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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Oct 1957, p. 11

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?HURSDAY, OCT. Srd, 1957 THK CÂNADIAN STÂTESMAN. EOWMANV!LLE~ ONTÂRIO PAGE ELEV~ Ban tams Win Opener ln Lakeshore Playo ifs &efeat Newcastle 14-O George Piper's Bantam Le- one run apiece. Tbey exploded ionnaires handed Newcastle with five more runs li the third Bantams a 14-0 trouncing Tues- frame, one in the fifth and four dU, ept. 24 atjMemorial Park in the sixtb. t~Fve into aoegame lead in Turner paced them wîth three Sbest-of-three Lakeshore runs, while Twist, Wright, Bantam semi-final playoffs. Barry Steven, Ray Crombie and, Winner of the semi-final round Joe Bothwell starred with two Will meet the winner of the each. Port Hope and Cobourg series i Bothwell held the visitors to for the league titie and Major four hits, two walks and struck John Foote Trophv.* out 10 with bis fine pitchîng Legionnaires surged into a 4-0 performance. Rowe allowed 10, lead in the first inning withlhits, seven walks, issued sixi Tçýrry Black, Ray Turner, Johnistrikeouts in suffering the loss. Twist and Grant Wright scoring 1 R H El Air. Rail or Steamshiv TI1CKRETS8 TO EVERYWHERE Consult JIITR!& LOVELLh 15 Rinz St. W MA 3-5778 Bowmanvilllo Newcastle 000 000 O 4 3 'Bow'ville 405 014 14 10 1 Newcastle -Rusman rf, B. Rowe p, V. Rowe c, Gibson 3b, Kupeux 2b, Scott cf. Brown If, Martin ss, Dickinson lb. Bowmanville - Black 3b, Turner ss, Bagneil 2b. Twist cf Wright rf, Steven lb, Crombie c, Cole If, Bothwell p. Refreshes without filling B Pep siCola Smith Beverages Limited Bowmanville AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR SATURDAY EXCURSIONS to TORON TO EVIY $ATURDAY TO AND INCLUDING DICWMBR 14 Good goinq and returnmg same Saturdoy only. BII.ill * * * * * *$470 Cobu. . *2.90 PaosmiHpe . . . *. 2.65 Oshaw. ..*.. 1.45 Whitby . . . . . . . 1.25 Corresponding fores from Wnermedlt. pok*S FULL INFORMATION PROM AGINT ICANADIAN PACIFIC CANADIAN NATIONA Free! Free!l BLACK DIAMOND STAMPS with every of gas VIGOR OIL Service Station CORNER 0F MANVERS ROAD AND FIFTH CONCESSION Phone MA 3-2919 Vigor 9GL Standard 1OC4 luiGAL Gasoline v 39IUil~A ~figo9 # ligh Test 421G GAL )C ncluding tax Compiete Lubrication at a Reasonable Price STOVE OIL AVAILABLE IN ANýY QUANTIT'Y AT THE STATION OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS Dr. H. Rundie Roils High Triple Score i n Men 's Major League Dr. H. B. Rundie posted the bigh triple for the week and for the first sehedule as he put together «ames of 254,293,242 fo 8.This boosted H. B. R.'s Iaverage fro m202 to 222. Five other bowiers were over 700-Mel Dale 742, Dave Mc- Knight 740, Jim Murphy 715, Jack Lander 709 and Jim Lev- ett 707. Ted Bagneil was the top man for high single with 312, George Stepher.s 308 and Jack Lander 301. Dr. Rundles team had high team score 3366 and AI Os- borne's outfit had bîgh singlo game 1270. Gord Sellers was in a class by himself as he won iow single 103 as was Dr. AI Sylvester with low triple 457. Wild Bill Oke's team won ail low team honors with 10w single 921 and 10w triple 3023. Alley Chatter Big Jim Levett for the third straight week went over the 700 mark and bis average le- velled off