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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Oct 1957, p. 5

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"'TVAY, OCT. lOth, 193'F f«d SeIn ow,EdM«o Social and Personal -ý'rhe first family gathering in Church on Sunday when wor- even years was beld at the shippers at the three services, home of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce 8 and il a.m. and 7 p.m., will Whitney on Sunday, when see tangible evidence of a Mrs. Roy Nesbitt and daugbter bountiful harvest in the church Koreen of Fort McLeod, Al- decorations as they gather for berta, and Mr. and Mrs. Russell the Thanksgiving services. Wiggans and sons Larry and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kimbali Eric enjoyed a reunion with and family and Mr. and Mrs. theiý parents and grandparents. Milton Kîmbaîl of Newtonville Mrs. Nesbitt and Koreen are were Sunday vîsitors with Mr. staying for a two weeks' visit. and Mrs. George Kimbaîl and Miss Muriel Austin of Wes- family. Ieyville' and Miss Doreen Mill- Her many friends in the dis- son of Oshawa spent the week- trict will join us in sending end visiting with the latter's hearty birthday greetings ta parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lanson Dr. A. C. Higbee of Burlington, Milîson. formerly of Newcastle, on the Mr. George Stevens of Horne- occasion of the 92nd anniver- payne and Miss Lynda Wright sary of ber birtb on Friday, of Toronto were weekend visit- October llth. ors with Mr. and Mrs. D. MY. Bernard and family.- Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Agnew and Mrs. H. Hunter of PetrCu b s Launch borough visited with Mr.,anda Mrs. Gordon Agnew on Satur- day. PaperDrv Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoar ar enjoying a motor trip throîgh Quebec and the north easterO n S t da U.S. nul avs ~ 0 l S t r a Theannal arvstFestival Newcastle: Residents of the is being held in St. George's 'village who bave been wonder- - - - - --ing what tbey were going to do with their summer accumu- lation of old papers and maga- zines will bave their problem solved for them on Saturday afternoon wben the First New- ,d ToQ o£wfl castle Cub Pack will bold their PWMB1O,144.~AOT4 first paper drive of the season. ZArI,7YEwz.«4E The Cubs have found these Awt«2£ppaper collections a real belp in providing funds for their activities duning the past year and are attemptîng to make themselves more funds that way this year. This will give citizens an opportunity to belp the boys to belp themselves while at the same time finding a means of disposai of their Wvaste paper. Citizens are requested te have their papers securely tied in bundies and placed at the curb by noon on Saturday and R.5- the Cubs will do the rest. - , INaSt. George's i 332-NEWCRSTLE. Church NEWCASTLE M C. G. GOULDI Warm Air }Ieating a Specially EAVESTROUGHING Free Estimates Phone Newcastle 3686 Annual Hfarvest Festival 8:00 a.m. - HOLY COMMUNI ON 11:00 a.m. - MATTINS AND SERMON 7:00 p.m. - EVENSONG AN!. SERMON Ail Are Cordially Invited maqu 1 1. CORD SLIM JINS BOBBY SOCKS All Nylon. 80 RING ST. W. 1DO WMAN VILLE "4 Special Specia I CAR COATS $10.85 .6.49 SNOW SUITS 1CARDIGANS 100% Orlon Wool SWEATERS 100% Orlon Wool JUMPERS Ail Wool BOYS" FLANNEL SHIRTS 5.49 3.89 8.95 .98 PAGE TmV q A1wAWUArIA A .A~ -129ML ..Lf tJfZIN .. aJAl4' , va-... »LIÉ. s. X..a n.,. ?h.m. 381 Lions Plan Auction for En tire Comm unit y Saturday, L Newcastle: The regular din- ner meeting 'of the Newcastle Lions Club was beld in the dinrng room of the Queen's Hotel on Thursday evening with President Roy Forrester con- ducting the meeting. Following a delicious dinner, Lion Chas. Knox introduced Mr. Ken Tolmie of Orono, District Game Warden, who presented a most interesting film sbowing entitled "Worid of the Marsh," which depicted the life and habits of wild fowl and insects