c r "Durham County'ts Great Family Journal" The Peterborough Presby- tenial, Women's Missionany Sa- ciety, fthe Presbyterian Church of Canada, held the autumn Raily in St. Andrew's Church, Bowmanviile, an Wednesday, Oct. 2, with splendid attend- ance o! representatives !ram ail auxiliaries. At the executive meeting preceding the affennoon ses- sion, plans were made for the annual meeting ta be held in St. Paul's ,Çhurch, Peterbor- ough, on January 15 next. The Preseident o! the Pres- bytenial, Mrs. E. A. Toombs, Campbellford, presided, and gave the cail ta worship which was the theme of the 11CL t, ' Y v, .thkfl,. r. and -- ~ ..n I f~. T~t~TI I1I\TI~7 TT~ffTIT~TI AI tue r~ii~ uvri 1NU1V1t~LJ2¶~ qj BOWMANVILLE, ONTARJOe Ti'UJRL)AYp OCTOBER 10 .ttfl, 1957 ,g J.4 J .I..LJ .i J 'J -.--- . TV Blackstock Student Junior Champ These happy Blackstock High School students are admiring the trophy wonby Junior Champion Ardis McArthur at the Tri-School meet in Orono, Friday. Tý e pretty girl athietes are from the left, front row: Frances Staniland, Ruthy Prosser. Back row: Ann Redmond, Nicole Forest, Bernice Larmer, Jopie Deuvesteyn. Town's Plan to Fly Flag For Her Majest y' s Visit Creates Pole Problem rCouncil agrced whole-heart-I el(ta fly a Union Jack from 6. runicipal flag pale during Queen Elizabeth's visit ta Can- da net week but the question i)seeof where the flag was ta NVone o! the councillors volun- eered ta scale the flag pioe on top of the Town Hall althaugh Reeve Sîd Little did offer ta help the Public -Property corn- inittce do the job. Reeve Little stated that a few years ago lie and some other public spirited citizen did Committee Praises Police For Good Work Well earncd praise was ten- dcred ta the Bowmanville Po- lice Depatmcnt by Town Coun- cil Monday evening in recogni- tion o! the commendable work bcing donc by the force. In a lctter fa Chie! Eric Smith and his constables, spe- cial mention was made o! the interruption o!fthe robbery at the Brewers' Warehousc and the apprehension o! anc a! the thieves by Con. Bernard Kif- ney. Con. Len Hartley was also singled ouf for counageously pursuing the thieves o! recent Hooper's Jewellery robbery and recavering the stolen property. In addition. Chie! Smith was commended on the rapid appre- hension and conviction of ftic thieves who broke into Hoop- er's. 'Therc are other evidences o! the good Police work which are apparent ta the Police Com- mittee and the citizens generai.- ly. We do not wish ta detract from thom bv nientioning only the above and want you ta know the Committee are pleased iii generai with the operation of the Police Department" the let- ter read. Continuing in his Police Con'- niittec report, Count. Jim Pres- son înformed Couincil that two new constables, Kaye Freethy and Russell Nayior, have beer added ta the Force. Côun. Presson asked that ne%,,w winter overcoaf s be purchased soon for the Police Department.1 put a flag on the precariaus Town Hall flag pale. However he did not reiish the thought o! repeating the task. Council decided ta leave the matter with the Property Com- 'ittee and Reeve Little ta carne up with the solution. Besides the minor problem of a suitable flag pale, the Pro- perty Committee have several other problcms ta handle. Coun. Dave Higgon, chairman o! the committee, informcd Council that two new doors must be purchased for the east and south cnt rances o! the Town Hall. These will cast ap- proximately $400. In addition the committcc has lcarned that the aid post office building has a leaky roof and a ncw roof is dcfinitcly needed. Forfunately, if can be patched up for the timne. Plaster is starting ta faîl off (Continued on page seven) New Members Show Increase At Library Ail members o! the Bowman- ville Public Library Board were present an Tuesday nighf for the regular meeting. Chairman L. W. Dippeil presided. A financial statement show- ing receipts and expenditures up ta Sept. 30 and an estimate o! the remaining quarter o! the výear was pnesented by Sec. Treas. Glenholme Hughes and approved by the Board. Librarian Mrs. F. W'. Bower's repart showed a large inicreame in membership. There arc 153 more adult members as of Sept. 30, 1957 than on the same date in 1956. Particulars of plans foc the new library premises xvere dis- cusscd. A joint meeting a! the Librar-v Board and hcads a! committees in charge o! the 1!