WAGESIXTH~CANflTA 5TTESAN.BOWMNVTL~.ON~~!OTRURSnAY. OCT. 10th, 195? E ncouraging Reports Received During LODA Meeting in Peterboro Standing committees were ed the following: Membership- discussed and chairman of some1 Mayor J. D. Burnet, Cobourg; of these committees were ap- Finance-O, W. Larry, Tren- pointed at the regular Direc- 1 ton: Agriculture - To be ap- tors' Meeting of the Lake On-f pointed: Industrial-To be a- tario Development Association; pointed: Tourist and Sports which was held in Peterbor- men Shows-S. Shippani, Pe- ough at the essociation's office terborough. on Wednesday. October 2nd. Fvual eut Committees appointed includ- Fvual eut -_____ -Reports were given by a ~;rnember of the Fishing Resolu- lion Committee and by the Trent Canal Resolution' Com- mittee. Both of these reported 1 vers' favourable results and Mi. - McKenzie of Omemee gave de- tails on the Comrnittee's visit to the Honourable Clare Maple- dorani and read a letter froni Mr. Mapledoram. who is Minis- ter of Lands and Forests, ind- cating that there wvas a possibil- ity of having the fishing law changed which affects mainly the Kawartha area. Reeve Har- _____________________ old Matthews of North Mona- ghan Township reported that W e stop swift action had been taken on the Resoltition endorsed by for nothing LOBA regarding the opening of lthe Trent Canal System on Sundavs and the Board express- when ed the ir thanks to Mr. Matthews and will write letters of thanks policyholders to the Minister of Transport and to those governiment repre- needservcerngnthiv s imorant ater i ne sevic sntanthis imortantsiste 7nsurance in concerneci into being. with the things closent to Goodfellow To Speak your heart -your family, Mayor J. D. Burnet of Co-I Jbome, business, car and bourg, chairman of Zone Twa, reported that the Honourable ether personal poesessions. W. A. Goodfellow, Minister of So naturally, you expect Agriculture, will be guest prompt, personalinsurance speaker at the Zone Two Meet- service when you need iL ing to be held in Cobourg on And e gooveroarI ~ Friday, October Ilth. He said And e gooveboar to that Mr. Goodfellow would pro- 82S that you &e.i bably dis cuss agriculture and Reglonal Development and he hoped that non-participating townships as well as participat- STUA ? R JA IESing communities and townships Associate Membership DJSURANCE ]REAL EBTATE Considerable discussion took office Ugmaoe place regarding Associate Mem- KA 3-5681 MA 3-3403 berships in the Association, which would allow larger com- Kint Street 9. Dowmannfle panies with an economnic inter- est in the Area to financially ~ assist the Association ta pro- IShirts Laundered t . .to . perfection GUARANTZED SERVICE OOL» STORAGE W. have now established à 24 Hour Pick-up and Delivery Service in Bowmanvlll. and District. PHONE NA 3-3168 fW the betitnlucleaning and pressing ACADIAN Cleaners and Pressers OSHAWA Represientative - Jack Clark *0O Fortif y against colds by taking EXTRA VITAMINS for Adulis Wampoie's Extract 1.50, 2.75 Aiphamettes 1.00, 1.85, 3.50 %%laterbury's Camp.---- 1.50 Neo Chemnical Food Capsules 1.95, 3.45. 7.60 One A Day Multiple Vitamins 1.40, '2.50, 3.95. 7.95 Vi-CaI-Fer - 1.95. 4.95 For Children Palyvisol - 1.95, 3.45, 4.90 Ti-vi-Sai 1.55, 2.80, 4.80 Haliborange 1.00, 1.75, 2.25 Osto A.D.C. 1.00, 1.65, 4.25 Halihut 011 Capsules 1.15, 2.29, 4.29 10-D Cod Liver 011 1.00, 2.25 Cadol .