* -. - ~-.*~S'-. IYm7U AT, 0M. !4th, 1957 TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 'FOWLER - BANM!RS Centre Street United Cburcb, Oshawa, was the scene o! the mnarriage on Saturday a!ter- nioon, Oct. 12, a! Iris Laura Eli- zabeth Sandens, daughter o! Mn. and Mrs. Fredenickton Roy Sanders, Lake St. Peter. Ont., and Floyd Thomas Fawler, soli of Mr. and Mrs. Robent James Powler o! Oshawa. The ceremany was per!orm- by Rev. A. F. Cawan in a set- ting formed by yellow and white 'mumis. Mn. Ronald Kel- lington presided at the argan and played the wedding music. Mn. Arnold Sanders, brother o! the bride, gave ber in mar- niage. The, bride bad chosen a waltz length gown Qf white bri- caded satin on princess lineý warn with a jacket fashioned with lily point sleeves. A bro- caded satin pili box held ber nylon tulle veil. She canied a satin and lace Bible on xvhich rested an orcbid, the streamers tîed with white baby 'munis. The bride was attended by ber sîsten, Mrs. Matha Kichko as matron ai honour, and niec.e Miss Madge MeKernon as 'Pridesmaid. They ware Identi- cally styled gawns of turquoise crystal charm on princess linos with a large bow and stream- ers at the back. Their head- dresses were feathered capulets and they canried cascades of white and yellow chrysanthe- mums. Mr. Henry Yurko was best man, and ushering were Mr. Karl Fowler and Mr. Arnold Sanders. Guests were received in the church parlors, the bride's mo- ther wearing a navy street length dress with pink bat and gioves and corsage of pink ras- es. The graom's mother was ini copper crystal charm in street length, warn with beige bat and accessories and fur cape. Her corsage was of yellow roses. Guests were present frorn Bancroft, Bowmanville, Burke- ton, Enniskillen, Peterborough and Toronto. Leaving on their wedding trip ta Niagara Falls and Buffalo, N. Y., the bride wore a grey flannel suit with avocado green accessonies and an orchid cor- sage. The couple will reside at 41 Ontario Street. L. A. PARKER & SONS PLUMBING *aIIEATING -Oit BURNERS 47 King St. E. Phone MA 3-56511 r9t t ea0 to teen-agers. . you can't go wrong with the %"Gift of Thrift" ls the idleal gif t lor: " Birthdays " Losing irst tooth " Christmîas " Passing Grades " or any' othier special occasion. Open their fund for the future "t.MYB~H BANK OF MONTRSAL. e4444 4a c«4 é Bowmanville Branch: Oshawa Branchi WORKING WITH JAMES BELL, Manager FRANK BEDFORD, Manager CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE SINCE 1817 S-334t M-ai ùmy t Weddings FELGATE - WOOD -,1 The marriage af Maxine Yvonne Wood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wood of New- tonville and George Frank Fel- gate, Unionville, Ont., was sol- emnized Saturday, Sept 21 at 3 o'clock in Newtonvile United Church. The groom Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Felgate of Un- ionvilie. Rev. R. C. Whyte conducted the double ring ceremony. The church was beaultifully decorated with standards of1 yellow and bronze mums and ferns. Mrs. Ross Hallowell of Bowmanvilie, played the wed- ding music and accompanied the soloist Mrs. Morley Robin- son of Starkville who sang "The Lord's Prayer" before the cere- mony and "Because" during the signing of the register. The or- ganist and soloist were cousins of the bride. The bride, given In marriage by ber father, was in a fuli length gown of white satin on princess lines baving a scoop V neckline and the sleeves were long and pointed over the hand. The full skirt feul into a chapel train. Her finger-tip veil of ny- lon net was held in place by a white satin beadpiece studded with pearîs and she carried a cascade of Tawney Gold roses and stephanotis. Mrs. Jack Pye-Finch of To. ronto, was matron of honori wearing green crystal cbarm- and the bridesmaids were Mrs. Jim Ruddell of Toronto in yel- low crystal charm and Mrs. Mike Gleeson in pink crystal charm. Ail ware identically styled gowns with matchingI headpieces studded with pearîs and matching mîttens. Thevi carried nosegays of yellow and bronze 'mums with net petals. and the ushers wer'ý Mr. Har- old