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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Sep 1957, p. 14

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PAGE F'OURTEEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVTLLE. ONTARIO THRSAYnSPTo2th 15 Births Coming Events Articles for Sale Articles for Sale Cars for Sale Real Estate for Sale EOTHWELL - John and Reta TurkeV supper at Solina Hall, 1 PHONE MA 3-2998 for Thanks- A-i SOD, delivered, 20e yard. 1950 MORRIS Oxford in fair FIFTY acres good ]and, eight announce the arrivai of a son,. Wednesdav. October 2nd fromn giving capons. 38-2* Phone MA 3-2121. 39-2 condition' $135. G. Barrett. 42 roomed house with three-piece James Arthur, on Septemnber. 4.30 until ail are served. Aduits QATT fdycdrpss 23. 1957. at Memorial Hospital, $1.50, children 75c. 39-1 SPACE heater, med um size QATIYo dyceanossdLbry .39i at. od arnsih hydro 9-1 35 ech.Phne A 3539. ORoul tank trucks or used ada Bowmanville. A brote frApply 79 Scugog St. 3 139-icosrutonmchnre d r. a9f0mileorompv Debbie. 391 3*cntucinmcieY, contact i offer. Write Advertiser . c/ ______The ladies of St. Andrew's Giffen Truck Equipment Ljm are holding a bake and delica-, ELECTRIC radiator heater. PEARS, large or small catiied541YneSrt, ilow I Canadian Statesman. P.O. Box CRAWFORD-Mr. and Mrs. tessen sale in the church base- Phone MA 3-531il. 39-1 fies. Lewis Clark, R.R. 3, New- dale, Ont.9l*10Bavle. 39-1 Hiarold J. Crawford. Nestieton,; ment Friday afternoon, Septem- castle. 39-1 wish ta announce the arrivai of ber 27th. 39-1 POTATOES by the bag. Apply USED Trucks-1954 Chevrolet REAL ESTATE FOR SALE a son Steven James, 6 lbs., 8 oz., 1 G. Forbes, 8 Bradshaw. 38-2 TWO combination doors, double 1/12-ton, 1952 G.M.C. 3-ton dump, Properties SoId, Rented a brother for Ben, on Tuesday,1 Watch for further nlot ice of i windows and sereens. Apply 1949 International panel, excel- Managed and Appraised September 17, 1957. at Commun- bazaar and rummage sale to beI1COAL and wood stove, deep fire,19 Carlisle. 39-1 lent motor and tires, only $175- it.v Hospital, Port Perry. 39-1* held by the Eastern Star in the; box. Phone MA 3-5877. 39-1 at Cowan Equipment Co., 134 1 1,10is qOmmnit Cenre, ri-200 NEW red Roman brick, also KigS.ELwavle ee . lio Enga eme ts aLiOscomm it1Cetre F- J GIRL'S bicycle. in good con- 2000 to 5000 used brick. Phone pKong.eA38.39-1wmanville. Tele-e Enga eme ts dy, ct. 8. 9-1dition. Phone MA 3-3455. 39-1 IMA 3-3141. 39-1* phone MAo3-6589.63-i Nle a stleOnt. Ms. usel ~ Enniskillen Hot Turkey Dinner PIANO, medium size, best offer. McNULTY'S Annuai Doli Sale. 1956 FORD station wagon, local1 Two blocks north of traffic signa] Cûbr-rane wisbi to announce the Wednesday, Oct. 30, at 4:30 and Mrs. M. Rabb, R.R. 4. Bowman- October 4th and 5th, Friday and oeonrcr196Mterd-fNwate5t enpagemient of their daughter, 16 o'clock. Secure your tickets ville*. 39-1 Saturday. 39-1 luxe, 2 door, with safety dash,! Lorna Mary MJay, to Mr. Kelly; from W.A. members. Adults wr seat belts, windshield washers,' S"arnuel Charies Adams. son 0'f $1.50; Children, 75e. 39-ï ,0 E apebxs BOY'S skates, size six; girl's back-up lights, low mileage, one Mr. and Mrs. Z. Adams. Bow- - bound, 75e each. Phone 1 r 6 figure skates, size five: lady's owner, local car; 1953 Pontiac De w 11h Real Esiate! m.:ic. The rnarriage will1 Shiloh W.A. is serving a tur- Orono. 