-- 111£U% TURSDbAY, OCT.SPd,1 bouse for their generosity in ENNIS ILLEN providing flowers. The omans Asocitionwere1 "Explorers' The oma's ssoiaton ere The Explorers got off to a very pleased to hold their meet- goocj start in September by ing at the new home of Mrs. holding their annual "Round- Lorne Lamb on Tuesday even- Up" on the grounds of Mr. and ing, Sept 24th with an attend- Mrs. H. Ashton. Ail 41 Explar- ers and friends turned up on ance of 28. Devotional in charge their horses and after corn and of Mrs. Ivan Sharp was on hot dogs, the horses were lined "Christian Responsibility" and up for judging. First prize in the Bible reading was taken b3' the girl's class went to Susan Mrs. John Siemon. There was Wearn, second ta Betty Wright more discussion on the turkey and third ta Beverly Samis. supper ta be held on October The first prize in the boys went 30th, followed by the Film to Lawrence Wright, second ta Board pictures. United Nations Jimmy McLaughlin and third by Mrs. J. Slemon on Prime to Malcolm Harvey. Games Ministers in London. Programn were conducted by Kathryn in charge of Mrs. E. 'Wrignt. Siemon and Daphne Green and Group I convenor. Ail enjayed the sing-song was planned by the piano music by Miss Ina Marie Nellis and Pat Turnbull. Beryl Read of Haydon. Wet Explarers have naw begun their were very pleased to have Mriz. new Exploration, "Exploring Naylor, Columbus, as our spe-1 outdoors in Autumn", and their cial speaker who first gave a, first expedition was held on few remarks on Presbytery, her Sept. 30. After the opening main talk was on "Better Read- ceremony and business, worship ing". She stressed the fact to was conducted by the chief "Supervise aur children's read- Counsellor, in which praise was ing" also to "Read more ta lead given for the autumn. better". Mrs. Naylor closed her Informai discussion taok place very interesting talk with a about the things in God's world Prayer poem "Bless the Work". which we have enjayed during Music on the accordion by miss the summer and each Explaring Gloria Wright was enjoyed. party was asked ta go into it3 Mrs. Wright and Mrs. Yeo ex- cabin for a few minutes and pressed their thanks ta the bring back the naines of ail the speaker and those on the pro- different kinds of trees. Then gram. Pumpkin pie and whip- follawed further discussion on ped cream was served by Group the structure, shape and uses 1. of the variaus trees. A treasure hunt as an activity will be held Thanksgiving Service at the beginning of the next The annual Thanksgiving Expeditian. service was held at Enniskillen Mr. Gardon Stevens, Mrs. H. church Sunday evening, with a Stevens, visited Mr. and Mrs. fair cangregation attending. An Darreil Walton, and Mr. and anthem, very suitable ta the Mrs. C. R. Walton, Kingston,s service, was sung very beau- recently.1 tifully by the Junior choir un- der the leadership of Mrs. Gar- Callhng an Jas. A. Werry2 don Yeo, with solo part taken were Mrs. Frank MeGili ands by Nancy Wood. The Girl's Mr. Howard Price, Toronto, Quartette, Elenor Heard, Nancy and his son Bill, together witli Waod, Mary Griffin and Car- Mrs. Price, nee Laura Virtue roi rigt, ang "Cae ~ and May McGill. Dally day Thankful People Corne". Pian- playmnates, had tea with Mi. ist for the service was Gloria Werry and extended their sym-f Wright. The warship was led pathy.1 by the minister, and a verx, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin, challenging sermon on the sub- Doreen and Donald, with Mr. ject "Christians and Charcoal and Mrs. Sandy Moore, Part Fires" was preached by Rev. W. Perry.f J. March of Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. B. Oscar, To- ranto, Mir. and Mrs. J. Osborne, Hearty thanks are due ta Courtice, were visitors of Mr. Mrs. 0. C. Ashton and her C. and Mrs. A. Leadbcater. G.I.T. girls for the decorating Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. of the church, and ta the Knud- A. Leadbeater, Ross, Tommy sen family at Enniskillen green- 1 and George, attcnded a birth-c mi 0 0 0 0 .Costs Less In 1952 bhe average man hr. wage boughb 6 quarts of ntilk. In 1957 the average man hr. wage buys 7 quarts of milk. Between 1941 and 1956 the fanm price of milk produced for fluid sales increased 131 per cent whereas the 1etail price of fluid milk incrcased by only 80 per cent. Glen Rae Dairy has always maintained that milk should be handled as cheaply as possible consistent with the high quality of product and service. We once more reaffirni that policy when we offer the hi ghest quality niilk at 22c a quart in this area. 0 0. a Glen Rae D airy r Prices: Dwarf and Semni-Dwarf Trees in whips 3n'2'-5' high -- One-year tops well branched 31/i'-5' higli Two-year tops well branched 31 ,'-6' high- Standard in one vear only - 4'-6' high - We specialize in ail orchard work. iday gatheming for their aur Mrs. Mabel Allen, at the hon of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Brow Bowmanville. Master Ross Leadbeater ci tertaincd at an afternoon tt on Wednesday on the occasic of bis second bimthday. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Irwi Donna, Gail and Rodney, visi cd Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Irwi: Mrs. M. Justus, and Mms. Bowcn, Bobcaygeon. Mr. and Mms. Nomman Wî'igl attended the funeral of hen br( ther, Mr. Fred Van Nest of T( ronto. Sympatby is extended 1 Mrs. Wright. Mr. Thomas Haines, Lando., recently called on Mr. and Mr Edgar Wright. Mr. Fred Ellis, Lindsay, viý ited with Mr. and Mrs. W. 1 Moore, Sunday. A number of relatives ai tendcd the burial service of MK Frederick Van Nest, Toronti at Bowmanvilie cemetery. Mn. and Mrs. John Oke an family, Oshawa, with Mr. an Mrs. Walter Oke. Mn. and Mms. Will Fordc: Blackstack, Mr. Stan Gibsor Lavoy, Alberta, weme Frida tea gucsts of Mr. and Mrs. Fre Toms. Mr. and Mrs. Kcîth McGi' and Dale,' were visitars of Mi and Mrs. Reg. Brock's, Bow manville. Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Irwi' and June, Toronto, visited Mi and Mrs. Gea. Irwin. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Grif fin, and family were Sunda' gucsts of Mr. and Mrs. Allai Werry. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Van stane, Toronto, Mr. and Mrý Ralph Vanstone, Whitby, Mi and Mrs. Fred Cawling, Black stock, were Sunday visitors o Mr. and Mrs. R. MeNeil. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pethici and Robin, Toronto, wenc witl Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick an( Miss Nancy Wood. Mr. and Mrs. L. Stainton anc family, werc at Mr. and Mrsý R. Hopes and with Mr. C. Milis Port Pcrry. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cox, anc family, visited Mn. and Mrs Blake Cox, Hilton. Miss Clara Page, Toron ta with her mother, Mrs. E. Page Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lamb Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Lamb wcrc on a motar trip ta Ban. croft. Mrs. Gertie Adams, Bowman* ville, visitcd Mr. and Mrs. Wal. ter Fergusan. Miss Doris Wright, with Mis.î Linda Stainton. Mr. and Mrs. Jim McLaugb.- lin, Burketon, Mr. and Mrs AlIan Werry, motored ta Nartlî Bay and other points and at- tcnded the cattle sale at Thcss- alon and Little Current. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fergu- son attended the funeral of their brother-in-law ait Waverley. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Emniait, Mellson, B.C., are visiting with thein sister-in-law, Mrs. E. C. Aishton and Mn. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton, and calling on ather relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton and boys attendcd the opening services for the ncw Wilmen Heights United Church in Scar- >orough whcrc Rev. E. J. Ker- sey, is minister. v t( L ji A B sE Sc b: YÀ jjYý&4%, 'i-mcçg p di M: i5 M: Girl Guide NeN Any girl wishing ta 3rwnies please register in ately with Mrs. H. Bennel Irs. D. Russell as a new1 ;being formed under the 1 ship of Mrs. K. Nicks 4rs. Burtwhistle. Turn OId Furnitui inioCash with STATESMAN CLASSIFIEDS Phone MA 3-3303 $1.10 $1.30 $1.60 .90 each each each each F. Marti Nursery* R.R. 4, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PHONE MA 3-5012 nt, me 'te on in, st- in, T. rs. id ýr, bn ly HI in ly j ain ,nmc- ýtt or pack [ead - and re Roy Stephens Directs G. M. Quality Control Appointment pf F. Roy Ste- phens as Director of Qualitv Control was announced today by E. H. Walker, President of Gencral Motors of Canada, Lim- ited. The appointmcnt is effective October 1, and Mr. Stephens will repart directly ta the Pre- sident in bis ncw position. In a nnouncing this appaint- ment, Mr. Walkem said it cm- phasized the importance the company placed an quality pro- ductioni and wouid coordinate ail cjuality contrai procedures under Mn. Stephens as an exe- cutive in the top line of man- agement. Previously General Superin- tendent of Inspection, Mm. Ste- phens joined Genemai Matoms of Canada in January, 1928, in, the Service