at 240 for 9 gaines to take over top spot in the aver- ages froin Pete Dobbins. Pete dropped to 239 for 6 garnes. In the team standing Murray Tighe's packed team stayed on top of the heap with 7 points and Norm O'Rourke's team took over soie possession of second place with 6 points. Jack Coole bas dropped ou' of the major league for per- sonal reasons and bas been re- piaced by Ted Phillips on O'Rourke's tea.m. Pbillips drop- ped out of the league a few e ars ago due to a back injury ut seems to, be ini good shape again. As predicted by Man4ger El- liott a few weeks ago, the al- Icys are now getting in top shape and no compiaints were reglstered the last week. Men's Major Bowling League Standing End of 3rd Week lot Sehedule 1957-58 Season Team W L Pins Pts Tighe - 7 2 10097 72 ORourke - 6 3 9770 6i ]Rundle____ 5 4 10043 5 Osborne ___ 5 4 9836 5 Brock ____ 5 4 9468 5 Dale _____ 5 4 9465 5 R. Oke ___ 4 5 9755 4 Bagnell 4 5 9568 4 Williamis - 4 5 9513 4 Lander - 3 6 9632 3 B. Oke _ _3 6 95343 Bates ____ 3 6 9451 Four Teams From Goodyear 0en Se ason Goodyear Mercantile Hockey League begin their season withl two exhibition gaines scbeduled for Sunday, October 13. In the opener Hose wil meet Fan Beita and Mats face Office i.n the second gaine. Players who played last sea- son are requested te report te their teain captains before game time. New players wish- ing to play are requested to report te George Sellers at Bowmanville Memonial A.rena at Il arn. They are reminded to bring their equipinent and be ready to play. Teain captains this year are: Fan Beits, Danny Girardi; Hose Room, Fred Cowle; Mats, Frank Mobun and Office, Archie Crossey. Following is the complete schedue- Note new starting time for this year's gaines. October-- 13-12:00 Exhibition Hose vs. Fan Beits, 1:00 Mats vs. Office 20-12:00 Fan Belts vs. Office. 1:00 Mats vs. Hose 27-12:00 Office vs. Mats 1:00 Fan Beits vs. Hose Novemiber- 3-12:00 Fan Belts vs. Mats 1:00 Office vs. Hose 10-12:00 Hose vs. Mats 1:00 Office vs. Fan Belts 17-12:00 Hose vs. Fan Beits 1:00 Mats vs. Office 24-12:00 Hose vs. Office' 1:00 Mats vs. Fan Belts December- 1-12:00 Fan Beits vs. Office 1:00 Hose vs. Mats 8-12:00-Office vs. Mats 1:00 Fan Belts vs. Hose 15-12:00 Fan Beits vs. Mats 1:00 Hose vs. Office No Games Chriatinias and New Years January- 5-12:00 Hose 1:00 Offic( 12-12:00 Hase 1:00 Mats 19-12:00 Hose 1:00 Mats 26-12:00 Fan1 1:00 Mats February- 2-12:00 OfficE 1:00 Fan 9-12:00 Fan 1:00 0f ficE 16-12:00 Hase 1:00 Fan1 23-12:00 Hose 1:00 OfficE March- 2-12:00 Hose 1:00 Mats 9--Pla voffs Ili-P«a\"O s Svs. Mats 2e vs. Fan Beîts vs. Fan Belts vs. Office vs. Office vs. Fan Beits Belts vs. Office vs. Hose -e vs. Mats Belts vs. Hose Belts vs. Mats ýe vs. Hase vs. Mats Beits vs. Office vs. Fan Beits .e vs. Mats vs. Office vs. Fan Belts First and S econd Averages Gaines J. Levett 9 P. Dobbins -- -_____6 N. O'Rourke 9 J. Parker .9 D. Little --------- 6 Dr. K. Siemon .9 R. Haliman 9 A. Osborne .9 G. Lander 9 M. Vanstone ------ 9 T. Bagneil --------9 Dr. Rundle - -------9 M. Harrison -- ------6 J. Murphy - 9 F. Williams .. 