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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Oct 1957, p. 9

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t!YORSDAY, OCT. 24th. 195? - - - THE CANAflIM~ STATESMAK. ~OWMAKVffILE, OflTAEIO ~- PAGZ N1N~ balanced heifers. As nentioned above. S. Edgar Werry & Son reserve junior award on Roy-A 1. Hoistein Lompetitiofl brook Gay Rose. 4-H, Con ference in USA In these days of sma1i bull shows, the total of 43 bulls shown was exceptionally large t. 16 in Peterboro an povde close competitioniFor 5 Fascinating Pays Thesenorand grand champion George R. McLaughlin, Bea- York third, Northumberland bull was the winner in the BMs et eom sildlbu spsigi m N'erton, was the Premier Breed-I fourth, Victoria f ifth, Lennox aged bull class. Rosafe Precep- I yMssBtyMcom si-le abour is pasing inrn- r, nd he ntres f hs Dn-and Addington 6th, and Peter- ton. shown by Dunrobin & Elm-' "Whither Rural America?" lerfic; ltis r bem n icresing bin- nd Elmcroft Farms won I borough seventh. This Cham- croft Farms Lld.. while the se- This was the theme of the 1957 make a living and much more I emier Exhibitor banner pionship Show brought toge- cond prize winnen in Ibis class Rural Youth of the U.S.A. Con- difficult to make a valuabie a 6t~15h annual East-central ther the top animais f rom the 1 Browview Pabst Walker Lad, ference beld the first week of contribution to society. Becauiie show held October- 151h at Pe- days in the East central Ontaro i owed tbrough to the reserve State 4-H Camp at Jackson's clining manv farm young peo- terborough. Competition for! district. There were 213 head senior and reserve grand cham- Mill. Among the one hundred pie will need 10 prepare theni- these honours was very keen. isbown by 57 exhibîtors. pionships. The grand champion and ei:gbtv-two delegates regis- selves for some career other With the winners not decided New exhibitors did excep- is a ver-y well balanced bull, tered were four young people than farming. There is a close until the last class was placed. tionally well. H. J. Wiicox& stylish, smooth at the shoulder. representing the Junior Farmr- relation between the education- !Runner-up for premier exhibi- Sons. of Beeton, winning the and with plenly of stretch and ers' Association of Ontar-io. ai programme we will have and ton was F. Roy Ormistori, Murphy trophy for the femaile dairy character. The reserveI These were Miss Florence Hood the standard of living main- Brooklin, with Or-van Chain- with the best udder, and the grand champion is a ver-y mas- of Wentworth Counly, Betty tained." In discussion groups 'bers, Wilfrid, and James T.: Crown Dairy trophy for the, sive individual, very good i- McHolm of Durham County, followi-ng il was further sug- Br-own' Newcastle, close behind.'two females with the best udi- 1 tle top and rump. Allan Murray of Haldimand gested that many parents need Or-van Chambers was the run- ders shown by one exhibitor.' Orvan Chambers won the County, and Arnold Banting of bo be educated to the fact that rer-up for premier breeder. 