Wood, brother of the bride, and Mr. Larry Briggs. The icception was held 1n the church hall. The brides mother received in a princess style dark royal blue brocaded taffeta dress with hat of cham- pagne velvet, match ing gloves, and a corsage of piniz roses. As- sisting was the groomn's miother who chose a deep powder blue satin sheath dress with whtlŽ r feather bat and matching gloves atnd a corsage of pink roses. Tecouple left on a wedding! FINNIE - RAJSKI The wedding of Ingrid Meta Rajski, daughter or Mr. anal Mrs. Joseph Rajski of Bethany and Myles Victor Finnie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Finnie of Peterborough, took place Sat- urday, Oct. 19, in St. Paul's An- glican Church at Bethany with the Rev. G. E. M-ades officiat- mng for the double ring cer.- mony. Mr. Robert Sisson was organ- ist and accompanied soloist Miss Marilyn Scott of Oakwood, sing- ing "The Lord's Prayer" and "~Oh Promise Me". Given in marriage by lier fa- ther, the bride was lovely in her floor length Victorian stylef gown of white satin and net with lace overlay. A fitted lace jacket with long pointed sleeves and wing collar topped the strapless bodice. Her finger tip veil of nylon net was caught ta a crown o! sequins and pearîs. She was carrying a cascade o! red roses. Miss Lylia Finnie, the groorn's sister was maid of honor, gown- ed in pink shrimp chiffon, styl- ed with full ballerina skirt and insert of lace in the fitted bu- dice with draped necklîne. Bridesmaids were Miss Donna Bonsteel and Mrs. Kenneth But. cher o! Peterborough, wearing identical gowns o! romance blue chiffon, full ballerina skirts with shirrecl bodice and draped neckline. The charming little flower girl was Karen Finnie, niece of the groom, who wore pink shrimp chiffon with shirred ho- dice and short full skirt. Ail the attendants wore fea- thered bandeaux to match their dresses and each carried bou- quets of white 'mums. Mr. Wallace Finnie ai Peter- borough was groomsman for his brother. Ushers were Darrel Ackford of Kitchener and Ken- neth Butcher of Peterborough. A reception for over 100 guests who came from Toronto, Markham, Kitchener, Black- stock and Peterborough, was held at the Kawartha Golf and Country Club, where the bride's mother received in a gown of dusty rose lace aver taffeta, with matching jacket. Her bati and gloves were also in the same dusty rose shade with black accessories. Her corsagel was a! yellow roses. The groam's mother wore a sheath gown oi royal blue silk with winter white bat and gloves and corsage of white roses. Honored guests were Mrs. Fred Schilling, grandmother ai' the bride and Mrs. Fred Wal- lace, grandmother of the groom. Wben leaving on a mator trip ta tbe.New England States the bride was wearing a beige and gold tweed suit, golden velvet bat and gloves with chocolate brown accessaries and corsage o! yellow roses. Mn. and Mrs. Finnie will live at 541 Aylmer St. in Peterbor, ough. - LARMER - McDOUGALD The United Church at St. Mary's, Ontario, was the scene a! the wedding on Saturday afternoon, Oct. 12, o! Marlon Margaret McDougald and Glenn Herbent Larmer. The bride is the daugbter o! Mrs. A. Eàson 1McDougald and the late Mn. McDougaid o! St. Mary's and the groom is the son o! Mn. and Mrs. Ernest M. Larmen o! Blackstock. Rev. R. D. Crosby officiated. The bride was given in marr- lage by ber brother, Mn. H. Allan McDougald, and wore a bailenina length gown, the skint fasbioned o! tiers o! white scailoped thantilly lace aven satin and the fitted bodice with velvet tnim. A fitted sleeve baiera had a Peter Pan collar. A hala head piece embnoidered in fine seed peanis held ber shoulden length veil af silk ill- usion. She carried a white Bible crested with white rose buds. Miss Doris Scott ai Preston was maid o! bonour, and Mrs. Bruce Seebach o! Hanoven and Miss Donna Deighton o! London were bridesmaids. Ail worel identical gowns of bumming bird green velvet with matchinrg slippers and feathen headdress- es. Their gloves were ai white kid and they cannied Colon- ial bouquets o! white 'mums and pink carnations. Mn. Stuart