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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Oct 1957, p. 7

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WUDDA?. OCT. I4tb. 105? TEE CAKADIM( !~TATESMAK, EOWMANV~L~, ONTAMO PAGE SEVEN isw cSocial Ž [.(-Pe.rsonal w" ThE Phone MA 3-3303 thal ____ ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ____ _ ad Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Fairey spent Thanksgiving w ee k end at Twelve Mile Lake. Mr. and Mrs.' W. Fairbairn, LI Lakefield, were guests of Mr. andV*,Mrs. C. Johns on Sunday. D. W. McCormick, Gait, receritly visited her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Morley Vanstone, Beech Ave. Mr. and Mrs. L. Cassel and Penny, Kitchener, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. M. E. Leask. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Freeman, St. Catharines, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Freernan. Winners of Lions Hockey Draw are: for Saturday, Oct. 26 -Jack Emmerson and Nelson Osborne; for Wednesday, Oct. 30-Cliff Trewin and Morley Oke. Members of the Arnica Club o f Trinity United Church en- joyed a wiener roast in the val- ley behind the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Banting, Monday evening. Mr. Robert Carruthers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Carruth- ers, has returned to Kemptville .Agricultural School for his second year in the general course. Upon the occasion of their ST. JOHN'S CHURCH (Anglican) 8 10 il 17 Nineteenth AfierTrnt a.m. - HOLY COMMUNION and Il a.m. - CHURCH SCHOOL a.m. - MORNING FRAYER P.m. - EVENING FRAYER rinity Unit Minis ter - Rev. T. A. >10:30 A.M. - ORGAN by Mr. Arthur Collison, 11:00 A.M. Service of at New York University study- gfor hîs Master ai Laws de- ee, and Gerry accompanied n ta the Thursday game. He .sn'f skipping classes either. e university is Sa cangested at classes are in thrme shifts id Gerald's classes that day d not begin until 6 p.m. i L ..'JL4LLL.y (...1UU Ul. For the Memorial Organ BRIGADIER L. N. CARR, C.D., will be in attendance 7:00 P.M. - The Evening Service is in St. PauI's United Church. We join with them on their anniversary. Organist-Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M. St. Paul's United Church! Mnister - Rev. Harold A. Turner, B.A., B.D. r' Organist - Mrs. Rieta Dudley, A.T.C.M., L.C.C.M. 123rd Anniversary SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27th ANNIVERSARY PREACHER The'Rev. G. Cameron Quigley of Owen Sound (formerly of St. Paul's) 9:50 A.M. - Sunday School 11:00 AM "Yeslerday and Today" Solo-I WIII Lift Up Mine Eyes" <EvII1a) Miss Donna McColi Duet-"'My Falth Looks Up To Thee" (Bassford) Misss Dnnaand Leila MeCoII intem-O Cap ourHands Together" (Turner) '7:00 P.M.- "The Way is Norihward" Soo 'Abide Wlth Me" (LiddIe) - Miss Lella McCoil Duet-Evensont» - Misses Donna and Lella McColI Antheni - "Hast Thou Not Known" (Pflueger) A FRIEINDLY WVELCOM.\E FOR ALI, *3i Mn. and Mrs. Stanley J. Rowland ai Hahsworthy, Devon- shire, England, and daughter Miss Gillian Rowland, St. Cath- arines, weme guests last week ai Mr. and Mrs. Gea. W. James. Miss Rowland came ouftat Canada a yeam ago and immed- iatehy became associated with the Children's Aid Society ai Lincoln County. She sent such giowing reports home fa hem parents ai hife and conditions in Canada that they decided ta see this vast country fimst hand sa have spent a vemy enjoyabie thnee weeks' vacation bere, be- ing motomed by thein daughter ta m4ny ai the interesting plac- es ln Ontaria. Mrs. Rowland is kecplng a diany ai their trip along with snapshats in anticipa- tion ai giving a travelogue at the Women's Institute ai whîch she is an active member. While in Bowmanvihie they cailed on 1'Mm. and Mms. Ernest Werry at Enniskihhen, as the Rowlands are very close fniends ai Mn. John