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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Oct 1957, p. 15

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PACU M'Tnm nnv qA *r *i e, AqV W U'I.1A Noe'W 1. OfTI TE!U7.SAY, OCT. SM, 1957 .THEZif. '...II L N J.£1..k Mi Zn'IV Il' mc.-D. ,Music Director Referîs 1To Objectionable Noise ~~VjrI n LLD T~e lE'.vIJE"I Dr. G. Roy Fenwick, Director exercise discrimination in their «~ music in elementary schools listening activities. the Povnce of ntar ,ad- Objectionable Noises sedthetechOe r oSouth "It is regrettable." he con- ~~ngton Area and Bowman- tinued, "that certain objection- "~~schOIlS 1ast Thursdav after- be nie currently heard, fflon In Ontario Street School, through the medium of radio Bowmanville. -Dr. Fenwick vis- and television, are referred to as ited schools in the district on music - crude sounds being dis- i Thursday and Friday. tinct from musical sounds". Function of Music In. expressing his warm ap- Speaing n te fuctio ofpreciation to grade teachers for Spekîn onthefuntio oftheir conscientiousness in the music in the public schools, Dr. teaching of music, Dr. Fenwick Penwck utlied he treereminded the teachers that the principal activities: m a k i n g musical welfare of the children music, reading music and listen-dened areyuo teii ing o muic.faithful reviewing of the super- In category 1, making music. visor's weekly demonstration the chldren find an outlet for lesson. their exuberant spirits, a fresh Dr. Fenwick expressed pleas- challenge aside f r o mn daily ure in seeing and hearing the studies - the joy of participation fine musical performances of in sang. children of this area and said .Without ear-training a n d that he hoped to return at some ight-singing instruction, the future date. Mr. T. R. McEwen, child would leave school lack- Inspector of Public Schools for ing the precious asset of being West Durham, expressed ap- able to learn. new music inde- preciation and endorsed the pendently. speaker's views. Thirdly, Dr. Fenwick com- Mr. A. M. Thompson, Super- mented that training in music vising Principal of Bowmanville appreciation was necessary in Public Schools, thanked Dr. Fen- order to enable children to wick for bis interesting address. Centennial Plans (Continued fom Page one) the Canadian Legion, Canadian Club, Lions Club and othen or- ganizatians. Dr. Banister com- pleted bis service averseas as chaplain with the Canadian Armed Forces with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel and was awarded the O.B.E. The Canadian Legion Zone Drumhead service will be held the final Sunday of Centennial Week. A number of organizations and business establishments are already planning their floats .for the parade on June 28. Don Venton, president of the Badminton Club, bas assured the cammittee that it can have free use of the club from June 20 ta July 15. Centennial souvenirs were discussed. Ivan Hobbs, chairman of publicity, suggested a coaster baving the appearance of silver metal decorated with a Centen- niai theme. Use of wooden or plastic nickels was also discuss- ed, and General Manager Ken Morris is looking into the pas- sibilities of these as souvenirs and also money makers. An offer made by Allan Klar- er, secretary-manager of the Oakville- Trafalgar Chamber of Commerce, ta came ta Bow- manville and give the Centen- niaI Committee the benefit of bis experience with Oakville Centennial bas been accepted and a date is being arrangd. Robent GuI, proprietor of the Royal Theatre, bas been ap- proached and a Film Festival for bis theatre suggested. Mr. Giîl expressed willingness to co-aperate and is expected t0 submit a plan at an early date Plan Week of Prayer Rev. A. C. Herbert on ibebaîf of the Bowmanville Ministerial Association reported that a Color Harmonies CCore in and let us help you choose your colors for that decorating job, with our new album of "Authentic Harmonies" ,r>.Ofl ered )ecorati ng neips, sucn as: * Wallpaper Remover Stove and Iron Eae IPatching Materials Grease Spot Remover "Red Hot" Aluminum for stove pipes Floor Wax Crystal Lacquer Metal Lacquer Kem-Glo Paints Hippo Oji Drop Sheets Shellac Super Kem-Tone Enamels Varnish Our lc Wallpaper Sale is stili on. Corne while the choice is good ABERNETHY'S PAINT & WALLPAPER PHONE MA 3-5431 MEMORIAL ARENA B. owmanville PUBLIC SKATING 8 la 10 p.rn. - October m- m m -October Wednesday - - - October 9 2 la 4 p.rn. Saturday - - - - October 5 ADMISSION , -40C Children 25c Please note change of day CHILDREN'S SKATING i .Wednesday - -- October 9 3:30 Io 5:30 p.m. ADULTS ACCOMPANYING CHILDREN 25C Week ôf Prayer is planned fa: the first week in January, 1958 and that Rev. Canon Frank of Haly Trinity Church, Toronta. bas been invited to ibe one of the speakers. The nigbtly ser- vices will each bave a themne such as Education, Health and Welfare, the Church ini the Community, witb local argan- izatians taking part, it is bop- ed. Mayor Nelson Osborne bas is- sued a proclamation calling on ail citizens ta dlean and paint up so the town will look its very best for 1958. Names of Former Citizens This meeting was the first since June 25, but Mr. Morris' report as General Manager showed that much sound organ- izing and planning had been done during the summer. Mr. Morris urged eacb member of the committee who is a mem- ber of a local organization ta encourgae assisting and taking an active part in the Centen- nial program. To assist in get- ting names of former Bowman- ville residents for a mailing list regarding Centennial invita- tions, Mr. Morris advised that hle had sent a circular letter to each organization in town ask- ing for names and addresses. Chairman Bernard R. Kitney presided at the meeting and others attending were Kenneth Morris, General Manager; Doug- las Rigg, Recording Secretary; H. G. Hacking, Treasurer; May- or Nelson Osborne, Reeve Sid- ney Little, Ivan Hobbs. Mark L. Roenigk, Miss Vi McFeeters, Rev. A. C. Herbert, Merle Slute and Ed Rundie, chairman of Bowmanville Little N.H.L. L. Lucas attended in the absence of Lloyd Johnston. STARK VILLE Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hoit, Toronto, visited Mrs. F. Stone. Mr. and Mrs. Orme Falls and family were recent visitors at Mr. Carlos Tamblyn's, Orono. Miss Evelyn Reid, Port Hope, and Mr. Robert Gay, Oshawa, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Henb Reid. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Farrow and sons attended Roseneath Fair, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Craig, Mms. Genoe and Miss White, Torori- ta, were guests at Mr. Lloyd Hallowell's. Rev. and Mrs. White were dinner guests at Mn. Morley Robinson's, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Reid and daugbter, Bowmanville, are residents in the bouse vacated by Mr. Bert Trim. Mrs. I. Plum, Toronto, spent the weekend at Mr. Arthur McKay's. Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallow- ehl and sons attended Rose- neath Fair. Sunday Scbool service at Shiloh was well attended with a special message for the cbild- ren by Rev. White and music by the junior choir. Mrs. Brian Caswell and Les- lie with Mrs. Harold Caswell, attended a binthday paty in Port Hope last week for Mar- garet Brîce. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Carson, 'Helen and Amy, attended Rose- neath Faim. Mm. Westbeusem and Frank, Toronto, spent the weekend ai home. Dinner guests Sunday even. ing with Mr. and Mms. Briar Caswell were Miss Beulah Hal- lawell, Mrs. Maurice Hallowell, Toronto, Miss Norma Hallow- eIl, Newcastle, Miss Gwer Stark, Mr. and Mrs. Llew Ha'l. lowell and Jim. SALEM Last Wednesday a goup o: intemested parents met with our teachers, Mn. L. McMahon anc Miss W. Young ta forma a Home and School Club. Mn. McMahori spoke of the abvantages for both teachers and parents. Mrs. L. Courtice, Countice, wbo bas been active in Home and Scboo. Club work for many yeams was also present and gave a yeny informative talk on Home anc School Club Association womk. Election of officers took place with the following results Pres- ident, Mm. Bob Craig; vice-pre- sidents, Mr. F. Blackburn anc Mrs. E. G. Leaver, Secretary, Mrs. L. McMahon; Treasurer, Mrs. G. Bail; Social Convenor, Mrs. Les Welsh. Next meeting will be held in the schaol or Wednesday evening, Oct. 16, wben it is hoped mare parents or anyone interested in this work will attend. There were three beautiful baskets of flowems in the churcli on Sunday in loving memory of Mr. W. G. Werry by bis fam- ily. Miss Mildred Philips, Toron- ta, was a weekend visitor