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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Oct 1957, p. 8

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TRE CAKAD!AII STATESMAN. noWMn V!LLENTAýým_ b7 ELSIE CARRUTHERS LUNNEY RIGNER THAN IT IS RATED the L'-nglish languagu, becau.e, preciation. This week in Toron- There are se many things in David Walker expressed hini- 1ta is Art Gallery Week when this world ta admire. ta appre- 1self well and clearly and two exhibitions will be opened. ciate and enjoyv. Among the straightforwardly. sa that the The paintings from these two mnost important are beautv, gath ering wvas doubiv blessed collections, Gifts from the Mc- wherever it is found, and the' in fis chairman and in its guest Lean and Eaton Funds, and mental stimulation deriveci1 speaker. Tt is such a wonderful Loans 1'rom Private Collectors fromn reading good prose or poe- thing today ta hear sameane will be on view fromi Oct. 4 ta try. The spoken word, by one get on his feet and speak with- Oct. 20 in the first case, and te who is master of his native out resarting ta popular slang, Nov. 10 for the second collec- language, is cqually a joy, and the worn-out cliches af every- tien. more of a rarity today even. day speech. We doubt very Among the paîntings purchas- than fine writing. It is more' much that Mr. Wal5e r uses ed by the McLean and Eaton transitory, hawever, the aver- such phrases at any time. He funds are répresented works of 2ge memory being wht t would have so many oth cs" 1Cnda rit nldn -hat it is whrich 1 tain rissicldn It is a pity that mnemary, parti- s vocabuîary with wih eKrieghoff, Lismer, Varley and cularly for th-e best in liteatre express himself. Milne. The boans from private is nlot more cultivated. Wht' The fact that many people collections include Degas' "Two treasure bouse is a %w-ell storedi can still appreciate English weill Dancers", Renoirs "Lady at thé- mi.1 spoken and well written lead.; Stream", a Carat, Manet and These thoughts àre far from us ta belicve that they could Constable, ta mention but a new with us, and probabl i absorb much more than thev few. These collections will Pro- have written them here before are able ta find nowaday s when i vide many hours af enjayment with saine slight variation in the use af pictures is an the in- for a great many people. We wording. Two things brought crease as a medium af expres- hope we can pay a visit ta the them again ta mind: the ap- sion. Gallery during the time they Proach af autumon and winter, Is this trend really whlat are on display. the best seasons for rcading: e%,erv.bodvý wants? W'ýe t hi nk A highlight af Art Gallery and hearing Mr. Leonard Brock- not. And1 if it is nat, whv are Wcek will be, or was, as you ington speak in his capacity as1 we catering quite sa much Iot Yow read this, a lecture 'Don't chairman at Smnith's f irst Lit- I one section ai the public! We Destroy Old Taronto" by an erary Lup.p'.eoni on Sept. 26. still maintain that not enough autharitv on art and architec- Among the hcad table guests faith is piaced in peoples taste ture, Professor Henry-Russell was 'Winnitred Ferrier. the sis- or capacity for enjoying wvhat Hitchcock ai Smith College. His ter of the renowned singer is good. survey af Toronto buildings was Kathleen Ferrier. Mr. Brock- Wehivetamotppe made last spning on the invita- tison rie andeatifu trîbu e quite capable of enjoying a tion af the Art Gallery. t a is esrie adlwt\u\, storv 1mare than 2500 words in As you knaw, aid, aftcn his- hat lau r it wo Pd ength, if it is a goad story r toric bouses and buildings are hea M. rokigton read for xvell toîd, and could read mare being demolished in Toronto at an houao an ev fineg.vfo articles in which