tafr~m~tu "Durham County's Great Family Journal" ï lleE 103 lan y E vent s Planned For Week of Cen tennial Dr, Banister WiI Speak Steady progress is being made taward Bowmanville's Centen- niai celebrations ta be held next year for a week, beginning June Little N.H.L. Playoffs Here At a meeting of the Centen-. niai Committee heid in the Couneil Chamber of the Town Dr. Franklin Banister R}Iil last Wednesday evening, it was revealed by Ed Rundie, chairman of Bowmanville Little N.H.L. hockey, that plans have been completed for the playoff finals ta be held here April l0,- Service of Baptism at St. PauI's At the morning service on Snday, September 29, the Rev. arold A. Turner of St. Paul's ,#*nited Church baptized the fol- Jowing ebjîdren: John Alexand- er, son of Mr. and Mrs. William S. Calville; Darla Marie. daught- er of Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Sell- .M#s' Patricia Marie, daughter af adMrÈ,' Harry rawden. Register for Basic English Thurs., Oct. lOth Night classes in Basic English and Citizenship wilI again be conducted this year ai Central Publie School. New Canadians wishing tb take the classes should attend ai Central School on Thursday, Oct. 10 ai 8 p.m., when regis- tration wiIl take place. Mr. Merle Sînte, princi- pli f Ontario Street School, wiIl again be in charge of these valuable classes which are sponsored by the Bow- manville Public Sehool Board. Gerald Morris Leaves for NYU On Fellowship Gerald L. Morris, B.A.,LL.B. Gerald Leslie Marris, called ta the Bar of Ontario this year, has left foi' New Yack City wheî'e he will spend the comn- Lw&ing eai' at Now York Univer- s$T'ity, studying for bis Master of Lawvs degree. Gerald, wbo led bis graduat. ing class in International Law at Osgaode Hall, Toronto, re- S4a $50 flowship tramn forpos-gadua te study 4 îI fei. eis the ol C$adian takîng part in a re- seab'h poect n egal spects of U.S. foreign relations. The project Ls being carried on a! "JýN.Y.U. but is f inanced by the Amei'ican Law Institute. Thc younger son of Mr.*nd Mrs. C. G. (Ted) Morris. Bowmanville. expects ta receive bis de- grec of Master of Lawvs next June, after whîch lie plans ta enter the diplomatic service. il and 12. It is expected that up ta 500 youngsters plus teams, captains and coaches will be -in town for this event. Dr. Banister Coming An outstanding event at the beginning. of Centennial Week will be an open air religious service on Sunday, June 29, at which Rev W. F. Banister, D.D., former minister of St. Paul's United Church, will be the speaker. Dr. Banister, naw.min- ister of Chalmers United Church, Kingston, has spoken many times in Bowmanville to (Continued on iDage fifteen) K in Tag Days Raise $264.09 For, Ice Fund Bawmanvillc Kinsmen Club raiscd a net total of $264.09 dur- ing their Artificial Ice Fund tag days Friday and Saturday of last wcek, Tag Day Committee Chair'- man Hoss Richards reported at their regular meeting Tuesday night. Tbc funds raised will go ta aid in the payment of the large annual debenture for the arti- ficial ice. All members of the club taak part in the tag day and they wcre aided by cigbt local youths who canvassed the houses. Chairman Hoss Ricbar'ds and bis committee member Stan Dunn were bath commcnded on their fine work by Kinsmen Club President Irvine Brown. This year's proceeds were the highest ever raised by the club ta aid with this projeet. Tbc cigbt boys wha helped by canvassing bouses werc Norman Vanstone, Ricky Lander, Bob Oegema, Bob Mcllcm, Michael Leddy, Bobby Sleep, Ronald Jobnston and Bobby Smith. They were also given a vote of thanks by the Kinsmen Club for their assistance. Lions Start Bingo Series At Centre Binga fans are expected tcb be out in full number Manday evening at the Lions Commun- ity Centre for another of the Bowmanville Lions bingo nights. Starting time is 8 p.m. Admission for the evening is anc dollar. There will ibe 20 games with prizes of $10 for each game. In addition twa special games will be played. The jackpot has been set at $25 for the occasion. Sunshine Group Starts Meetings With 13 Present The 1957-58 season of the Sun- shine Graup started off with a meeting at the home of Mrs. Stan McMurter