9'NT?~TIAV P aral1em VO7DA SAEMK OMAqIL.O~APOPG E Miss Diana Webber, B.A., is attending College of Education, ~ ack Carswell, Morden, hvisiting Mr. and Mrs. cl. roge w in. Mr. L. B. Nichols spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Nichols in Kingston. Dr. Dorothy M. James, Toron- to, visited her mother. Mrs. N. S. B. James over the weekend. Miss Ruth Martyn, Manhattan Beach, California, is visiting with her mother. Mre. F. C. Martyn and family. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Hodgson spent a day witb Mr. and Mrs. C. Tomlinson in Belleville dur- ing their holidays. Scout Mothers Ladies Auxîl- iarY will hold their regular meeting Wednesday, Oct. 9 at 2:.30 p.m. at the Lions Centre. Don Venton attended the 38th Annual Canadian Good Roads Association Convention held in Saskatoon, Sask., last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. Wright and family and Mrs. A. Wright spent the weekend with her son Dick Wright and family, Carrying Place. Dr. and Mrs. A. E. McMillan and daughter Ruth of Vhitby, Mrs. Barnett, Toronto, were re- cent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. A. Saunders, Waverley Road. Mr. Leslie Thompson bas re- turned home fromn spending lîve weeks with bis brother and wi!e, Mr. and Mrs. Arn- brose Thompson, Regina, Sask. The Guide and Brownie Moth- ers' Auxiliary will meet at thei Lions Centre, Wednesday, Oct. 9 at 8 o'clock. Ail Guide and Brownie Mothers are welcome. Mrs. James Stutt was lucky enough to win a prize o! $20 wortb of groceries in a draw sponsored at tbe Canadian Na- tional Exhibition iby Dominion Stores Lirnited. Col. and Mrs. L. T. McLaugh- lin spent the weekend in Otta- St. PauI's United Church Minister - Rev. H. A. Turner B.A., B.D. Organist - Mrs. Reta Dudley, A.T.C.M., L.C.C.M. 9:50 &.M. - AIL Classes of the B UNDAY SCHOOL meet. WORLD WIDE COMMUNION SERVICE #ENffNG SERVICES RUMED A Hearty Welcome te AIL Pentecostal Church 21 Ontario St. Rev. G. E. Leno, Pastor 10 &.m. - Promotion Day i Sunday Sehool il arn. - Morning Service 7 p.rn. - Mlssionary Service <Pietures) Miss Mariona McAllisfer Toronto, recently returned from B.W. Iadies, speaks. Mr. and Mrs. J. Vinneau, St. John, N.B. will sing at all three services. A Cordial Invitation st. JOHN'S CHURCH (Anglican) Sixteenth Aller Trinity 8 and il a.m. - HOLY CObMMON 10 and Il a.m. - CHURCH SCHOOL 7 p.rn. - EVENSONG wa and the Colonel attended the annual dinner of tbe Governor General's Footguards. They vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Paige wbile there. Mis. George W. James and Mrs. Roy Luaney attended Smith's Luncheon last Thurs- day and heard Mr. David Walk- er, author of "Sandy Was A Soldier's Boy", "Geordie" and other books and twice winneî of the Governor Gerieral's Award for fiction. Mr. and Mrs. Raymnond Muir- bead and Peter, Brockville, spent the weekend with ber parents, Mr. and Mis. L. W. Dippel!, before going *to make their home in Sudbury. Mr. Muirhead who is with the Phillips Electrie Company bas been transferred te Sudbury. Mrs. Avery Johnston bas re- turned borne after spending the summer with ber daughter, Dr. and Mrs. W. T. Veale at Har- row. Wbile there Mrs. John- ston suffered a stroke but bas recovered sufficiently that she is able to be up and around ber borne and to see vîsitoîs for a short while. Mrs. A. J. Lymer, Bill and Douglas