- brary pnject for the Rotary Club was planned and wili be held next wcck. Present at Tuesday's meeting werc Chairman L. W. Dippeil. Sec. Treas. Glenholme Hughes, Mayor Nelson Osborne, A. Thompson, R. G. Hamlyrn, George Vice, Mrs. Roy Lunney. Rotary Club Entertains International Students rTwelve international students tram flic University o! Toronto wene guests in the homes o! Bowmanville Rotanians aven the past wcekend. f3triving ta aid in creating a ~¶tnunderstanding between Lhions, the Rotary Club fanrflhc »;it sevenal ycars has taken this d0portunity o! entcrtaining and Showing students many aspects o! lite in Durham County. Making the visit wene the fol- lowing students: D. N. Pande, India; Egbert Terteulien, St. Lucia; Miss M. Duncan. Nassau-, Bella Woo, Hong Kong: Helen pyne, Jamaica; Bunny Padmore. Trinidad; Lennox Hunt, Trini- dad; John Hernandez, Trinidad; Minora Ozima, Japan: Robent Huang, Formosa; Fu-Kang Tsou, Formaosa; Philip Nunez., Trini- Most o! the students arrnived Friday evening and wcre assign- cd ta the homes offthe Rotanians.; The remainden arrived Satur-' day. On Saturday aftennoon the tour o! Durham County includ- ing a visit ta the !anms o! Rotar- ians Fonhes Heyland, Gannet Under one Riekard and Pete Newell. Bringing the weekend ta a 19 memorable close was a tea in the Community Centre Sunday Under one afternoon at ,ý,heh tiine thel Rofaians becamé wcll acquaint- cd with their guests. AI Strike and the Internation- neoe al Service Committee wenc in iUnron change of the weekend. The 31 committec received special as- sistance tram Rev. T. A. Morgan Under ane and Mrs. Helen Rudeil who was in charge of the tea. 1 1 Town Hockey To-night at 7 Town League Hockey actioil will commence as of Thursday (tonight) beginning at 7 p.m. Murdoch and Welsh Blockbus- fers meet Front Street in the opener and Courtice Rackets play Milier's Taximen in tiLe second game. Tonight and next Thursday cvening the tcams will be play- ing exhibition games to warmi up for the long seasori ahead. The first game each Thursday night will begin sharply at 7 p.m. Murdoch and Welsh's Biock- busters, the new feam in the league this year are stili re- cruiting players. Anyone inter- ested in joining the teamn is re- quested ta be at the Arena Thursday night with equipment. Invite Public View Library Renovations To create interest in thc new teach ail nations. Members o! Bowmanville Library, the Rut- Cobourg Auxiliary led the ary club will be inviting the devotional and worship perîod. public ta visit the aid post ot- The Treasurer o! the Presbv- fice building every Friday ferial, Miss M. Lees o! Peter- evening whiie renovations are borough gave an encouragiiig being carricd ouf, repart and stated that givings Rex Waltcrs, chairman o! exceeded those o! the previaus the Rotary Library committee, year. Affer this repart, Mrs. D. pointed oufta the members o11 Friday that the Rotary club is unden obligation fa complete 1 deal of work l o e d nei, . .S D sti said, and asked that members fhemsclves do as much o! the In Track and painting and general carpentry as possible. Bowmanville Hîgh School's Special guest at the meeting star athîctes came through wifh was Oscar Banke, president of*, a brilliant performance ta com- the Mimico-Nexv Toronto club. 