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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Oct 1957, p. 14

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afl ou OEW TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, EBOWMAN!!LLI. ONTAMto THOT<SDAY, OCT. bith, MU Births MOWSAM-No rma (nee Allin) end Bob are happy to announce the birth o! a daughter, Judith Ellen, on October 5, 1957, at the Oshawa General Hospital. 41-i LEWIS-It's a boy! Bill and Lillian (nee Snowden) are happy to announce the arnival of James William Lloyd at the Memorial Hospital, Bowman-I ville, on September 27, 1957.1 Tiny brother for Wendy and Donna. Mother and baby fine. Daddy recoveming. 41-1* Engagements Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Coyle wisb to announce the engagement of their daugbter June Elizabeth, to Jack Frederick Seebarth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Seebarth, Bowmanville. The wedding to take place November 16 at three o'clock in St. Andrew's Presby- terian Churcb. 41-1 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wilkins an- riounce the engagement of their eldest daugbter, Wanda Elaine, to Ross Francis Hall, son of Mn. and Mrs. Horace Hall, Tyrone. 'The marriage will take place on October 26th in St. Paul's Unit- ed Churcb, Bowrnanville. 41-1* Mn. and Mrs. F. A. Thompson wish to announce the engage- ment of thuir daugbter, Muriel Anna, to Gordon E. Tery, son o! Mrs. Irene Terry and the late Wm. Terry, Bowmanville. The marriage will take place on Saturday, Oct. 26, at 2:30 o'clock in the Salvation Arrny Citadel. 41-1* Mr. and Mrs. Fnederickton ]Roy Sanders, Lake St. Peter, Ontario, announce the engage- ment o! their daughter, Iris Laura, to Mr. Floyd Thomas Fowler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fowler of Oshawa. The wedding will take place on Sat- urday, October 12, at 3 o'clock in Centre Street United Church, Oshawa. 40-1* Deaths WORDEN-At Weyburn, Sask., on Sunday, October 6, 1957, Charles Worden formerly o! Bowmanville) in bis 87th year. 41-1'* In Memoriam WILKINS-In loving mrnory of a dear father, George Blake wbo departed this life at Bow- manville, Oct. 10, 1934. Your presence is ever near us, Your love remains with us yet. You were tbe kind o! a father Your loved ones would neyer forget. -Ever remernbered by Roy, Nina and George. 41-1* Crds of Thanks We wish to express sincere thanks to our friends o! the Hampton community for the party held in our bonour and the gift o! a beautiful mirror. Marge and Don White. 41-1 T wish to express my sincere thanks to ail for kindnesses during my stay in Memorial Hlospital, and a special thanks to Drs. Storey, Sturgis and :tundle. Mrs. Harvey Corden. 41-i We wish to express our sincere thanks to the community o! Hampton for the beautiful chair presented to us hast Fniday ev- ening. Janet and Bruce Caverly. 41-1* We would like to express sn- cere tbanks to friends and neighbours for cards, flowers, letters and kindness shown us in tbis boum o! bereavernent. Earl, Velma Luke and family. 41-1* T wish to express my thanks to Dr. Gihi, Dr. Ferguson, the Supt., also the nurses and staff of Memorial Hospital for theiri kindness and those who visited' nie and sent me cards, flowers and fruit. Rose Somerscales. 41-1* We would like to sincerely thank our many Hampton friends for the pleasant evening of Oct. 4 and for the lovely table and chairs presented to us. We are deeply grateful for this kind- ns Franklin and Muriel TruIL Oshawa 41-1 T would like to tbank staff o!f Memorial Hospital, those who sent gifts, cards, visits at bos- pital and home. Special thanksi to -Dr. McKenzie, nurses, Mrs. Rutherford, Mrs. Farrow , ail who belped my farnily. A sin- cere thanks. Mrs. Harold Souch.4-* Coming Events Reserve Nov. 2nd for Hot TukyDinner at Courtice Unit- edCburch. 