tmJRSDAY, SEPT. 28th, 1957 TflE CANATITAN ~'rAr~MAL POWLiA~ffiT V ~ - ---- -.. ~ aJaJAa. %n .n.a.~ Dave Morrison Speaks Rot ary Club Tape Records tari y History of Bowmanville Rtofary international feliow- York ta Kingston but it was so SIMD1 took a stcp forward Friday crude and primitive that it offer- Wýith.k the ,tape recording of a cd the coach traveller the ulti- inf the Bowmanvilie mate in discomfort and un- R bClub which wii i be sent certainty and at times it was to ~ood-Mayes Rofary Club,' almost impassable in rnany L oWnýfn, E n gla nd. places. This is the third exehange pi-o- Some fime bctwecn 1800 and gram which the local club has 11820 the establishment of a store, Mnade. This avenue of Rotar-y is a grist mili on a creek flowing under the guidance of the Inter- through Darlington, provided the national Service Committee: nucleus for the future growth of chaired by Chai-les Carter Sr. !the hamiet and also a name The two speakers for the; change f0 Darlington Milis. In occasion were Club Historian and 1 1828 came the first post office charter member Dave Morrison for the population of 118. Who gave a brief resume of the Darlington Milis history of Bowmanville and the Naturally a Scot wouid, sooner Rotar*y Club and the second was î or later, appear in the picture. Past District Governor Walteri Charles Bowrnan, a business- DeGeer who outiincd the bîstorymainMnra.hd cure of Rtaryin Cnada large holdings in and around Referring f0 Bowmanville the settiement and in 1824 had Dave Morrison stated, "What the purchased the store. Presum- future hiolds in industrial and abiy as a tribute ta him and bis Population expansion for the interest in the community, the Great Lakes area when the Sf. name Bowmanville very grad- Lawrence Seaway is compiefcd ually replaced Darlington Milîs. is difficuit fa envision, but aur Increased immigration, largeiy area wili share in it." from the British Isies, abiy First Settlers assisted by a healthy birth rate, had raised fhe population in "But what a different picture 1852 ta 1,500. Presented ifself f0 the three or Tevlaesoe rwn fou fmiie ofeal vsetonin, roster of professional men and Who moved info this scin îp laces of business. Lake boats 1794, after receiving land grants 'stili provided a very large pro- from the Province of Upper portion of transportation re- Catnadha. unryws ea-quirements bath for passengers Mos o te cunrywashev-and merchandise aiong andj ily wooded and there were no across the lake. roads. Wild animal s vere 1 ~ ., .... - -- Gan ruk Canada bas given four presi- dents ta Rotar-y International as weii as numerous other dis- tinguished representatives. On f wb occasions the Inter- nationals Conventions have been held in Toronto and it is hoped that the privilege wili again be granted fo Canada. "Rotary in Canada bas been responsible for the introduction1 of codes of practice in some in- dustries and in many corpora- tions; if bas changed the lives of many af its members. Many vzho gave if only a passing thought previously now regard the Golden Rule as an essential if life is ta be enjoyed to the fuliest and finest degree," he said. "Rotary's future in Canada is secure, ifs ouflook ambitiaus, almost beyond comprehiension. Yes Canada is growing in many ways, and I arn happy, as are millions of Canadians, thaf Ro- tary is bei-e ta grow with if," Mr. De Geer concluded. International Contacts chair- man Charles Carter completed the recording by exfending personal greefings fa the Good- Mayes Rotary Club. Latest Father Congratulations were exfcnd- ed by the members ta the club'. latest father, AI Strike, Art Morgan gave some appropriate words of advice for the occasion Two New Teachers at Central - . '.