with 13 present. Sixty-two dressings were made for the Canadian Cancer Society and Plans made for Christmas gifts for the Gift Cupboard at the Little Red Doar, 84 Athol St. East, Oshawa. Mrs. Bert Syer who had just returned from the Women's Service Conference held in Kitchener, outlined a fçw of the duties and services of the work. A dainty lunch was served by Mrs. E. Thompson, Mrs. S. Trew- in and the hostess. The October meeting wiii be held at Mrs. S. Trewin's, King Street East. N ight Prowler Forces Grating Robs Shoe Store A busy nigbt prowlcr was iin action carly Tuesday morning in Bowmanvillc with Lloyd Ellis Shoc store the victim. Fortunatcly, the loss was only about $5.00 tram. the till, according ta a statement by Mr. Ellis. He did nat believe any shoes wcre taken. The thief selected an unus- ual point of entry ta the storiý, pushing in a grating cavering a cellar window at the front. After prowling around down- stairs, the intruder came upj the steps into the main store, robbed the tilI and went out the back door, which was un- lockcd in the morning. Mr. Ellis noticcd the empti, till on Tuesday marning, an'd about the same time, painters redecorating the exterior, came in ta ask wbo had mcssed up their paint job by pushing iri the freshly painted grating. Police are investigating. Special Pickup For Garbage On October 15 Bowmanville Works De- partmnent wil make four extra garbage and refuse collections free of charge each year with the first of these scheduled for the two days following Thanksgiv- ing. In offering this service the Depariment is asking that the refuse not be put in returnable containers and that the containers be placed on the boulevard in front of the bouse. Brush or similar material should be eut as small as possible and bundled if practical. Collection will be made in the section of the town South of King Street on oc- tober 15. King Street and the section north of King wlll be serviced October 16 The three other speclal collections wiIl be made at New Year's Easter and the lst of .July. Institute Hears Report From Mrs. G. Alichin The regular monthly meet- Ing of Bowmanville Women',s Institute was beld at the Lions Centre on Thursday, Sept. 26. President Mrs. G. Alîchin was in the chair and donducted the business. It was dccidcd ta have a Kopper Karnival again this year, time ta be announ- ced later. Letters wcrc read from sick and shut-in mc- bers. A new bcd is ta be pur- chased for District Hoom 4M in Memaorial Hospital, Bow- Tianville. Mrs. G. Alîchin gave the final report of ber trip ta Guelph in a pleasing manner. I'wô minutes of silence was observed for aur dccased Tiember, Mrs. Cary. Mrs. Wm. Roberts is ta be the delegate ta W. I. Conven- tion at Toronto in Navember. with Mrs. I. Buttery as the alternative. Mrs. E. Passant was conven- or in absence of Mrs. Perfect. Rll caîl was anc duty of a good citizen, and motta: Tbc future is for those who prepare for it. Mrs. H. Richards gave a brief talk on this. Capt Norman Cales, Salva- ion Army off icer, was the i peaker, talking on "Citizen-i 10e PER COPY NUMBER 40 Extensive Work Completed on Waverley Road -#,-~-* - *~. ~ . . *~. . Lloýd Quinton expeets that the shoulders and banks of the road will be seeded with grass this fail. Mr. Quinton commended the residents of Waverley Road for the co-operation they gave. Shown above in the picture are Markus Moelker, beside, the sait truck, Carl Gilles in the grader, Percy Porter and Jack Shackleton in front o>f the water truck, Norm Braithwaite, United Counties Works Foreman, on the mixer in the background, and Elwood Hawes on the roller. Lloyd Quinton is beside the grader. Also working on the projeet but not present for the picture were John Geboers, George Geary, and Hariand Truli. The resurfacing of Waverley Road was completed this wcck after one month of extensive work by the Bowmanviile Roads and Streets1 Department. Assisting in the project was the United Counties Works Department.1 More than 5,000 yards of crushed gravel was placed on the road after the final grading. The gravel was later stabilized wîth sait. In addition, 600 feet of drîveway culverts were installed as were 220 foot of cross