the text pre- an alarming rate. Though the It as vev fne ay ordominated. We should like fi' story frequently makes thel see the experinent made ne\vs, the building is not saved. HIGHLY STYLED Surnehow we feed that the 1.Q. Nor is the destruction confincd of a large section of the read- [ta Toronto. The saine thing is MODERATELY PRICED ing and viewiog public is mniwh> happening in manv towns andl LADIES' WEAR higbcr than it is being irated. cýities, e\,en in oId Landan. La VogueAnd it is mnuch more apt Io be Much more protest has been La Vguoraised still funther, given good raised there by articles and let- mental fare. ters in the press, and even with I. * demonstrations, yet the authar- g~ I ities are seemingly îînmovcd. L1 LttC~< t(OLLECTIONS ON VIEIV One can only hop e that the (iood reading. good music, forces tor tracdition will i vet Cor. Athol & (celina, Oshawa bpautihlj paintings ail shape win, bath in Eogland and in taste and the capacitv for ap- Canada. refr eshment Pepsi- Cola leeMark logistere Smith Beverages Limited Bowmanville AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR Io a tune when it is needcd more than it ever was, it is sadi ta know that the Architectural Canservancy of Ontario formed for just this purpose of prcserv- ing beautiful and historical buildings, is dormant. We do flot know whether the reason is lack af funds, but we sup- pose that it is. It seems sa bard ta raise maney ta preserve something like a beautiful cen- tury and a quarter aId house s0 that thousands today and ta- monrow may enjoy it, yet the saine amount af money is pour- ed awvay on the most transient things. We know that the Depari- ment of Travel and Publicity aod the Historie Sites Board have done much in the last few years. But they need more money, and more encourage- mecnt. ALL AROUND US Autumn colouring in this area is coming ta its best. This is beauty at its peak. On this Thanksgiving weekend let us cnjoy it ta the full with grate- ful heants. Ours is a beautiful country. We have only ta raise aur eyves. Millbiook Legion Hears Details of Vets Land Act MilIbrook: At the regulan and that the Director may nom meeting of the local branch provide financlal assistance ic Canadian Legion B.E.S.L., Mr. the maximum af $8000 for thl, E. W. Bradley. Settlement 0f- construction of a home oni ficer and Mr. Geo. Jones, Con- suitable small lot which thg struction Supervison with the veteran owns, or is pnepared tc Veteran's Land Act for Durham punchase and ta be used a. County, attended and address- down payment. Lot ta be sul. cd the saine 50 members pres- jcct ta V.L.A. approyal anc cnt. Various scopes and aims worth $800 or the differcnc( ai the Act were discusscd, in. between appnaised value, thL cluding recent amendinents ta amount ta be made up inl casi the Act, which have incrcased by the veteran. Loans undei financial assistance formerly this part of the Act whlch is de available, and also provides for signated as part 2 are basec assistance in the construction af on veterans salary earned anÉ ncw homes on small lots. eligibllity is similar ta that o Categonies in which assist- other parts ai the Act excepi ance may be givert and those that veteran retains bis re-es. eligible ta participate were ex- tablishment credits. plained by Mr. Bradley wbo Some af the advantages un. stated that as af June 30, 1956, der part 2 af the Act ls interesi 71,194 veterans wvere establish- free money dunlng constructian ed on farins and sinaîl holdings tecbnical supervision duniný in ahl Canada and in Durham the construction af the bousE County alone there are 340 Vet- and routine legal costa in con. crans establishcd, where about nection with land transfer are twa million dollars has been absorbed by