~ e'l Joining the staff at Central Public Sehool this term are: Miss Joyce Kirkpatrick, left, and Miss M. R. Stevens. Joyce Kirkpatrick Miss Kirkpafrick, 22, is a graduate of Peterborough Tea- chers' College. She is teaching, a combined grade one and two class at Central. No stranger ta this area she bas baçI three years' teaching experience at Newtonville. Her parents arc Mr. and Mrs. A. Kirkpafrick, types of sports being played.' Two of ber sisters, Alice and Betty ai-e also teachers. MisslA. R. Stevens Miss Stevens cames ta Cen- tral fi-rn Heron Park Public School in Scarboro where she has taught for the past five years. She is a graduate of the Ontario Teachei-s' College and attended East York Col- legiate. A Torontonian, she is the daughfer of Mr. and Mrs. aunUIaUt, bands of rnaîans, reas- . xana runad presented AI with a blari- 1 batersea, (inL. UominIg lioM A-ivenue. one Of the most onablyfrienly bu ofte a de- In 856, ctobe 27,'the Gand kt arfathelyubofn 12fsherolikesmlycof12d-h thrilling experiencesperenc ofofher n i y fruis ed y uto ften a tdef- nk 1856, Oct o e 27 te Grand tket fr om t c uba n i ftf om ren and is fond of teaching. teaching career w as w hen she mit nu san e. oar ed he run Ra lw a m ved its fir t t e v ria s R tar ans tShe is past president of thic taught young E skim o and In- Countryside. Saw mills and grist train between Toronto and Sole birthday celebrant wals Battersea United Church Young dian children at Aklavik in the or fiour mills were few and far Montreal, a great day of cele- Rex Waiters.Pepesgupad ertay Actcfraivmnhprod beween; transportation w a sbration for al the settiements Vstr tthPetn e eotreasr ufth a re Town- Shetis fo pacotcal nrsed. Jargeiy by water. However,,,he aiong the route. iiosath metn ee1tesrrothClkeTw-S sas apcia us. oneredemig eatre as he In anury,188, ameincr-George and Wihur Charlton of ship Teachers' Association. He5r Among, her favourite sports are abundance of game and fish. poration as a town, and we are the Oshawa club. favourite pastime is knitting badminton and skating. She Danforth Highway in 1958 celebrating the centen- and crocheting. A keen hockey piays the piano and enjoys The first road through thei niai of this event". fan she enjoys watching ali nature studies. Mr. Morrison went on to give area was a miiitary road caiied 1 a history of the Bowmanville Poor Heating A Cer _C m ns the Danforth Highway. It was> Rotary Club whîch had its be-A ircC m et ùpened for traffic in 1800 jringinninginJuay12.Ath 1 tart there were 18 members in y t m S ar 1teclub of which only three are still connected with the club. Wy S n a c o l L T h e club's m a in project MIVIFirI I Ofl S ofcriu the pas 3ledcshla Frss> irsF 7 Lio s ben te adin of ripledchil- Frescaused by fauity heat- ren. ~~~~ing systems cause at least $10 F i o H l o n fl IkM "Our presentrnernbership is million in damage evcry year 4IE ~ O8 with four honourary mem- and are responsible for more By Rev. A. C. Forrest Then there are the direct boit. B IN G O ers," he said. "Lt is înterestîng than 15 per cent of ail residen- About one hundred thousand est young people who simply to note that our list of ex-mem- tial fires, according to the Al Canadian teenagers wiil be ar- say, "I think Iii drop out of Nody c.7h bers numbers well over 100. Canada Insurance Federation. guing with their parents about Sunday School. I don't find it MondayOci. 7h Manyfine friendships hv been With winter approaching, the returning to Sunday school. interesting and Il m not getting made - some to be broken by Federation, which represents Most of the parents wiiî lose much out of it."' LIONS death or transfer to other com- more than 200 Canadian fire, 1 sooner or later.Tpia cue COMMUNITY CENTRE munities - but their memory automobile and casuaity insur- For the fact is that the Suri- Ai To wich pitup th S"As time passes, it is not. soanc opnercmmnsdysht s nisiuini act that in the typical Protes- ___________much their professional or bus- that the following precautioni this country to which almost ai' tant Church the Sunday school ________________________ in ess activities that corne first be taken to insure that your small chiidren start with eager- al ob epu n ncet to mi. We remember rather home is not needlessly destroy- ness, and from which the great - j, ~the personality of the man, how ed during the cold months 'tç majority drop away while in ing to the majority of young well he lived and moved among corne. their teens. Departure time people. Sometimes it