Lyrner, Oshawva; Mrs. Mina Colwell, Mrs. Bert Colwell and Ted spent Satuîday with Mrs. A. Bradley and farnily, Bond Head. Mrs. M. Colwell îernained for a visit wîth ber sister. Irwia Colwell spent the weekend witb bis Cub Pack at Camp Sarnac. Mi. and Mrs. Sydney Venton bave returned frorn a verv pleasant week spent in the Higblands of Haliburton. Tbey bad as weekend guests, their daugbter, Atidîey, R.N, of To- ronto Western Hospital, Toron- to, Miss Elaine White, R.N., of Sick Children's Hospital, To- ronto, and son Donald. Iacoming student nurses and- dietitians of Toronto Western Hospital are welcorned eacb year at a buffet supper giver. by the Women's Auxiiary of tbe bospital. Tbis year Mis. Harold V. Slemon, 40 Austin Terrace, Toroato, opened her home te the 91 nurses and five dieteic internes. Dr. Harold Siemon is eldest son of Dr. and Mis. C. W. Siemon, Bowman-1 ville. Mis. Arthur J. Cherry, Editor o! Glad Tidings and Di rector o! Publications on the Councîl Ex- ecutive of the Women's Mission- ary Society of tbe Presbyterian Cburcb in Canada will be amnong the official press representatives cbosen to cover the visit of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth and Prince Pbilip to Ottawa Oct. 12- 16. Mis.,Cherry will represent tbe magazine and women of the Pîesbyterian Missionary Society. Mi. and Mrs. Charles Lewis and baby son Max, Toronto, and Mrs. Guy Richardson of Epsom, Surrey, England, were Satur- day guests of Mi. aad Mrs. Geo. W. James. Mrs. Richardson who hs mother of Mrs. Lewis, is payiag ber first visit to Canada and was attracted here to see her first grandcbild. She ex- pîessed berself as greatly im- pressed witb tbe vastness of Canada and the bospltality of its people. His many fîiends in Bowman- ville will be interested te bear that Mr. Ronald Abbott, formeŽr reporter on Tbe Statesman staff, was married on Saturday, Sept. 28 to Miss Ruth Evelyn Jeffeîy, daughter of Mr. Elbert R. Jef- fery, Toronto. Mr. aad Mis. Ab- bott will reside ia Toronto. Ron is tbe editor of the trade pub- lication o! McNamara Construc- tion Compaay in Toronto. Con- gratulations and best wisbes go to Ron .and bis bride. Miss Dora Purdon attended Simcoe County Art and Crafts weekend beld in Blue Moun- tains Ski Bain, Collingwood, in the capacity of business man- ager. Sessions in Art, Leatbcr and Creatîve Wîiting were belcL the latter under the direction of Anthony Frisch assisted by Harris Hasti, who selected and edited the First National An- thology o! Higb Scbool Prose Trinity United Church Minister - Rev. T. Arthur Morgan, B.A. :0A.M. - World Day of Communion 7:00 P.M. - Evening Service Organist-Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M. e 'Social & [erso nal Phone MA 3-3303 fouîth year Engineering a y eison Institute. Harvey Webber, son of Mi. and Mis. Rey Wehher, bas on- teîed the Architecture course at Ryeîson. Hazel Webbeî, daughter of Mr. and Mis. Roy Webber, is in third yeai as a nurse-mn-train- ing at Civic Hospital, Peter- Frn Westheuser, son o! Mr. and Mis. E. C. Westheuser. Newtonville, bas entered the Mechanical Industrial Techno- logy course at Ryerson. 