PACw 'rwn T~E CMfADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVTLLE. ONTARTO ?N'ITRSDAY, UEPT. ~$h, 198? Impressive Ceremony SMarks Promotions at Trinity Sunday School Sunday morning was promno- tion day at Trinity United Church when children from the mnany Sunday School classes were advanced ta higher groups in an impressive cere- mony. Rev. T. A. Morgan and; General Superintendent Denisi Pickard werc in charge ai tht-l service. For the occasion, the pulpit had been removed and replac- ed by white gates through, which the children passed ta their next class. As the young- sters walked ta the platform, the choir sang "Open the Gates" and bath the teacher they were leavirg and the teacher receiv- ing the pupils made appropri- ate remarks. Adding to the charm of the occasion, the altar was a pic- ture ai floral beauty, decorated in memary of the late J. Elmo Anderson with flowers from Mrs. Anderson's Grand Chapter Session, Order ai the Eastern Star. The Primary Department in- cluded 40 boys and girls who were presented by Dept. Super- intendent Miss Helen Nelles to the Junior Sunday School. The girls were received -by Miss Madlyn Wilcox, with Ted Col- well receiving the boys. Thir- ty-eight kindergarten young-.- sters were presented to Primary-, I Air. Rail or Steamsbxp T 1C KE TS To tVERYWHERE I Consuit J R T'& LO0V EL L 15Kn St. W. MA 3-5778 Bowxnanville1 School by Dept. Supt. Mms. Lynn Banting. These were e-I ceived by Miss Nelles. Fifty Nursery School children were presentcd ta the Kinder- garten Dcpt. Supt., Mrs. Veda, Thompsan, and received toy Mrs. Banting. The names ai 50 Cradie Raol cbildren ta be promoted ta the Nursery Dept. were read A1y Supt. Mrs. Stan McMurter and received by Mrs. Thampson. Special attendance awamds wcre awarded by Supt. Pickard. They included one for perfect attendance ta Bannie Mutton and others for Pimary chîld- ren Maureen Martin, Kenny Martin, Ricky Dewell, Allan Maguire, Jimmy Maguire, Batty Welsh, Karen Bell and Barbara Crombie. Junior attendance awards went ta Cheryl Luxton, Louisel Maguire, Johanne Parkbill, Keith Banting, Randy Dcwell, Irwin Colwell and Billy Crom- bie. In the Intermediate gmaup the following were honoured, Sha- ron McMurter and Bokbby Dunn,, Douglas James received thýý Semilaward. Superintendent Pickard cor.- cluded the promotions by an - nauncing that the other classes1 would not make their advance- ments in the church, but du:- ing the Sunday School perioli following. He also gave a lime-1 ]y chiidren's story about a. youngster's uncertainty overl Gods physical presence. Mr. Morgan concluded the' service by outlining the varions activities and the objects ai the Sunday Sehool pragram. I Octo S P EC On OFFER Joar Telej >ber Hair Styling! IAL ... COLD WAVE Ily $6.50 Complete GOOD UNTIL THURS., OCTOBER 31 i'es Beauty Centre Bowmanville -phone MA 3-5455 for Appointinent BeGenerous.&6 TAG DAY LONG SAULT Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Baker and Ann were Sunday evening guests ai Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Mc- Laggan. Mr. and Mms. Chas. Penwarden and family with Mr. Robt. Sim Sunday evening. Mr. Stanley Fletcher, Toronto, spent the weekend with hi. par- ents Mr. and Mrs. G. Fletcher. Tobacco picking finished Mon- day on aur local tobacco iarm.- Mr. and Mrs. Orme Miller vis- ited her parents at Tara on Sun- day. Sympathy ai the community is extcndcd ta the families ai the late Mrs. J. A. Werry, En- niskillen, and Mr. Wesley Werry. Salem. Several attended Lindsay Faim an Saturday. Weekend visitors with the John Johnstons were; Mrs. Vivian LinLe, Part Perry, Mr. and Mms. Freemantle, Toronto, and Miss Margaret Theisburger. Mr. and Mrs. L. Tennant, Bow- manvîlle, and Miss Marie Webb, Ottawa, were Sunday guesta ai Mr. and Mrs. A. Milîson. Mr. and Mms. Lamne Hudson and Danny, Millbrook; Mr. and Mrs. McGill, Lindsay, werc Sun- day guests ai Mr. and Mrs. E. Penwarden. Mr. and Mrs. R. Gibson and Sandra wcre Saturday evening visitors ai bis parents, Mm. and Mrs. Gardon Bcntley, Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vaneyk and famiiy, Tyrone, were Sat- Ltrday cvcning visitors ai bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Van- es-k. Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk wcre Sunday supper guests ai Mr. and Mrs. J. Van Dam, Nestîcton. Mrs. Hazel Comnisb. Mr. Jack îCornish, Miss Helen White, Port Hope; Mrs. W. Penwamden were Su ndav supper guests af Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cameron. Mr. and Mrs. B. Cameron Mr.Clayton Brown. SOLINA "Sing ye islands of the sea Jesus Saves!" This was the theme of the Rally Day service held on Sunday atternoon. Suni- day Schoal superintendent, Johni Knox, conducted the servicel Iwith Rev. Reed also in the pul- pit. In addition ta the printed 11programs provided by the 1l Board of Christian Education, readings were well given by jAllan Frazer and Doreen Hm er. A song including the theme was sung by Marie Flett, Di- anne Tink, Jean Baker and IPhyllis Ann Westlake. The Scripture reading was given by Lorme Tink and the stories were presented iby Harold Yel- ]owlees and Helen Knox. Pearl Lezich contributed a vocal solo i "The _Ninety and Nine". The of- fering was receiveci by Ronnie Baker and Murray Flett. S Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Yellow- -lees who on Sept. 25 observed -their 20th wedding anniversary were pleasantly surprised by relatives during the weekend. On Friday night, Wes' family, including Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis and Pat, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Yellowlees, Karen, Brenda and Janice, Mr. and Mms. J. Yellowlees, Miss Gladysi Yellowlees and Walter Shortt of Courtice, gathered at their home and presented them with a television lamp and other gifts. Refreshmentss includeïl a beautifully decorated double ring cake, served with ire eream, tea and sandwiches. On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Wes Yellowlees, Har- aId and Murray, weme teaget at Mr. and Mrs. Clame Allin's, Bowmanville. Heme, immediate relatives af Ada's presented her and Wes with a pop-up toaster, in honor af their approaching wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mms. Ed Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Davis and Pe- ter, Miss Marilyn Davis anid Mr. Jim Hall, Oshawa; Mr. Walter Shortt, Courtice, and. Miss Gladys Yellowlees were Sunday tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis and Pat. Mr n Mrs. Bruce .Reyniolds, Bowmnanville, Miss Nan Allin. Toronto, i.ere Sunday tea [guests af Mr. and Mrs. Wes Yellowlees and sons. Miss Jean Cryderman, Osh- awa, was at home for the week end. V Mr. and Mrs. Ken Pascoe and children, Brougham, visited at M.George Knox's. * Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hilîs were fJgu ests at the Dawson-Hills wedding in Tyrone Churclh and reception at the Lions Ceii- tre in Bowmanville on Sunday ii afiternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Taylor i iand sons were visitors Sunday evening at Mr. and Mrs. Ralph, Larmers, Blackstock. Mrs. Wes His attended the 1 trousseau tea given by Mr. Jack His, Tyrone, on Wedne-s- ai ternoon in hanor of ber IdaughtertokJacen hsatr marriage toJacen whose- day aiternoon. Mr. Will Spry, Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore and Mrs. Lee ai Bowmanville, visit- ed at vNir. and Mrs. Frank West- lake's Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bernis, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kent, Karen and IWayne, Oshawa, visited at Mr. E Spires. Mr. and Mrs. J. Baker visited on Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dewell's. Mr. and Mrs. George Bray_ Toronto, vîsited Sunday even- 1ing at the Werry's. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Werry, iMr and Mrs. Wes. WVerry, at- tended the funeral service ai the late Mrs. Jas. A. Werry at Enniskillen Church, on Sna. Mr. and Mrs. E. Lre Biaiukstock, were Sundav t-al guests of Mr. and Mxs. *E. à. 'Taylor. Ladies ai the Women's Insti-j tute will be guests o! the Black- stock W.I. on F'rlday evening, iOct. 4. Members please contact your group leaders to arrange transportation. DnTyo were Sunday visitors at Mr. F. IAbernethy':s. Manilla. ",r. Harold Reytioldi and Donate Park Site G aiesualIiiernorial P ark Recul Fascinating Hîstory 0f Pioneer Court ice FamîIy . ..4J.. T1..44..4 . ", Attractive Mernorial Entrance to Coartice Park By Ron Oke vulnerable ta strang winds. ih guns slung aver theiri A centre ai activity from early Wbile visiting a brothier in 1shonîuders, staitec off into the spring ta late fali is the Courtice Amnherstburg. Mrs. Courtîce heavily woocled area in search 'Memorial Park. j learned of an Engilish caftsrnan of thcir brother. Thi ee-apelig prk fve hospeiaizd i ionlettcring. Before long they found acres in ls a gift toth cin He erthusiastica1y agreed ta Thomas' home beside a sinali munity from Mr. and Mrs. Ken I draw up the plans for the gates streamn and they immediately set iCourtice. Tt stands in memor v and formn the lettering. out ta build their homes. of their oril v son Dean and Mr. From these plans an O:ia.a, Ken Courtice stili lives an the i Courtice's tather and grandifath- fiini bultthe gate and NI.S. si-nae pioncer farmi that his great er both of whoin were naniedi Armsan came from Anhcrstburg grandfather originaliv hewed jWilliam. The land xvas deeded ta set up3 his lettering. ont of the forest. joteCutc n biee vrsnetepr"a pn In their time his father and ta he Coutie bîezer Evenye tse ark w las poPCfl graniather. William Sr. and Jr., Churh. d svenveas ag itbasproen ived oni the samne pioncer farm. Install New Gates ta bc a popular spot. A hi n. oDade This year the finishing toucîh- Soccer without question is the eraslthers onI on. Deaindîed es wcre added ta the park as rnost popular spart in the areauserandyersagof mienirgstisa Mr. and Mrs. Courtice purchased and the Courtice faotbailers Ibis park. once a segment of land a beautiful set af wraughit iran! have given good accounits aicerdbyCrsohe orie gates bearing a memorial in- theniselves in return for the v\ilare bYChristoheir Couric, scription. strong spectatai- support. For will erptaeterfml At fimst this memoriai inserio- the past twa years Courtice hasna. flan posed a difficult problemn captured the Darlington Junior for the Courtices for they could Sce hminhp find no anc who did sneh work. Tohe îiaaIk also bas facilîti es foi-', Solid plaques were available sfbl n a small olayg ounid Mrs. Courtice cxplained but it for the children compiete wîthý was felt that a plaque would be swings and sandboxes. Doing a great dcal ai w-ami towamds the maintenance of thel Y -e ~~park is Erie Courtice who kecps 7 e ijk hrCak the live acres af grass cut. i Mr. and Mî-s. W. Holmes Came Hleme in 1830 I spent the weckend in Oshawýa a Ken Courtice is a descendant! ~f with Miss Hazel Barrie. o Christopher Courtice. anc ot i Mr. and Mrs. Alf Brown and the thrcc Caurtice brothers whla Jac an Mr. CnnBowan-came ta the district in the 1830's.1 19J W Jaikle, d resunann, Biorswan- The family biagraphy relates et ~2 villed ersnndyGvitrgeskewith that Thomas Courtice came te, I M-s Gore kedig.the area %vhich was ta bear bis ÀV Mr. and Mrs. Les Alldred, naine in 1830. Here. hce carved Orono, spent Snnday evcý,ninga clearing out of the woods ta r with Mi-. and Mrs. Robin Ail- auî i hmscd drdaya. etnil iMs anid wit homthefamiis ae r d Ms lcMri t Two ycars laler Christopi ci Mm. nd rs.Ale Matinat-and James Courtice leit their ý tended the wedding on Satur- homes in Devonshire, Eniglandl Maxirie Wood ai Newtonville ta jain their brother and start a (B oniOsnd Mm. George Felgate ai Union- ncw lhfe in Canada. Thcre's ta be a hamdtîme dance ville. The brathcî-s kneiw that on Fiiday, Sept. 27. beginning Mr. and Mrs. W. Adamis were Thomas w-as somewhcre bctwcen at 8:30) at the Lions Centre.