FAGU ~~~RTEEW = à TM CA2iAVIAN UTATLPSMMAIi.OWMANV!L!Z.ONTARIO ?JR"YIC?--d l5 Births ANGER-Mr. and Mrs. Roy Anger are pleased te announce the birth of their daughter Cynthia Elizabeth, on Oct. 2nd, 1957, at Memorial Hospital, Bow- rnanville, a sister for Cathy and R~oy. 40-1* HALE WOOD - Mr. and Mrs. DJavid Halewood are happy to announce the birth of a baby daughter, Cynthia Mae, on September 20, 1957, at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, a sister for Larrv Michael. 40-1 LEVETT-Jim and Barbara are happy to announce the birth of a son Randali "Randy" James, September 24, 1957, at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, a broth- er for Larry. 40-1* MERKLEY-Rosemary and Dick Merkley are happy ta announce the birth of a daughter, Madeline Louise, on September 23rd, 1957, at Memarial Hospital, Bowman - Engagements Mr. and Mms. W. A. Bonneli wisli ta annaunce the engage- nment of their daugbter Miriam Evelyn, ta Murray M. Winacott,i son of Mr. and Mrs. Everett vrinacott, Bowmanville. The rnarriage will take place on Sat- urday, Navember 2nd at the Uinited Church, Prince Albert, Ontario. 40-1 The engagement is announced of Margaret Kathleen, only daugbter of Mms. Hart and the late Enest John Hart, Oshawa, ta Mm. William Ross Prout, son of Mr. and Mms. C. Alexander Prout of Newcastle. The mar- niage xil? take place on Satur- day. October 26tb at 3 o'clock in St. George's Anglican Chumch. Oshawa. 40-1* Deaths HEARD, Wesley Gardon - At Memroial Hospital, Bowmanville, on Sunday, September 29, 195"7/ Wesley G. Heard, belaved bus- band o! Gwendoline Parry and father of Gardon and Yvonne (Mrs. Gerald Johnson) o! Bow- inanville, age 62 yeams. Service was held at Nortbcutt & Smith Funemal Home, 53 Division St., Bowmanviile, an Tuesday, Oct. lst, at 2:30 p.m. Intenment Bowmanville Cemetery. 40-1l LUKE - At Oshawa GC. ra Hiospital on Tbursday, Sept. 26, 1957, Nettie May Salter, in ber '74th year, wife of the late Rus- sell Luke and dear mother o! Earl, Hampton. Service was held at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville. on Satur- cday, Sept. 28tb at 2 p.m. Inter- ment Hampton Cemetery. 40-1 VANNEST, Frederick J.-Sud- denly at bis home, 100 Oriole ]Parkway, Toronto, on Sept. 24, 1957, Frederick J. VanNest, be- loved busband o! Eldrerd Helen MeLean, father o! Joan, Van- couver; Paul, Winnipeg; Julie and Edward o! Toronto, brother o! Mrs. Nanman E. Wright <Luella) o! Enniskillen; Mms. L. M. Keith (Maian), Florence L. «VanNest, Toronto, and Herbert A., Pbiladelpbia. Funeral service %vas beld at the ebapel of Morley S. Bedford on Friday. Inter- ment at Bowmanville Cemetery. 40-1! In Memoriam MOUNTJOY, Nanman H.-In laving memony o! a dean father who passed away October 2nd, 1956.a Your presence is ever near us, Your love remains with us yet, You wene the kind of a father Your loved anes would neyer forget. -Ever- remembered by the farnily. 40-1* VIRTUE-In loving mcmory o! mny dean busband, Otto L. Virtue who passed away October lst, 1951. Fondly loved and deeply mou ned Heart o!frny heant, I miss you 50. Often my darling my tears will flow Dimniing your picture Where'er I go:, 'Tis sad but true, I will abide Uitil sanie day we'll be side by side. .-Lovingly rernembered by wife Pearl. 40-l* Receptions Mn. and Mns. Herb. Stainton will receive thein relatives, friends and neighbours at Ennis- killen Hall, between the boums of 7:30 and 10 o'clock Saturday evening, October l2th on the occasion of their 5tb wedding anniversany. 40-1* Livéstock for Sale BARRED Rock laying puliets. Phone MA 3-2903. 40-1* MUSCOVY ducks, ready ta dress. E. J. Redmond, Newton- ville. 40-2* REGISTERED Suffolk ranis. Carncnoft Fanm, Blackstock.1 Phone 13W. 40-tf1 PUREBRED boifers, fresb Oc-1 lober. Dams, 16131 and 199911 test 358. Fred R. Stelens. 