THURSDAY, SEPT. 28th, 195? THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO PAGE SEV Mr. C. A. DenHertog has re- turned from a visit with rela- tives in Holland. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Marr en- tertained Mrs. W. Bowell and h££ýfAmily, Toronto, recently. .?.and Mrs. W. Weller, of 1PYcrtreal, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Badger, King St. Miss Maureen Webb and Mr. IR. Parent spent the weekend With Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Ten- liant, Centre St. Mr. and Mrs. S. R. James, Doug and Norm, were weekend guests of Dr. and Mrs. Keith Slemon at 9their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. George McClel- lan, George and Ann, Toronto, výsited Mr. and Mrs. George B. McClellan, over t-he weekend. MVr. and Mrs. W. Mairs and Mr. and Mrs. G. Badger were in Orillia last week attending, the funeral of Mr. Badger's b. other. 4Ir. and Mrs. Lorne Doreen spent the weekend in Montreal where they attended the Ama- teur Radio Operators Association Convention. Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Smith, Church Street, have returnedi from a five-week'visit with re- latives in Jamaica. They tra- velbed both ways by plane. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harvey, Frank Jr., and John, Miss Irene Raw and Mr. Don Armstrong, Toronto, were Sunday guests of Mr. anid Mrs. A. W. Smith, Liberty St. N. Mr. and Mrs. Guy LeBlanc, Knob Lake, Que., are visitingi her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Berrili. They will return by way of New Brunswick, visiting Mr. LeBlanc's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Charbes Denton are visiting friends at Walker- ton, Their friends will regret to learn that Mr. Denton is a patient in Walkerton Hospital, lhaving suffered a heart attack. Mr. and Mrs. Walter McMil- Ian, Douglas and Jimmy of Don Milîs and Mr. and Mrs. John Jackson, Kemptville, wvere weekend visitors with ]Rev. and Mrs. R. R. Nicholson. Bruce Mairs, R.C.N.. has been Yvisiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. .Alex Mairs, Wellington St., for the past three weeks. He left for Halifax on Saturday where lie will be stationed for another 3'ear. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Moffatt, Vincent and Gail, Wexford; Miss Joyce, Currie, Toronto, and Mr. Leon Moffatt, Donovan Ebectric, Ellîott Lake, Ont., spent the wveekend with Mr. and Mrs. 4 len Moffatt. .Annis pool room was broken 4ito Monday night and a quant- 01'i1y of cigarettes stolen. Police suggest that a ladder was used to gain entry from the rear of the building. Investigation has iot been concluded. N.4plCorbett of Owen Sound, Mrand Mrs. Robert Cor- be ,.Zmer residents of Bow- znanýÈ1Aje, has entered an honor arts c urse in Victoria College, Toronto. He intends to become a bigh school teacher. Mrs. Bert Syer attended the Women's Service Conference of the Canadian Cancer Society, Ontario Division, is represen- tative of the Bowmanville Committee. Convention was held in Kitchener at the WaI- per Hotel, Sept. 23 - 25. Mrs. A. W. Hammond and1 Miss Doreîl Hammond, Toron- STU JOHN'S CHURCH (Anglican) B arvesf Festival I 8:00 &.m. - HOLY COMMUNION 10:00 and 11:00 a.m. - CHURCH SCHOOL 11:00 arn. - MORNING PRAYER EV~ENING PRAYR REV. CANON H.M BEDFORD-JONES, M.A. Rural Dean Durhamn-Northumberland to; Mr. and Mrs. Orville, Ham- mond and Bruce, Dundas; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Prouse, Picker- ing, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hammond and family. Mr. Ray Dudley bas gone to Bloomington, Indiana to teach in the School of Music, Univer- sity of Indiana, U.S.A. Ray will also continue his concert work in Canada and abroad having many engagements to fulfili ti" fall and winter season. On Friday evening last, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Smith, Brad- shaw Street, held a farewell dance for their son David at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fritz fMarti. David, who has been ac- ~epted for training by the R.C. M.P., left on Monday for Regina. Mrs. Margaret MacTaggart and Mrs. Walter Smith, both Toronto bistorians, were week- end guests of Dr. and Mrs. L. B. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Hardy Purdy and family, Campbell- ville, were also Sunday guests of Mrs. Purdy's parents, Dr. and Mrs. Williams. Mr. Lewis E. Rowe has re- turned from an enjoyable two weeks' motor trip to Northern Ontario with bis daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Tho- mas MeKellar, Mr. and Mrs.; Thomas Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hoffman and Mr. and Mrs. Ren Atlas, ail of Toronto. Memnories and comradeships of the First World War were renewed in Oshawa Saturday at the 39th annual reunion of the 2lst Battalion. Veterans at- ten ding from Bowmanville were Oliver Roberts, Bert Parker, Bill Tait, Wiif Johnson, Jack Graham and Tom Hircock. Bowmanville firemen were called out at 6.30 p.m. Saturday evening to extinguish a small blaze at the old Sîmpkin Fui'- niture Plant on Church etreet. The fire originated near an old pile of boards in the centre of the factory. It was quickly brought under control by the firemen. Mrs. Reta Dudley, Grand Or- ganist of Ont.ario Order of the Eastern Star, attended the for- ty-second Annual Sessions of Grand Chapter, beld last week, in the Royal York Hotel, To- ronto, and directed the ladies choir, of Presiding Matrons, of Districts No. 10, 11, 19, and played the lovely five Manual Cassavant Pipe Organ, in the Concert Hall, for all of the. Sessions. Members of Durham Chapter attending the 42nd annual ses- sion of the Grand Chapter of Ontario, Order of the Eastern Star at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, were Edna Anderson, Reta Dudley, Leola Thrasher, Elsie Alldread, Florence North- cutt, Hazel Gibbs, Elizabeth Teeple, Jessie Marr, Emma Ruthven, Greta Brown, Velma Sutton, Duaine Palmer, Viviali Pickard, Eva Warren, Dorotby Nicholas, Meta Moffatt, Edna Shaw, Anne Stephenson, Velma Gay. Gary Pickard, R.C.A.S.C., 19- year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Denis Piekard, left this week for Soest, Germany, as part of the general transfer of forces. About 600 military personnel will sali aboard the Neptune to Rotterdam, wbere they will board a train for their final destination. It is expected th ati Gary will remain in German y for two years, altbough his three year enlistment time wil have expired before then. He already bas served one and a haîf years with the army and bas hopes of becoming a quali- fied mechanic before leaving the service. In Monday's Toronto Telegram feature column "Flash Backs" it records an item from the Tely of 50 years ago about our yen- erable citizen Mr. Alfie Sbrubb which reads: "Alfred Shrubh, world champion runner, defeated Nebrech of Buffalo at the Toron- to Island Oval" Mr. Shrubb, now in his 76th year, has longI since shedl bis spiked shoes and deserted the cinder track, but kept in physical condition the past summer by working in bis vegetable garden wbere be con- tinues to produce quality and quantity "records" as sbown by the baskets of fine vegetables be recentby left at the Statesman office for bis admiring friend the editor. STARK VILLE Mr. and Mrs. Harold Martin and family, Blackstock, visited recently at Mr. Orme Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Little and family, Campbellford, at Mr. Llew Hallowell's last week. Mr. Frank Westheuser is at- tending Ryerson's Institute, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Savery and Betty, Mr. and Mrs. Jini Stark and Ted, spent a few days in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. E. Shier, To- ronto, spent bolidays at r Trinity United Church S Minister - Rev. T. Arthur Morgan, B.A. t S11:00 A.M. - p S 7: 00P.M Organist-tIr. Arthur Collison, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M. New Teachers at Ontario Street School SERVICE [0)119 'HIS WEEK SP.E CI1AL S! I.D.A. MILK 0F MAGNESIA, reg. 35c, 60c 29c, 49e I.D.A. STOMACTI POWDER, reg. 75c, 1.95 59c, 1.49 Save 49c on I.DA. "Utility" ROT WATER BOTTLE Strong, sturdy, two-year guarantee. .9 Reg. 1.98 ----------- -- ----------------- F RE E! BABY HMO Finger-tip Movies 0f 69e size ---- 2 for 1.19 BASEBALL'S SECRET LANGUAGE with purchase of Gillette BABY POWDER SUPER-SPEED RAZOR 69e size BGth for ----__ 1.29 1.38 value 2 for 1.19 of Your Teethl BRUSHES FOR DENTURES ONY8LENX ýai B 50c, 75e Corega 43c, 63c, 98eRATI ,cpy 69c Fasteeth-IHATH iiibb 45c, 67C, 1 13 SR Angle - 69c Polident - 43e, 79, k- TO REFRESH BX ild's - 25e YOUR MOUTHBO uth's 29e Cepecol lult's 29C. 59e Solution 70c, 1.40 W est- Lavonis- I Wet- 39c, 69c, 1.19 - Lloyd Hallowell's. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Reid and family, Mr. and Mrs. Morley Robinson were guests at the Felgate-Wood wedding at New- tonville, Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Trim are residing in Mrs. Etwell's bouse which they have purcbased. Sbiloh W.A. met at the home of Mrs. Carl Todd last week. Plans were made for a turkey dinner next montb. Mrs.* Jirn Stark invited the ladies to meet at ber home for their next meeting. Those attending Bowman- ville High School from Star- ville, are Betty Savery. Gwen Stark, Diane Trim, Jint Hallow- ell, Jim Westheuser, Chache Trim and Robert Westbeuser. Mrs. Trimble, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rogers and family, Osh- awa, at Mr. M. Shutka's recent- ly. Jim Hallowell was a dinner guest recently at Mr. Carl Todd's on the occasion oï Bruce's birtbday. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Cornish and family at Mr. Victor Far- row's, recentiy. Shiloh Sunday Sebool is hav- ing a special service Sunday afternoon and the church ai- niversary is planned for Oct. 13th. Dr. and Mrs. Frank Wvalker, Wilfred and Jack, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Falls and son, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Falls and: family. Bowmanviile, were re- cent visitors at Mr. Llew Hal- lowell's. Recent Bride Is Honoured Miss Sylvia Coverly wbose marriage to Mr. Gordon James Kilpatrick took place in Trinity United Cburch on Sept. 14, was entertained at a number of showers. Miss Mary Anne Smales, King St., was bostess at a pantry shower attended by girls froin the General Motors department where the bride is employed. The bride was the recipient of a large clothes bamper filled with a variety of canned goods. On Aug. 20 about 50 friends and relatives gathered at the Meni-1 orial Park club bouse and pre- sented the bride-eleet with a lazy boy chair and many other useful gifts. Mrs. Robert Stock- er Jr. xvas bostess. Miss Coverly was guest of honour at a dinner given a-, Venture Inn by the Central 2for 39c JUMBO sizi 35C 2 for D9c roils 25C Joining the staff at Ontario Street School this termn are these five new teachers. Tbey are, from the lef t: Miss Margaret Pekar, Miss Elizabeth Knox, Mr. C. Morrison, Mrs. Barbara Gill- ett and Miss Joan Cartby. Miss Margaret Pekar Miss Pekar is an art teacher for abl tbree public sebools and acts as principal's supply. She is a graduate of the Ontario Teachers' College, Hamilton, where she alsc, studied art. Her teaching experience includes two years at Stoney Creek. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Pekar. 58 Balmoral North, Hamilton. A keen sports en- thusiast she enjoys tennis and swimming. She is fond of art àe Listerine Antiseptie 40e 33c, 65c, 98e 69C and music and finds a great deal of pleasure in her work. * Miss Elizabeth Knox Miss Knox is a graduate of the Peterborough Teachers' Col- lege and has been teaching at Tyrone for the past three years. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Knox, Fenelon Falls, Ontario. Her chief hobby is photography and she enjoys plaving the piano. She is an active member of the Darling- ton Womnen Teachers' Associa- tion. Miss Knox is teaching Grade One at Ontario Street. Mr. C. Morrison Mr. Morrison is fromn Maple Lake, near Haliburton, and is the son of John Morrison. Hel is a graduate of the Ontario1 Teachers' College, Toronto, and and five. Mr. Gillett is employ- bas been teaching at the Boys' ed at the Boys' Training Schoo6 Training School for two years. and their two boys, Michael, 9, His subjects are industrial arts and Gregory, 6, attend Central and Grade Seven. Married, he Sehool. She is a graduate of is the proud father of an eigbt- Trinity College, London, Eng- week-old son, Bryan. An active land. Her f avourite sports are sportsman he bas played hockey tennis and swimming. witb tbe Minden Juniors and Miss Joan Carthy basebaîl with North Toronto Ms atytahsGae Concord League. He was a Miso a tbreAcsGradaeso member of the Toronto Choir oftroafod Tehre rs' Co eosf tlhe Teachers' College. In ad- tafrTecrsColgsh dition be is a graduate of the St.cornes from nearby Kitchener. John's Ambulance t r a i n i n g Her experience includes two course. vears' teaching at Epa ma (ir Mrs. Barbara Gillett b er main interest at present is Mrs. Gillett recently arrived b er marriage which