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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Oct 1957, p. 9

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t'E~YR~DAY, OCT. Srd. 195? T~ CANA~AN STATESMAN. ECWMANVULE. ONTAMO PAGE PIDhE Last week, the new two room $30u,000 1rown's rubI1c School was opened with 150 present at the ceremonies. Included in the officiais participating were: top photo, left to right: Trustees Sidney J. Lancaster, Robert Simpson and Thomas Wilson and octogenarian Robert Graham who cut the ribbon; second photo f rom top, the committee in charge of the opening: Wellington Farrow, Mrs. Jim Curson, Mrs. Robt. Simpson, Mrs. Thos. Wilson, Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Wilf Bennett. Third photo from top shows the builders Story of P ride, Progress Unfolded at Brown's During School Opening A story off pnogress and pi-ide unffolded at the new Browns Public School, Thursday night, Sept. 2tth, when the officiai openiiig lWas held with about 150( attenditig. Brown's is locat- ed northeast off Newcastle. ,Thmoughout the evening, the everai speakers, some off whom weme former pupils off the old 9i-year-old now demolished buildiiigc, paured praise on thase who had panticipated in the new Iproject. Officialdoni wvas present with School Inspector C. A. Holmes and Dr. R. P. Vivian, JA.p., niaking glowing speech- es off commendation to the' lo- cal citizenlrY for their willing- ness to assume increased taxcs in qrder ta provide hetter schaol ~tics for their chidren. e7I. Li ght of Problems h hee men trustees who bM -taken on the main espon. sibility off the construction, Chairmnan Thomas Wilson, Sid- ziey J. Lancaster and Robent ,Simnpson, took part in the in- temesting program, making light off the many triais and tribula- tions off the prajcct. Mn. Wilson *#as chairman for the evening. Former Teachers Present *Sevetral former teachers at- %Mded, including Mns. Edith th, irM-M Hsa IBQOtà aMW Mns. Jean Payne who were ask- ed ta comment. Other teacher graduates in the audience xvere many, including Mrs.. Kenneth Wenny who taught at Bowns and whose mother was also a teacher at the same aid red school bouse. SpecW lAmnusing Song A special sang, sung ta "The Old Gray Mare", filled the room-wide blackboard, and the audience gave forth with loud voice and amusement as they sang original womding by Mrs. Marshall Pickering. Teacher Miss Carole McMiIlan off Rose- neath presided-at the piano. Othen music was prov-ided by M.%iss Ardele Pickering who sang mather, accampanied by lier mteMrs. Pickering, who plaved a medley off old son.-s later iin the evening. Mn . Gar- don Martin gave a neading and also introduced Dr. Vivian whlo declaned the building offfcially open. At Brown's 75 Years Ago One off the most interesting featumes was the ribbon cutting- ta fu:-ther mark the openini,. Cutting was done by Robert Grahac-n. 81-yeam-old native off the section, m'ho attended Brown'g school 75 y ears ago. Archirect D. K. Jackson. En- 8mw MD. J. Ypu a& Memburi andu LtdcIirs. Un me e~ xLfrI1ie ends, leiL: i..Van den .Droek and A. Beth, W. Smid and C. Reyn of Atlantic Construction Ca. In the centre, teacher Miss Carole MeMillan and Principal Ray C. Bowen. Lowest photo: Dr. R. P. Vivian,, M.P., who officially opened school; D. K. Jackson and N. J. Ypes of Jackson, Ypes and Associates, Architects andi Engineers; School Inspector C. A. Holmes and Rev. M. C. Fisher. o f the Atlantic Construction Ca. off Willowdale were intro- duced and expressed the pleà- Eune they had eceived fnomn panticipating in the construc- tion. Several Presentations Several presentations includ- ed gifts off chairs from the Home and School Club and th-. Busy Bees, made by Mus. James Curson and Mns. Wilfrnid Ben- nett and a tinted fframed photo off the aid school fnom tho Brownies by Mms. Hilda Cail. MInI. Lancaster accepted thc gifts on behiaîf off the school. Immediately prior ta