PAGE SIXm___ An Interesting Career Retired Insurcince Agent Planned Gicdjo lus Hobby THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARLO THL'RSDAV, OCT. 3rd. 1951 Six New Members Join Canadian Legion Here ln Impressive Ceremonyl Six new mrnbers joined the; until Sunda 'v, October 6. A ranks of the Bowinanvil]e Legion'chartered bus Will leave the in an impressive initiation cere- Legion Hall to transport the M mony at their regular meetn members to the service. To O cupy His pore Time held in the Legion Hall, ThI--,-- (By Ron Oke)l sociation rit~ih tuwo other Bow- i book %vith the names of the manv President Jim F'irth. Vir 9 It s aknon isurncesta ranxille 21adous enthusiasts,, guests, and a power saw asa President Ed. Rundle and t teLgonHl.Prsd tistîr that a man upon retiring E umr. gîutrlR-mmnoo h cain presentative, and Dr. E. W. Sis- Greenfield received a beautiful 'hentim ac nThtndue?-rthe alsorvofice istanks to for lie at age 6.5 xi] lve an son. bouquet off roses. tesinitiati v on. T er E ic-teedtrof h Cnda average of 18 nionthls if be bsbr icue1oyFse.EreSaeman for his "plug" in no hobby or other actix-tv to' We ofîco xisit each other'sý Mr. Greenf ield bas already1 Stancer. Dani;el Brough. Howard editorial comment on the Legion occumv bis mind and] lime. gardenos.'lie cxpiains. -and take madie a portable base for the. Philp. Geî-aid Piper and Howard nosg the C.N.I.B. eye bank saw and expects the equipmient Bickle. nosn If he should live through thiS wl eîeevn ra ea ord e heasot programme. ,precarious 18 month span. bis off use th;s winter. officer, reported that the Annual A hearty thanks was tendered chne fa oglf ar creased. I ide Territory Minor Sports Banquet for the' to Treasurer Jack Rice and Sec- With tbi~~ thought in rond During bis long career with Legion-sponsored basebal andreryRn ihad foter Pr': c hi Greoeld.2in rinldrdeta. insrn! e-hockey teams woîld be held Sat- fine reports and work during Grenild 2Cr sl!ritory, covered Bownianviile and! urday. November 2. 1 the PaSt quarter. The next Avenue. now a retired Pruden alsroudn ras lws President Firth announced the'Legion dance wvill be held Sat- tièl Insurance Companv agent flot until six vears ago that part 1 Drumhead Service in Peter - po1,rAtasre ~trtd 0 rear o.i eieof i ei acutwsturned jborough had been postponed pura-t co' 1.a a e rn, nt several vears ao over to George White. Mechseasbi hbb te Since bis retiremnent the area' at Yelverton homes. and h-,-brdizing ofbas been re-organized and Sam At the Hugb MeGills, the Ray B R E O g?ýaiolus sioc k. His succesýs ai h~ ave taktni over most of bis tel,- Rev. and Mrs. V Walker cf Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Ribey at- creatinStnrliari, M r.asaea o s. Rolland itended the funeral or an old Giadiolus Honours ee oglooisrneM ilcfidayaIte er friend in Toronto on Wednes- Tbis sumrner ai the Interna- \Ereîîf -oig "'asranCNP aVTcid Mcofjisayo ]atteweer- tio'ii Giadiolus Show ln New-! station ag~ent aod telegrapher for, Mrs. _Mable FalJis and MrIý Mr. and Mrs. H. Edward Van r.arket bie entered four spikes' ~' 3'a~ Lloyd Falla off Ballydufff. Mrs; der Merlen and two children, off frorn one \ariet- off his owo r-eation.H vnafrti h Previolis tu this lie serx-ed, Jack Clar-ke off Bethany, at tîk i Holland, arrived ini Canada on 1 overseas with the 136th Battalion! G. E. Wilsons. Wednesday, Sept 25 and will be sgle soike divi.sion and a first -B" Comnpaov. Iater' transferring M.adMs i unbissaigwt e sister and In aitio.tbe ige spike opeîtooth Ie Canadian Grenadier. of Campbellford, with the Ray broter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. elin aditin. tedsindleChpikePerey Greenfield iG uard-' eobný,ons. J. Hoaervorst for a few weeks eîinrtr he 'ugd rn ca-samples off the pollen to use on First Projectionist 1 until 'Mr. Van der Merlen gets p.'inof th show ~ I1 Mr. and MýJr s. Cecil Archer of estalse wihaom an tIr. Greeofield had Mim.r Girhîenfielù's first job. as: Brighton, Mi. and Mis. Alin fljob. A warm welcome is ex- Rood fortune at the district1 25 Years Service 1Ilie recails, was operatiog the first McGill off Linîdsay, Mr. anid tended from the community to gladiolus show beld in Bowman- Afteî 241', vears off emvloy- movie Projector in Bowmanville.' Mrs. Jack Elliott and Flossie off this verv friendly family. ville last vear. Here he enter- ment witb Prudential Life Mr. The theatre ai that time Was 10- Dunsford, ai the David Wilsons. ed onli-v one spike and it won Greenfield retired fi-om the in cated where Bowmanville Sur- Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bx Mrs. J. Carter attended the inil las.Frteroesuacefil lstJlv O isplsno .Lter t a mov- Buto Diocesan Deanery meeting of a *îrst i l ls.Frhrmr.1rnefedhatJl.O i ls o s e.iws and family. with the Ralp he nlcnCuc IHr the single entrv was iudged retiremnent the companv tender- ed to Higgon Electric's present Malcolms, Mr. and Mrs. Bux- tooeAnt.,icasthrc t a grandchampion off aIl seedling«s:ed a special banquet in his location. î ton acquired the former Willîs woenn.,jotTury ment and reserve champion off the 1 bonour at the Genosha Hotel, Later. bie worked for a time1 Whiteside domicile this suin reported haviig eTbursdayeat- whole show. 'sna sddbsfv bohr.a eît fbltdwî- ing some very cbarming and 1 Osawa asdidhisfiv broher, a th! ner.A hertyif elaed el-interesting people from various ,Much of bis success with glads He was presented witb a re- Durham Rubber Company and come to our community. cuce f h urudn hp admits cornes from bis as- tirement seroil, an enscribed then changed to the old Bow- Mr. and M.Irs. Bill Werry off coury. he pokte of meeting ________ -_____manville Foundry which was Kedron at bbe Art Rowans on oure. T. A .ind, wo maeting then across from Smith Bey-i Sunda'. [cumbent at Port Perry quite a e rages. Recent visitors with 'the Nor numlaer off years ago. Mr. Nind F r e e S p e c i a I s IHe was a conipetent atblete man Wiflsons were: aMr. ~ ~ reie and islvig1 I BSEBLLBOO 9e Plmoiv Shverecails plaving Inemdae ae;M.nd rsBiElso Port Hope. For about 12 years BASE____BOOhockey inivthe aeId Leshedadl;Mr. aRosHa lEl nd Lnahe was incumbent at St. Geor- wîth Bomb --_----- -l9 ockyinte. Lks off Whitbys. Rs alan id ge's Anglican Church, Graffton. Gillette Super Speed Raror Vacuum Bottles ___ 79c Hi paretsoer M. ad rs. Mr.HuhMGi nyd a Mr. Eduard Van der Merlen 98ec Lustre Creme--- - 79e Robert Greenffield who raised a ffew days wvith ber granddaugh- who is staying at the home off 1.29 53e Veto Cream__ 2 for 79e sturdy and industrious farnily of # ter, Mrs. Rodney Joncs off Wil- Mr. and Mrs. J. Hogerworst was Ontario Street. In the eariy days Mr. Jack Sedmnan off Whitbyemoy nt Cl«rng dAid Mr. Greenffield Sr. was clerk at bas been on holiday the last Mr. and Mrs. Daug Lean have Clearsti ld na.;.