- 1.00, 1.65, 2.90 V'acuum 300 Johnson's Noxzerna Botties A.S.A. Tabs Baby Powder ('ream 790 49i 2 for 1.19 980 - 1.25 Specials Toni 590 size Pepsodent Pasi e Home Permanent 49e Bail Point Pen ]Bath for 59C 2.00 - 2.29 Tip Toni 1.15 P8e Lustre Cremne 79e Hudnut Quick- 2.00 75eVhte ain65e Tonette for Chili - 1.75 7e hieRm - 6C(reamyProm ---- --2.00 Giliette Razor and Book of Wampole's Phospho Plex Basebail Secrets Heips tired nervesý Ail for--------1.29 Liquid or tabiet 2.50 COWLING'S PHONE MA 3-5695 DRUG STORE WE Fi TRUSSI [T ES maote this area for lndustry and tourists. There was ne action taken on the necommcndatieî and it is expected te be discuss- cd further at the nexi Board Meeting whicb wiil be held the latter part of Navember. Manager's Report Manager D. W. Kingdon. in bis report indicated over 40 visits ta communities in the Area ta discuss industrial, tour- i ist and agicultural develop- ments. as well as several calîs i ta Tarante. Chicago and other communitieF regauding indus2- trial prospects. He also ucported that ciurîng Iiis trip ta Chicago a receptian on behaîf o! the As- sociation was hebd and repues- entatives of five Canadian Banks attended. as well as re- puesentatives o! the Canadian Goveunnient Tracel Bureau, the Canadian Consulate, the Cana- dian Pacific and Canadian Na- tional Railwa 'v Passenger and Freight Agents, and the Tuade and Industrx, Buanch of the Province o! Ontanie nepuesenta- tives. Mr. Kingdon pointcd out that sucb a ucception gave the Asso- ciation tlie opportunity of doing an ouistaading public relations job as wcll as promoting the area. He uecommênded that sim- ilan receptions be bcld in Ta- rante and New York in ouder that the Association could buing fouwaud ia the minds o! the people intenesied in assisting the auca in industuiai devclap- ment in pauticular. the advan- tages for industrv te locate in anc of the thirt v-six commuai- tics which the Association re- presents. Brochure Brings Enquinles He uepouted an the "Avaîl- able Buildings" brochure which had bnought many enquinies and congratulatouy letteus. As an example. hc painted eut that phone calîs have becn ueceived fuom New York and Touante regauding these buildings list- cd. It is plaaned by the Asso- ciation ta enlarge this brochure by including in it "Business Op- potunities" in the Region. Muaicipalities arc cncouraged te keep the Association up te date on sucb items as buildings avaibable la their community; a geing manufactuuing business or ret ail store which might be for sale: and any reasonably good business proposition. These pamphlets have been dis- tributed in London England, New York, Chicago, Detroit, Montreal and Toronto, as Weil as te the Association's indus- trial prospects. Additional co- pies will be published as needed approximately eveny four months. Thanks For Ce-opération The Manager cxpncssed his thanks te the Press, Radie and Television for the excellent ce- operation given te the Associa- tien ini matters of publicizing the Area and uts advantages, as well as the support te the Asso- ciation. Comnmunlty Investment Corp. Duc te the enquinies received from various communities the Association has under prepara- tien, a brie! which wiil suggest an ouiline whereby a commun- ity can organize a Community Investment Corporation, which in turn would raise money for the enection of industnial build- ings. Some communities feel they should have a more con- crete Plan, in writiag, te offer industrialists for Industrial buildings, which would give sucb items as, type of building which could be erected, rentai. cost, the building site, If ser- vices are available. and the tenm e! lease. It is expected that this suggesied brie! wili be published within the next twe wccks. The Tourist and Sportsman Show Committce, a!ter