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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Oct 1957, p. 7

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utjr. iutn, 1957THE CA!NADIAN STATESMAN. ENOWMANM!LE. ONTAR!O ' A4~ Mrs. H. H. Todgham. Walk- Columbia raspberry bushes Fri-' erx'ille, is the guest of iMc. and day afternoon. A11 of ber six çJMrs. D. R. Morrison. bushes are bearing the large ' Winners of the Lions hockey raspberries, which is quite un- :,,*aw for Saturday, Oct. 12, are usual for this late season. Mrs. Ivan Beauprie and Pat Leddy. Dunn says August was the latest Mr. Noel Dudley, Gananoque.j the bushes ever produced prev- O-nt.. spent the %vcckend with jos~ bis narents, Mc. and Mtrs. C. H. ! Mis s Muriel Stevens, Toron- Dudley. to, daugliter of Mr. and Mrs. McI. and Mrs. R. Kerr took a Ross Stevens, Scugog St., leit i rnotor trip hast xveek, going over hast week to take a two months' the Ivy Lea Bridge into Ver- course in Public Healtix Rebab- mont and returnîng by way of ilitation Nursing at the Univer- Montreal. sity of New 'York, and in Bell- Bob Kerr, son of Mr. and Mrs. vue Hospital, New York. Mur- IR. Kerr, after second year sumn- iel bas beeen witb the V.O.N. mer course, Teachers' College, (Victorian Order of Nurses) for Toronto, is the teacher at Ba- the past two N ears, and is be- otsville, north of Whitby. igsn yten R'icent visitors with Mr. and The account of the Northum- Mcis. John Welsh. Tweed, were berland and Duchaîn Counties' Mr. Clarence Edmondson and Plowing Match appearîng on Mr'. and Mrs. Cecil Mutton who page nine of this issue is incom- &Il enjoyed a trip along the Sea- plete in that it does not mention Way. that the high sehool boys win- Mc. and Mcs. C. Johns, Bow- ning that part of the competition, manville. spent last week in. Carlos Cryderman and his broth- Huntsvilhe and Bancroft and er David, are the sons of Mr. and visited their daughter. Rev. and Mrs. Howard Cryderman, R.R. Mrs. Stanley Snowden ln Ban- 2, Bowmanville, and grandsons croft. of Mc. Frank Cryderman, Bow- Mr.Frak Sbi let b moormanville. The boys won for Mc. rank S obnhi ief bynmotorowmanvîlle High School a cup fauesdy ito join bis wlifead and cash prize given by tl-qe famly n Cearate. Fonia.Toronto Dominion Bank at Mill- Their many frîends wisb thern brook for the best teain of high success in their new 'Glen school boys in tractor plowing. Motel" venture. Colour along Bowmanville The October meeting of Legion streets and in the surrounding Ladies' Auxiliary Branch 178 countryside was neyer more was held on Monday, Oct. 7th beautiful than it is this year. in the Legion Hall. One new No one should miss taking a member, Coinrade Ruth Os- drive to see the hilîs and val- borne, was initiated. An invita- leys in aIl their glory. tion to visit D)awes Road Legion Mrs.Wilred cTaish theIn Toronto on Monday, Oct. 301 forse re M aish),(tieswas accepted with a good num- formr Rea Mnnig), issber planning to attend. Phans Winnifred Bennett and Mrs. for birthday supper on October Ethel Wylie of Toronto, alI for- 17 are under way and tickets are mec Bowmanville residents, in the bauds of the Phone Com- ' were in town one day hast weel< mittee. Tickets are $1.00 and ( and called on Mrs. T. S. Holgate the supper starts at 6:30 p.m. t and other old friends. with the Tartan Clubh ladies, c Two carloads of basebal en- thusiasts drove to New York City on Tu'esday to see the World Series: Huberl Murphy, Mervin Brooks, George Heath, Garry Verning, Jack Miller, Jim Crombie, George Cawker, Paul Chant and Bill Mutton. Miss Greta Muir, Los Auge- les, Cal., who attended school here arouud the turn of the century with a sister and bro- ther while living with their