'pile 119 points and win the In- i Mr. Banke who is this year's ter-Schocl Track and Field Tro- Distrh't Conference chairman, phy at fhe annual meet held ln fold of the plans for this an- Cobourg Wedncsday o! Iast nual event. Nveek. He macle special mention o! Fifth Time in Six Yjears fhe commendable work dorc This is the fi!th time the la- by the Bowmanville club wha cal High School has captured sponsored the conference last' the trophy in the short six year ý,ear. Many of the Bowman- historv a! the meet. Cobourg ville inovations will be repeat- won it last year when the event cd again this year. he said. 1 was hcld here. Three members celebrated Five o! the cîglit trophies birthdavs this week. Thevl awarded. wcre won by the local were Walter Re ynolds, Rae, athîctes. Graham Pickering Rundle and George Vice. came !irst in the open mile race Vitiors at the meeting were ta xin that frophy, which was George Charlton., Charles El- clonated by the physical educa- liott, Don Stiles and Haroid tion teachers o! the three Sproule aH of Oshawa. Ischools. Raitepayers to Vote on Two Yeair Council Term The problem of private citizens unlawfully burning garbage and scattering trash in the municipal dump is being tackled by the Board of Works. The garbage by-law now ini effect governs and regulates the collectibn of garbage but it gives little aid in controlling the dumnP. At Monday's meeting Council de- cided to f irst consuit the Town Solicitor on the matter. Tîvo Year. Council Term Board of Works Chairman Jack Brough also announced Monday evening that the question of a two year council term will be placed before the ratepayers at the coming muni- cipal election. If approved, the two year term will go into effect at the start of 1959. Bowmanville Boy Scouts As- sociation was granted permis- sion to hold their annual Apple Day, Friday evening, October 18 and Saturday, October 19.' May Transfer Resuscitator To Fire Hall The Bowmanviile Lions Club, resuscitator will probably be lransferred !rom the Memorial Hospital ta the Bowmanviile Fire Hall in fhe near future, At Mondey's Council session members were în!ormcd fhatl the Lions have decided ta leave the location o! the resuscifatar up ta Cauncil. Reeve Sid Little felt that the resuscitatar could be used ta the best advantage in the Fire Hall silice the brigade wauld have the most use for such an appar- atus. He gave his assurance that the brigade would take care o! the resuscitator and keep the tanks !illed with axygen. As the Hospital aircady ha aresuscitator, Council agrced the Fire Hall wouid be the best location for the machine. Local Improvementu Council gave thrèe readings ta byl-laws approving the construc- tiôn of a sidewalk and two witermains under the Local Im- pravement Act. The sidewalk will be installed on the south side of Prince Street from Simpson Avenue to 850 feet west-of Simpson. One water-main will be laid on King Street from 620 feet east of Simpson ta 1,436 feet east of Simpson Avenue. A second watermain will be along St. George from King ta Queen Streets. Amendments were made to the Through Street By-Law passed June 3, 1957. Church will be a through street only from Division to Liberty instead of Scugog to Liberty. Division will be a through street from King to Lowe instead of Church to Lowe. Temperance xiii bc a through street from King to Lowe instead of Church to Lowe. Graduates Take; Varied Courses Many readers found the ac- count of Bawmanville High School students' further studies a! interest. As expecfcd, a !ew namnes were missed in raunding up the list, and The Statesman is grateful ta those xvho provid- cdus wifh additional informa- tion. Karcn Muttan, daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. R. Mutton, Con-' cession St. E., is in first year as a nurse-in -training at Peter- borough Civic Hospital. Allan Porter, son a! Mr. and Mrs. Percy Porter, 5 Argyle St., is in second year Engineering and Physics at University o! To- ronto. Don Laird, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Laird, Concession St., is in second year Architec- ture at University o! Toranto. Joan Cooke, Orono, is also a nurse-in- training at Peterbor- augh Civic Hospital. Has"Peak Passed? High School 15 Badly Hit When 'Flu Strikes District Liqns'Bingo Draws Over 100 Monday Night Some 101 bingo fans !