'Memorial Hospital' ýWeekly Report For the week o! Sept. 22-30:. Admissions --40 Birtbs, 4 male, 3 female - 7 Discbarges ------_ 61 Major operatiens 7 Miner operations 14 Emergency tîeatments ------ 7 Visiting heurs 2.30 to 4.30 P.ni. anid 7 tg 8.30 P.m. Oshawa. Other relations attend- ing were: 'a bnjother and wife, Mr. and Mis. Wm. Walmsley, Toronto, Mi. and Mis. Joseph Walmsley, California; sister, Mir. and Mis. Robert Murray, De- troit, Michigan. Afteî partaking of a delightful dinner served at the South End Restaurant, all re- tuîned to the borne of Mis. Clarke wbere they talked overi old times as this was the first and only occasion the whole farnily had been together in thel past 48 years. After a very pleasant afternoon Mi. and Mis.1 Joseph Walmsley retuined to the home o! Mi. and Mis. Rog- ers, Bowmanville, to spcnd al f ew days with them before re-' tuîning south. The editor o! The Statesman was suipriscd, verilv sbocked, Monday morning upon entering bis office to find a gallon jug o! what appeared to be fresb ider piorninently set upon bis desk. As a sa!ety measure he was seen te cautiously extract the cork to see if the amber liquid was sweet or hard cider. As the cork did not blow to the ceiling be was relieved that it must be fresh ider, thereupon sampled it and then passed the jug around te tbe staff to enjoy the treat, ail o! whicb soon disappeared.1 tjpon inquiry it was found Ken Weiiy of Kurv Inn had left the jug at the office on behal! of Sbaw's Home and School Club, for the publîcity given in last week's Statesman wbich brougbt such wonderful resuits for the club's annual Community Mark- et beld last Saturday. For fuîtb- er details of this success!ul event read Shaw's ncws ia another column. Mis. Aîmistead, Mis. JoneE:, Mis. C. Tîewin, Miss Allie- Bragg, Miss Lily Woîkman, Mi. Roly Cousins, Mis. Gatcbell ac- companied Mr. Don Williams and Mi. Wally Braden last Wed- nesday morning to C.N.I.B. Headquarteis "Bakeiwood", To- ronto. Tbey weîe welcomed by Mr. McNeil, Director o!fubi Relations, and touîed the woi- sbops and other buildings la- cluding Clarkewood wbich is the residence o! approximately 140 blind peeple. They later becarne noon guests o! the Lions Club at the Institute. Miss Isabel Davis, Mis. Reita Hobbï, Mis. Mabel Bagneîl and Miss Helen Cryderman joined them and the party continued on te spend a delightful time in the "Fragrant Gardens". The fea- tures o! this gaîden are the highly scented flowers and beîbs identifiable to sigbtless people by their fragrances and Inameplates in Braille. Beauti- ful weatber added greatly to a veîy pleasurable day. Greuduates <Continued !rom Page one) tered the degree course in For- estry Engineering at University o! New Brunswick, Frederic- ton, N. B. Jerry Heal, son o! Mr., and Mis. H-1.G. Heal, Solina, is la third yeaî in Mechanical Indus- trial Technology at Ryeîsoa. In bis second yeaî he receîved the bigbcst percentage in the class, 87. Aithur Jammer, son o! Mr. and Mis. Fred Jammer, Hamp- ton, bas enteîed the Architec- ture course at University o! To- ronto. Edwaîd Jaîvis, son o! Mr. and Mis. S. Jarvis, Chapel St., Bowmanville, bas enteîed the Mechanical Industrial Tecbno- logy course at Ryerson. George Marlow, son of Mis. E. L. Maîlow, is attendiag ITeacheis' College, Peterbor- ougb. Janet McGregor, daugbteî of Mi. and Mis. Alex McGregor, is in a third year Honors Course at Queen's University, Kingston, specializing ia French' and Spanish. This year she is at- tending Lavai University, Que- bec, as an exchange student fîom Queen's. WEDDING HARDING - WHITE The maîriage