T!~8AY CT bh 1 B C~<~A1 UAESAK OWAIVLL, ITAUFUT ~fh History of Providence ,,pChurch, Sunday School April 25th, 1921, a meeting was held with Rev. W.'T. Wick- ett as chairman, and the matter Nclosing the Sunday School ied t clase the Sunday ioolfo the following year. At a meeting held May lst, 1923, with Pastor Wickett in the chair a discussion took place inr1 regard ta closing the church, and the vote '«as unarimous to keep the church open. It was agceed ta raise $200.00 for circuit pur- Poses. lI 192.-)the chucch shed was sold, and the ground where it1 stood being a guIf by the latej Thos. Smale, was ta revert back' ta bis son Clarence Smale by order af the board. About this time Rev. Wickett passed on and accarding to the records na more church services were held The Trustee Board at tEls time was camposed ai W. J. Bragg, S. S. Bragg, S. T. Doxvson, Irwin Bragg, C. J. Smale, Harvey Bar- rie, Arthur Bragg, Wm. Hoar, Milton Wight and Fred Black- burn, secretary. The next meeting o! tEe Trus- tee Board, according ta the records, was held April 28th, 1937, with Rev. A. M. Wooten presidng.NA this meeting three newmemerswere added ta the board, Chas. Wight, LMelbourne Wight and Chas. Allin. Il '«as decided ta asIsz Presbyt..ry for permission ta seli the church by tender, and retain tEe money thcrefrom ta fence the cemeiery and put tEe burying ground in better condition. At this Pres- byterial meeting thece was some apposition ta selling the church by some residents ai the Provi- dence cammunits' ciaiming tEes' wanted ta hold Sunday Sehoal. Sa tEe Board decided not 10 sell tEe chucch and '«ait for de- velopments. June 4th, 1949, the Providence You May be Liable.... Carclessness on your part, resulting in in jury Or Ioss to others may makie you legally liable. Failure to repair a barn floor, or tn l:ecep a wl covcrcd, or the stallinig of yo"ir tract or on the lîiýh- way niay brin- a hieavy dainage claimi. M~ore and more farmers are protÉ"cting theini- selves and families through a- CIA Farm Family Liability policy. CIA's policy includes public and family medical payments, also protection for the investment. For helpful information on the policy, see your CIA representative: HOWARD FOLEY King St. W., Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3277 Co-operators JAMES BARNES Newcastle Association r i Life insurance companies must report thoir financial erations ta the Superintondient of Inhurance.,* According lotath" olest officiai figures hors are the facts about the. Life Insurance Dollar: Where Saoh Dollar cornes fu'orn 749 cornes frorn prerniums paid by policyholders for insurance to protect their wives and faîilies . .. and for security in their own aid age. 26e cames !ram earnings an palicyhoîders' funds. These fonds are nveted under Government 'uevsion and help to develop Canada. F i&.j Il ~' ~ ~01 ~ fi Lin 52< is for policyholders. 43e is paid out ta living policy- holders and ta beneficiaries. 390 is invested for future benefits ta policyholders. 