34tf!sae size six. Phone _MArket sedan, a one owner car: 1951 80 acre farm at Newcastle, 1! t p na<ý on Saturdav, October'kydne t3io~ ~eIe~OEsaî icîtn uha-350W0 39-i 'Mercury sedan .with windshield1 mile off Highway No. 2 with 62 day Octnikllnpasoae.1 . ltstrigat53 ____ -__________- 'ash. sback-up lights, new acres of workable sandy loamn HJbatEnisilenpaso . followed by a short programme. er. nearly new. Phone MArket TWO gis' winter coats. sizcs tires; 1950 Pontiac sedan, radio land, 3 acres wood, creek, 60' x - Admission $1.50. 75c and 35c. 13-3269. 10U'î and 14; one boy's sport coat, and new tires; 1949 Pontiac 30' bank barn, hen bouse: 8 Mrs A.EIon cDu~ad, t.I SAC iiat9,-emiauomaij 14. Ail in perfect condition. sedan at Cowan Ecquipment Co., roomed brick home with running tPhone MA 3-2083. 39-1 134 King St. E.. Bowmanville. vater on tap, hydro. Price, Mar% S. announces the engage- 1 Ru mmage sale and white ele- good condition. Phone MArket_ __-- _____- pon MA358.9il$,0.Tesarned men t of lier daughter, Marion phant table. sponsored bv St.i 3-5005. 39-1 LIVINGSTON Stoker and PeasephnMA358.9-1$,0. emarngd Margaret, to Glenn Herbert'John's Evening W.A.. will beu' furae opt whdetR osse V ic FrSl 100 acre farm south of Ponty-1 Larmer, son of Mr. and Mrs.i held Oct. l8th fromn 10 a.m. ta PLAY-PEN, walker, snowsuit, rnc.cmlt vith d uet »sesdVheeFrSl pool, ¾l mile from highway with Erne'st Larmer, Blackstock. The 15 p.m. Any donations, telephone size 3, perfect condition. Phone: work, thermostat, wiring etc.' 1950 CHEV. COACH 20,000 Christmas trees planted. wedn a aepac audaM -2764. 39-1 MA 3-5069.39* Ralph Hilîs, Phone MA 3-2871. Serial No. 0101147363 55 acres workable, 50' x 30; 1~oe 2th. at 3 o'clock in ctinhunae'LOR oisenfr___taT 91 1957 License Plates No. 928-503i bank barn with running water,! iJnitd CbrchSt. MrysOnt. ThisSeptcm- l\Lon ale rdo'r. tare. 3!W-ic cetril 119.501I To be sold by public auction to1 large hen bouse; double garage, 39-1 ber 29th. 7:30 p.m., the annual ' Kin~g st E., Bmnil .13-tf up; chrome kitchen sets, $49 up: tehgetbde tte sl;7roe ht lpor Thanksgiving Service at Ennis- owanie broadloorn ruas, 44.50; smooth I STIRTEVANTS home with hydro throughout. Deth jkillen United Church. Visiting WHITE enamel Empire cook top mattresses, regular $59.50,j AUCTION ]ZOOM Price $9,000. minister Rev. Williamf March of stave, good condition, reason- $40: trade-in allowance. Used-, 3HalSOsaaOtao 200 acre farm with 110 acres MITCHELL, Frederick John. Atj Queen Street Church, Lindsay. * able. Phone Blackstock 66 r 11.~ Studio couch, 9 cu. f t. nefigerat- beginning at 7:30 p.fl. on of hardwood and mixed wood, Bowmnanville on MondaySept. 39- F',î or, large size space heater, and O thrth r, 1775 acres 1,orkable, creek, 5q', 23r, 95, Fedrik JhnMi- Irg6x9 Murphy Co., King 130' bank barn, 10 years old, im ('bell. hcloved husband of Eva Bowmanville Lions Club Bingo USED washer parts and repairs. 'St. WT., MA 3-378]. 