witl Mn. and Mrs. W. Craig. Mr. andi Mrs. Ken Shackle- ton and family weme Sunday evening visitons with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Allun, Kimby. The superintendent and offi- cers were very pleased ta see an attendance of 50 at Sunday school on Sunday. Hope we can keep up this record. Salem Young People's beld their first meeting Iast Tuesda' evening in the school. Election of officems took place with the following resuits: Presideni, Glen Blackburn; vice-President, John Twist; Secretary, Beatmice Cmaig; Treasumer, Raymond Twist; Group Leaders, Mission- ay-Waneta Young, Persona] development-Bob Craig, Citi- zenship-Grace Blackburn, Sa- cial and Recreational-Doreen Richards and John Twist, Pian- ist-Marion Bttery Mn. and Mrs. F. Blackburn and family weme Sunday even- ing visitars wîth Mr. and Mrs W. Blackburn, Haydon, and at- tended Hamvest Homne Servicee A number fnom hene attend- cd a Forester's banquet in tow: on Saturday cvening. World communion day wi.i be observed at chunch nexi Sunday when sacrament wiL be beld. £k ecreation £kevieéws By Douglas Rigg Registrations Registrations are still open for many of the Recreation De- partment's Fail Activities. If you are interested in attending any of the following classes please feel free ta drop in and see what is being done in the variaus classes. Next week marks the apening of the Fal Activities. Monday-8:00 -10:00 'pm- Choral Society, BowmanviîLe Town Hall. Tuesday-7:30 -9:30 p.m.- Smocking, Lions Centre; 8:00- 10:00 p.m.-L-eathercraft, Lions Centre. Wednesday-3:00 - 8:30 p.m. -Dancing Classes, Lions Cen- tre; 7:30 - 9:30 pam.-Public Speaking, Lions Centre. Thursday-7:00 - 10:00 p.rn.- Aduit Swimming, B.T.S. Pool. Fricav-4:0 - 6:00 n.m. - in charge of the club's activi- ties. Aduit Art Clas The Recreation Department's Adult Art Class got underway last Friday evening under the direction of Mr. Arnold Hadg- kins. There are still several op- enings in the Art Class for any new members. If you are in- terested in joining the Art Class just drop in this caming Friday at 7:30. The Art Class will bold their Annual Display early in Novem- ber this year. Minor Hockey Mothers' Auxiliary The Hockey Mothers' Aux- iliary will be getting their activ- ites uxider way the last Tues- day of Octaber. The actual time and place wîll bave to be set. Further details will be publish- Childrens' Junior Variety; Lins jeci in this column when they be- Clb5laisrentta-I Centre; 7:30 - 9:30 p.m.-Adult came available. It is ho9,ed that ing their husbands and familles 1 Art Class, Lions Centre. more of the mothers will be out to a wiener roast at the home Saturday - 8:30 arn. - 1:30 this year. lof Mr. and Mrs. Fred Partner, p.m. - Dancing Classes, Lions Miner Hockey1 Friday night, Oct. 4. Centre. Coaches are urgently needed1 Mr. and Mrs. Dick Evers and Junir VaietyClub in the Minor Hockey League. Diane Grace, Misses Grace and Junor arity lub Anyone interested in coaching a Jaske Dekrijger, Toronto, were The first meeting of the Re- minor hockey teami is asked to Sunday supper guests of Mr., creation Department's Junior. contact Doug. Rigg at the Rec- Robert Sim. Variety Club will be held thi.; reation Office, Phone MA 3-.5761. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. McClure' coming Friday, Octaber 4th, ut There is still time ta register were Sunday evening guests at I the Lions Centre beginning at for Minor Hockey. Players' the Smith home. 4:00. This Friday will be a re- Certificates can be picked up at Belated congratulations ta Mr. gistration day only and noalac- the Recreation Office and must and Mrs. Wm. Harper on the ar- tual activities will be carried be returned by this coming Sat-riaofayugsn on. udayOct.Sth.Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Murphy jMembership ta the Juniar It is hoped that we will be and family, Mr. Albert Murphy, Variety Club is open to any 1 able ta have a meeting of ail Bowmanville; Mrs. Edith Mur- child from six ta thirteen, in- the minor hockey coaches andl phy, Tyrane; Mr. and Mrs. Roy clusive. years of age. managers ta draw up this year's MeLaughlin and family, Black-1 Mrs. Fred Cale will again be Iteams and playing rules. stock, visited the Harolid Mur-! phys an Sunday. - - - -Club 50 ladies meet at the home of Mrs. Doris Baker on, Tuesday evening, Oct. 8. