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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Oct 1957, p. 15

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I c Clssfied Wanted to Buy Auction Sales rh' nT ixer. Phone MA 1 Auction sale at Haydon a 79 4-1 Church shed on Friday, Nov. lst at 7:30 p.m., a list of misepl- VINE small1 colony house in good laneaus articles including wobd, conldition. Phone MA 3-2725._! furniture, fruit, vegetables, 431home-made baking, etc. Lunch ~GST prices paidI for live served. Appreciati ons ored ~~oose feathers, 1t.eatheri e much Any dnati Sonswould by Haydon Church Stewards. cap iron, rags, metals;Clifford Pethîck, auctioneer. «dara furs. Phone RA 3-2043 4- Oshawa. collect. 48-tf i4- .êLLkins 0 lie puîty wnt 1 have received instructions ced. Top Toronto prices paid at fo h xeurxo1teett Your door for large or smaîî: of the late George Bowen to sel quanîtie We ave ur j by public auctiori on Saturday, Mlarket. M. Flatt, Bethany R.R . 2a i aersdne 1.Pon oec to Bta Orono, opposite Orono United Phn rolc 13. Beha Ç hurch, his entire household 7 r 13.28-tf effects. Sale to commence 'promptly at 1 p.m. Terras cash. C IDER No reserve. Jack Reid, auction- eer. 43-2. APPLES WANTED 10,000 bushels 40c bushel ln quantity of 200 bushels or more Rogîer Cruickshank I have received instructi from the administrators of estate of the late Mrs. Est] Vance and L. J. Hutchisor seli by public auction on W~ nesday, Oct. 30 at their1 residence, east haif of Lot Concession 7, Cavan Townsi 2 miles north of Millbrook, th entire household effects, fa machinery, carpentcr tools, lu ber, ctc. Terms cash. No serve. Property sold. .1 Reîd, auctioneer. 4 AUCTION SALE lions the ther 'to Ved- late t 3, -hip, hieir1 lar m rej ackj VITTORIA, ONT. J9!/ý cu. ft. Admirai Refrigerat- PHONE IMCOEor, 4 element and oven apart- PHON SIMOE Jment size Gurney Kitchen Stove, GArfield 6-0610 4 Chrome Chairs and Table 43-1* Kitchen Set, 2 Children's High- chairs, Kitchen Utensils, Dishes, Pets f or Sale Toaster, Pote, Pans, etc.; 1 bed- -------type Studio Couch, 1 Rocking COCKER Spaniel, male, light Chair, Coffeie Table and Lamp brown, six months, house-brok- en, vaccinated, ideai chi]drea's Table, 20" Coronet Television, pet, $i5. Phone MA 3-2563. recondltioned and new picture 43-1 tube just recently, 6 Table Wok anedj Laps, 4 Red and Chrome _________ Chairs, 10 month-old Washlng GENEAL ruckng nd lght--- Machine, 1 Metal Ironing Boarq, deliveries. Phone MA 3-5165. Wash Tubs and Mops, 1 used 39-t!' Bath Tub and Sink, Children's ELECTRICAL work; house and! Crib and Mattress, Play Pen, farra wiring. For free estimates; Table and Chair Set, 3 Tricycles, Phone MA 3-2891. 42-2'« 1 Sleigh, Swimmlng Pool, Go- PLumBIG- haincae-1 cart, 1 Youth's size Bed and troughing: froc ostimates. Har-veyi Mattress, 1 Doîl Buggy, 5-piece Partner. Tyrone. MA 3-2240. Bodroomn Set, includes Vanity 12-tf with Chair, Chest of Drawers, NEW plastering and repairs. Double Bed, Spring and Mat- Stucco and cement plastering. tress; some Clothing and Drapes, A. C. Woods. Phone Clarke 1 Office Portable Typewrlter 23 r 04. 14tf Desk, 1 Used Typowriter, 1r PLOUGHING. Reasonable rate;. Stenographer's Chair, 1 Officer Phone MA 3-2186, between 12 Guest Chair, 1 Combinationc and one o'clock and from five1 o'c1oc#& on. 43-2 Radio and Record Player, plays ---- f12 records; several Used 15-inchr CON ýkTE and mason work, Auto Tires, Auto and CarpenterF new r repair. Chi'macys, Hand Tools, 200 foot of water foundations, floors, wakec L.Te. Telophono MArket. hose in 50-ft. lengths 41bf 1947 Pontiac n Sehool girl desires work t sEï chool and weekends. Any- 4-door SEDAN I t~ considered. Write Advor- lai above average condItion, c Uer' 733, c/o The Canadiani ready te go. 01 Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- n ruanihl. ~- 1947 Pontiac REFINISH the modern way with B-orSDAET Roxatone. Old furniture made 2do EAET like new, kitchen cuphoards, also In above average fonditton, - bedroom suites, etc. For free rayt o estimates Phono MA 3-5387 or Arayt o MA 3-5055. 