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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Oct 1957, p. 12

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~- - - T~ CANADUAN STATESMAK. EOWMA~VffL!. ONTA~!O ?R~SDAY, OCT. lOth. 1~5? SPORT NOTES By Doug Glynn Hockey players who hope to niake the roster of Bowman- Ville-Orono Combines this season will have to shîne at practice to catch the eye of Coach Ticker Crombie. That is unless they are defencemen, which Crombie would consîder as welcome a sight as Stanley did Livingstone, ini these early days of prepara- tion for the long season ahead. Crombie certainly can't kick wlth the top selection of forwards who are blessinx the Ice with their preselice at practice these days. His main headache again this season appears to be the one of attractinir good defence material. which seems to be at a premium in the area. HELP WANTED- DEFENCEMEN With the season but four weeks away Crombie will undoubtedly welcome with open arms anyone who is good prospective defence material. Mickey Walker's decision to go up the ladder to Senior A with Belleville has widened the gap left when Dykstra packed it. off to the coast earlier this year. Ticker la stili fortunate in having the remaining trio of Frank Hooper, Don Mercer and Ev Edwards, who did an adequate job of guarding the bine Une last season. His big job w111 be to obtain replacements of the samne calibre as those he bas lost. e * e e e TOP TALENT In regard to forwards, Crombie seems to be having ai selection of some of the top material from the district. In addition to the West brothers, Gerry Robinson and Chuck Armstrong from Orono, such stars as Syd Arnold, Lloyd Hamilton, Ted DeGrey, Bill and Bob Cherry, as well as Art Rennick, whom we mentioned last week; were out for try-out. Arnold was playing coach in Switzerland last season. i performance at practice shows he has the potentiai of a leader and his speed would probably get hlm a ticket If he were on the higbway. Syd played for eight years in Scotland In the British League prior to taking the coaching role. Lloyd Hamilton is no newcomer to local fans, having played for the Barons and Miller's Taximen o! the Town League. "Hammy" bas a wealtb o! hockey knowledge and that combined with bis swiftness makes him a top forward with any club. FROM DUNNIES Ted DeGrey did part o! the tour with the rags to riches erew from Whitby last season and the season before when they won the Senior "B" Title. He piayed five years with Belleville before going with "Dunnies". Aithough the layoff bas slowed him down sornevwhat he will likely be back in good form before the reguior scason begins. Bill Cherry spent last season on the sidelines, but it wasn't apparent to those who saw him aI practice. In 1955-56 he was with Leaside Junior "B'-," and went to Guelph before joining the Leaside crew. Most of bis experience bas been obîained in Junior B circles and it appears be vas a good learner. PLAYING COACH Bob Cherry was a piaying coach ini Swltzerland last season. taking over the reigns of a team after leaving a club ln Scotland. He played Senior B with Brampton the previous season. Prior to that lie spent two seasons with Woodbridge Junior "IB" circles, one with Unionville and received his Junior B training with Brampton. Also out for the. practices trying for other positions were Vince Vanstone, who will likely be minding the nets for Robson Junior Pontiacs this season; Jack Sturrock also did a brie! spel ini the cage at Monday's session to show Ticker bis talents. Crombie's only defence prospect is Laurie Garbe, who handled the left field chore for Bowmanville Harvesters for awhile during' the basebail season. NEW SPONSORS Sid Murdoch and Paddy Welsh, proprietors of Murdoch &Welsh Construction Company, have kindly offered