Dorreli of Black- stock was groomsman and ush- ers were Mn. John McDougaid, Fulrton, and Mn. William Fer- guson, Blackstock. Mn. J. L. Poynten played the wedding music and accompan- led the soloist, Mrs. Hanold Kyte o! Biackstock, who sang "O Perfect Lave". The weddîng reception was held in the Sunday Sehool rooma o! the church where the bnide's mother received the guests wearing a dress a! navy silk with pink accents and pink bat. The groom's mother assisted wearing a dress o! wine crepe with black velvet bat and black accessanies. Each ware a cor- sage o! pink roses and white 'mums. Miss Jean Cryderman af Osh- awa and Miss Laurel Robinson o! St. Mary's served the bride's table. For the wedding tnip ta Nortbern Ontario, the bride chose a green tweed suit with tangerine and dark brown acc- essanies and a fun neck piece, the gift o! the groom. The cou- ple will reside at R.R. 2, Nestle- tan. Guests wene present at the wedding !romn Ottawa, Trenton, Blackstock and district, Oshawa Bowmanville, London, Wood- stock, Hanover, Preston, St. Many's and district. The bride is a graduate of manu - Victoria' Hospital School af Nursing, London, and the groom is a graduate of Kemptville Agricultural School. Prior to her marriage the bride was feted at several showers. Mrs. Ralph Larmer, str-n--awof the groom, was hostess at a miscellaneous shower at ber home in Black- stock. Other groups who en- tertained in bonour of the bride- elect were the St. Mary's Girls' Club, the nigbt staff of Oshawa General Hospital, and the Fui- larton 4H Club. OSBORNE - JOHNSTON trip ta Niagara. Their future address is Kingston. The bride travelled in a me- dium blue tailore4 suit, beigel bat and matching gloves with navy suede shoes and purse. Her corsage was of buf! Pinoc- chia sweetheart roses. The bride attended Bowman- ville high schooi and Bowmar.- ville Business School. The groom attended Danfortb Tech- nical Scbool, Richmond High schoal and is now a !ourth year student at Queen's University, Kingston. During bigh scbool days be was praminent in In- ter-Collegiate boxing and wrest- ling. Many sbawers were beld for the bride. Mrs. Jim English of Bowînanville, entertained at a pantry showen; Mrs. Mike Glee- son, Toronto, at a miscellaneaus shower; Mrs. Kenneth Smith, Toronto, aunt af the bride, en- tertained at a miscellaneousi sbower. Mrs. Heaton, Toronto,f also entertained at a miscýellan- eous shower, and a kitchen shower, and a luggage set were given by the Wood Gundy & Ca. office where the bride wals employed. An aIl white bridai basket o! cbrysanthemums flanked wîth standards of the samne flowers in shades o! yellow and bronze with white and ivy trails, the pews designated witb large wbite cluster bows, farmed the setting in Tyrone United Cburch, Tyrone, for a weddin.ý at 3:30 p.m. Saturday afternoon, October 12tb, when Miss Rae Evelyn Johnston was united in marriage with Mr. Raymond Earl Osborne. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jahin Johnston of Tyrone, Ontario, and the bridegroom is tbe son o! Mr. and Mrs. Charles Os- borne o! Bowmanville, Ontario. Rev. F. Jackson performed the ceremany. The wedding music ,vas played by Miss Louise Osborne, aunt o! the bridegroom, and Mn. Sam Burn- side of Oshawa sang "Because", "O Perfect Lave" and "I'il Walk Beside You." Given in marriage by ber fathen, the bride wore a full length gawn o! frast white French velvet on princess lines, buttaned down the back. Gui- pure flowen patterned lace studded with rbinestones ac- cented the V neckline, and tiny buttons fastened the long lily Point sleeves. The billowing skirt of unpressed pleats flow- ed into a cathedral train. A crawn a! pearîs, sequins and rhinestanes beld ber veil o! tulle illusion, edged with fine flowen edging. She ware a sin- gle strand o! pearîs with pearl and rhinestone earrings, and carnied a cascade o! white sweetheart rases, feathered carnations and stephanotis. The bridal attendants were Mrs. Vivian Lince o! Part Per- ry, Miss Donna Vice, Enniskil- len and Mrs. Bruce Down a! Oshawa, ail gawned alike in princess