Bines ai Holsworthy wha l is a brother ai the late Mrs. James A rthur Werry who passcd away recenthy. They were dis- appointed not ta meet Mn. Wcmry Sm., as he was attending the In- ternational Ploughing Matchès at Simcoe and visiting the Oids familles at St. Thomas. Rotary Wins First Round 'Dist. Bowling iBowmanvilie Rotary Club 1won the qualiiying round la their defence ai the District Bowling title and the DeGeer Trophy by defeating Trentan, Part Hope and Beaton af the O'Connor Bowl ln East York on the weekend. ýlThe final round af the tour- nanient -xviii be lheld ln the sprnrig. 'l'ie se\,en-man teani froni Bo\'. nianvî-lle xvas compas- ed of Bill Steven. Bill Rudeil. Keith Siemon, Walt DeGeer, Ai iWitherspoon., Me! Dale and Howard Rundle. Each of the winning players were presented with gold cufi links and a tue clip bearing the Rotary embiem. In addition ta the teamn itself otner mnembers af the Bowman- and chidren also took partiiiu the îdternoQn oL bowÂà4u Photogs Say Brides At Best After Ceremony. which found a ready sale. When the afternoan concluded the bazaar proved ta have been very successful financial- ly. Drawm Create Interest Local photographei' w h a caterer and all those attending. The draws created a good specialize in wedding photos Guests were kepf waiting and deal of interest. The cedar will be able ta sympathize with some ministers found if impos- chest iilled with linen and their cantempoarnies in New sible ta stay ta receptions oxing other articles. was wvon by Miss Zeaiand who appear ta be gaing ta the delay. Eileen Holroyd ai Hampton; through some difficulty. Spokesmen for the phatogra- trays by Mrs. Tilson ai Hamil- Wben shauld a bride have ber phers argued thaf it was logical ton, ladies' hasiery and men's photagraph taken? Ministers ta take ictures while the bride socks by Mrs. Don Galbraith. and photographers are arguing valoK ing hem best. "Ait er wiie ai the Pasf Grand Pat- abot i inNewZeaandand0t he reception much ai hem ron, Orillia. far cannot agree. raidiance.adseeiy r os, he tea table presented a Ministers say that photagraphs J. B. Johnstan, president ai pretty picture, with 'mums in take up tao much time between the Institute ai Photographers, autumn shades in a silver bas- the ceremany and receptian. declared: "The church should ket flanked by green tapers in They think the pbotographs considen the feelings ai the silven candie hoiders.- The should be postponed until aiter. bride an this, the mast important small tea tables were attract- the wedding breakfast. day ai her ie." ively decorated with the East- Phatographers are up in arms Throws Bail Back ern Star motif. at the idea. They declare that a "The ministers themseives are bride looks ber besf immediate - aiten at fault. They tell brides Pauning tea duning the ai- ly aiten the service. They say that the service takes anly 15 ternoan were Mrs*. Mabel Bag- they could neyer make such a minutes, whereas if is vemy sel- ne hi, Mrs. Edna Anderson, the good job ai the pictures we onsotr n3 iue.P.G.M., Mrs. Mae Garton, Mrs. all the festivities are over. when sda ustesthanu0s inuate Florence Highiield, Mrs. Mary Neither ministers non phatag- studis.cue" ofuina h Jamieson, Mrs. Annie Boun- raphers are keen about snappiflg Brides, bath future and past, sal. candid shots duning the recep- were solidly on the side ai the Worthy) arnAneSeb tian Thy s3' hes ma pr- iphotographers when consulted. enson was general canvenor ai' vide iniormal aspects but can They were sorry if delay caused the bazaar. Ia charge ai the neyer replace the formal group. inco nvenience ta ministers or tea room were Mrs. Meta Moi- Guests Waiting guests, they said. But on this fatt, Mrs. Lola Feemnan, and The argument began when the one day the interests ai the bride acting as cashier for t he tea Wanganui Ministers' Association! should came f