to sponsor the newly established fourth team of the Town League Hockey group. The team have been appropriately niamed the Blockbusters, and from their prospective players they might well prove that ln the league. Anyone wishing a preview of the Town Leaguers may see them in action Thursday (to-night) beginning at 7 p.m. Tonight and next Thursday the four teams will play exhibition games at the arena to prepare them for the regular season. ORPRANS BlID FOR CROWN Bowmanville Juvenile Orphans wlll wlnd up their basebal season wlth the third and deciding game of the Lakeshore Juvenile Playoffs at Vincent Massey Park, Monday, October 14, beglnning at 10:30 a.m. Orphans are hosts tb Cobourg in the best-o!-three set wrhich is tied at one game each. A highlight o! the game will be the presentation of the trophy to the league winner after the game. This trophy is being awanded for the first time this year and it bas been donated by the Lakeshore Intermediate Basebal] League. This wiil be one o! your last opportunities to watch a local bail club in action this year and Orphans certainly are deserving of good support. Whether they succeed in winning the Lakeshore crown or not (and we believe they can) they have certalnly gone a long way for a sef-sponsored organiza- tion. PEE-WEES DROP OUT Bowmanville Pee-Wee Al-Stars have concluded their Ontario playoffs to Walkerton a!ter suf!ering the 31-0 upset here in the series op2ener. It was also reported they would concede the Lakeshore League playo!!s which they were to Ieter in the near future., What prompted the club's decision to drop the Lake- shore series la the lateness o! the event. They wouid have to meet at least two teams and that would take them well into October before the finals, which is rather late for base- bail. Pee-Wees did exceptionally well during the regular season and a considerable amount o! the credit for their fine record goes 10 Coach Murray Bale. Murray offered his services, bo the club when their future looked dima!ter we wrote several articles seeking somecone to bandle Ibem and had no response. Because Ibere was no offer from a prospective coach it appeared Bowmanvulle \vould flot have a Pee-Wee club. Then Murray came int the picture and bis endeavour carried the club to many victories.1 INhile few pcople other than parents turned out to 1 support the club thcy kept driving even without the fan support and came up with some brilliant games. Thanks are also extencled 10 sponsor Bill Mutton of Mutton's Service Station for his keen interest and support of minor basebal ln Bowmanville. Orono intermediates Defeat Durham for Ontario Cliampionship Backed by Don Mallett's five-hit pitching the Orono Orphans Front row, lef t to right: Keith West, Ron West, Gerry Robinson, Raye handed Durham Huskies a 6-1 setback to win the O.B.A. Intermediate West, Stevie West (bat boy), Dean West, Gord Lowery, Junior West, John "C" titie two games to one on Saturday. In addition to holding the Shetier. Second row, left to right: Bill Carman, secretary-treasurer; Ontario championship, the Orphans are leading the best-of-five Lakeshore Chuck Armstrong, Don Mallett, Doug Simpson, Lyall Lowery, manager; group finals with Port Hope, 2-0 in games. The team is pictured above Carman Cornish, Don Mercer, H. Boyd, Roy Winter, coach; Fred Lycett, shortly af ter routing the Huskies 10-O in the f irst game of the series. coach. J att Harrison's 317 'ýW'rs en's Top Single Malt Harrison won high sin- gle prize coming through with a nice 317 game. Only five other bowlers were over 300. namely Frank Hooper 308, Ed Rundie and Ted Phillips 307, Jack Lander and Ross Mc- Knight 302. President Jack Lander re- corded the high triple Ibis sea- son witb games of 207-286-302 for 795. George Piper bad 765, Pat Yeo 764, Eddie Rundie 758, Ross McKnight 