îled inta the Lions Centre Monday night in a bid ta win some o! the valuable cash prizes being ofcred at the !irst Fail Bingo o! the Bowmanvile Lions Club. Players fook home aven $200 in pnizes. No anc was fotunate enough ta click on the 50 num- bers caled in the huge jackpot game and the jackpot at the next bingo will be incrcased ta $50 with 51 numbers being calied. The Lions managed ta dlean expenses for their time and ef- fort and are anticipating *a langer crowcl at flhc next bingo. If has been scheduled for Mon- day, October 21 and will begin sharply at 8 p.m. Admission is only $1 and there will be ade- quate seating facilities in thie comfortable surroundings o! the banquet hall. the disease. Reports receivcd yesterday showed more than 30 percent of the High School students were absent. Public School figures are considerabiy ported absent at Vincent Mas- sey Tuesday morning, while 14 percent were absent at Ontario and Central. The number of aduits affliet- cd is unknown and it is believ- ed many o! them have not bothered to report their having the flu. Duration of the disease appears to be three to four days and if is suggested vi tirn spend their time resting in bec. 1Many industries and busi- nesses are working with staffs reduced due to illncss. Flu vaccine has already beenk administered to the staff of Bowmanville Memnorial Hospi- tal and hospital authorities used the remainder of their limited supply to inoculate persons in key public service posts. Bow- manville Police and firemen were given shots during the first of the week. Also inoculated were cmi- ployees of the Works Depart- ment and key personnel from Newcastle, Darlington and Clarke, which are contributiîng municipalities, the hospital saîd. Senior Citizens Assist At First Faîl Meeting An undetermincd type of vi- rus f lu which is sweeping the Province took its toîl of victims in Bowmanville and district over the weekend placing morv than 30 percent of the popula- tion rn the sick list. Reported cases have been sta- tionery during the past two days and it is believed the flu has reached its peak, it was report- ed yesterday. Doctors think many of the persons who have contacted the flu have failed to report it, but have stayed at home and in bed in an attempt to defeat it. School attendance has beern largely affected as a result oft Pleads Guilty PhonyChequesl Given Remand A local juvenile was remand- cd in custody for one week by Magistrate R. B. Baxter after the youth pleaded guilty to two charges of forgery and one charge of uttering a forged doc- ument, in Magistrate's Cour here Tuesday morning. Chief Eric Smith testified ini thc case giving the details of the investigation which led to the boy's arrest. He also read a statement civen by the accused when arrested in which hie ad- mitted having committed the crime. In his statement to p)olice, the youth had said he got the idea for forging the checks from a magazine he had read. Magis- trate Baxter informed the youth he was remandinig him in cus- tody for his omrn protection. He will appear in Court Tuesday to receive sentence. 'Ham' Operator Hears Beep From Satellite Every news medium and almost every persan has been commenting on the big news of the week, the launching of the Soviet earth satellite. At least one local bain radio operator, Jack Elston, bas picked up the "beep beep" signais from the fast- moving sphere. Jack oper- ates amateur station VE3A- KB, which is not only his hobby but also ties in with the civil defence, and plane spotting scheme throughout the country. This zone cames under the Southern Ontario group. operatiflg closely with Dunlap Obser- vatory. Jack heard the signaIs from the satellite on Mon- day and Tuesday nights while operating his set at home on Concession St. Badminton Club Opens Season Sat., Oct. l9th Bwavulle Badminton Club will sfart the season's activities on Safurday, October l9th. The executive, which met aven the weckcnd. has decided fa offi- cially start the season with a Gcf-Acquainfed party on this nighi. A social evening is pianned with dancing and refreshmcnts. Ail aid members and anyone wishing fa jain the club for tht. firAt time are cordially invited to attend. Music for dancing will be supplied by records. This ycar's executive headt-d by Don Venton, also