irst.; was Mrs. Mae Gantan. complained ai the delay caused: A good wedding photograph ' by wedding parties gaing ta a they said, ,vas sornething the Details of Booths studio for photographs before bride would treasure always. The apron booth was con- the reception. She would nof take the isk ai! vene by Mrs. Elsie Alldread The custom, they declared, was inieriar resuits when the cele- and Mrs. Elizabeth Panker;ý inconvenient ta the minister, the brations were aver. Homebaking - Mrs. Florence1 59thwedinganniersryMr.Toronto is holding its first and Mrs. F. C. Pethick were en- meeting of the 1957-58 season tertained at a family dinner on Thursday, Oct. 3lst at 8:15 party at Venture Inn on Sun- p.m. at I.O.D.E. Headquarters, day, October 2th. Lowther & Spadina Rd. Guest Mrs. Howard Foley, King St. speaker will be Rev. A. W. West, considered herseif very Schaafsma, minister of the Dutch fortunate on Friday when her 1 Reformed Church, Bowmanville, raspberry bushes produced a fair who will recaîl many interest- quantity af bernies for their din- ing memories of lufe in rural ner. Not bad for October l8th. Netherlands. Choir of his church Mrs. Andrew Hawkins and will provide musical numbers. Mrs. John Black, Rome, N.Y.; New members will be welcomed Mrs. Cecil Laundry, Bancroft, at this meeting. Fee $2.00 per spent the weekend wîth their person or $3.00 per couple. cousin, Mrs. M. E. Leask, and attended the Marshall - Leask Miss Lynne Bagneli and Miss wedding.Vickie Maddis whose home is in wedding.Las Angeles, Calif., flew from Mr. Robert Noble has just re- Chicago on Monday aiternoon turned from a bus, boat and air ta spend a short time with trip to Nassau, Bahamas. Mr. Lynne's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Noble also made stop-avers in W. W. (Bill) Bagnell, Scugog Atlanta, St. Petersburg, Miami, St. Bath girls are members af Jacksonville, Charleston, Nor- the casf of the Shipstads and folk and Washington. Johnson Ice Follies playing in Winners of the Bowmanville Chicago until Oct. 26. Owing ta Fife and Drum Band Thanks- a hockey schedule, the cast had giving Draw were H. Dadson, a couple ai days' holiday. The Liberty St. S.; A. Rawe, Queen girls flew back from Malton an St.; F. Cale, Edsall Ave.; George Wednesday afernoan for the Dugan, Oshawa, Barbara Giîl, Wednesday, evening show. Part Whitby; Ed Clapp, Liberty Ms ae .Pilp n St. S., Bowmanville. Ms ae .Pilp n Attending the American Radia daughter Miss Marlon Phillips, Radia Relay League Convention White Plains, N.Y., and lier son held in the King Edward Hatel, and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Toronto, last week, were Mr. Walter T. Phillips and their son and Mrs. Lamne Doreen and theirBil, edadVlgNY. guests, Mr. and Mrs. Ian Mc- were weekend guests af Mrs. N. Donald of Montreal. Wayne S. B. James and were also en- McDonald accampanied bis par- tertained by other members of ents ta visit here with themi for the James Clan in Bowmanville. the weekend. A personal invitation was ex- LACandMrs I.C.Matthews tended ta Mrs. Phillîps, the LA anMndyMrs.iCe n former E. Sophia James, ta be (Joan Mundy), icke ansure ta return ta her native Joanne, now statîoned with the town for the Centenary Celebra- RCAF at Langar, England, re- tion next summer. It is aven cently enjoyed a 10-day motor 0ycars since she first crossedl trip on the Continent. A week the border into Uncle Sam's was spent with Sgt. and Mrs. J. country as a bride. Vamo (Mary Humphrey) an d y Dirk ai Soest, Germany, priar« Mr. Don Spencer who is womk- ta the Varo's return ta Canada ing on cleaning up the Simpkin in Novemben. 