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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Oct 1957, p. 12

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TW~YU U~M~AY~ OCT. m4m, UW Juvenile Delinquency And the Home By Chief Erie L. Smlith Bowmanville Police Dept. Causes of juvenile delinqdency Bad Home Conditions Beem to be almost endless. but in Personaily I think that people, studying close]y the causes 1 doontewl, a orcgiz xnot think anyone will disagcec ntewoeealt eonz that home conditions play a the importance of bad home con- mnajor part in its cause. Even ditions as being a prime cause of rnany other reasons for juvenile iju venile delinquency. If this delinquency, when traced back, oIberugthmt p- arrive at the home. aoud erut hoeto pa The term "home" is used rath-1 entsan uhrte.hna er loosely, and as I sec it, means better undcrstanding of this dif- any of many different things ficuit problemn might produce connected with it. ranging from better resuits. the type and position of the Cl ossetDsiln home itself to the affection Cl ossetDsiln shown by the parents to the The foundations of a well juvenile concecned. ordeced life and o! good citizen- - ship are laid in the home, where the essential requicements are a C OURTICE good example and calm. con- sistent discipline. The disastrous Mr. and Mcs. Earl Gatchel results of defective discipline had as their gucsts for the are onl.v too frequently met with Thankgivig weeend, Mc. in the courts. I feel that o! all Thansgiing eekndhr.cnvironmental conditions. in- Gatchell's sisters and theic deed of aIl the conditions what- families, Mr. and Mrs. C. Fen- soever that find a place in my znec and family o! Goderich an.d list of causes, the group showing Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stinson and the closest connection with crime family, Lotus. addlnuny ossso Mc. and Mcs. Cecil Adams, and elinqumy en, sists of Mrs. Don Cowle, Dale and Bob- t s htmyb umdu under the heading "de! ective by and Miss Winnie Walter at- discipline'. Such featuces are tended the birthday supper on ýencounteïed f jvc times as often Saturday evening for Marilyn as with non-delinquent cbildren. Adams at the home o! McI. and Mrs. Carl Adams near Nestie- Defective Discipline ton. Causes o! defective discipline Several o! tellis nd iDo are manv and may be due toi Akela Walterc li n o the absence of parents on Cowle, spent a pleasant week- pleasuce bent, a too lacge family end at Camp Samac. who are a!fected by povecty, Congratulations to Mr. and ibroken homes brought about by Mrs. Barry Johnson on the ar-1 death, desertion, separation or rival of a lovely babv girl ýfl divorce and illegitirnac.y. Memnorial Hospital, Bowmrran-1 Mn te atr ville. Mn te atr Littie Miss Joni Penfound had These classifications, howevec,! ber tonsils removcd on Thurs- 1w' no mneans exhaust the ]ist of, dav last in the Oshawa Clinie. inimical conditions found int 'a wish a speedy r*E(ov,,ery tos homes, such as parent with foc Mrs. Taîbert Geai ing.who is a crimiinal record, other illegit- a patient in the Oshawa Gen- mnate children to eithec mother eral Hospital. or risters, mnother ill, father on! Mr. and Mcs. Carmian Foqter sqhift work and to some extent end Miss Judy Foster o! Whit- out of touch with bis family . by. caiied to sec Joni Penfoune mcnfillv dafective, blind, deaf and hec parents on Saturday jor epileptic brothei's or sisters, el. -ning. imcotiuatibilit.v o! parents and _Ic. and Mrs. Jack Mesher the "iikc. But. considecing onlv, end Nancy, Whiiby, were rce- the factocs tabîîlated. a state o! cent visîtors with Mc. and Mis. wrctchedness and destitution is Lorne Penfound and famnil.v. indicated which must to a