39-1* Tmr ign im plement shed, hen bouse, garage, Sinclair and father of Kenneth, l in Lions Comrnunit.v Centre, 26 Paddys Market, Hampton. Tele- jAfli.' I..CARl 1VAfl.EL etc.; 8 roomed brick home withi Toronto, age 77 years. Friends1 Beech Ave., on Monday, October phone MA 3-2055. Open until, AFRICAN violets, choice var-t evduywrn adhr-1 were received at Northcutt and!I 7th at 8 p.m. Jackpot S25. 20oI19 P.m. 37-4::! icties, 50c up. Philadendron, 194 & 196 Church St . ohav'duty wi. ring and,00bard- Smith Funeral Home, 53 Division, games for $10.00. Two spca'-- palms, cacti, coleus, rose be- Bowman'ville - Otrow ah SI., Bowmanvilie. Service on, gamnes. Admission S 1.00 at tea SAVE on lumber. direct fro oi t.PrnilsrbW ul etr- COtm ari .392 ml] O Yu. hilipsLumervins, ose39-1* 107 acre farrn, commutingi Tibursdav,, Sept. 26th. at 2 p.m. 1 door. 32j taytPiip Lubr vn s, r ss ocker «' plants,________________ distance Oshawa, with 65 acresj Interment United Cburcb Cerne-~ înon.Otro hn 1 t i of workable land, 25 acres in tery, Little Britain. Masonic1 Regular weekly bingo held! 17 r 11. 1tforfallplantin.. l must go'V R1T- wood, farrn pond, 55' x 35' bank service was held at the Funeral Thursdays except third week in - Ieu uoraialy h v b Octoher 15. Reasonahie B.Le ou J.JLL - barn with extension, imiplement Home Wednesday at 8 p.m. the month wbich wilI be held YS euat at aoma& ale Hrd- prices. G u a r a n te e d. Mrs. r " " shed, hen bouse; 10 noomed 39-1 on Tuesdays, in the Union Hall vowatatasn&DlHad Abramns. 1 St. George St. Phone* m.î'r ew a ry 20reulr aesan ala iware, 36 King St. E.. Bowman- MA324.e1 ~ v L solid brick home with runnmng -kptville. 46-tf 1 PRICE 'FM LOIV water in kitchen. hydro. Price VARCOE. El-in Sherwood. Atlgame. No game under $3.00. an of vte eivrd IW4 Tractors - McCorrnick AND SELL 'EM FAST $ S10,000.00 with terms arranged. Bownanviîc erniorial Hospital Admission 50c. 38-tfHADfUE --wiivleHR n of ae eiee.W4 McCormick WD-6: Massey- * Certified Condition 50 acr am omtn on Wediiesda. ,Sept. 25t:11 1957, rmtsevc.RbntH ae!Harris "M"; Farmal"H"; Case *Es Trsce farm, 40mmtin Eli hrodVrobeIoved .ttnio arns Don't for- Phone MArket 3-5476 on MA i on rubber, anly $125; Gibson * E-ayGTernt distace lsaw, 6witxh340 are cîca aterof a ncaVar c outsd Locan al AsoctioftaBeY3585 I H fr$95. Used Implements, barn with drive-in shed, hen husand terof urNacoe and gecotsannual Ameetin f oy __________-_____ JH o re 7 lia - - $95 I torhousefarm pond, good weils, Donald Masters) and 'Michael held at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct.! 20-FOOT trailer, completely Jh er ' t utvtr50 Anglstnebose9it5f in bis 59tib year. Friends will f22 in Lions Centre. Tunkey din- furnished; 1 ail space heater i wth wheels inside frame; Mas-1 8 roorned soehuewt un bc received at Northcutt and1 ner followed by electian of good condition. Phone 3025 sey-Harris 7 'iî ft. cultîvator;~ ~ 1 a $195 ace, heavy duty wined, water i. Smith Funeral Home, 53 Divis- officers for 1957-58 season. Newcastle. 39-i International 2-furrow plough, 50 illma n ijkitchien. Asking price $9,500 jooi St., Bawmanville. Service 1_39-1_-_____________dise________In A good one 1 wîth terms anranged.11 F~riday, Sept. 27th, at 2 p.m. HARDWOOD factory ctigernational nope type hay loader Ch19 -5 1raomed ranch style, new1 lntcerment Bowmanville Cerne-1 Shaw's Market will be operat- dlean and dry, $10 large tuk new condition, onlv $25, a;4 Ce.buglo tNecsteonlar telloa ieiveedbungalowaa CwaatoupNewcC.,st4Kie Donxe i asierefo teiy 39-1 ing at Kurv Inn this Saturday, oddlvrd hn saaICwa oimn a.14Kn t r lot. sîtuated on highway with- September 28. This is sponsor- RA 5-1526. 