18t is used for normal operaîîrig expenses whic-i include taxes, licerises and fes paid ta Gn'crni- ments. Mrs. wcatherilt ':as ltp laul- King St. W - Bowmanviiie WhiteF. gbter ai George and Eli/.abetn Phones: Offict- MA 3-5688 ML. Teatt, ori B eaIt aî Mt Wilson and was born in Lilsord. flesidence MA -3-5.553 1.BatPi oo îîe She allended Lifford Public --wîh Mr. and MVrs. V. Pcacock Schaol and Lindsay Collegiate. MISS APHA L. HODGINS i Friday evening. A LDuring her ifetime she lived Barite. oiitor M.Wibr Fwe and four j in Stakvile, owmnvileNotay Pbli daghtes fom earLakefield, Mr. E. Fowler. bohrs ýe fo our customers R. R. 2, Bethany. '«e as pre- E. RICHARD LOVEKIN, i decase by er hsban EdU.E., B.A., LLB. Weathcrilt. The deceased had Bx9 ecsl n oi or more. flot been in good healthefor the Phone Newcastle 2246 L tot ivas "I live for athers'. anis'. Funeral service was conduct- ed by Rev. E. MeNeili ai Sea- M o rt ga g e s grave on Sept. 30 at Mackey'sg rTE Funeral Homne,Lindsay. Inter-LRO AITN-RNOtjp - tery. Lifiord. Phone 1 r 16 Palîbearers were Messrs. P. First MoctgaRe funds TEStrang, C. Weatherill, A. Xil- Resîideneer - Farmae For. W'. -Tc.a. hp, N. Mai hait jinresx Pa-rree and W. Fsik Eunîce (Mrs. A. A. ýNicholisi R' Op me R. 3, Little Britain; George Weatherilt, Roseneath; Esther KEITU A. B[LLETT <Mrs. Ed Mitchell) Bethany; Optometrist iLuBie (Mrs. Rich Matchett) 141 Ring St. E. Bowmanville pré*! Marie Frasceg IMillbraok: Blanche (Mcs. D. W. Office Hours* Bs' appolntmefl t'ee Armstrong) Toronto. Two bra- Telephone MArket «1-3252 vc, ý ee POL 111 apphies. thers and four sisters predecoaq- Mondav ta Saturdas' Cd ber. She leaves f ive grand- 9 a.m. ta 5 p.m. chidren and &Unfe great grand- Wednesdays: 9 to l ohldrea - Thffldar maint TRUPMAT, om. loth, les Cernetery Board met and theselQ bC In rnku T m board.- Gordon Barrie, DouglasaE. I5 J jE' I II Fight, Wm. Bragg, Ross Bragg and Clare AUlin. At this meet- ing the Board decided to sel the church, as there was no ini- terest in the Sunday Sehool. August 27th, 1949, the church was sold ta Mr. M. A. Sleep for $200.00. Seventy-five dollars of: this was given ta the Tyrone ap-1 pointment for repairing the .............. parsonage. The balance was re- tained for cemetery upkeep. Nov. l2th, 1953, the Cemetery Board met at the home of S. Chas. Allin when Clare Ei. li \Vas elected Sec.-Treas , Fred;i M Bli:'kburn the former Sec.-! Treits. having passed on. The present board is now> composed of Milton Wight, Harvey Barrie, Wri ghtsoni Wight, Wm. Bragg, Ross Bragg >Ross Bragg, Douglass Wight, Gardon Barrie, S. Chas. Allun and Clare Allun, Sec.-Treas. Providence Bible Christiani Church was built in 1865 and' opened in November of the same year. Providence was in the Bowmanville Circuit at that Mernbers of the International Dairy Cattie Judgincr Team from the Ontario time, and it's possible that Rev. Agricultural College, Guelph, are shown here as they left for the International Dairy Egerton-R. Young was the min-- ister in charge. Later, in 1884, Exposition at Waterloo, Iowa, where they competed with teains from over 30 Agri- the Bible Christians united with cultural Colleges in the United States and Canada. On the way to Waterloo, they the Methodist Episcopal, Prim- visited outstanding dairy herds in Michig an, Illinois, and Wisconsin. The judging itive Methodîsts and Wesleyan competition took place on Monday, September 3th. For the f irst time in more than Methodist and became the Methodist Church. Tyrane be- 50 years, the International Dairy Judgin'g Teain from the 0. A. C. included a came the head appointment on, member of thn fair sex. She is Elcanv ot' ronOfd, a third yeir student in n-airiciu1- the