737, Elton Brock 719, Dr. Howard Rundie and Hilda Brock Tops for Week Ladies League Hilda Brock xvas tops Ibis week with high triple 668, and high single 293. Bernice Budai still ln Ihere for high average o! 237. r Games Over 200 Hilda Brock 293, 214; Lola Wright 261, Bernice Budai 254, 211; Ev. Sweetman 248, 214, 200, Emma Bromell 244, Viv. Cowan 240, Li. Hooper 239, 224; Shirley Bickell 239, Onie Etcher 238, 202, Audrey Bickel 234, Dol. Edmondson 234, Shir- ley Brock 231, Vi Coole 228, 213; Sadie Bucknell 228, Elea- for Larmer 226, Louise Lyle 220, 208; Larraine Martyn 215, 213; Jean Harness 212, Elleen Holyroyd 210, Greta Luxton 209, Joyce Tennent 209, Peggy Haynes 209, Helen Gilhooly 207, 200; Babe Brown 207, Em. Stringer 207, Betty Westlake 202, Mary Harrison 200. Team Points Pins Budai -- Bates-- Patfield Buckneli __- Mutton Coole._----_ Gay-- Dunn. Etcher Brock --- Beauprie ------ 1Names Averages * * *Bernice Budai---------- Hi ida Brock --- AROVND THE TOWN . .. Coach George Piper o! Ihe Myra Cooper - ---- >..owmanville Bantan Legionaires is sitting by with bis club waib- 1 Viv. Cowan ---------- ing for bbe Lakeshore League finals to begin. Presenîly Courticei Vi. Coole----------------- and Port Hope are playing their semi-final set and il is lied aI' Lii. Hooper one win apiece. June Baker __ - There ivili be a general meeting o! ail persons interested Onie Etcher ------ in coaching or managin.- one o! the Minor Hockey League Norma Gay teamas Thursday (tonight) aI the Lions Centre. Everyone Peggy Haynes Inîerested in ibis ieaguc is requested to be at the Centre ai, Ena Etcher ____ 7 p.m. sharp. It is expected teams and playlng mIles for the Shirley Bickel coming season -,vill be draw.n up. Lydia Bates- Ev. Sweetman Hugli Latham. ,ccretarN-treasurer o! the Bowmanville Joy-ce Major --------- Revolver Club, ha.ý recquested ail mernbcrs to contact bim at, Lola Wright MA 3-5670 to give himi certain information be requires since' el McNulty- baking over tbc new post. . Larraine Marbyn Manager Arnod Etcher of the Robson Junior Pontiacs Lucille Moffat bas announced the team's f irst practice will be at 6 p.m. on Betty Westlake - Monday, Ociober 14, ai Meinoriai Arena. Anyone interested Kav Beauprie ln playlng Junior hockey is reminded to be on band with Alice Hodgson their equipment at that time. Helen Corden Congratulations to Orono Orphans on winning the AIl 0111ce Ptelde Ontario Intermediabe "C" Titie aI Durham Saturday when they; lJo e Tenet- downed Durham 6-1 10 lake the series two games 10 one. Louise L le ------------ ---- Orphans are stilil awaiting word on their Lakeshore Lil Phillips ------- finals wlth Port Hope. The Orono crew are leading the set Dot Crombie two Iames t. none and need but one more victory te, clinch Wilma Bates the crown again this year. ' Donna Preston Bowmanville High Scbool's Football squad got of! to a Mary Harrison---- rouling start, wibh a towering victory over Port Hope in their Heleo G;:hnolv -------.......-- opening game 'there Monda>- aftern'oon. They bave alreadv Ruth ari Hliax'd ------------- equalled their last season's effort with the win and may prov e JeuthBIca ----------- a bhreat under the competent guidance of veberan football man Jen Luxton and B.H.S. physical education teacher Mr. M. Johnson.f Ballv Bott lUifortunately, we do nol have the score of the game as this goes Shirlex' Broc" ----- to press. m ii r nel ---------- 9"311921£3 gal.......... 11039 10410 10927 9775 10823 10209 9948 10324 10282 10244 10237 10129 Ave. Frank Hooper 716 Ted Bagnell 713, Al Osborne and Raîphi Kel- ly 712, Hap Palmer 704, Ted Phillips 702. Tom Cowan and Bill Oliveri c]eaned up on the low scores. Tom had 108 for a single garne and Bill had the big total of 427 for 3. Ted Bagnell's team won highi triple 3547 and Murray Tighes' Ieam