38-2* St. E., Bowmanville, Phone MA eux si s double garage, and ail city con- f \VERRY-At R.R. 1. Bowman- led by Shaw's Home and School1 NEW and used sl<ates for sale,!358.~5 od -$9 enecs ul ihtebs <lcon Sunday. September 22,,Association. Corne dawnan ilexaneoIsktsfrnwIAPL NC CerncSle-Cannid andaî of matenial. Price and termsý J !~7 Wslo Gore Wrr, uyyou sppy o fes fuit Lloyd Ellis Shoes, 49 King St. E., 8.2 cubie foot International re- rrngd ercd 74 years. belaved husband vegetables, eider and home- 1Bow7manville. 39-3 figerator, regular $359 for $249 52 Meteor - $65 6 roorned insulatcd frame home:i (i Anima Honcy> and dear father baking. 39-1 i or n___3.00Per_____Kelvn- i Bowmanville with 3-piece oi Kenneth and Thelma (Mrs. 'FALL pasture, nye, oats, alfalfa,atricuefotefgrtr Custom bath, bat and cold nunning in he orrs uneal hap], DONT FRGE TE CeannsBuketn. el glar Il389 efooref289 or y5 1water, ail furnace, etc. Asking I Ross Lanci. Service was held HEY THERE! clover and timothy. Swain Seed rglr$8 o 29o nyÇ hv $895 $,0 ih$,0 on Bowmanville on Wednesday Blac_________89_r__il. __36-4 er, 9 lb. capacity with electnic ue Radio 9 12 noomed apartrnent bouei September 2th at 2:30 p.m Dance in Solina Hall f-ktc 9r~ poe$,5prwe;Kliaa ah eue *Tw fPr oewt w Interment Bethesda Ccmetery. ELECTRICAL Repairs-Prompt timer, $1 18 and yaur old washer 5Tw fPr oewtýý 391Set servi ce f0 electrical appliances, or $1,75 per week; Philips full 55 Cnev. $1,49~ batbrooms, 2 garages, 2 oul furn- Safuraay, Seareptdsm.. anerHad console 21" televisian with gen- aces, hardwood and file floors, WERRY-At Enniskillen. Ont., Montgomery's Orchestra wanc. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-tf uînewadncbet regular Sap - LwMlae ec Akn nc 750wt on Fridav. September 2th, 1957, 38-2 -_Yemfunc lck,$20 $429 for $289 or only $2.25 per STEW'S VPCIAT $6,000 down. Nor JneBies i hr 3r DY lmfunae loks $2.00weck; Westinghouse 21 inch tele- 1, 6 roomed ranch style bunga- NoraJan Bins. n be 83d la load, 2 cords, rsawed, deliv-Ivision, console on swivel base, our Choice . ow (new) in Bowmanville, with ycar, belaved wife of James A skating party wiil be gîven!'ered -also kindling. J. A. Car- regular $379 for $289 or $2.25 50MTO r5 HV i cebtadwo ante Arthur Werry. Mrs. Werry nest- by th e Bowmanville Skating* scadden, Orono. Phone 3 9 er week.UedAp0incsMEBTEcRs einseo dr51Cecon- ie floors, modem kitchnd with ed at ber late residence, Enn is- Cuon Thunsday evening. Oct. 3r .* 've placs-Bt cr e nse n eo- los oenkthn wt killen. Service was beld in Club ror6:0t9 . ath 39-3--' refrîgerator 8.1 cubic feet,' onl 'y dtoe.O.sadn n built-in cuphoards, oul funnace, 3r. fnm 630 a 9p.m atthe$89; Easy Spindi*y wasbcr, corn di- a0c. Ou stadn n electrie water heater. Pnice Enniskillcii United Churcb on iBowmanville Memoniai Arena.î 1.000 BUSHELS good quality, pletely averbauled $69; coal and awncr machine $10.500 with tenms arranged. 