aunt, Annie Muir, was in town last week renewing ac- cquaitances. We are at a loss to ctin.A donation of $10 wili be sent to the Veteraus' T.B. Camp Fund. Plans are under way foc the Armistice Supper on Nov. 9, and all members are expected to come out and help witb this large banquet. After the chose of the meeting lunclb was served. Town WiII FIy Court Venture O-fficers Are Installed High officers of the organization were present on Charter Night, Sept. 29, ta instali the officers of the newly formed branch of the Women's Canadian Order of Foiýesters, Court Venture No. L1892. An enjoyable dinner and dance attended by 160 celebrated the event. Pictured in the firont are, left to right: Helen Twining, Oshawa, Marshal; Harry Phinn, H.V.C.R., and Ted Drage, Business Administrator, both of Brantford; Toots Ferguson, Oshawa: District Deputy. In the back: Edna Baker, P.P.; Harry Snowden, Field Representative; Elsie Prout, Pres.; Barbara Graham, Guard; Joan Gibson, Rec. Sec.; Grace Blackburn, Warden; Betty Westlake, Chaplain; Shirley Brock, Vice-Pres.; Florence Snowden, Supporter to President; Marlene Falls, Fin. Sec.; Gladys Masterson, Conductor; Marion Stephens, Supporter to Presîdent; Jean Vanstone, Supporter to Vice-Pres. Residents on Frederick Ave. Vo Plant Trees Frederick Avenue resîdents were higbly commended by Council, Monday evening, foc tbeir decision to plant flowering crab apple trees along botix sides of the avenue. Before going ahead with the phanting which is scheduhed for bhis vweekeud, a letter was sent :o Council requesting permis- sion to carry out the pcoject. The trees wilh not grow any 'igher than 25 feet and will be arranged so as to avoid interfer- ing with storm sewers and gaý mains. The location of all trees, the letter stated, would first be approved by Works Foreman Lloyd Quinton. On behaîf of Council Coun. Jim Presson cornmended Fred- erick Avenue residents "for The October meeting of the W.M.S. was held in the Sunday Scbool hall on Wednesday. The President had charge of the worsbip service. Mrs. Cecil Rob- inison read the scripture lesson and Mrs. (Rev.) R. C. White fav- ored with a fine solo. Our allo- cation was discussed, also send- ing of bale to Fred Victor Mis- sion. Letter was read acquaint- ing us with the fact of ouc East- ern Ralhy at Newcasthe. A coin- rnittee xvas appointed to look after lunch for Rev. Allan Knight's lecture on Friday after- noon of the 11tb. Following the meeting Mrs. G. 't1. Jones was presented with a Life Membersbip pin. Mrs. Cecil Robinson accompanied Mrs. Jones to a chair at the front where Mrs. J. T. Pearce pinned on a corsage of carna- tions and Mrs. Arnold Wade ber pin. After the ladies had each shaken bauds with Mrs. Joues ail sat around a table and eujoy- ed a dainty lunch and a social baif bouc. flot. We believe the family (Continued from page one) thei- public "spirîed attitude'in lived in Hawaii at one time. various parts of the ceiling in deciding on group action'. .ll.. Ju io s the Town Hall. Coun. Higgon Several large delicious blue suggested that ail the plaster raspbers eefudb r.b eroved and *replaced willi Beat Port Hope while she was trimming her Smtigîîhv ob n Fri C m done withth Town Hall front éJp i henarftuehecn Bowmanville High School*s P ne o t l felt that a wooden tread on the en2 Junior football squad rolled to Pentcosal inue. Hwevr Coit îgn easy 44-6 victory over their Ctp ou Hgon also nrea a hosts at Port Hope in the open- C hurch sep ou d Help thaisora a0,iggm oftene-shli 21OtroS-letter from the Bowmanvilhe j.' footngbaine ofhedue icner -ol 21 ntrioStRotary Club wbich listed the ferool chdl ona f Rev. G. E. Leno, Pastor renovations planned by the club 10fo a.