PACE TW'O The Orono News Telephone 127 Mr. and Mrs. Percy Morgan is- teaching in the new private attended the Hobbs - Nicol schoal. wedding in the Church of the Mr. and Mrs. Kaleb Pack- Advent, frollowed by a recep- man, Windsor, visited Mr. and tion at Westpoint Inn, Toronto. Mrs. D. G. Hooper. Dr. and Mrs. James Millan Mrs. A. Rowe-Sleeman, Mrs. and daughter Mary, Durhamn, Frank Ardron and son Allan, formerly of Orano, visitedMr. Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. A. G. and Mrs. Cecil Joncs and fam'- Rçdknap, Oshawa, spent Sat- ily on Sunday. urday with Mr. and Mrs. Mad- ison Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cook, To- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Awde ronto, spent the weekend with and Donald, Toronto, spent her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Orvilie Sunday with Mrs. Chas. Awde. Chatterton and Carole. Mr. Jack Wilson, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. John Groen visited Mr. and Mrs. C. V. and family have movcd to Wilson. Bowmanvilîe where Mrs. Groen- Mr. and Mrs. Vi.ctor Clmno, 1955 DODGE SEDAN One owner car, locally owned, custom radio, condition - 1 9 1954 CHEV. SEDAN m $1475 1953 CHEVROLET SEDAN Fiýve$19 to choose f rom$195 1951 PONTIAC SEDAN $695 M M This Week's Special 1951 MONARCH CONVERTIBLE In top condition, five new whitewalls, custom radio, with power equipment, overdrive transmission onI'y $995 Truck Special 1953 FORD STAKE Completely reconditioned, $~ Many earlier models from which to choose COME IN AND MAKE US AN OFFER BUY NOW - NO G.M.A.C. PAYMENTS UNTIL NOV. 15 ROBSON MOTrORS RUICK .LIMITED BUIK -PONTIAC - G.M.C. TRUCK DEALER 166 King St. E. Bowmanville MA 3-3321 ELECTROHOME Phono NA 3-3883 or MARCONI *Bolier than evor R ighor Trado-in Values *Lower Prices *Free Demonsirations LET US OVERHAUL YOUR OLD SET. WE FULLY GUARANTEE OUR WORK. 24 Hour Service I m Free Estijalos Bowiuanville 185 Church Si. TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMA&NV!fLLE. ONTARIO Cobaurg, visîtcd Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Joncs and family. Mr. H. Bayd of the Provin- cial Police, Barrie, spent the wcekend with Mrs. Boyd and sans. Mrs. J. E. Richards visited Mrs. S. D. Keats and Mr. S. D. Keats who was in St. Jas- eph's Hospital, Chatham. e Mrs. D. G. Hoaper attended a shower on Saturday for Miss SMari orie Mutton, Bowmanville, dat the home of Mr. and Mrs. Newton Hackncy, Highland Creek. Mrs. Fred Trull has returned *home from Memorial Hospital, -Bowrnanville. Mrs. Norman Kennedy, Sixth eLine, has apencd Lola's Bcauty Salon on Main Street, Orano. Mrs. Fred Tamblyn, Mr. and Mrs. Russell VanHarne, Whit- by, wcre weckend gucsts of~ *Mr. 'and Mrs. H. Smith, Nia- gara Falls* and called an Rcv. :and Mrs. John Kitchen. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Barra- bahl, Mr. and Mrs. S. Barra- bail calcd Sunday an Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Waddell, Bethany. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lambe and Karen, Scarbarough, spent the weekend with Mrs. Thornton Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Suttan, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dayes, Black- stock, attended the funcral of their brother-in-law, Mr. Wil- bert Drinkie, Elmvale. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Kellett and tamily, Janetville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mercer and family have moved ta MiL- cheli bouse an Mill Street. Mrs. E. L. Gilbank is the supply teacber due ta the iii- ness af Miss Bertha Cain. Mrs. Russell Gimblctt, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Barrabali, Judy and David, Maple Grave; Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Essery and family, Courtice, visited Mr. and Mrs. Luther Barrabail. Mr. and Mrs. Egertan Han- cock are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hancock and family, Belleville. Mrs. J. Noden