îancu. Bal' AI the G.T.R. freight sheds, now the fortnigt with the Balfour offfered their home for sale and Cream Special C.N.R. station, Later, he was Moores. on completion off the sale plan TO COLDS BY TAKING employed until retirement, in Mr. Jack Wilson bas been laid ta move back to Whitby. 69e-1.19 2 for 79o the shipping depot at the Good- low w-ith fflu this week. Speedy The W.A. will meet at the Extra Vitamifis year plant, The father was also recovery John. home off Mrs. R. Bone on awell known amn which Mr Ross Lockwood threatens Thursday afflernoon, Oct. 10. Colorbue 990 l' xtat1.0..7 ise musical talent was inherited by to throw away his "Do-it-Your- Fe atrwoi tedn Shmpo alboane .0-.7-325 Vialsseveral off bis sons. self" kit this week when the the University off Toronto, spent Shapea Halboanae .001.7-325 italsHistorical Ancestor foundation off bis new house ln Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Scotts Emulsion _ 1.00-2.00 80Gogbakm bianetl progress off being built was un- j atr PAyratte .03.060 istory Mr. Greenffield points drue yarcn on out thattbesgrea0-grat0grand-pour, collapsed partialîy 011 Albert Stevenson was in Ta- Anmident One A Day Multiple Noxzema father, Alexander Fletcher, own- three sides. Tough luck Rosas ot o a rtoti Vitaxninm 1.40-2.50-3.50-7.95 ed wbat could be termed the and Mary. week. Pato rstsNoCeia od Cemwoeo mni. Family Clu4b scheduled to On Saturday, Sept 28, Mrs. 2fer Sic CaPs ---- _ 1.95-3.45-7.65 98e-1.25 inMr. Fletcber came to this area open this Friday night has been Thos. Hodge held a birthday i1800 and received a crown postponed so as not 10 confflict party for ber littie son Johnny, grant off ail the land fromn the with the Anglican Fowl Supper who was three years old. About SUERANHIT fork off the two creeks in the in Bethany. nine children attended the par- Ban Deodorant ____ 1.25 SoUtPWad (opr ad Brb Oh! Oh! We did il again! The ty and ail enjoyed a happy New Rolt Deodorant 98c Cold Tablets - 65,-1.()() cr's) and running to present day Jas. Grays and family last week time, playlng varioua children's Concession Street. ta Cornwall and St. Lawrence games. A lovely supper was 75e Ode-Ko-No Cream S5c' Cough Syrup - 1.00 Mr. Fletcher was also ane off Seaway, they didn't went! To served by Mrs. Hodge, complete the eariier magistrales and had Coilingwood ta the Cy Church- with a beautifully decorated Stopette Creans Deod. 1.25 Nase Spray -____ 1.00 the honour off Perfform*ing the elys, they did! birthday cake topped with three first marriage ceremony nBw Mr. and Mrs. Ted Swerns candies. Geriol ith inealsand itainsmanville. The principals were (nee Betty Preston) bave re- Misses Donna and 'Violet i Griol it Mnerisan ViamnsSilas Sargent and Pamnella Trull. turned fromn their honey-moon Pattffield. Oshawa, were week- Liquid or Tablets ~- 13 .9-54 Besides bis intense apprecia- and will soon set up house- end guests off Mr. and M.rg. Wmn. lion off flowers, Mr. Greenfieid kceping in Toronto. Hearty con- Stephenson. also has a ieaning towards music. gratulations 10 the happy cou- Mr. and Mrs. Hender Trick, ySHe was a member off the Legion pie. Lindsay, were recent visitors off *Pipe Band and also the old Fife Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Stinson, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Taylor. Iand Drum Band organized be- Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Stinson, at- The World Communion Ser- C w