43-41Ad many more articles and - goods te be offered for sale by R. PLUbMING - HEATING Publie auction. R EAVSTRUGHNG SALE BEGINS AT 1 O'CLOCK E. Tony BaarsIn the afiernoon on F 86 Ring St. W. MA 3-â172 BOWMANVILLE Licfober 26îh, 1957 Plastering Repairs Mr. and Mrs. QUICK SERVICE I Arthur Stackaruk STUCCO AND NEWV WORK at R L. TAF T 194ad16Cuh 19 King St. E. MA 3-5030 14ad16Cuc ____________6t! West, Bowmanville It seemns to Me we can nover Ontario -Ive up longing and wishing TERMS - CASPt while We are thoroughly alive. There are certain bhings 'vo NO RESERVE feel to be ibeaubiful and good, AUCTIONEER and we must hunger for bhem. MR. GEORGE KOCIR -George Eliot. 42-: ;i. W4 N D O x SA EA~DI.l2q, 5OwNMqvwLg ON'A1»NM ,-'- World Champion Plowman William De Lint, Holland, new champion plowman of the world, looks over his trophy, the Esso Golden Plough, with 16-year-old Ann Lane of Delta, Ohio, 1957 Queen of the Furrow. De Lint won out over 26 other plowmen fromn 14 countries. Left, Hugh Baird, B]ackwater, Ontario, the Canadian champion, does some precision plowing during the match. He placed eleventh. He is a brother of Mrs. Cecil Simmons of Courtice. Varied Program Given By Enniskillen C.G.I.T. VOTERg T!KT flOTvb Clerk's Notice of Firet Postlnj of Votera' List Votera' List 1957 Munlcipality of Bowmanvllle County of Durham Notice is hereby given that have complied with Section 9 o The Voters' Lists Act and that have posted up at my office a Bowmanville on the 2lst day o: October, 1957, the list o! al persons entitled to vote in th( said Municipaiity at municipal elections and that such list re. mains there for inspection. And I hereby caîl upon al] voters to take immediate pro. ceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according te law, the hast day for appeals be- ing the 7th day of November, 1957. Dated this 2lst day of October, 1957. A. J. LYLE, Clerk o! the Town o! Bowmanviile. 43-2 Help Wanted TWO waitresses. Apply at the Olympia Restaurant. MA 3-9003. 43-1 MEN wanted, full or p art time. Appiy Brookdale - Kiagsway Nurseries Ltd., Bowmanville. (Continued from 1Dage one) fi. Democracy such as we en- joy in the Commonwealth, ie a M p gives freedom for individual expression and an opportunity ta do the best that wo can. The o genius o! good leadership such or pleted as we enjoy in the Common-0f ilrVF wealth with bbc Queen as its O na i head, is Ihat il eicits great- ness. A minerai map of Ontario, Worked, with Beanery Gang that bas just been completed by Mm. Domm also spoke brie!- the cartography section o! the ly o! bis work with the ]Bean- O9ntario Depariment o! Mines, ery Gang boys ia Toronto a fis beiieved ta o bbcth largeat map few years ago and said that heofo the entime Province ever ta did not beieve there was aho printed on a single shoot. The boy who could not ho reclaim- mnap, drawn on the scale o! anc I d. Ia eaching such boys, the inch ta 20 miles, mossures 50 Mon st important bhing ho toit inches by 53 inches. The shoot was ta get them ta realize Ihat on which it appears is 53 inches samebody camed what happen- bv 60 inches. ed r.ta hem.mi On il there are about 15,000 om of naines, inciuding those of al Mr. omm 5 agraduqito townships la the province. The bhe University of Toronto, map, printed la eigzht colours, Union Seminary and Teachers' shows the basic geology o! the College, New York. Ia a down- Province, and il also shows the btown churcb, a good deal O! ilocation o! the principal mines bis work bas been ia social and mineral occurrences. service, and recently with the Enlarged inset maps show la foreiga population coming int detail bbe principal miniag th aI ares, camps, bhc natural gas and ail j Mr.W.Teeple introduced fields o! Southwestern Ontario, the speaker and Mrs. L. God- the location o! metallurgical i dard exprcssed bbc thanks o! works in the province, and the the club. variaus offices o! the Depamî- Vice-president . Mrs. Werry jmont o! Mines. wclcomect ail those attending Mines and mineral occurrences as visitors and extended ta are indexed by mining divisions, thcm an invitation to join tho and other tables show the value J club. She mentianed the newly of production o! individual min- paiated panish hall. saying that easado eaaelman suhfeshadpesatsriareas. suh rshad îosntriag Honiourable J. W. Spooner, roundiags gave ail onters C the Minister