of the marsb in a most amazir.g manner. The appreciation of1 the members wvas expressed to Mr. Tolmie by Lion Floyd Mc- Kinley. Two visiting Lions Rufus Lambert and Wolf Miller of the Oshawa Club were welcomed to the meeting by the president. During the business portion of the meeting, on recommend- ation of the directorate, it was decided to hold a community auction in the basement of the community hall on Saturday, December 7th, and a committee )ecember 7 was appointed ta make the ar- rangements. Surplus items o! merchandise donated by citi- zens of the community will be auctioned off ta the higbest bid- der, with the proceeds going ta the Lions welfare fund. It was announced that Lionettes Club bad been given the con- cession for a refreshment booth at the auction. The committee requested residents who have surplus items of merchandise to dispose of, to contact any mem- ber of the club and the items wiil be picked up and entered in tbe sale. Mr. Lloyd Steph- enson bas offered bis services ta the club as auctioneer. It was announced that the dinectorate bad appointed a 1committee under the chairman- Sship of Lion Brenton Rickard ita compile data on the proposed community swimming pool and make a complete report of costs, suggested locations, etc., at a future meeting o! the club for consideration by the members. Women s Missionary Soc. Hears History of Jupon Newcastle: Autumn Thank- offering meeting of the Wom- an's Missionary Society was beld in the Sunday School Roorr of the United Church on Thurs- day afternoon with Presideni Mrs. W. F. Rickand presiding. She opened the meeting witli some fine appropriate Thanks- giving tboughts foilowed by prayer. The programn was in charge of Mrs. T. Sowden's 'group. The theme of the warsbip service was "Unity for the honour of the gospel." and was presentec by Mrs. H. Aluin. The service consisted of a hymn, scripture lesson and meditation anc prayer. The second chapter o! the study book, "Cross and Crisis' in Japan was taken by Mrs. J. Awde and Mrs. A. Glenney. Mrs. Awde gave the history of Japan in its early years wbexî war and defeat wene two ai the crises in the lives of the Japanese Christians. Mrs. Glen- ney told o! the more receni years wben the influence of the West bas become apparent with educational facilities open tc ail. The Japanese Christiar Church now bas a definite place in the life of the people. Mrs. M. C. Fisher, Christian Stewardsbip Secretary, read art interesting letter fram Miss A&P HAS ALL YOUR SUPER-RIGIIT QUAITfY MEA TS CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY OvenRead TUR EYSGrade A YOUNG HENS YOUNG TOMS 18 to 22-lb average lb.47c 10 to 14-lb average lb. M5 45c MANZANILLA OLIVES R". Mce 3e - SAfVE4o8-oz jar 35c R EYNOLDYS WRAP Re. Price Pkg 31clAVE 7o .pgs55 DOG FOOD FRUIT COCKTAIL PUMPKIN PIE MARGARINE Dr. Ballard'à Regular, Chicken, Liver Reg. Price 4 tins 49c-SAVE 4o Dole Reg. Priet 32e - SAVE 30 Jane Park*r Reg. Price. 5U - SAVE 10o Rose Brand Reg. Prie. 2-lb 5gc-SAVE 10o 4 tins 45c 20-oz tin 29C ecd 4 5c 2-lb pkgs 49C PRODUCE SPECIAL mO YOIW THAAWS6I VINE INR NO. 1 GRADE, FRESH, CAPE COD CRANBERRIES 1 -lb boag" c Campbell, a Missionary o! Nortbern British Columbia. teliing of ber work, and aiso gave a fine reading on "The, Stewardship of Gîving." The president then conducted a short business period wben reports were given by the var- lous secretaries. Final plansi were made for the Eastern Sec- tional Raliy of the W.M .S. tai be beld in the Newcastle Churcb' on October l7th with morning and afternoon sessions. An in- vitation from the Newtonvilie Auxiliary ta bear Dr. A. Knigbt of Angola on the afternoon of October llth was accepted by the group. The meeting was brought ta a close with prayer by the president. Vt'T 11F17nIIlTf W. A. Meeting October W.A. meeting was tbeld on Thursday evening, Oct. c3, at the home o! Patsy Wright 1witb a good