ý'rRDAY, OCT. 24tIh, 195'FA~DANSAEMA.BWMNTL, NAT PAGE ELEVE!I ~~odon Àgsw, Edilor Phono 3621 ýSocial and Personal W.A. Donastes $150 to Mns. P.'F. Hare, the Rev M. Allin, was junior winnèr witîhr -Fisher and Mrs. Fisher were his ,tallc on "The Howe Cmv hu ch .R oofing rroject idges at an Oratorical Con- erns Newcastle: The October meet- Mrs. Colwill would take chari 9t held at No. 9 School on Miss Joan Porter of Bow- îng of the Woman's Association of them and put thema on di ýrIday evening last. David manvil1e visited with Mr. and of the Newcastle United Church play in her booth. Ibon, son of Mr. and Mrsrs. Gro ge nStr was held on Thursday afternoon The members decided to do :rold'Gibson, was judged the day. last with Mrs. Grace Brown's ate $150 toward the re-roof:i enior winner with bis very Local residents listening to Group in charge of the Devo- of the church as a thankoffe Iell Presented talk on "Abra- the new Cobourg radio station tional period. ing at this season of the yeE gkn Lincoln", while Bruce on Tuesday morning were The serviee opened with a A further donation of $10 w Ilin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bill pleasantly surprised to hear poemn entitled "Thanksgiving" voted to purchase music for tI VVCAS TLE NOTICE VILLAGE 0F NEWCASTLE VOTERS' LIST POSTED lerk's Notice of First Postlng of Voters' List Voters' List, 1957 Municlpality of Newcastle County of Durham Nckce is bereby given tbat 1 ave complied witb Section 9 f the Voters' List Act and that have posted up at my office at ewcastle on the 24th day of ctober, 1957, the list of ahi ersons entitled to vote in the uad Municipality in municipal elections and that sucbh ist re- ains there for inspection. And i hereby caîl upon al Voters to take immediate pro- ceedin . o have any errors or Om ri<corrected according to iaw, last day for appeals being the "th day of November, 2957. Dated this 24th day of Octob- er-, 1957. iIRS. oEte BUTLER, lTllage ofNewcastle.432 the voice of the Rev. M. C. Fisher of the Newcastle Uni- ted Cburcb coming through clear and strong. Mr. Fisher is conducting the morning devo- tions this week froin Tuesday to Friday. The station is CHUC 1500 Kilocycles and the prog- ram is at 8:30 a.m. Listen tu- morrow. Mrs. George Afin and Miss Helen Allin spent the week- end in Woodstock visiting with Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Magili and their infant daughter, Janice Ruth. Miss Velda Fisber of Toron- to spent the weekend visiting with ber parents, the Rev. and Mrs. M. C. Fisher. Friends of Mrs. Stella An- derson will be sorry to learn that she is a patient in Mem- orial Hospital, Bowmanville. We just don't dare to begin to I'st the names of the many local residents who are con- fined to their beds with the 'flu, but we join wîth the other lucky persons who bave, so f ar, escaped the "bug" in wisb- ing ior ahi a speedy and com- plete recovery. Sunday morning wfi be th'e bappy morn we have ail been awaiting since April, when we will get that extra bour of sleep we lost at that time with the arrivai of Daylight Saving Time. The village along witli the rest of the province, will return to Standard Time at 2 a.m. Sunday, so don't miss that extra hour's sleep by for- getting to turn your time- pieces BACK one nour, before retiring on Saturday night. C. G. GOULD Warm Air Heating a Specialty EAVESTROUGHING Free Estimates Phone Newcastle 3686 PROCLAMATION STANDARD TINE starts SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27 AT 2:00 A.Mq. By authority of -a resolution passed by the Council of the Village of Newcastle, I requcst ail citizens of the village ta revert to Standard Tirne on Sunday, October 27th at 2:00 amni. Please set your dlocks and watches back one hour at this time. J. H. JOSE, Reeve, Village of Newcastle. God Save the Queen w50 TRADE-I N ALLOWANCE FOR Your Old Washer - Amy Age, Make or Condition . pu tMs Beaut'iful NEW COPPERSTYLE PUMP and TIMER ' MSTO SUIT YOU éêe it Soon At .8 Fashion-crafted in Slow- ing b.auty - d..p tone, burnished copper la blond- id hormoniously with sparkllng white, caccented in Sold and black. " Automatac wringer stops 3nd releoses when you pull bockl Bath quicl<er thon I4oughtl Nono othef does this. Wringer swings with a genti* pushi No latchinst " DoubI.