great- Congratulations to Mr. and er or lesser degree. warp the M~rs. Floyd Fowler vbo wece mincis of children unfortunate , xnarried in Centre Street Unit- enIolgh to be born in such cir- edi Church, Oshawa, on Oct. 1'2. cumnstances. Many are wocld lyi Mrs. Fowler was Miss Iris San- wise beyond theic yeacs, ac-r ders, a former resident o! Eben- cuistomed to strife and squalor s C c r. !rom in!ancv. and the lack o! Cliurch service was conduct- affection that aIl children necd.f ecd on Sunday cvening b y Mc. It cannot be doubtcd that many James Young of Oshawa, whoI of the delinquents who throng delivered a very inspiring mes- our courts and who are often sage. regardcd as focs o! sociaty. are, Next Sunday, Oct. 27, Cour- in realityv its victims requicîng, tice United Church welcomcs to assistance rather than punish- the pulpit for Anniversary ser- ment. t vices, Rev. Harold Stainton, a It would therefore pear former pastor. Couctice circuit then that there is a reliationship has been without a regular between delinqucncy and broken minister since the end of Junc homes, pacticularly when both and we welcomc Rcv. Harold parents are absent. Closely fol- £;tainton and Mrs. Stainton, lowiniz in importance is the Who wil] be taking up resi- 'absence o! one parent due toi dence at the parsonage this causes other than death, e.g., week, to be our minîster until desection, divorce and illegi t- the end of the conference vear. imnacy. Canvassers and committees Children Not Responsible are very busy this wcek as the ]Rot Turkey Supper is only When it is remembered that about ten days away. many o! the remaining cases o! Scout Mothers juvenile delinquenc ' are affect- The regular montblv meet- ed b-v other conditions such as I Ing o! the l8th Scout- Mother's have mentioned, it is clear that Auxiliary was held ce cently 1wle are deaiing with asu-om with the President. Mrs. Allen ah section of the Population and Etephen in the chair. The meet- whetber their parents are ce- , Inga opened wîth Scout Mothers' sponsible foc their afflictions, or1 Prayer. Officers read their not, the children are certainlyn rnonthlv reports and a short not in many cases. business peciod was heid. The Resentment of Discipline iiornination committee %Vas Hoee15 umngu h Picked and the new officers oerins mngutha «will be instaled nt the Novemn- position as it stands today It atr mtinghomeio! Ms. ona ld would sav that defective disci-1S bEcmheheti fwhch s. tonahld Pie saprominent cause andp hav sulan important step towacds juv-t Pingle. Cards hv been sn enihe delinquency and that thef out to the sick and a sympathy treatinent presccibcd by they card to Mc. Stanley Richardson court has less chance of bcings In the loss of his mother. We Suksulhcterisaac ar as y. sorry to lose our o! control at home. Along with f 'Akcla", Mr. Eacl Gatcheil, the apparent decline o! parentald irmThe Cub grOup.a discipline bas coma an increas-0 The resient sked members 1i,,, snmeto isilnr Route of Trans - Canada Pipeline Under construction, and due for completion this year, is the Toronto-Montreal section of Trans-Canada Pine bines' natural gas transmission system. Work is in progress at five locations along the 310-mile, 20-inch diameter line in preparation for delivery of gas to Montreal and intervening points. Construction is also underway on the 33-mile, 24-inch link which will connect the Toronto- Montreal -section with Trans-Canada's Niagara-Toronto C.W.N.A. President George Cecil Day owner and publisher of the Liverpool (N.S.) Advance, was electcd President o! the Canad- ian Weekly Ncwspapers Associa- tion at the aunual convention at Banff, Aita. Paraiyzed by polio in cbîldhood, ha managed to suc- mount bis handicap to become a