o! Mines, says that lift o! spirits. Pianisî Mr..pulctoofhem ws4- H. Dudley was at the piano ulcainoetezadws~m for opening and cîosing exer- icdta coincide with the Sixth cisesi Commonwealth Mining and C1505. Metallurgical Coagress wbich is A number paid their nemn-j touring Canada during Septem- rbership !ee for the vear. Last ber. The map, available throu£!hf year there %were 12.5 members. the Publications office'of the de-f The next meeting wiljl be Nov. v artment, is being sold for $1.00 18" -ithie copy. __ Two square dances were given by the seniors and jurn- iors, "Little Brown Jug" and "Pop Goes the Weasel" withi callers Doris Wright, Linda Stainton, Linda Yeo, Lois Ash- ton, Mary Yeo, Judy and Daphne Green and Kathryni jSiemon, assisted by an, orches-1 t ra composed of Messrs. ù. Stevens (guitar), Wallace Stainton, Toronto, (violin) and 0. C. Ashton (piano). There was a parade of girls niodelling pretty aprons which were sold by auctioneers Nan- cy Wood, Lorna Wearn, Carrol Wright and Elenor Heard. Ahl joined in. singing Taps ancl the Queen with Elenor Heard at the piano. Reva McGill ex- pressed the appreciation of the group to the leaders, parents and audience, also the orches- tra members, the Enniskillen florists who provided the beautiful flowers, the ladies who helped, Mrs. M. Hobbs, Mrs. S. Beckett, Mrs. R. Lamb, Mrs. S. Pethick, Mrs. J. Grif- fin and Mrs. J. Siemon. On the closing night, Mrs. O. C. Asli- ton was taken completely by surprise when Carrol Wright on behaîf of the group present- ed her with a beautiful pin. talk about his experiences at was known by the nickname handled by Canadian railways. camp this summer. He was Radical Jack. h'ow This Newspaper Helps Advertisers.,D Apple Day Big Success For Scouting Bowmanville Boy Scout As- sociation heid a highly success- ful Apple Day last Fmiday even- iiîg and Satumday. Althaugh the Scouts and Cubs were hampered by poor wea- ther Friday evening, they wvere still able ta aise a great deai o! funds ta carry on the wvork of bbe Association. As in provious years the As- sociation purchased the appIcs and tumned them over to the two Scout troops and four Cub packs who were esponsible for bbe selling o! the appIts. Representing the Association were Len Lucas, Bob Mutton, Mike VeIzal and Syd Venbon.' In charge o! the boys were Cub- masters Mrs. Jean Woodhey, Vince Mathewson, Bob Evan.s and Luther Welsh and Scout- masters Mel McCoy and Charles Biggs. The money raised fromn Ap- ple Days is used for ahl local Scout and Cub activities eape- cially camping. Wheat accounts for one-thir 1 of the volume o! ai !reight Ads )f Boy Scout Pirosident (Continued from page one) their summer campzactivities. After dinner, Mrs. Carl De- vitt thanked the Legion Ladies for the excellent dinner they had prepared. Everyone joined ia an enjoyable sing-song led by Mrs. Jane Woodley. Minutes o! the 1956 meeting were read by W. J. Cobban and approved by the group. George Marlow gave the treasurer's report. Mr. Presson addressed the audience giving a summary o! the Year's activities. Scouting has progressed this Past year, he said, but needs to go further. He expressed concern about the number o! boys leaving Scout- Notices Dr. K. W. Slemnon's office closed Friday and Saturday this week. Starting Nov. 2, Satur- day office hours 2- 4 p.rn. 43-1* Anyone wishing blankets by sending old woollens or cottons Phone MA 3-2735 or 3-2856 by Nov. lst. Blankets available without woollens for limited time. Sponsored by Haydon W.A. 43-1 Enniskilien: We had a cora- fortably filled Community Hall on bo th Fridavy and Saturday , 1evenings, Oct. 18 and 19 for the two presentations o! the C.G.I.T. autumn concert in spite of the lurking flu bug in aur commun- ity. The entiro performance was given by the 18 C.G.I.T. mem- bers, the three graduating memn- bers, eight pre-members and one ex-member under the di- rection o! the leaders Mesdames O. C. Ashton and R. B. Green. Illness at the last moment pro- vented five girls and Mrs. Green from attending. The programn opened wibh, 0O Canada" wîth4 Nancy Wood, aI the piano, and was foilowed by brie! remarks by the chair- ,man, Rev. R. B. Green on Fri- day evening and Mr. E. Wright on Saturday