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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Oct 1957, p. 6

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T2~E CMq'ADIAW RAW~1AW mP~wum~u t ~ -~ - -- - -- - - .'..~. ~ v. ~V~LKW W~* '..'&1 ~ THURSDAY, OCT. J4Uk, Il?? We Give Sci An niversa rl Bethany: On Sunday the con- gregation of the Bethany UnÉt- ecI Church celebrated the 57th anniversary of the building of the present church. Rev. Robert B. Green, M.A., B.D., o! Enniskilllen was the guest minister. At the morning service Mr. Green took his texi fromn Malachi 1:7. "'Ye offer polluted bread upon mine ai- tar". Basing his remarks on "Offering Our Best To God", Mr. Green said "The prophel Malachi charged the early Isra- elites with irreligion and in- gratitude. 'Ye offer polluted bread upon the Altar' might lie interpreted in our day as 'You keep the best for yourselves and give the scraps ta God'. Your donations to church sup- port should reaily be thought of as an offering to God Hirm- self. Are we not Christian stewards? Yet we do nat put God first. Instead, he is away dlown the line in our mone 'y calculations. The Church is tho basic inspiration of ail goud causes. We must flot think of aur offering to God in terms of monev only. We shouid dedicate our lives to His service. At the evening service Mr. Green spQke on -Measuring The Tcmý,plc" taking his text froni the Book of Revelations. '"Hoxv do we measure up? The Church is alv',ays surveYed by critical eyes. Is the, Church making a good accounit of itself? Are wP as churcli members measurin-g up to the Divine standards? We mnust appraise ourselves. Are wc doing what God wants and expccts us to do? Are we giving aur young people the rigl't kinci of guidance in their prob- lems of living in today's chao- tic world? We could use aur ineasuring rod and ask aur- Specials 98e Rapid Shave ---79e ITwo Johnson's Baby Powder __ 1.19 1, Price Woodbury Shampoo ____69e Vacuum Botties ___ 79e 100 .A.S.A. Tabs. ____19e Cough Syrup 60C - 1.00 Vlcks Cough Syrup 630 Pertussin for Coughs 690 - 1.19 GIVE A Extra YV Mulcin -1.1 Haliborange 1. Polyvisol Tri Visol-1 Osto A.-D.-C. 1. Halibut Oil Calsules 1.1 Cadol _____1. NyaI CREOPHOS- Large bottle Wamxoie's PHOSPHOPLEX HeIps Tired Nerves 2.50 - Liquid or Tabiets 9 COWL PHONE MA 3-5695 DRUG % Buy 0OW and Save! 1957 Chevrolet 4-door Sedan Local«v ownad car with only 9.000 miles, txvo-tone paint and custom radio --- ---- --- 1 S5 I Chevrolet 4-door Sedan Ne\v tires and paint ------ 1953 Chevrolet 4-door Sedan 1951 Chevrolet 4-door Sedan S$1475 S$1195 $ 695 1955 Dodge 4-door Sedan In real gaod$19 shape 1953 Chevrolet Bel Air Four-door Sedan $1295 Fully equipped -------.----- 1953 Chevrolet 2-door Sedan m $1150 1941 Chevrolet Coach Cheap transportation -- ------ . 65 Used Truck Special 1953 FORD 2-TON STAKE In A-i Condition - Fitlly Reconditioned 1 ONLY $975 Robson Motors Lum.ted BUICK - PONTIAC - G.M.C. TRUCK DEALER 166 King St. E. Bowmanville MA 3-3321 raps to God: variety program in the hallWas C rOfe to S p asked to get two dozan knives and forks for W.A. 