L IN or the First World War. tended the presentation in Pon- vice will be observed nect Sun- Two off bis brothers are still typool Friday night for Mr. and day, Oct. 6, at Il arn. A very P10NE R G OE WE FIT living. Cecil J. Greenfieid lives Mrs. Glenn Preston <nce Mau- cordial welcome bn extendcd ta filA 3-5695 D U T R TRUSSES i Whitby adR Victo>rGen reen Stinson). Sorry w isdail. _______________________________________field in Stratfard. it! Mr. Howard Davey and fam- ______________________________________ In 1927 be married Miss Elva Mr. Reid Dickey underwent _______________________________________________Bragg, former Statesman emý an oDeration this week in To- piayee, and thcy have one ranti,. Ail join in wisbing Reid daugbter, Joan, now Mrs. Hugh a speedy recovery. He is sbay- Nq E Nf n-rnAnderson. She bolds an A.R.T. ing with son Elwyn in Bow- Royal T ecitre BowmanvllE in music and her bus- manvilie for a few days. WÀWTED R oyal ineaireband bolds a B,Sc. and is The Allen Beers off BebbanyANTE completing bis final charbered were Saturday guests aI the Apl accounbancy exams. Raiph Maicoims. pl TEUR . - AT. - OC OBER 3 5Wibb a long satisffying career to lok bck n an anabsob- rookdale- In Technicolor! lnglhobby co o ad ha neabsrb- In 1957 government transfer IMr. Greenfield can now look payments-that is, money col- Rns a I i Iforward ta a weli earned retire- lccbed by taxation and then paid Tarzan ana the ment._ ______ ouIta the public in the form Nurseries Lid. offamiy loacsodag pensions. welfare payments, BOWMANVILLE Lost Safari YELVERTON ite5 -oald$2330000a ~vit GODONSCOT an BETA T. OHNal leveis of eov-rnment. Starring RONALD REAGAN Tarzan. -à and 9:50 Last connilete 9:1. NEXT MON. TO WEI, - OCT. 7- 9 Added World News. Regular admission prices. Feature at 7:20 and 9:51). Last complete 9:30. 1 -neL~iburs1, relatives, irienais and our imperturbable parson the genial 'eBouncy" Bonsteei xvho avaiied hin-irelf off tiiis op- porîuiîy to lend a band to anc off bis flock and simLitaneousiy broaden bis "edication" to match his physique --wcll rounded that la. We were ah] impressed l ziy the ea.'e anîd effficency with which the i aising progressed under the guidance and direc- tion off tbe nost capable fore- 'na" of Wilson Construction. B * idday the beaving and ho- 11g9 Was conipieted and Mrs. MeCabe and Màrgaret, assistcd b'.' ladies served a bountiful luiich. Sirîce Tuesda *v we liave watched the bain progî'ess and is now readY foi' sheathiiig--a tbiog of beauty ta any farmer and we trust a joy forever ta Williani. Sulîda 'vwas a big day in Yel- vertoo xx'tbthe cburcb celc- brating its 951h Anniversary. iCapacitv congregauians at bain services attesied ta the esteeni off the guest speaker. Rev Vie- tor Wahker. wbo preacbedata Ball,,ciuff. Nestieton, and Jazi- clv ille Presbv terian churches! residing ai thie latter for 211 y ears Pncb sinue then lias beea l ai thc Stirling charge foi' 19 years. Old frren&d were pleased to note lîttie change in Mr. and Mca. Walker over,tbe years. In the morn'ng the local junior c'hoir' and'quartet providcd the music. Iii the eve.ning the Ke- i dron maie quande. _Messi-. Mlurray -'vounîjio v, Ron Wrr. Jai'k Franci a. B:11 \\errx . iMis. Roc, Lee. organisi,. prox ta- e d a miCal treat. Mlany visitors were welcomed Here's d ep e nd abl1e one-stop service that will keep your car on the GO! Try us anytirne for 'most anythlngr ... you'I atree w. serve you RIGHT. Try our Gas Fi-up Service A complete service when you f ill up with our famous B.A Gasolines For..Carefree Driving Try Our * LUBRICATION *OIL CHANGE * CAR WASH We Specialize in Car Polishing PHONE IMA 3-3136 Hap's B-A Service Station CORINER KING AIND WAVERLEY ROAD ily, Bowmanx-ille. Mr. and Mrs. Donald D:ave,.