41-2 Don't forget Yelverton's Tur- key Supper on Monday evening, Oct. 14 with variety concert. Admission 1.50 and 85c. 41-1 1 Open meeting of Women's Canadian Club on Oct. 21 at 3:30 p.rn. in St. John's Parisb Hall. Speaker, Rev, Gordon Down. 41-2 Canadian National Institute for the Blind sale of work to be beld Friday, Nov. lst, 9 -49, and Saturday, Nov. 2nd, 9 - 6, in the Hydmo Shop. 41-1 Corne to Shiloh for a turkey dinner Wednesday, Oct. 16tb, sta rting at 5:30 p.m., followed ba sbort program. Admission j $1.50, 75c and 35c. 41-1* Pontypool L.O.B.A. is sponsor- ing a dance and draw on Friday, Oct. 18 in the Orange Hall. Corne and wvin a prize and dance to Easterners Orchestra. Admis- sion 50c. 41-2 Orono Odd Fellows Hall Trustees draw and dance in their bail Saturday, Oct. 19th. Eigbt prizes. Farrow's Orches- tra. Admission 50c. Proceeds building fund. 41-2] Bazaar, afternoon tea, sale of homebaking in the Union Hall, Saturday, Oct. l2th at 3 o'clock, under the auspices of Com- panions of the Forest. Draw on Kenwood blanket. 41-1 Reserve Saturday afternoon, November 9tb for St. Paul's E.v- ening W.A. Annual Tea andi Bazaar, featuring a "Doil Festi- val", new and used children's clotbing, knitting, bome-baking. 41-1 Regular weekly bingo held Thursdays except third week in the month which will be held on Tuesdays, in the Union Hall. 20 regular games and a jackpot game. No garne under $3.00. Admission SOc. 38-tf Bowrnanville L i o n s Club Bingo in Lions Community1 Centre, 26 Beech Ave., on Mon- day, October 21, at 8 p.m. Jack- Two special garnes. Admission $1.00 at the door. 41-1 Don't miss Enniskillen C.G.1. T. Variety Concert in the Com- munity Hall, Friday and Satur- day, Oct. 18 and 19 at 8 p.rn. Aduits 50c, cbildren under 12,ý 25c. Tickets available at Slem- on's store or from members. 41-2 Canadian C an c er Society, Ontario County Unit, Annual Meeting wilh be beld in Mc- Laugblin Hall, Tbursday, Octob- er 17th at 8:00 p.rn. Guest speak- er, Mrs. T. T. Rostance, Women's S e r v i c e Committee, Ontario Division. Everyone welcome. 41-2 Make a date to attend the1 Eastern Star Bazaar and Rum-' mage Sale at 2:30 p.m., Friday, October l8tb in Lions Commun- ity Centre featuring a!ternoon tea, daw on cedar chest and contents, tea room, bat box bar, deicatessen, aprons, bomebak- ing. 41-21 ATTENTION DIABETICS. A' meeting wilh be held at the Me-~ Laughlin Hall 8 p.m.. Oct. 10. 1957. Dr. Barbara Hazlett of Toronto Genenal Hospital, ill speak on Diabetics in Juveniles and summer camps. Slides wil be shown. Admission free. Please plan to attend. 41-1 Stay-at-Home Bridge a n d Television Party on Thursday, October 24th. Be sure to keep this date open to entertain your fiends and bave the lunch de- livered to your door by Club 15 for only 50c per persen. Club members wihl be telephonýing, or you may contact Mrs. L. Park- er, MA 3-3108. 41-1. Dance ai Solina Hall Friday, October i lthl. Music by Bryce Brown and his Sevenaires $1.00 per person 40-2 Livestock for Sale MUSCOVY ducks, neady to dress. E. J. Redmond, Newton- ville. 40-2* Carncroft Farm, Blackstock. Phone 13W. 40-tfl SUFFOLK ram, three years old, !rom registered stock. Wm. Stapleton. Phone Clarke 36 r 32. 41-1* HOLSTEIN heifer, 13 months old. Apply Zwarun. Highway 401 and Park Road, R.R. 2, Bow- manville. 