circuit with Rev. R. Walker- ture, whosc Saiher. Frank Townscndl, is a promincut breeder of Holsteinm cattIr at as Mm,';nster. BeIxvood, near cg. Ontario. Showi f rom loft (o 'ighit aie.: Earl B"owvn. Nw I believe Pî'ofe.osrr Sqtair'ýsl -le;Chres (iracev. Currie s; ,ioi Wile.v, Ai isa Craig; Elcanor Townsend, Bel- ho.wilîuha d ucot 0ian r. J. C. Hnnir. Dept. of An mal HusbandIrN, their coach. information on these matters~ than 1 can give. Hopîng theseI class, the Shell Oul prIze wa.g rambling records may be a bit ya %ýnDO Sfl'on by Bey Bickie ai Cobourg helpful ta you, I arn yours very'C y r Uma n BoysinN.4 h 2ic rco ls mu No.. 4.n I Tope o 2 inah iheto o! tht _____________ lSyl t e ad 4 entries. Don Budd af Port S. hac Aln. U~U UU.IU~class was awarded the Herb Lane Machine Shop prize. Gar- ET A YWith Chaucer, a fair field was won by Frank Tinney, CO' don Bradfield o! Peterborough of Don Budd on highway 106 phy which was a silver casse-! Texaca 011 prize. Howard Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hannah between Welcome and Dale. raie given for the best land by Quantrili won the Carl Curt:s have arrived home, fallowed The Durham and Northumber- a junior between 14 and 18 was; Wheelbarrow and Merv3n1 several weeks spent at their land Plowmen staged theiir wonm by Norman Lovshin O! CI- Heard a beginner in plowing summier cottage on Twelve Mile match on Wedinesday, October bourg No. 4. The Simpson- di a good job. Another begin- Lake. 2nd with ideal xeather and ex- Sears pickle disb for best work ner was Ben Cook af Bewdley. Mrs. Leonard Driver and cel lent aitendance. The ladies by a novice was wonm by Frank i The anly girl plowing was Mrs. Verne Mulligan spent ai Bethesda South served Tinney. 1 Barbara Maughan of Cold Wednesday in Toranto visiting lunches and refresbments for' In 10 inch furrow, tractor Springs who at il years of age with Mr. and Mrs. AI Fuller. the Plowmen and visitors. W. made avr odjbi h Miss Mildred Sisson, Toron- CBare iGatWoith S jjuvenile class. The bank of Tr- -. ol' 1)lircintor irf tory ronto Domninion at Millbrook i.s tal Iý a rith lr, w ((d Mr. i . jIl-u. ]n mci.vn A htiilii_____. _____-Offerîng a cup (o the high tearil ;~mM<' fo lh- wekcd. ~ ~ ~~ smuetheh~-nf 2 piowmen from a high Mi. and Mri;. Haroiri Payne. 1 inning of thiat gr'juip was. thi' A.C co unl1 a n c y Ihol This was wonm by 'Bow- I oi Hpe 'er Snaý Judge. roanville reprcsented by Carias ý1uesfs ith Mr. and Mrs. 11Vin- lil. 'oniciiibni; on th lue OIk vM J. H. COGGINS anld David Cryderman. Brigh- cent Jackson. with <lie Single nlow ailnd ~. Cha:tîe ccutn Inrpesne 1 aeNl Mr. atiM's Ralnh vPcr"' ix'V ill Allun of N64a 1c e.~ Kîrî St. E. BOwmlranville Son and Barry Flindal] staod anîd t hoir famîlv sic welcomicd ?. hoir-i icnînbiecd (lialIlti fi ýAbovr (Jacrtojn'sBus Station) -second, andi Caimphclliorc wnîh Io the unn)Imlul l i\'loînhe< ti'acloi. w"sî, a lontr-m1am ;Fl Kin., Strcet E. Eugene Bi'abariey aund Ross Ni- [i'oni Novýa Scella they i'e liv - noe. nl il aliç,ho ii Pi vwsn id apsabejb i in the formerr re.sidenrce of inc.ial Match mi which ttc MONTEU11 - MONTEITU creto adeRapasBaburle j- Mc. Pnd Mî's. Sherman Mont- p]owinz w'as featureci iii )913. RIEUL & C'O. lresses thanks to the Fina Oil. ~oev Tebus lwiinha hp (alce ecutnt ' Baxter Service and arîý Sy piv t o omnnîvPed aa qielv ihiîta\15Sîct- t