-. Tyrone. -,pet,, Sunday with Mir. and Mrs. Ra.\. mond Davey. Mr. and Mrs. E. Adams werp- weekend guests off relatives in Barrie. Mrs. Fred Bailev. Blackstock,ý spent Sunday with Mrs. Wm. McLaughlin. Mr. Claude Ketchipan. Pic- ton, spent Sundav wltb Mr and Mrs. K. Robliri. Mr. Larry Riddel was a Sun- day visitor of Mr. and Ml-s. Wm. Stephenson. The Jollv Workers' Club met at the home off Mrs. Trudy Mar- chand on Wednesday, Sept. 25. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mc- Keen, and children are holiday- ing in Nova Scotia. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Needham, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Massie anai Donna. ail off Toronto, visited in the village -on Sunday. Mrs. A. Aldred, Whithy, Mrs. Harold Snudden and famlly, Oshawa, visited friends in the Village on Sunday. Jack Smith entered Memor- il Hospital on Monday, Sept. RED & WHITE CO-E - Lb.-Pkg.-45c-- INSTANT CGFFEw 30 and underwent surgery. Best Ioff her daughter. Mrs. Rilda wiîshes for a speEdy recovury. Stevenson in Toronto. Sorr ' to î-epori that Mrs. Sîrs. T. Bailev is spending a HughŽs is vcry il! at the nome fewý days at bier'homie here. i. Le A. PARKER & SONS PLUMBING *.HEATING -Oit BURNERS King St. E. Bowman ville Phone MA 3-5651 -Silver Label RED & WHITE 5-oz. jar YelIow Quick Margarine - 3c Off Pack "The Round Shredded Wheat» Quaker Muffefs I pkgs. 31c B' B Y WHIITIE SWAN - "Now in Colours Toile t Tissue LIBBY'S FANCY Cream Corn - - - 4rolis 4 7c 15-oz. tin - - --2----9 ---- New Crop, Premium Quality, Florida Grapefruit Sweet Potatoes 3 Ibs. 19c Canada No. 1 Small 5-b. poly bag1. s..'fes (r 5for 27c Cooking Onions. Tasty - Yellow-meated Premium Quality, Vacuum PEPPER SQUASH 2 For 17c C E L E RBY Large "FEATURE BUYS" CULVERHOUSE - Choice Halves LIBBY'S Fancy 48-oz. tin PEACHES 20-oz. tin 2For149c TONATO JUICE 31c Cooled LIPTON'S Toniato-Vegetable YORK "Bread & Butter" 16-oz. SOUP MIX - 3PkgI.35~ PICKLES - - - 25c jar Swif t's Premium Tendergrown - 2 to 3 lb. average . svwiffts Pure Park - Braakfield SAUSAGE LIBBY'S Fancv GREEN GIANT Fancy 15-oz. tin LIPTON'S Beef-Noodle WAX BEANS - 2i'or37c SOUP MIX - Chickens Swift's Fresh - Haif or whole Ham Roast Swift's Rindless - Eversweet - Side Bacon - Skinless Lb. Pkg. 49c 25-oz. tin - - lb. 41c - - Ib. 49c Sliced- Sealed 1-lb. pkg. Swift's - Premium - Cooked Sandwich size - Vac. pack - 6-oz. HAN - - - - Pkg. 49c OLD DUTCH - Blue ST. LAWRENCE BUCKINGHAIM - "New Hinge Top Lid" 15-oz. tin 2 Foir 27c 2Pkgs. 35C GENERAL ELECTRIC - 25-40-60 LIGHT BULBS - watt 22c Cigarettes --Carton of 200 2*99 BIRDS EYE ORANGE JUICE, 12-oz. tinl .15cZ FROZEN FOODS FISH STICKS, 8-oz. pkg.- -----------V COD FILLETS, l2-oz. pkg.-------- - ---- -- -- THERE'S A RED & WHITE STORE NEAR YOU BOWMANVI LLE MAPLE GROVE ORAKONO BLACKSTOCK - Blyth's Market - Yeo's Marketeria - Cornish Marketeria Groceteria THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO THURSDAY, OCT. Sr& 1951 Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5651 99C A y Blue Bonnet m ibs. 59c 19C Maple Grove Blyths Market j.1ý Î ý I..ý--- -