o! Doreen Mac White, daughtcr of Mi. and Mis. A. White o! Orono and James Richard Harding, son o! Mrs. Ray Cooper, Port Dover, Oh- tarie, was salemnized Saturday, September 2lst at 2:30 la Or- ana [Jnited Churcb. Rev. B. Long officiated. Thel we-lding music was played by Mrý. W. E. C. Weîkman, Bow- manville. Given lin maîriage by ber fa- ther, the bride woîe a stery- book hengtb gewn la Elizabeth- an design with nipped in pria- cess-line, ibodice o! Obantilly lace, enbanced witb a V neck- ine and long sleeves. Her fully bouffant skirt was empbasized witb tier-upon-tiei o! net and lace, giviag it a veîy ehegant bell-likýe hook. Her beaddress was a crewn with braided mo- hair and caugbt te a circulai silk illusion veil o! fiageî-tip length. The bride cariied a white pearl prayer book wbich was covered with white poms and Sweetbeart roses. Mis. Gardon Loweiy, the biide's sister, was Matron o!, Hanour, ln a beautiful gown of orcbid crystellete, la pîmnccss line design witb tucked in bo- dice and sweetheaît necklinc and very fully !lared skirt. Her accessories consisted o! large picture bat and gaunthots o! matching colour. Sho caîricd a cascade o! yellew mums. Mr. John Van Belias acted as best mnan. Usbeîing was Mi. Gardon Lowery, Orono. A receptian was held at the Odd Felaows' Hall. To receive, the bîide's mother chase a brewa sheath gown o! impoît- cd mysterie crepe ernphasized witb three-quaîter hengtb slcev- cd bolero. She wore pink ac- cessaries. Tbe bridegîoom's 1mothe:, assisting, was in flow- eîed brown and beige silk witb matcbing accessoîies. Botb wore corsages o! piak mums. The couple heft for a wed- ding trip te Niagara Falls and the United States. For travel- ling the bride waîe a form fit- ting charcoal black suit witb large white collai witb pink ac- cessoies and a corsage o! Sweetheaît roses. Out o! town guests were fîom Oshawa, Te- ronta, Garden Hill and Ceatil- cooke, Que. Trinity Choir Enjoys Supper Pot Luck Style The choir of Tîmnity United Church enjoyed a Pot luck sup- per last Thursday cvening in the Sunday Scboh ioom. Mis. Ray Lathangue is president of the choir and Mi. Arthur Col- lisan organist and choir leader, Rcv. T. Arthur Morgan was aIse present. Special guests were two memnbeis who were married during the summer, and their husbands, Rev. and Mis. A. Harding aaw o! Welcome, and Mi. and Mrs. Donald Dodds of Oshawa. Mis. Harding is the formre Muriel Symons and Mis. Dodds was Miss Patricia Smith. Mis. Wesley Cawkeî on ibe- bal! o! the chair preseatcd an attractive gift te Mis. Harding. 1An inteiesting pîegram e! motion pictures was shown by Mis. Dodds. Mi. Collison mov- ed a vote of thanks te ber for showing ber films. FAST RELIEF FORtI TIRED FE ET WL .Enjoys Annual Trip To Toronto JBowmanville Women's In- stitute enjoyed thei annual bus trip on Sept. 24. Leaving Bow- manville at 8.30 a.m., the !iîst stop 'was at the Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto. Here a guide conducted the party te sec Ia- dian costumes and relie, and costumes o! the Queens. They also visited the Egyptian Room. Everyone had refreshments fbefore going to Canada Brcad, the next stop. Guides showed the difforent stages o! makiag bîead and new machines wbich have been added. The ladies also saw how different kinds o! doughnuts were made. This is a feature which bas been add- cd recentiy. A