9 B. Westlake 9 F. Saniis ___9 B. PolIey -- --- --9 M. Tighe -----9 J. Lander -9 W. DeGeer ----- 9 D. McKnight -- 9 B. Milne __9 D. Taylor 9 S. Trewin ____9 R. Hearle 9 B. Bates ____6 G. Piper 9 E. Brock 9 J. Callan _____9 D. Bisbop 9 M. Dale -----9 G. Stephens 9 N. Cowle ----- _ M. Larmer 9 C. Leslie - -9 F. Blunt -_____6 B. Engiey--9 E. Rundie - --9 A. Piper ______9 R. Kelly -___6 R. Wright - -9 June Baker Ave. 240 239 232 2:32 239. 22 8 227 226 226 224 224 222 1.22 22o) 2.9 217 215 215 2i3 213 211 211 211 211 211 210 209 208 207 207 207 207 207 206 205 203 202 202 201 201 201 200. Top ~SBowlers With 322 Score In their Ladies' Major League bowling this week, top honours went to June Baker 322, Peggy Haines 315 and Lüi Hooper 300. Games Over 200 June BakeÎ 322, Peggy Hai- nes 315, 200,; Lii Hooper 300, 251; Bernice Budai 296, 237; Hilda Brock 289, 223, 217; Ena Etcher 277; Ollie Patfleld 264, 239-. Betty Wlestlake 259; Vi Coole 259; Viv Cowan 259, .210; Norma Gay 251; Helen Corden 231; Joyce Major 226, 203; Ly- dia Bates 226, 216, 205; Eleanor Larmer 225, 205. Eleanor Lar- mer 225, 204; Myra Cooper 225, 222; Ella Des Jardines 224; Jean Harness 221; LU1 Phillips 220; Louise Lyle 220. Mabel Lewis 218; *Lola Wright 215, 211: Una Hagerman 205; Kay Beauprie 204; Em. Stringer 204; Helen Gilhooiy 204; Onie Etcher FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS 0 FU STAFFORD 5 BRO. Stafford Bras. Monumental Works Phone Whitby MOhawk 8-3552 318 Dundan St. E., Wliitby -Worth Iooking imto ...our new k-policy home protection paickaige llerç's good new for ail of YQYj who have separate pot. icie,ý for fire, theft abd lia.. bilitY. By taking adva.ntago Of Our' 1-Policy Plan, Y011 can get even more protee. tion for your home than wîth those 3 Policies. And YQV MaySave up to 209b. Remernber.- - - jui5t one pol. iÇy, one premium. 0.11 us Qig' detil5 ..nozo. STUART R. JAMES INSURANCE REAL ESTATE Office MA 3-5681 King Street E. Residence MA 3-5493 Bowmanville Cobourg Ties'Series Game Called Alter Five and Hall lnnings Two costly errors and oncorn- ing darkness paved the way to a 7-6 win for Cobourg Ki- wanis over Bowmanvile Or- p hans to tie their best-of-three Laeshore Juvenile League playoffs at one gaine, eaci Thursday of last week at Vi- cent Massey Park. Kiwanîs, fresh froin defeat in the Ontario Juvenile "A" playoffs were making a iast stand to stay alive. Pitcher Fred Mabee went the entire route for thein allowing only seven bits, going astray only once in the fourth frame. Cails Game A handful of spectators and players were tnîghty perturbed when umpire Dude His calleà the gaine after five and one- haîf innings because of dark- ness. Orphans had just' finish- ed pounding in four runs in the fourth innîng to boost them to witbin two runs of the Lake- shore Crown and were looking hotter as the game progressed. Cobourg counted ail seven runs in the second inning when two serious errors sparked their rally. Harris' hard bit infield drive took a hard bounce after it was mnissed and rolled into deep centre field before it was nabbed, allowed four runs to cross the plate. DeCbamp sing- led earlier in the frame to score Wilson and be was one of the three on when Harris came to bat. Wlnnlng Run Bll Wilson counted his sec- ond run of the frame by steal- ing home after driving Twit. chett in when his bit was fuin- bled. Bull ates went in 10 re- lieve Hank Lane from the piteli- ing chore during the second and be sent Cobourgs