1Cabinet factory site found a Mr. C. V. Charters, President board on which were witten of the Ontario Hospital Associa- the names of the builders and flan; Mrs. Charters and Mrs. those warking an the original Gardon Graydon, Judge of the building which wvas Trinity Peel County Juvenile Court, all I Congreeafional Church. This of Brampton, called on Mr. and xvas builfta replace the church Mrs. Gea. W. James on Thurs- destroyed in a fire ai 1888 which day while returning fmom spend- also razed the Aima Hofel. ing the weekend in Ottawa, Names witten in pencil on the where they attended one ai the board ta which a picture of the receptions for Her Majesfy latter church was pinned were: Queen Elizabeth II and Prince, Builders, Mn. Bunny, Mr. Mun- Philip and enjoyed the other son; workmen, H. Hamley, J. festivities ai this memorable oc- Hamley, J. Berry, M. Woods, J. casion. Noakes, E. Grant, S. Cleverton, Mr. Dan Morris was one ai the G. Close. A note added says: basebaîl fans wha went in Mr.I "Mr. John Hamley would flot Jim Crombie's car ta New York vote for a School Trustee, 1889." ta see the World Series games Rod Taylor, 12-year-old yen- on Oct. 9 and 10. While there triloquist, and his mother, Mrs. Don saw- his brother Gerald who J. C. Taylor, 89 Duke St., were _____________________guests at the Toronto Daily Star on the 19-coach train which went ta Ottawa for the apening ai J ~ Parliament by the Queen on ted C urch Oct. 14. Rod is a Star carrier boy and last Spring won first prize for talent in a carrier boy rthur Morgan, B.A. Icantest in Toronto. He and twa carrier girls entertained those travelling on the Star train. Rod had fhe honour of havîng the train stop especially at Bowman- ville for hlm and his mother. IMiss Sybil Burk and Mrs. Wm. RECITAL Prower who had tickets on the train were also able ta gef on here înstead of having ta travel Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M. ta Toronto. Ail report a won- derful time and an excellent view ai the Queen in all her beauty. This excursion was very well managed and generously provided a box lunch for the 1travellers, and a turkey dinner Dedic tionbefome starting for home. There Dedicatio were 1,000 an the train. Fei ard Mr Au dre Mr A large crowd attended the evolient Fund also assists eider- ha very successful annual bazaar iv and ncedy people. Mrs. Ar.- w of the Order of the Eastern der s o 's third pro.ject wvas Star hield in the Lions Corn- ESTARL (Eastern Star Train- 1 tmunity Centre on Friday, Oct. ing Award for Religious Leaci- CO 18. ership,. At sessions in Septern- Ple Mrs. Edna Anderson, P.G.M., ber, 26 students received $300 le] off icially opened the bazaar.1 each under this provision." 1 "The Order of the Eastern Star Each Chapter contriutes to- col is the largest organization of \vards the support of projects, he: its kind in the world with a and 1Mrs. Anderson raised a; Gi mnembership of approximately large sum throughi the sale of an three million," she told tho-ýe iaple leaf pDins which man 'y of attendingr. "There are 40,000 t he ladies wcre wearing FridRy W members in Ontario. Orie af aiternoon. Ed the ways in which money ;s The many booths offered at- e raised is by the annual bazaar tractive and uselul articles À . The Eastern Star contributes to various projects in Bow- manville - the Memnorial Hos- pital, cerebral Palsy Assn. and to the Recreation Centre." COMPETITIVE PRIE Many Worthy ProJects Mrs. Anderson went on ta explain that one of her partie- ular projects during the past year when she was Worthy i Grand Matron of Ontario was the Florence Nightingale Homre11 Eastern Star. The Grand Ben- Two Youths SPECIAL VALUES Ab Are .Released _______ On Probation A 16-year-old Bowmanville of forgery and one of uttering a forged document was releas- ed on probation for one year__ by Magistrate R. B. Baxter in court here Tuesday morning. The youth was ordered f0 make restitution and report monthly to his probation off i- cer. Magistrate Baxter also de- signated that the boy must be home every evening by 6. tjlg4IçoWI A 17-year-old boy appearing fiel "4pu.sol