culverts and 260 feet of helcore pipe. Before any work could be done on the road it was necessary to remove 200 truck loads of rubbish, stones, fencing, etc. Works Foreman Local' Cancer Society Provides Many Services The Bowmanville Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society held their first quarterly meet- ing in the Green Roomn of the Lions Cammunity Centre with 19 members present. Mrs. W. B. Syer gave an an- nual repart an the number of dressings made by the Sunshine Group and the drugs and dress- ings dispersed by the Women's Service Committee. She alsa gave a very calourfuil detaiied repart of the Women*s Service Conîerence ivi-, she attendect in Kitchener. This conference was held sa as ta give the Wamen's Service Committees better understanding of their duties in their respective cam- munities. Mr. M. R. Stephens gave a brief repart on the 1957 eamn- paign and autlined a few of the plans for the 1958 campaign. We would at this time, like ta mention that anyone wishing ta join the Bawmanville Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society is 1welcome and should contact Mrs. Ron Frank at MA 3-3231. We would also like to make a request for clean white cotton ta be used by the Sunshine Group in the making of dress- ings. This is any dlean white catton, any size pieces so long as it is not full of haies; it may be well worn as this makes it even better for use in dressings. Anyone having such cotton. would you please contact Mrs. V.' B. Sy'-r at MA 3-3177. ÇAnother'. %ervice whieh is available ta cancer'patients by the Society is rides ta and fram the clînical centres for treat- ment. Anyane wishing ta vol- unteer as a driver ta aid in pro- viding this service, please con- tact Mrs. W. B. Syer at MArket 3-3177. The drivers are fully covered by insurance when transporting patients. Anyone wishing to take of the services of the Cancer Society may do so by contacting their doctor or minister. Walter Frank Named Kinsmen Man of - Year Past Deputy District Gaver- nor A. Harold Bickerstaff, To- ronto, braught an inspiring message ta members of the Bowmanville Kinsmen Club on the occasion of their Kin Infor- mation Night meeting held al Venture Inn Tuesday. Kin is a fast grawing organ- ization with some 318 clubs and more than 10,000 members. We have high level administra- tion from aur nagonal exec'j- tive who do a tremendously large job, he informed the group. Ail members of National have a large responsibility, he said in explining the function of the variaus executive mem- bers. Mr. Bickerstaff commencl- ed the local club an their fine record of cammunity service "This is a very active club who have been doing excellent work for the past seven years. They W ide Range of Studies Graduates from Hîgh School Enter Next Stacie in Careers Believing il wouid be of interest ta many readers, The Statesman has tried ta secure from variaus sources, informa- tion on Bowmanville High Sehool graduates who are at- tending university or have entered courses in other inst'- tutians of iearning. Bclow are listed as xnaimy naines as couid be obtaincd at this time, and The Statesman wauid weicome information on any others. Please telephone us at MA 3-3303. Names are listedi aiphabeticaiiy. Diane Austin. daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Charles Austiim, bas cntered an 18 months' course in Laboratory Techno.l- ogy at Wellesley Hospital in Toronta. Ann Best, Orono. is attend- ing Teachers' Coilege, Peter- borough. Evelyn Brown. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman B1wn Bowmanviiie R.R., is a first ycar student in Journalilsm - Ryerson Institute, Toronto. Ev- are strong and independený which are good qualifies," he added. He conciuded bis colourful address with an interesting anc informative report on the re- cent Kinsmen National Conven- tion. Kin Li Parker introducec WValter Frank U. of T. Lecturerl Glenn Brooks of Toronto, son of Mr. and Mî's. Leslie Brooks. Scugog St., has .