attendance. Mrs. )George Heaslip convened the idevotional with scripture by aDoris Rowan; a reading by the convener, "Tbanksgiving," and iby Joyce Malcolm, "We Thank 7Tbee." Peggy Stacey in sim- ilar vein contributed "Thank- fui for What?" President Lamaa Wilson weicomed several visit- ors present. Business consisted of plan- ning for catering ta a fortli- coming banquet on Nov. 5, the i Durbam Co-Op Medîcal and the iast minute plans for our annual turkey supper on Tb anksgiving, Oct. 14 (see Conm- ing Events). $400 was voted ta fixing the outdated Betbany parsonage, oil heating this time. Eileen Malcolm was the pro- gram convener-"Lasting Beau- ty" by Doris Rowan; "Turkey on Tbanksgiving" and a contest by Eileen. Myra Page, Helen Nesbitt and 4Patsy Wright pro- vided the deliciaus lunch that followed. On Friday evening a number of we Yelvertonians enjoyed al delightful turkey supper by the jAnglican ladies in Bethany Township Hall. Too bad more folks didn't take advantage of sucb a scrumptious meal. Top- ping off the evening's enter- tainment for Yelvertonians was the mammotb barn dance at the Wm. McCabe's wben an opportunity was afforded the large crowd present ta inspect and simuitaneousiy admire the new structure wbile enjoying an evening's dancing. We should like ta express the thanks o! ail ibose wbo indulg- ed in the festivity ta the var- ious people and groups who voluntarily supplied the music. Also ta Mr. and Mrs. McCabe and Margaret for the pleasant and novel evening. On Tbursday evening Mrs. Art Rowan attended a sbower in honour o! Miss Ednp. Reson at Mrs. Wm, Medland's o! Brookiin. On Saturday the Rowans-. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur, Mrs. Mable and Miss Annie attended the Grandy - Pike wedding at Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Raiph Malcolm farm out their infants this week while enjoying a brie! but pleasant interlude !rom the rigors of assessing and farming, !-a short motor trip into the U.S.A. i ! you are at ail susceptible ta the beauties of Mother Na- ture we bighly recommend al trip out tbrough Manvers Township where the spiendour of the trees is nowv at uts high- est peak. The hneath-takîng beauty of the iandscape defies description and must be seen ta be appreciated. Treat your- selves ta a giimpse o! the prettiest portion of Durham County and ail for free. In marriage the "lbetter half" is usually the bal! wbo can cari- irai his on ber tempen, or cou- tinuie patience, understandin1 ,or love a few secords langer,j Sand wth better grace, thau thel other hal-C. IU. WeUi. BEAUTY Ready-Mixed, 100% wasbable finish in gorgeous satiny colors and white. Dries quickly! Covers maost surfaces including wall- paper. Heres your favorite colot in a beautiful laung finish. J. H. ABERNETHY Paint & Wallpaper 33 King W MA 3-5431 Curtis and Mrs. R. A. Delve. Rev. Amy E. Schauff 1er, mis- sionary from Angola, Africa, will be the guest speaker for Thanksgiving service next Sur- day morning at Orono United Cburch. Mrs. Ceci Powers returned home on Sunday after spending the past mohth with her son, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Powers, Scarboro. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Waddell have moved down to their new apartment in the former Payne Restaurant. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Armstrong have rented their apartment. Mr. and Mrs. 3. H. Arnott and children have returned home from their Bee Ranch, Nipawin, Sask., where they spent the past three months. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell attended the Schell - Hiliman weddrng in St. Thomas Angli- can Church, Bracebridge, on Saturday. Mr. Mitchell was soloist. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Miller, spent the weekend visiting Miss Jean McLean, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy Gray and David, Cadmus, visited Mr. and Mrs. Reg Sutton. Mrs. Glen Allin, Newcastle, is assisting at the Canadian Bank of Commerce due to the illness of Miss Betty Bullock. Mrs. E. Syer, Bowmanville, spent Monday with Mrs. Cecil Powers. Miss Louise Cowan, Toronto, is visiting Mrs. H. Linton and' other friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Hooper attended the Hodgson - Mutton wedding in Trinity United Church, Bowmanville, Satur- day, October 5th, 1957. Miss Bertha Cain has been a patient for the past week in ,Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bail, London, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Porter, last week and motored to Cornwall and the Seaway. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell visited Mr. and Mrs. V. Scbeil, South River. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Atkin will occupy the apartment of IMr. and Mrs. H. Boyd and sons who recerîtly moved to Orillia. Mr. George Bowen passed away at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, Wednesday, Oct. 2nd, 1957. Funeral was on Sat- urday. Interment in Ororio Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Porter, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billings, Mrs. H. Bailey and Mrs. R. A. Forrest- er, visited the Norland Horti- cultural Society last week. Mrs. R. Thomas bas been a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Mrs. Faye Adams, the teller at the Canadian Bank of Com- merce is on holidays. Congratulations to Mr. Geo. Mitchell, Oshawa, forrperly of Orono, wbo was awarded the Silver Cup, a $50.00 cheque and several gifts as a winner in the Truck Derby beld re- cently in London, Ontario. Mrs. Lawerence Lunn and daughter Bernice have rented the lower east apartment in the Waddell Block. jJo Anne and Paul Rutherford were patients in Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmanville, last week. Miss Clara Barnes, Dundalk, arrived Sunday .to spend sev- eral months with her nephew, Mr. J. H. Arnott, Mrs. Arnott and children. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hinton and their five children who are leaving Thursday and return to live in England were enter- tained in St. Saviour's Angli- can Sunday Scbool room on Mon day evening wben over sixty friends gathered to wish them bon voyage. They were given a purse of money and gifts for the children. The roomn was decorated and pink and yellow 'mums were on the tea table fromn where the lunch was served. Mr. Everard Joli, Newcastle; Mr. S. Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. iMadison Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davey spent Monday ev- ening with Mr. and Mrs. Guy iMcGill, Janetville, and ber parents, r.AdMrs. «erc cial Board met on Sunday even- lations committee was given bv' ing with Rev. Harold Turner Mr. Harry Freeman, who in charge. Business for discus- brought the meeting up to date on their activities. sion included. the Albert Col- Mrs. Stanley Kinsman, Mrs. lege Three Year Campaign Clarence Penfound met at the which ends in 1957 and the So- home of Mrs. Cecil Simmons on per Evangelistic Mission to be Monday afternoon to set up beld in Oshawa in November. committees for the Annual The report of the Pastoral Re- Turkey Supper. 'Il Thanksgiving Dinner SUNDAY AND MONDAY Your Choice. . . ROAST DUCKLING TURKEY or CHICKEN Full Course Meal - $2.50 VENTURE INN BOWMANVILLE For reservations cali MA 3-3373 fbMur a.