l on six charges of forgery was , u"~d~' released on probation for one year by the Magistrate. Thei youth was ordered to pay resti- Fingjer..fip Movies of tution within six months and BASEBALL'S SECRET Magistrate Baxter ordered hlm flot ta associate wîth certain LANGUAGE boys during the period of his wîsh purcias.e t probation. Two 18-year-old youths, one  i. from Newcastle and the other G i le t from Hampton were each fined $100 and $3 costs on a charge of SUPER illegal possession of liquor. A sPE, cDo lesser charge against each of themn was dismissed. Thankoffering Meeting of12 St. PauI's W M S ft.qular price.of R tSet in St. Paul's W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. Harold Ferguson an Oct. 22, The Thankofferir. meeting was opened by the president, Mrs. H. G. Shaw byM repeating the 23rd Psalm in appropriate poem "As you go O through life' concluding with 949 L U... the Lords Prayer. The worship service was YOU'5'E dot given by Mrs. J. A. Cox. Miss study book chapter "The Ja- pan of yesterday," giving the life in the early years of the newv creain century, description of the . A churches and people of that period. Mrs. Shaw dismissed the p meeting by giving The Negro E NFIELD J~ ATAL NWSOEINESSAN Mr. A. MacRae, Kenneth and MAAlILT Sharon, Toronto, visited with ~RGYINTO Mr. and Mrs. W. Gray. U HI Mr. and Mrs. E. Prescott, Mr. and Mrs. D.. Prescott and child- ren were with Mr. and Mrs. M. Prescott, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. R. Cowling were visitors at F. Lee's. MIr. and Mrs. E. Lee, Donald, Norman and Jud '% were with Mr.; K. Holden's. Kinsale. Our school is closed this ee erguson. Mrs. Vivian 1ik rd; candy-Miss Mary Jewell, rs. Mabel Bagnell; rummage -Mrs. Minnie Deeley, Mrs. .udrey Martin; cedan chesf raw-Mrs. Dorothy Nicholas, rrs. Leola Thrasher; bat box .r-Mrs. Beth Teeple. These at boxes were a new idea rich really caught an. In the absence ai Mrs. Ruby ox through iliness, Mrs. Tee- le alsa acted as gencral cash- Mrs. Lola Freeman was the nvenor in the kitchen and nr asistants were Mrs. Hazel ibbs, Mrs. Mabel Greenhamn id Mrs. Marlon Stevens. Serving in the tea room rere Mrs. Eva Warren, Mrs. Ina Shavv. Mrs. Helen Cor- en, Mrs. Nina Eldridge, Mrs. ,G. Scott, Miss Velma Gay. It's Time to CHRISTMA BOX 0F 50 COLOURFUL CARDS and ENVELOPES An assortmenf ai attractive designs ta suit every faste. Top quality at an econamy pnîce . . . they cost hess than the starnps ta mail them. 50 Cards and 98C Envelopes Dan Cattran New Mayor 0f Teen Town Dan Cattran was appainted Mayor ai Bowmanville Teen Town af, a meeting ai the newly elected executive Tuesday even- ing af the Lions Centre. Othen members ai the Teen Town Council include: Linda Bmooking, reeve; Reg Willats, deputy-reeve; Pat Marr, clerk; Manica Schlingensiepen, treas. Councillors elected were: Ron Pollard, praperty; Bob Faîrey, records; Donna Akey, Linda. Mutton, publicity; Roy Atkinson, property; Greg Cooper and Ruth1 Goheen, special events.1 The new tities being used byi the club are being adopted for trial purpases this year. It is felt that if wiil give Teen TIown more significance if they have their awn council because they are a tawn. If is aiso hoped if xvihl creafe a wider interest la municipal aifairs fan the mcm- bers. Don Venton Vice President Central Ontario, Don Venton, President ai the Bowmanvilie Badminton Club was eiected Vice-President ai the Central Ontario Badminton Association af their annuai 1meeting, Sunday, ln Peter-1 borough. 