-pstheoffice bildin the/eSV Only mishap of game was an f0am orstofe nbwildbain teldi njury to fullback Danny Cat- Family Bible School Two of the seven Rotary sug - . j. tran of Bowmanville, number A Class for Every Age gestions were turned cion ' ' 44. He is suffering from a CounciL. One was sealing up damaged cartilage in the nose il a.m. and 7 p.m. - the inside door on the norii. and xiii be out of action for at Divinity Students of Eastern east corner of the building._____ - east a week. Coach Mary Pentecostal Bible College, Counicil felt that the door micilt I ~'~Jolinson sa.vs be may fit Cat- Peterborough. preaching be of use in the future and -tanwthafaegur we Vocal and instrument al. should not bc sealed. he brings him back. Also turned down was the By Connie Osmond Bowmanville's next sched- EVERY WEDNESDAY placing of a suitably engraved There is not going to bc a uled gaine is at Whitby today 8 p.m. - Bible Study stone to f ill up the hole left by 'Dance on Friday, Oct. 11, be-1 (Thursday) beginning at 3:301 (Il Cor.) the letter drop box on thel cause the hall is alreadv book- 1pin. They will officially open We Welcme Yonsouth side of the buildincy.i ed. But, there will be a dance at their home grounds Friday, WeWecoe lOiCouncil suggested that a plain on Frîda.v, Oct. l8th. and the October 18. when Cobourg wil _______________________stone be placed in the hole. ciress xviii bc dress up. Further be their guests. Cuaching the -- ~~Approved bv Couincil wstm anucmn~viib ie club this year are MVarv Johnî- filling inl of the arches in the in tlhe next ari tcle. son, physical education teachi- manlob w- old tet-, anîd Vince IVathewson of maiIS don loby ingch w.Aoldcttihe B.H.S. staff. iVanagerial ST. JOHN'S d foonheail epcthe conreteNsW O VL E duties are being handled by ST» 0 N ~~~ent floor in the entrance lobby. N WOvE rgCoe ndWyeM,: the lighting will be improved Miss Mnnie Randail is aý Dan Cattran. Paul and Gary ~~flUK~~fl and a separate partition will di-1 patient in Memorial Hospital,;MClog ad DvRy vieofasinal work room. InBomavile olds comprised the lclT (Anglican) addition, the loading platformnit eier Miss A nic e Nesit. Tron o rers. Bowinanville's line (Anglican) the west side bas already vt brsstr is ne e-showed improvemient in their ybitt. 1rushn n hi e fei - been enclosed. Mr. and Mrs. Ber-t Stapleton hilan h[rne ffn Iland famîly-. Bowmanville %vith 1sîve style of a wing T xith a NainlMr. and Nirs. Don Staplet;n. ! split T line proved fatal for NationalMrs. Andrew' Reichrath bias' their bosts. Teach rs ofreturned from Montreal %vhere Swinging into a wide lead Thaksgviig ~ Tea her ofshe visite liher son and daught- inl the fil-st quarter, the locals Thanksîvinqer-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Henryj increased the edge to 28-6 at N. D rlin ton Reicrat. . alflime. Tackle Gerry Has- Mcr. and Mrs. Wm. Stapleton iuk sparked thern -with a well J wiîh Mr. and Mrs. Lennox kicked field goal earîx' in the 8 ar..- Id M e tinUivasev-, Port McýINicol. i gaine to get thern roiling. * HOLY COMIMUNION Tyrone: The second mei Joan S. Wade and Miss Margaret of North Darington Teachers ioa Brown \vho were married ~ Gcup ws hld a Enfeldin Newtonville United Church 10 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o an lam colo c.I uSaturdaîv. Oct. th. Rex. S. 10 ad Ila.m.Schol o Oct 1.J. Pike of 'Onandaga of ficiated. j a Mc. T. R. McEwen, Inspector, While here he and Mcs. Pike,. CHRj CHO attended and introduced Missi were guests of Mr. and Mrs.9 CHUCHSCHOL~jGreer of South Darlingtoni Arnold Wade. aTeachers' Group. She introdue- 1 Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hay- il .rn aed booklets of Primary testing 1 wood, Orillia, wvith hec parents, 1 ..