41-1 EIGHT pigs, 13 weeks aid. 1 wish to express mysnce Serviceable boa r. Hal! mile appreciatien te Doctors Mikios west of Oshawa Wood Products, and McKenzie and the Nurses Courtice. Joe Roka. 41-1* and Staff of Memorial Hospital for their came; te the Newcastle PUREBRED Hereford bull, 12 Lionettes, the Statesman Staff mnonths; aise 28 bundies of cedar and !iends for flowers, cards shingles, No. V's; two-wheeied and personal visits and for the traîler. tires 6.00x16. Phone kindnesses shown my husband Blackstock 50 r il. 41-1* and myscîf during my stay in 1 bospital. Mrs. Gardon AgnewI Pets f or Sale We wish te express our beart- RED-BONE fox hound, also felt thanks and appreciatien for Briggs and Stration gas motor. the acts o! kindness, messages o!f PhonMA328. 411 sympatby and beautiful floral! nMA328.4- tnibutes received from neiglh- ENGLISH Springer spaniel pups, bours, relatives and friends; also regîstered. 3 12 months aid, gaod thahking Dr. Hubbamd, aîl the hunting degs. Phone MA 3- nurses and staff of Meia 2410. 41-1 Hfospital, Bowmanviile, Rev. F. Fifîeld and Pastor Halse for thel Piano Tuning consoling words ef help in the'___ Ioss of a nusband and tather. ARTHUR Cnolison. Telephone ý U & eVky euad d amil .MArket 3.390o. --- 4i1 DO your own floors-Rent a sander or a floor poisher frorn Lander Hardware, 7 King St. E., Bowrnanville. Phone MA 3-5774. 3-tf INSULATION, blowing rnethod, with rock wool. Workmanship guananteed. F ree e stimates. Harry L. Wade. Phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf BUSHEL apples boxes, 60c each. while they last; also quantity o! new dry inch lumber. J. A. Carscadden, Orono. Telephone 35 r 9. 39-3* HEARING aid service, testing service and complete stock o! batteries and cords at Higgon Electric Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowvmanvllle. Telephone MA 3-5438. 20-tf BEAVER riding tractor, dual wheels, 2 plows, cultivator, trail- er, valued $800; excellent con- dition, reasonable offer accepted. Also roto tiller, almost new. Newcastle 3066. 41-1* YOUNG TURKEYS, CHOICE MEATY BlEDS DRESSED AND DELIVERED PHIL FINNEY MAPLE GROVE MA 3-5058 26-tf Decorating " For the Finest Paints "For the Latest Papers " For the Best Workmanship S. G. Preston & son Phones 1MA 3-5912 MLA 3-37011 44-tfi ATTENTION HOUSEHOLDERS Noiv is the trne to f111 your freezer or locker with TOP QUALITY BEEF ai Low Prices Hinds - Lb. 35c Fronts- Lb. 25c FOR FREE DELIVERI: PHONE MA 3-2895 Articles for Sale Cars for Sale . CHOICE tender young ben '48 CHEV., new tires, new motor turkeys, 12 to 15 lbs., fresh kill- job, very clean. Phone MArket ed. Allan Macklin, MA 3-2202. 3-ý4.41-1* 41-1 TABLE turnips for sale, also 1954~ PONTIAC in good con- International potato digger, $15. condition. Apply Northcutt & Phone David Craig, MA 3-2086: Smith. 41-i 41-i1 CHEV., M-on, good running CARROTS, Spanish onions, beets order, $80; also car trailer. Tele- and pumpkins. Ivan Zwarun, phone David Craig, Tyrone. Park Rd. and 401 Highway. 41-1 41-1* VPnl+nr+lrr ricr fArticles for Sale INFANT'S pram suit, blue. Tele- phone MA 3-3535. 41-1* OAK .dining table, good con- dition, $10. Phone MA 3-5862. 41-1* QUEBEC beater, medlium size, with pipes. Phone MA 3-5244. 41-i POTATOES, $1.25 at farm, less bag. John Hooyer, Nestleton. 41-2 150NEW apple boxes, wire bound, 75c each. Phone 1 r 6. Orono. 34-tf GURNEY white enamel coal and wood range. Pbone MArket 3-2247. 41-1* jFRIGIDAIRE, 9 cu. ft., like new, $90. Pbone David Craig, MA 3-2086. 41-1 SEVEN storm windows, 36 x 63, fully glassed. Seli cheap. Pbone MA 3-5794. 41-1 GRAY Gendron baby carniage, excellent condition. Telephone MA 3-3626. 41-1* BERKLEY camp size rangette, $10; bird cage, $2. Telephone MA 3-5234. 