40 1*1 Coming Events Please reserve Oct. 25 for the Darlingtorr Football League An- nual Dance and Cup Presenta- tion. Further particulars later. 40-1 Plan ta attend Eastern Star Bazaar and Rummage Sale, afternoon tea and draw, 2:30 p.m. Friday, October 18tb in Lions Community Centre. 40-1 Corne ta the Country Hoe- down, Tyrone Community Hall, Saturday, Oct. Sth. Dress - jeans and plaid shirts. Admis- sion 50c. Music by Holroyd's Orchestra. 40-1 Aiternoon tea and sale of homebaking in the Union Hall, Saturday, Oct. l2th at 3 o'clock, under the auspices of Com- panions of the Forest. Draw on Kenwood blanket. 40-2 Dance every Saturday night at Pontypool ta DougDasti and the Narthern Ramblers featur- ing AI Stack on sax, violîn and steel.. Modern and aId time. Gents 75c, ladies 50c. 40-1 eowmahnville Lions Club Bingo in Lions Community Centre, 26 Beech Ave., on Monday, October 7th at 8 p.m. Jackpot $25. 20) games for $ 10.00. Two special games. Admission $1.00 at the doar. 39-21 Regular weekly bingo held Thursdays except third week in the month whicb will be held on Tuesdays, in the Union Hall. 20 regular games and a jackpot game. No game under $3,00., Admission 50c. 38-tf Concert at Haydon, Friday, Oct. 4th (tomarow night) at 8 p.m. Slides will be shown by E. A. Summers. Other local and outside talent. Lunch served ta alI. Admission 50c and 25c. Sponsored by the Boardaof Stewards. 40-1' A skating paty will be given by the Bowrnanville Skating Club on Tbumsday evening, Oct. 3rd froni 6:30 ta 9 p.m. at the Bowmanville Memorial Aena. Skating for ail and races for the cbildren. Lunch will be sony- ed. Members, their parents and ahl those interested in skating are învited ta attend. No change. 39-2. Dance ai Solina Hall )n Friday, O0ctober 1Ilth Music by Bryce Brown and his Sevenaires $1.00 per person 40-2 "Old Time Methodîsi Awakening Meetings" HELD EACH Sunday ai 3 p.m. at Burketon School House EVERYONE WELCOME Rev. E. E. Magee Preacher Toronto, Ont. 37-4 Cards of Thanks Erie and Marjorie Stainton wish ta tbank their family, rela- tives and friends for the lavely gifts and best wisbes received on their silver wedding anni- versary. 40-1* James A. Werry and famuly wisb ta extend tbanks and ap- preciatian for services endered and floral tributes manifesting love and sympatby in this boum of bereavement. 40-1 To the Tyrone Comrnunity we wouid ike ta convey aur sincere tbanks for the beautiful n useful gifts presented ta so the occasion of aur mamiage. Ethel and Keitb Robinson. 40-1*1 1 wish ta express' my sincee thanks ta Supt. and nurses o! Memroial Hospital, Bowman- ville, also Dr. H. Rundle, !iends and neigbbours for kindnesses recoived whilo in bospital. Lamne Haynes. 40-1 1 wisb ta thank my relatives and friends, Dr. Ferguson, Dr. Sylvester, Dm. Gill, the nurses and staff o! Memorial Hospital, for their kindncsses and me- membrances ta me wbile I was a patient in the bospital. Mns. Ethel Cale. 40-1* We would like ta express sincere tbanks ta frionds and neigbbours for cards, flowens, lettons and kindness sbown us in the loss o! a dean mother and grandmothen. Margaret and Leonad Stainton and family. 40-1* 1 would like ta express mv tbanks ta Dr. Miklos, Rev. M. C. Fisher, nurses and staff o! the Memonial Hospital for kind- ness, also the Bridge and Fniend- ship Clubs for gifts received, ta ever-one wbo sent Get Well Wishes and called during my stav in Hospital and on return-1 ing borne. Mrs. Betty (Stan) Brown. 40 -1 Articles for Sale MANURE (cow). Phone New- castle 3776. 40-1 SINGLE sbotgun, .12 gauge. Phone MA 3-5191. 40-1* PIANO in good condition. Phone Newcastle 2201. 1 40-le PLATFORM scale, 240 lbs., $10. H. A. Barker, Caesarea. 40-1 WINCHESTER repeating shot- gun, like new. Phone MA 3-2808. 40-1 * 1,500 NEW apple boxes, wire bound, 75c eacb. Phone 1 r 6, Orono. 34-tf QUANTITY of wbeat straw forl sale. Cecil Jeffmey. Telephone MA 3-2169. 