is the~ bis fellowmen, spending hîs 1. Choose only recognized fns hthe~ai orso fault of a shomi en it isre talents freeiy, not burying them. and approved home heating lame excuses and bad con-tefuto hm hr e This, after ail, is the great chai- equipment~ sciences. - ligious distcpin il gand. . ... eg fRtr naycomn .Hv ulfe oka In explaining to their parentsregiu intcio ireeat le g f oa y ii iy co m n 2 a e qu lfe w r m n w ly they don't intend to star'. Sometimes it is the fault of ..t..... install the equipment. back this Raliy Day, they use the young person himseif, who Rotary-in-Canada 3. Keep stoves and furnaces many different proven tech- drops out of Sunday school for The history of Rotary in Can- clean and in good repair. niques and arguments. the saine reason he drops out ada and the part played by 4. Fireplaces, stoves and fur- There is the direct approacb, of school, and fails to read or Canada in the growth of Ro- ncssol eisltdt uha "Well why shouid iE study or interest himself in any- - - tary International was outlined prevent combustion of sur- You don't go to church do you?" thing reqùiring hard work or by past district governor Wal- rounding walls. Or if the parents do go regu*- serious thought. ter De Geer. ThefistCaadin otry 5. Install metal fiashing at larly, they may say, "Well how Lt is rather ton bad, too, for clbadTs he first nda otsiepitrweeppsyn hm old were you when you stopped there is a tremendous influx of the U.S.A. was established in neys pass through waîîs orSndysho" three and four year olds head- Winipg ri190. yarlaerpartitions. Or they may use aniother ar- ing for the Church schools and New... a SinglepoliCy - Rotaryie eaa lub 6. Use only dlean, first quai- gumnent relevant to many par- their proper training in the wetry etbl se nd cubsn ity fuel. ents of teenagers these days of years ahead is dependent upon qives home-lovinq Ireland, and London, England. 7. Store spare kerosene and Is uhmvmn."eli ra ry o oute 'Rotary's growth in Canadta similar fuels in a safe place, we had stayed in Hamilton teachers. These must be re- ;oUples bskp aewt h on preferably away from your where ahl my friends went, I'd cruited fromn the generation im- trys ker adycreing peou- home, go too. But here, I don't know mediatcly ahead of them. The fire -thef t-IliabiIlity lto n xadn economy," 8.- Use fireplace screens to anybody." And then they add churches, if they are going to Mr.tio deGex paindng t prevent sparks. winsomeiy, "I rather just lgo be provided with good teach- MrrDeGereoinedout 9. Do not block exits or stair- to church service with you ." crs, will have to produce teach- Security, convenience -and i Ranks Fourth clbsways with portable heaters. Blame Sunday Schooi ersnf0om the crowd who n ext 1930 thtre i avn- \it mmerhipoer e rI o outteAnother popular excuse i ing excuses for terminatinc' thrit ar thrc bi advan- ith memershp 0fover6,- of your heating equipment, ask i blame the Sunday school. " B u,terow regouinrcio tages of aur 1-policy home 000 men. Today there are 336 your local fire department for thereintaycasfro r o_____________instructio protection plan. Yu rnay clubs with 17,000 members advice regarding inspection. ag. ere iz, I d las on' ran o àsave as much as 20lý, <of which ranks Canada fourth ini be in a class with a lot of little -what separate policies for the number of clubs. kýids" Or it may be something C U TC fie hf n iblt A unique part of Rotary in D De "But o should hear our C U TC Canaa isthe anadan Avis-Buye s Be are teacher. She doesn't know any- His manv friends ilb m-oud c:ýt... r gt mre i- 'y Cmmitee Thi isa fve-thing Just stands there and glad to know that Gregg Sîm- protection than they'd pro- man cornmittee consisting ofa reads a lot of stuff out of a mons is progressing favourably vide. Cali u,; for details. rersnaie o h hee >q1Ik SaIIsm I book. I could stay home and at his home. zones together with the Cana- read it couldn't V?" We are glad ta report that dian director to R.I. and the Compiaints have been receiv- Or they may say meaniy r lo Wrywoi rcmaining member from the ed that a number of local citi- 