1 Sundy. eptmber22n at2:30 'Skating for ail and races for the heavy oats grawn from registen- xvood stave with high back, inFa pin. Interment Hampton Cern - children. Lunch will be serv- cd seed of ane year ago. SixtY exceletcodtin$70. I $4 Service station with garage,1 lerv. Arrangements bv the Mor- ed. Membens, their Parents and censallel M -41. Cwnt atmn o. 34Kn living quarters, equipment, tools, ris« Funeral Chapel, Bowman- ail those interested in skatingý 39-1 S. Euipmen Ca., 134hKng rck'xtabanrec, t.,o vil.39-1 are invited ta attend. No charge. -St.356E.391w$9anville, Phon0e 33n 39-2 ' DO your own floors-Rent a 3- Once in a lîfetime - Customline, i$.0 îh$,0 on In Memoriam j sander r a floor polisher from Lietc1frS l two-tonc, white walls, signais Bsfe above mentionîed w GRAHAM. Luisa JaneneInMA 3res7ce.BowAND MANY MORE AT jproperties ta choose from. GRAHrM. LoiDanJInemanvlle.d PmoneDaMAe3774.CALVES for vM A N hoe' Sotat ln mcmnory of Louisa Jane MA W ELL Contac (rba, 195a6. alySet.Ii INSULATION, blowing method, ucs.Phn Nonquon Rd. Oshawal John F. De With 30.e lis9 on ar1.herierendal Hall with rock wool. Workrranship ilM USC3VY350.s.PhoneRA 3-4431 9 Sucth bshgoe ao te rer uaranteed F re e estimates. ii 3230 91Authorzed 1 Realtor and General Insurancer To he hor ofeve gren Set.Harry L. Wade. Phone Clarke iJ. Ai-c we long ta sec ber dean face ~22 1 YORKSHIRE pigs, 8 weeks RAMBLER - HILLMAN Newcastle Phone 3341 C ithe rivcir flows hctxveen.1 a39 i ld. MA 3-2271. 3~*METROPOLITAN aemn S ~e ay.son~tme xv sahPRIZES IBUSHEL apples boxes, 60e eacb. ODoenluntil 9 p.m. ISalesmen: SEVEN large geese at $5 each.39- Donld MAunj3-3950 nvile S 'C Music hy Henry Koss and ls wile iney ast so quantîty of _Phone__Clarke___3902.___39-MA3-395 Til fce we veloved sa weli. 1 his Homesteaders f Phone inch l 3902. 391A. Mrs. Jean Woolner. Hampton I Soime dav xyrlI clasp ber iaving0 new dy iOnc lum e. J. A. 6-ek- HA M -27 iadAdmission - Ladies 50, Gents 75e Orn. eehoeNIE6wekod Yorkshire pigs. i 1T~ .Xdnyrsav farcweli. 39_1v 35 r 9. 39-3*î Phone MA 3-2062. 39-i1ES Daniel Boehmi - Port Hope -- y'er reincmibered bv husband FORAGE harvester, complete 75 LEGHORN pullets, $1.651 E TT3554 9-1 asi ail.39-1' ALL YOU CAN EAT wvith mawer bar, corn, and pick- eacb. Phone Blaekstoek 64 r 12. np attachments. also blower and 39-1*FO MÀINNINc; A tribute of love' TURKEY SUPPER Pipes. AIl are in excellent con- PCRBREsHosten cSales ;;i remnembra vce to0n molhcr dition. Phone RA 5-4938, Osha-, UERDHlti o jsYO S;' an M àlid annin. xvo___Hal wa. 37-3 inîshed wîth 18219 milk. test 1'54 PONTIAC bardtop, gleaming 1): ýý-ùc ý\v.N Sptmbe 2, 9,6. Slia al J3.58; 5 heifers, due October and Qis jet lack ith wite wall radio 'HIGHEST Prices paid for live a- FourVfr£om wbhich-dof0edn * ruk Cc .teceptionsN t ce___ ______ ahrs eahr hos fo 109!fa SI1rs. Mable Allen xiii be at Dr. Storev's office xiii bel !and rafr.Pon RA 3-i 95 ACa1-tnEprs home t lier' vanv triendsnd 1ciosed Sept.. 30 to Oct. 6 inclus- ('HOICE MEATY BIRDS rwfr.Phn A32043 1945;FAGW 3to'. ak Oshawa, collect. 41945 FARGO 3-ton Stakes' iîsbu ~for bier 84tlh birthdav'ive. ?19-1' DRESSED AND DELIVERED 48t JAI iî~ Pv[Irtv. Septeibler'27 fronm 2 ta ________ ito 4 ad 7tu utthehom ofberALL kinds of live poultry wn'1946 (HEVROLET Sedan Ue clacî,.1Iter (Dorutbx'î. Mrs. M.C1 The secd lcanine plant atý PHIL FINNEY e d. Top Toronto prices paid at1 a orun-in---- 94 I -.: Enniskilien is now open 8 ar.ii.MAPLE GROVE MA 3-5058 I vour door for large or srni a r - 15 ALL 15 (lIALMERS "B" Blrown. 