N siiw ohrdanoi's who make the i etrddtMr ila Da- nroicsaidiiJ Ihe bý)t fRA 5-35*27 r elusi. possible. District Di- ':is in the sudden rdeatilof Ibis ponigof 1;PI l i c iena ~ atir:rector Howard Henry did much !sster, Mrs. George Flswrhto \ilheEssr -eil I..W il l Iii MP. . . n encourage tht' event. Presi- (Cassie) ai Millbrook an Fni- Caîiosî.Thle LnChiam- A. B. NI -lnncilh. t3.Comrn.. C.A. dient H-oward Quantrili thank- day. pinnsbilp for T'r;acIor Plowiri, .W Riei. c'A. rd the Plowmen and Vire Presi- Mrs. Ina Palmer was in To- - ----- Li~rdTruz-tee) dent Wes-lev Down invited the rontoon Saurda attedingG. E. Ti'ethce','e, C.A. the wedding af her niece, Miss Ba k Ivontrai IC. _ __--Townhip forne195 rigto ronto on Saturdy attending_.F,.-- Aîoo . TownsliVhip fCo'I19.58. hto Carol Palmer. Also attendinglB n o te i YAIA,: FRIEDLANDER, were Mr. and Mrs. John Pal- ÂIHINTER & CO. ,, mer, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pal-fler Accauntants and AudItors mer and Reginald Palmer. Pa gain W n e 64 King St. E. RA 5-1621 I enral ospital Mr. and Mrs. James McKin-IOshawa non arrived home on Fi a ocrates A ard B. L. Yale, C.A. e ky R p r following three weeks' vacation F Friediander, r,. Comm., C-P.A For the week of Sept. 30- in Cleveland, Ohio. Rating first amnong Canadian J. Hunter, C.P.A. Ot : There was a good crowd InI banks for its advertîsing, dur- Oct._______________ attendance at the turkey supper iî-ng the past 12 mnonths, the Admissions---------------- 53 sponsored by the Ladies' Guild Bank ai Mantreal bas agaîn u io1 Births, 3 maie, 3 female ofSt.______________o________1__hirDiscrhargec - 7 o!St Puls huchanFrda wonm the Socrates Award for _______________----___57 evening. Following the bounti- i the "best ad ai the month" and G. EDWVIN MANN, D.C. Major operations 9 fu inr nejybl r-ýearned the third highesi score Chiropractor Minor operations.......... __26 gram was given by Mr. Victor; for North Amecîcja in the trffiet: 1 Reid ai Peterborough wîth var - "Bank Ad-views : esiivev Of Il- ElIgiin St.. cor. of HorseySt s. Visiting hours 2.30 - 4.30) p.m. ety numbers; mnoving pictures nancial ad\rtisîng covýcrîng Phoine MA 50 and 7 ta 9.90 pr.. bown by Rev. G. E. Meades,; hie UliicM, States and CanadIa. Oft-îre Hoîîrz: Bt' Appointmeîîit .olos bv lVIiss ýNanicy Lowerv W\ilhth heexetinof une ___________ è;nd due'ts b.v the' Misses Dianne yeraî' the B. oh VM lias had thc( an Pa ý 3gcovSýh< lop -tdxorîrisîng iatin-x, for Caoi- D e n ial ELIZABETH VILLE TrrnuISiii\ coiada ior (hoc pa:st 12 vear '. 1<____in___________ 1lI"Day- .crviçe of the Unitedî1w-o '\rars. 1946 antd 19 IVtD.W.M LFLL lDS . A. Meeting Chîîcch wxas ld on Siînda.v;looîk lilsi Place o11 the coltili- Office: Jury Jubite Bldg. ThP Iinstitute hield its meet- 'ch -h a cood attendance. Super- Kn.in-n t W. Bowavll nrg on Wednesday evening in intondlent Ear) Woýathici-ilt '«as In 'he- lainai isscMni Banký Office HeOurs:t thr church basemnenl.. The meet- iii charge of thîe sErvice whic'n d-; o -puibi; ýhcd hv Viii- Il)arln. înoF; pr.. aily i ngwa opened by President tollowodl the pî'ogcarn ouilinpd 1ccnt Edwards & Jo., Ncw "i ladSau'xya udy Mi-S. Quantrili. The minute., bv the Board ai Chaistian Edu- i o-ln the final lic scor- Officr Phone MA 3-5790 wvere read and approved. Mrs. cation. Mrs. Oscar Jolinston 1 ing, annlouIIîCeCnI(t is 11tiad of olHouse Phone - Newcaslle3551M. While wished ta withdraw I1 tld the cbildren's story "The 1thie Socrates Award going ta the -________________fcom leadcrship of the 4-H If yen work at a job-and ment of tis do-how many minutes doeu ht take te earii enough ta lniy a gallOn of gasoline? t..........i 33 minutes?