THURSDAY, OCT. lOth, 1957 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANV!LLE. ONTAR!O PAGE V~P1E!q Notices Fish and chip orders will be taken from il ta, 1 noon and from 7 ta 10 at night. Friday and Saturday until 11. Phone 3-5579. 41-1 Extra Garbage Collection Schedule The Bowmanvllle Works Dept. 'Will make four extra garbage and refuse collections annually. They will follow these holidays: 1. New Year's 2. Easier 3.. July lst 4. Thanksgiving TERMS 0F COLLECTION I. Free of Charge 2. Refuse should not be put in returnable containers 3. Refuse ta be pleced on boule- vards in front of residence. 4. Brush or similar material should be eut as snil as Possible and whcre practical, bundled. TUE FIRST COLLECTION wilI be held on following days: 1. Thet section of the Town lying SOUTH 0F AND INCLUDING KING STREET- Tuesday, Oct. 15 RING STREET- Wednesday, Oct. 16, C-ilectlons will commence at 8 a.m. LLOYD QUINTON, Works Foreman. 41-1 Wanted to Buy TrHREE quarter H.P. electric motor, must be in good con- dition. Phone MA 3-2526. 41-1 NOW buying Red Claver and Timothy. Give me a chance.1 E. Swain, Bla ckstock 89r1l41. HIGHEST prices paid for live POUltry, goose feathers, featheri ticks, scrap iran, rags, metals and raw furs. Phone RA 3-2043 Oshawa, collect. 48-tf 4ý L kinds of live poultry want- 84-Top Toronto prices paid at Yr door for large or smal] qluaZkities. We have aur own mafket. M. Flatt, Bethany R.R. 1. Phone coliect to Bethany 7 r 13. 28-tf ~~'Nto fifty acres of land in (2~cabt.ia high or hîlly ýËWgtcuitu-ra1, water supply available. Write Advertiser 727, c/o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. 41-1 Repairs RADIO and television repairs. Prompt service. Pick up and delivery. Lorme Doreen, 85 King E. Phone M1A 3-5713. 2-tf REPAIRS to ail makes of refrig- erators, domestic and com- mnercial. milking coolers. Hig. gon Electric Limited, 42 King St.1 E. Phone MA 3-5438. 25-ti Watch Repairing AT M ar r 's JEWELLERY 43 Kint St. W. MA 3-5463 BOWMABNVILLE 50-tf Orono Turns Out in Full Force to Welcome Champions For Rent TWO nice bright rooms for ligbt housekeeping. Abstainers. Tele- phone MA 3-2198. 41-1 DOWNSTAIR apartment. All conveniences. Adults oniy. Tele-, phone MA 3-5878. 41-1 FOUR-roomed flat, East Beach,' inside toilet and running water.' lights. Rent $40 a month. Phone MA 3-2875. 38-tf FIVE unfurnished raoms, $30 per montb, baîf mile west of: Tyrone. Mrs. J. Piggott, R.R. 1., Bowmanville. 41-1l IN NEWCASTLE, newly de-' corated modemn apartments, pri- vate baths. beated. Price 50 dollars. Phone MA 3-5i589. 40-2 HEATED rooms in Newcastle, partly furnisbed if desired. Write Advertiser 724, c/o Canad- ian Statesman, P.O. Box 110,f Bowmanville. 41-3* PARTLY furnished bouse ta rent, Concession Street, four, raoms, comfartable. Write Ad-' vertiser 720, c/o Canadian States- man, P.O. Box 190, Bowman-1 ville. 40-2. APARTMENT. Fully equipped.' Refrigerator and stove supplied.' Heated. Separate entrance. Corner St. George and Church. Apply Brookdale - Kingswavj Nurseries. 40-tf, FOUR roomed bouse ta ment, all 1I conveniences. Near Central1 School. Apply stating ment you are now paying. Write Adver- tiser 719, c/o Canadian States-! man, P.O. Box 190, Bowmian- V ville. 40-2! COTTAGE, nearly new, on private estate by Lake Ontario. Large living-room and three bedrooms. Warrn for year- round living. Write Advertiser' 725, c/o Canadian Statesman, P. O. Box 190, Bowmanvillc. Work Wanted GENERAL trucking and light deliveries. Phone MA 3-5165. 39-tf WASHING and ironing, also mending and sewing at home. Phone MA 3-3877. 41-1 CAkU-'iNTR'Y, brick work, con- tract jobs or alteretions and me- pairs. Phone MA 3-3352. 41-1 *i KIND motherly person will expertly baby sit day or even- ing. Write Post Office Box 1292. 41-1 PLUMýBING, heating, eaves- troughing; free estimates. Harvey Partner. Tyrone. MA 3-2240. 12-tf NEW plastering and repairs. Stucco and cernent plastering. A. C. Woods. Phone Clarke 23 r 04. 