spent last week visiting her daugbter, Miss Viola Noden, Toronto. Dr. Robert Donald Hoskins Heard, age 49, Professor of Biochemistry at McGili Univer- sity, died suddenly at bis home Sept. 8th. He is survived by bis xvîfe, the former Grace Mac Abbott, two sons C. W. Kern- netb and D. Alan Freeman, ahl of Mantreal, and his mather, Mrs. Chas. E. Heard, St. Thom- as, the former Nellie Hoskins. daughter ai the late Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Hoskins (nee Doncaster of Orono). Funeral was in St. Thamas. Mrs. Chas. E. Heard is a frequent visitar ta Orono. F/O Chas. V. Walkcr, Mrs. Walker and family, Trenton; Mr. Edgar Thornton, Millbrook; Mrs. J. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Cooper, Newcastle, visit- cd Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cooper. St. Saviour's Anglican Church will bald their annual Harvest Thanksgiving an Oct- 6th. Services at 9:30 arn. and 7 p.m. when Canon H. M. Bcd- fard-Joncs, Cobourg, wilbe the special speaker. (Intended for last week) Mr. and Mrs. Albert Chai- mers, Taronto, spcnt the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. P. Mor- gan. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Steph- ens were guests at the Stepb- ens - Wyman wedding in St. Andrew's United Church, Osh- awa. Mr. Chas. Gibson and daugh- ter Eleanar, Peterborougb, vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Miller. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. James Richard Harding, the former Doreen Mac White, on their marriage September 2lst, 1957, at Orono United Church. Rev. Basil E. Lon.- officiated. Miss Mary Ann Armstrong is attending McDonald Hall, O.A.C., Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mac- M O0rono Bride Entertai ned By Friends e Ci Kaye, iormerly ai Uxbridge. have opened a Jewellery n Gift Store in the MKni Block, Main Street. Mr. and Mrs. Robt Hancock and tamily visited Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hancock and famnily, Warkworth. Mrs. Fred Tamblyn enter- tained ber family ta a fowh dinner on the occasion ai ber birthday. Mrs. G. M. Linton let Mon- day b3, plane tram Malton ta visit friends and relatives in New Jersey. Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Dowson, Port Perry, were Sunday visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Goode. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Bennett and Linda, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hughes. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Levers, Peterborougb, visitcd on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. .Sam Brown. Mr. and Mrs, Bihl Wcrry at- tended the tuneral ai bis grand- mother, Mrs. James Arthur Werry on Sunday at Enniskil- len. Mrs. Irene Reeser, Port Per- ry, visicd Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cooper on Sunday. COURTICE Mrs. Cecil Adams is spending few days with ber daughter, Mrs. Carl Down. Glxad ta near Ivrs. Percy i>ai- by is pragressing favourably at home, following ber stay in Oshawa Hospital. C.G.I.T. met an Wednesday night at the churcb.' A project "Clocking Your Day' was an interesting way af shawing bow ta plan the day ta enable girls to do worthwhile prajects. Next meeting at 6.30 an Wed- nesday night ta plan. the pro- gram for the year. Sorry ta bear that Mr. Hor- ace Vetzal is in Oshawa Hos- pital quite ill. We wish bim a speedy recovery. The regular October meeting ai the Woman's Association met at the church on Thursday evening with the president, Mrs. Ceci Simmons in charge. Plans for any changes in com- mittees and new ideas for the taîl bazaar werc presented. Volunteers ta attend the Sec- tional Rally ai Oshawa Presby- terial at Newcastle and the tall meeting ai Woman's Associa- tion ai Oshawa Presbytery in Oshawa were invited. Reports ai committees were given and carrespandence read. The activities af the social cam- mîttee, catering for wedding receptions, trousseau