-rdollar COURTICE , The manvy friends of M r. Horace Vetzal will be giad ta bear that he came home from Oshawa *Hospital on Monday' afternoon much improved. Sympathy is extended to the wife and family of the late Mr. G. Baldwin who passed away Wednesday at Memorial Hos-' pital, Bowmanville. Mrs. Clarence Penfounid et- tended the October meeting of the Oshawa and District C.G. I.T. Board at the home of Mrs. S. G. Saywell, Oshawa, on Tuesday afternaon. Reports of the Ontario Girls' Work Board, Meeting were presented by Miss Bessie Knox and Mrs.Pn found. These stressed pa'rticu- lar empbasis on Leadership Training and the new Financial Folder wbich takes the place of Jingle Boxes this fail. C.G.I.T. met on Wednesday nigbt at the church. The four- sided programme embodied in! the C.G.I.T. purpose was stud- ied and ideas were forwarded' to be considered for future meetings. An înterest finder, was made, also Barbara La' Chapelle, Jean Burtcb and Louise Goddard were namcd the committee for nominations of the officers for tbis year. On Friday evening friends and neighhours of Mr. Floyd Fowler met at the cburch ta honour Floyd and bis bride-to- be, Miss Iris Sanders of Osh- awa. Mrs. Ciarence Penfound invited Floyd and Iris ta the seats of bonour and on behaîf of their many friends asked tbem to accept the gifts along with the very best wishes of the community for their future happiness. Mrs. Don Cowle assisted them ta open the many usefui and beautiful gifts. Bath Iris and Floyd expressed their pleasure a n d appreciation. Lunch was served and a very friendly social time was enjoy- ed. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Evans,' Charles, Douglas and Carol of, Bowmanville had supper on Thursday evening at Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Penfound's. Little Miss Joni Penfound. spent a pleasant weekend with' her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Carman Foster, Whitby. Master Jerry Penfound was; guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jack, Foster, Johnny and Jeanne of, Wbitby.¶ Mr., and Mrs. Clarence Pen-ý found accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Robert Evans, Bowman- ville, to Brantford on Satur-, day to attend the marriage of Mr. Egerton Clarke to Miss Alice Mclvor at Wesiey United' Churcb. Rev. Frank Yardley, a former pastor of Courtice,1 performed the ceremony and, ahl enjoyed renewing oid ac- 1 quaintances.1 Mr. and Mrs. Sim Penfound and Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Pen-, found were also guests at the* Clarke - Mclvor wedding oni Saturday at Brantford. Aî1ý were entertained at the home! o! Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Clarke following the reception at th-, churcb. Sunday School was weil at-' tended on Sunday in spite of sickness. Many pupils were present in their new classes. Superintendent Mr. Eddie War- burton welcomes ail ta the Sunday Schoal, there is a class' for every age group, including' adults. Mr. Walter Shortt fa- voured witb a solo. Rev. E. R. Taylor, Bristol, Que., conducted the cburch ser- vice on Sunday evening. The' theme o! bis sermon was "Jesus! and the Common People". Next Sunday service will be conducted at Courtice by stu- dent minister Mr. R. B. Werry and at Ebenezer by Rev. George McQuade of Whitby. The regular Quarterly Off i- 1954 Chevrolel 4-door Sedaht $1450 1953 Chevrolet 2-door Sedan Custom radio,$1 9 good clean car 1951 Pontiac 4-door Sedan Conîpletely reconditloned - ~6 1950 Oldsmobile 2-door Sedan Good tires, a good running car -- $375JJ We stili have a few older and cheaper cars that we want to clear before the new models arrive. COME IN AND MAKE US AN OFFEIR. ROB.SON MOTrORS LIMITED BUICK - PONTIAC - G.M.C. TRUCK DEALER 166 King St. E. Bowmanville MA 3-3321 6.49 .89 2.98 2.98 The Orono News Telephone 127 Denhertog 's Clothing RWK and WAGNALL'S Universal Standard ENCYCLOPEDIA Volume No. 5 on Sale This Week For only 9 9c With Any Purchase COTTON SOCKS for Women and Misses - 1. .49 GIRLS# WINTER DRESSES________ MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS 1955 Doige 4-door Sedan Locally owned, low mileage, custom radio, In top condition SPECIAL 0F THE WEEK! 1954 DeSOTO 4-DOOR SEDAN A very clean, Ai car, fully equipped with automatic transmission, radio, etc. 26,000 original miles ONLY $1595

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