the con- clusion off the program, Ex-M.P. John M. James was thanked for the publicity The Canadiani Statesman had given the Opeti. ing and said a few words iff congratulations. Rev. M. C. Fisher gave the prayer off de- dicatian. The evening concluded with lunch served by the Home and Schooi Club and an inspection of Iihe premises. under the guidaîlc? off Principal Roy C. Bowen and Miss McMuilan. The Committee in change off the evening includeci Mr-. R. Simpson, Wellington Farrow. Mrs. .im CurSon. Mus. Witf Bennett. Mn. and Mrs. Thomas Wilson. Ontario's manv fine airponts provide quick access ta main cities. resont and lakeland areas. The Film Service off the Car.- adian Red Cross provided regu- lar showings of curren movuies for v(eerans in 49 hospitalad instituuoina n18à& - BLACKSTOCK Wo-He-Lo Mission Band met Tuesday with Lorna Wright presiding, Nancy Dorneil act- ing secretary and 19 children present. Mns. Hill gave a wom- ship talk fnom "The eanth is the Lomd's" and offfered prayer. McCormick meceived the offering and Brian Mountjy), nead the prayer. Sharon Larmner read a story, "The Girafffe's Neck": Elizabeth Thompson played a piano solo, Ronald Martvn read "Indian Summer". IMns. 'Kyte told the stony from the second chapter off "Haia's New Home". The Bmawnies held their first meeting off the season Sept. 23 when ail the mothers wene in- vited. Eight new members join- ed the Bmownies and several off last y-ear Bnownies joined thie Guides. A resumne off last year'- work af the Brownies, alsa the executive's work, was given. Mns. Thos. Buttery, Bowmar- ville, District Commissionen, was present and gave an ad- dress or. the work off each gmoup. After the meeting lunch xvas senved and a social timne enjoy- edW.A. off the United Cuc Met at the home off Mrs. Herb. Sw,\ain Tuesday evening with 30 ladies and one gentleman present. Afftem opening exercises Mms. W Archer gave the devo- tional paper on 'God's Cane off His Own" and offfened prayer. A good deal off business was dealt wvith, especially cancern- ing- thé, Bazaar. President Mrs. ,Warner Brown nead a poem "Little Thînigz: Mrs. Gardon Strong tendered a piano sole., ..SuaseV'. Liv. P. Ronieril gavel Proud Community Attends Brown's School Opening Mr. and Mms. Herb Hooey, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wolfe and boys, were Sunday guests off Mr. and Mms. Harry McLaugh- lin and Lawrence an the occa- sionl of Brian's sixth birthday. Mrs. W. Archer, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Martyn called on Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bowman at Wil- fred Bowman's, Enfield, an Sunday, an the occasion off their 6th wedding anniversary. The congratulations of friends in this community are extended ta Mr. and Mrs. Bowman. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Walffe,i Brian and John, mnoved fromn the village ta their ffarmn Satur- day. th,; W. W. Van Camp spent teweekend with hem daughter Malle in Trno Mr. and Mrs. Eric Chaperlin and childmen, Don Milis, spent the weekend at the Rectory, clearing the garden, etc., beforej Canon and Mrs. Chaperlin re- turn this week. Mr. Gardon Paisley spent the weekend at bis home in Duna- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Grace, Glen and Elaine, Beavertoii. w%%ene Sunday visitors off Mn. and Mrs. W.Ai cher. jSx ,mpath.-, s extAnded the Elford f aniilyon the suddeiz ia talk on "Education of the Ilii- terate" and showed a film on the work of Dr. Laubach in Africa. Mrs. Earl Bradburn, group leader, expressed thanks to hostess and those providing program. Lunch was served by the group and a social time spent. The Couples Club met Wed- nesday night. Games organized by Stuart and Helen Dorreli were played, followed by a dis- cussion on the aims and organ- ization of the club. Officers were elected. President, Harold and Jean Kyte; Secretary, Jim and Dorothy Marlaw; Treasur- er, Ralph and Peggy Larmer. iAfter a buffet luncheon was partaken of Rev. P. Romeril conducted the closing devotior.