'S. Edgar Werrv & Son, Hamp- senior get-of-sire class on an South Simcoe County. th eir childr-en need more of an 13rown Has Reserve Champion ton. took the junior get-of-sire exceptiosnally group ofl On various other exchange education than they have. F. Roy Ormiston showed the class on a gr-oup b y Will0w, cows by Eimcrofl Tradition,1 programs, delegates were pr-es- Considerable Entertainment grand champion cow, the jun- 1Siope Man-O-War- Pabst, on.e these including the reser-ve1 ent during their stay in the Un- i-or and reserve junior champ- of the sires in the Quinte Dis- i grand champion cow, the first ited States from Brazil, British Recreation and enter'tainment in bulîs, and the reserve trict Cattle Bi'eeding Associa-!,prize miiking four-year-old, the, Honduras, Jamiaica, Austnia. played an important part in the j..irior- champion femae. Dun- tion Artificiai Breeding Unit at; first prize dry three-year--old, England, Formosa, Ger-manV, oda nc andotr- novuae robin and Elmcrôft Farms, Belleville, thece încluding the and the four-th prize milking Ireland, Columbia, Spain, and fr-ng arndcrossthe nation hý'l the grand c ha mp i on first pnîze junior- and senior bree-year-old. Tradition i-s one Uruguay.i dances fo costento LI:James T. Brown had yearling heifers. the latter'ý of the bulîs in use at the The camp nt Jackson's MilIl were taught 10 the gnoup. A fl- reserve grand chamnpion ,Roselancivale Rita Wi-lo'" uneDsrc ateBedigoiiae n12 n i e et-acquainted par-ty highlight- 1. 1. and Or-van Chambhers îLe SlOP(. heing named juniorlQuinteoiatrict Catteie. Brdigorgadi- n i1ad1a sne d the first night*s activi-ties, iAspaocd romfion o 53Bere.leeville.enng. Dsunro-im If *rl*ve grand champion eclv.,, campion female. bin aiciElmeroft Farmis were 1eXPoaied r-o ive th 3an h e~ vnn~ uprtm a1' the winning senior get-of- . 1erry's 5Show Junior Champ in second place with a group Ol rgaie ruswt nsaw the group sffated at tables ic. The senior \-earling class pro- hy Elmicroft Sceptre, --.hile Wmi. tj ue. i9ernal re orma ee t acrîgt hemnho hi Durham Takes Second vîded bath the junior and re- L. Prouse, a new exhi-bitor, took h1eae oree e-birthday. Duri-ng the meal Ontarijo won the county bord ser-ve junior chîampions, Lotb hihird on the gel of Rembco tags wilh modem acliie names. addresses and hirthdates c.ass, with Durhbam second. bting big. sbr-ong. i-eepý ,li ell i Sovereign. wbich will bouse 375 persor.s wene written on a card and _______________________________________________ inday air FamsEdgey.comfoi-tably. In a dining ball passed along, sa Ibat each dele- F'nlayDaiy arm, EgIeý patterned after tbe home of 1eddtevr iecaso ere abntn odis gate should receive a birthday headd te vrv fne las Of1 GergeWasingtn, oodis-card from some other registen- senior beifer calves with F.D. servecd in sufficient quantity 10 ed delegate wben the lime LOS 0 TI E NS R NFCE Corrine Jewel, a daughter of satisfy the largest appetite. cornes. s'I, RralYouh o th U..A.!S The pr-ogr-am of Nationalj Treasure Model, wbi!e J. H. a national conference of younig eingicue yia on If a nian bas an inconie, probably hie can look Jos &top kns, N ecatl, bad'epol woaeitretdi o tain iolk lore and music froni top i-lingtwo-earold a1 or-dinati-ng their efforts for tlne- the Blue Ri-dge Mountains of after the reasoniable necds of his faniilv and buy Cephas Bolton, Peterbor-ougb,' betterment of rural ife. It i-s of, WetVria;adneeo- insurance tg take care of the possibility of disaster. ib inn and for the NouLg people~ strati-an of the 'Salty Dog Ral-, Butwha i heloes isincrne Oe dsaterhe A. B. McComb & Son, Belle- wbo are out of biigh scbool-- fî-or Michigan: tbe English should insure against is accident or sickness which vilrleex blite thejopntwon- cte - olg - ua Contra Dance, Lady Walpole's wvouId cut off bis incorne. i . -1 ulwiea on n commuitfies. It includes Pe r- eeby New Englan's dpe tr-y of T. Rober-t FletI, Oshawa, sons bo bae belnged a 4-1 and Wni. Stone, Beaver-ton, wai Clubs, Cburch Youth Groups. dube- n os (br CIA offers Ioss of time insurance as part of an iNis ntejnoryaln u ervE nlanfd eletates lkon accident and sickness policy (which may he purchas- j class. James T. Brown show- ua o cus ilGiesNwEgadSaeý ako cd vit orwitoutfarul Iibilty nsuanc).ed bobbý the fi-rst pnize senior and Junior farrn arganizations. iAneri-ca's Dairvland bv a Wis- ed bullor caîft and theiabwinninguracdry1 Itserves as a co-ordinating cnsndeeab; ' kiton Paul furyar-oand. -h. uinnn ry&)force and a clear-ing house for _______________________a_____ For details see your CIA representative: Sons. Cor-lice, eodii ideas, experiences. and pro Bs-es the our-earold ry cass gram. materials bbrougb hc uies ietr HOWARD FOLEY bbe four-ear-old dry class. jlocal, state. andi national rural________________ HO ARngLE JAMES BARNES youth groups wor4< towand com- A ancy KigSt. W., Bowmanville mon goals. c o n a y Phone MA 3-3277 Newcastle OBITUARY The Conference i-s governcd tbrougb officers elected at the %VM. J. H. COGGINS Co-operators Insurance Association SYDNEY WALKER lannual meeting to serve turing Cha: tered Accountant theb following vear. Thiese i-f- 64 King St. E. Bowmanville ________________________________________ The funer-al of Sydney Walk-. clude a president, tbree vice- (Above Garton's Bus Staliun) er- was heit Satur-day, fr-om bhe presidents, andi a secretarv- 64 King Street E. INorthcutt and Smith Funeral treasurer, i-n addition ta an edi- - Home, Division street. The Rev. ton which tbey appoint. An ad- MONTEITH - MONTEITB *, jA. C. Herber-t, rector Of St. vi-sony committee of ei-gbt aduit RIEIIL & CO. A ~ Sf. rè~l, John's Anglican Church, offi- pensons serves as a gui-de for Charter-et Accountants A~. H . ffLAIIr./c ciabed at bbe service. The pail- the Conference. 135 Si-mcoe St. N. Oshawa bear-ers, brothes-in-law of th bbcpne"Smpsu RA 5-3527 aYs ... late Mn. Walker, were Char-les "EeOce"Smoim Panbners: ~4 APY PPP IfA IIAPY E. Tenry, Oshawa, Roy May- The confer-ence program op- j W. Manteith, M.P., F.C.A. "A #4PP PO Y ISA & PPY nard, Tyrone, Kenneth May- ened with an 'Eye-Opener A. B Monteitb, B.Comm., C.A. W#0'S C/CY EVOUII O u~- nard, Bowmanville, Horace Hi-Il symposium presenti-ng th~e fixve G. W. Riehi, C.A. Tyrone. Ronald Maynard and ideas i-n relation ta the theme (Licensed Trustee) 1/ A hOME MT//AT S01/1 N'TA " Eric Stainton, bobh of Bowman- of the confer-ence. Examples of G. E. Trethewey, C.A. ville. Inter-ment was i-n Bow- changes "Across Community' R. F. Lightfoot, C.A. manville Ccmetcry. Li-nes" were movement from_________ Sydey alkn ws wllfarm ta city, from urban to ru- YALE, FRIEDLANDER, knondny owalle. H eladrai, non- far-m, and large scale HUNTER & CO. reswinb-or- a nùber oe f farmi-ng. In talking about "Our Accountants and Auditons uf ee etr cmfrt.