teas and showcr lunches is enharging the bank accounit considerably. A very inspiring worsbîp period was conducted by Mrs. Harry Herron and Mrs. Fred Balson in which reterence was made ta the "Saper Evangelistic Mis- sion,' coming ta Oshawa in No- vember. The meeting was in charge af the citizenship group with Mrs. Bert Wilkins, con- venar. Mrs. Reynolds braught a very fine mnterpretatian oi the Jewisb Holiday and some ai their customs, Mrs. Stark played "The Hohy City" ta the inspiration and enjayment oi ail. Mrs. Fred Balson, Mrs. Ear! Shipman, Mrs. Donald Thomp- son and Mrs. Clarence Pen- found spent Friday aiternoon at Mrs. Eddie Warburton's making sandwiches for a show- eMrs. Clarence Pentound was a delegate ta the Ontario Gîrl's Wark Board meeting in ZMon United Churcb, Hamilton, an Saturday. Miss Lois Tupper, McMaster University, was the guest speaker. Sunday was promotion day in the Sunday School. The Or - der ai Service was planned by Mr5. Earl GatcheUl and Mt,, On September 5th, bride- elect Doreen White was hon- oured at a personal shower giv- en by Miss Eleanore Tennier, Oshawva. Present were many friends framn Anglo Drug Co., G. M. Office and Orono. A lovely buffet lunch was served. A pantry shower was held at the home of Mrs. Dean West, Orc -), on September 12. Dor- een was given many lavely gifts. Hostesses were Mrs. J. Dost and Miss Dareen Alldred af Orono. Aftcr a few games were play- cd a very tasty lunch was serv- ed. The girls af the Cast Accoun- ting Dept. af General Motors held a supper party for Dareen an September il and presented her with a beautiful electric food mixer. Thanks was extend- ed toa ah present. On September 17 the Orono Girl Guides and Brownie Local Association, and Brawnie moth- crs presented Dareen with a beautiful chenille bedspread and the Orona Brownie Pack prescnted her with a lavely cup and saucer. The Cost Accaunting Depart- ment of General Motors pres- ented Dareen and Jim with a waffle iran for their wedding gif t. Thirty Attend Orono WCTU The regular meeting af Oro- no W.C.T.U. was held at the home G± Mrs. W. H. Rowe on Tuesdav, September l8th with an attendance af thirty. The meeting opened with a hymn followed by prayer by the presiderdt. Mrs. Robert Allin gave the worship service which was very interesting. We then lad roll caîl and a clip sheet. After the meeting closed a home made coaking sale was held, after which a cup af tea and s6ndwiches and coakies were enjoyed. Proceeds amounted ta thirty dollars. MAPLE GROVE Dr. G. Roy Fenwick, Toron- ta, director ai music ai the elementary schools ai Ontario, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Metcalfe and Ross, last week. On Sept. 25, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bagneil, Bowmanvilc, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Snowden, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Brooks, surprised Mr. R. R. Stevens and bis wite for supper on the oc- casion ai Mr. Stevens' 85th birtbday. Congratulations Mr. Stevens! Couples' Club will be beld at Maple Grave Churcb this Thurs- day (tonigbt). Mr. Ken Tolmie, Orono, tram the Land and For- ests Division will be guest speaker. On Saturday Jimmy Noble entertaincd a 'number ai smal triends at bis sixth birthday party. Happy Birthday Jimmy!. The Women's Institute wilI meet this Monday evening, Oct. 7th. , Mr. and Mrs. Ron Brooks spent the weekend witb Mr. Ken Brooks at Flint, Micb. Mr. Charles Milîs, Part Perry, is spending a iew days with bis son Cecil Milîs, and family. BLACKSTOCK Mrs. Gea. Prosser bas gone as a representative ai Ontario Farmer's Union ta, the rural life confel'cnce ai the United Church Kingston Presbytery ta address the conference on the subi ect ai the farm and its needs. THUR~DAY. OCT. Ird. 1951 Chris Tooley with the teachers announcing the pupils who were graduating and the teacher af the new class welcoming them as they passed through the gate. Faîl decorations made a col- ourful background for the pro- motion ceremony wbicb was held in the church auditorium. Mr. Bull Archer and Mr. Ralph Wehnert received and present- ed the ofering. Church service on Sunday cvening was conducted by Rev. Margaret Butler, af Ajax. Sarry s0 much illness prcvented a larger cangregatian. Next Sun- day it is expected that Rev. E. R. Taylor, Bristol. Quebec, will conduct the church service. ,5unday visitors at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Han- cock includcd Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Trull, St. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Fred McChelland, To- ronto, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Staf- fard, Oshawa, Mrs. J. Carswcil, Morden, Manitoba, and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Poohey, Oshawa. St. John's W'A. To Pack Bale Blackstoek. The September meeting ai the W.A. of St. John's Cburch was in charge ai the President and had an at- tendance ai 17 members. The devotional was in charge of Mrs. J. Hamilton and Mrs. Wni. Van Camp. Minutes and treas- urer 's reports werc given and approved. C orr.-Sec'y reportcd baving received a letter tram Canon Chaperlin thanking the ladies for the get well card ta M.-"s. Chaperlin during ber stay ir hospital where she bad under- gane a serious eye aperation. Ahi were pleascd ta know she was doing sa well and bopcd ta be home soon. Mrs. McArthur kindly otier- cd ta, look aiter the arder list for church calendars for 1958. Rail caîl was answered with a fine display ai new articles ta be inchuded In the faîl bale. De- cided ta have a quilting in the Parish Hall on Wednesday and also pack the bale. Owing ta the lateness of the hour the study chapter was left over uintil the October meet- ing. President closed the meet- ing with prayer and lunch was served by group II with Mrs. H. Bailey convener. Brantiord ta visit ber daughter, OBITUÀRY WESLEY GEORGE WERRY After a very short lllncss there passed suddenly ta bis rest an Sunday, Sept. 22nd, at bis home, R.R. 1, BowmiEnvillc,i Wesley George Werry, at the! age ai 74. Mr. Wcrry was the son af the late Mr. and Mrs Benjamin Wcrry. One brotheri Arthur and anc sister Ella pre- deceased bim. Mr. Werry bad lived ail bis lite on the samne iarm. A littie aver a year ago he sold bis herd ai Holstcins and since then devoted his time ta bis orchard. He bad been a lite long member aio Salem Church where he had been an Eider, Secretary-Treasurer ai the Of- ficiai Board for many years. As a Young man he took an active interest in sparts and he continucd ta do so through- out bis lite. He cnjoyed bunt- ing and bahl games bath an the field and on radio. Mr. Wcrry is survivcd by bis wife Aima Honey, anc son Ken- fneth and a daughtcr, Thelma, (Mrs. Ross Lane) and ten grandcbildren. The funeral wvas held on Wednesday, Sept. 25, from the Morris Funeral Homne, Bow- manville. Rev. Fred Jackson, ai Tyrone, his m.inister, con- ducted the service. The palîbearers were Messrs. Sam Buttery, Lawrence Squair, Douglas Kemp, Herbert Pow- ell, Percy Cowling and Leslie Coombes. Interment in Bethes- da Cemetery. Among the many lavely floral tributes were those receivcd tram Salem Church and W.A., Salem Young People, Gibson Orchards, Bowmanville Senate Club, Placement and Rehabilî- tation Staff ai B.T.S., South Darlington School Area Board Members, Jerusalem Lodge A. F. & A.M., and St. Paul's Unit. ed Cburch. Friends and relatives werc present at the funeral tramn Enniskillen, Tyrone, Oshawa, Toronto, Fenelon Falls, Camer- on and Coiborne. Mr. Werry wilh be greatly missed in bis home, bis church, bis community and the larger circle ai relatives and friends. KENDAL ta be procured and the sink in- Stoker, Sunday. Mrs. J. Short and is then going an ta Buffalo. Mrs. Wîlfred Rougblcy and Mrs. Alva Swarbrick werc in Oshawa Tuesday visiting Mr-.. Roughley's sister in the haspi- tal. We wcre pheased ta bear Mrs. Thorne