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Earl Penwarden, A long IVemory's Lane-,and Annre aura ee- Baker. By Edior Geo. W James Mr. A. Campbell an d Dale,j Whitby, were Saturday visitors! =j of the Rye Gibsans. Mr. and Mrs. Danielsan Sr.; Organ Factory Employees and dressed immaculately in a Mrs. Olive McCormack, Mr. and of 80 Years Age tweed suit and white striped Mrs. O'Keefe, Toronto, spent the use tabe vest - a real beau brummeli! weekend with Mr. and Mrs. D. Stopîng at what usdt eOn the other side of the box was Dnesn referred -to as the "Post Office, a photo of the Bennett House Mran Ms.CBrw an Corner" but since the new Fed-'now Kitson's Frigid Locker, opLind. and Mrs. C.en wenanere I eal uilingis ow ppoiteth posite The Statesman office) and Saturday supper guests and Mr. 'Town Hall, we may now caîl that in front were three. Model T and Mrs. Robt. Rogers and fam- popular meeting place the "MainFodtungcrfîld it FourdCorners",cwesrecentîy met ily, Bowmanville, were Sunday i tForwe rsow natie sns whoetcustomners, or maybe supper guests af Mr. and Mrs. citizens engaged for the occasion. R. Cameron. hailed the editar. Tbey were Sorry the photo was s0 small we Mr. and Mrs. G. Fletcher and Fire Chief Lucius (Ham) Hoop- couldn't recognize any of the Mr. Stan Fletcher were Satur- er, and bis brother Roy Hooper. passengers. day evening guests at the Smith The Fire Chief started the Dan't know when Mr. Leh- home. conversation by saying "I've got mann owned the Bowmian House, a story for yaur Memnory Lane but it was after the turn of the Column, George", and produced century. We think "Nick" Mor- N W 1UTt tsome faded, worn and tamn ledg- risey purchased the hatel later, UJ.TO VJ.LiLJ clippings on wbîch we recogniz- Miss Audrey Monk, Taronta. ed by the printing as caming De Yen Remember spent the weekend with ber sis- from the Dominion Organ Ca. Tuff's Liquor Store? ter, Mrs. Jim Caswell. He said be picked these sheets Anather incident wbich also Little Miss Crystal Shaw had' up while be was caretaker of qualifies for this coîumn goes ber tonsils removed at Mem- the factory during the Second back inta the early 90's. Wond- anial Hospital, Bowmanville oni World War when General Motors e'o ayo u iiesr-Mody of Oshawa used the building. ta eer w man fa iur cstozews - ay.temmbr fMr store automobiles and accesso mmerheieiur tr asAltemebr Thedats o th bil-hadslocated right on 33 King Street ley Rowe's family came home, Thedats o th bil-hadsWest. As proof of this fact Joe 0n Saturday for a turkey din- were 1871 and 72 - 86 years ago. Childs Jr. bought a quart size ner, the occasion being Mr. Tbe names of the awners of the stane u noTeSaemnRw' itdy tfactory at that time were shown eju inoTe tasmn oe' rtdy as "Geo. Piggott, Manager Mf g. office some time ago whicb bhe Congratulations -to Mr. Zoryý found in the cellar of bis bouse. Lesnick -and Miss Victoria Sor- Dept.; John Wesley, Sec'y- Heavily stamped on the jug are ochan who were married in the ,Treas.; W. S. Russel, Supt. Tun- these words "J. W. Tuff, Wine Newtonville United Church on ing Dept., Manufacturers of Cab- and Spirit Merchant, King St., Saturday, Sept. 28tb. Rev. R. int, Combination and Villa Gem Bowmanville". I tbink the Tuff C. White officiated.1 Organs". Guess that was before family came here from New- Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Cox, they made pianos as no mention of them was on the sheets. castle. This store was located Joan and David of Pickering The tbree bills were ahl made where James Abernethy now and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Curson outtoShe Bskrvilefortem-carrnes on bis paint and 'Wall- and daughters, spent Sunday a tanbd Baskervilefoer t 50 pape r shop. w ith Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Cox. ientsh p dear utlube The editor remembers when.a Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit van Lon- Then there was a handful of fire destroyed this building in' den of Holland, who spent the time sheets for the .month of the 90's but a liquor store was summer witb their son and. ,f May 1872, in whicb the rate of neyer established in town since daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. rpay was $1.00 a day (not an then. Another story