[L visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bowmanville and Oshawa but' Prices arc 50c for non-members I Harold Sonch. Shiloh 011 SUn- had na idea ai the exact loca- and 25e for members, and ali day. Mr. and MIrs. Bob Ruther- lion since there were no maris First Foi-ml or Grade Ninel ford, Orono. spent Sunday a!- or roads in the district. students Ironi Bawmanx-ille Higli ternoon with Mr. and Mrs. The biogî-aphy states that the Schooi will be adm:tted free. Adams. two brothers and their famiýies There us ta be entertainment Mrs. Gardner and Leonard disembarked on the shores ai af some nature, and at the timne and Mrs. Joan Ostie. Janice Lake Ontario anc fine August af going ta press it xvas ta be and Randy, Oshawa, and Mrz. day hali-wa 'cwe oma-agnlman from Oshawa wbo Don Beer, Brougbam, spent Sat- ville and Oshawa. is said ta be another Sal Minco. urday aiternoon with Mr. and Leaving their families on the H4elhas appc-ared in maniv well Mrs. Bill Jaynes. shieChristopher anrd James,; known plac.;. and wex are in- uteu,,i 0130on Ji CL1In h la O C fluA l SAVE MONEY EVERY TIME 1 WORK WITH MY DAVID BROWN 900 DIESEL'l .yo Lyoni Micks, chery vols", Prince Edwotd Cou#'ty, Cpt "My David l3rown 151on Diesel coste me lems thaîr 12c an acre ta operate. 1 pull a 3 furrow plo-. through rny cay loarn sait without any trouble a t ail and 1 have fewcr work stoppages than 1F e liad with.any other tractor." Find out how rnuch vou can rave bv operatiri.r' a David Brown 900 Diies-el on vour fa*m. ('ail us toda:' and arrange a demonstratiorL. DAVID BROWN 900 DIESEL NOW AI! W.H. MORRISON R.R. 1. ORONO l>HONE ORONO 18 r: Wý,heni you enter the dance an Friday night, you will be given a sheet ai paper with 14 names on it, and nf these 14 -yau will pick the seven of vour chaice ta be on the executive for next yeai-. We hope lhev xiii be a wxis choice. bec-anse xve xiii be depencling on them ta i-un every- thing fom the next two years. An -on.-'shing ta bu:v a Teen jTown Ci-est, please ask tiie persan at the door and for 5Oci you may have ane. If you have banghit onie of these crests and cda not w'ear it, please start wcar- ig it nov.-. If is a source aor Iadvertis-ement for Teen TownA- Il wili bîirg in a crowd irom distances vhich is a gond sign for if People came tram ont-af- town il shows we are gctting popn;lar. anîd venane likes la Ibe popiular. Nestieton Station 1 Neighboui-s ai-e glad ta wel- roille E'.o;er Nesbr tt h-oimrel'rom Hoi lsv1lspital where he was confir.ed .ýjnce Jurie iollow-irîg anail idn.Mr. and NI. sS. Ucî,eghton Devrtt, Bownîiianvrl e, an.d - and Nîlrs. Ruýýiel Ne- bit*, oronto, visiteu the Nes- 0CRS. CoiigrEttiations ta Mr. and \l (ail Ellirot ain the ai-ijva' oi à on, Di, v.:d Carl, and atoi o Mi -arçîlrs. Harolci J. Cra-forci anr thcir second son. j iC'hair;rý-Vrnnirig, Black- ziock, a¶rr NsitnPo-t1 i r .'~~othe G-ant Thoimp- :.V-i ir.and1 Mrs. Jas'. E. JýÀ- on, nleand Dr. Mrs Ja kMarlow and fram1;- . À1 ;:]x- . Jais. 'Jîr.'y n f c w a amne r.-' wv~iii ',IlIni for a vi5-it. - i r':S!' arpe and cliidç- 'a!-,( I. and Mrs. S. Sta- t-: ;ll of 1Ma, w-e-e Sunday ,i'e-,euzýs ai Mrs. Georgye i Dr. }Harold Elliot and hem rrrouiecr, -Mis. Harrison ai Leask- Oa]e r-c on Mm. and Mrs. CI, r] Eliio, and zon. 'Nr. an 'Irl X1:s. R. Davison tank Do~ ta .'