style red velvet gawns with matching shoes and bats and three quarter length white gloves. They wore the brîde's gift necklets o! peanîs with matching earrings, and carried cascades o! white shas- ta chrysanthemums. The flowen girls, Miss Hea- ther Lince and Miss Penny Lince, nieces a! the bride, were small replicas o! the senior at- tendants in thein red ve] -t frocks with matching Y s. They, too, wore pearîs, the ,ift o! the bride, and carried> jas- kets o! white chrysanthe- Ims. The ring bearer was Mastr Da- vid Johnston wearing a navy and gray suit and carrying the- rings on a white velvet cushion. The best man was Mn. R. Os- borne o! Bawmanviile, brother of the bridegroom, and usher- ing were Mr. Francis Johnston o! Tyrone, brother o! the bride, and Mr. George Osborne of -Oshawa, the bridegroom's bro- ther. The reception was held in tbe cburch hall where the bride's mothen received the guests weaning a dress af navy lace aven taffeta accented with rbinestone clips at the square neckiine, navy velvet bat and navy accessanies. Assisting was the bnidegroom's mather who chose blue gray silk taffeta on pnincess lines wîth lace yoke trimmed with pearîs and se- quins with whicb she ware a black hat tnimmed in shades o! rose and black accessanies. Th ey bath wone corsages o! pink fea- tbered carnations. White tulle formed the set- ting fon the tbree tien wedding cake which centened the table fan the bridai party, and ar- rangements o! mixed flowers deconated ail the tables. Grace was offereci by Rev. F. Jack- son, and Mn. W. Rundle, as toastmasten, propased a toast ta the bride, whîch was respondt- ed to by the bridegroom. Mn. Ronald Osborne, brother a! the bridegnoom, pnaposed the -toast ta the bridai attendants. The bride's fathen voiced good wisbes ta the bridai couple and appreciation ta the Womern's Association a! Tynone Cbuncb for serving the wedding dinner. The newîy wedded couple left laten fan points East, travelling by motar car. For the honey- moan trip the bride donned a royal blue flannel suit an tail- oned lines with matching shoes and bag, a white bunny fur bat, white giaves and a corsage of double gandenias. On thein return the couple[ wiIl reside in Cauntice, Ontario. The bride is supervisan a! Spe- cial Diets, Oshawa General Hos- pital, and the bridegroam is connected with the Oshawa Wood Pnoducts. Out o! town guests were present fnom To- ronto, Haley's Station, Ennis- kîllen, Courtice, Newcastle, Bowmanville. Richmond *Hill and Oahawa. Miss Sanders Entertained at Many Parties Miss Iris Laura Elizabeth Sanders whose marriage ta Mn. Floyd Thomas Fowler was sol- emnized in Centre Street Unit- ed Churcb, Osbawa, on October 1 12, was entertained at many pre- nuptial parties. Mrs. Charles Balfour was hostess at a miscellaneous show- er at ber home on Hortop Ave., Oshawa. Assisting the- hostess in serving were Mrs. R. Bagg, Mns. R. Balfoun, Mrs. J. Rîddell and Mrs. K. B. Watson. The bride and groom were entertained by friends and re- latives at a social evening, in- cluding dancing and a miscel- laneaus showen beid in the Bow- manvilie Lions Centre. On arnival home the future bride was surprised by many a! ber co-workers fnom General Motors, at a crystal shower. Re- freshments were served by the bostess, Mrs. S. Kicbko the ma- tran-af -honon. A cammunity sbower was beld in the lowen ball af Cour- tice United Church. The party was arranged by Mrs. Mary De Coe and Mrs. Phyllis Cowle. The future bride and groom re- ceived many miscellaneous gifts. Fram ber co-workers of Gen- eral Motors Wiring Department, the bride received an electnie mixer. Fnom. bis co-workers t General Mators, the groom ré - ceived a travelling alarm dcock. Following the nebearsal Fr1- day evening the bridai party were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fowler, parents of the prospective bride- gro.MORRISH health, also ail those suffering The Village Grill closed Sat- urday, Octoben i9th after a busy summer and Mr. and Mrs 1'. G. Langfeld took Mrs. Mi!