îaîned the staff of the University of Toronto as Lecturer of the Third -Ycar Class at the Phar- macy Collcge. MiIk Prices Take Jump This Week j Milk prices in Boxvmanville and district took a I c. a quart juînp and prices of ather dairy products rose accordingiy Tues- day as the result of an Ontario Milk Industry Board price in- crease to producers. The inecase foilowed an an- nounicemient by the Dair.y Board that the formula price of milk had advanced sufficiently ta aliow producers a 19 cent per hundred pounds of miik in- crease. The formula price is estirnated by cast of produc- tion, wages and many other factors involving production. Consumers ail across the province 'vere effected by UCw increase. In the Toronto area the ncwv price on homc n milk delivery is 24 cents a quart, whie in the Bowmanville area it is 22 cents. Thretc Dainies serving this dis- trict left new price lists with their customners at the first of this week. The iists showed a slight increase in somne dai ry products, but no change in thc price of a pint of milk. mgr the speaker and gave a brie! elyn evidently ~resume of Mr. Bickerstaff's in- 230 No ie el~ evdenîygat ink in her1 entered the Sehool of Nursing terest ing background. Th~1, 3 0 4 tce veins the past year as States- at St. Michael's Hospital, Tor- .sekrwstakdadpe ma rpotr f he"crec nta. sented with a giit by Ki, Gary 'O f sessrnent Ow"column. Donina Diliing, daughter of Venning. Bob Brown, son of Mr. anci Mr. ard Mrs. Rance Dilling, hac Chairman of Kin Information Mrs. W. H, Brown, is attcnding entercd the Interior Decorating Night, Murray Larmer aiso M alied- M ondav Teachers' College, Peterbor- course at Ryerson Institute. thanked Mr. Bickerstaff for his ough. James Ferguson, son of Dr. message. Bob Mather, presidenti Frcderick John Carter, so.. and Mrs. Harold Ferguson, is a of the Peterborough Club urg- The 1958 assessment na- of Mrs. John Carter, Btîrkcton, first year student in Engineer- cd the members ta attend the itices for theITow~n of B<,w~- is a first year student in En- îng and Physies at University forthcoming Inter-Club Night 1 manville. 2,300 in ail, were gineering and Faculty of of Toronto. at Petrborough Thursday, OL- 1 mniled out this %veek fry Science, University of Toronto. Marie Ferguson, daughter 0f tabr 24. Mnicipal Assessor ('lar- Douglas Cattran, son of Mr. Dr.. and Mrs. Harold Ferguson, Kin Walter Frank was pre- ece k e. and Mrs. Chas. M. Cattran, lias is in hec second ycar in Arts Oented with the Kinsmen of the The imew assessmcnt is entered the Chemical Engin- at Victoria College, University year Award. The presentaticnl slightly over 7 million dol- eering course at University of of Toronta. was made by Kin Ken Nicks lars, or an increase of S250,- Toronto. Velda Fisher, daughter af who donatcd the tropby thij 000 from the '57 assess- Bevcrly Cowling. daughter Rev. and Mrs. M. C. Fisher, year. It will be awardied an- ment. Any appeals must be of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Cowling, Newcastle, bas entei'ed a course j allyta the membel' who ha- made by October 14. has cntered the School of in Radiology at Toronto Gen- shawn outstanding work in the However the big ques- Health and Physical Education, eral Hospital. club and has a good record of tion ta Bowmanville rate- at University of Toronto. Tans a Goddard, daugbtem' of 1altendance. pay ers wilI not he answer- Don Crarnp, son of Mr. and Mi'. Pnd Mrs. Laurence God. A speakei"*s platforîn was ePd until next spring wvhen Mrs. R. Cramp, is in second dard, is a thîrd year Arts stu- also presented ta the club oyj Couneil strikrs the '58 miii year Business Administration dent at Queen's University, in Art Hoopem' acting on be- i rate. at Western University, Lon- Kingston. haif oi Kmi-Harvey Rowe. Kmij Preparïng these noticc>. is don. Ont. Ted Goddard, son of Mr' and Har'vey made the stand for the a job inii iseif. It took the Ndrma Dale, daughter of Mr.j Mrs. Laurence Goddard. bas en-j club. President Irvine Browuî tno'n office staff thre and Mrâ. Melville Dale, has i (Continued on page seven) (Contmnued on page seven) _ months te compiete the job. Women Foresters Form New Fraternal Group 0f 39 Charter Members For the first time in many years, a new fraternal group camne into being in Bowman- ville on* Saturday evening, Sept. 28th. It will be called Court Venture, No. L1892, a branch of