bad bigh single 1277. Dr. Howard Rundle's Ieam had low single, 906, and Russ Oke's had low triple 2993. Ailey Chatter Some of our new members are starting bo show some real talent. Frank Hooper bad bis best nigbt tb date. Glen Fry bad a 235 game. Bob Martyn 267, Tom Cowan 231, Charlie Disley 221. The new point system seems to be working out O.K. and every team seems to Iry barder each week to make a dollar The teams are pretby evenly matcbed Ibis year and only twice bas a team won 3 games in a row. Only 4 points separ- aIes tbe top from the bottom. Tighe's team stili mainlains a one point advantage over O'Rourke, Dale and Brock. _-Men's Major Bowling League. Standing End of 4th Week lai Schedule 1957-58 Season Team W Tighe 8 O'Rourke -- 7 Brock ---.- .7 Osborne 6 Bagneli --6 Rundle 6 Williams ~6 Bales ---5 Lander ___~5 R. Okc __5 B. Oke --.--4 Pins Pts 13596 8 12944 7 12725 7 12721 7 13115 6 13115 6 13094 6 128088 6 12910 5 12807 5 12768 5 12780 4 1 A "&p. ... Games Ave. P. Dobbins 6 239 N. O'Rourke 9 232 J. Levett ---- 12 231 A. Osborne------ 12 229 T. Bagnel - -- 12 228 Dr. K. Slemon 12 227 Dr. H. Rundie 12 226 R., Halîman 12 226 J. Lander 12 226 J. Parker 12 225 1G. Piper -- - 12 219, Fîve Teams Entered Iàn Lakeshore Hockey ray Have Two More Five teams are entered in the Lakeshore Inlermediate "A" Hockey League Ihis season and there 's a possibility twn more applications will be forthcorn- ing, it was announced at the initial league meeting of the 1957-58 season held at the Em- press Hotel in Peterborough Wednesday o! last week. The teams represented at the meeting were Bowmanville- Orono Combines, Lindsay, Port Hope, Cobourg and Lakefield. Ail five teams approved entries from Trenton and Whitby being admitted and agreed they would be accepted if their applications were forthcoming. Lindsay indicated they would request that their games with Trenton be on a four point ba- sis, if Trenton entered the league. They said the request would be made because o! the distance they would be requir- ed to travel 10 play with Tren- ton. Il was determined that a meeting 10 draw up the season schedule be beld in Lindsay on Tuesday, October 15. Il is ex- pected the league wîll begin playing the first week o! Nov- ember. Bowmanville - Orono Combines first home game is expected to be bere Saturday, November 9. This is uncon!irm- ed as yet, but the full schedule will appear in the Stabesman as soon as il is available. A motion wvas carried that Port Hope post a $500 bond for the season which would be for- feited 10 the league convenor if they !ailed to complete the season. The motion was moved because o! Port Hope's failing to have a full team ut ahl games througbout the past sea- KIDNtEYlrACID$' Rob your Rest..a Many peuple neyer seem tu get a Roud night'a test. They tum and tos-blaine it on'nerves'-when it may be thefr kidneys. Healthy kidneya 611cer poisons and excess acids from the blood. If they fait and inurities atay in the astem-<liafurbed 237 B. " olley 12 217 rest olten follows. If 210 B. Westlake 12 216 get and use Dodd's K 203 E. Brock ------------ 12 216 help the kidneys so 201 D. Little --- 9 216 better-and feel bettei 201 D. McKnigbt 12 2151 jJ V 200 E. Rundle------- 12 215 D d s O 196 M. Harrison. 9 215 195 F. Samis-------- 9 215 190) M. Vanstone 12 215 190 F. Williams 12 215 189 G. Lander 12 214 188 J. Callan ___- 9 213 AL 188 R. Kelly 9 213RAL 1(16 R. Hearle 12 213 186 S. Trewin 12 21" T M E 184 M. Larmer 12 2 11 ili 182 F. Bl1unt-------- 9 211C 179 R. McKnigbt 9 2!ù 178 P. Yeo ------------- 12 2091I 17M M. Tigbe - ------- 12 208 1 Effective 1 7H. Palmer - ----- ------ 12 2 0>' 1-71 C . Leslie 12 20 ,1 176! D. Bishop . - 12 2 u.-I ct 27e 1.1B. Bates --------- 9 2111512 t 174A1 T. Plihips----------- 6 205Flinor 14W. DeGeer --.--- 12 2P4 Fl no 1--3 E. Leslie --- .