41-1* BEACH combination wood and electric stove, good condition. Phone MA 3-2776. 41-1* ANTIQUE platform rocker and love seat, excellent condition. Phone MA 3-3406. 41-if WINTER coat, girl's, size 8, also velvet dress and plaid skirt. Pbone MA 3-3970. 41-1 APPLES, nearly ahl varieties, and Keiffer pears. Phone MA 3-2223. L. A. Squair. 41-1 MAN'S smoking jacket, size 38, grey flannel, neyer worn, $9.00. Telephone MA 3-5275. 41-if CHINA cabinet, modern, like new; space beater, large, auto- matic. Pbone MA 3-2564. 41-1* KODAK 16 mnm. movie camera, projector and screen. Lenhaven Lodge, Newcastle. Phone 2701. 41-1* BICYCLE, good condition, two years old, 18 inch frame, $25.00. Phone MArket 3-2709 after 6:30 p.rn. 41-1* SAVE on lumber, direct from mül to you. Pbillips Lumber Co., Kinmount. Ontario. Phone 17 r Il. l3tf KEYS cut automatically, wbile you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- ville. 46-tf HARD and sof t water delivered. Prompt service. Robert H. Cale. Phone MArket 3-5476 or MA 3-5805. 48-tf HARDWOOD factorv cuttings, dlean and dry, $10 large truck- load delivered. Phone Oshawa RA 5-1526. 40-2* NEW and used skates for sale, will exchange old skates for new. Lloyd Ellis Shoes. 49 King St. E., Bowmanville. 39-3 ELECTRICAL Repairs-Prompt service to electrical appliances, large and small. Lander Hard- ware. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-tf DRY elm furnace blocks, $32.00, a load, 2 cords, resawed, deliv- ered; also kindling. J. A. Car- scadden, Orono. Phone 35 r 9. 393 * FR oJh il LIt. ic tucic oruJ. Uc construction machinery contact Gîffen Truck Equiprnent Limit- ed, 5461 Yonge Street, Willow- dale, Ont. 41-1* ' 56 PONTIAC deluxe sedan, automatic transmission; '56 Cbev. Belair bardtop with over- drive, both showroom condition. RAndolph 8-1183. 41-i1 '54 PONTIAC bardtop, glearning jet black with white walls, radio, fender skirts, red and white leather upholstery, practically new tires. Best of fer. .MArket 3-5683 between 7 and 8 p.m.1 K. Jones. 41-1 Before You Buy - Give "Stew" a Try 1 PRICE 'EM LOIV AND SELL 'EM FAST *Certified Condition *Easy Terms '30-day Guarantee tak nd 0 gallons steve -0.15 i1 ~$2 Archie Brown, R.R. 2, Newcastle.15 ilmafl Sedan$15 41-11 Excellent tires and motor TW rybodomtwist rugsI~Meer - $9 14x91/à and 10 x 8, wlth mth 5 eer - $9 ing runner, 12' long. like new;1 Two tone - Quiet motor 9-piece mahogany dining-roorn suite, 18th Century sty le, iriclid-;51 Chevrolet - $45 ing breakfront china cabinet andl buffet. Mrs. Nerm O'Rourke. Two tone - Signais - White walls Phone MA 3-2083. 41-1 153 'Pontiac - $895; SPECIALS-One only, 2-piece Deluxe - Excellent condition chestenfield $119; space savens wolfreze, regular $99, sal pnîce $69; two only, smooth top5 Fod$,9 mattresses, 364 springs, re;ular Customline - White walls $59.50, sale price $44.50. Trade mns: w a s h e r, reconditioned15 hvoe $,45 $2950;Kelinaorrefnigerator, Two tone - Small mileage like new, $129. Two years te pay. Murphy Ce., King W. Phone MA 3-3781. 41-1*' 57 nambler Sedan '.jvî uI".in lu, ifilinl Help Wanted BUS driver. Apply Garton Coach Lines. 41-1* LADY for genemal housewonk, sleep in preferred. Phone MA 3-3391. 41-1 WOMAN wanted to came for chi]d, three or four evenings a week. Phone MA 3-3331. 41-1 SINGLE girl, 18 or over, must be reliable, for genemal store work. Apply I.G.A., Countice. 41-i PART-TIME sales help. Young man, must have car and even- ings free. For information write Advertiser 726, c/o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- manville. 