next three down in order. Bob Osborne took over for Bates in the fourtb. inning and allowed only one hit and two walks as he finished the game for Orphans. Archie Crossey homered to put Bowmanville ahead ini the first. Bob Marjer- rison pounded a single and scored on an error in the third to make the score 7-2. Orphans had their big inning ln the fourtb as they collected four runs from three bits, two errors and a walk. Ted Fairey took a pass to first and scored on a single by Lane. Crossey made fist on an error to ad- vance Lane and they both scored when Bob Marjerrison pounded 111e second hit of the game. Mason hit a hard single into centre field and Marjerri- son came home on the hit, with their final run. RH E Cobourg 070 000-7 5 3 Bowmanviile 101 40x-6 7 6 Cobourg-Arnew 3b,, Harris 2h, Sharpe ss, Twitchett cf, Ba- bee p, Wilson rf, Carlson lb, DeChamp c, Richards If. Bowianville - Crossey cf, Marjerrison 2b, Mason ss, Bill Osborne lb, Bates rf, Kennett c- Pollard 3b,, Fowler If, Lane p, Bates (2) p, Fairey (2) ri, Lane (2) 3b, Bob Osborne (4; P. Morley Et che r Heads Mixed Bowling League Our apologies to Morley Etch- er for our error iast week. Mor- ley should have had top average, 227. Sorry, Morley - we will try not to let it happen agaîn. Mor- ley is at the top of the ladder again this week with 226., He also had high single game of 309. Elton Brock had high triple of 682. Teani Etcher Spicer Bromel Bond -- Mutton Brock Team standings W L Pins 8 1 8476 - 7 2 7841 L..5 4 7464 -- 4 5 7279 - 2 7 6910 ___ 1 8 6910 A, Pkverages M. Etcher ____ A. Spicer E. Brock - _ _ J. Bond.___ B. Mitchell _____9 H. Brock --- -__-9 A. Hickling 9 H. Bromeli _____9 O. Etcher _ _ _-9 C. Mutton - - 9 J. Richards _____ 9 J. Cox --______ 9 R, Mutton _____9 D. Reynolds ____9 L. Eldridge _____9 P. Gould ---_____ 9 E. Bromeil =__ _ 9 Ave. 226 221 215 200 198 192 192 189 189 186 182 182 174 173 172 164 155 203: Lorraine Martyn 202; Ev. Sweetman 201; Bey. Disley 201. High Triple - Hilda Brock 729. High Single-June Baker .122. High Average-Bernice Bu- dai 243. Team Standings Names Poin O. Patfield -____6 B. Budai _____6 L. Bates _____6 S. Bucknell ____6 D. Mutton -___5 H. Dunn 4___ H. Brock _____4 V. Coole _____4 D. Cromnbie ____4 O, Etcher -___ N. Gay __ K. Beauprie ----3 ints Pins 8398 8175 7910 7422 8222 7889 7657 7507 7293 7747 7731 7642 Averages Berniece Budai -____ 243 Hilda Brock ______207 Myra Cooper- 203 Viv Cowan _______203 June Baker ______202 Joyce Major 200 Vi Coole -_________197 Onie Etcher ________196 Norma Gay 196 Lydia Bates ._______195 Peggy Haine& _______194 Lil Hooper 194 Ena Etcher -______194 Alice Hodgson 192 Helen Corden _______190 Qule Patfield -______187 Shirley Bickel ______186 Mel McNulty 185 Lucille Moffatt ______185 Donna Martin ______185 Lil Phîllips 180 Kay Beauprie 178 Lola Wright -_______177 Eleanor Larmer ______176 Betty Westlake ______176 Ev. Sweetman _____175 Jean Luxton ______173 Wilma Bates _______173 Joyce Tennent ______172 Larraine Martyn 171 Louise Lyle ______171 Sally Bissonette ______170 Dot Crombie _______165 Babe Brown _______1135 Em. Stringer .____163 Eiieen Holroyd -------- 162 lHelen Gilhooly 161 E. Stringer 9 155 E. Cox -___ 9 154 G. Stringer ____ 9 154 D. Mutton 9 146 D. Bond _____ 8 146 C. Oke______ 9 141 C. Evans ___ 8 140 A. Winacott ____ 6 139 D. Charles -____ 9 131 J. McKnight . 