the Departmeri expended in the purchase af and money is pald as bousE praperties and same $200,000 in progresses. stock and equipment which is Mr. Jones stated that soni pravided in saine cases and as 21,000 homes had been buili a conditional grant. Acrass the with VLA assistance as af Junc Dominion about anc haîf ai the 30th, 1956, with a greai these established are full turne many additional since that time farmers which predomînate in A good deal ai interest waý Western Canada. Records show sbown in the information givex that only 140 ai those estah- at the meeting and saine neýN lished have been put off their applications for qualificatiar properties for non payment and taken froin veterans intendinu other reansons. 1ta apply for assistance unde- Procedure for qualifications, the Veterans Land Act. initial payments required, in- tcrest rates, locating ai the pro- perty xith subsequent apprais. BETHIANY al monthly paymnents, and other )w t0 a he tn ad ,e ge ed ad of it Ist ng n- re quiries answered. *. (Intended for last wcck) Mr. Jones discusscd bouse Ladies' Guild ' construction unden the various On Tuesday evening, the parts of the Act, statin" Ibhat members ai St. Paul's Ladies' inclîîdiig the veterans' cainr- Gui]d met at the borne af Mrs. bution $8100 was now availabie Carl Smith, with Mrs. Morgan an lots containing 2 aild 3 acres Bigelow prcsiding. Follawing a -~bni devotional peniod, the en- tire cvening was taken up with K EDRON plans for a turkcy dinnen and Nvariety piograita he lheld in <iltleided fori 1dt we ek) 1 he Town Hall. Coinrnittees rwere appointed ta look aften Weddiiug belîs aie niiuging at the details ai the menu-plan-i Kedron these aîîtumin davs .A ning and the prograin. The pre- pleasant e\'eoing ,%,as spetit at sident also announced the suc- Kedron ta honour anc ai the cess ai a previaus prajeet, the newlywed cou-ples. Mn. and publishing ai a Recipe Book, Mrs. John Woodward. Mrs. compiled ai favorite recipes ai Woodward was the former Sal- the ladies ai the cornmunity. ly Hughes. Rev. R. H. Rickard To date aven 200 copies have was chairman for the evcning's been sald. Thanks was express- programme and expresscd the cd toalal the merchants for good wishes ai the cammunity their ca-operation witb the ad- ta the bride and groom, wha ventising and toa ah those peo- wene pnesentcd with a set oi ple wha gave so generously ai tables fain Kedron friends and their time in collccting and neighbouns. A vocal solo by submitting recipes as well as Mrs. Douglas Love, a reading assisting in the sales ai the by Mrs. Wm. Snowdcn, and book. gaines conducted by Mrs. E. Attending the Women's Mis- Mountjoy were enjoycd, pnion sianary Fail Rally ai the Peter- ta a pleasant social hour which borough Pnesbytcnial held in concluded the party. Mark St. United Churcb on Youth Sunday was observed Wednesday were Mrs. R. Bon- at Kedron on Sunday morning, steel, Mns. T. Jackson, Mrs. O. with the Junior choir occupying Spencer and Mns. .F. Johnston. places in the chancel, assisted Mn. A. H. Monk spent- the by the maIe quartette. The boys weekend in Sarnia with bis son and girls sang "AIl Pi-aise To and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Thee". under direction ai Mrs. Mrs. Kari Monk. Ross Lee, and the quartette Mr. Herman MeGilI and Mn. number \v'as "Keep On Pray- Genvin Mulligan wcne at Co- ing'. Miss Eleanor Mauntjov bourg last week serving on the led in reading ai the Respon- jury. sive Psalm, Keitb Martin read Mn. and Mrs. Bent Freeman the Senipture lessan, and Grant and iamily ai Hamilton were Spencer led in prayer. Rev. R1. guests with Mn. and Mrs. Wal- H. Rickard uscd as bis sermon ter Rowland fan the weekend. theme, "Each anc an Evange- Mn. Lloyd Argue, ernployed list." with