successful business man and aditor. Ha built The Advancc !rom its original circulation o! 700 to more than 5,000. Jeen cJo wrt By Connie Osmond Thera is ta ha a Hallowc'cn masquerade dance on Saturday, Oct. 26 beginning at 8:30 at the Lions Centre. Admission will ha 50c for ahi. Anyona not weaing a costume will not ha permitted ta enter. Thece will ha games, special dances, apple dunks, prizes for the best drcssed, and the fuuniest costumes, and ce- !reshments will ha served. Last year the restrictions were the same, and we spent an enjoyable avening. There were quite a faw wet apple dunkers, and dizzy squat dance winners, but outside o! that everyone had a good time. There will also ha a dance on Nov. 6, and further datails will bc postad later. Yournenw memberships will be on sale at the next dance. The price o! thesa bas not beau decided, but will have been by the time o! the dance. TYRONE Tyrone Hanvest Home sar- vices last Suday were well at- JV ÀA of Harmony United Church, MshMwaipA f AngPF appA cia pipeline. The latter line was completed in 1954 and is being used temporarily to transport United States gas to the Toronto area until Alberta gas reaches Eastern Canada' in the Faîl of 1958. Completion of the 36-mile, 12-incli line between Morrisburg, on the Toronto-Montreal section, and Ottawa, is also scheduled in this year's construction pro- gram. and Mcs. T. Findlay, Thocnhill. tA D OTMaicol m Reed attcnded a fun- Sorry to report Mr. Findlay HAMPTONL.JAJL ral at Orilhia on Thanksgiving quite ill. Trust you'll soon be Day. feeling better. Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Cham- IvMessrs. Chaî'lieWarnAt Mcs. D. Davey and Joyce, iman and Miss Gaîl Chapman BacrdadEwarn rt also Miss Billie Phillips we xvere Thaiiksgîx îng xvweekend Boancord andpedwitndeRuthe tea guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Keith guests of Mrs. Joe Chapman. plowing match at Simcoe; also ~Davey. Mc. and Mcc. Ewact Creeppr, the Shriners Cacemonials Fri- Mc. and Mrs. M. Smi.ley and Owen Sound, callad on friends day at London, and on Satur- children, Mount Hope,. sper't in the village on Wednesday Of da«y visited Mr. and Mrs. J. R. the long weekend with McI. and last week. Reynolds, Arva. Mrs. W. Rahm. . Mc. and Mcc. Merwin Mount- h uea fMs .Fr Mcc. W. J. Miller, Miss Beth loy spent Thanksgiving week- TefneaofMsB.Fr Miller, Oshawa, Miss Florence end at Monty's Inn, Lindsay, guson was held from the North- Gardiner and Mrs. M. Woodlev, and aiso visited friands at cutt and Smith funecal home, Boxvmanville, were guests 01 Omernee and Peterbocougli, and omnile on edsay Sundy o Mr andMrs A n Fida v isied M. ad Ms.aftennoon witb bucial in the Hil Sun.yo! Mc. o Fnida x'isted M . adMsCadmus cemetecy. In the pass- Hilî. E.Strog, o! Mî's. Ferguson the viliagcý Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Richards Mir. and Mrs. Chanlie War- loses another o! its oldest and Mir. Jack Richards, Osbawa,' ren spent week- bighly respected citizens and Mrs. Nellie Westlake, Mc.* and I end wvith relativeas at Ethel, on'e who xiii be miuch missed jMrs. Garnet McCoy, Mr. S. Mýc- Ont., visiting Mr. and Mrs. Win, by r'elatives aud friands who iCoy, Mc. Nelson Wilkins, Bow- Hlollinger. took pleasuce in makiug fre- mauvilie, wera Sunday visitons 1 Mc. Malcolm Reed, Toronto, quant calîs on bac, and having o! Mr. and Mrs. C. Bigelow and spent the holiday weekeud with a !riendly chat, she being in- Mrs. A. Hawkey. his parents. tecested in ahl the affairs o! the Mrs. P. Baltgaulis, Michaej Misses Ruth and Marie Pres- chucch and community. Being and Karen, Port Percy* , sen cott, attenided the Adams-Coch- confined to ber home mostltv. hast Tuesday with Mr. and 1, rane 'wcdding