- fr orhi , o fr elxaToi es.e wse plo y imet hyofeNeighhours i-n Other Lands' 1, 64 Ki-ng St. E. RA 5-1621 eres xtr crnortji. or orin orfo rlaxtiri yeas.Hewasemloed y hethe "U" i-n Youth was magni- Oshawa after a day's work is done ... ashes are lust a memory in Goodyear Ruhber Co. Ltd. for fiedtot symbolize "you" andi B. L. Yale, C.A. hom tat' o hete. Eer nok nd orer anbe the last 13 years. For the great- "ýunderstanding" i-n home, famn- F. Friedlanter, Ei. Comm., C.P.A a hmetha'soilheted Eer nok nd orer anbe er port-ohi of Ibis periodi he was ily, nation, andi around the J. Hunter, C.P.A. kep "hspial"clen.,on tbe staff i-n lhe Millroom, but worît. Man's feet ar-e plantet tbree year-s ago due 10 bis health nhscutybu i yssr was transferred ta other dut-es i-n bis conrybut beis n yesh su r- patc So if you want to be a lappy Pappy get your fuel tank i-n the plant. Previ-ously he bat e the wo" relatinss", i pr ci ~1edwlaea f ie.banwa for the earsPeple i t was pointet out Ibat allbougb G. EDWIN MANN. D.C. fledwel hed f im. Ohaa orsoe eas.assets were hi-gb and tehts low, Chiropractor Mr. Walker was horn i-n Leek,I there ar-e two important pr-oh- Office: Staffortishire, England. He came lems facing Agriculture: oe, i-s 15 Elgin St., cor. of Horsev St. B U Y E S S O bo Canada i-n hi-s youth and for ta make goot tise of surplus; ti'e Phone MA 3-5509. Furnace and Stove Ois a number of yeans was engaged other, bbc pr-ohlern af keepîng Office Hours: By Appointment in farming i-n the Brooklin area. skiîî antiahilily in the fieldi of - ______________He mannied Miss Edith May- Agriculture. "Our Nation" wasDeniai nard, a daughter of John May- compareci ta a fahnic, eachDenfa Automatic Metered Delivery Service nard, who was then a resi-dent group wbctber cultural, gea- of Braokli-n. Mn. Maynard flow graphical or educational. being DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. lives in Tyrone. a varn i-n that fabri-c. So, i-n a Office: Jury Jubllee Bldg. IMPERIAL Mn. Walker i-s survived by hi-s nation cacb gr-oup maintains i-bs 40 King St. W. Bowmanville perance street, Raymond, Mill tri-butes ta the wbale. In dis- 9 a.rn. ta 6 p.m. dai-ly E ssostreet, Douglas anti Gardon at cussing "The Forwart Look i-n Closet Saturday anti Suntiay SERVICE A.hur c orne. He i-s also sur-vived by Education", bbe speaker stateti Offi-ce Plione MA 3-5790 A . H Stu rocktwo sisters, Mrs. Elsie Dunklevr, that tbere are sa manv inviting House Phone - Newcastle 3551 AND SONS Port Dalhousie, andi Miss A. 1apportunities ta tieter voung ~Walker, Buffalo, New York, anti1 people from continui-ng etuca- DR. E. WV. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Community Lines" was intro- King St. W - Bowmanvflle ducedthbrough the medium of Phones- Office MA 3-5688 socia-drama. Four graups off Residence MA 3-5553 delegates preparet impromptu F L PC ILski-bs i-n which bbc'. presenteti MISS APHA L. HODGINS F AL P E ULpr-oblems relating to the four FBarrister,Soitr phssoIomnt ie the Notary Public iniiu a], ý' tecam- Tempenance St. - Bowynanville our~~~~ ci-ai Inter-est Group Session fal- RIH DLOEN lowed on these four tapi-cs. Four- t.E., B.A., LLB. statements wbich arase: The Box 9, ecsl onthe followiflg*Co-op reedsfr12 o s or more. niduledsmtofa o Phone Newcastle 2246 cniticize bi-rself i-n bis failure Cnution b. ponmn 0ta adjust la a cbanging worlr,__o _______ _________________________i and 10 develap hirnself ta the utlmost. The discussion of the Mo r gages lunity of bbc fami-l > vrougbtt G___________ ligbtthbbcoit sayi-ng, "A fami-lv LEROY HAMILTON - ORONO 24%- DAIRY CONCENTRATE that pra.vs bagether, stays ta- Phone 1 r 16 0gether. ""ar-e ibbce Middle FirsMaîgeuns o! Cornmuni-ty, 50do your par-t is otgg ud 32r A RY CNCETVVI APEi anti help others ta become i-- -BesinessPoets /0 DAIRY ~iVA~Iv&aA~A8IflAI~tenestet anti every comrnuni-tyBuiesPoets wi-llbe the hest far ils neets. 