the Women's Canadian Order of Foresters. At an impressive dinner and dance attended by over 160, at the Lions Community Centre, the 39 charter members were instrucLed and newly appointed officers installcd. Hligh Officers Present Hi.gh officers of the organi- zation were prescrit for the his- toric occasion, including H. Phinn, H.V.C.R.; L. Walters, Provincial Maiager; 0. G. Cook. Public Relations and E. Dredge. Business Administrator, ail of the C.O.F. Headquarters at Bramp ton. Al* so present and seatcd at the hcad table were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ferguson of Os'i- awa, (Mrs. Ferguson is District Deputy of Women's Lodges). Mr. and Mrs. Glen Prout, the latter being the President of Court Venture, P.C.R. and Mrs. T-n Masterson. Following a deliciaus chlice Senior Citizen s Start Meetings This Tuesday 1moral Hotel, Mir. Masterson, as master of ceremonies, begari the program with a rousing sing sang, with Mrs. Keith Bill- ett at the piano. Congratulatory messages were read fromn High Court and frarrn ail neighbouring lodges, plus a letter from His Worship Mayor Nelson E. Osborne. Presented With Certificate Ahl members of the newly formed lodge were given their obligation of membership b-y Mr. Phinn who also presented each with lier own certificate. He was assisted by Mr. Cook and Mr. Walters in this inter- esting portion of the ritual. The ladies m-ere led to the platforùia by Harry Snowden, Asst. Field Officer, acting as colour bear- er. District Deputy Mrs. Fergu- son,, assisted by Sister H. Twinging, President of Oshawva Court, acting as Marshall, in. stalled the new officers as fol. lows: Past President Mrs. Edna Baker, President Mrs. E1siie Prout, Vice President Mrs. Shir- ley Biock, Chaplain Mrs. Betty Westlake, Conductor Mrs. Gladys Masterson, Financial Secretary The regu lac meeting of Club ý> 15 was heid at the home af! Mrs. Jack Dunn on Thursday, September 26th at which time inrili of Lifetime three new members were wei- comed into the Club by t1ie President, Mrs. Elmer Bantin. The new members are Mrs. Don Gilhooley, Mrs. Phil Pass- more and Mis. Toin Gateheil. A committee was set up ta make purehases for a Christ- mras box ta be sent ta the Club's adopted Korean orphan. The balance of the meeting was devoted ta plans for the first Senior Citizerns' meeting whici, will take place on Tuesday, Oc- tober 8th at the Lions' Com- mnunity Centre at 8 p.m. Pre- ceding the regular Club 15 meeig members met at thc jLions' 'Centre fram 8-9 p.m. with'a "rau p of cepresentatives from the Senior Citizens organ- ization which was formed las, Dece mber. The following ks a list of the representativr's who sa wiliing-( iy came forth Io assist in t i,à organization of committees for future Senior Citizens meetings -Transportation, Mr, Neil Mut- ton at.'j Mr. Howard Foley: Re- gistration-Mr. and Mrs. D. Air- mistead; Visiting, Miss E. Black- burn: Lunch, Mr. and Mrs. A. Saunders; Welcoming, Mrs. C. i\¶Qui'icand Mrs. Neil Mut- ton. We are looking focward ta weicoming back ail our meim- bers of last ycar, and are offer- While vacationing. at Pigeon ing a speciai invitation ta anY Lake Mrs. Oswald Richmond, new miembers whn vauld like 123 Elgin StI, Bowmanviiie, ta meet with this group. There caught this "beautiful battler" is no age limit. Do plan ta camne on Sepi. l9th. Lt weighed -)3 and bring a friend. There will pounds, was 48 inches long, 18 be a sing son.g, musical l'nm- inches éaround the girth and took bers, -j readjng group, a iucky 30 minutes ta ]and. Mrs. Rich- doar priz. and various card mond was also fortunate in gairrs. Letters %vill bc goingl catch i; two othei'rmke" îluit fti. w-nck to those ali eady!lonep 2P inches t-o, on the I 7th. on our mailing list, but antyone and the ather 31 inciies long, on îotcreded k isnosi welcOrne tC) the l8th. The editor's family is attend Ibis social cvfeninw'. Mi- indebted to Mrs. Richmond for Eli-er Banting and ail club 7enerous fillets of anc af these mienhers arc. looking farward i mýuskies which was a treat and 'Lu greeting you on October 8tli. 1 thoroughly enjoyed. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3rd, 1957 10e PER COPY 1 ci NUMBER 40