'vn e o y orso r S r o Mrs. L. Malcolrq moved we 'Yne od orso have elactrical outiat installed: at the back o! the churcb, se- s erve jst I l m, hat klnd o! ,onded by Mrs. M. Emerson. Winter witb its siippery road less of how much da-iclng a chrc oustld eaur cburchfbe?" A. book was read by Mrs. conditions is -nearing and the chemical il may have picked Up. Ghuast solitour he ay wacaaoc. ert vte o familiar cmplaint froni motor- The washing required for rust Doh Guest soos o Lndsava thanks was givan ta bostess au-id ists that the salI and chlorida contrai is a vigorous hosing Miss'Do Green PstureLins ayIM rs. Bower's group and ladies' used ta de-ica roads bas a banm- down o! ail mataI especially -un- who ang1 ,,eUtoYu"i who served dainty lunch and fui affect on car bodies will der tbe vebicie. Either a staam I "e ce LaveUno Y~un~cup o! tea thal brougbt meet- soon be heard. or water hose wiil do tbe job the marning: "~The Lord s My ing ta close. However the truth of the effectively. t heped avndg "Myhe a accom- Leanard Joblin bas been un.- matter is that saIt and chioride In bninging this to the atten- p na atthe aran 1» Ms dr ocors cae. Hoehe soanco - wili have no affect on a car tion o! the public, W orks I-ore- JaneCoute rantbypoossl. be feeling better.j providing the owner frequant- mari Lloyd Quintan statas that Tbane choiruer te ldr- Mn. and Mrs. Malcolm Emer- ly wasbes bis vehicle. bis departmant bas- littie choice sh oi r ry Fdrston laner- son visited Mr. and Mrs. W.1 Experts in the automotive in the matter o! an effective shitho Mr. CarencPreRon asc Crud, Barrie, on Wednesday.j field point out that the chemi- ice control program. withMrs Clrene Rwanas'Mr. and Mrs. Taivert Kellott, cals themselves do flot actually Eitber the town uses sait on arganist sang four antbams, -I Milibroak, Sunday dinner guests corrode auto bodies. These the raads and tbe owners pro- Wil aica Sount", "risa, Hon- aI W. Armstnong's. chemicals have a tandency ta tact their cars with frequent > oc a nd lar",an eus Sa- Mr. and Mrs. Don Stutt visit- absorb and ratain moisture arci washings or the roads go un- or ad Gln nd "esusSa- ed Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Em- this is what causas the damlag-. attended allawing the accident viaus Filot Me". erson an Sunday. Hence a car that is washed I îtoîî ta climb. Rev. R. R. Bonsteel express- Mn. and Mrs. Stewart, Toron-i frequently through the winterl on cbacking with taxi pro- ad sincere thanks te Mr. Green ta, visitad Mr. and Mrs. Grant season will net corrode regard- prietars in tawn Mn. Quinton for bis inspiring message n apela aiy found tbat thain vebiclas show- ta Miss Dorotby Guest for bier Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hunter,* g , * ed no signs a! rust or corrosion Lmusic. Port Ferry, Mr. Stanley Mal- t ciI Vî f since they are wasbed two and Tai bsktso!chysnte-colim and Laurence, caîîed on th îree limes a weak. munis and gladioll banked the Lanard Joblin and Mr. Art The tawn-owned trucks are Ialtar of the church. Jackman 100 was a balpfuli 'i r~I)'~ aiso frequently wasbad and ai- Many wara present from out- companion for a couple a! days. Pai t L B' though soma are many years sida points ta attend the ser-1 Visilors aI R. F. Bowlas r- r old, thare is no sign o! body de- vices of worship. centîy xvera Mr. and Mrs. Duk 4 r n yp o cay. P earson from the U.S.A. andj Mr. Vaughan Pearson and bis1 otpl: Te aswe; North Nesilefln ' 1mother, Mrs. E.Pearsono ofT-.ha bThabsyoepasr wem- BLACKSTOCK October meeting a! Nestietan cousins of Dr. Bowles and aiso erso u LclLO1. O W.A. met at the home of Mrs. are brathers o! bhe famous and Wednesday evening R.W. S.s The Octobar meeting o! bbc VicorMacol's wth rei-distinguished "Mike" Pearson , Cora Johnsbon Grand Mîistress1 W.A. of St. John's Anglican dent in the chair. There were \viiinei of the 1957 Nobel' Pcac'-i IOtni tpidhnof- Cuca ad