discussed, other projeefs that they wiil undertake during the coming season. programa which followed. A lively sing-song was led by Mrs. Marsden with Mrs. Jack Dunn at the piano. The Trinity Ladies' Quartette composed of Mrs. L. W. Van Driel, Mrs. S. R. James, Mrs. O. Richmnond and Mrs. D. Alldread were warmly received in, two vocal numbers - «'A Ivd- ley from the South" and "Where'er You Walk"'. This was followcd by a most enjoyable sala entiticd "Everybody's Loy- cd by Someone" rendered by' Tom Heighton, a member of the Senior iCtizens' group, with al) members joinîng in the chorus. Thosc present next divided info groups ta enjay the various games of cuchre, Lost Heir, crib- bage and crokinole, while in an adjoining room, Mrs. S. R. James entcrtained a number interested in reading and discussion. Lunch was served with several o! the ladies from Senior Cit- izens assisting Club 15 members, and Mrs. Norman Taylor was announced ta be the iucky door prize winner for the evcning. A vote of thanks for 'a vcry fine evening was moved by Mr. Roland Bate. Escape Unhurt After Crashing Guard Railing Gerald Hitchcock, Limestone, Maine, escaped unin.jured whc-îî the car he was driving struck the right shoulder o! the roLd and went fhrough a raiiing about 35 feet east o! the C.P.R. railway bridge on Highway No. 2, late Saturday evening. Four other occupants of the car were unhurt. Hitchcock fold police he was unfamiliar with the road and didn't realize the turn at the bridge was so sharp. Constable Leii Hartley o! the flowmanville Police in- vcstigated. Only slight damage occurred fa the vehicle and Mr. Hitchcock was able ta resuine his trip. The first Senior Citizens' meeting for the 1957-58 season took place at the Lions Com- munity Centre on Tuesday, Oct. 8 with 60 members being xvel- comed by Club 15's President, Mrs. Elmer Banting, ably assist- ed by Mrs. McQuarrie, a repre- sentative frorn the group itself. Mrs. Banting after xvelcom- ing ail former members as well as nexv members explained ta the group how a number of com- mittees have been set up wifh representafives from both Club 15 and the Senior Citizens' Club ta operate them. Welcoming, Transportation and Registration Committees have been arganiz- ed, as wcll as a Visiting, Coin- miftee, and the Senior Citizens help in regard ta this latter committee was particularly re- quested. Mrs. Banting stated that no program committee had as yet been formed, but pads and penis were ta bc left on each card table asking for suggestions as to what type of program was most enjoyable ta the members themselves, sa that Club 15 can obtain suitable entertainment. Mrs. Banting then called on Mrs. Don Marsden, who acted as Mistress of Ceremonies for the Telegram Tour 0f Durham His This Sunday A cavalcade of buses spon- sored by the Toronto Telegram will make a Durham Huis Tour this Sunday ta view the won- derful panaroma of autumn colour. Last stop on the tour will be at Bowmanvilie where a spe- ciai service is being held at St. John's Anglican Church at 3 p.m. Rev. A. C. Herbert will conduct the service which will be centred around the national day of Thanksgiving and the visit of Qucen Elizabeth ta Ot- tawa. Bowmanvilie is honoured ta play hast ta the tour. More beautiful country for a colour cavalcade could not be found than the rolling huIs and coun- tryside o! Durham County. From ten ta 25 buses will proceed from Toronto narth and east ta Brougham and. Claremont over No. 7 Highway and south toa iaglan. The pa?