32%l,- BEEF CONCENTRATE Even local problcrns like racil O p t o m e t r y segregabi-on cao influence bbt ___________e_____ DRY & FITTING RATION opinion of other nations s KEITH] A. BILLETT wlaspeople ahl across ourOpmtis own ounry.141 St. E. Bowmanvflle Education's Forward Look Office Hlours: Bv appointment In Fr-day nor-ning's adtr-cssi Telephone MAr-ket 3-3252 In addition our Cash Discount of 1% stili applieg. on "The F.ýr-.-art Look i-n Edu- Mondav ta Saturdav catioan".. 'i.i WalE. Asso- 9 a.nî. to e p.m. tcky te D'a: o-The-si-tvof Ken- Wednesdays: 9 to 12 tuck, st:W, Tbe ay o un- Thu.rsday evenings - Bunyan from bin adopted state 1 'J ~ .. L (Mineota. fi KicKa ras rl e ronors The Campfire programn fea-t tured four Indians who gave the' g h background of American Indian o wd Ca t e Sw told an Indian legend, derrnon- In a strong Regional Show This was one of the strong strated Indian Tribal Ceremon- 1 cîOd at Norwood. local Short-j shows of the thirteen Short- ial Dances, and thie Indian Rab-i ho--n herds made their presence 1 horn Regionals held throughout bit Dance.1 feit. and garnered a goodlyl1 the Province. Customs of the World share of the major awards. I-_________ Friday was InternationalI John Rickard, Newcastle, had Night. The program took the the Resserve Grand Champion form of a Pageant of Custorns Bull-the Polled Birminghamn Around the World. This includ- Dauntless. This herd also sup- S* -e e ed courting procedure in Latin plied the Reserve Senior Cham- America an explanation of cri- pion Female, the winning Sen-0 cket from England, loading ban- ior Yearling-Thistle Ha' Bon- ana bonts in Jamaica, Irish nv Beauty. Other Rickard wins songs, humour. etc. This pro-!wr l' rz ume er gramn was followed bv gamesi ling Heifer; 2nd and 3rd Prize and dancing from across the *Mature Cow; 3rd Prize Senior nation. Heifer Caif; 2nd Prize Junior Shirt SoId By Auctiion Bull Caîf, and 2nd Prize Breed- ~ Saturdey evening was ban-! er's Herd. quet night, followed by quiet Garnet Rickard, Bowman- recreation. By tradition the ville, also had some toppers. His outgoing president lost bis shirt. xinning Senior Heifer Caîf, * It was soid by Chinese Auction1 Ceresmrore Royal Princess, was, and bought by the person whoi Junior and Reserve Grand was placin g her money in the Champion of the Show. His box when the alarm dlock rang. Ceresmore Broadhooks lOth was R.Y.U.S.A. earned $17.00 this1 Reserve Junior Champion. way. 1 Other wins by this herd were: GET THE «OSTORY At inidnight the CaQdle Light- 11st Prize Senior Bull Caif; 2nd ing Ceremony xvas held. A map! and 3rd prize Sr. yearling heifer. TODA Y! no obligation of the U.S.A. was made usiuig 3rd Prize Junior Heifer Caif, ; ~l paper bags and candies to re- i st and 2nd prize Pair of aslW as $ 119.00, present the boundaries. Each Calves; lst Prize Get-of -Sire, person was given a candi and 3rd Prize Breeder's herd. J 197K B~O whih as itby someone giv- While showing only two headJ C l0UL ing the challenge to each to go the herd of Roy Philp, Port L,%BN ad1ETN their way spreading the R.Y. Hope, produced the Reserve LU IG an IF'T G Spirit light. Junior Champion of the show Division S.1reet South The Conference had its offi- with the polled bull, Gloriadale MA 3-5615 BOIVMANVfl,, cial closing after a Church Ser- Meateor 