nteFrs 18 adis peset ad ~ Awad.cial visit te tha lodga. Visitops 1 Hall with'the president presid- children. Mrs. L. Malcolm was i Miss Hazal Carscadden, To. vr-rsn rm ahn n n n 1 imaspaet at tha argan. Mrs. G. Jackson rente, and tbe Edgar Emerson, Janelvilla L.O.B.A.'s. Tha Doncas Sacretary reported lad in prayer and Devotional. t amiiy also callad on Dr. Bawlas1 During tha cvening Sister that since bbc last meeting a Mrs. E. Bowcrs raad Scripture. and Mrs. Mackie..1 Ruth Whitnell (nea Ruth Hick- fine bale of ncw and- usad Rail cali was answered with a Mrs. D. Slaep o! Toranto, vis- son) who was raccntly wad clothing had been sent ta e h Thanksgiving thought. ited Mr. and Mrs. Wl!r dl was bbe recipient o! a nice gifî W.A. House, Toronto, also bwvo Mrs. Wilson asked bhc ladies i Bowles and Mr. and Mrs. Nu- itram ber Lodge. The Grand quiîts quilted, ana for bhc bale wbat they thaught o! sbarbing! gent aI the Richard Bowles. Mistress read tha address and and one custom work. It was the meeting at 2 o'clock, ladies 1Mr. and Mrs. Chester McGratb' tbc War. Mistrass made the decidcd ta answar an appeai ail in favour. Last preparatians of Mapie Grave, aI Mr. and presentation of a bassack la from the Anglican Women's for supro o.itwr Mrs. Delbert Bcacock's. ISis. Whitnell. Aftar Lodge a Training collage with a dona- superanNo. tI er idainty lunch and social chat tion and also ta bring aur made. They dacidad ta hava a. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Johns and oe«noydThkOfrigbxst te --isoli Biliy visited Mrs. Johîns' Oncre enjycd. ' Tbank-OffchrchSuavng be ta the _________ _______- isister at Frankford. Sunday. O ndyeeigte edcuc udy coa 7b IjMrs. Ida. Taylor spent a few their draw and dance vhicb A get-well card Was signed by days ut the Lawrence Malcolmis. wvas largely attended. Eastern- ail prasent ta ha sent ta a val- G enti adRoss and Murray Beatty callj ers'. Orchestra supplied gocil ued membar, Mns. John Car- i dat Malconia Fines duning the nmusic and a good tima was baci 1ter wlî was ill in Memonial WIth Iron and Vitamins weekend. by ail. About $200 was realized. Hospital, Bowmanville. Final CadusAnivrsrywa a - arrangements wara made for Liudor Tablets tCaddmus annivaresar waspao- tbbc Iurkey supper. The study Liiplanedby a ew N rs Qtiet tao book chapter "The future in 1.35 - 3.29 - 5.9 pie.ngatetavnirl seQrttte alD UflJNL1 New Malaya" was baken by sangat te evnin serice lsoMrs. Banc, assistad by Mrs. H-. One A Day i Mrs. Gwcn Malcolm a solo. Mr. Mrs. John Carter returned McLaughlîn and Mrs. T. Smith. Mulipe itain iMcl McCoy af Bunketon, gava. home fram Memorial Hospital, Meeting was closed by Canon Multile Viaminsforth with Iwa enjoyabie num-î Bowmanville, on Fniday o! lasi Chapenlin, after which lunch 1.40 - 2.50 - 3.95 - 79 bes aI tha morning service. week. BesI wishes for continu- was served by group three 1 D nnisary on Uited h hl ecd impravement in bealth. 1 with Mrs. Geo. Staniland as CM Buekley's Sunday, Octobar 27. Spacial MrPhlpSndladM.M convener. 