delicious lunch o! .biead and butter, dougbnuts and coffee was geÉved and each member was given a loaf of bread. The group then journeyed te Port Credit, the home o! Bec- hive Coin Syîup, Canada Coin Staicli etc., and toured the buildings. The Home Ecenom- ist seîvcd daînty refîcsbments in laer kitchen and dernonstrat- cd bew te use seme o! the pro- ducts. Eacb visitor was given ' a tin e! St. Lawrence ail. The group aise calhed at Malton Air- port. Airiving home about 7.30 p.rn., members feht tbey had had a mast enjoyable day and ex- pîessed their thanks te the con- venoîs who aîîanged the trip. Kansmen Marne (Continued from page one) thanked Kin Harvey for bis thoughtful gesture. Teiry Masters and Bob Ma- ther wcre guests at the meet- ing. Birtbdays weîe celebîated by Gord Wilcox, John Graham, Ray Lathangue and John Stutt. Secîetary Don Stutt îead the minutes o! the last executive meeting. Kin John Stutt pire- sented bis budget for the yeaî and it was unanimously appîov- ed. Members elected Harvey Rowe as chairman of the pot o! gold attendanco draw for this year. The registraîs report was given by Kin Gord Wilcox. Charter Meetiong (Continued from page one) Miss Marlene Falls, Treasuir Mis. Lorraine McKeever, Re- cording Secîetary Mis. Joan Gibson, Warden Miss Grace Blackburn, Inner Guard Mrs. Mabel Williams, Outer Guard Miss Bargara Graham, Supports for President Mis. Florence Snowden and Mis. Marion Ste- phens, Supports for Vice Piesi- dent Mis. Vi Marjeinison and Mis. Jean Vanstone. Impressive Installation Following the impressive in- stallation ceîemony, newhy in- stalled Piesident Mis. Prout expressed the Court's apprecia- tien te P.C.R. Loîne Hayaes for contributing ahi of the officers' badges o! bonour, made up i the form o! attractive sashes. She also tbaaked P.C.R. Haîîy Snowden for bis gift o! a rose bud te each o! the new mem- bers, Mr-. and Mis. Charles Fer- guson for the Bible foi the al- tai, the Men's Court for tbe Ibeautiful flowers for the head table and Mis. Tippett o! Osh- Lions BINGO Monday, Oci. 71h LIONS COMMUNITY CENTRE Grace Blackburn, Marion Bur- gess, Emma *Bragg, Dorothy Burgess. Edna Baker, Lucy Cole, Berniece Colville, Fran- ces Carman, Jean Devitt, Ger- trude Ellis, Joan Gibson, Cath- erine Graham, Barbara Graham' Susie Graham, Daisy Haynes, Margaret Hart, Alice Hodsn Maîlene Falls, MarjorieJnsn Gwen Kane. Noreen King, Florence Mantie, Mona Main- prize, Vi M~arjerrison, Gladys Masterson, Lorraine McKeever, Mabel MeQuarrie, Elsie Prout, Florence Snowden, Marion Ste- phens, Margaret Saowvden, June Stephens, Eiîcen Smale, Betty Westlake, Mabel Williams, Jean Vanstone and Betty Brown. Corne in and browse around. COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE ýIOO IhJUI]iJTO[RESii I I SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR TITIS WEEK NEW, MODERN WAMPOLE PHOSPHO-PIEX WAMPOLE PHOSPiIO-PtX * PHSPHOPLE TAILEI NEVS IEE THE "EVERY DAY" WAY TO REsT 1IRED NERVES HECTIC PACE GETTING YOU DOWN i ITS 50 EASY TO RELAX .IUST TAKE PHOSPHO-PLIX RELIEVE THAT JUMPY, "TIRED AU. THE TIAM'" FEELING. ENJOY UFE PHOSPHO-PLEX IS THE EVERYDA'1 WAY TO RELIEVE NERVOUS TENSION. Wampole PHOSPHO-PLEX is a miodern nerve food and tonic, rich in B compound Vitamins and other important restorative ingredients. Ask your Druggist for PHOSPH'O-PLEX in either easy-to-toke tablets or conven- lent iquid