will take froin Staines Middlesex, Eng- pl ace at St. John's Anglican land wbere sbe taught juniort Cburch here this montb. Her sebool for two and one -haîf1 favou rite sports are badminton years. She teaches Grades four. and hockey. ORONO mittee of Adjustmnent. He asked sufficient square footage but for permission to build three have o the proper frontage Ur' ai-d Mrs. Leroy Hamil- houses on the south side of or rear yards. This decision was ton have spent haif of this Liberty Place. The lots have reserved until a later date. week at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, attending an agets1 conference of Lumberiýeen's Mutual Casualty Company. COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL Mr. Jack Wilson of Paris spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Wilson and has moved to Clin- ton this week. Mrs. J. E. Richards visitedi Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Anderson and family, Charlotte, Michi- gan. Engaged SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR T Mr. and Mrs. J. Johnston, T.yrone, Ont., wish to announcel the engagement of their daugbt- er Rae Evelyn, to Raymond Earl Osborne, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Osborne, Bowmanville. The marriage will take place on' Saturcsay, October l2th at .3:30 p.m. in Tyrone 'United Churcb. Plaonning .Bocord Parts Building VofLienerai IMo- (Continued from page one) tors, when she was presentedonbhfofS.osp' with a steam iron and edec trie boardonbhlofS.Jsp' frying pan. On Aug. 27 a mis- Roman Catholie Cburcb. They cllaneous mer was given: are purchastng land for a nexv stte hoe rsVitracuh on Liberty St. S., just1 Frank, eugo rs. Victoriab nortih of the Base Line. Part of Frankdecog eSt.attned by r the land cornes under the sub- Guie Mthes ad nighour Idivis'on control by-law and of the groom. hudb ses afotg On Sept. 12 the presentation hudbasesdafotg of two lovely white leather charge. However the board feit stools was made from the office ,casrthe purpos eti sepaymor staff of General Motors, and scuhoul e waied and s pass-n from the bride's department ,a a sub wie ad.s a ibeautiful oil painting. The dasuh bride-to-be expressed ber siri- Miss A. Hodgins appeared on. cere tbanks to all for the many behaif of Messrs. Buma, Qege- beautiful gifts received. ma and Van Abbema7 who own property on the Base Line. They were seeking to have their large parcel of land transferred Succe sfuleven tbough it is in a rural Su ce sf larea. As the houses were ul P aper Drive force permission for the ln transfer ,vas granted. Wesley Cawker asked about B y Boy Scouts selling one of his lots on High St. As this area bas been con- Bowmanville Boy Scout As- sidered as a possible school Mr. sociation report their pa per Cawk er was advised to wait drive held Friday, September iuntil the Planning and Scbool 6, was most successful and have j Boards locate the nexv school extended their appreciation ~o oefore permissioýn will be given. j he residents of Bowmanville 1 Tliree bots on the soutb side for t heir co-operation. of Rehder Ave., will be trans- The Scout organization also1 ferred with only a partial wish to thank Harold Watson, pavment of the frontage charge. Freddy Griffin, Don Boe, Jack TheSe lots wvhere erroneously Brough, Glen Rae Dairy, A. H. plared under suibdivision con- Sturrock, Anger Bros., Palner trol buit as the owvner is willin.c Motors, Sanmmv Cole and L. A. 1 *:o make partial pavment the Parker, who used thieir trucks board agreed that tllis \' ould ini the drive. They also expre>s be fair. Mr, C. E. Rehder r- their gratitude to M'es Fice foi prezent*ed the Bowmanville his sound truck and. to thc FoLindryv Co. 'in this many persons who addwt J. J. Flett was the onlyci- the collecting. zen to appear before thie Com- NEW! LysTAL -CLEAR SLIQUID SHAMPOO A'/l$'S 7 Wl/CF4A-5c/[,W THE FIRST AND ONLY (RYSTAL-CLEAR LIQUID SHAMPOO REGULAR FAMILYC SIZE J7SIZE Ç78 iSET FAST RELIEF withm GIN PILL, FOR THE KIDNEYS REG. sizE 590 ECONOMY 98? :. kote~ With Wondersoft* covering NOW IN THIS SOFT GREY PACKAGE 12's 45c uD EMA Take Car ~ TOOTH FASTE Antizyme 39c, 69e S olgate 33c, 59c, 89c, Ipana 33c, 59c, 85e SPECIAL ______ 59e Pepsodent Tooth Faste and Bail Point Pen Both for -____59e re Or2 Py( SqI Tel Chi Yoi Adi Dr. Chi1 Yeuth's Adult's- VITAMJINS- To mait,,j ngoodhath reslstanc , coJdshtalth and build AlJenhurys flaliborag keVitamis Enerjet, ie.