M. Johnson 1v interesteti in 8 and 35 mn. Thrce cousins of the bride Mr. Johnson received bis B.A. colour photogmaphy. were flower girls, Georgina Murney, Chamiene Murney, Pc- terborough, anti Glenna Park, Bowmanville, wearing ful length gowns- styied alike in 1 i I I < white embroicterect nylon over yellow taffeta with sweetheart necklincs, puff siceves anti scal- lopeti hemliîîes over boopeti crinolines. Wide yellow taffeta sashes tieti in a large bow at the back accenteti the waist- lines. They wore yellow ban- deaux of rose petals, net anti sequins, anti carricti baskets of selhow anti mauve baby 'mums anti stephanotis. Mr. William Kilpatmick acteti as best man, anti ushers were Mr. Daviti Kilpatrick, Mm. Jos- eph Kilpatrick anti Mm. Robert Stocker, weaming white dinner jackets witb black trousers anti cummerbuntis. A reception followed in Trin- ity Church Sunday School oom, the bride's mother wear- ing a tiress of baby blue silk corti ribbon in woven effect in sheath style with matching duster coat. Her accessories were wbite anti corsage of pink 1Misses Doreen Richards, Grace oclock.* mother was in a pale blûue ra3' Blacbur an Betrie Caigon bengaline frock with vht were guests at the Hendricks - pcueht ht ces Rite wddnginOsaw o EDDING and corsage of white carnations. Saturda. On their return, the couple wli] Glad to report Mr. Bob Colla- jKILPATRICK - COVERLY reside in Bowmanville. cott able to be out again after . Out-of-town gus er being home sick last week. In a double ring ceremony in present at the wedding from Trinity United Churcb on SaL- Toronto, Peterborough, Oshawa, urday afternoon, Sylvia Jean- Tyrone, Ebenezer and Orono. iVff1M ette Coverly, daughter o r .LLLLJJ.JJand Mrs. Arthur Coverly, a Ralv ay eric wa hldunited in marriage with Gor- MAPLE GROVE Raly Dy Srvie ws hlddon James Kilpatrick, son of Surîday morning with a good Mr. and Mrs. William C. Kil- attendance. Assistant Superin- patrick, ail of Bowmanville. Miss Marguerite Coolidge and tendent Tom Pleasance and Rev. T. A. Morgan officiated. Mr. Merle Coolidge, Jasper, Ont., Rev. Fred Jackson in charge. visited with their cousins, Mr. Miss Marion Wright told The chrhwsbatfiy and Mrs. Howard Foley Ior the chîldren's story. Thechi decorated with standards of wveekend and visited with Mrs. a nuberwit Mis coirmauve gladioli and yellow Eva Bartlett, Brooklin, on Sun- zrang anme ihMs June 'mumis. White Shasta 'Mumis day. Taylor at the orgàn. wr ntebasvss Mr. Jack Gibbs suffered a wr ntebasvss Mr. and Mrs. Art Burgess were heart attack on Sunday and is Mr. Arthur Collison played Saturday evening guests of Mr. in Bowmanville Menaorial Hos-'the wedding music and accom- and Mrs. Jim Martin, Bowman- pitl.panied the soloist, Mr. Tom vile. Mr. and Mrs. H. Brent were Park, cousin of the bride, wh Mr. and Mrs. Laurence White, guests on Sunday of Mr. and sang "Tbrough the Years" be- Elwin and Trevor Jackson spent Mrs. E. Trimible, Greenwood. fore the ceremony, and "Be- the w-eekend at their cottage at Mr. and Mrs. Tom Alldread," cause" during the signing of Haveîock. Carmnon, Man., is visiting hia- the register. Miss Judy Breck, Burketon, brother, Mr. James Alldread. The bride, given in marriaga spent a few days last week with