having met on September lOth. repent- ed by S. Shippam of Peterbon- e ugh, chairman, that ihey ex-, pected te attend two sportsmen shows in 1958. The Directors recommnended te the teurist commitice that in view o! in- formation rcceived conccrniag the operation and dates o! cer- Contacted by l Welcome Party' Two mort, famîhies have re- ceived calIs from membeus o! the Business and Puofessional Women's Club uepucsentin h Welcome Wagon servie n t0w n. Mu. and Mus. Dan Dudbev who caine fuom Cobourg bave pur- chased the home of Mr. and Mus. J. Ross, 30 Orchaudview Bl1vd. Mu. Dudley is employcd by the Ontario Hydro and is ai the Rural Hydro office on Teni- perance St. Mus. Dudley is a, nurse and is on the relie f staff a! Memanial Hospital. They bave thrce childuen, Gardon in third veau high school. Ted who has spent anc and a bal! years witb the R.C.M.P. and Jean an the staff of Ki ngston Gencral Hospital. The famunilv\ are meînbeus of the United Chuirch. During the war yeaus, Mr. Dudley was associated withb Billi James, Wally Braden and BillIj Brown ah Officeus' Trainingi Centre, Buockvîlle. Mr. and -Mus. David Hilton. Apt. I10 Doncaster Apts.. king St. E.. came from Southamnpton, England. A scbaol teachen, Mu. Hilton is on the staff of On- tarie Training School for Boys. Mrs. Hilton ivas a staf nrs at Monugucen Hospital, Souith- anphn. and ;ý now on the staff of M-Nemorial Hospital, Bowmaa- ville'. I The Hiltons wvere botb mem- bers o! Southamnpton Dramiatir Societ 'v which puoduced thue plays a yeau. They are interest- cd in meeting local people who would like ho foum a duamatic socieiy here. Mu. Hilton bas joined the local brancb of the Canadian Legioi1. Thev arc members ' 01 te Angiican Charcih. ! ne' s. Nothing was eaved and parents. Mu. and Mrs. Alfred There were several items lit B ethany W .A . to Cater to -. n(s 'nciudezl froozer, frý,ý Johnston. program but the highlight of ccl 23. and other items. TheC The weather conditions are the evening were the colouru.d ~ dic~ithomne oai M. Bobin wki< ideal for the potalo digging, -li e s sown b 'M. d Mis. threatencd buti the good worý which is on inf fuhl force. somne Orloe Wright. Bethaniv. takcn or~I D Da qu t n'ore serous os cellent cop. while others sf and down through the Uie Bethany: There were 28 mneni- thought - provoking talk onAgopü nihor n eecnsdab amefo Sts.M .Wihti aw - bers present ai the United "Our Commitment ta Service"' Agrui rnegbousac.lrc onjorbb amg fo Sa es. rs.W ng he aw Church Women's Association "Wornen have a very real part fricnds g:ee at the hoiLic of the early September frost. tdeful job deiin the pbýmeeting held at the home of to play if furthering the Gos - ucaSr. on Saturda.v \iss Maureen Bradlet,,-and trs hc aete Mus.Waltr Nals n Tusda pel of Jesus Christ. We rnust inirht for a Dresentation aiid Miss Marlyn H-orntr are confin- itrsig ad euainl afternoon with Mrs. John White pîedge ourselves to His service dance for heu son P cter and cd to bed with an attack of Luinch was served bv the ladies. presiding. The scriptuuc lesson an iearlv s itn e bride. Mis. Cliff 1"allis mcad a the flu. Theî' are students ai Visitous and cailers with Mr. wvas read by Mus. Ross David- for Hlm, if we would be truîv humerous addre: s and the the Lindsay Colleglate. Best and Mus. Norman Porter on son, wîth Mus. Gervin Mulligan Christiaîis. It was through1 young coupfle wore puesented wishes for a speedy uecovery Sunday vere, Mr. and Mis. giving the explanation of the Christ's teaching that women i with a wcll filied purze. gir-ls. John Sandy. Peterborough, Mr. lesonan ladngifpryer