-material and outlines shhiih sh" R. C. and Mrs. White. L o i o -had helped prepare. Each 1Ret our Communion Service L o ig o i MORNING FRAYER 1Pcîmary teacher receîx-ed lex last Sundav morning several g lU iss Lena Taylor, School church members were transfer-1 LtNurse. also attended. She dem- red from other communities to D A Ltonstcated first aid and spoke the Newtonville United ChurchON D * ..-a briefly on the flu. vîz.: Mrs. Ernest Turner from EVENNG RAYE ~1 Miss Louîse Hartinan thanked Carleton Place, Mrs. Wm. Ugloxx athe visitors. Next meeting is te fronx Morcish, Mr'. and Mrs. enwhvaspca bc held at Bradley's School, Nov. Loi-ne Paeden froin Wesleyville, Nenwhv pca 12. ~~~~~and iMrs. Wesley' Elliott froin, dslyro hr 12. ~~~~Oshawa. dslyro hr o SWeekend guests with Mr. and' Mrs. Harry Wade m-ere Mr. andcnlo vrordaod Il . Je~jrs.F. . Feld. Igleood and choose yours in privacy. Trin ty nit d C h rch Mr.and Mrs. Melville Tousîg- nnCataraqui: Mr. and Mrs. Mîmser Rev T rthu MogY.BA.Wmi. Brown and Karen. Scar- Minste Rv. . rthr orgnB.A 4 borough; Mrs. Grace Wade. New ASK TO SEE OUR Toronto; Miss Jean Wade and Mr. Roy Cochrane, Toronto. DIAMONDS 4JOur pastor Rex-. R. C. 'White, offîciated at the Johnstone - * Il AM. ~.Broaclworth wmedding held at IHA KSAVIN Roseneath Uinited Church on We tr'ust all the ladies ofte PM ~DVIC ~ 4jcommunitx- xvill corne to hear the #f T .. - mssageon Angola bv Rex'. Allaîî ýf1Knight on Friday, Oct. 1l at 2:30 p. in. - Special Music by the Choir i Harold Burlev left Sunday J w ley & Gf 1night by 'plane 'for a*few ý,days1 ew l ry & Gf 1_____ î.-r Wî'nnxpeg with the Benjý! Shop ",: min Bros. ConlstruLction CO. Jrg ýf :Mrý and Nlr-. John Vinkie and 28 King St. .., Bowmanvile ,.hanist-- Mri. Ar thur Colh,ýson, ýMus.B.. L.R.S. #,0 soil Paul oi eh c:1. allf'd on Phone MA 3-5747 _'L ac Mrs. Don Vînkie on Council WiIl Cooperate for Nov. 10 Servicel Civic Committee cbaired by Coun. Keith Lathangue bas ac- cepted the responsibility of ar- ranging the Remembrance Day service tobbe hd November 10. Court. Lathangue stated Mon- day evening that be would cal a meeting of the Bowmanvihle Ministerial Association and the Bowmauville Brauch of the Canadian Legion to organize the memorial service. Finger-tip Movies of BASEBALL'S SECRET LANGUAGE wIth purchase of Gitlette FOR Requlir Price of RazOr Set Alon. *oi£ Ir OP..* 700>VE MD Y#0SE1if AP*OM 1, p1 ieivcreamy OBITUARY WESLEY G. HEARD Wesley G. Heard, a welI known and respected citizen of this. community passed away in, i Memorial Hospital, Bowman-! ville, on Sept. 29th at the age of 162.i Although failing in health for several months he stuck to bis job at the Goodyear Co. -where he had worked for 30 years. He was deeply interested in: the little Baptist Chucch andý was a great help in the building! of the new addition to the church. He put his whole heact into everything he did. His greatest joy in hife was in help- ing others. He will be greathy imissed by all who knew bim. Wesley Heard is survived by his wife the former Gwendoline1 Parry, bis son Gordon and daughter Yvonne (Mrs. Gerald Johnson), Bowmanville, also his brothers, Herb of Port Hope, Norman of Peterborough and sisters Gladys (Mrs. Clinton i Brown), Newtonville, Bertha (Mrs. Cecil Dean), Toronto. The largely attended tu'neral took place from Northcutt & Smith Funeral Home Oct. 1, and was conducted by the former IPastor Fred Halse of the Baptist Church, Rev. F. Fifield assisting. The many beautiful flowers paid tribute to a wonderful man. Pahîbearers wv e r e Messrs. Henry Krowchenko, Jas. Kane, A. Moffatt, Maurice Prout, Al- fred Grace and James Martyn. Makes Plans For Convention Local 78 Enniskille'n Fai'mers' Union held their regular meet- ing recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Griffin, R. R. 2, Bucketon. Mr. J. Trudeau was in th e chair. jThe business part of the meeting was spent mostly on the resolutions for the Conven- tion to be held in Guelph, Oct. 21 and 22. Farmers shouhd plan to attend this Convention. The next regular meeting will be held at the bomne of i Mc. and Mrs. Don Lamb, ov. 5. The County director 1àill be prsn.Mem bers please planj tatedthis meeting.1 Tweed Couple Surprised on An niversary Mr. and Mrs. John Welsh were delightfully surprised on Saturday evening when two cari loads of John*s immediate fam- ijy travelled to Tweed to extend their congratulations, the occa- sion being the couple's tenth wvedding anniversary. KNOW YOUR PHARMACIST Today's »bharmacist is a man of lonc and specialized training. To ret his collere deuree. he must have a, broad and exact knowledze of the many tecbnical sciences, associated with the action, handling and dispens- ing of drugs, chemicals, biolog- ical products and medicinal agents. He must pass exam -_ mnations to become a Iicensed pharmacist. The shelves of his pbarmacy are stocked with the newest discoveries of medical f Jscience and an array of bright, attractive merchandise that go to make his drug store a centre of service in the community. GT A COLD ? I.D.A. Bronchida Cold Capsules 1.25 Bronchida Cough Syrup---------75c Vicks Cough Syrup -- ------------59e -n-a-e----------------------------------c V a-Tro-Nol --- - 53e 1 D. I.D.A. GrdtBrand 1 * MINERAL OIL SACCHARIN TABLETS # * 16-oz. 40-or.1tGri 1 Reg. 55e Reg. 1.10 Grii 100'S 500's 1000's1 43e 87e Reg. Reg. Reg. * ___________"O2c 5.5e 79e *14e 390 59e * 1.D.A. 1ARONMATIC CASCARA T, Grain 14 A pleasant anîd gentie 100's 500's 1000's I 1 tonie laxative. Reg. Reg. Reg. 3-z.6-r. 23ô 65c 98e 1 Reg. 350 Reg. 65e 17a 49a 79c o 29c 49a LUSTRE CREME *I.DA. with Lanolin * SHAVING CREAM SHAMIPOO 1 Regular 49e 39c Special 98c tube ---- 79c Save 19e on Palmolive 98e VICKS *RAPID SHAVE BOMB MEDI MIST 98c value 79c NASAI: SPRAY Plus * 5c package Kleenex * Regular 15t, Both for ~ 98ce # licks Medicated_________ * W'ILD CHERRY * COI'GHF DROPS TONI and 98c Economy Sire Home Permanent * VICKS VAPORUB Plus Applicator 1.13 value . --.- -------98e à.00 value - .~ 229 --------------- - --- ----- The famfly presented themn with a lovely china tea set and an electric frying pan. The couple thanked them for the lovely gifts and after a very' pleasant time and delicious lunch prepared and serveci by the family, the group returned in the -'wee hours of the morit- ing" to Bowmanvile. Chilciren in nine foreign na- tions received healtb kits, school supplies, clothing and toys as a gift of the Canadian Junior Red Cross' in 1956. FIGHT WINTER CO[DS with WAMPOLE EXTRACT of Cod Liver Compound ts Tonictime. Winter's coughs and colds ore just around the corner. HeIp vour family ta botter health this winter, build up their resistance f0 colds... give them Weimpole Extract regularly. .. storf todayl 15 OUNCES -$150 34 OUNCES - $2.75 ECONOMY SIZ C SAVES YOU V 'I s I«r£w fi PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY I lex. We Deliver r McG regor, Your Local I.D.A. Prug Store Drugs Phone MA 3-5792 MC'l Bowman ville High School Ni ght Classes BOOKKEEPING AND SHORTHAND Wednesday Nights a t 7:3 0 p. m. There is stili room for a few more registrations in Bookkeeping and Shorthand. Register Wed., October 16th a t 7:3 0 p.m at Bowmanville High School I COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THIS WEEK -'.4 Y .4' ý1*DeA BRUG JAR FIGHTS TOOTH DECAY CHECKS BAD BREATH - ý ll MAKES TEETH WHITER il p ti t( si h Ir rr ti a L i ei ý 1: li ýýl,

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