1 chacten, Montreal, were sp Congratulations ta Mn. and Mixture musie dDueteker aesreadx-par guesîs o! Mr. and Mns. Il. Mrs. RobI. Bninkman (Mary itamins ofpatidfluez t yartewdsraagBnaon Wcdnesday o! lasI tWilson) who wena married in .5. .5,4.5 59e - 850 !ifue ay rag-A4e k. the United Cburcb bare Satur- ___________ nints bave had ta ha changea Congratulations ta Mn. and day afbernaon. The ladies o! .50, .75,4.85but prospects ara stili brigbt. Mrs. Sam Adamns (nec Lama i the W.M.S. servad the weddingt .00, 1.75, 3.25 Vieks Reagnat ta bava laarned thFit Cochrane) who were marnied refreshmenîs in the Sunday Mrs. E. Minsball o! Burford lias at Enniskillen parsanage on Sehool raom. .95, 3.45, 4.90 Rab sufferad a stroke and is quite Saturday. IMn. and Mrs. John Rabmt ilow. Mn. and Mrs. Ken Minshall Mn. and Mrs. Howard Tbomp. and Mn. and Mrs. Stan Rahm .55, 2.80, 4.00 59o - 1.09 hava rushed te ha at thein nia- son, Ficton, wcra Sunday visil- warc guests at tbc Watt-King .00, 1.65, 4.25 tbcr's hadside. ors with Mn. and Mrs. K. Rab- wcdding in bbc St. Stephen's Boelin. Churcb. Oshawa, Saturday. 1rm Mrs. Wm. McLaughlin spent Mn. and Mrs. Harold Kyte 1,2.29, 4.29 Quinine I t an Brid e Sunday in Oshawa visiting with lcft Saturday for a tnip ta i ~iI~ yM r. and Mns. Harold Wright. Arizona. Miss Alice Kyte, Till-1 .00, 1.65, 2.90 49o 79o * The Thanksgiving service on sonburg, is visibing bbc Kyte Is Lntertained Oct. 20, was net very well aI- childrcn. tnded due ta so many people Mrs. R. J. Buckbam and son f Stops stubborn Coughs Four lovaly bridai sbowers being ilI with bbc f lu. Rav. H. Paul, New Liskaard, visiîcd 1wera held for Miss Ingrid Rai- Turner o! Bowmanville. wbo Mrs. R. J. Banks and Mr. and - 1.50 ski o! Bethany prieo taehanbh- was guesî speaker, dclivened Mrs. A. Falk. caming tbc bride a! Mn. Myles txvo vary fine addrasses. Durn~g Mrs. Henry Armstrong o! aý Finnia o!fPeterborough on Oct. the evcning service, the congre- Burnt River spent a few days 38 SUPERANAHIST 19. gation anjoycd two lovely duets lasb weak wibb Mr. and Mrs. si i Fallow employcas of Tilco rendarcd hy Miss Lorraine Mc- Ray McGill. a: Tablets _____ 60c, 1.00' Ltd., anrangad a miscellaneous Gi and Mr. Lloyd Wilson, un- Miss Dalla Lathangue, Bow- ir showar. Hostassas for a kitchani der the direction o! Mrs. D.- ________ Cough Syrup -____ 1.00 ancd pantry sbowar wanc the1 Wilson, ail o! Yciverton. Spa- groom's mothar, Mrs. Stewart cial thanks wcre givan te ail Finnia and ber daughter, Miss those who contnihubaci ta bbc Lylia Finnie. Miss Donna Bon- service. isteal o!fPeterborough, enter- Although Easten Is quiteaa tainaci witb a crystal shower few months away, an Easter and a miscellaneaus sbower was lily in bbc home a! Mis. R. Banc TO E TRBUSSES the wadding, bbe hide's mobh- the flower bcd. Il began to an, Mrs. Joseph Ra.jski enter- grow again and lata in the suni tained at a trousseau tea. mer il had produced sevp,-a1 U CI Si Si Si t il Iar ro 'j' W( new shoots. About mid-October Mrs. Bona noticed a bud forni- ing on it, and she dug it Up and repotted it and brought it in the house. Now it is in fuli bloom. Mrs. Lloyd Slingerland, Nia- gara-an-the-Lake, spent Sunday with Mrs. Florance Caughill. Mrs. K. Roblin spent a few days with friands in Picton last week. A warn, welcome is extandad to Mr. and Mrs. Cammnack and familxr of Whitby, who have moved int the housa formerly owned by Mr. and Mrs. S. Hall. Mr. Wm. Hoskins is spending a tèw days at Niagara-on-tha. Lake, visiting friands. Mr. and Mrs. Eari Stuart, Nia- gara Falls, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Sinclair. Mr. Edgar Strutt spent a day or two in Pontypool last waak. Mrs. Hughes who has beeni very iii at the homne of heri daugh 'ter, Mrs. Rilda Steven- son, in Toronto, is stili in very poor health. Best wishes for ai speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. H. Trick, Lind. say, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Taylor and other friands in the village. rhey attended the Thankoffer- ng Service on Sunday. Mr. Everet Strutt is visiting friends in Lindsay. Don't forget tp attend bhe rumymage sale on Saturday in' the Public School. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hagervorst and famnily were in Lindsay an Saturday. Mr. Ban Hubbard is a victim! of the flu this waek. We wish hîm a Swift recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Adams' nd girls. Bowmanville, spentý *unday,, with Mr. and Mrs. E, M. Adams. Don't forget ta turo your iocks back ta Standard Time aturday nigbt. Sunday School will be at the suai time af 10.30 arn. and riurch service at 1l a.m. next ;unday. Miss Joan McCov. ',%r. and [î's. Stan Moffat, Oshawa, wvere ;unday visitors of Mrs. W. Bry- Mr. and Mrs. A. Bryan, Cour- ice, spent Suinday with Mr. id Mrs. B. Hubbard. Mr. and Mrs. C. Cargill Sr,, Ir. and Mrs. K. Cargili, To- onto. and Mr. Fred Carter, Un-. iersitY of Toronto, spent the! jekend wxith Mrs. John Car-j r.1 Lean MINCED BEEF Swift's Praîniuin - Picnic PORIK SHOULDER Boneless - RoIled Plate Swift's Eversewcet - 1-1b. saaled pkg. RINDLESS BACON Sw~ift's Brookfield - Skinlcss - 1-lb. pkg. PORK SAUSAGE Style FuIIv Cooked THERE'S 3lbs..89ci lb. 45C lb. 35c 77c 49c manville, spent a few days with the Cari Bradburns, aiso witb bbc Elgin Grays. Mn. andi Mrs. Howard Harris and Linda, Whithy, were Suri- day guests o! Mn. and Mrs. Carl Bradburn and boys. Roy Farguson and Mrs. Cecil Hill visited friands in Midland Sunday. Mr. Manvin Hudson, Ottawa, Mr. Ross McCann and Miss Marie Hartnctt, Oshawa, wvere Saturday nigbt guests o! Mn. and Mrs. Stan Rahm. Mn. and Mns. Richard Van- Camp, Misses Dorean Van, Camp and Joyce Graham at- tcnded tbc Bay o! Quinteý Young Feoplc's convention in Lindsay duning tbc waakcnd. The Young Ladies' Bible Class surpnisad Miss Mary Wil- son at tbc home o! banr parents Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Wilson on *Tbursday evaning and prasen- ted bier witb a miscellaneous showvcr. Thara wîll be no service in bbc Unitedi Cburch Sunday due ta Nestîcton Anniversary but thare will ha Sunday Schooi as usual at Il a.m. Mrs. Cecil Farguson, Mn. and Mns. Sydney Ferguson. Donna, Sharma and Karalea o! New- castle visiteci Mn. and Mrs. Russel Mauntjoy Sunday. We ware sorry ta learn the barn on tbc faim wbicb Mn. Chas. Wilson owns on Scugog Island wxas hurncd aly Mon- day manning. Miss Jean Wilson, Toronto, spent bbc weakand witb ber parents and brothers, the Chas. Wilso'S. Mn. andi Mns. Herb Swaîn. Mn. N. H. Marlow. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Marlaw attend- ed churcb aI North Parkdala Sunday manning and spent the day wibh Rcv. andi Mrs. Miltn Sandanson. School pupiIs are busy pre- paring their speeches fan the public spaaking contast wbicli is ta 'be held in Central Public Scbool Monday avening, Oct. 28. Mn. and Mrs. Ed. Harris; Mr. and Mrs. Marvyn Graham visi- ted thib aiant, Mns. B. Putben- ford, Feterborough, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Graham visitad Mn. and Mrs. J. Staîîe, Columbus, Sunday noon. Mr. and Mns. Leslie Graham, Mn. and, Mrs. Don Graham and famiiy, Millbrook, visited Mn. and Mis. Oscar Gnaham and the Ross Duffs Sunday after- naon. Mr. and Mrs. Jno: Ballingal, Mn. andi Mrs. Bill Taylor spent Sunday wibh friands in Toronto. Mn. A. Frentice and Mns. Mollon, Fart Ferry, wcre Sun- day guasbs o! bbc latter's son, Harold Martyn andi Mrs. Mar- tyn. Mn. Bruce Fanguson, Hamp- ton, spant Monday wibh Mn. and Mrs. Fari Dorraîl and