seems brighter in Memorial Hospital. The W. A. meeting was bcld Wednesday evening Sept. 25 in the Sunday schoolroom with Mrs. J. Stapletan, presiding. Mrs. R. Elliott read the Scrîp- turc tollowed by prayer b3r Rev. Wbyte. During the busi- ness pcriod it was dccidcd ta bold the turkey supper on Oct. 23. the Wednesday preceding the anniversary service, as Eli- zabethville is holding their tur- kcy supper an the Wcdnesday following. The new dishes are WIDEMAN Ladies' Wear 48 KING EAST Firsi of ail NEW HAT Best way ta make the change ta Fali Fashion is ta begin with a New Hat. Tha? will make your shopping for your Fali Outfit more fun. Coats priced from $29.95 up Extra Garbage Collection Schedule The Bowmanville Works Department will make four extra garbage and refuse collections annuallyj. They will follow these holidays: New Year's Easter July 1sti Thanksgiving <i NHL HOCKEY ' SATURDAY OCT. 5* At 9:00 p.m. over CBL-TV -Channel 6 CBL-Radio - 74 0 Kc. Every exciting play - every thrilling goal. Brought ta you by the people who bring you Pepsi-Cola the light refreshment. l Smith Beverages Ltd. Bowma nvilIle TEINS 0F COLLECTION 1. Free of charge 2. Refuse should not be put in returnable containers 3.. Refuse to be placed on boulevards in front of residence 4. Brush or similar niaterial should be cut as small as possible and where practical, bundlçd. The first collection will be held on the following days : 1. That section of the Town lying South of and including King St. - Tuesday, October l5th. 2. That section North of King St. - Wed., Oct. lGth. Collections will commence at 8 a.m. Lloyd Quinfon, Works Foreman. on WIevision!l Get Your Front Seat Now WITH A New 1958 Television Television ServiceCo Bill Dykstra stailed before that date. We were vcry pleased ta have the Rev. and Mrs. Wbyte witb us. Mrs. Whyte gave, a fine talk an aur Christian responsibility af letting aur igbt shine, ai aur co-operation, faith and prayer. Due ta the latencss af the hour Miss Stewart is going ta ber pictures at another net. ing. A tasty lunch and soeial hour werc enjoycd. Bob Vannatto visited Sunday witb Bill Jackson's. Visi'tors with Mrs. hkab~n and Arthur were MisGeo;z.p' McBride ai Centreton, Ms~I bel McBride af Cobourg. Tbursday Mrs. Earl Smith of Los Angeles arrlved for a month's stay. Mr. J. D. Kenny of Port Hope cal]ed an Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mrs. Eva Hamilton and Mr. Floyd Hamilton spent last week-end at Charlie Gays ana bad Sunday supper with Mr. and Mrs. Rialph Geach. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Cour- oux, Ray and Marie, returned Monday atter spending a few days with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Couroux, Cache Bay. Mrs. Mary Luxon, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hughes and Gloria, were at Mrs. Luxon's cottage on Lake Kusnog Yor the week- end. The W. I. are resuming their meeting atter a couple of months wben many members were busy at tobacco. Mr. and Mrs. Youngman arc ta be aur guests Wednesday evening, Oct. 9 at the borne af Mrs. Eddie Couroux. Sa keep the date in mind and came. Some ai those attending Roseneath Fair tram bere Sat- urday werc Mr. and Mrs. Çlar- ence Thertell and tamily, Miss Selina Therteil, Wayne and Tommy Foster and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Little and famihy., Mr. and Mrs. Bill Waring of Norwich spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Fos- ter. Miss Ruth Forsboe, wbo is now teaching at Dundas, spent the weekend at Reg Elliott's. Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson and family enjoycd a weckend with her sister in Algonquin Park. .Garry Thertehl visited Tom- my Foster Sunday when Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Thertell vis- ited friends at Alliston. Mrs. Allen Foster attended a iriend's tuneral near Teeter- ville on Wednesday. Mis M E. Foster went with brt ý 1 1 1 Tnul;mmy, OCT. Sm, 195,r 44 4c