40-1 DRY bardwood slabs, $18 per cord, delivered. Phone New- castle 3776. 40-1 THREE-pieee bedroomn suite, walnut, good condition. Phone MA 3-3401. 40-1* ONE girl's ed coat set, size four;, one pair size 1 1 girl's skates. Phone MA 3-3897. 40-1 LARGE space beater with fan, sump pump, small record play- er. Phone MA 3-2855. 40 1 * HOOVER uprigbt vacuum and attachments, excellent condition. Telephone MA 3-3406. 40-11 FLOOR polisher for rent at' Mason & Dale Hardware. 36 King St. E.. Bawmanville. 13-tf McINTOSH and Wolfe River apples, 75c bushel. Pick your awn. Bert Johnson, Tyrone. 40-1* USED washer parts and repairs. Paddys Market. Hampton. Tele- phone MA 3-2055. Open uintil 9 p.m. 3714* SAVE on lumber. direct froni miul to you. Pbillips Lumber Co., Kinniaunt, Ontario. Phone 17 r Il. l3tf KEYS eut automatically, while you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- ware, 36 Kingz St. E., Bowman- ville. 46-tf HARD and sof t water delivered. Prompt service. Robert H. Cale. Phone MArket 3-5476 or MA 3-5805. 48-tf NEW and used skates for sale, wiil excbange old skates for new. Lloyd Ellis Sboes, 49 King St. E., Bowmanville. 39-3 OIL space beater with pipes and draugbts. Saw frame with saw and beit complete. Phone Newcastle 3776. 40-1 TWO auto snow tires. seven-ten by fifteen, alsa tbree bundred commercial tile, six by six inch- es. Phone 11711 Orono. 40-1* ELECTRICAL Repairs-Prornpt service ta electrîcal appiionces, large and small. Lander Hard- ware. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-tf DRY elm fumnace blocks, $32.00 a load, 2 cords, resawed, deliv- ered; alsa kindiing. J. A. Car- scadden, Orono. Phone 35 r 9. 39-~3* DO your own floors-Rent a sander or a floor polisher frorn Lander Hardware, 7 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5774. 3-tf 1,000 BUSHELS gaod quality beavy oats grawn frorn egistemed seed o! one year aga. Sixty cents a bushel. MArket 3-2417. 40-1 INSULATION, blowing metbod, with rock wool. Workmansbip guaranteed. F r e e estimates. Harry L. Wade. Phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf BUSHEL apples boxes, 60e eac, new dry inch lumber. J. A. Cascadden, Orono. Telephone 35 r 9. 39-3* APPLES: Snow, Mcîntosb, Wolfe River and La Salle, $1.75 and $2.50 bushel. Moving Oct. 15, must seli. Mrs. Joseph Lajoie, R.R. 1, Newvcastle. 40-1* HEARING aid service, testîng service and complete stock o! batteries and. cords at liggon Electnie Lirnited, 38 King St. E., 3-5438. ADDING machines, t cash registers. ceea filing cabinets, office new and used. Rep makes. Walter Frank, St., Bowrnanville. M~ EQUIP your bouse, aiuminum combinat and windows, al cel representative will gii estimates. Lander Hi King St. E., Bowmar, Phone MA 3-5774. IYOUNG TUL CHOICE MEATY DRESSED AND DE] PHIL FINI MAPLE GROVE TRADE-in allowance fields, bedroon su Spocial: srnaotb top: regular $59.50, sale pi 6 x 9 broadloom Pu Used rofigerators, stu and 6 x 9 rug. Mi Tinff W.Phone M 'UA PIJREBRED Beagles for sale.Nocs I teniale. 14 months aid; i maie, __ Notices___________ 5 voars; pujis, 6 weeks; MssHdgnsOfieale b Bluetick, 6 years. Apply to MisHdn Ofc wl blD Grant Stewart, Pontypool. 1 closed fmom October tb until * For the 39-2 October l7th. 40-1* , For the Tbe Bowmanville Fife and 0 For the Pets for Sale Drun, Band Annual Thanksgiv- S G ing Draw xill be field on Fridav,S.G I REGISTERED beagles, maies, OctoberI litii inistoad of October I and fernales. Robert Young. I4tli. TicketrSnmax bc- obtainedi PontypooI.. Ielepkioue Bethan- j froni any mcm ober of tîh! Fife'M.-51 la 1 - - 01 an4Drum Band. 0Â lecorafi Finest Pai Latest Pap LBest Wor Preston Phones Articles for Sale A-1 SOD, delivered, 20e yard. Phone MA 3-2121. 39-2 B0Y*3 hockey skates, size 3. Phoi, MA 3-5519. 40-1 DINING-ROOM suite, good con- dition. Phone MA 3-2844. 40-1* LARGE tree, yours for eutting and remaving. 