- ai period. The Explorers held election Of officers at their meeting Thursday after school as fol- lows: Chief Explorer, Janice iByers; Keeper of the Log, Pa- tricia Adams; Keeper of the Treasury, Cheryl Medcalf. Mrs. Adams conducted the Devo- tional, with several of the girls assisting. The girls purpose do- ing the full outdoor exploration this year. On Saturday, Oct. 5th they and the C.G.I.T. hope ta spend the afternoon at Cream- of Barley Park, Bowmanville. Following officers were elected at the C.G.I.T. Friday evening: President, Elaine Se- Icretary, Lorraine Dayes, Treas- urer, Donna McLaughlin. The Blackstock Central Public school was honoured Friday af- ternoon, with a visit from Dr. Roy Fenwick, Director of Mu- sic for, Elementary Schools off Ontario. Some 50 teachers from North Darlir.gton, Manvers, and Cartwright gathered ta meet him and enjayed bis talk an the importance'off music in the i public school and how ta im- prove it. Dr. Fenwick was well ipleased with aur school. Sorry ta report Mr. A. Sgro, rhigh schaol teacher, was iii alU last week. Tuesday bis mother and brother Nicholas visited him at Mrs. W. W. Van Camp's and Wednesday evening tookc him home ta Toronto. Glad to k-now he is able ta be back ta work this week. Mrs. Richard 'Bowles taught in Mr. Sgro's place. Mrs. Iv'an Thompsan taught two days last week in publie school for Miss Joan Venning rWho had pleurisy. Mr. John Romeril, Queen's Univer.sity, Kingston, gave a fine sermon an the grawth off spirit as compared with growth off the body. Mrs. H. Kyte ir. her usual sweet vaice sang "Then Sings My Saul". Recent visitors off Mr. and Mrs. Orr Venning's were: Mr. and Mrs. Allan Janes, Brook- lin; Mr. Jas Thampson and son Win. Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. WiI- fred Martin, Maple Grove. R ally Day service was ab- served in the United Cburch Sunday Sehool Sunday marti- ing. The general pragram was carried out with a couple of extra numbers fram the Prn- mary room. Lamna Wright and Dennis Ashton recited the story off the Disciples and Judy Coch- rafle and Brian Mauntjoy the Ten Commandments. Mrs. Rich- i ard Bowles told the story "Th-e jFirst Guest"l in a very pleasing manner. The A.Y.P.A. off St. John's Curch held their re-arganiza- tion service in the Parish Hall, Sept. 23rd. Lawrence McLaugh- lin was re-elected president; Eleanor Shemilt, Secretary; Lar- ry Asliton, Treasurer. They wilI be meeting every second mon- day. On Friday night the A.Y. IP.A. enjoyed a wiener raast at the farm off Mr. Gea. Wolfe. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Dorreli have returned from a pleasant trip through Northern Ontario. Mr. Finlay Sutherland, Ban- craft, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wright. Mesdames J. A. McArthur, Haward Bailey, Thos. Smith, John Hamilton, Frank Stani- land, Thos. Langfeld, Jas. Fard- er, Wm. Graham, John Carter OBITUARY 1 MUS. RUSSELL LUKE The death occumred at the Oshawa Generai Hospital an .Sept. 26, off Nettie May Salter, widow off Russell Luke. The de- ceased, who was in her 74th year, had nat enjayed good health since last Februamy and h ad been confined ta bospital for five weeks. A daughter of the late Isaac a nd Elizabeth Salter, Mrs. Luke w as humn near Prestonvale. She was married in 1909 and lived in Westmount until 1930 when ,Mr. Luke took up farming in the Hampton area. They retir- ed ta Hampton in 1947.1 Mrs. Luke was a memben off Centre Street United Chumch, Oshawa, while living in that vi- cinity and later belonged ta Ty- rafle United Church. She was active in the women's activi- ties off bath churches. Predeceased by ber husband in 1950, she leaves one son, Earl LLuke, off Hampton. Also sunviv- ing is a brother, Gardon Sal- ter, of Oshawa. The funemal service was beld a t the Marris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, Sept. 28. Inter- fment was in Hampton cemetery. 