# WeUl. that was true for the average Canadian baoki 1939. 29 minutes? Youre right if you're thinkinp' about prices ini 1946. s.' 't' 't 16minutes? Correct. According to c vernmenl, Bigures, that's how long it takes an average Canadian today to earri the price of a gallon of gasoline. i On the score of performance, you re getting an aven bigger bargain. For today's reg'ular gasolines are far superior to the preinium grades sold only ten years ago. IMPRRIAL aIL LIMITD(S t I nsurance r ' What happons to *aoh Dollars *Th latest report front the Sup.rint.ndemt of Insurente, Ottowa, shows the, in 1956 the f insurance componiés in Canada paid out $371 million in ben.fts to policyholders. By fur the greter part of this money ($236 million) went to living policyholders. THE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA L-357D DurhiamFai County Cc Phonc 1371 FALL SPECI Special Discount of $5 per ton off 11sf pricE on the following Co-op Feeds for 1/2 fo 24% DAIRY CONCENTRAI 32% DAIRY CONCENTRAI 32% DEEF CONCENTRAT] DIT & FITTING RATION in addition our Cash Discount of 1% stil f f Secretary for 25 Years Honored by Directors Recently, 35 directors along '11 was his thought that lem@o with their wives of the Dur- revenue could be obtained hamn Centr-al Agricultural So- through this media as camping ciety paid tribute ta their -e- is becoming an extensive sunft. cretary, Mr. J. C. Gar-ney, for mertime outing. Mr. Den~t stat- mnany years of valued service ta cd he would bce wllhing to lease the Society. The meetingwr the land, and operate the camp,. held in the basement of the A cornmittee was set up to in. Township Hall, Orono. vestigate the possibility of fol: The presentation of an elec- lowing this proposai. tric shaver was made tci Mr. Mr. Gamev reported that re- Gamey by Mr. A. L. Hooey. Mr. venue from the 1957 fair was up C. W. Billings, president of the aver Ithat of former years and Society spoke a fe\v words ex- that the finances of the Socle- pressing the appreciation of the Iv zhould be better than theyr directors for the mornentous have oeen in future years. With wvork being donc by the secre- Ibis pleater surplus i'4 15 the tary. He painted out that l intention of the Society to make Gamey had held tI 's position somre -pairs to tiie building and with the Agricultural Socieiv improvenients to the grounds. for the past 25 years. During Concern wvas expressed ait.bée this period Mr. Gamey bas giv.- meeting over the lack o! entr- en untlring efforts t...wards the aiîî'n ar the ebjîdren ai the promotion of the Fair at Ooe fair this ycar. To rcmedy lhe Mr. Ernest Dent approachcd rcpetition in future y'ears tI'sI the Society with a propcs)-al o.- Sociriv art endeavourin t t opening the fair grounds and purclia-ý a Merry-G o-Round of especlally the section at the' their own xt hich cmuld be rent- north-east corner as a camping ed out for otlher everits in the section for tents and trailers. area. a measured in minutes gasoline costs you Iess M pArZE KM Tm e-4NADuN STATESM". BOWUANV=. ONTAPM