could be Germît van Londen Jr., left fori d hour!) for 25 days. Among the told about this fire on bow same home an Tuesday, travelling by employees' names were Thomas well known citizens confiscated boat. a Creeper, gandfather of the considerable 'of the bottled MmanMr.eib tph- àHooper brothers, and also their spirits and dîdn't show up for son and twa daughters of cousin, Lamne Creeper, who still work for several days. But we Clarkson, spent the weekend lives in bis grandfather's cottage must be kind and charitable to wîth Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ovens. ýl on Horsey Street. Other em- aur departed friends, 50 will re- Mrs. Gea. Ovens who bas been1 S ployees' names were Charles frain from mentioning any visiting in the city came down y Coombe, S. Jacobs, J. H. Garvey, names in this memorable epi- with tbem. dHenry Hallett, D. Beach, J . Rab- sode. Recent visitors wîth Mr. and linG, alland an ilbrt.Mrs. Raymond Bruce were Mr. e lin, G.ou Bal adDa ilbert.m When Editor Attended and Mrs. Allan Stewart andj haeS w ome of radrctizesmayk World Series son James and Mr. and Mrs. who raised families, bought With the Wold's Basebaîl Dan Bruce and daughters Ma- . homes and lived respectably and Series startiiig this week we vis and Marion of McArthur bappily on $1.00 a day. This may do a bit of reminiscing in Mills. .~generation, as they read this, this column next week, recaîîîng Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gil- will look on in wonclerment and the World Series we attended 50 mer, SteWart and Kathy, To- say "I don't believe a word of years aga at Detroit between ronto, spent the weekend with 9t. Pittsburg and Detroit. bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Anyway, that a the era Gilmer. Sreferred ta as "tasoo old Mr. Bud Jones who bas been days".I lAM T N working for the Can. Nat. Rlys. HJ&APTON~.L utvotraiia ee tastr h i- ýe y d y n 'il Prayen, in its simplest defini- tion, is merely a wish turned God-wac--Phipâ B&oo ._ When Charlie Lehmann Ran the Bennett Heuse Not ta be outdone by bis brother, Roy Hoopen produced a gadget from bhis pocket which turned out ta be a metal match bo.x. On one side was a photo of Charles Lehmann, the hand- some proprieton of the Bennett House, bain parted in the centre, bandie-ban tipped moustache r GET THE .»wLOSTORY TODATY! noo ebigaf i as Iew as $119.00 JACK ERGUGH PLUMBINO and HEATINO Division Street South MIA 3-5615 red ta London. Mr. and Mrs. Miss Ruth Hancock, Newcastle, Jo-nes and Dougla's-spenýtSn spent Thumsday with Mrs. Han- day with bis parents, Mr. andi land TrulI. Mrs. Willis Jones, enroute ta Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sullivan the 'latter point. and daughters, Toronto, recently Commencing next Sunday. returnted fruin New Brunswick, Oct. 6th, aur regular churc:'i wene weekend guests of Mn. and service and Sunday School will Mms. Joe Gaîlant. Mrs. Ross be at 10 o'cîock. No evening ser- Ford, Moncton, N.B., is spending vice, a few days with ber sisten, Mrs. ___________ Gallant. Mn. and Mrs. A. W. Prescoft, ~ Misses Ruth and Marie PrescottW ne M n and Mr. A. L. Pescott werev an e M n Sunday visitors with Mn. and Mrs. Herbent Pescott, Enfiield. Boa rd Train M.and Mrs. John Burn and son Robt., Janetvîlle. vîsîted at  [ S. Kesey's on Fiday. At DurkeIofl Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson, Mrs. McKeown and Mr. Wes Kennedy, Toronto, visited the BurIceten: A ripple of excite- Kenseys on Monday. ment occurred on Friday night,ý Rally Day Service will be Sept. 27, wben two men board- held at 2 o'clock an Sunday. ed the train at Bunketon for Sunday School will continue for, Toronto. the winten sehedule at 2 o'clock. Shamtly aftcr the train had Mn. and Mms. George Gilbert left the station enquiries byi spent a few days with Mm. and phone weme made as ta whe- Mms. Dennis Marshall, Bramp- ther these two men had beeni ton. there. The police were notified, Mr. and Mrs. George McCul- and a caîl was put tbrough ta loch, Columbus, visited Mn. and Toronto police by Police Chief Mrs. George Gilbert. Eric Smith of Bowmanville. Sunday visitons with Mr. and The two men, George Cale Mrs. J. Warrack were Mr. and and Raymond Temhlay, were Mrs. R. Young, Markbam; Mr- apprehended at Leaside by Po- and Mrs. James Dugan and Miss lice. They weme wanted in. Lorrîne Warrack, Toronto. 