41-3* MAN wanted-Ame you dissatis- fied with your work? Would you like a business of your own? If so, write Rawleigh's Dept. J- 140-GG, 4005 Richelieu, Mont-' real, Que. 41-11 GIRL wanted for modemn store' in Bowrnanville, good wages and working conditions. Write, stat- ing age, education and exper- ience if any, to Advertiser72 c/o Tbe Canadian Stat esman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. 41-1 Make Money ai Home ASSEMBLING OUR ITEMS No tools, sewing or experience necessary LEE MFG., 8507-W 3rd, LOS ANGELES 48, CAL. 41-1 START now with a permanent year-round business. Dealers needed in: Bowmanville, Hamp- ton, Millbrook, Orono, Port Hope and surroundings. You can earn $50 ta $75 xveekly with our wonderful line of necessities needed. daily. Full detaisan free catalogue on request.M Baker. dept. S. 1600 Delorimier. Montreal. 40-41 Help Wanted YOUNG MAN Aged 20- 25 Expanding manufacturing con- cern in Bownianvllle requires young man with at least two i years hlgh school and preferabiy some business experience for responsible office and plant position. App!y, stating age. experience and salary required to Advertiser 722 e/o The Canadian Statesman P. O. BOX 190 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO AIl replies strictiy confidential 41-1 Personal HYGENIC supplies - <Rtîbber goods) mailed P'ostpaid in plaiun sealed envelope with' price list. Six samples 25c, 24 samplesi $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov.-Rubber Ce.. Box 91. Ham- ilton. Ont. 1-52 Wanted DEAD and crippled farm stok Picked up prompily. PhoneMI 3-2679. Marzwill Fur Farm,I Tyrciau. . 24 bed, new guamantee Subsiantial Discount AND MANY MORE AT WELLMAN'S Nonquon Rd. Oshawa RA 3-4431 Authorized RAMBLER - HILLMAN METROPOLITAN Open until 9 pi. 41-1* CLEARANCE SALE at WHOLESALE PRICE9 We must clear our lot before new models start coming in. '1956 Plymouth Sedan V-8 iwith pushbutton transmission $1,995 1956 Bulck 2-door Automatic transmission $1,995 1956 Plymouth Sedan 6 cylinder with pushbutton transmission $1,895 1955 Dodge Sedan $1,295 1954 Chevrolet 2-door $1,095 1953 Plymouth 4-door $895 1952 Chevrolet 2-door $695 1951 Meteor 4-door $495 1952 Oldsmobile "98" Sedan - with Hydramatîc $1,095 1950 Ford 2-door $295 OU'R EARLIER MODELS are heing offered at DRASTIC REDUCTIONS Corne In and look them over. SOUTHMEAD SERVICE CENTRE .'.îthorized Dealer for DODGE - DE SOTO CARS DODGE TRUCKS HAMPTON Corner 5th Concession an', Scugog Itoad Open 9 amr. to 9 Telepon. Mrket8-5252 Real Estate for Sale Real Estate for Sale LOTS 80 x 250 just outside of Bowmanvjlle. E. L. Whitely, Real Estate Broker, 111 Suther- land Ave., Oshawa. 40-2* REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Properties Sold, Rented Managed and Appralscd L. M. Allison Real Estate Broker Phone 2566 - Newcastle, Ont. Two blocks north of traffic signal Newcastle 5-tf H. C. Pedwell, REAL ESTATE BROKER 62 acres garden soul, 1 mile fIrom Newcastle on No. 2 High- way, bank barn 40' x 60', frame house. Investigate this property. 50 acres close to highway. No buildings, $6,000. 8 roorn bouse in Newtonville, garage and barn. This is a bargain. $5,500, easy ternis. New 5 room house being buiît, with oul furnace, 3-piece bath. Ready for occupancy in 30 days. On No. 2 Highway East of New-, castle. 8 roorn solid brick house in Newcastle, oil heated, bath. $ 1,000 down, immediate pos- session. 6 room house in Bowmanville J. Van Nesi Real Esiate 118 King St. E. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3230 Solina village, to close an estate, seven room frame on lovely bal! acre lot. Furnace, small barn with bandy work- shop. Asking $7,200. Prospect St. - Four room frame on nice lot. Ahl con- veniences. Priced to sell. 9 roomn cottage, East Beach, with ahl furnishings, double garage. Splendid for summer, guest business. Priced to seil. Ask for early inspection. Small bousg on baîf acre in Clarke Town'Ihip. Good well, heavy wired. 