evening. Pres. Reva McGill gave a speech o! wel- come and introduced the next bhree numbers which were done by the group. with Gloria Wright at the piano. A piano trio "The Camel Train" was nicely mendered by Lois Ashton, Kathryn Slemon and Judy Green. Two humor- ous quartette selections, "I'm Going to Sit Right Down and Write Mysel! a Letter" sud "Ballin,- the Jack," were de- lightfully given by sopranos Nancy Wood and Mary Griffin, altos Carrai Wright and Elenor Heard wbo also gave a brie! skit with "lbits of gossip" about local People. Gloria Wright was accompanist. Ahi tbc girls participated in a Danish folk dance with Elen- or Heard at the piano and ex- plained by Gloria Wright. A one-act play comedy en- titled "Whiskers" had ahi thc members in ils cast as foilows: Aunt Sarah Adams-Doris W right; Uncle John Phelps- Elenor Hleard; Anna, the col- oured Maid-Judy Green; Ma- bel (bride) -Nancy Wood; [nez (maîd o! hionour)-Carrol Wright; Bridesmaids - Lomas Wearn, Linda Stainton, Chervi .iowan; Chester (groom)-Vic- ki Pickering; Parker Glenn (best man)-Linda Yeo; Beth (pianist)-Lois Ashton; May- ne (solo ist) -Phyllis Howelis; flower gir]s-Daphne Green and Pal Turabuhi; Officer- Catbryn Slemon. Guests were M'ary Yeo and Betty Wright, Carol Yellowhees, Laura Grif- in, Marie Nellis, Donna Yel- lwlees, Donna Gail Irwja and Mary Griffin. These were ia- troduced by Reva McGill. The ;cene was a general mîx-up on Xabel's weddiag day which tas happihy straighlened out 43-tf RECETINIST for professional o ffiîce, marr i ed. Apply Adver- tiser 735, c/o The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- manville. 43-1 PART-TIME sales help. Young man, must have car and even-! ings free. For information writeI Advertiser 726, c/o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- manville. 41-3* MAN w a n t o d. Unexpected change causes vacaacy in Dur- ham County and Bowmanville. Splendid oppomtunity for year- round income. For debails write Rawleigb's Dept. K-140-901, 4005 Richelieu, Motreal, Que. 43-1 START now with a permanent Year-rouad business. Dealers rieeded in: Bowmanville, Hamp- ton, Milibmook, Orono, Port HIope and surroundings. You can esa $50 to $75 weekly wibh Our wonderful lineofo necessities needed, daihy. Full details and free catalogue on mequest M. Baker, dept. S. 1600 Delorimier. M4ontreal. 40-41 Repairs RADIO and television repairs. Prompt service. Pick up and Ielivcry. Lamne Doreen, 85 King E. Phone MA 3-5713. 2-tf REPAIRS to ail makes o! refrlg- rators, domestic and com- aercial; milking coolers, Hig- on Elcctric Limited, 42 King St. SPhono MA 3-5438. 25-tf Wat ch Repairinig AT Marr s JE WELLERY J King St. W. MA 3-5463 BOIWMA NVILLE 50-tf toyal Visit Meaning Jgc E. wlth several boys fromn Troop No. 2 who spent a weel< at Gananoque during the manth of July. Mority Emmerson addressed the aulkence regarding hlm two week visit to C amp Kenaway at Haiburton this summer. He gave a brie! history of the camp which is operated by the Rotary Clubs of Toronto. David Maguire who attend. ed the Goodyear Tire & Rub- ber Company Scout camp at Temnagamni also told of his experlences. He qualified for his silver arrowhead badge while attending the camp, he told the group. Jim McDonald informed the audience about the huge Amner- ican Jamboree he attended. It was a wonderful experience, he said. We visited many fan,,- ous cîties and met scouts froma earning this symbol A welI known symbol is like a good reputation-diffcujt, to establish and even more difficult to maintain. During your daily activities-in your store or in your honie-you corne into contact with many trade marks that symbolize an assured measure of performance or quality. They may range from initials on an electricai appliance to words like "sterling" or "prime." Like its counterparts, the membership symbol of the Audit Bureau of Circulations* provides you with a reliable measure of our circulation performance, based on the highest standards known for either print or "broadcast media. ; The A.B.C. symbol cannot be purchased-it must be earned through performance. Continued use of this symbol is predicated on our ability to maintain these highest standards of circulation value. Whenever you think