-- 12 204 170 B. Milne -------- 12 20)4 from cg 170 A. Piper 12 203 170 ___________ 169 .1;., ror... mnnti d F'~' 161 condi 'ion of man, and if w 162 look closely into this delusion 162 o! growing old, xve shall find 161 that it never abFolutelv , uc- 161 ceeds :n la> ;ng hold of our i 160 arnel Uawtliorni& if yo àon'trëest-weli Kidney Pilla. Dodd's that you cam test er. 1311 dneyPiIIs NAY TABLE IGES Sunday Fi, 1957 7iation gents NID son. Port Hope assured theî group they would have an en- try for the season which would comply with the rules of the Ontario Hockey Association. Two referees, one with lesser experience will be used in al Lakeshore Intermediate "A" games this year, it was agreed. It was also passed that the 0. H.A. attempt to make sure that the total radius travelled by re- ferees would not exceed 50 miles fromn the game being played. It was moved by Cobourg and seconded by Bowmanville- Orono that the Lakeshore In- termediate "A" group would not play with any clubs in the coming season unless these clubs were admitted to the Lakeshore Intermediate "A" group with an Intermediate , "A" classification. Representing Bowmanville-, Orono ut the meeting were Co- manager Frank Jamieson and Bob Watt, arena manager and member o! the B.O.C. Execu- tive. The O.H.A. was represent- ed by Frank Buckland, Natt Leydon and Mel Cunningham. Etcher's Team Stili Ahead in Mixed Bowling Team Standings Team w Etcher .-1.0 Spicer -- 8 Bond _ -___7 Bromeil -6 Brock --3 Mutton --2 A. M E. J. H. A. J. B. O. J. H. C. R, ,E. E, E. D C D C A I~. R B n J, j:' E. J. R L Pins Pts 11334 24 10466 9910. Jb 989e ',e 9343 7 9020 4 Averages Ga. Pins Ave. Spicer 12 2682 224 Etcher 12 2551 213 Brock 12 2544 212 Bond 12 2416 201 Brock 12 2327 194 Hickling 12 2304 192 Richards - 12 2304 192 Mitchell 12 2302 192 Etcher- - 12 2267 189 Cox -- - 12 2213 184 *Bromeli 12 2180 182 Mutton--- 12 2151 179 Mutton - 12 2112 176 *Reynolds - 12 2099 175 Eldridge - 12 2090 174 *Stringer - 12 1976 165 Gould - - 12 1959 163 Stringer - 12 1913 159 *Cox - 12 1912 159 *Bromeli 9 1394 155 *Bond Il 165,7 151 *Evans 11__ i 1638 149 *Mutton 12 1747 146 *Oke ------ 12 1645 1.17 L.Winacott - 9 1216 135 *Reynolds - 12 1593 133 McKnight - 9 1173 130 LMitchell - 9 1171 130 1. Charles___ 12 1514 126 *Charles 12 1513 126 Evans 12 1432 119 Bartels - 12 1367 114 [. Hickling 12 1295 108 *Winacott - 12 1262 105 r.Eldridge - 12 1155 96 LSpicer - 12 857 71 High Single, .T. Richards 269. High Triple, A Spicer 669. High Average, A. Spicer 224. ORDER NOW.0 0 0 and assure your home of having a steady supply of heat ail winter! USE THE BEST LIQUIFUEL FUEL OIL Finest Quality Stove and Furngce Oil for safe, economical heat Metered Deliveries Prompt Delivery 24-Houi Service .Stephen FuelsI (formerly Osborne Fuels) C.N.R. Yards Bowmanville Phone MA 3-S5410 __ Collector's &Jem ______%t One of the early phonographs pro duced by Edison. Brass tubes were the "records" and stirring band marches were popular. T-day a _______ collector's item". A fine "Collection" of appare! for those who demnand somnething just alittie better. - "FULL FASHIONED" CARDIGAN in shocking red and white stripes - An Amsei Original ENGLISH ALL WOOL WORSTED TROUSERS Fancies and Plain - Finest taiioring by "James" Bros."1 WOOL AND MOHAIR CAR COAT by Craft Sportswear with deep, luxurious Borg Pile liner-_____ FALL TOPCOATS BY "ALPACAMA"- Nationaiiy known for its excellent qualities of warmth without weight - ------------- SUPERBLY TAILORED SUITS by the makers of the -Aipacama Topcoat - Over 100 to choose from - $19.95 $14.95 $35.00 $55.00 $65.00 From - E/en 'S Illen5s' VVear 37 King St. W. "Quallty First k 1~ k,. 'Eh KI 1 TunemAT, om. - ---«m -. TM CfflADUN STATESUAN. Bô"t4$VME. 15NTAMO 2ý qqmLvu ýl 1,

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