14-tf ýENGLISH lady would like par t or full time work, typing, sales- lady, or anything considered. Phone MA 3-3577. P.O. Box No. 986. 41-1* CONCRETE and mason work, new or repair. Cbimneys, foundations, floors, walks, etc. L. Turner. Telephone MArket 3-3231. 41-tf PLUMBING - HEATING EAVESTROUGHING Tony Baars 66 King St. W. MA BOWMANVILLE 3-5172 Plastering Repairs QUICK SERVICE STUCCO AND NEW WORK R. L. TAFT 69 King St. E. 3-5030 6-tf h Nearly a thousand people and a heuf mile of cars gave a royal welcome ta Orono Orphans on Saturday night about Il o'cloclç. The occasion was ta celebrate the winning of the Ontario Intermediate "C" basebali championship in Durham that afternoon when Orono took the final game, 6-1. The spontaneous outburst includcd the appearance af Orono Band, four drum mjorettes frorn the High School, the f ire truck loaded with firemen, the fire siren goingr full blast to arouse couples Club Holds Its First Fill Meeting Maple Grave: The Couples IClub held their first meeting1 at Meple Grave Church last. Tbursday evening. President Howard Bradleyé openeci the meeting and con-1 ducted a short business period. The Worship service was giveri by Mrs. W. H. Brawn and Mrs. D. Laverty. Mick Brown introduced the guest entertainers -for the evening. Three young chaps from Nes- tietan who cali themselves the "Three Days" entertained us with guitar and vocal selec- tians. Mr. D. Laverty then intro- duced Mr. Ken Tolmie of the Department ai Lands and Forests, who showed films an 'Life in a Swamp." It is cer-c tainly interesting ta see the way that the law ai Naturer keeps any one animal or insectt fram becoming too numeraus. Lunch was served by the group in charge. Ncxt manth's program comi-t mittee are Wally and Jean McKnigbt and Jack and Ruth Pierce. Lunch committee is Phyllis and Don Cowle and Joy and John Brinning. North Nestieton The September meeting ai the' W.A. was held at the home ai IMrs. Laurence Malcolm with a j splendid attendance ai 30 ladies and several children. Mrs. Wm. Steele led in prayer. Devotion-1 ai xves taken by Mrs. A. Wilson and study book chapter by Mrs. M. Emerson. During the bus- iness period plans weme nmade' for an annivemsarY supper on Nov. lst. A splendid pmogramn was presented and much enjoy- ed. Mms. Campbell and Mm s. fHyland gave a vocal duet, Mm s. Mairs and Mrs. Steele, violini and piano music; Mms. W. Vin e gave e reading. A deliciousj lunch wes served and a social he ou ntyeetngait rThe bou nyetn o h IFarnmers' Union was beld Thurs- day evening in Pontypool. Sev- eral from bere attended and re- port a real good meeting. 1Jamiie Hunter, Port Pemry, weIl known toae lot ai us here, lcit M\onday morning for nine wceks' training in the Air Force et Montreal. Master Glenn Malcolm is me- covering fmom a tonsilectomy. We aIl wish him e speedy me- turn ta health. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Palmer, iAginicourt: Mm. and Mrs. Hislop, Toronto, called on their causins, Mm. and Mrs. Gea. Johns. Mrs. Wmi. Plumtmee, Ketby and Clifford, Janetville; Mm. and Mrs. Gea. Kerr, Bruce and Peem1, Yeiverton, spent Setumdey even-j ing xith the Vic Malcolms. Mr. and Mms. George Johnsî and Bill spent Sundey with Mrs. W. Fitze, Oshawa. Len Joblin spent a couple aif days last week witb bis niecel and nephew, Mm. end Mrs. Vie' Malcohun. Communion Service wes wel attended here on Sundey. We listened toaenother good sermon. The Nestieton Annivemsery services xviii be beld an Sundey, Oct. 27. Mr. and Mrs. M. Emerson, spent Sunday evening witb Mm. and Mrs. Lloyd Hunter, Part Perry.j MAPLE GROVE Mm. and Mms. Jack Ilidge and three sans, Toronto, visitedi , C.Sn(' n2n Bob on Sunda.v. Miss Mildred Stnowden spent the w,ýcend wvith Miss Margar- et Stewart, Bumllngton. Mml. and Mrs. W. H. Brownj attended the Hodgson -Mutton xxeddirig on Setumday. Recent visitors xith Mm. anci Mrs. Roy Metcalfe weme: Mm.1 and Mms. Claude Tueker, Stir- ling, Mr. and Mms. Albert Cas- ky, Frankford, Mms. Ross Peuhl, Napanee, Mms. Ide Trenouth, 1 Bowmanville, Mm. and Mrs. J.1 M. Thickson, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. George Bawers, En- field. Dr. and Mrs. Holmes, Toron- ta, were visitars last Wednes- day with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hol mes. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Mc- Grath attended the Markhari fair last week. Miss Lois Monroe, Welling- ton, Mr. George Bagley, Mr. and Mrs. Clifforci Munro and Mrs. Alexander, Hiler, were Sun- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ned Gould. Mrs. E. C. Ashton attended the wedding af ber nephew, Flying Officer Don Stainton, in Quebec City. Don is the son af the late Hiliier Staintan. Mr. and Mrs. W. Ward, Cal- borne, visited witb their ne- phew, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Burham on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Beecb and Mrs. E. C. Asbton attended the wedding ai the latter's grandson, Mr. Bill May in To- monta, on Saturday, and later attended a gathering et O. C. Asbton's, Enniskillen, in hon- aur of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ern mott, British Columbia, the lat- ter beinp the former Mrs. Hil- lier Stainton. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cryder- man, Shirley, Jim, Ken and Es- ther, were Sunday visitors with Mm. and Mrs. Ernest Bush, Glen Miller. Quite a number in Maple Grave are sick wîth the fia We wish themn a speedy recov- ery. Mr. Ken Brooks, Flint, Mich., Who is attending the General Motars Institute ai Technolagy, accornpanied by Mr. K. C. Mar- tin, Statten Island, N. Y., and Mr. Mick Ammermand, New- fane, N.Y., spent the weekend witb Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Brooks. Air. Rail or Steanishlp TI1CKE TS8 TO EVERYWHERE Consult I15King . . A35778 KiBowmanville L Actuel Size Replica (ut-Ouf Hearing Glasses by MflICO fliscover how well you can loolc in the ail-new, slim Maico Hear' ing Glasses. Get FREE replica and folder showing styles for botli men and women. No obli- gation, of course. --I;Mâ- e alerdo eo. Pleuse send me your FREE Heormng Gtoss NAMEI SADDRESS____________J SCITY - STATE______ L----------------------- FAST RELIEF FOR NI[UMATIC1 PAIN anyone who hadn't heard the news and a tumuit of cheer- ing and horn blowing. It was a great night for everyone,' including the team and their wives who finished the evening with a lunch at Northway Restaurant. Manager Lyall Lowery expressed thanks from the Township Hall steps toalal those who had corne out ta welcome them home and to his boys who had done such a magnificent job. This photo shows the team and their wives just after they arrived home. Th ieves Given Stiff Sentences 'For Car Theft Jean Marie Plante and Rab- ert Metz, bath ai no fixed ad- dress, were given stif f jail terms wben tbey appeared in Belle- ville Court Monday mamning on charges ai car theft. rThey were joîntly chargedi witb the tbeft an September 24,1 ai a car owned by Douglas Tay- lor, Simpson avenue, Bowman- ville. The mren were charged1 after an investigation by Bow- manville Police Chici Eric Smith. Metz IVas sentenced ta three years in Kingston Penitentiary on the charge. Plante received a sentence ai two years less ai day definite and tweive months1 indefinite ta be served et the' Ontario Reformatory. The men appeared in Belle- ville on the charge because they were being held in custodv b y Belleville Police on charges af breaking and entering. They I ac receie identiical senten- ces on the charges ai breaklng and enteming. SOLINA The turkey supper held ln the Cammunity Hall an Wed- 1nesday evening was attended by nearly 700 people coming from Toronto, Oshawa, Bowmanville 1and the surroundlng districts. The menu consisting ai turkey 1with ail the trimmings and a variety ai deliciaus home-baked pies for dessert was heartily; enjayed by aIl present. The World Communion Serv- ice on Sunday aftemnoon was conducted by Rev. M. C. Fisher af