2 Concession St. W. 40-1* BALED hay and straw; also softwood ready for the stove. Phone MA 3-2885. 40-1 IAPPLES, nearly aIl varieties, fand Keiffer pears. Phone MA 3-2223. L. A. Sciuair. 40-1 FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator, 9 cu. ft., white, in perfect condition, Reasonable. Phone MA 3-2086. 40-1 TYPE WRITER - Remington Noiseless, good condition, $40. Lomne Doreen, 85 King St. E. 40-1 * SHOTGUN, 12 gauge, boit ac- tion, like new. Will bold tbree shots, $35. Phone MA 3-2011. 40-1* A BRAND name is youm insur- ance of quality, Alsea windows and doors. Lamne Allun, MA 3- HARDWOOD factomy cuttings, dlean and dry, $10 large truck- ioad delivered. Phone Oshawa RA 5-1526. 40-2* GIRL'S dusty rose winter coat, with fur timmed collar, match- ing felt bat, new condition, sizel 12. Mrs. I. Munday, Phone MA 3-3438. 40-1* ICE cream cabinet, boy's bic- S'cle, chrome table. girl's tube skates, sizes 3 and 5; men's hockey skates, size 10. Phonef MA 3-5190. 40-l1' HOMEMADE sausage in 1-lb. pkgs., 45e lb.. for your freezer or lacker. 10 lbs. for 3.39. Bow-' manville Frigid Locker System. 40-1 USED Tractors - McCormick W-4; McCormick WD-6; Massey- Harris "22"; Fammaîl "H", Case on rubber, only $125; Gibson "H" for $95. Used Implçments - John Deeme 71/2 ft. cultivator witb wheels inside frame, Mas- sey-Hammis 7 1/2 f t. cultivatar; International 2-furrow plough;J Massey-Hammis disc plougb; In-! ternational rope type hay loader, new condition, only $25, at Cowan Eouipment Ca., 134 King St. E., Bowmanville, Phone MA 3-5689. 40-1 APPLIANCE Clearance Sale - 8.2 cubic foot International ne- fnigerator, regular $359 fan $249 on oniy. $3.00 per week, Kelvin- ator il cubic foot refnigerator. negular $389 for $289 or only $2.25 per week: Kelvînator wasb- er, 9 lb. capacity witb electrie timer, $118 and your old wasbem or $1.75 per week: Pbilips full console 21" television witb gen- uine wooden cabinet, negular $429 for $289 or only $2.25 per 'week; Westingbouse 21 incb tele- vision, console on swivel base, regular $379 for $289 or $2.25 per week. Used Appliances - refrigerator 8.1 cubie foot, only $89: Easy Spindry wasber, coni- pletely overbauled $69: coal and wood stove witb bigh back, in excellent condition $7.00, at Cowan Equipment Ca., 134 King St. E., Bowmanville, Phone MA 3-5689. 40-1 Wanted to Buy USED small sized cernent mixer. Phone MA 3-5200. 40-1* MANURE wanted. Downbar Nursery. Phone MA 3-5690. 40-1 TRICYCLE, suitable for tbree- year-old cbild. Phone MA 3-5781, 51 Elgin Street. 40-1* NOW buying Red Claver and Tirnothy. Give me a chance.i E. Swain, Blaekstock 89r11. 40-2 GENTLEMAN'S walnut Victor- ian chair. Write Advertiser 721 c/o The Canadian Statesman: P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. 40 -1* phone MIA HIGHEST prices paid for live 20-tf poultry, goose feathers, feather typewriters, ticks, scrap iran, nags, metalsI ue writers, and raw furs. Phone RA 3-20431 e furniture, Osawa, collect 8-f pairs toalal ALL kinds o! ive poultry want- 177 C-3u6.e d. Top Toronto prices paid at ilA 3986 vour door for lange or srnal 14fquantities. We bave aur own with Nash market. M. Flatt, Bethany R.R. ion doors 1. Phone colleet ta Bethany lours. Our 7 r 13. 2-t'1 Ive You free [ardwame, 7 ep W n d iville. Tele- 38-3 WOMAN ta belp in store for short period. Write befome Sat- IKEYSurday ta Advertiser 718. c/o The lKEYS Canadian Statesmian, P.O. Box 'BIRDS 190, Bowmanville. 40-1 .* ELIVERED HERE is your opportunity. Good y ale inDun sni Ca. andBo- 'NEY awleinDhauinesCo ailo- -551manville. Write for information. 21A t Rawleigb's Dept. J-140-922, 4005S Richelieu, Montreal, Que. 40-1j anies cetc. START now with a permanent! mattresses * year-round businesýs. Dealers nice S44.50,: needed in: Bowmanvillo, Hamp-. .igs. $49.,50. ton, Mlbnook, Orono, Par t tudio couch, Hp n surroundings. Yo ul furphv Ca., can eamn $50 ta $75 weekly wit h1 3-371. ur wonderfui lino of nocessities! 