41-1 Leask Real Estate Duplex bouse, centrally locat- ed, in good condition, 2 bath- rooms, separate entrance, beauti- fully landscaped. $10,500.00 with $ 1,500 cash. Good income borne. 4 room bungalow, sunporcb, city water and sewer, on ¾/ acre land, beautifully landscaped. $5,000.00 full price. Terms. 6 roomn solid brick bouse, 4 bedrooms, just off King St., roomy lot, $6,500. Terms. We bave bouses, farms, bus- mnesses, bungalows for sale. Auction Sales 'Nép Two large furnitume sales wilù be beld at the Durham County Sales Arena on Friday evening, Oct. l8tb. Bedroom, living. room, kitcben furniture, large Frigidaire refrigerator and wash. er. Plan to attend this large auction. Jack Reid, auctioneers 41-2 Mr. Oscar Luxton, Lot 6, Con. 3, Darlington To.wnsbip, one mile north of Boys' Training Scbool, has sold bis farm and will seli by public auction on Saturday, October 12 at. i p.m.. bis entire berd of registered and accredit- ed Holstein cattie, tractor and tractor rnachiner, grain, poul- try and some furniture. Furth. er particulars, see bills. Cattie sale at 3:30 10.m. Terms cash. No reserve. Jack Reid, auction- eer. 39-30 AUCTION SALE The entire HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and APPLIANCES and MANY OTHER GOODS Everything in exceptional con- dition - to be sold by publie auction for Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stackaruk at 10lA 1NOC C- & SH-OTGUN, 12 gauge, boit ac- tion, like new; will hold three shots, $35. Phone MA 3-2011. 41-1 STOVES - One kitchen cook stove; tbree-burner gas range.1 Both in excellent condition. MA 3-3877. 41-i SPACE heater, Quaker, oil, per- fect condition, ZOO gallon druni and 40 gallon drumns, cheap. 29 King St. W., Bowrnanville. 41-1* INFANTS prarn suit, blue witb white f ur tnim; also wine snov suit, size 5, both in good con- dition. Phone MA 3-5260. HOMEMADE sausage meat, good quality and lean, in 1 lb. pkgs., 1 lb. 35c, 10 lbs. 3.39. Bowman- ville Frigid Locker, Phone MA 3-5578. 41-1q, USED bricks, 3c each; large Norge oil beater, filter, gauge, 25 - ft. copper tubi ng, 200 gai. dM.I~ I cil on i &lJCÂ LJ :a, on I irnc, IDai, jg a.nawAtn, ~LsicI.- built-in garage. $7,500 with M. E. LEASK, BROKER C'D M iiurcii LJi. $2,000 cash. 65 Ontario St. Bowmianville BOWMAN VILLE, ONTARIO Phone Newcastle 3856 MA 3-5919 0on 41-i 41-i October 26th, 1957 Peter Feddema McQuay and Kidd Sale begins at 1 o'clock REAL ESTATE BROKER REALTORS in the afternoon. Watch this newspaper in the 50 acres, 10 room frame house, Members Oshawa and District October 17th and 24th issues for large barn, hydre, water, geod Photo Co-ep. a near complete list of the goods location. Pnice $9,000.00. Lowb $1,000 down fluys six-roorn ta vl eofrdfracin down payment. i ungalow on landscaped lot 40-2'lb ofrd o ucin 14 acres on highway, large $5,500 full pniee. 40-________________ home in geod repair, bath; barn 175 acre dairy farm, long H R FORD SALE, bouse, garage, smalh orchard. mile fromn town. Large bip-roo! Pnice $8,500.00. Terms. barn with steel stanchions, water J. R. Noke 9 912 acres with goed barn, run- bowls, etc., cernent silo, eight- "I ning water. Pnice $4,000.00. room bhouse bas ail city conven- Ma ln Ot Ternis. iences. Excellent soil, good a la Ot 10 acres, 2 miles from New- trout stream. This farm must 1 P.M. castle, 7 roem frame bouse, pres- be sold at once due to we' sure system, oul furnace, barnj health. Asking $32,000 with Saturday, Oct. 