13',ifwehd Sndyscoo .ptEt in WOshaw Ho spias S TUART IR. JAMES man. buyYnar who actsmeas chair- bylike theydhave over at Firsc îimproving slowly. Mr.P- i sIkk ýou of town slesmen uL-Baptist, ' go," or "if our Sryt erta r.Pr INSIR NC R AL ES AT . Inti-national Districts slfrk uthiof town saesme church were on its tocs like e ry a hei arp tet n O h jThiere are 18 Rotary Districts rnt whetey av a Office illt'sidence 111 Canada and each of these 1S Apparently some high pres- voung assistant minister witli awa Hospital. MA3561N1~35~ adriniiter-cd by a district gov- sure professionals have brought 'lots of things for the youndc Miss Janet Barber is quite iii erIAr3-o568tenNIf thse dis in products which are copies of ih eitr with flu necessitating hospital Rin Street E. Bowmanville 1 t"ýicts are in1ernFtiona1 in thatC anadian narre brands, and i Sted. But none of the kids m., care. IflR - eeprdutsweeMr. Clarence Penfound at- i hcy comprise areas of C anada camd teepout e' age go any more:*' ndd sh aPrbyey t andtheu~ mae y a wcell-known Cana- Or thev may even sav inno- d ian or American company in cently, "b ut how arnI going to7 Audley' United Church on Wed- J apan, which accounts for the1 get up and go to Sunday school nesday. lower price. Claims have a]ýt> if I have to baby-sit ne-arîv Mrs. George Barber, Mrs. been made that parts for thcsccer Saturday ni-ht wil Stanley Kinsman. Mrs. Ceci! forignmad iemsareintr-you andi Daddy' go out?" Adams and Mrs. Clarence Pen- i Nc hangcable with parts of hin]- Te hr steidrc found attended the Dahlia Tea er quality Canadian-made mcethod which many teenagersi on W'ednesday afternoon at good-, find works very weîî on parents Mrs. K. C. Hopkins'. The dah- Unfortunatciy, aiter makin-gj who don't like to argue any- lias were beautiful, but the SAVE TIMVE ... SAVE DOLLARS ucas h oeshv pucaetebyj aewy artistic garden, woodcraft and found these dlaims false anci Ohail the kids are going f0, other flowers, too numerous t0 have found themseives with go to the Sunday night youth name, made a very picturesque faulty equipment which wouid gopti yaW'e on z be xpnsie t ny rieusdy opthe ile andW evre go i lunc i aaVery pleasant Soeo h gimI-"ue thing." afternoon. by hes iot prtr r Or it may be, "You know T Mr. and Mrs. Tom Farndaie, he use of gift certificates o'tikII e peryand go aln and Donna, Whitby, ~ pj jBithe purpose of obtaininig name, '«îh Daddy f0 eary Commun- e P lenfoundMr. on dTuesa copying names of %vell-kriown ion. I like the earîy service, it's Lorne efudso Teda brands on pooL quality goods, 1so peaceful and everything. 1 evening* obscuring the manufacturers< get more out of it than Sunday Ms aiaPnon t name so the buycr does not school." This frequently îast', tended the Bcauty Counselior PA typlI now wvho actualiy manufac- for several xveeks too. Demonstration of Christmas pàt.ured the 1goods, as welire asplthe t suIhg prssrelals thet. Help Teaehing the King Edward Hotel, Tor- Piok cleaner, fnish sone t pays ail reuenthig pesurss ofthks A whole group of teenager i onto, on Friday evening. -jay toowna nw Mcormck ornprobably xnany thousands. will 1 Over 220 pre-school chiidren tyoona e comîkCr pe move rnto an area en noneta hyaegig1 eepeci o h hr Picker and be ready when vour crop masse, dlean up quickiv and' annuc htte r on wr rs o h hr oio- clear out of thîe erty' 1 to hclp in the nursery or th.: serumi injection at Courtice sy.Go! Save dow4n and leaning cor-n à . - ~do M Ce teritr*before piaydprmnsn nUie hrho rdyafr -et everv cob that s on the stalk. 24ÂH-2.,O. M6ý,fedcompiaints ifart. tp'himredr. n t ie isUitedon sponsonred b y he Nr- including the ntibbins and hard-to. Most salesmen undoubtedly 0or find some other substitute. i îmbcrland and Durham Heaitn gL-&ars-get 4 to 8 extra hushels are men of integrity who bc- As a matteî' of tact one cf Unit. Miss Lena Taylor, Public - There 's a new NicCormi(,k lieve in their products. and Fe-tl,. most destructive enemie, Heallih Nurse for 'this school ýe!