40*needed, daily. Full details and 4 -4')-'*ýfree catalogue on request. M.1 Baker, dept. S. 1600 Delorimier,ý agMontreal. 40-4 ints Personal pers 1 irkmshipj HYGENIC supplies - <Rubber o~ I oads) mailed pastpaid in plain & SOnII sealed envelope witb pniceIst -1Si samffles 2. 24 sampen $1S.00. Mail Order Dept. T-218 4 MA 3-37011 Nov.-Ru bber Co., Box 91, 11am;-1 44± lt0onOt., -~ 1-52 Cars for Sale USED Trucks-1954 Chevrolet 'a2-ton, 1952 G.M.C. 3-tan dump, 1949 International panel, excel- lent motor and tires. only $175ý at Cowan Equipment Ca., 134 King St. E., Bawmanville. Tele- phone MA 3-5689. 40-1 1956 FORD station wagon, local one owner car; 1956 Meteor de- luxe, 2 door, with safety dasb, seat belts, windsbield washers, back-up lights, low mileage, one owner, local car-, 1953 Pontiac sedan, a one owner car: 1951 Mercury sedan with windsbield washers, back-up lights, new tires; 1950 Pontiac sedan, radio and new tires: 1949 Pontiac sedan at Cowan Equipment Ca., 134 King St. E., Bowmanville. phone MA 3-5689. 40-1 Used Cars for Sale 1954 FORD 2-door COACH One owner, low mileage car Clearance sale price - $1,050.001 1947 PONTIAC 4-door SEDAN1 Clearance sale price - $195,001 1947 PONTIAC 2-door COACH (Sedanette> Clearance sale price - $249.00 If you wish ta buy on tume and your credit is satisfactory, a very law down payment and es ternis await yau. ART'S CAR MARKET 194 & 196 Church St. W. Bowmanville - Ontario Phone MA 3-3841 1 40-1* Before You Buy - Give "Stew"' a Try I PRICE 'EM LOW AND SELL 'EM FAST *Certified Condition *Easy Ternis *30-day Guarantee 50 Hîliman Sedan ')145 1 Nice nunning car 50 Meieor - $445 Twa tane, good motar, tires and body 51 Chevrolet - $495 Two tone, signals, wbite walis 53 Ford - - $795 Custoniuine - Radio 53 Chevrolet - $895 Deluxe- A beauty 55 Ford - $1,395 Custoniline, white -walls, signals 55 Rambler - $1,145 Customi - Small mileage 55 Chevrolet $1,495 Two tone - 17,000 actual miles AND MANY MORE AT WELLMAN'S Nonquon Rd. Oshawa RA 3-4431 Authorized RAMBLER - HILLMAN METROPOLITAN Open until 9 p.m. 40-1* Work Wanted WILL give day came for cbild. Phone MA 3-3 460. 40-1 GENERAL tmucking and llght deliveries. Phone MA 3-5165. 39-tf PLUMBING, beating, eaves- traugbing. free estmmates. Harvey Partner, Tyrone. MA 3-2240. 12-t! NEW -plastering and repairs. Stueco and cernent plastering. A. C. Woods. Phone Clarke 23 r 04. 14-tf GUARANTEED nepairs ta al makes of cars and trucks, al] jobs are guaranteed, competenti wormransbip, at Cowan Equip- ment Ca., Meteor-Mercury Deal- cmr, 134 King St. E., Bowman-1 ville. Phone MA 3-5689. 14-tf PLUMBING - HEATING EAVESTROUGHING Tony Baars 66 King St. W. MA BOWMANVILLE 3-51721 GENERAL MASONRY AND CONCRETE WORK Estimates Free Prompt Service PHONE MA 3-3231 - 3-3702 P.O. Box 1083 - L. TURNER 39-t! Plastering Repairs QUICK SERVICE STUCCO AND NEW WORK R. L. TAFT 69 King St. E. MA 3-5030 J Repairs . RADIO and television repairs. Prornpt service. Pick up and! delivery. Lamne Doreeýn. 85 King E. Phone MA 3-5713I. 2-tf REPAIRS toalal makes of rcfrig- erators, dornestic and coni- meîrcial: nîilking coolens. Hig. gon Eleetnie Limited. 42 King St. E. Phone MA 3-5438. 25-tf Watch Repairing AT M a r r s JEWELLERY 43 King Si. %W. MA 3-5463 80OWMAIN VILLE Auction Sales Mr. Oscar Luxton, Lot 6, Con.I 3. Darlington Township, one mile noth of Boys' Training School, has sold bis famm and will sel by public auctian on Saturday, October 12 at 1 p.m.. bis entire herd of registered and accredit- ed Holstein cattle, tractor and tractor macbînery, grain, poul- try and some fumniture. Furth- er particulars, see bills. Cattle sale at 3:30 p.m. Temms cash.1 Na reserve. Jack Reid, auction-I eer. 139-.3* AUCTION SALE The entire HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and APPLIANCES and MANY OTHER GOODS Everything ln exceptionai con- dition - to be sold by public auction for, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stackaruk at 194 - 196 Church St. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO on October 26th, 1957 Sale begins at 1 o'clock in the afternoon. Wateh this newspaper lu the October 17th and 24th issues fo.r a near completelist of the goods1 that wiii be offered for auction.! 402 Seed Cleaning- SEED Cleaning Plant at Enni- skillen. For prompt service Phone MA 3-5053 or Blackstock: 102J. 40-tf Tendors Wanted TENDER FOR PURCHASE 0F CAR Sealed tenders, clearly mark-1 ed as ta contents, will be receiv- ed by the undersigned unti l?1 o'clock noon, Monday, October 14, 1957, for the purchase of 1 Real Estate for Sale 1 Real Estate for LOTS 80 x 250 just outside of Bowmanville. E. L. Whitely, Real Estate Broker, 111 Suther- land Ave., Oshawa. 40-2* REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Properties Sold, Rented Managed and Appralsed L. M. Allison Real Estate Broker Phone 2566 - Newcastle, Ont. Two blocks nortb of traf f e signal Newcastle 5-tf H. C. Pedwell REAL ESTATE BROKER 1 acre of land with 4 room bungalow, well and bydro, 1%' miles west of Port Hope. Cheap for a quick sale. $2,500 ýwith $500 down. 8 room frame bouse in New- tonville situated on No. 2 High- way. $4,200 with $2,000 cash. Phone Arnold Wade Clarke 26 r il 4 acres on No. 2 Highway with brick double deck chicken bouse 40; x 60', good well and bydro, close to sebool and church. Would make an ideal building site. 30 acres on No. 2 Highway facing cloverleaf and 401 High- way, good bank barn, pressure system. This should be worth double the price asked as a building project. $2,000 will handle. 8 rooni solid brick bouse in Newcastle, ahl conveniences. Could be made suitable for two familles. $10,000 with $1,000 cash. New bungalow on No. 2 High- way cast of Newcastle, 5 roonis, 3-piece bath, tiled and bard- wood floors, ail heating, ful basement, pressure s y s t e m. $7,950 with $1.500 down. 10 acres on No. 2 Highway, close to Newcastle. 17 acres on 35 Highway, just north of Newcastle. 15 acres on 115 Highway north of Kirby. 2 acres on 401 Highway 3 milesi Leask Real Estaie 4-room new bungalow, twe bedroonis, oil furnace. lot 60x4Oo. Owner leaving town, must seli. We bave several incarne homes. Inquire about these. We bave bungalows, bouse% farms, etc., taa numerous to list. List with Leask M. E. LEASK, BROKER 65 Ontario St. Bowmanville MA 3-5919 4- J. Van Nesi Real Esiate 118 King St. E. Bowmanvillo Phone MA 3-3230 Sauina village, ta close an estate, seven room frame on lovely bal! acre lot. Furnace. small barn witb bandy work- shop. Asking $7,200. Prospect St. - Four roorn frame an nice lot. Ail con- veniences. Priced ta seli. 9 room cottage, East Beach, with ail furnisbings, double garage. Splendid for summer guest business. Priced ta seli. Ask for early inspection. Small bouse on bal! acre in Clamke Townsbip. Good wveli, beavy wired. 40-1 Peler Kowal REAL ESTATE BROKER GENERAL INSURANCE 99 King St. E. Bowmanvlla Telephone MA 3-5868 Box 817 Five raam insul-brick, modemn bathroom, fumnace, garage, nice grounds, in east section of town. A bargain at only $5,900. Ternis if desired. New tbree-bedroomn b r i e k bungalow in nortb section, large kitchen. living-room, full base- ment. $11,500.00 with low down payment. Tbree rooni bouse on Elgin St., nice location, oniy $3,900. Three bedroani bungalow, nice btanctard. kitchen, large in! vîng-roomnawutil- wu Luur euai lu~d~UULi ity mooni, laundmy tubs, fomced the low priced field, complete, 4 acres on No. 2 Higbway nearI air beating. $9.500 witb $2,000 iwith beater, defroster, under-' Welcome. 