and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ail- by hier father, was in a gown 9£ her grandmother, Mrs. Alymer dread. French Chantilly lace, the fit- Beecb. Mr. and Mrs. M. Dubyk and ted jacket fashioned with wv*ng Mr.A Bec aco aid Diane attended the Kawceniuk- collar and lily point sleeves. M Mrs. Goo Beech toomane Spencer wedding at Oshawa, The skirt was of Chantilly lace M.adMs odnBeht Saturday evening.1 witb nylon tulle flounce over Post rt.pean Msndv.rt Be Mr. and Mrs. Don Real and la hooped crinoline and tubing Pr oeo udy Louie, Greenbank, spent the of nylon tulle, graced from Mrs. Slappandal and familv weekend with ber parents, Mr. waist to bernline witb seed from Holland have moved to ind Mrs. W. H. Taylor. Barbarar pearîs. Trenton, Ont., after spending Taylor returned home after Her fingertip veil of tuolle il- the last five weeks with her spending two weeks wvith ber lusion \v-as lace trimmed and sîster and family, Mr. and Mrs. sister. was held in place by a crown Raphorst. Mr. and Mrs. James Park and of seed pearîs and sequins. She On Sunday a famil.v gathering yo~s. Peterborough, Allan and Icridaçsaeo e we was held at the home of Mrs. S. MakMvurdoch, Bowmanville,! beart roses, white baby 'munsi Tvler in honour of Mr. Loti and spent the weekend at Walter and stephanotis. Mr. Fred Hockins on the oc- Parks, Jr. Ms Sheila Coverly, sister of casion of their birthdays. Happy Mrs. M. Russnell, Wbitby, is thebride, was maid of honour, birthday, gentlemen. visiting Mr. and Mrs. K. Hardy. and Miss Pat Stoeker and Miss Evening Auxiliarv wîll be MiÉss Ruby Virtue, Toronto, Dorothy Bond were bridesmaids, h eld at the borne of Mrs. Ken Mr. and Mrs. Earl Masters and 1 wearin g identical waltz len gth Kuhn ke on Tbursday evening daughters, Bowmanville, wereI gowns of taffeta and net, the (to -nigbt). dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.? underskirts wvitb delicate alli On Tuesdav afternooin Miss E. A. Virtue. over floral de ' ign of nmau.ýe oa 'Bette Ellen Kuhinke entertaiined( Mrs. A!inmC Hatherîx'visie'hite nvlon. A rrate-hing miauve a numnber of voung! friends at Mr. and M~ HarrY Hatiheri:.-. ;atn c-a.zlh wa-ýtied in a large a birthdav partv. Happy birth- Aiderwood, and also attended bow at the back. Duster coa, day. Bette Ellen. a a %n %n 9 m 9 % % di..... ... . .. . . . . . . .*. .9. . . 0 ?RESENTS THE PATTERN IN MELODY CH EST avallable ln Cherrywood Mahagany or Blonde finish 2 SPECIALS ~ ~ e-jC~t2P GITBOXES -.43 PIECE - SERVICE - FOR EIGHT - ou BAVE $24.40 * REGULAR OPEN STrOCK $et of Four BALLAD Coffe : PRICE $114.35 (icludiri0 chei> - 8 Teospoons 8 Salad Forks, 8 Place Spoons* 1 Tablespoon 8 Knives 1 Sugar Spooi, 8 Forks 1 Buttef Knife Impcricl GlasBowI ond BALLAD Ladie lesuLor $4.50 vcl-.e HOOPERCS JEWELLERY >eg~ & GIFT SHQP BA KER Y SPECIAL1S < IT'S NOT TOO LATE TO START VOUR SET!1 BACK MSUES STILL AVAILABLE FUNK & WAGNALLS UNIVERSAL STANDARD Encyclopedia VOLUME 3 OM SALE THIS WEEK for onIy 99C WiTH ANY PURCHASE Jane Parker Orange Reg. Price 59c-SAVE 10e Chiffon Cake eac49C Ià'u-a--- ree uerMres a MSAT £ANTIC a PACIlC f"A COMPAN Prices Effective Until Saturday, SePtembe'r 28th, 1967. - THE CANADIAS STATIESUAN, BO'WWANVffM. ONTARTO i 1 eo.0«1- eondw-lic qnzTmýQnAv qv.l" 9*41% lam 1 /F. ' ice 95. & GIFT SHOP