of advertising media, it will pay you to ask, "Does it measure up to A.B.C. standards?" You can be sure it does if you use the advertising columns of- De àMimn 2îtjml *Thisl nevpÊPer l8 a member or zne Audit Bureau of Circulations, a nonprofit, cooperative association of publishers, advertisers, and advertising agencies. Our circulation is audited at regular intervals by experienced A.B.C. circulation auditors and their reporta are made available te our advertisers without obligation. MEASURE 0F SERVICE ... MARK 0F INTEGRITV GET YOUR FREE CAR WASH Fri*day, Oct: 25' FROM 9:30 A.M. UNTIL 6:00 P.M. This special one-day offer is made to introduce our sngw Choldun Automatic Speedy Car Wash Machine ~Washes, IVaxes and Shines at the same time lîe with Purpie Magic Shampoo. Aller Friday the price wiII be $ 1.50 ~ We will pick up and deliver PHONE MA 3-5418 Thils Is the finest car wash in Bowmianville Base Line Garage White Rose Service H. W. Knapp, Proprietor , . 1 More Scouts Needed An aîm o! the Association* h i l should be to have as many boys in Scouts as there are in Cubs. To accompish this we o a need more Scout troops, moreT d y leaders and assistants. This is flot just a local probhem, buît Wherever you go in the wor1.d one of wder sgnificance, ne y~ou expect to find a Bible pointed out. House, excepUerhaps in Spain and behind the iron curtain. It In concluding, Mr. Presson is the centre o! Christian acti- expressed his hopes that there vity, for the Word of God ini might be a camp site its printed form is the hand- feu, miles of ]3owmanville 111 book o! every non-Roman the near future, at which our branch of the Christian church. Scouts and Cubs could have A visitor to Austria at any weekend camps. He suggested time durin g thepteit the camp also serve as a con- mnonths wou ld ind unusual a- servation site. tivity at the Bible House in Highly Honoured....Presldent Vienna. Mr, Herbert said he was high- For days on end it was the ly honoured at being chosen for home of refugees from Hua. the new office. lie commended gary, 25 or more people were Mr. Presson on his fine record put up over-night. At first they o! service as president and had to lie on straw-filed sacks, agreed that boys should be en- later it was possible to provide couraged to enter Scouts. Scout- mnattresses. Meals were provid- ing is a good place to buiid ed, and the staff o! the Bibe character, he pointed out. i. House spared no trouble ur the event of war, Scouts would personal expense to see that undoutedly be caled upon to the Hungarians who were there aid with the injured, il1 sud last Christmas had a service oder persons. Scout training and celebrations. Gifts were wil provide them with th~e provided for the refugees, some kinowledge o! how to suppy Iis O!f homn had not observed assistance, he stated. Christmas for many years. MoreTimeWitl Chidren Vienna is still the centre of More Time With Chii ren distribution of H ungarian Scrp- Commissioner Jackson bold tures for the United Bible Sa- the audience that Parents should cieties.. The Canadian branch spend more time with their has made its contribution to the children. What is the matter maintenance in Austria o! a with aur children, are they s0 Bible House where hope anîd undesirable that we don't want cheer and new life may b. to ho with them, he asked? found. Unless parents are interesteci Suggested readings for tlhe la their sons' scouting activi- week: ties, then the boy will lose in. Sunday-1 Samuel 2:1-9 terest. That is why many lads Monday-2 Samuel 22:1-33 are leaving Scouts. he said. Tuesday-1 Chron. 29:9-20 Presents Certificate Wednesday-2 Chron. 15:1-9 Mr. Jackson presented Bob Thursday-2 Chron. 19:1-11 Evans with his wood badge Friday--Galatians 2:1-21 certificate. Mt. Evans qualified Saturday-Galatians 3:1-291 for the certificate while on a special leader's training course L r uh m hs a e this smmer.Report utimately led to self- Tells Experlences goverament for Canada, was Scout Tom Callan thon gave only 46 when sent here bv an interesting and informative Queea Victoria and in En.gland LGE rnFTLýEN 1 VOTERS' LIST POSTEb 1 1 -. ---*- W MAVA"TAW OMAmmuneaw - By m ir

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