1don coating, licence and antifreeze. A numbem of 10 acre lots north' eorawn. r elng-se s IOne four door 1953 Pontiac lof Maple Grave. Beo e yng or sltng se u Standard Sedan available for Money ta boan.Wendlitgs trade-in. This car may be seen Phone Newcastle 3856 Salesman - 3. A. Barton at 85 Frank Street, Camipbell-1 40-1 MA 3-3098 40-1 fard, Ontario, after 5:15 par.mi Kindly state price with and1 De With Real EsialeFedm without trade-in. l Lowest or any tende r not 150 acre fanm in Clamke Town- Peter edm necessarily accept ed. ship ih10arswrale- RA ES T BOE Tenders to be mailed ta: midrwitb 110 arbe, me2 ELETAEBOE Northumberland -Durham srmandergeaod a d astre 2 General fanm, 150 acres; 9. Board of Health, stensrag -hpdbn ooni brick bouse in good repait, barn witb running water, impie- pressure ytm ban 06!.. Box 20, Cobourg, Ontario.0_ ment sbed, hen bouse, cerntieent ssete ban l0s4.j 401silo: 10 roomed stane bouse witb mlretsebnbue age, new cernent silo, ¾/4mi1e.3 4-piece bath, fumnace, running 35 Highway, 18 miles framOs \Vanted hot and cold water. Price $22.000 aa rc ny 1,0.Trfs. wît eay erns.General fanm, 85 acres; 10- DEAD and crippled fanm stock, 100 acre farm with 50 acres room insul-brick bouse, bydro. picked up promptly. Phone MA workable and 50 acres in wood, large size barns, implement 13-2679.' Margwill Fur Fanm, creek, 54' x 32' bank barn, ini shed, ben bouse. On a pave- Tvrone. 26-tf plement shed, ben bouse, garage; ment 14 miles frarn Oshawa. 7 roomed frame bouse witb furn- Priced ta seli. Fo R n face, rie$700.Trm. Genemai fanm, 50 acres; 10- flors.Prie 7.00. erns. roam frame bouse, large size SE a en. hon Mrkt 370 acre dairy fanm with two barn, goad soil. Price $9.000. IOS to ret. Pone 40-1e sets of buildings, 240 acres plaw- Vm o onpyet able, 30 acres wood, 2½/ acres 50 acre fanm, no buildings, nice FURNISHED bedrooni. Phone, orchard, streani: 4 barns, large ereek, west o! Bowmanville. MA«)j 3-76i01 mplementg sheds, hen bouses, Price only $5,250. f A -356 cernent sildc; 2 frarne houses with We bave several srnall farmm FURNISHED five-roorned bung- running water. Situated east which could be bougbt tbrough alow. Phone MA 3-3280. 40-1 Newcastle with 1/ mile lake the V.L.A. These praperties are shore. Asking price $37.000. I ocated in the Bowmanville and APARTMENT, three rooms, kit- Ternis arranged.1 Newcastle area. chenette and bath, heated. Ap- 471/ acre fanm nortb o! Port ply Apartment 4, 63 King W. Perry' witb a large gravel pit, 189 Scugog st. Bowmanville 40-1 46 acres workabie, pond, 50' x Phone MArket 3-3644 4- FOURrooed iatEas Bech,30' bank barn, imîlement sbed, _____________ FOURrooed latEas Bechhen bouse: 6 roomed frame bouse - inside toilet and running water, with heavy wirîng. Price and Business Opportunity lights. Rent $40 a month. Phone ternis arranged. MA 3-2875. 38-tf 100 acre fanm south Ponty- AGENTS equired immediately COMMUNITY Hall, Newcastle, pool with 20,000 Christmas trees for Oshawa branch o! nationall.v Ont., for New Year's dance.I pla nted. 65 acres workable, 30 known aluminum awning and Apply ta J. C. Porter, Secretary, acres in wood, 50' x 30' bank storm-screen window manu- Newcastle, Ont. 40-1 barn with running water, imple- facturers. Learn how easily you 1ment shed, hen bouse, double can build a good profitable bus- THREE roonis and batb, modemn garage, silo; 7 roomed fmame iness. We provide you witb a heated apartment. Adults only, bouse, bydra tbroughout. Price sound, Proven, complete work- Oct. lst, $65 per montb. Phone $9.000. able programme. Apply ta !MA 3-3810 or Osbawa RA 3-3972. 5 oomed, nearlv new, brick Field Sales Manager, Tbe Koal- 38-tf veneer bungalow close ta shop- vent-Nash Companies, 94 Bruce - ping centre in Bowmanviile, Street, Oshawa, Ontario. 