9 130 B. Charles _____ 9 130 R. Mitchell 6 128 C. Reynolds 9 127 J. Evans _____9 Ili P. Barteis-_____ 9 109 E. Winacott _____9 1og M. Hickling - 9 106 J. Eldridge ____ 9 93 R. Spicer ____ 9 82 High singe-M. Etcher, 309; high triple-E. Brock. 682; high average-M. Etehet, 226. A i Juveniles Win Firsi ,ln PlayolI Series - Bowmanviile Oirphans took a one game lead in their best-of- three Lakeshore Juvenile League playoffs Tuesday. Sept. 24, de- feating their hosts at Cobourg by a score of 4-2. Winner of the series wîll re- ceive a new trophy being donat- ed for the Lakeshore Juvenile Champions by the Lakeshore Intermediate League. Bill Bates held the Cobourg crew to eight bits (one more than Bowmanville had) andi struck out two in taking the win. He allowed no walks as he went the route for Orphans. Wag- horn and Wilson shared the pitching chore for Cobourg. They permitted only seven hits, one waik and fanned four, Gain Early Lead Bill Osborne sparked Orphans with a single in the second and scored on an infield error that advanced Bates to first. Bob Marjerrison smashed a hard single to start them off in the third inning. He scored when Ron Pollard came through with a double to give Bowmanville a 2-0 edge. A costly fourth inning error with two men on gave Orphans their final two runs. Bates wvas at third on his own double and a single by John Fowler. and Foxvler was at first, when the error was committed. It allow- them both to score and advanced Bob Marjerrison to first. Miss Opportunity Cobourg missed their big chance in the fourth when they had two men on and none away. Mabee, Sharpe 'and Twichett were the next three batters and they went down in order, all lobbing infield flys. Richards tallied their first run in the fifth as he scored on an infield error after singling. Twichett blasted a double in the sixth inning and came home on TV a single by Dudley to score thte final run. R H Bowmanville 011 200 4 7 2 Cobourg --- 000 011 2 8 3 Bowmanville-Marjerrison 21:h Pollard ss, Lane 3b, Osborne lb, Vanstone rf. Kennett c, Bates P. Fowler If. Fairey cf, Lunn (6) rf. Cobourg--DeChamp c, Arnew 3b. Bill Wilson cf, Ewart 2b. Sharpe ss. Harris If, Carlson lb. Dudlev rf. Waghorn P. Mabea 1<4) 2b, Twitchett (4) If, Rich- ards (4) rf, Bob Wilson (4) p. ime ' T mONmE y AVAILABLE FOR MORTGAGES Ralph S. Janes Barrister and Solieitor 65 Simce St. S. Oshawa RA 5-3525 Lions BINGO Mionday, Oct. 71h LIONS COMMUNITY CENTRE. AERIALS "Tonld Seriez Time is Here Does your aerial give you the recepiion il should? W. have complet. new aerials from $29.50 up Rotor Conversions - $47.50 Up Complote new Rotor Aerials - - $75.00 np Channel 6 Toronto, added. Channel 17 Buffalo, and Complete- Overbauls- reasonably priced. TOWNE TV BILL LEASK PHONE MA 3-552t.: New Guy Wires S4EftES THAT BEAUTIPUL, NATURALIZER FIT...IN textured caif rT.pu.P yosv. beloIklog f« m..sft, Bght ond oOcSI. to*or.. . s c lze's 4 »w exfured ca0 fpomp » $s14.9.5 Other styles from $12.95 LLOYD 49 KING ST. W. .(sý00pl ELLIS BOWMANVILLE SHOES PHONE MA 3-5941 N - - loolm good from Sry ongle TEZ CANADUN STATESMAN. BOWILANvrLl& ONTMO TMMSDAY, OCT. 3rd, 1957 PAGE ELIEVU

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