the Canadian Pacifie Rail- Sunday School featured a way, met with an accident at special Promotion programme work last week, fnacturing bis when the Junior girls and boys leit arn. passed tbrough the ilower- Mn. and Mrs. R. R. Edmunds strewn white gates, ta mare ad- and family motored ta Deep Ri- vanced classes. Miss Lynda ver Sunday visiting with their Hopkins sang "Open the GaLes"- as the variaus pupils were ne- ceived by their new teachers. A coloured film stnip an "Je- sus Blessing Little Children" ~ was narnatcd by Keitb Tregun- Gif t Presented Mrs. E. Mauntjay, wbo re- cently rctired as teacher ai the girls' class, after eight years in that position, was honoured bv ber pupils with a lovely giit. Superintendent Albert Wood expressed appneciation on be- bh aio the Sunday School, Miss June Davis tbanked Mns. Mount- joy on behaîf ai ber pupils dur- ing this teaching period, and Miss Marie Maidman presented the gift. Mrs. Mountjoy express- cd lber gratitude and exhortect ail ta continue their keen in- terest and effort in Sunday School projeets. Reception ai ne\w members will fori a part ai the world- Nvide Communion La be observ- cd at Kedron next Sunday morning. On Wednesday, Octo- ber 9, the Congregational sup- per meeting is ta be hcld in the Lowcr Hall, as a part ai the Sector Plan programme, when aIl are invited La jain in a pot- luck dinner. At a bni congregational meeting, on Sunday, it was de- cided ta continue morning ser- vices at Kedron until the second Sunday ai November. Kedron male quartette an.d thein accampanist, Mrs. Lee, bad a full day on Sunday. Fol- Iowing their contribution ta the erieat their home cburcb, tliey provided special music at jRaglan at the Il o'clock ser- Ivice, and aftcrwards enjoved the hospitality oi the Raglan ladies. In the evening thcy sang two ncimbers at the 9,51h1 anni- vsary service or Yelverton Uted Chui-ch, witih Pleasant fello%%'siP foliowjong the service drlingi-a social bouc. fMr. and M\rs. Murion Waltcrs and Doroîbv vweve Sundayl nuests ai Mr. and Mrs. Frank! Waodbouse, IBrampton. Mr, and Ms H. Rose and famnilv moto: ed to Dlinds for the xeekend, spent \vith1Mr. C. Knowlcs. Biie[ visits xx i4lh friends were enlio, 'ed en r(iti'e. MliSseS Bonnjp' and Sitsani Dyc vk celebraied itbernbrt davs receîitiv v lb a suoner partv given bv ' mcirm othcr for 17 sinaîl friend. tonsils remax'ed on Wednesday at Oshaiwa Getieral Hospital.* fManv, Kedron folk attenderj r iinera! seîvireq dcîîîng the nast week fcr li- ' ee Jate Fred Van Nest ol Toroato. sister and brothcr-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James Parr. Mr. and Mrs. Robent Fair and family af Toronto spent the weekend with their grandmo- ther, Mrs. Richard Fallis. Mn. and Mns. Mansel Wright andl Bob Edmunds were in Flint, Mich., for the xveekend visiting with Dr. G. M. Long- field and Mrs. Longfield. Mrs. G. Meades, Miss Winnt- fred Nesbitt, Mrs. William Phil- iPs, Mrs. R. Jarvis and Mns. Winnifncd Fitzgerald attended the district Deanery meeting beld at Harwood on Thursday, as representatives of St. Paul'sI W.A. Weekend guests with Mn. and Mrs. Gervin Mulligan werc Mn. and Mns. Norman Deyell ai Lindsay, Mr. and Mns. Genald! Mulligan and Miss Shanilyn Mulligan ai Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. William Marti- ebenko, Toronto, visited wlth Mn. and Mns. Orboe Wright dur- ing the weekcnd. Many main Bethany attendcd1 the annivcrsary services at Yel- verton United Cburch on Sun- day and wene pleased ta rencw acquaintance with Rev. Victor Walkcr ai Stirling, who was; the guest mînister. Mn. Walker! bad been the minister ai the Presbyterian Church in Bcth- any for a number ai years. Mrs. Gardon Speirs ai Toron-' ta visited witb Mn. and Mrs.t Walter Neals duning the past weck. Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Neals were Mr. andj Mrs. Lyall Lowery ai Onono, Mn. and Mrs. Donald Cathcart and Neal Cathcant ai Spring- ville. Bethany Family Honored Leavef Carresponding fores fromn intermediate points FULL INFORMATION FROM AGENTS CANADIAN PACIFIC CANADIAN NATIONAL T45-7 A.H. Sturrock ...... 'A ?PPAY P-PPv IS -A C/I PPY W//O 's I4cKY ENoUtITO tun 9 Teres :fr cofç Iûtfr oXh.,. or for relaxation after a day*s %ork is dr. .. - azs r@ just a mernory in a home that's oit heated. £v:ý.rc, 'rd corner cari b. kept tthospital" cdean. So if you want ta be a Happy Î t Ly et youx fuel tan1iâ filled well ahead of time. Toronto, who is Mrs. BigelowU sister. The committee in charge af arrangements were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Neals, Mn. and Mrs. Emony Smith, Mr. ai-i Mrs. M. Wright, Mn. and Mns. 'i M. Ponteous. The measure of choosing well, is, whethen a man likes and finds good in what he has chou- en.-Lamb. EXCURSION PARI PROMi Belleville Cobour'g.. Port Hoe. Bowmanvllle Oshawa. Bethany: Mn. and Mrs. Bige-f low wba bave recently movcd ta Cavan township, were en-, tertained b.y the Betlîarîv coni- flunity' at a social eveuing heicl in thbe tited ChuIT11 baseineunt on W'ednesday and in apprecia- Lion ai their miany comnmuni!v efforts were presentcd with a platiorin rocker and a walnut stcp-cnd table. Their daughter, Miss Janet Bigelow was given a piece ai corn flower crystal and their son Allan, a leather bilifold. ManseI Wright rcad the ad- dress, wishing thein happiness and prasperity in their new home and cxpressing thej thanks ai the community ta the family for their genuine iniend- liness and gaad neigbbouriy qualities. Mn. Bigelow had been an employee ai the Bank ai Toronto, a graduate ai Peter- borough Normal Sehool, Trus- tee ai Bethany Public sehool, as wel! as a successful fariner. Mrs. Bigelow had been presi- dent af the Woman's Associa- Lion ai the United Church for sevenal years and a leader in the 4-H Club for Junior girls. Janet was employcd in the To- ronto-Dominion bank and was in the Y.P.U.. Sunday School 1 and the Girls' Softhaîl Club.t Allan had been a mnember af the Bethany Basebaîl Teain and1 ai the Commun ity Band. Each anc expressed Lhanks forth gifts. Rev. R. R. Bonsteel chaired the prograin which includcd two sangs by Mrs. T. Jennings with ber own guitar accompan- iment. The Misses Dianne and Patsy Bigelaw sang two duets, accompanied at the piano by Mrs. R. R. Edmunds. Mrs. Raloh Preston gave a humorous read- ing, a comedy description of al television broadcast. Group singing was led by Mrs. Jen- nings. Mr. Harry Preston sang i two salas, accompanied by Mrs. Clarence Rowan at the piano. Lunch wvas served and a so- cial hour spent with everyone having the opportunity ta meet with the Bigelow family. Also present was their eldest son, Dr. William Bigelow of Toronto and his wvite: and Mrs. Cecil Waite, * . . . $4.70 * e s e 2 .9 0 * e * * 2 .6 5 * . . . 1 .9 0 * . . . 1 .4 5 SUT ESSO Furnace and Stove'. ils J'à. 'J" I PAGE ZYGET I SATURDAY EXCURSIONS TORON TO EVERY SATURDAY TC AND INCLUDING DECEMBER 14 Good going and returning sumo Satuwday only. Automatie Metered Delivery Service, Phone MA 3-5516 Sturrock St. Bowmanville Keeping their clothes dean and neat is no problem for them ..9> They send ail their things to us to recapture that 'daisy,-fresh" look of spotless sparkie. Our thorough y-et gentle niethods wvork wonders with al gari ents . .. Dad's suit%. IMom's daintv dresses. Datighter's play togs. The whole family appreciates our f ree prompt pick-ups and deliveries, too! PHONE MA 3-5520 BOWMANVI LL E CLEANERS& DYERS LTD. ý For Cavan

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