'IThe services were conducted by IRev.F. J Reed, minister off Hampton United Chumch. He w 111 be assisted by Rev. A. F. Cowan. minister off Centre Street United Church, Oshawa. Most off Canada's 9,500 Es- kimos live nomth off the tree- line on the coasts off the main- land or the islands off the Arc- tic Archipelago. WORKS HARD ALL DAY FOR LESS THAN $1*00 "'My David Brown 900 Diesel gives nme a ful days plowing for less than $1.00" says LyalI Hicks of Cherry Valley, Prince Edward County, Ont. "It pulls a three furrow plow through clay loam-works a full 18 to 292 hours on one tank of fuel (11 gallons). I'm plowing my land for leua, than 12e per acre!" Find out now how much' vou can save by oper- nt ing a David Brown 900 Diesel on your farm. Call us now for a demonstration. DAVID BROWN 900 DIESEL, NOW AT W. H. MORRISON R.R. 1, ORONO PHONE ORONO 18 tr SUPER-RIGHT QUVALITfY MEA TS PORK ROAST SALE!l Lean, Shankles" P ork Shoulderss 7c L.ean, Meaty PORK BUTTS lb49 Super Right Smnoked RINDLESS SIDE BACON E 79c Fancy Quality COHOE SALMON STEAKS 's69c RusseIl Brand OCEAN PERCH FILLETS lbIlc CAKE MIX GLO-COAT JAVEX CHERRY PIE A&P PEACiI A&P PEAS Prie*& Effetive Umtil Saturdoy, OCtiober St1i, 1957. Shirriff's Whit Z Reg. Price 35c-SAVE 4, Johnson's Hard Gloss Reg. $1.09-SAVE 20e Liquid Bleachi Rég. Price btl 25c-SAVE Se M Jane Parker Reg. Price 55c-SAVE 6o Choice ult IES Reg. Price tin 23c-SAVE 3o Choies Quality Reg. Price 2 tins 35c-SAVE 110 16-oz pkg 31< quart tin i 9c 232-oz btls 4 as each 49C 22-ztinsi4 3 4 20-oz tins 59< rmi ALN PC "C!»à I w passing of their brother-in-law. Mn. and Mrs. Wilbert Drinkie off Bowmanville, drove ta Elmi- vale Friday intending ta be guests at a wedding Saturday, but a few minutes after their arrivaI Mr. Drinkie dropped dead. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dayes, Mr. and Mrs. Reg Sutton, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Gray, Mrs. Z. Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bowers and Mr. and Mrs. Mal- colm Elford, visited at the par- lors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. AI- Ian Beacock and the Adams at- tended the funeral in Elmvale Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dayes and family attended a shower at Mrs. Z. Adams, Bow-manville, Saturday night, in 'honor of Miss Lamna Cochrane who is ta ibe married ta Mr. Sam Adams, Oct. 19. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Spinks, Os9hawa, visited Mrs. E. Darcy, Mrs. Ira Argue and the Hoidges, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Wright and Hazel, Port Perry; Mr. Sam Gibson, Didsbury, Alta., Mr. John Van Camp, Midland,were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Will Farder. Mr. Roy Turner spent the weekend at a Lions Club "do" in Burnt River, Mrs. Turner and girs ndMiss Joyce Venning were at Coe Hill. Lorraine me- mained for a week. Mr. Roy Taylor's stock sale on Saturday was vemy success- fui. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Van Camp spent Sunday with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morrow, at Hilton. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mount- joy and family visited her bro- thens, Walter and Gardon Man- ning near Owen Sound Sunday. Anyone wishiug VET CRAFT SPRAYS AND WREATHS for Remembrance Day NOVENDER 101h order as early as possibit, from $2.50 to $30.00 Contact MR. J. KNIGHT 32 Prospect.St. Phone MA 3-357 1 or Canadiaxi Legion - Phone MA 3-3221 1 - CASH SAVINGS ARE THE BESI SAVINGS! COME SEE...Y U'LL SVE. FUNK & WAGNALL'S UNIVERSAL STANDARD Encyclopediai Volume No. 4 Now On Sale for only 99C with any purchase Produce Special *iform Finest, Swoot, Luaciaus, No. 1 Grade, Large Beautiful Clusters TOKAY GRAPES 2 Is 23C 'VMMÉIDA'T, OM. ard, 1057 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANvtLLZ ONTAlUC) PAGM : u l per à iý rkets M'

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