wrelite fom th in owr AIl Faumners' Union Clubs in The W.A. hedd a social even- and M\,rs. Hughi Stapleton a.nd'- The correspondence read by status of olden days. The spread1 the County were representedt ing at the church on Fridav. Carol. Mu. and Mrs. Murta 'v secretary Mus. M. Porteous in- of Christianity turned the worîd Thursday night ai their ailnuai1 Mrs. Earl Argue acting as M.C Porter and Donna, Newtonv"b. cluded a letter of thanks ueceiv- upside down in Christ's time. County meeting. Our local pic ____________ ed fram Mus. Frank Bigelow, of It can do the sarne in our time sident, Ken Sinclair. welcomcd aluminum Lazy Susan and froi teGodNw eo tdv Mr. Cecil Green local C.P.R. Mrs. Stewart Speller and Mus. have a wonderful henitage. We agent, and Mirs. Green, attend- Mhn. Haury Van Beek fan gifts te have so much, se we have ed a birthday pai'ty in Bobue-P. their new babies.mtege. geon for bis fatneî' who v. a. The main item o! business Following the closing devo- celebrating his 90th birtlidav,- was planning te cater for the tional period, lunch was served recently. To tis grand "'yung"t Durham County Five Hundred by the hostess assisted by heu mail we extnd ur greetings. luiI Q LF R ~ i Bushel Potato Club Banquet te daughtcr, -Mus. Donald Cath- Poaodgig1inul wn be held ln Bethany on October caut, Mus. T. Jackson, Mrs M. with saine disappointing vields. 29th. Committees xvere fonmed Porteous and Mus. H. Coppins. Cansumers wvouid be well avs ta arrange for the dinner. Mrs. James Fraser expnessed ed te secure their necessar.v The program was in charge the thanks of the ladies te Mus. quota early before prices rise. « of Mus. Thomas Jackson, who Neals for ber hespitality and The Manvers spud is consider- spoke brîefly on "The Challenge toalal those who had assisted ed one of the best. e! the Cross. in pros îdîng the programn and Mr. and Mus. Roy McGill and Mis ar cKnz ae lnc.Arngltosfoma istanwe L A P R E& S N Mî~MayMceze ae unhiArn old o! om avie. weeeA. P R ERS N attending the reception fou Mc. -and Mus. Peter Mucha. PLUMDING HEATING- OIL BURNERS Edw rd~ow I ~epre ens a business meeting recent- 17 King Si. E. Bo'tnanville Phone MA 3-5651 Durham at 4- H Week lk date a been set but the' 4-H lubmemers romaIlvisi th OnarioMusum. Annual Turkey Supper of the, 4-H lubmemers moma~lvisi th OnaniaMusum. United Churcb is almost a cer- i over Canada will be auriving "Leadership in the Rural tainty. II in Toronto on November l6th Community" will be the theme Christmas tuce cutting wîll for the start of the 26tb Nation- o! an address by Stevén David- be starting within the next ten PR mITCNR T ai Club Week. Approxiinately ovicb o! the Department of cdu- days.I-- 135 specially selectedbc ad cation, Toronto, on Monday Will be seeing yau at the - etc ak girls from Canada's ten prov- mauning, November l8th. Tues- L.O.B.A. dance and duaw onSpic Tnk inces are expected ho narticinateI day morning's speeaker wili be Oct. 18th. Rdw l lh in the progmam wvhich will in- Dr. G. S. H. Barton, rctiucd De- clude speakers, discussion guaups putv Minister. Canada Depaut- and trips ta places o! interest. nient of Agriculture, whose te- National 4-H Club Week is or- pic will be "Agricultural Lead- ganized and financed eacb year ership and Canada's Interest in by the Canadian Cauncil on 4-H International Agriculture". Clubs. Other interesting features o! On Saturday afternoon the. the pragram during the wcekc graup will be officially wel- will include an opportunlty ta co med te the Province o! On- sec the Royal Winter Fair, vis- tarioata the Parliament Build- its