.re inwiefc- lie Whitby, and Mr. and Mru. Gor- doan Brady and children, Jack- son 's Point, were Sunday visit- ors with the Grant Thompsans. Mr. Johnny Reynolds attend- cd the funeral af his brother- in-law in Brooklin on Saurday. Miss Gwen Wilson left this week for Kingston where she %vill attend Quecn's University. JMr. and Mrs. Wilfred Vine and family and Mr. and Mrs. IArnold Williams and family were guesta ai the girls' par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers ta celebrate Jcan's Jbirthday on Sunday. Mrs. Harold Bcacack ai Port jPerr visited Mr. and Mrs. Al- 'lenB eacock and family. Mrs. Bruce Freclove. Peter- borough, spent the weekend with hem father, Mr. Arthur Hulbert. Mrs. Jas. Farder was a Sun- day visitor with Mr. and Mrs. IRoy Taylor, Blackstock. Annlversary services were obsemved in the Presbyterian church an Sunday, Sept. 15 with jRev. Dr. D. W. Hay ai Toronto, special speaker at both services and a combined Ballydufi and Nestleton choir. On Tuesday evening the sumptuous supper was followed by a program of music and coloured sldes ai Europe by Rev. and MIrs. R. Campbell. Proceeds were most gmatifying. Ladies' Aid met for the September meeting at thel &(6? 9There's extra comfort.. . for working.. . or for relaxation after a day's work is done ... ashes are just a memory in a home that's oit heated. Every nook and corner can ho kept "hospital" clean. So if you want to be a Happy Pappy get youm fuel tank filled well alhead of time. RIJY ES SO Furnace and Stove Ois Automatic Metered Delivery Service AS LOW AS$7 5 'CAMV YOU MONE-ASSUMS YOU A UER N ATEP HOME MARES AND MOVE USIAT te .'old ecor e nd Ihard-top heat place..Hu. modem linoé. ad mart fttaio finis. FUEL-AIR CONTROL.e itfel coite ais mueh ai 25%.A viidally adjuste draft te high, Iowe U !podjIM &.;; Com fort cas t: so ldtte wth i COLEMAN CANADA'S LEADR 1#4 NIHome tliN eAD!AN tî. EAT from ide dooru tht op«n et for q me- w arm-up - one of many featurea on Mode] 8739 OTHER EXCLUSIVES - famus aC oleman low DrIq»l - Directiona ire Power BIower - bg furnace-typ. H Jezchau ger . . . all to El,. you fineât utooeatic h*tek Corne in and $et thîs unusual heater Lander.Hardware 7 KING ST. E. PHONE MA 3-5774 Bowman ville Kinsmen'Club for the ARTIFICIAL ICE FUND siariing ai 3 p.m. Friday, Sept. I7th until 3 p.m. Saiturday, Sept. I8th Your financial help mill be greatly appreciated. Night School Classes in COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS at Bowmanville High School commence ITues., Oct. 1, 1957 at 7:30 p.m. Registrations will stili he accepted for classes in typing, bookkeeping and shorthand. Tinietable for ail Night School Classes wilI be announced next week. manse with a spl.endid attend- ance. Mrs. Campbell led the Devotional period. BiUs were passed, the Treasurer's Report presented and final plans mnade for the Anniversary supper. A donation of remnants is for sale or to make up for the ý P;ctures of the gatheE~ Mrs. McCalden's meeting vere: viewed. Rev. R. Campbell proposed a study period following the'de- votional at each meeting whicb was most agreeable ta te members. The next meett$ais to be at Mrs. Dickey's and X ations in lieu of the suni ~J bake sales were handed 'it. The program included ha;:- inonica hymns by Mrs. Gist, readings by Mrs. Fisher -and Mrs. Thompson and Mr. Camnp- bell gave a description of the service by Millbrook Minister- lal Association hanouring the author of "What a Frlend We Have In Jesus" by Mr. Joseph Seriven, which he and Mrs. Campbell attended. The usual lunch and social Urne was enjoyed by all and a hearty handclap given to Mrs. Campbell and her helpera for the pleasant meeting at the Manse. Mr. and Mrs. Max ]'allis and family retumned to their home in Gananoque following a sumi- mer spent at their farm. home n t Cadmus._____ 1 - - - - - - - - - - TffE CANADIAN STATESITAN, BOMIANVILtLr. ONTARIO - PAGE TWO TRMSDAT , SEPT. 2@04 19"