form. A FULL THREE WEEK TREATMENI 50 TABLETS 16 OUNCES 2.50 2.50 For The Boss ()of The House! I.D.A. Shaving Crearn, large tube --49e Brylcreem, tubes 43c, 69c, 89e Jars---- - 89e, 1.69 Mennen Afta-____- 1.25 Skmn Bracer 69c, 1.00 Spray Deodorant --75c, 1.25 Old Spic@e Spray Deodorant ___ 1.25 Stick Deodorant 1.25 After Shave Lotion 1.35, 2.00 Shaving Brushes - Rubberset 4.00 value ---- 2.98 1.00, 3.98, 5.00 up Triumph -3.95 Wlldroot Cream - Oit ---- - 43c, 73c, 98c, 1.23 Save 30e on mDASAL (.D.A. Brand Pain Tablets) 300 Tablets Reg. 89e --- 59e ID.A. HYDROGEN PEROXIDE 4-oz. 8-oz. 16-or. Reg. Reg. Reg. 190 290 45e 150 230 390 I.D.A. SPOT REMOVER 4-oz. 10-or. Reg. 40@ Reg. 75e 590 TONI HOME PERMANENT Plus Applicator 3.00 value 2.291 Save 19e JOHNSON'S BABY POWDER 69e tUn 2 for 1.19 10e Off WHITE RAIN LOTION SHAMPOO 75e size for only------65e Save 46e on Lady Esther FOUR-PURPOSE FACE CREAM 1.75 size ----- ---- ----- 1.291 I.D.A. "Eeonorny" WRITING PADS Note size, reg. 10e 8c, 2 for 15e Letter size, reg. 15e 13c, 2 for 25a 59e Size PEPSO1)ENT TOOTH FASTE Plus Bail Point Pen Both for ---- -----59e LUSTRE CREME with Lanolin SHAMPOO 198C Special 4-oz. tube. value 79e *sar JHNON *ABSORBENT s'1n 0 ST ER1LI1ZE D PliAUZ JOHNSON'S >' STERILE GAUZE PADS SEAL!D UN INDIVIDUAL ENVELOPES. READY FOR IMMEDIATE USE. ý2" x 2" 12's 45c -"x 3" 'S 60c rolis 25C ~LIIMN SIZE, SU PER SRENuTH DRYOR WETI 35c &* a &Z 3- .. PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex. McGregor, Drugs We Deliver Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store Phone MA 3-5792 awa, for the large deliclous cake! whicb she made for the occa- sion. Take Blessings For Granted High Vice Chie! Ranger Pbinn made the main address of the evening, in wbicb be con- gratuiated the local lodge and uîged them to luve up to their obligations. Wbile bis talk was very bumorous, be also suggest- ed, seriously, that we in Can- ada were inclined to take the blessings we have for gîanted. Lodges sucb as Court Venture sbould do their utmost to over- corne this lethargy by promot- ing tbe good tbings of life in the general interests of the commun ity. Present At Delivery Other local and headquarters officers, including Messrs. Cook, Ferguson, Snowden and Dredgce offered congratulations. Mi. Dîedge suggested that he felt most fortunate in being present at the birth o! a new baby in Forestry and was deligbted to take in its deliveîy. The evening concluded witb several hours' dancing to mu- sic provided by Roy Godfrey's orchestra from Wbitby. Spot dances were won iby Mi. and Mis. H. Morrison, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mis. Thos. Masterson, Bowmanville. The new lodge will meet in the I.O.O.F. Hall the fourtb Wednesday o! each montb. Charter Membership Charter members included Louise Bell. Shirley Brock, Gillette World Series Special ! Finger-tip Movies Book of BASEBALL'S SECRET LANGUAGE with purchase of Gyillette Super-Speed Razor ------ 1.29 or Two - 20 blade Dispensers of Gillette Blue Blades 2.00 Save Money By in Bowman ville Corne in and inspect Our stock of: Fine China Beautiful Crystal Qualiiy Wool Excellent Choice of Gifîs for ail occasions 1OUR CHRISTMAS PERSONAL GREETING CARD T SALBUMS ARE HERE. ORDER YOURS EARLY. p 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. IBOWWNvmir, ONTAMO TffMMDAir. ocur- 2ra. les? PAGE SEVEN 1