5th. _____________ vice Sunday morning. DelegatcsI then began their safe trip home. As we left behind the wind-2fo ing hihways nd kforypop of 1 the Mountain State of West, 1 Virginia we took with us the 0pls1 eny memory of four days spent among the "cream" of the Ru- ral Youth of the U.S.A., an ex- penience which did mnuch to pro- mote international understand- ing and an appreciation of the fellowship which can exist among nations of the worid when they meet under one roof. Memorial Hospital RX II F Soc pNW Weekly Report MAGNESIA Rexali Plain A-SA-REX Tablets For the week of Oct. 14-20: Neutrahizet exeis Pure 5.gra n tablefs, l_ Admissions ----------------- - 42 ..- stomach ocidity Quick dissoIving Births, 4 maie, 2 female- 6 0o. fast work ng, Discharges-------------------- - 40 . -100-t<iblet bottle Major operations - --- 6 Rekg. 65< 2for 66C Reg. 5 2 for 66C Minor operations ------- il Emergency treatments ------ 19 Visiting hours 2.30 to 4.30 REXALL CHERROSOTE Rexali ORDERLIES pman7 o80 ..Cough Syrup, ri 24', Reg.50c 2 for51 p.m. and 7 to 8.30 p.00 2 for .01i S e. OBITUARY WILLIAM IRVIN SCOTT 1 William Ir-vin Scott ii-cti-n; the Oshawa General Hospi-tal Oct. 12. He residet on Taunton Roati west and had heen seriously il for ei-gbt wceks. He was bbc son of the late Mr. anti Mr-s. Tho- mas Scott, anti was boro Nov- ember 13, 1902, i-n Pontypool, Ont. Mr. Scot ivetini- Oshawa for 22 years and was associatet with Cor-r-jo Barber Shop. He was a member of Corinthian Lotige 61. I.O.O.F. Mn. Scott i-s surviveti by hi-s wife, bbc former- Dorothy Moore Coffcy; anti five taughters, Mrs. F. Stewart (Shirley); Canal, Bcverley, Linda and Bar-bar-a, ail o! Oshawa, anc son, Roberb, of Oshawa; bwo step-sos, Ci- for-t Coffey anti Maxwell Cof- fey of Clifton Sprngs, N.Y.; five sisters, Mns. H. Bull (Luchla), Pont Hope; Mr-s. Lloyd Hans- berny (Neta). Or-ana; Mr-s. Jamecs Gathcell (Ruth), Oshawa; Mrs. Thomas Ahhott (Mary) of Osh- i awa; anti Miss Jean Scott, o! I Onu-la; one brother Rober-t, To- ronto. He was preteceased by one brother, Nathaniel, of Colum- bus. wbo tii-c June 1, 1953. Funeral service was beld at the Ar-mstr-ong Funeral Chapel, Oct. 15. The servi-ces wcrc conducteti by Rex'. A. F. Cowan, minister of Centre Street Uni-ted Churcb. Inter-ment was i-n Mount Lawn Cernetc r-y The palibearers, all members of Cointhians Latige, 100.OF., xvere Cynil Fenb William Keeler. Samuel Mass, Merv. Bobi-er. George Kinsman andi Et. Clark. The mast reccntly releaset incarne tax figures show engin- enrs anti architects as Canada's higbest camners, wi-bh an a.- nual average incarne o! $12,059. Other- leading gr-oups: lawyer-s, $11,925: tactars, S11,891; ac- countants, $8,672: tientisîs, $7,- 896: investors, $6,009; busineýs proprietorq, $4,97 1. l" " ý ý 1 . .1 . otE ýW Jury and Love/I PHONE MA 3-5778 BOWMANVILLE For a beffer way to protect your estate Evein an estate of modest size cari be exposed to many hazards in the hands of an inexperienced person. At Sterling Trusts we have exper- ienced Estate Officers who will advise and assist you in the safeguarding of your estate. Write for Our free bookiet "Blueprint For Your Famnily". THE STERLING TRUSTS C O RP O R A T IO N Head Office: 372 Bay St., Toronto Branch Office: 1-3 Dunlop St., Barris - 'i - 0 m VI VRMMAT, OM. 24th. 1937 ME CANADUN STATESMM. IROWMANVME, 014TARTo -PAGE NUq

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