191 '57 30 x 70. Price $10,000.00. Low $10,000 down. down payrnent. We bave a large selection o! Thirty choice bred cows and 2 acres in Bowrnanville, 8 farms for sale in this area. 1 heifet~s plus sevea top service age room frame bouse, 4 bedrorns, Buying or selling, residentiaîl! buils, includin- haif interest lu bath, full basement, barn 20x farms, commercial, industria1,! our champion'herd sire Zento 30. Priced te sell. Terms. acreages and lots, contact 1 Mixer 26H, truly one o!f Canada's 8room bouse in Oronobah WALTER FRANK top bulis. Thirteen females_ furnace, nice surroundings. Price 177 Chuch St MA, 3-3986crrthsevesoT.WRe $8,000.00. Down $500.00o. 41-i1, gent 27 412346 whose progLcd4' 189 Scugog St. - Bowmanville established a new low con- Phone Arket -3644version record <all breeds)-9 Phn Akt3341- JamesNio pounds grain per pourîd of! e REAL ESTATE BROKER ai the Govt. Feedinff Station, Guelph. Catalogue and lineh De With Real Estate 4-roi frame house, hydre,, avaîlable. Picase bring Yo$wM well, town water available, large1 red 200 acre !arm, with 75 acres lot. $4,000 with $700 down. rRAIds 3.134 clay-hoamn rolling land, 110 acres 6-romr solid brick, semi-de- RI:NO..1.- inb od re,5'x3'bn ahd -ic ah emosarn (10 years old), implement heavy wiring, full basement, The undersîgned auctieneer i shed, hien bouse, pig pens, close up town. $6,500 wit hbas received instructions fromi garage; 8 roomed brick bouse, temms or would exchange for a the executor te sdil by publie heavy duty wired and hardwood 4-noomn bungalow, central. auction the household effects and floors. Price $11.000 with bal! 4-room frame bungalow, 3- carpenter teols fer B. G. Stev. cash. piece bath, oul furnace, beavy ens, Solina, Lot 24, Con. 5, on 200 acre dairy farm, 140 acres wiring, full basement. $7,000 Sat., Oct. 12. Thiree-piece Chest- wonkable, 40 acres in bush, large with terms. erfield, 7 small tables, 2 pedestal spring, 100' x 40' bank barn with Grocery store and living q1'uart- stools, 2 rockers, end table, floor L-shaped extension, steel stan- ers - 6 rooms, 3-piece bath, oul larnp, table larnps, hall racks, chions, water bowls, steel boxes, furnace, beavy wiing, merch- dîning-roomn suites, band-made 2 implement sheds, pig pens, 2 andise at invoice pnice. Priced oak writing desk, 2 hand-made cement silos; 13 roomed solid te scîl. rockers, ehectric beater, rangette, brick bouse xith furnace, bard- 50 acres with a cneek and good cook steve, oval kitchen table, xvood floors, beavy wired. To land near village, ne buildings. arn chair, 10 kitcben chairs, be sold .as a going concern with Piced for immediate sale. day bed, bcd with spning mat. 80 head of purebred Hoîsteins, Land on highway, suitable tress, dresser, bcd, washstand, full line o! machineny, etc Milk for motel or service station. pbonograpb, settee, pull-eut quota 10 cans a day. Price and 47 Queen St. Bowmanville coucb, cradle, chest, toilet set, terms arranged. Box 941 MA 3-5682 rug, two wash tubs, Iran Herse 98 acre farm sîtuated close te 41-1' rotary law-n mower, gas engine a nice little town with 60' x 60'1 and table saw, two electnie bank barn, steel stanchions, L motors, cernent mixer, table saw water on tap, implement shed, Chiarles RAanki1ne with electrie motor, '37 Chev. lien bouse, garage; 9 roomed REAL ESTATE BROKER coupe, circular saws, large as- brick bouse with 3-piece bath, furnace, running bot and coîd $2,000 down -Modemn new sortment carpenter tools, garden water, bardwood floons. Price bungalow, brick and frame, 3 tools, dishes, pots and pans. No $12,00.Ters araned. bedrooms, spacieus living-roomn, reserve. Terms cash. Sale at $12,00.Term arange. '1:30 Clif! Pethick, auction- 79 ar am atNwate large kitchen with built-in cup- acrie frm, eighaNocst2, 1boards, stainless steel sink, 4_ cer. 41-1 with 62 acres phowable, 3 arsic ahom tlt om wood, creek, 60' x 30' bank barn, forced air oil heat. Full pnice ihen house; 8 roomed brick house $9 ,500. with nuning vatr, hdre $2,000 down - Exceptionally Price $9,000. Terrns aranged. attractive new frame bungalow. 