reception, which ducing the Iast fewv '<ars, she RuLssell Wright. Sunday gtuests iwa. hcld at Solina hall on Sat- was glad to xveicoma ar!ni1d were Mr. andi Mcs. Cecil Sle-! undav. o!ten, and still retainec ihec in- mon Hmpton Ruth andi Mar'ie spent a day tenest in outside affairs. Mr. and Mrs. S. Rahm and'aEfed.ystdM.adMs chidre, Backtoc, vsitciHerber t Pcescott and caled on at Staenie Hlail'sok ii a number o! friands there also. Tid LnCak at Stanle Hall's.Rev. and Mcs. Ted Kecsev T idLnCak Th are is Sunday Scbooi on ac Sunday but no church service. aughter Susan, Toroute, Mran s.AfPriad owing to Salem Hacvest H-ome visitcd the Kenscys on Monda.y. rsAhPrcnaî se Wonacott Mrs. Symons, Oshawa, is vis- family visited Mc. and Mrs. El- Ross onnaottToronto, iting ber sister, Mrs. Winter- wood Gray, Pecrytown, Sunday jMrs. C. Shaw and Ralpb, Osh- b -cvcîug awa, we ce Sunday visitors o! son r nd cc Je aian ac Mr ad Mcs. E. A. Virtue. Ron ivqited friencis in Mr. and Mrs. J. Milna and IMonday cvcniug visitors we'e Toronto, on Sat ucday. famiiy, spent the weekend with Miss A. Aked and Mcc. F. Smell1 Recent caliers at the Prescott Mc. and Mcs. E. Descoches, Sevralpeolefrom Tyon home -weî'e Mr. and Mrs. Mur- Ajax. community attendeci the fun- Ma Pc anciaMcd. ussai ormis- Mn. and Mcc. R. Haskill andi eaa on Monday o! Mr. Luther to;Mran Goodman, Bowmanville, for- ton, E uniskihlen, accompanieci Mrs y, rierl, with mecrarsident o! Tycone and by rs.Varna Forsythe and J.ssBrett r Su nd Mis highly respected. l, Toronto: Mrs. La,.- Ms et cnhadMs Sihymrpat isctedd orance Weacn, Mrs. Harvey Mc- Lucy Malda arc spending the Sympthy s exende oGui, and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, High School holiday xith Mrs. Mcs. Horace Hall and Ro.v' Enniskillen, and on Sundav, Mr. Bruce McClure in Oshawa. Maynacd on the passing o! thaî r and Mrs. Jack Smith and sons Mcc. Purnaîl and chilcicen, bcother-in-law, Mc. Sidney Oshawa. Port Hope, visitcd with Mc. and Waikec o! Bowmanville. Rev. and Mcc. Racd and Mr. Mrs. Stan Pocteous, Sunday. Mcs. Henry Staînton and_______________________ Lynne, Mc. Luther Stainton, visited Mcc. M. Harris, Whitby. Lynne Stainton is antactain- ing saven girl friands to ber birthday party on Tucsday. Congratulation to Mc. and Mrs. Thomas Gibbs on celebra- ting their Golden Wedding An- niversary on Saturday evening in the CommunitW Hall wben about 60 relatives wera present Weekend guests o! Mr. and Mis Gibbs were Mc. and Mcs.B.m Mortlock and James, Mr. andi Mrs. M. LeBrun and Katby, Mc. Tom Mortlock, Ottawa, other visitors were, Mc. andi Mrs. S. Nash andi Mavis, De- troit, Mich., Mc. and Mcc. A.i Perfect, Cobourg, and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cain, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mcc. E. A. Wercy Enniskiilen, were tea guests on Sunday o! Mr. and Mrs. S. E. White. Mr. and Mrs. R. McLean and famiiy, King, visited hec sister, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. McQuinu. Mn. and Mcc. W. N. Hoskin, Oshawa, Miss Allie Wood, weca supper guests o! Mc. and Mcc. W. Vivian. Mr. and Mcs. Arnold Gels- berger and Lynda, Zion, wece supper gucsts of Mr. and Mcc W. F. Park. Archie Virtue's store dows are full o! lovely prizes for Tyrone L.O.B.A.'s penny sale, which will be heid in the Lion's Community Centre, Wednesday, Oct. 30. Coma out and help these ladies make thair new ventura a cuccass. There wiil also be a!ternoon tea and home baking. The sale wilI stant at 2.30 and draw at 8. See Coming Events. by Miss Lata Bragg, Bowman- ville, was guest soloist in the Bowmanville afenon nt e veing Miss I.0.0.F. Off icers Margt Rakineaccompanied t ~by Mrs. Arthur Read, Haydon,lid B Bf U sang "The Lond's Prayer". Isald B ft N Mn. Rowland Coombes dir- PU LI ected the choir in the antbemis. r n Lo g Mn. Gac Smith was organist. .r no L dge M.and Mcc. E. Deehey spent a faw days with Mn. and Mcc. The Officens of Florence ~ ~M. McCuisb, Cookstown, and Nightingale Lodge No. 66, Inde- .J S A T N also visited Mc. and Mcc. I. pendent Order of Odd Fellows, SStevens, Toronto. werc installed foc the 1957-58 Mcc. May Johns, Long Sault, term by D.D.G.M. Clane Martin speut the weakend with Mrs. and staff o! Orono Lodga on Edith Murphy. Octobar 10. 