~ Mead's - 0, .5 3.25 Cod L-vr 1 3.95 Poeum Perc 7 1353.0 r opu~-~.-75c 18 ----- 1.95, 3.45, 4'90 Speciniail ýcOD JEt daMait 79, . IOO'%. reg. 1.19 -. 89(. Idafer Capsule., 28 LIVJER ()IL j daer Liqu1i1.5 CAP'SUJLES C 1Lie 'l 2.9 - 4.29 test> erOn <high -9e.0 PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex. McGregor, We Deliver Store Drugs Phone MA 3-5792 I Jewellevy Robbery' (Continued from. page one) and rushed into the archway leading to the rear of the store, just as a car came roaring out to the street. Hartley was barely able to leap out of the way as the car came through. He fired one shot then and two more as the 1947 auto skidded into a turn to the west and almost flipped over outside Cawker's IGA store. Upsets at Maple Grove James Jessen of Liberty St., standing nearby, joined Hartley and they gave chase in the cruis- er. At Maple Grove, the robber tried to turn north but upset into the ditch. Apparentlv, unhurt, he took off across the fields With the two men in hot Pursuit but unable to locate himn in the dark- ness. Provincials loin Search Jessen went to an adjoining farmhouse and called the Pro- vincial Police office here. Constables Bob Bibby and Francis Dryden.joined in the un- successful search. The car, badly damaged, wasî brought to Knapp's Garage and1 the thousands of dollars worth of loot removed to the police station for safe-keeping and finger-printing. Some of the merchandise was damaged when the car struck the ditch. Police investigation is con- tinuing in an attempt to locatel the owner of the auto. A com- plication arose because the car ownership changed recently. As of Wednesday afternoon no arrests had been made. Owner Art Hooper and his assistant Murray Larmer xvere called to the store to survey the boss and Police Chief Erie Smnith! was notified of the break-i. Mr. Hooper, who rýcent]v spent considerable effort and expense altering the rear rcom to make an additional show place, praised Constable Hartlev for his efforts in recovering thje b lot at great personal risk. He' also was trying to figure safety,ý measures he might take to pre- vent future break-mns. In his last robbery, a thief tossed a brick throug h Mr. Hooper's front window and took off with watches. Re v. A. B. Casselman of the Lord's Day Alliance Rev. T. A. Morgan "Kindness" Your Local [.D.A. Drug THURSDAT, SEPT. 26th, IDST THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWM&NVMLE. ONTARIO Skcutimng Club (Continued from page one) to be even larger this year. He asked Bill Bagnell, the vice- president, to present the prize won by Michael Leddy in the Boys' Contest last spring. This was a certificate entitling the winner to a pair of figure skates and boots from McNulty's don- ated iby Sidney Murdoch and Glenholme Hughs. Mr. Blunt then called on Glen Hughes, the past president, to introduce, Miss Barbara Ann Burgoyne, the club's new pro- fessional skater. He referred to her fine record of teaching and able carnival organization at the Port Hope Figure Skating Club. Her co-operative person- ality bas been an asset to that organization, Mr. Hughes said. "It is with great confidence that our Tots will learn to skate well, that our juniors and sen- iors will go on toward chan- pionships, and that some of the parents will bearn the pleasure of dancing on skates,_ that I give you Barbara Ann Burgoyne," he concluded. Miss Burgoyne said how glad she is to be here. and explairn- ed she is anticipating a success- ful season for her pupils. Sh,ý urged that more parents take part in judging, and offered to bold a class in trial judging for thein. In the general discussion th&*. followed it was apparent that. the opinion of the meeting was that more practice time for fig- ure skating would be of bene- fit. The meeting xvas unanimous that every bit of ice time is essential for the advancement of the club skaters. It was felt that it is wrong that the Arena deducts ten minutes from the end of each session. This cuts out a 15 minute professional lcsson, amotînts to a Ioss of bair an bour a week paid for club timie, and denijes the childreri of 12 bours' skating a season which bas been paid for by the club. This seemed to the mem- bers at the meeting as particu- larly unfair wben a flood is scldomn needed, or carried out after figure skating. -PAGE SEVU