7 Nel:;oii St. E. ý39-1' :ta 6 p.n. Phone MA 3-2829 or;qatfe.hveor owI b8DDESda ---- 1..$ LotBlackstock 102J. 36-tf! f unifie. FaW ea ou 1148 DORD ESedan --$125"PATO mark. hetcM. Fit t Betany R.j1948 OwTRD sed-21 Thoroughly overhauled eci Fih adchip w Ib 1. P oe olet f0 B t f; oFTr s asy Payments Iwith new tires n MýAN'S nvyybIne cardigan.,taken tram 1il ta i noon andinor Ponuts Piîont.MA:3622. 39-I1ron Ilt 1 to ni11001Frid, !*FrteFns Pit hiia rePALMERn TWO P.0. box kex's. No. 1516 iend Saturdav until il. Teleplione ---ýfo o1 tnth.F ida'FrteFns ansCrsmsT ROBSON îvîu.uî¶ .110~r }ùurî u taesanofic. e A -5579. F9I Ilor the Latest Papers ,~i IIIt A L i _______lofie M laftos ITr"MM TO A E dFo th. llîj- jRose busil draw - proceeds FEÏMALE fox hound. Blacki,! for Cerebrai Palsx' Sebool and w ite and tan. Tattola car i Clinie - postponed ta October j EVU-K2. Phone Brookiin 627r2j 10 at 8 p.rn. in Lions Centre.! colicct. Reward $20. Rov at Oshawa and District Movie '1 Brown, Raglaa" _-__ 38-.24 Club meeting. -__ __ 39-1_ *O Me .. be3snI vrkmansnîp A- ---------..I 1i Muvm ITE Give full Particulars including JIA- 1..II~ Plymouth-< hrysler Cars S. [. reson&U sn planting dates and price to Buick - Pontiac - Vauxhall1 Fargo "ru('ks I ADVERTISER 712 G.M.( Trucks 1 Allis (halmers Dealier Phones c/o The Canadian Statesman 1 166 King St. E. MA 3-3321 1 20 King St. E. MA 3-548' tA3-5912 MA 3-37011 PO0. BOX 190, BOWMAN VILLE j Bowmanville Bowmanville 44t-U3a8-2 -39-1. 39-. "'i ,oi 17j Real Estate for Sale e James Nixon 0 REAL ESTATE BROKER 5-noom brick, storey and a haîf, 3 bedrooms, living and din- ng-oom, modemn kitchen, oak 1floors, 4-piece bath. aluminum Iwindows, heavy wiring, posses- sion arranged. $11,000. Terins. 6-room frame cottage, new roof. water inside, heavy wiring, inside conveniences, winterized. $ 1,000 down. Immediate posses- jsion. Grocery store and living quarters, 6 rooms, 3-piece bath. ail furnace, heavy winîng, $13,000 - $3.000 down. Merchan- dise at invoice price. 4-room. frame bouse, hydro well, town water availabie, large lot. $4.000 - $700 down. 47 Queen St. Bowmianville i Box 941 MA 3-5682, 39-1* j J. Van Nest Real Estate 118SKing St. E. Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-3230 4 large room brick witb at- tachcd garage, aIl conveniences. This bouse is almosf ncw. 10 raamed brick divided as in- came home, double garage, prie- cd at $13,0O01 with part terms. Two cottages at beach, priced; ta sedI J5 room fî'amc an nice lot, ail conveniences, Asking $9.500 jwith. terms. Hampton - Six-room insul brick with all conveniences. Priced f0 seli quickly. IlFarm -46 acres, VLA approv-. cd. Seven-roam. bouse, beavy wining, barn 30 x 50: 8 acres ýorchard. Asking . only $6.6001 jwith $3.000 cash. We can show you a nice dairy farrn. If buying or seliing cali in and talk if over. 39-il Leask Real Estate 6room bouse in Hampton. low! taxes, large lot, batbroom, furn- ace. Low down payment. Make an offer as owner has been trans- ferrcd. 7 noom bouse in Orono on ¼ i acre. Good income home, nowt occupied by two familles, $5.750.!I Terms.1 4 room bungalow, central, new ail fumnace, 3-piece bath, double lot, beavy wining. $8.500. Terms. 