-wolled tub. The. inner tub is stainleas steel- %ever rus or chips, and *aily kept gleaming ic. 0 Hus out latest long-lufe bail bocring mochanism - quarot..d 6 y.ors. by Mrs. Brown followed by the singing of a bymn, and Mrs. M. C. Fisher led in prayer. An axp- propriate Psalm for Thanksgiv- ing was read by Mrs. Floyd Butler, followed by a short ta- pic on the same theme. President Mrs. George" Wal- ton was in the chair for the business portion of the meeting~ when reports were read by tbc secretary, treasurer and cor- responding secretary. There was some discussion of the annual bazaar to be held on November 8th, and it was suggested that good used articles mighit be donated and brought to the church the evening before wben irge d is- fng fer- ear. was the Junior--Choir. -It was- decided that froin Noveniber to Easter the afternoon meetings should begin at 2.30 p.m. to take ad- vantage of the winter sunlight. It was announced that the Oshawa Prçsbyterial would meet on -Tbursday, October 24tb, in Albert St. Churcb in Osh- awa commencing with registra-1 tion at 9.15 a.m. Dinner will be served at noon and Mrs. L.Y McKinnon of London willa speak at the afterncon session on the subject, 'Ye Shaîl BelI My Witnesses". The visitîng committee fori the month will be Mrs. Garnet Rickard and Mrs. Brunt. 1 Remembrance Day Service Is Planned for November llth Newcastle: Reeve J. H. Jose was appointed to form a committee to arrange for a Civic Service of Remembrance to be beld in the Newcastle Community Hall on the morn- ing of November llth. This appointment was made at the October meeting of the village council beld on Wednesday ev- ening last. A resolution was also passed setting Sunday, Oc- tober 27th at 2:00 a.m. as the time wben the village wil re- turn to Eastern Standard time, to coincide witii other coin- munities. As a result of a letter re- ceived from the Clerk of tbe village of Havel >ck and con- versations held recently by members of council with Mr. Leeson, Reeve of Havelock, with regard to the waterworks project now underway in that village under the supervision of the Ontario Water Resour- ces Commission, councillors set Wednesday, October 30th as a tentative date for the local council ta take a trip to Have- lock to inspect tbe project there. Tbey will also talk witb members of the council in or- der to become acquainted with all aspects of the project be- fore making a decision on a similar waterworks system. for Newcastle. Council members spent con- siderable time discussing cer- tain 'nfractions of the Building Bylaw with Geo. Meadows, the Building Inspector and giving bim authority to order offend- ers- to make changes to con- form with the law. There was also .a lengthy discussion on the building of a short exten- Newcastle Public SC-hool Night Classes in English for New Ca For informE Secretary- E.S. BA Newc No worrie the hor Jef t be Before you tal vacation...ma home is adeq tected. Our ne, home protecti sures you aga list of bazard ire ... theft, . . . windstorrr object . .. aire . . . vandalisrr sion. Call us P STUART1 (NSURANCE Office NIA 3-5681 Kint Street E. sion on Andrew St., connect- ing witb the Beaver St. exten- sion started earlier thîs year. Lack of finances would not permit the completion of both roads this year, but Roads Committee Chairman Coun. Ross Dickinson was autborized to make a start on the Andrew St. extension, serving four building lots, leaving the grad- ing and gravelling of both roads until next year. Actually, according to the Act, council is not responsible for the construction of roads on newly opened streets and1 it is onhy because of promises made previousiy, that these roads are being constructed. Under present law, subdividers are required to construct the roads and the municipalfty is responsible for further main-I tainence. .The location of Andrew St. is also questionable according to discussions at the meeting, It was stated tbat according to bis deed, the street line on the property on which Carl Goud is building bis new home, is well out on the road. On reso- lution, it was decided to bavej tbe clerk write to the Munici- pal World to find out whether it was the duty of tbe Owner or the Municipality to deter- mine the street line. It seems a survey of this area is necessary but, mn this case, neither owner nor municipality is willing to bear the