8 o10 ..,Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Rahmn, Two jewels wene pcesnted- SMn. and Mrs. Stanley Hall, at- P.D.D.G.M. jewcl ta Wm. Shot- .1endad the Watt-King wedding ten, rctiring D.D.G.M., made by F riday, October 25 in Oshawa, Saturday. D.D.G.M. C. Martin; Ps rn' 1 Sympathy is cxtended to Mcs. Jcwel ta George Forsey. retiring ,,Luther Goodman and familv, Noble Grand, by P.G. Wm. Veo, 1 owmanville, on the passing of an Honorable Vetenan member Saturday, October 26 Mr. Goodman. Kapof Florence Nightingale Lde ADMISSIONan miy Lotus, Mr. and Mcc. business. Adulifs - 40c Children - 25c 1 n;skillen, were Sundav supper J.R*G.-Bro. Geo. Fosey: N.G.' ~UII ~ ELI' C~AT M~ ~ Mc. Fred Smith and Grace,, Bo Stanley McMurtec; ÈÉ!' VULong, Sault. were tea guests o! e'-Bo ila odn C HI DRE S K AT N G M. auci Irs. J C ookm., Teas.-Bno. Gordon McMurter: W e n s a , O tb rowmianville. visited\Iad ductor-Bro. Harry aeChp nen s a ,Oco e 0Ms. John Hilîs. lain-Bro. Herb. Powell. R.S.S.. SRev. and Mcc. J. W. Wilkin- -Bro. Wm. Wade; L.S.S.-Bro 3:30 Io 5:30 pm. son, Dunharton, were Friday Jamié Caswell; R.S.N.G.-Bro. I visitors of Mn. and Mrc. A. Walter Hackney; L.S.N.G.-Bro.! ADULTS ACCOIMPANYING CIIILDREN 25ec lîls. Louis Kiniakopoulos; R.S.V.G.-; Joan Davev spent the w,%eek Pro. T. M..'!o,1SVC No Sktnq W dnsay Evnng jen ith Cecile Park. Bru. Chas. Grecnhami: l No Satig Wenesay Eenig ~ Mc. and Mcc. Russell Virtue, Robent Gill; O.G.-Bro. Donald Mm .Otto Victue vàitid M.Aaderso[. RESULTS AND BIG BARGAINS! Mr. and Mrs. George Bray and' SOLINA Mary, Toronto, visited at the' Werrys. The C.G.I.T. group met on Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Cook and, Saturday afternoon. As this Dale, Toronto. visited Mr. andý. was the first meeting for the Fali Mrs. Walter Parrinder. and Winter Seasons election of c ndMs ta 0Isi ~ offces oo pac. he new sons visited at Mr. D. 'uhe.,ku officers are: President-Juanita at hty Frazer, Secretary-Helen Knox;tWht. Treas.--Mrs. R. Davis; Pianists IIallowe'en Party -Helen Knox, Pat Davis. Mrs. Solina School wvas the scene Charles Langmaid will assist of a very cioyable Hallowe'en, Mrs. Ralph Davis, the leader. party on Friday evening. This The worship service wvas led wvas arranged by Mr.a~ rç by Pat Knox. Additional pro- A. Potter and Mir. anda gram consisted o! readings by Vance. The judges We " Et Helen Parrinder and Pat Davis, R. Davis, Mrs. B. 1-oo)?y and a piano solo by Anne Werry and Mr. L. Tille.. a story read by Evelyn Hocka- Ail pre-school children re- day. The next meeting will be ceived a prize as well as several held on November 2. older pupils and some aduits. The Thankoffering services Many received a generous sup-, will be held on Sunday. Oct. 27ô ply of peanuts and kisses in the" at 2 and 7:30 o'clock (Standard scc-arble. To conclude the ev- lime). t o n ening's entertainment Alla n Conratlatonsto on ndFrazer gave a reading "*The, Joyce Taylor on the birth Of Queen's Visit, 1957" and every-, their son William Douglas, on one joîned in singing The Queen. Thursday, Oct. 17. The group in charge served re-' Congratulations to Wes Werry freshments. who exhibited Holstein cattie at ___________ the Peterborough Fair and