4 room bungalow, attachcd garage, oul furnace, heav 'y wir- ing, 3-piece bath, deep lot, land-,j scaped, $9,000.00. i iInquire about our ineome homes. Wc bave acreages on bighway; froin 5 ta 50 acres. List with Leask 65 Ontario St. Bowmanville MA 3-5919 3-11 Peter Kowal REAL ESTATE BROKER 9KigNtERAL ISU anilE 99 epon MiA S.3E-B5v8n68 Box 817 New 3 bedroom brick bunga- low iocatcd in nonth section of town. Large modemn kitchen. Large living-room. Spaeious hedraams. Beautiful tiied bath. Foreed air oul heating. Divided basement. Exceptional value. Asking oniy $11,500.00. $3,000.00 down. Large 8 room brick home In Orono. Suitable for two fan-ý ilies. Asking $8,000.00. Good terins available. 3 bedroom bungalow wifh ail convenienees. Forced air oil heafing, iaundry tubs, a utîlity room. Asking oniy $9,500.00. ýOnly $2,000.00 down. 6 room frarne bouse in Hamp- ton. 3-piece bath, basement, 2- car garage, ' acre of land, heavy sure system. Asi<ing $9,000.00, îow, in town on watcr and scw- Terins arrangcd. er. Full basement, very mod- Listings urgently required. cmn, excellent lot, paved street. Salesman - J. A. Barton If You are retiring. you'1 like MA 3-3098 this modernized small home. 39-1 Toronto 50 miles. Nice village on pavement. Stores, etc. lis H. . ed ell acre garde> Neat, smail barn. REAL ESTATE BROKER taxes. Full pnice $5.800 with 1 acre of land with 4 raomr 150 o bungalow, wcil and bydro, i½,L $3,650 is the full price for this miles wcst of Part Hope. Cheap attractive 3-room bungalow. A fora qicksae. 2,50 wthfull acre of chaice garden. or0 a uiksaen$.50wîhMapie Grove district. Terms. 8 room frame bouse in New. 52 King St. W. Bowmanvile tonville situated on No. 2 High- MA 3-9~453 or 3-2762 w.ay. $4.200 with $2.000 cash. 39-i 5 room insul-briek bungalow East of Necastle, ail furnace'.. 7 îydra and wel. $3.800, reason- The Canadian Statesman 4 able terins. PE ~"r' i Phone Arnold Wade CL S IFE 4 acres on N. 2 ighway with j~ A V R IIG~ b'ick double deck chieken bouse!-.1 RATES 40' x 60', good weii and bydro, '-' lose f0 school and churcb. ARTICLES FOR SALE Vouid make an ideal building LIVESTOCE FOR SALE . ite.FOR lIENT - HELP WANTED . sitS. CARS FOR SALE 4 3 0 acres on No. 2 Highway LO.* , FOUND - ETC. e facing clovenleaf and 401. High-*: Cash Rate - - 4cpewrd< .'av, good bank barn, pressure -t. wlth a minmum aisoc f. Must be paid by date of insertion. ' system. This shauid be wortb . If~ charqecî. an additional 25C 4 double the pnice askcd as a . will be added. 4 building projeet. $2.000 wi : A char?. ai 25c wiil be mode toi 4 andie. wil aIl reples directed ta this office. 7 8 room solid brick bouse in e. NOTICES - COMING EVENTS 4 rewcastle, ail conveniences. -. AND CARDS OF TISANES 4 !ouid be made suitable for two y. ic , word wilh a minimum ai rmiles. $10.000 wifh $1.000 .. $ --oi2 %rd r eg. msh. .. IRTISS ElNGAGEMENTS New bungalow on No. 2 Higb 4e. MARRIAGES - DEATHS < 'ay east of' Newcastle, 5 rooms, 1$10pe .srto.4 ý-pîcce bath, tîied and bard- 4 IN MEMORIAMS e 'ood floors, oil heating. full $51.00 Plus foc a lin. foi verso )asenient, pressure y s t emi.. Dispiay Classitied at s ' eltô 7,950 with $1.500 down. . inch with a minimum aif hÇ 10 acres an No. 2 Highway,! 