Newcastle. Rev. RL-ed will be in the pulpit for Thanksgiving Service next Sunday, Oct. 13, and will also conduct a service ai baptismn for parents so desiring this rite for their children. Thankoffering services here will be held on Sunday, Oct. 27 et 2 and 7:30 o'clock. The Women's Institute were guests ai Blackstock Women 's Instîtute an Friday evening wben a pleasant time was enjoy- ed with Saline ladies providing the program. The Women's Institute willl meet an Thursday evening, Oct.1 10 et 8:15 o'clock. Mm. A.W. Rundle ai the Oshawa Garden1 Centre wili be guest speaker. Mm. and Mrs. Frank Westlake Sm. wiil observe their 47th wed- ding annivemsary on Saturday, IOct. 12. Their many friends extend congratulations on this happy occasion. Mrs. J. Yeilowlees is visiting hem sisters, Miss Ida Reynolds r and Mrs. Mabel Westley inr Toronto. i Mrs. James Moorey Is mecelv-'- ing miedical came in Memoriall Hospital, Bowmanville, fallow- ing a faîl downstairs in hem home, and trust she may soon return home in better heahth. Her condition is satisfactory et the time ai writing. Mm. and Mrs. Don Taylor visit- cd et Mm. F. Abernethy's, Man-j illa. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hamer and cbildren end Mrs. Dcll visited Miss Lillian Milton, Toronto, on Sunday. Mrs. Dell has returned ta hem home in Edmonton aiter spending the past maonth with hem daughter, Mrs. Hamer and family. Mm. and Mrs. H. Freitag and sons end Miss Jean Cryderman visited et Mm. E. Crydemman's. Miss Evelyn Taylor, Peter- borough, spent the weekend et her home. Mm. and Mrs. Frank Westlake Jr. and family visited at Mm. F. R. Cook's, Bawmanville, and Mm. and Mrs. N. Fice's, Taunton. Mm. J. KivelI and Miss Pearl Leach visited an Sunday et Mr. N. Leach's, Taunton. Mm. and Mrs. Cal Myles, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cowan, Orono, visit- cd et Mm. J. Kivell's. Mm. Ray Bemis, Oshawa, vis- ited et Mm. E. Spires. Dr. and Mrs. Jerry Milîsan and family, Hamilton, visited J relatives on Sunday. TYRONE W.M.S. Meeting The October meeting of Tyrone W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. A. Hilis with 22 ladies and children. President Mrs.R. Glaspeli welcomed the mothrs with their children and read a poem on Thanksgiving. Next meeting November 7 at the home af Mrs. Frank Werry. The fruit for hospital is ta be brought ta this meeting. Group leader Mrs. Russell Wright apened the pro- gram with a poem "The Hinder- ed Christ". Devotional by Mrs. S. T. Hoar, piano solo by Esther Rosevear, "Love's Own Sweet Sang"; Study Book by Mrs. C. H. McQuinn. Mrs. R. Wright conducted a very interesting and educational contest -on the Bible. Baby Band Superintendent Mrs. Harold Skinner voiced ber ap- preciation ta the mothers and1 children wbo attended. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaughlin, Donna and Denis, Nestieton, visited Mrs. Edith Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. G. Arnold and Jeffery, Mr. and Mrs. W. Hugh- son and children, Mr. and Mrs. EarI Hughson, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Arnold, Miss Mary Arnold and Tom, Union ville, visited Mrs. W. Hughson. She then returned borne with her daughter Mrs. G. A. Arnold. Mrs. B. Kilpatrick, Mr. G. Kilpatrick, Port Perry; Mr. and Mrs. John Laurie, Oshawa, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. Phare. The East Graup af W.A. met at the home of Miss Grace Smith an Wednesday. Congratulations ta Mr. andl Mrs. Herbert Stainton on their 5th wedding annîversary. Mr. and Mrs. K. Rahm and Orono Loses To Langton On Saturday Langton Pee Wees pasted an 8-1 decision over their hasts at Orono Seturday ta sweep their best-of-three series two games ta none and grab the Ontario Pee Wee "C" basebail crown. John Gee pitched the visitors ta the win with a f ine perform- ance, Wayne Kennedy wes the laser. This ended the seeson for the Orono crew wbo led the Lakeshore League throughaut the egular season. Clalssified Ads Prices: Dwarf endi Scmi-Dwarf Trees in whips /I.5 high One-year tops welI branched 31ý'-5' high-- Two-year tops well branched 3 2'-W' high Standard in one year only - 4'-6W high -_____ ___ boys visited Mr. and Mrs. C. Knapp, Lotus. Mm. and Mrs. George White and children, Bowmanville, vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. F. Wermy. .Mrs. S. T. Hoar spent the, w eekend with Miss Vilda Brown ofMillbrook. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hoar and family, oMntreal, are spending a fexv days with bis mother, Mrs. S. T. Hoar. Mrs. A. Geisberger and Lynda, Z ion, visited ber- parents Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Park, then they visited Mrs. Otto Friend at her cottage. Bowmanville Beach, on Sunday. Mr. Walter Bortfeid is doixig as well as can be expected in: Memorial Ho spital, Bowman-' ville, Hurry and g et betteri Walter, yau're missed around Tyrone..Also ta Jack Gibbs who is stili in hospital, a speedy re-ý covery. Flu is bad around Tyrone and district. Mr. and Mrs. Perey Pevay, Guelph; Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Me- jCoy, Brooklin, were guests on S unday of Mr. and Mrs. H. Skinner. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hamil- ton, John and Margaret visited bis sister Mrs. Herb Mackie wbo is in Oshawa Hospital, and al o called on Mrs. W. J. Miller a'nd ,Miss Beth Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Davey, NOTICE LORNE DOREEN Radio & TV Service 85 KING ST. E. WILL BE CLOSED OCT. 14 to OCT. l9th MEMORIAL ARENA Bowmanville PUBLIC SKATING 8 Io 10 p.rn. Friday, October 1l Saturday, October 12 Wednesday, October 16 Thanksgiving Day Monday, October 14 2 to 4 p.m. and 8 to 10 p.m. Adulte - 40c Children - 25c Please note change of day CHILDREN'S SKATING Wednesday, October 16 3:30 Io 5:30 porno ADULTS ACCOMPANYING CHILDREN - 25c $1.10, $1.30 $1.60 .90 each each each each Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Clapp attended the Hodgson - Mutton wedding at Trinity United Church, BowmanviUle. Mr. and Mrs. R. Clapp were dinner guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. A. Hills. Mr. and Mrs. H. Philp, Miss Jean Philp viisted their sister Mrs. W. A. Goodfellow at Belle- ville Hospital. Pleased to know she is somewhat improved la health. Maple Grove Wins Game In Oshawa Dick Denhertog's two goal effort paced Maple Grave Sen1- jars ta a 6-2 Win over the On- tario Referees Assaciation in an exhibition football game at Kinsmen Stadiumn in Oshawa Saturday. Mart Richards and Don Marsden also counted goals as the Darlington League champs surged into a first haîf 2-0 lead. Goalie Ai Stacey turned in an- other sparkling performance by holding the lasers ta their two markers in the final half. INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER TOP QUALITY ETHYLENE GLYCOL BASE ANTI -FREEZE Will do everything if flot more than any other anti-freeze of this type on the market and wiIl meet the most rigid tests of Canadian Winters. Rust Prevention - Protects Cooling System Will flot cause corrosion to any part of the c oollng system. ONLY $2.69 in gallons 69c in quarts - at - COWAN Epuipment Co. 134 King St. E. Bowmanville - Phone MA 3-5689 Now is a good time to plant Fruit Trees We will gladly assisi you in planning and lining oui a new orchard or give you a fully guaranteed planting job for au uile as 15-25 cents per tree. OUR NURSERY IS INSPECTED AND CERTIFIED BY THE DEPART. MENT 0F AGRICULTURE WeT have an excellent supply of first dlass Dwarf, Semi-Dwarf and Standard Apple and Pear Trees in MeIntosh, Delicious, Spy, Wealthy, Cortland, Close, Melba, Munroe, Red Rome, Stark, La Salle, Sandow and Crimson Beauty; and Bartlett, Bosc, Clapp and Flemish Beauty. We sPecialize in aIl orchard work. F. Marti Nursery R.R. 4, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PHONE MA 3-5012 Il TMMSDAY, OCT. IM, 1957 TffE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMAN=.ý.LE. ONTAItte ý PAGZ rrFTEM l'