wron the following prizes: First on MA Jr. Yearling; first on Sr. Year- MALE bI1UVEt ling; second on Second Year Dry; Sîxth on Second Year Wet; ?vrs. Laurence Staples and fifth on Fifth Year Dry, and the îboys, Bethany. visited with Mr. Junior Female Champion. and Mrs. R. Trimble on Tues- The Three M's will have a i day. conducted tour of the Goodvear IVcry plcased to1 report that plant in Bowmanville on Tues- Darreil Dobbs is home fromn the day evening. Oct. '19 a, :O Icîe for Sick Childcen iin Mr. and M1\rs. Bruce Tirk and 'Fr r-c nto. family and Mrs. Adciie Tink Ms;Iael onTrno were tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. MialTons, Toontoam tony on Su nd. ily, MHamp-and Mrs. Eugene Dobbs ton, n Surday.on) <unrpv. Mr. and Mrs. J. Legýer and Mr. ard Mrs. Howvard Brad. farnily, Oshawa, visited at Mr. ley a,,,nd Br'an attended the 25th E. Ccyderman's. Mr. and Mrs. H. Yellowlecs vcdding caebration of hec aunt and uncle, M\r. air. Mrs. Frank and daughters were Sunday vis- McGili at the hiome of Mrs. E. itors at Mr. and Mrs. E. Larm- PgExsiln er's. Blaékstock. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. H'I- and Mr. Cecii Milîs visited willi chidre atenedTycne hak- bs sistcr Mrs. Roy Hope and offering Service on Sundnvy. ~mî,Pr cro ud Mr. .Ovndnand cid n Mc.and Mrs. Reg. Revell, Mrs J.Ovede chldrnRýýggiîe and St'-'phen, -Kingston; Os~hawa, visited at Mcr. FrankMran \IsEnetWli, Mc. land Mr. D ltf u-Port Hope,. x-erc Sunday visitors Mr. nd Ms. . Fltt, ur-of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Snowd.en. ray and Marie were guests at the Mr. and Mrs. Bill Davidson, Flett - Glass wedding on Sat- Troronto, spent the weekend with urday evening -in Richmond Hill hec parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allan United Chucch. S)ýdn Mrs. J. Baker, Mrs. J. Knox and Mrs. L. Kellett wcre in Mi'- Jyce Milîs xvas Sunday Toronto hast Tuesday to purchase s uppc*c guest of Mr'. and Mrs. books for the library. I rî:ce Lstie, Port Pcrry. Mr. and Mrs. Harcy Knox and Evenng Aýuxiliacy will meet at the homne of Mcs. Bert Snow- sons visited at Mr. and Mrs. Hil-! den on Thursday evening (to- ton Tink's, Ebenezer. . nigîlt,. The groups are asked Mc. Ray Bernis, Oshawva, vi1 he- Iig thi1tln ited at Mr. E. Spires.; . laebigtir aen Several voung people attend-~I iLOflHaoldiSmting. il c ed a surprise pacty given bylEx.Hrl titnwl c Mrs. Rod Simpson and Rod for cupy the pulpit ait Maple Grove hec brother, Ross Kossatz on his on Sunday. Rev. Stainton will birthday on Saturday. nie ouc mninister for the next Mc. and Mcs. E. Spires and few ' months. Sharon visited at Mc. and I\'Ics.ý D. N. Spires, Toronto. Gail Baker visited at Mr. J.AN E Smales' Jr., Hampton. W N E Mc. and Mrs. E. Gilbank and Dead, Old and Crippled family, Mc. and Mrs. Neil Rainey FARM STOCK and family, Orono, wece Sun- day visitors at E. R. Taylor's. Picked Up Free of fý rge Mcr. and Mcs. S. E. Werry 24 Hour Sericy were Sunday tea guests of Mrs. Phione Colleur, J. Shortt and Luther, Courtice. Cobourg FR 2-3721 Mr. and Mrs. W. Parrinder Peterborough RI 2-2080 and Helen were guests of Mc. NICK PECONI and Mcs. Elgin l3romell, Bow-j Peterborough manville. The few newspaper lines, iisted in each cIassified ad, pack a tre. mendous amount of POWER! Read them and buy everything you need at great savings! Use tbem to ssii or swap for profit! Find a job or a car! Rent an apartment or home! Get heip or a service! Classified ads serve you ini every way because they reach everyone in our conxmunity! Phone MA '3-3303 for Helpful Ad Taker The Canadi an Statesman READ BY 20100 0 PEOPLE WEEKLY mi OCT. -'. "W, eAWAMM MAOP»SNMW. »O7nLAýX OWAMO

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