Depantmcnt. Trans- ferred ta the Engineering De- partment in 1940 as a Service Engineen, be became Experi- mental Engineen in 1944. He was appointcd Chief Inspector of Manufacturing in 1951 and became Generai Supeintendent of Inspection in 1954. Mr* Stephens, wbo is 57, was bonn in Enniskillen, Ont., son of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Stephens. Mm. and Mms. Ste- phiens live at 167 Alexandra Street. Oshawa, and have twa mamied'daughters. TYRONE Mr. Walter Bortfeld who has' -livcd with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. rPark Sr., for araund eight years. fell aut of the apple trce on Monday while picking ap- .pies -and wvas rushed ta Mem- anial Hospital, Bowmanvillc. Extent of injuries is flot known rat time of writing. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dawson, (nec Jacqueline Hilîs) we-,- presented with a hostcss chair r and hassack; Mr. and Mrs. Keitib - Rob inson (nec Ethel Hall) with -a tri-light lamp and hassock, from Tyrone community. Tyrone chair and Mr. Gordyr. Brent as soloist, assistcd Hay- don Harvest Home service Sun- day cvening. World Communion Sunday will be observed on Sunday at Tyrane United Church. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Jackson, Mantreal, visited his brother, Rev. and Mrs. F. J. Jackson. Bob McCaig, Hamilton, visit- cd Larry Rosevear. Mr. and Mrs. W. Vivian and i'hildren wcre guests on Sun- iday of Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Hoskin, Burketon. Miss Mabel Awde, Toronto spent the weekend with Mr.! and Mrs. R. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wal-I ker and Danny, Mr. and Mrs. K. Robinson, Bawmanville, vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. H. Hall. Mrs. R. Wright fell on Sun- day and injured her leg. Mr. and Mrs. M. Stasinski, Mr. and Mrs. E. Oleski, Osh- awa, were guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. M. Dubyk. Mr. and Mrs. H. Brent spent Sunday at Miner's Bay, with Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Colby. Mr. ai-d Mrs. Ernest Deeley attended 25 year Club lOth An- fluai dinner of General Motors. Mr. and Mrs. M. McCuish and daughtcr Frances, Coaks- town, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. E. Deeley. Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Phare visited Mrs. Betty Kilpatrick, Port Pcrry. Mr. O. Beckett and Miss Ar- villa Beckett, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Alldread and Maxine, visiteci Mn. and Mrs. George Rahm, Saintficld. Club 49 met at the home or Mrs. E. A. Virtue with fine present. Mr. Milton Virtue, Mrs. Elva Beckett, Mr. and Mî's. D. Mil- er and Debbie, called at the Newbigging Chapel, Toronto, ta pay their respects to the late Mr. Tom Sangeant. Mrs. E. Beckett remained for the fun- eral Monday. Miss Marion Wright returin- cd ta ber school on Tuesday af- ter convalescing at ber home from an aperation. Mn. and Mrs. N. Woodley at.. tended the funeral last Frîday of his nephcwv, Mr. Arthur Ste- phens. and spent the wcekend with his sister, Mr. and Mrs. D. Hicks, Harristan. Mr. and Mrs. Thas. Aldread, Carman, Man., Miss Lillian McRoberts, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Lee and Bobby, Moose Bay; Mrs. Gea. White, Picker- ing; Mns. Marjorie Hurtulise, Ajax; Mr. James Alldread, Ty- rane, and Mr. Lance Plain, Bawmanvjllc, visited Mr. ana Mrs. H. McRoberts and Mrs.I M. McRoberts. Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Young- man and sans attendcd thc 35th wedding celebration of Mr. and rvrs. Leslie Evans, Oshawa, at Salin a Hall, Monday evening. Mrs. Russell Best, Omono, spent Tuesday with Mrs. A. H-lUis. -Mrs. K. J. Ferguâou, Otta-M wa, is spending two weeks with ber daughter, Mrs. M. Hamil- ton and Mr. Hamilton. Miss Ethtel Crossman, Osh- awa, spent tFfe weekend with Mr, and Mms. George Alldread. Mr. and Mrs. R. Gilbert, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. K. Acheson, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Huis. Mr. and -Mrs. Albert Hils Were guests of Miss Flomence Gardiner, Bowmanviile. Mrs. T. Findiay, Mrs. Gar- don Walker, Tbornbill, visitedi Mrs. Otto Virtue on Tuesday. Lake Shore, Clarke Mrs. Roy McKay and Mrs. George Englehart and Sharon, Bronte, were Sunday visitars with Mr. and Mrs. Robin A.l- dred. The Lakeshore Ladies K.S. and C. Club met at the home of Mrs. Ken Dean, Newcastle, September 25. The next meet- ing will be held at the home of Mrs. C. T. Fothergili, Octo- ber 9. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gillbank and Lois, Pontypoal, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bedwin. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Taylor, Courtice, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bcd.. win. Mr. and Mrs. W. Adams spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rutherford ,Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Shupak and Gary, Toronto, were Saturday1 visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. Holmes. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bradley, Brooklin, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery. AIwa ys '59 FORD Cuistoni Tudor $1495 ELIZABETH VILLE The community held a fame- weil party and presentation on Tuesday evening for Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dumward and sons. Stanley and Tommy. Rev. Bryson acted as chair- man for the evening. The pro- gmam consîsted of violin selec- tions by Mr. Fanklin Gilmore, Port Hope, accompanied by Mms. H. Muldrew, Misses Arlene and Grace Grdon and Miss Da- lene Thickson. Tbe address wbich was made ta represent the store was read by Mrs. Thickson. They were presented with a pair of table îamps and an end table. Stanley receivedi an electric dock, Tommy a chîld's fancy ibedroomn light. Mrs. Durward received a Bi - ble in appreciation af her work in the Sunday Sehool. Lunch was served. On Thursday evening the young people heid their meet- ing at Elizabetbville. Gamdeaî Hill pepared the meeting and Elizabethville provîded the lunch. On Fiday evening the Sun- day sehool members attended their annuai raîly at Canton this year. Canton won the at- tendance banner. Saturday evening Miss Sybai Sheppard entertained with a party. Misses June Thickson R.N, and Bemyi Thickson, Toronto, were home ta a few af their fricnds wha gathcred for a sur- prise party Saturday evening. Dancing and lunch werc enjoy- ed. Mr. and Mrs. Quantriil spent Sunday in Oshawa. Mrs. R. F. Beatty had the mîsfortune ta faîl dawn cellar- l and eut herseif quite severelyj Mrs. Fowler, Mr. and Mrs. IL on somne jars which brokce when F'owvlei-, spcnt the weekend 1.1 she fell on them. Belleville shopping and attene- Mir. C. Merccr alsa had !he cd a weddt;ng shower at Mr. and misfortune ta eut his hand onMrs. Bossý Russell, in honor of a power saw. It required ten Mr. and Mrs. E. Yarrow. Mr. 1% stitches ta close the cut. He w-as Yarraw is a grandson of Mr working for Mr. O. Mercer. Fowler'--. SMr. and Mrs. O. Mercer wverc Severai atiendcd oeÏ ) in Toronto Sunday visiting her; Fair Saturday. mother, Mrs. Beatty and br.:th- Congratu lat ions are extended ers, Roy and Jack. ta Miss Geraldine Hannaka anrt Miss June Thickson R.N.. Toe Mr. Paul Woolacot who weigt ranta, is home for the wcck ,iiurried an Saturday in the prior ta her wcdding Saturdav. Catholic Church, Port Mr. Bigelaw, Port Hopr end hcld a reccptian at High School princIpal. , fe îk' afterward.m at Thickson's Sunday and toulk Mr. and Mrs. P. Woolacot are Beryl ta her train ta returr. to taking Up residencc in aur la- the University. cal store which was purchased Miss June Dcane, R.N., To- from Durward. A sister of Ger- ronto. and Mr. Sam Moore, TL%- aldine Eleanor is starting up a rente, visited v-i.th Thicksor's beauty parlor in part of the an Mcnday evening. store. New Canadians NIGHT CLASSES in *BASIC ENGLISH AND CITIZENSHIP at \ Central Public School Registration Thursday, October 10th 8 P.rM. Sponsored by Bowmanville Publie School Board Phone MA 3-3529 14; SEE YOUR FORD-EDSEL DEALER' a good selection of guaranteed especially FORD products '53 FORD Custom 2 Dr. $895 SI,, w, y OSHAWA -WH ITBY OSHAWA 25 Grenfell - RA 3-4683 428 King W. - RA 5-8141 '52 P~ONTIAC Coach $745 ca rs 155 FORD Fairlane Tudor $1495 FORD-EDSEL DEALER4 MOTORS LTD f A' N EWCASTLE ROB CAR VETH MO 8-3331 Phone 3251 Now is a good time to plant Fruit Trees We will gladly assist you in planning and lining oui a new orchard or give you a fully guaranteed planting job for as lie as 15-25 cents per ree. OUR NURSERY IS INSPECTED AND CERTIFIED BY THE DEPART- MENT 0F AGRICULTURE. We bave an excellent supply of first class Dwarf, Seini-Dwarf and Standard Apple and Pear Trees in Mclntosh, Delicious, Spy, Wealthy, Cortland, Close, Melba, Munroe, Red Ronme, Stark, La Salle, Sandow and Crimson Beauty. and Bartlett, Bose, Clapp and Flemish Beaitty. SA MPLES: Iii. CONSUL Convertible $1295 WHITBY 301 DUNDAS W. TIM CANADUN STATESUM. BOWMANVffLZ. ONTAWn PPMLTTT15eTA" ~4fr S-l ln.m 1057