1The annual COBA tournament i iil likely be held la Bowman- ville next year, if was reported. Represenfatives from Peterbor- ough, Bowmanviiie, P i c f o n, 'Belleville and Oshawa attended the meeting. LONG SAULT Mra. and Mrs. Allyn Baker, Janet, Wendy and Michael ai Caokstown spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Ba- ker. Mm. A. Baker expets ta leave next Sunday for Egypf where he will be stationed for Buy Your S CARDS "«CHEERILY VOURS") A fine assortment ai colour-r fui cards featuring Christ- mas decorations aftractivehy iliustrated.' Enveliues in-i cluded.i 2 ln abox 1__ 29e Slim and Tali, box of 21, 1.00 Others 39c to 1.98; SPECIALS! I.DA. COD LIVER OIL CAPSULES 100's89 Reg. 1.19 89 1-1 Re IDAMALT Extract of Malt and Cod Liver Oit -b. 2-lb. 4-11 'eg. Reg. Rej 9e 1.29 2. ib. g. 63c 98c 1.69 Save Sic on DEEP MAGIC Facial Cleansing Lotion 2 75e botties - 1.50 value 2 For 99C 15e Vlcks Medieated WILD CHERRY COUGII DROPS and 1.09 Ecanomy size VICKS VAPORUR 1.24 ____10 value 10 I.D.A. EPSOM SALT 16-oz. Reg. 25e - 19C I.D.A. STOMACH POWDER 4-oz. 16-oz. Reg. 75e Reg. 1.95 S59C 1.49 Save 'lc on Richard Hudnut EGG CREME SHAMPOO For dry or oihy hain -______--- 1.29 Save 52e on SILVIKRIN SHAMPOO 2 75e botties - 1.50 value 2 For 98c VITANINS Allenbury's Haliborange 1.00, 1.75, E nerjets------------------- Mead's 10-D Cod Liver Oil- - 1.00, PoIy-Vi-Sol----------1.95, 3.45, Tri-Vi-Sol -- 1.55, 2.80, Scott's Emulsion __------___- 1.00, Capsuiles - ---- --------1.67), Vita Jiet Capstiles----- 1.95, PRESCRIPTIONS 3.25 3.95 2.25 4.90 4.00 2.00 3.00 4.50 a period af time. Mn. and Mrs. Tom Turner and family, Toronto, spent the WA ':ýe-d 'h the Harpcirs. Mn. Stanley Fletcher, Tor- onto, spent the weekend wlth bis parents, Mn. and Mrs. G. Fletcher. Mr. and Mrs. A. Baker and chidren were Saturday even- ing guests ai Mýrs. Kovacs and Gabriel. Mr. and Mrs. Rye Gibson and Sandra were Saturday ev- ening guestst ai Mn. and Mn.6 John Nîmigon. Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Penward- en and Ann, Mrs. Wm. Pen- warden wvere Sunday evening guests and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Penwarden and children were Sunday suipper guests ai Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cameron. Mrs. Wm. Penwarden was a Thursday luincheon guest and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cameran and Raymond woee Thursda-f cvening guests of Mn. and Mrs. D. Danielson. KENDAL Mr. and Mms. George Clark, Toronto, were at thein sumrmer home for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Zealand ai-d sons visited Mrs. Mary Lux. on. Sunday. Miss Diane Trwin. Castieton, spcnt a fow days with Mrs. Jack Neal. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Couroux, Ray and Marie, spent Sunday in Toronto. We are pheased fa leara that Mrs. Tom Danchuk, who bas been lan Meniorial Hospital, lu able ta be home again. Mn. and Mrs. Bill Bamsey. Part Hopc, xvere Sunday guests with M\r. and Mrs. Hatchen Fost- er. Misses Patsy Foster and Phyl- lis Jackson were la Lindsay for the weckend attending the Young Peoples' convention. They particulanly enjayed the candie- light service Sunday evening. Mrs. Wilfred Roughley wau in Napanee Sunday visiting ber hsuband who is employed on the pipeline there. Allen Foster accompanied hm brother, H-atcher, on bis tnip te Blind River last week. Their trip was extended a few dayis as they were unable ta gef un- hoaded due ta so much nain. -I FIGHT WINTEI with WAMP EXTRA( of Cod Liver Coi ls Tonic lime. Wintei und colds are jusf c corner. HeIp your better heahth this wii up their resistance ti give them Wampol regularly... start toc 15 OUNCES-$ 34 OUNCES-$ ECONOMY SIZI SAVES YOU A SPECIALTY McG regor, Store Drui Phone MA R COLDS OLE empound r's coughs round the family t, inter, bpild Io colds ... de Exrace ýdaày 1.50 ;2.75 .65 g4s 3-5792 - .. ---....., -- .' ~ -.......~ flrA aS. A CES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE ND REMINDERS FOR THIS WEEK Yo ur Local I.DA. Drug Eastern Star Bazaar Uls Successful Event RUGI, -------------- PAGr, SEVEN 1 2-« ýtOMMDA'T. OM. 24th, 195? , - TEM CANAVIAN STATUMAN, BOWIL&NV=Z. ONTARIO

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