ta Niagara Falls and te, the ings by the Minisier of Agricul- General Motors Plant. Oshawa, ture, the Hon. W. A. Goodfel- and several luncheons and ban- low. Followirîg a conducted qies. On Tbuusday morning. tour of the Buildings. thev wîll November 2lst, tbey will arrive in Ottawa for a tou r of the cap- ital city and the Parliament N esilefon Station Buildings befone returning te, their homes. Mr. nd Ms. idne Stales The Province cf Ontario bas .and M us. Selidey Srtaples!selected 14 delegates te take aind s. elville a uan part in National 4-H Club Week. Linsaofwerse sldy Csupe The 4-H- Homemakiag Club de- gestlu.W.ly ap legates are: Donna Samelîs, bell. uly MisEen Port Perry; Helen Burkitt, R. M.Culley, M i.adMss eyne-R. 2, Frankfond; Eleanor Row- Mabon, Wayne and Bob, Toron- an, R. R. 1, Cavan, Jean Me- to, were Sunday visitors with Lautyi, . R. 3, aidgeow;Ar- Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip and le aa eln n as Mrs.J. W Irvne.Sprîng, Wyevale. Representing MsrJ . nd vin. ElMir the 4-H Agicultural Clubs willi Mn.andMus EhMais r- be: Mary Campbell, R. R. 3, turncd fnom a visit with the Northwood; Jean Lazenby, R. R. George Sellers and Bud Virtue 7 odtc:DsodErgt famiies n BomanvlleMr.H. R. 4, Cobden-, George Green- and Mus. Jas. Cooper, Mount lees, R. R. 3, Campbcllville, Ed- Albert, Mr. and Mus. Thos. Far- waud Kowal, R. R. 2, Bowman- row in Uxbridge and the ville, Donald Pubien, R. R. 1, George Windsor family, Ballan- Granton: Sançly Snedden, R. R. trac. 13, Almonte; and Ken Tamlin, Rev. Duennan of Haveleck, R.R m:odvîe occupied the pulpit ia the Pues- .T. R Departmileto gnc byterian Cburch Suaday meun- turc is sponsoring one delegate iag whîlc Rev. R. Campbell te the National 4-H Club Con- conducted Anniversary services gress in Chicago. Ontario's dele- nt Nonwood. gaie this yean, selected from Rev. and Mus. W. H. V..Walk- among those nominated for Na- er e! Stirling werc renewing ne- tional Club Week, will be Bert quaintances in the village tbis Pepper, R. R. 3, Seaforth. past wcek.__________ Mu. and Mus. John McGany and Lorraine and Miss Donethy PO1"Vfn Harris, Toronto, Mu. and Mus. J.liirUUJ.. Russel Sonbey e! Port Penny visited Mu. and Mus. Jas. Hau- A lure cf nnknown origin ris. destuayed the Snack Bar and Dr. and Mus. Jack Marlowv, Restaurant et Mu. Sid Beun- Johnnie and Jane o! Lively, are steen on Fuiday afternoon. Dur-1 spending their bolidays with iing the summer holiday seasoni their parents and other mcm- Sid bas conductcd a good busi - bers o! the family. ness te the tounists. He had MuI. and Mus. John C. John- elosed this business about La- sien, Ottawa, visited Mr. and bour Day and went to Toronto Mus. Grant Thompson.' where he is ini the taxi busi- Free!1 Free!1 BLACK DIAMOND STAMPS with every purchase of gas VIGOR OIL Service Station CORNER 0F MANVERS ROAD AND FIFTH CONCESSION Phone MA 3-W99 Vigorq Standard Gasoline 3 Vigor High Test 11 OC includint fax GAL. 1 OC including tai Coniplete Lubrication at a Reasonable Price STOVE OIL AVAILABLE IN ANY QUANTITY AT TifE STATION OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDATS Car Rolis COver1I Early Sunday Four Injured One man was seriously injur- ed and three other personsre- ceived slight injuries .hn their auto went out of control and rolled into the opposite lane of the 401 Highway about seven miles west of Bowman-' ville at 1 arn. Sunday morning In Oshawa Hospital with un-i determined back, injuries, chest.I bruises and suffering frorn shock is Kenneth Beer, age 27, 292 Pacifie avenue, Oshawa. His wife Mildred suffered a twist- ed right knee