38-3 IN NEWCASTLE, newly de- with full basernent, gas fumnace, corated modemn apartments, pri-, forced air, 4-piece bath, large Lost vate batbs, beated. Price 50 1 kitchen with built-in cupboards, dollars. Phone MA 3-5589. bardwood and tile floors, electric, PRESCRIPTION sun glasses, 40-2 water heater, laundry tubs. 1wbite rmns, business section. APARTMENT and double garage Niceiv landscaped. Garage.- Phone MA 3-3287. 40-1 aaeThis bouse is built with the best for ent at Newcastle, $60 per, of material. Price and ternis PaoT n Imontb. Possession if desire d byj arranged. Piano________________ lst of October. Phone RAndolph 5 oomed, new, brick veneer, ATU olsn eehn 3-4675. 39-2 ranch style bungalow in Bow- ATU olsn eehn mavilewthoi frac, ar-MAmket 3-3900. 35-tf ,OFFICE or store spare, also fmnil ihalfmae ad ________________ aparmrent on Ring St. V/est wvood anîd tile floors, 4-piece Bowmanviile. Phone Oshawa bath, modemn kitchen witb cup- RA 3-3559 or apply 410 Atbol boards'. running bot and cold * St. E., Osbawa. 40-V'- water. Price $10.500 with terms. , The Canadian Statesman PARLY umnshd buseta 6 roorned frame borne in Baw- . CLASSIFIED PARLY urnshd husetomanville with ail fumnace, 3- * ent, Concession Street, fouri piece bath, running hot and cold ADVERTISING roonis, conifortable. Write Ad- water, modemn kiteben. Price RA E vertiser 720, c/o Canaclian States-' $7.500 with $1.800 down. RA ESe man, F.O. Box 190, Bowman- f 6 roorned brick veneer bunga- : ville. 40-2f low in Bowrnanvilie, very close ARTICLES FOR SALE ta sFhopping centre, with garage. de FOR ETOCK FOR SALE APARTMENT. Fullv equippd a il fumnace, modemn kiteben ASFRAL Refrigerator and stove supplied. with buit-in cuphoards, e $cri OS FUD ET., Heated. Separate entrance. water beater, 4-piece batbroam, - Cash Bat* . * 40 par Word Corner St. George and Church. hardxvood and tule floors. Storms .with a minimum of 60c Apply Brookdale - Kingswav' A.s-esT ena.Prc Must be paid by date of insertion. 4 and crensTV aria. Pice Il charged, an additionai 25c 1 Nurseries. 40-tf and ternis arranged. . wili be added. 4 112 roorned solid brick bouse 4 A charge of 25c wiiI ba made foi et FOUR roomed house ta ent, all~Nxcsl ngo ie~~ ait replies directed to this office.~ canvnieces Nea Cetra \vicb could be converted into . NOTICES - "ZOMING EVENTS Scbool. Applv stating ent vo incarne borne. Price $8.000. AND CARDb 0F THANES p are now paying. Write Adver- i Trs *4c a word with a minimum of tiser 719, c/o Canadian States-,Trrsp.are om$as1.500 for 25 words or les$. i man P.. Bx 10. owmn-Newcastle on bigbway, with 4.fIRTHS ENGAGEMENTS ~j ville. 40-2' kitchen cupboards, beavy wr-X MAIRRIAGES - DEATHS 4 ORONO residence for ment-ý ing. Price $3.700 with terms *.*.* $10peinrto $50.00. The propertv a of r' arraocd.e. I EOAM Emma Lutn,. near tiie pîrk; : ecsides above mentioned we :y $1.00 plus 10e a fine foiriers roonis, bath and turnace. I arebave approximately 200 mare 4. Dispiay Ciassified of $1.50 par. garen Hrdan sft ,tair.pr e ta tchoose froni. '4. in'chiwith a minimum cf one minc gardn. -lar an sot wa or prpelies*. Additî,ýnaI insertions af the samê 4 Hot and cold on tan. No%-Énîber Contact . rates. mi HaitnBoe, rn rlf. John F. De With 4. this office fot aethni Realtor and General Insurance i .Send cash. stamps or money orde, LARGE brîght furnished rorn Newcastle Phone 3341 *: and save money. on ground floor. Heatcd, centrai, i':Clip shis aut for handy relerence 'dealfor choo tcaher: ontan- OFICEcOn: dea fr shol tacer:cota n-Donald bMountjoy, Bowmanvillc *IE OE ing new breakfast suite, sink, b Manday thraugh Friday 4 bot and cold water, electrie MA 3-3950 el 8:30 ar..fa 5 ar.. stove, electrie refrigerator, dish- Mrs. Jean W'oolner, Hampton 4- 30Saturday es, pots and pans. bed chester-, MA 3-2175 ______ am t 1 No field. rîew,%p ardrohe. Avai1able jDaniel Boehm IPort -Hope ODi]MAri<et 3.3303 n. Teiephone lMiMket 3-5822, TU 5-504ZfoCisfeddSrve 100 King St. ast, 40-10 6 0-1 t' les ENI Ài DE Av. OCT. Ir& 19" SCF