107 acre farm, sandy-hoarn, Water and sewer. Close to M 3.21 with 65 acres workable, 25 acres scbool. As modern as, tomer- MA3 30 in wood, large farrn pond, 55' x rew, 3 bedrooms. Sce it 35' bank barn with L-shaped Full price $9, extension, implernent shed, len $500 down - full price $3,500! bouse; 9 roomed brick house . 4 rooms and bath, new, unfin- runnng wterhydr. Prce shed. Tbree acres o! land. This $unning0 ater, hydre. Price yo are lookîng SER VICE 5 roomed, almosi new, frame fr home at Maple Grave on good $3,650 full pnice for this srnal size lot with garage, ail fumnace, bungalow, Maple Grove district, 4-piece bath, lino tule fleors, hot 1 acre choice garden land. and cold unning water, laundry Hydre, fruits, lien bouse. Terms. tubs. Price $10,200 with $4,500 100 acres, dlay loam, top build- down. ings all painted and modern. 5 oomed, nearly new, brick Stock, grain, new tracter and j. ~ """ veneer bungalow in centre o!f implernents. Full pnice $20,000. ~ The Canadian Statesman Bowmanville with full base-j Low down payment to respens- ~ C A SFE ment, gas fumnace, F/A, 4-piece ible party. C A SFE bath, hardwood and tule floors, 52 King St. W. Bowmanville : ADVERTISINi. 4-piece bath, modemn kîtchen, M4 3-2453 or 3-2762 electric water beater, laundry 41-i1e RATES tubs. Pnice and termis arranged.X 5 roomed frame home on ]fi Pet er Knwal* ARTICLES FOR SALE 4 acre lot with modemn kitchen, 2- LIVESTOCIC FOR SALE 42% piece bath, water under pressure, REAL ESTATE BROKER FOR RElT - HELP WANTZD attached garage. Asking pnice GENERAL INSURANCE Ir LOB? CAR FOR ALETC- $7,00 ith$75 don.99 Ring St. L. Bowmanville el Cash Bat* - * e4c Word 6 roomed frame home in Bow- Telephone MA 3-5868 4 With a minimum oF SOc 4 manville with new oul furnace, Box 817 A.. Must be paid b', date of insertion. 3-piece bath, running bot and 5 roomn bungalow o n 3/ acre willchareanadditani . cold water, modern kitchen. o! land in Tyrene. Mîodern: A char ge of 25c will be mode toi Garage. Price $7,500 with $1,800 kitchen, modemn bath, ail types aU replies dirocted ta this office. down. o! fruit. Garage, beavy wiring. . NOTICES . COMING EVENTS 6 noomed insulated frame1 This is an ideal place for retire- ~ AND CARDS 0F THANKS home in Newcastle on, 1 ¼ cemet/rce tony$,000.:4c a word with a minimum ai f lot with oul fumnace, electnic Terms arranged. . 10 o 5wrso ea water beater, running water, 3 bedroorn semi-attached borne X IBTHS - ENGAGEMENTS bardwood and tule floors, 4- i in east district of town. Tiled MARRIAGES - DEATHS piece bath. Pnice $9,500 with bath, modemn kitchen, garage, $ 1.00 per Insertion $2,500 down. lovely grounds. If you want a IN 1 MEMORIAMS Besides above rnentioned we well kept home at a reasonable $ 1.00 plus 10c a line fai verstý have approxiînately 200 more prîce, corne and see this one. w.. Display Cassjfied at 31.50 Ps!- praperties te choose fromn. Only $5,900.00. Good terms. . inch with a minimum of one inch.7 N ew 3 bedroom brick bunga-,j Additiunal insertions at the sam$ ?t. Cnatlow under construction. All! rates. r TI 11ik conveniences, good location, nice'l 4ADl Classilied Ads muist be in ici-, 1 - 1 ri 1 ý 1

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