- dred Colley and the three girls, Patricia, Lynda and Virginia, to the Toronto Zoo ta celebrate. Mn. Gerald Graham, 2nd yean Theological student of Knox College, delivered a splendid sermon in the Presbyterian Cburcb on Sunday marning. Rev. R. Campbell and Mrs. Campbell were at Wick wbere be was conducting Anniversary services. Mn. and Mrs. Charles Gist and Mr. and Mrs. R. Davison entertained Mr. Gerald Graham and also Mr. and Mrs. Carl El- lot and baby David on their ist wedding anniversary. Sunday visitars with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson were Miss Agnes Lamb. Mr. and Mrs. AI- lister Lamb, Gloria, Dorothy and Murray of Fenelon Falls. Miss Joan Marvin, a patient in Peterborough Civic Hospital, had a relapse last week. Latest news is that Joan is coming along nicely. We trust this im- provement will continue. The deepest sympatby af this cammunity is extended ta Mn. and Mrs. Dan Powell a! Camp- belîcroft in thein recent bereave- ment o! their infant son, Bnian. Mrs. Powell, nee Barbara Mc- Connell, grand-daughten o! Mn. J. McConnell is well known in andi around Morrish and lt is witb sorrow we repart the pass- ing o! this second infant son. Sunday Scbool was heid at 9:45 a.m. on Sunday, Oct. 2Oth. There wene very f ew present- eight teachers and eight child- nen. It is a very long time since sa few were present. Colds, mumps and jaundice are mast prevalent. Rally Day next Sun- day, we hope. S. S. was con- ducted by the supenintendent, Mrs. Fred McConnell. We hope the skunks are really gane for gaod for there are na new hales in our iawns this past week. Some a! the haies are as large as tnacups or langer. It will be quite a chore ta fi and level these unsightly reminders af aur midnight hunters. Nesileton Statlin Mn. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson and Mrs. Herman Samelis tock Miss Gwen Wilson ta Queen's University, Kingston, aften the holiday weekend. Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip enjayed a visit ta the St. Law- rence Seaway aven the week- end. Mns. M. Bowman, Wbitby, visited ber daughter, Mns. Charles Vine. Mn. and Mns. Byron Nesbitt, Columbus, and Mn. Leon Bray- ley, Toronto, called at the NEs- bitt home an Sunday. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mns. Bill De Vries (nee Dinnie Hammers o! Whitby) who were marnied an Octoben Sth and visited bis brother in Worth, Illinois, on thein haneymoon. Mn. Johnny Reynolds came home fromn Sunnybrook Hospi;- tai and friends are pleased ta see hlm. araund town again. Mn. and Mns. Jas. Naylor, Pe!!enlaw, visited the Grant Thompsan's. The Misses McKay, Toronto, visited their aunt, Mrs. John Dickey, Mn. and Mrs. Rupert Morriq, Lindsay, visited Mn. and Mns. Jas. Harris. Mn. and Mns. Max Fallis and family, Gananoque, and Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Fallis, Jr., Toronto, were at their summer home aven Thanksgiving. from f lu in the cammunity. Sorny ta repart Mn. Leonard Joblin bas not been well and friends wîsh bim impraved, BoWmanville U.N.I.C.E.F. TAG DAY October 25-m26 Sponsared by BOWMANVILLE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL WOMEN'S CLUB Your contribution to the United Nations Children's Fund (U.N.I.C.E.F.) can do so much for the world's chidren. TREASURER: Dorothy Virtue - Balmoral Hotel #Waterproof os lome et ovydeola Watte, rse unopined. OnIy o co.p.ta* I.wlee *4uId repiao.cr>.aitoîosclube cas.. When you have a Cold..... ani fbel low and misorablo with dry, parchodl throat. or when thes Doclor tllUs you Io tako "plonty of Iiquids"., MARR'S JEWELLERY King St. W. Bowmanville The Fi estGit'ofA . A We Th Fýîe.tWa.c ,ôfA.1UsARe 4-*I* 'I Miss Joyce Graham aiso visited Miss Eunice Wilson. Mrs. Herman Samells enter- tained Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stew- art, Peterborough, Miss Mar- garet Hutchison, Toronto. and Mr. and Mrs. A. Heatherington, Fenelon Falls. Congratulations ta Mrs. W. E. Beacock who celebrated her 82nd birtbday this past wveek. Miss Olive Beacotk of Oshawa, visited at home. HIGHLY STYLED MODERATELY PRICED LADIES' WEAR La Vogue YÇacc/ueiLne Cor. Athol & Celina, Oshawa PAGt "Min Ip