<icker to match -,our acreag, -peet rlabe cmais of the senior departmnents and section. expeets this will be the1 cr<and wr. oieodpn. wvr oswvsadpOs- youth Bible classes in Protes- iast massclnc-tepbi ýê ad pwer .. o gie yu deend pecive customers clenera-the ptant ablIowcost picking in any weather, l- caution .n.dean t Sunda~v schools has beeipn schoos ndthe Hea+k-t t-at awa on Saturday to take part in the Field Day sponsored by the Oshawa Sharnrock Ath- letie Club. She was success- fui in winning a Silver Medal for running and a bronze medal for jumping. Mr. Bob Bryans who bas been, in Oshawa Hospital for two weeks foiiowing an opera- tion on bis knee, bas returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Adair, Janice and Vivian attended the marriage of Mrs. Adair's niece, Miss Jacqueline Hale, ta Mi-. Edgar Nutford an Saturday in Holy Trinity Church, Centre- ville, also the reception at Village Inn. Jackie iived at Courtice for about a year and attended schoal and Sunday Scbool here. Her many friends wish ber well in this new yen- turc. Some boys in tbis cammunity Iooked at the wrong page of the calendar and must have mistaken Wednesday night for Haliawe'en or were they look- ing for watermelons? Anyway twa kindly gentleman are mucb disturbed and perplexcd as ta whýy their gardens and property should be singled ouf for boy- ish pranks and what appears fo be wiiful destruction. Are boys any different today than thcy were 50 yea-s ago? Or are parents different than they were 50 years ago? Is the slogan "Spare the rod and spoil the cbild" ouf of date or "Beat him till be knows who is boss." The problcm is "How to keep these youtb sa busy doing constructive work that they won't have fime for silly, pranks. A Community Shower A community shower was beld on Tbursday night at Courtice United Church for Mr. Allan Liliey and bis pros- pective bride, Miss Joyce Hann of Oshawa. Mr. Jack Wiggans invited Allan and Joyce to occupy the chairs at the front and in a few well chosen words said that the gifts which were tai be opened, expressed the best wishes of bis friends and neighbours. Alian and Joyce opcned the many beautiful and useful gifts assisted by Mrs. Donald Tbomp- son and Mrs. Reginald Stephens. Appropriate expressions of tbanks were conveyed by bath Allan and Joyce who, invîted any of the ladies ta attend the trousseau tea on the follawing Saturday. Lunch was servcd and a friendly social time en- joyed. Scout Mothers Auxiliary The l8th group Scout Moth- crs Auxîliary was held in Courfice Public Sebool recently. Presîdent Mrs. Allen Stephen presided. It being the first meeting of the term, she wel- comed ail the members back. The reports were read and the business was discussed. The president gave a short talk on the Executive Board's last meeting. Mr. Robert Archer gave a talk on bis work - How be be- came a Qucen Scout and pre- sented bis map showing the district be covered, which was remarkabiy well done. Congratulations were extend- cd ta Robert on bis fine Scout Work. The meeting clased with the Scout Mizpab. Refresh- ments were servcd. C.G.1.T. Wiener Roast On Saturday evening the C.G.I.T. hcid a wiener roast at Mrs. Clarence Penfound's. Building the fire, toasting and cating wiencrs and some-mores was the chief entertainment of the evening. At intervais whîle the fire burned up more, camp sangs were sung. Sunday was Raliy Day Ser- vice at the Sunday Sehoal when the pupils and teachers and aduits assembled in the church auditorium for worship. Miss Giadys Yellowlees, Sauina, providcd quiet music before the service and played whiie the offering was being received by Mr. Bill Archer and Mr. Ralph Wehnert. The seripture lessan_ was Miss Mary Carolyne War- burton and Mrs. Clarence Pen- found attended the conference for C.G.I.T. leaders sPonsored y Oshawa and District Board it Knox Presbyterian Cburch, :shawa, on Monday evening. 1 Why Editors Are Exposed ro Criticism Getting ouf this paper lu no oke. If we pi-int jokes, people say ve are siliy. If we don't, they say we are too seriaus. If we clip things fi-rn other papers we arc fao lazy ta write them ourselves. If wc don't we are stuck on!t tir own stuff. If vie ask anyone ta write any- ting, wc ought to do if oui.