4. Additivnal insertions cil the êb 1ose to Neweastle.I rates. 17 acres on 35 Highwax'. just f~ AJi Clauuified Adls must b. t Drth of Newcastle. th is office flot Inter thon de 15 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ace n 15Hgwy? e o'clock faon, Wednesdoy. 4. 15t oacrsob 15v.ha 'w. ecash, stamps or maney ardo, .- mrth ofKirbv.and Bave maney. e 2 acres on 401 Higlv.ay 3 miles e Clip thà out for handy reterence 4 of 0 f ---hawa... OFFICE HOURS 4 acres on Nu.'2 Highiway near 4. Monday thraugh Friday velclne. 4. 8:30 ca.m. ta S5D.. A rnîrîiber of 10 acre lots north 4 Saturday 8 30 o.m. ta 12 Noon ,fMaple Grave. 4 Mo)ne.y tuaJuan. . Dial MArket 3-3303 Phone Newcastle 3856 . faoiCtuuii.d Ad Service 4 Peter FeddemE[VVT REAL ESTATE BROKER 100 acre farm, 10 room frame bouse, barn 90 x 32, good garden soul, '- mile off pavement. Pnice $13,000.00. Terins. 50 acre tarin, 2-family bouse, large size barn, good location, Price $9,000.00. Terins. 50 acre farin, no buildings, never-failing creek, west of Bowmanville. Price $5,250.00. 15 acres, rough land, good creek. Pnice $1,500.00. Terins. We bave several farins on dif. ferent highwal;s. 189 Scugog st. Bowmanville Phone MArket 3-3644 39-1 D. W. McQuay Real Estate Members Oshawa and District Photo Co-op. COUNTRY SPECIALý 14 acres with over 4,000 Scotch pine Christmnas trees. 6-room stoney and baîf insul-brick house, bcautifulyIvandscaped. 6 acres of goad maket garden land near Enniskillen. Ful pnice only $6.000 with $2,000 down. If buying or selling Residentiai - Farmns Commercial - Industrial Acreages and lots Contact P. A. FRANK WALTER FRANK 177 Chuch St. MA 3-3986 Orm Gerry .LTOR - ORONO REAI Box 1 Pone119 12 ars uFiARM , 0ace Pe0maest cuvae, 20xcesn peranent p 2 asr, ecelent5 daya bain; barsns hwaner 75l had loeaihlfousin, wer b owls 12-room bouse with new bath- room and hot water heating, only 10 minutes Bowmanvilic, 20 minutes Oshawa. This is buy of year at $15.000 and reason. able terins. 130 acres cash crop land. bas good barn and old bouse, mile off pavement, 15 minutes ta Bowmanville and 25 Oshawa. Owner retiring. Offering at low price, $8.500. 75 acres medium loam,2 barns, pig Pen, hen bouse, tc: 9 room frame bouse. hydro, fIýXseI mail and baker at door. Askîng only $8.000 on your terins. Charles Rankii+ REAL ESTATE BROK4' FARMS $11.000, 1/ý cash, buys this 100 acre dlay oain tarin. The ex- cellent hip roof, painfed barn bas steel roof, pressure systein, hydro. Land is productive and scenic, Trouf sfream. Insul- brick home of seven roorns is rnodernized with oul furnace, bathroom, etc. 100 acres, choice dlay loam. painted barns, beautifuliy ap- )ointed home, oul furnace, bath- room. Many extras on this farm. Stock, bay and straw, ncw tractor, implements ineluded. F'ull price $20.000. Terms. 150 acres, level fractor farin, nain stable 36 x 100, horse barn 25 x 75, hog pens, hen bouses, 3 welîs, two pressure systeins. Beautifully appointed modern home bas 9 rooms, ail conven- iences. This is a farin for the Iiscniminating buyer. P r i cee $31,000. Terms. HOMES $9.500 with only $2.000 down I r I I I. c Real Estate for Sale liq# ELLe BUY*TRADE e.141RE S LOÇTand F:OUPJD le SERVICE lier. RELPWANTEC>OIEMPLOYM- TRURSDAY, SEPT. 26th, 19"

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