tbc Chas. Vennings. . Mis. Mark Wcldon of Ux- bridge visitcd Mn. and Mis. Jas. Farr, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Strome, To- ronto and Mrs. Vicars Beatty, Bohcaygeon, wcre guests an Sunday o! Mn. andi Mrs. Austin Beacock. Mrs. Beatty rcmained anr a faW days. To lie appainted ta the Sen- ata a Canadian must heata leas 30 years aid, must be a Bnitisb subjacî, be wortb at least $4,000 and ha a resident o! bbc prov- ie haerepresents. PARAMOUNT PRESENTS SPENCER TRACY ROBERT WAGNERII "The Littie Hut" Color - Aduit Comedy AVA GARDNER, STýWART GRANGER WORLD NEWS AND COLOR CARTOONj Feature 7:25 and 9:25. Last complete 9 p 2 2p.m. Also "Peter and the Color Featurette Last Complete 9:15 "Northwest Passage.j Color - Action Drama ROBERT YOUNG, WALTER BRENNAN RUTH HUSSEY H9ALLOWE'EN KISSES HALLOWE'EN "SHELL-OUT" SUCKERS 50 Suckers in Cello Bag 49c Fresh __ __ Produce 10-lb. bag m a m 25c Canada Small - No. 1 COOKING ONIONS 5 lbs.19- HALLOWE'EN PUMPKINW Ail Sizes - Reasonably Priced Canada No. 1 - P OTAT OES Mild - Fla'vourful WAXED TURNIPS Birds Eye STRA WBE RRIE S- IS-oz. pkg. 39e LEMONADE- 6-oz. lin . 2 for 27e II _______________I. & ria <eteria V&cm aMx A Used Ca r Values Galore mat Alien's APPLE JUICE 48-oz. tin----------2 For 55C Habitant, PEA SOUP 28-oz. tin .2 For 33c Libby's Fancy PEAS 15-oz. tin 2 For 31 c Red, Seal Fancy Cohoe SALMON' A tin 3 For 1.00 Brunswick SARDINES 1/4,s--- ---_--_------- 4 ior 35c Duz DETERGENT Giant pkg-----. 79c Rose Brand Pure STRAWBERRY JAM 12-oz. jar -- 37c Heinz Fresh CUCUMBER PICKLES 16-ez. jar----- 29c Fry's COCOA 1-lb. tin --- - ------------------------------ - 65C Heinz BABY CEREALS 8-oz. pkg. 2 For 3r Johnson's PASTE WAX 1-lb. tin 53c Quality B randéd Beef A RED & WHITE STORE N'EAR YOU BOWMANVILLE- Yeo's Marketer MAPLE GROVE- Maple Grove Groc ORONO- Cornish Marketeria BLACKSTOCK - Blyth's Market Mr.TndANY. Rpert Wood. was the guest of Mr. and Mrm Mr. Ralph Rowland, Ottawa,i Ross Carr during the weekend. sp ent the weekend with his par- Mrs. Mansel Wright went: to ents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Row- Tara on Friday, called there by land. the critical iliness of her father, Frier.ds will be pleased to Mr. T. McCleliand. know that Dianne Martichenko, Mrs. William Martich4&,e infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Toronto, spent the weeke'd Frank Martichenko arrived with her parents, Mr. and Mis. home from St. Joseph's Hospi- Orloe Wright. tal, Peterborough, on Saturday. Miss Joan Bristow, Oshawa. Miss Margaret Lowes, Peter-wahoefrteeendwt borug, ws omefo te lhe mother, Mrs. Hilliard Bri,, weekend with ber parents. M r and Mrs. Donald Lowes. tow. Mrs. F. W. Reynolds, who bas Congratulations ta Mr. d been iii at ber home for some ward Weatherilt of R.* R. 2. time is now a patient in Civic Bethany, who celebrated bis Hospital, Peterborough. Her 9Oth birthday last Sunday. mnany friends are wishing bier a Mrs. Richard Fallis and Miss speedy recovery. Laura Fallis returned on Fr1. LAC Victor Wood, with the day, having spent the prevîous ROAF at Clinton was home foi week in Toronto with Mr. aitic the weekend with his parents, Mrs. Cecil Hughes. MEN WANTED PART AND FULL TIME Apply Brookda le- Kingsway .Nurseries Ltd. BOWMANVILLE SRoyal Theatre BowmanvilkI TRZ CANMUN STATLPSmAw- mçn«~ýLLP- AlmAitm -- FR1., - SAT. m 31 28-oz. bag - OCTOBER 25 - 26 Matinee Saturday NON. - TUES. WED. - - THURS. - OCT. 30 59C m lb. 5c

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