-- ýlves. If we fi-y ta do if ourseives, 'ce ought fa give sorneone cisc àchance. Il we don't prmnt li5tî of PAGE THXEU 9£Recreat1io, By Doug Wednesday Dance Class Tnere are still some opening.; in the Wednesday afternoon Chîldren's Dance Class for any one who bas flot registered yet. Beiow is the time sehedule for the Wednesday classes: 3:30 p.m -Tiny Tots (4 and 5 yrs.) Beginners.. 4:00 p.m.-Pre - Ballet (5 - 7 yrs.) 2nd yr. pupils. 4:30 p.m.-Primary Ballet (6- 9 yrs.) 5:00 p.m.-Grade 1 Ballet (9- 12 yrs.) 5:30 p.m.-Baton IL. 6:00 p.m.-Beginners Tap (8- 12 yrs.) 6:30 p.m.-Tap III. -7:00 p.m.-Tap IV.~ b 7:30 p.m.-BatonIIanI- termediate. If furtber information on the Dancing Class is required please c ail the Recreation Office at MA 3-5761. Junior Variety Club Plans are under way for the re-organization of the Recrea- tion Department's Junior Var- iety Club. Any children six (6) to thirteen (13) inclusive interested in joining the Club are requested to be on hand a t the Lions Community Centre on Friday, October 4th, at 4:00 1p .m. for registration. Mrs. Fred Cole bas again consented to look after the Junior Variety Club. Minor Hockey Players' Certificates for the Recreation Department's Minor ~Hockey Leagues are now avail- al.The Certificates xviii ha issued througb the Public Schools or can be picked up ai. the Recreation Office in the Lions Community Centre. The compieted forms are to be re- turned to the Recreation Office no later than October 5th. A fee of One Dollar ($1.00) wili be charged eacb player in the Minor Hockey Leagues tbis year. This fee is necessary to belp defray the added expenses for equipment and referees. At least 20 coaches and man- agers are needed for the minor hockey teams this season. If you are interested in belping the youngsters learn the fun- damentals of hockey caîl thc Recreation Office at MA 3-5761. Saturday Morning Dance Class The Recreation Department's Saturday Morning Dance Class-1 es will be under the direction of Mrs. Dawn Jones-Abramoff. There are stili some openings in the classes for any anc who contributions, we are non-ap- preciative. If we do Print them, the paper is supposedly filled with junk. If we make a change in the other fellow's write-up, we are too criticai. If we print it as is, we are asleep. Now, lîke as not, some guy wiil say we swiped this from another magazine. - WE DID! Looking for a DIAMOND? We now have a special display room where you can look over our diamonds and choose yours in prvacy. ASK TO SEE OUR DIAMONDS * * 0- HOOPER'S Jewellery & Gift Shop 28 King St.. V., Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5747 MacKAYE'S WATCH AND CLOCK CLINIC ORONO - ONTARIO Announce the opening of their new JEWELLERY AND GIFT SHOP Tuesday, October Isi, 1957 LDuring the montb of October, 10%17 Discount on aIl merchandise. Expert Watch and Clock Repairs 26 Years Experience Corne in and get a Free Guess and you may WIN A NEW 17 JEWEL LORIE WRIST WATCH À ?Àf, YC1ÀUIIJAl COLONAL ,£COAChN LIA/ES ~/ f:' j FOR CON VENIENCE COMFORT *ECONOMV BOWMANVILLE TORONTO - - PETERBOROUGH KINGSTON - OTTAWA ..- MONTREAL .- PEMBROKE - $1.50 - one way 1.80 - one way 4.35 - one way 7.65 - one Way 9.25 - one way For fores, schedules, information, coU COLONIAL COACH LINES Garton Bui Terminal, 66 King St., MA 3-3811 Ship b7 Bus - lIf ait, conwenienf end economke, PAGE THRE% THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVMT-r- nwmARTe% VMMDAY, smyr. 26th, 1057 m hasn't registered yet. Beow is the time shedule for the Sa*- urday Dance Classes: 8:30 a.m.- 9:00 a.m.-Beginners Tap 9;30 a.m.-Junior Beginners B aton 10:00 arn.-Senior Baton I Î0:30 a.m.-Senior Baton II 11:00 a.m.-Pre-school (2nd yr.) 11:30 a.m.-Tap II 12:00 p.r.-Baton III 12:30 p.m.-Tap III 1:00 p.m.-Tap IV Adut Art Class The Adut Art Class will open their Fali season thIli! corning Friday, September 27t4~ at the Lions Cornrunity Cen- tre. The class is scheduled ta start at 7:30 p.m. Mr. Arn- old Hodgkins hias again ibeen engaged as the instructor for this class. Cet Cash To-day for OId Appliances through STATESMAN CLASSIFIEDS Phone MA 3-3303