expense of sucb a sur- vey. Will Conduci Classes Here In First Aid Newcastle: Classes for the training of First Aid and Home Nursing will he conducted loc- ally at the Comnmunity Hall L), a qualified instructor of the SÏ. John's Ambulance Brigade ini the course of -the nextsixI weeks, one evening weekl,.S Registration will be conduc- ted at the cpnmntvhall on Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Da. vid Morrow, Mr. Fred Castle, Miss Grace Trewin, Mr. Ken- netb Heddon, Toronto; Mrs. IFred Heddon, Miss Louis Heci- don, Columbus; Miss Una Rit- son, Oshawa. Mr .and Mrs. Eari Trewîn and Mrs. David Morrow, at Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Trewin's. Mrs. Wesley Brownlee, Mr. Ray Ashton, Leaside, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton and Ronald. Mr. Roy Graham attended th~ei International Plowlng Match beld at Simcoe last week. Messrs. Lloyd Ashton, Ronald Ashton, Keith McGill and Rus- sell Ormiston attended the Shorthorn cattle sale at Toua- da Manor Farms, Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. Chivers and family, visited Mr. and Mrs. Eric Simpson, Burketon, Satur- day. Mrs. C. Rankine spent the weekend witb Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Corrigan, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Reid and family. visited Mr. and Mrs. Francis Reid, Stirling. Lynda remained with ber grandpar- ents for a week. Mrs. Lloyd Ashton attended the W.M.S. Convention at Newcastle, Tbursday. Sunday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton's were Mrs. W. Brownlee, Ray Ashton, Lea- side; Mrs. Ivan Sharp. Ennis- killen; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ash- ton. Mr. Bert Ashton and Brad, Toronto, at Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur Read's. Mr. Henry Asbton will cele- brate bis 79th birtbday on Tuesday, October 29. Congratu- lations. Mr. and Mrs. Ralpb Vanstone, Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. Herber t Stainton, Hampton, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. McNeil. Mrs. Bernard Housema:n an.d Wayne, spent Tuesday with re- latives at Oshawa. Several from Haydon attend- ed the Thankolfering services at Tyrone on Sunday. Sympathy of tbe community is extended to Mrs. Luther HoopDer in the loss of ber bus- band. NE WTON VILLE tMr. Arnold Wade attended ati Insurance Convention held at the Royal 'York, Toronto, last week. Misses Donna and Marilyn Stapleton, Bowmanville, spent the weekend with their grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sta- pleton. Mr. Frank Gilmer who was in Memoriai Hospital, Bowman- ville, for a few days. returned borne on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Cinton Browni and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hender- son spent Sunday with friends at Bronte. Miss Marie Brown and Mr. Raymond Trim, Starkviile, and Mr. Ross Brown and Miss Nora Wood, Orono, were Sunday vis- itors witb Mr. and Mrs. Truman Henderson. Mrs. Florence McGee, Toron- to, and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Armstrong and family, Bailie- boro, witb Mr. and Mrs. Ray- mond Bruce. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Monk, Port Hope, with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Caswell on Sunday. Mr. Walter Reeds, Omnemee,I visited bis niece, Miss Donna' Porter, our pnimary teacher, oni Monday. Mrs. Cecil Burley, Mrs. (Rev.) R. C. Wbite, Mrs. Sid Lancaster and Mrs. Arnold Wade attended the Eastern Autumn Rally ofI the W.M.S. beld at Newcastle last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stephen- son, Debbie and Jil Charkson, spent the weekend with Mrs. Geo. Ovens. Mr. Harold Burley bas im- proved the appearance of bis home with a fresh coat of paint. Mr. Jin Caswell was the pain- 1 ter.1 ENNISKILLEN -. a tÀeuvn 111ulylitlu Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ben-' Mondy in net. at 8f 1inadians ooand persns wishinto nett,. Newcastle, were Saturday take trainri4g in this line feen - uests of Mr. and Mrs. itin ontct enrieavour will find the fee of1 Ross Page and Mr. L. Bradley. atio conact only $3.00 most rea3onable for. Glen Spry, Rochester, N.Y., -Treasurer the six weeks course. The fee Is vlsiting with Mr. and Mrs. ~RCARD merely pays the out of pocket. Edgar Wright. RCHRDexpenses of the