- ty will enter Durham south of Burkcton, wîll pass throughi Enniskillen and go east ta Ty- rone, then south ta Bowman- ville. The Telcgram's outdoor cal- umnist, Pete McGillen, will be at Bowmanville Arena from 10 &.m. to meet and talk with peo- pie. This is an opportunity for iishing enthusiasts ta swap lore with an expert. For the church service at St. John's, a public address system wi]l be set up s0 that any who are unable ta be accommadated in the church wili be able ta fake part outside. It is hoped that the wonderful Faîl wea- ther will hold for this weekend. The offering presented at this service will be conveyed to the headquarters of the Canadian Cancer Society and the Cana- dian National Institute for the Blind. Russell L. Naylor The town police force acquir- cd another experienced officer this week, when Russell L. Naylor, 48, jained flic force to bning if up ta strength. Constable Naylor has had 16 years experience in palice work, having served as Chie! of Police at Bolton and Omemee and Constable at Port Hope and Pickcning Township. He was born in Oshawa, where in his early years, ho was a lifeguard, a boxer and a special constable. His service record in Wonld War II includcd service !rom 1940 wifh the army and, affer transfer in 1941, with the navy on H.M.C.S. Bittcrsweet. His off duty intcncsts have included arganizing Sea Cadets, a Junior Police Club, a Legion Trumpet Band and Scout wark in the vaniaus municipalities where he has been stationed. 1He is marricd, wifh tour childrcn, anc of whom is Jack Naylor who played goal for Oshawa Tnuckmen hene a few years ago. S. Ferguson o! Bowmanville sang a beautiful and much appreciated solo. A report o! the Women 's Missionany Society's Training Center held in Albert Coliege, Beleville, in July for workers in W.M.S. arganizations, was given by Mrs. J. Randaîl o! Cobourg Auxiliary. Eighty- threc women fran' this section o! Ontario werc in attendance and the work donc there had been a real inspiration ta them. The speaker of the affernoon was Miss Pauline Brown, mis- sionany nurse on furlougli from the Bhil field in India, xvho gave an inspiring and in- formative address on her ex- periences and wonk. Rev. A. G. Scott then brought greet- ings from the Presbytery o! Peterborough and gave the c]osing prayer. The ladies of St. Ar.drew's served refreshments during a a social hour in the church hall which was most enjoyable. ct Winners cField Meet g Second place in the meet were last year's winners from Co- bourg with a total of 1091,' points. Third spot went to Port Hope with 761 ' Bowmanville teams were de- clared champions in the junior and intermediate boys events and the senior girls. Cobourg captured first place honours in the senior boys and junior and intermediate girls' teamn events. Individual Champions Individual champions were as follows: junior girls, Glenda Siesson, Cobourg, intermediate girls, Pat Hope, Port Hope, sen- ior girls, Barbara Bathgate, Bowmanville; junior boys, Alex Wiseman, Bowmanville; inter- mediate boys, Pete Reynolds, Bowmanville: senior boys, Ted LawIess, Cobourg. Town 's Population Jumps A gain The population of the Town of Bowmanville now are broken down by wards and by age groups. stands at 6,906 according to the latest figures released by It is interesting to note the large number of pre- Town Assessor Clarence Oke. This is an increase of 279. school age children especially in the age two and three over the 1956 total which stood at 6,634. year old groups. These children will arrive at the Public Each year when Mr. Oke makes his calis tb assess Schools in September 1959 and 1960, thus requiring property he must ask the number of people who reside in additional space to look after them. the property. The figures below are the resuits which Census for the Town of Bowmianville WEST WARD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Il 12 13 14 15 16 17 48 64 5640 35 4242 3139 37 36 27 27 29 20 30 23 NORTH WARD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Il 12! 13 14 15 16 17 ,51 49 5-7 44 50 39 34 4:3 .0 3 7 40 30 31 33 33 35 33 SOUTH WARD 1 2 3 1 5 6 7 8 9 10 1l 12 13 14 15 16 17 .59 81 80 74 70 68 61 64 38 60 51 41 37 36 51 37 34 for the year 1957 18-19 20-59 60-64 65-69 70 and Over 56 965 75 73 14U> 18-19 20-59 60-64 65-69 î0 and Ovcr 60 1072 83- 94 161 19-19 2-59 60-64 65-69 70O and Over 72 1245 51 62 113 Total 1954 Total 2183 Total 2546 Total 220 4 e l ' .T T P ff1 q W.M.S. Presbyterial HeId--at St. Andrew' s BEACH 1 2 34 5 6 78101l12 1314 là111718-19 20-59 60-64 65-69 70 and Over 12il 120 9 à7 à7 46S7 42 2 1 4 97 & 1 4 lue FLJK UU.FY Nu MBER 41 Joins Force