and body bruises. She was released along with the other two occupants of the car after being treated. Driver of the car, Walter Da- vis, 164 Park Rd. north, Osh- awa, had a scraped left ankli and body bruises. His wife, Marilyn had a bruised right gl- bow. Police said the car was tra- velling west on the 401 High- way when it went out of con- trai. The vehicle skidded off the shoulder and rolled, cern- ing to a stop on the eastbound lane, police added. Constable Pat Corneil of the Bowmanville detachment On- tario Provincial Police investi- gated. The driver of the vehi- cle may be charged at a later date, police said. Thanksgiving Theme at W.A.1 Meeting Kedron: Mrs. Percv Mount- Joy was hostess on Thursday evening to 26 ladies of the com- munity, for the October meet- ing of the Woman's Association. "Thanksgiving" was the theme for the fine worship ser- vice led by Mrs. B. Hitchen, as- sisted by Mrs. C. Hopkins ana Mrs. J. Sutter. Mrs. Star play- ed the piano prelude, and Thanksgiving hymns. Mrs. J. Glover gave a paper on the oni- gin and customs related to this Harvest festival. President Mrs. Wm. Werry conducted the business meet- ing, and gave a report of Con-: ference W.A. which she had aitended with Mrs. Chas. Nay- 1er at Cannington United -hrh r8. C. Hopkins, re- 0 ring secretary, read Septem- ber minutes, and the Treasur- er's report was given by Mrs. Lorme Tregunna. It was decided to withdraw the Novemiber meeting, as Ke- dron turkey supper is to he! held on the regular meeting niglit. ïirs. il. Crossmnan and Mrs. J. (Slov,.r were appointed as a c-o'.rn1it1tee to make neces- sary arrailgenients for addi- tionni tables needed for the tur-I key dinner, to be secured. Mrs. M. Walter,. Mrq. J. Glover and1 Mrs. E. Mountjoy -wýere the hostess group. MANVERS STATION Rev. and Mrs. J. T. Murray, Marlyn and HeutihEr. Peterbor- ough, Mm. and Ms.Cliffo, d Hudson andi Mr. Archie Gai-; braith. Toronto, wxere Sundayv visitors with 'Mr. and Mrs. Dun- can Galbraith. M\r. and Mrs. Orville Chiallice-, iDoretta arnd Donna, Orono, cal'-, ed on >iome of the old neîglh- bours last week. Mr. Allan ion oston. Windsor, spe-nt the weekend \vith hiz mO mE y AA 'IIiBE FOR MORTGAGES Ralph S. Jontes Barrister and Solicitor 65 Sitmoe St. S. Oshawa RA 5-3523 -Coloured Patio Slabs- -Porches, Steps- - Curbing - Brooli'n Concrete ,Products PHONE BROOKLIN 155 Collect Cails Accepted Royal Theatre Bowmanville TERRIFIC DOTJBLE-HEADER THURS., FRI., SAT. - OCT. 10 a 12 "Hollywood or Bust" (Color) WITH DEAN MàARTIN AND JERRY LEMIS plus "Dino"' Starring SAL MINEO Hollywood 7 and 10:20. Dino 8:40 only SUR. NID-NITE - OCT. 13 Only "World W itho ut End" (Color) An utterly amazirig look into the future ..Don't miss the battie tb the death between the 'Under- ground people and the terrifying surface mutants. Added mystery feature "Foot steps in the Nigh t Starring BILL ELLIOTT MON. (Thanksgiving Day) and TUES. Matinee Monday - 2 p.iu. World News. Disney's "Man in Space" (Coler) Evening Show at 7 p.mi. Last complete 9:15 WED. and THURS. - OCT. 16 a 17 "Un tamed Youth" (Aduit) Modern flaming youth fights had living condiîtion.% and lets itseif go) in a rock 'n' roll fun-fest ... Mamie Van Doren. the new blonde glamor girl, as the girl who was Holl.vwood-bound but got side- tracked on a cotton farmn. Plus "Ch eck pain t" (Coior) Anthony Steel at the Wheels -A super-charged Story of Sporiscar Racing - Filmed amid the Scenie wonders of the Italian Alps. .. The true story behind the world's most thrilling international road rac- THE CANADTAn- STATESMAN. ONCARTO WIDE Imam M... PAGE Mx