1 connection with a burglary at Recent callers at Prescott 's Hoopem's Jewellery Store, Bo%*- weme Mrs. Wilfmed Bowman and1 manville, which occurred Sept. Mrs. Gea. Irwin, Enfîcld. 24. Chief Smith took the pri- Mrs. G. Adcock and Mrs. S. soners ta the United Countiei Kersey visited Mn. and Mns. Jail at Cobourg on Saturday Raymond Burns, Oshawa, on Sat- mornîng. urday and attended the trousseau tea fon Miss Barbara Burns. Mn. and Mrs. S. Kerscy attend- Prayen is not eloquence but a d the Opening of the new Wil- euarneneM-Hannah More. __- to the charges which were in 1 À ,emanded mer Heights United Church, thi onRv Tdi pso.Two MenRA Communion service will be beld in aur cburch on Sunday next and the following SundayA f e r a Women's Institute meeting Two Toronto .men w ho plead- meeting will be beld this Thurs- 1 ed guilty to charges of breakingt day afternoon. Program 1fin and entering and theft, were charge of the North Group. Rol remanded u ntil Friday. October caîl a donation for the bazaar 4. b Magistrate R. B. Baxter in fish pond. AIl ladies welcome. Magistrate's Court here Tues- Sympathy is extended to Mr. day morning. and Mrs. Earl Luke and family Raymond Trembley, 25, and in the death of bis mother, Mrs. Arthur George Cole, 26. were Russell Luke after several charged by Bowmanville Police Iweeks' illness. The funeral serv- in connectian with a recent ice was held on Saturday after- break-in at Hooper s Jewellery. noon at the Morris Funeral They will again appear before Chapel, Bowmanville. and wasI Magistrate Baxter in Cobourg conducted by Rev. F. Reed. C ounty Court. Friday. Burial was in the Hamptoni Poli'ce Chief Eric Smith testi- Cemneter.y. She was a residentl fied about the crime and the in- of Hampton for several yearsi vestigation leading to the arrest and highly respected and ai of the two men. Counsel for splendid neighbor. being of ai the accused was John Regan. friendly and cheerful disposition. A 17-year-old Bowmanville and will be missed by ber youth appearing on a Joint Hampton friends. charge of committing wilful and _________________ unlawful damage to public pro- perty was sentenced to two LONG SAULT years îess a day definite and 12 months indefinite by Magistrate . c Acaiduan Cleaniers and Pressers OSHAWA SHIRT LAUNDERERS Cold Siorage Guaranleed Service HAVE NOW ESTABLISHED A 24 Hour Pick-up and Delivery -Service IN BOWMANVILLE AND DISTRICT PHONE MA 3-3168 Get ai you'1l Ali All Chan Serv i Representative - Jack Clark Travelling Wave Aerial by CHANNEL MASTERS iuaranteed tb Improve Reception on alI VHF Channels also. n ali-channel UHF Cenverter and Aerial and enjoy Channel 17 now and be prepared for additional channels later, Complete Channel Anlenna Channel Anlenna nel 6 Anlenna - ALSO TV Via pIe G nd Aeric IY LOCKE -$45.00 - - $49.00 aand Rotor $89 .00 - - - $12.00 REPAIRS * - - -$2.50 raove TV Al Service PHONE MA 3-2312 V THE TIME TO GET THAT ANTI-FREEZE You'll wake up any niorning now and find that the cold weather has arrived. Then you'll either wish you had anti-f reeze in your car or be glad that you have. Don't put it off, let us put it in .. . NOW! PHONE ____ __ MA 3-3136 L Hop yS B-A Service Station CORNER KING AND WAVERLEY ROAD (-in Charge connection with the slashing et the town police cruiser tires. Magistrate Baxter remanded IL second youth appearing on the joint charge until November 15. The Magistrate informed the youth the remand was to give him time to enquire about join- ing the NavY, which he was planning to do before the inci- dent occurred. Two 17-year-old Bowmanville youths, appearing jointly on charges of being intoxjcated in a public place and having pur- chased liquor illegally, being under age. were remanded un- tii October 22. They were in- structed to be in their homnes by a certain time every evening and Magistrate Baxter caution- ed themn against breaking this 1order by the court. A Bowmanville youth was fined $5 and $7 costs on a charge of having no muffler on his car and causing unnecessary noise as a result of this. Constable ilLen Hartley testified in the case. 33 KING ST. W. Friday Satu rday ftýAdulls BOWMANVELLE f .J.1 mmu4,q, 1 i 1 ; il£11vii 1 Vil

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