instructors Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb castie who give of their time and were visitors witb Mr. and Mrs. talents free. 1 Clayton Yeo at Port Loring. ____________ Classes will be given in- Mr. and Mrs. Cinton Elhis struction for two hours eacù and family, Buffalo; Mr. and Sweek and diplomas wiil be is- Mrs. Tom Wilson and family, sued to successful participants Bowmanville; Mr. and Mis. at the end of the course. This Gordon Gettins and Patti, Cae- sbould be a most interestii sarea, were Sunday visitors of and enefcialcoure or Mr. and Mrs. P. Ellis. Mrs. S. Young adults and anyone in- Vanvoikenburg, Cordova Mines. terested sbouid be at the com- is visiting -with Mr. and Mrs. m unity hall for enroîment onP.Eis Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Griffin, Heather and Dale, were Sunday evening dinner guests witb Mr. HAYDONand Mrs. Norman Collacutt, ssaboutA number of relatives attend- eofoyor araenhodngSunday ateronleit DrofhyMrEleno r an Meay ikesur trhein hank seoFri sevenat ileneonfaoons,wMis Agnes iesaboetyngpr o v.Salem . ydoa ion cleamb, Linsa, wrdevithMr gwQe rs. M.ll Smcileyd Frmiore iand Mrs.hore oLm. E ae Hamticlonlokvisit e n rs in MnratatioMns. CM.andBrd- int log rNatindlFims.JBkoalite ad1Mr. Gr andrrettFoyBoeankle, ds inlding Dannystra itfoespentothe Merie undaynisitor wMrtan falling Ronadah vingaOc. -fat. rd rdey n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ms Ol r.Wm asn Ooo ive Bt Jaet Werry is nCuc sevc -il . xpe wMi Rn ah. n Mr. aMA W er a ba, 'çeof dotais. draonnd.a afrnolfredil ory , l r and M rao, ake sure Perry e rn hakeunasevicersat i eosha allser, ecest Alles ew Qner. andyMr rs W. S Biey ackburns! Mrand Mrs. W. HoweLam s. JA ES adms.on, isi g'sM. ad t s Mr. and Mrs. Carince ruso ,,ainst a long Mr. aJimrJahk alt Ganed 1Mrer wth r. and oMrs. F. e- ýds ncluing an Goro, wmni he! at gun owavihle. M. n . .EabLiETty Mr. and wMr.eslie rahms. r1nMrr.Ro sageadter. Feg- Msunday. DwoOoni: s B.eregts Jat therAms cR sidenge viitnlieGr gh Berrin, and i sCochraewddngonSawtur- m ... .5plo:Mrs.Ron Rhm. and r. Vî*iran Forrihand R.rn- for wiaville VNIîo: andMr. ,alcolmArd. 1 - id oono ccmaie r B. J M ter. Loverîdges were arfi d r iMr. .nJ. rstonFonFar- Mrnd Mr~ r esi aaJdilmotoMr and Movler hankgi FThe Oroi Telephoi Miss Iva Linton and Mr. R. Linton, Toronto, visited their brother, Mr. G. M. Linton. Mrs. Everett Cain, Californ- ja and Mrs. F. Blackburn Sai- em, called on Mrs. M. Sherwin and other friends Iast week. Mrs. Fred Tamblyn attended the funeral of her sister, An- nie (nee Crydermnan) wife of Mr. Arthur Bruce Ferguson of Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Major and family spent Sunday visiting relatives in Aurora and Stoufi- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Watson spent a few days witb their son Mr. and Mrs. Archie Wat- son, Betty Ann and Larry in weekend to Eastern Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Scott, Oshawa, Misses Louise and Marjorie Mclntosh, Whitby, were Sunday callers at Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Irvin 's. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Oke, Master Aiphie Bender, Oshawa, were with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Oke. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wearn, Lorna and Susan, were Sunday 'visitors of Mr. and Mrs. A. Tel- fer's, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry were with Mr. and Mrs. Ever- ton White, Tyrone. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms ,fwere Sunday dinner guests oc Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon, Hay- don. Mrs. A. J. Maybee, Belleville, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Maybee, and family, Toronto, xvere visitors of Mr. and Mrs. W. Howe]l's. Mrs. T. Taylor and Allan, Enfield, were visitors at Mr. an dMrs. T. Toms. Sorry to report Mrs. M. Hunt 1 bad a bad faîl on the sidewalk when coming from the store and she was in Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmanville, for a cou- ple of days. We wish ber a speedy recovery. Mr. Jas. A. and F. W. Werry attended the International Plow- ing Match at Simcoe, Oct. 18, -tgether with Mr. F. A. Olde of S. Thomas area and Mrs. F. W. Werry was present also spend- ing tbe weekend visiting cou- sins of the Olde connection at Union and also at London. They called to see Veteran Will Row- ing, busband of the late Mrs. Editb Rewing. Tbey also called on Mrs. Norman McWilliams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nor- ton Van Camp. Bill Mahaffy had an opera- tion on bis back this past week at Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville, and returned home on Monday. Hope he is doing nice- ly. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Perigoe, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Clare Perigoe, Port Perry; Mrs. A. Perigoe and Miss Marilyn Peri- goe, Caesarea; Mr. Bill Eeg- ley, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Brunt and Heather, Bowmanville; Mrs. H. Milîs and Bruce, were Saturday evening guests witb Mr. and Mrs. Ted Werry, being the occasion of Mrs. Werry's birthday. Miss Laura Bowman spent the weekend with Kathryn Slemnon. Giftware no News me 127 Waterdown. Mrs. J. E. Richards visited Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Wight, Bowrnanville. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hall, Toronto, who bave been visit- ing ber brother, Mr. Wm. Rob- inson, returned home on Tues- day and Mr. Robinson will visit with thern xibw. Several friends visited Mrs. John Bigelow, Kirby, on Fni- day afternoon and evening to offer congratulations on the occasion of Mrs. Bigelow's 75th birtbday. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Chatter- ton and Carole, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cook, Toronto. Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn was elected delegate to attend the Presbyterial semi-annuai meet- ing in Albert St. Unitedi Churcb, Oshawa, today. Mrs. I. J. Noden is a patient in Wellesley Hospital, Toronto. 1Mrs. Harry Clark, Prescott, bas returned home after spen- ding the past week with her sister, Mrs. C. S. McLaren and family. Miss Bertha Cain has îiot xmproved as fa3t as w-as ex- pected and is st il in Memorial Hospital, Bownmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Art Whitp spent the weekend visiting their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Harding, Morrîsburg. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Rundie, Hampton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood. Col. J. C. Gamey returned home Saturday from Civie Hospital, Peterborough. Clarke Township teachers beld their October meeting on Monday at the Clarke Union School. Miss Betty Bullock from the staff of the Canadian Bank of Commerce bad ber appendix removed last week at Memor- ial Hospital, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. H. Boyd ai,'d sons, Orillia, spent the vek end with ber mother. Mrs. K.. Gamsby and family. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Watson and children of Waterdown spent Sunday witb Mr. and Mrs. Alex Watson. Rev. James Bryson of the Canton charge will conduct the services of worship next Sunday on the Orono charge. Yeu i ReuIIy Lie A &P Quity1 YOU CAN COU NI ON A%&P VALUES'l SUPER - RIC, gr QUALITffY MEA TM LAMB SALE LEGS FRONTS CHOPS FLANKS PIE (RUSI MIX MARGARI NE A&P TEA BAGS TOMATO SOUP KMMES JELLY BEANS GUM DROPS APPLE PNE -"--ýFUNK & WAGNALL'S UNIVERSAL STAN-DAr .D VO..UM I 7tO.7 C' TAL H' S WEE fooriyÇ'i c :t iiry r i r-= Short Cut Shank Full Cut Rih Loin Lean Stewing Cuts Mon rch Reg. Price 33c-8SAVE 7c Solo - Handy Quartera Reg. Pnice 2 for 59c SAVE 6o Special Blond Reg. Price 55c-SAVE 10c Camp bell'a SPErIAL 1 A llan's l4al lowe'en MeCormick's MiALLOWE'EN McCormick's HALLOWE'EN lb 59C Ib29c b49c 2 Ibs29C 2pkgs 5 9c 21-lb plcgs 5 3 c imo of 6'45c 4 tins 49c Il-lb pkg 2 9C 'i-oz pkg 2 9C 131/a-oz pkq2~9c mChina - Wool "THE BIG 20" Too Early Io Shop for ChrisImîs ? Not if you would secure early choice of the many desirable gifts to be had now. And how about choosing your Personal Christmas Greeting Cards There are rnany to choose from in albums now on display. Corne in and inspect our stock of Artist Supplies, etc. Yon are always welcorne at Rickaby's Limited "The Big 20" Mason & Dale Hardware Limited MA 3-S408 B w ni a nville ____________________ Ps, :1,6 King St. E SA KER Y SPECA4L! Jan* Parker Rtes. Price 590C-SAVE 10o 884 9C Prices Effective Until Saturday, October 26,,h, 1957. .......... THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWM.ANVTLLE, ONTARIO