PAGE EIGHT ~ ------' THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVTLLE. ONTARTO ~- T~TIÂV fl(9' *Ah ISBa - --- br ELSIE CARRUTHERS LUNNEY OCTOBER DAY 1"1Helping Yourself With Psy- Today we saw six Bluebirds. cbiatry" by Dr. Frank S. Ca- Though the maies were far prio. fromn the flashing blue of We were rather amazed tri springtime. stili, the sun caught iearn from the advertisement the duller blue of their autumoi on the former that there is an garb and we were quite thrill- organization calied a Relaxa- ed. Somnehow we are seldomr tion Institute, of which the au- lucky enough to see Bluebirds thor is a member, and that she in the spring, and so axîy is the instructor of Relaxation glîmpse at ail is exciting. at Teachers' College. Columbia It was a beautiful day. The University. We mean that we colours of those trees whicii were surprised tolearn that Re- Stili retained their leaves, were: laxa tion was a subject on the rnuted and burnished. But here currieulum. And yet, ail things and there the pure yellow goldi consiciered, it isn't so surprising of the poplars fairly sang! in this age of satellites and against the live green* of the tranquilizers. pines. On the road through the 0f course the subjeet is flot woods, the sunlight f ilteredj realiy new. Arnold Bennett down and from the earth rose il mrote 'How To Live on 21 that smeil of falien leaves that Hours A Day" vears ago, andi is the verv essence of autumn. Most of the great phiiosophers What a day to be alive. have had something to sav on * * *managing oneseif, whichi is what it ail boils down to. Some clear THE CURRENT WORRY thinking and will power are Such walks are perhaps the J useful. best antidote of ail for what has Wce can't remember the title becomne a wa.v of living for manv of one of the most recent bools in this age. This wa '% of living which sounded as if it might be is commnonlv referred to as a amusing-a sense of humour in rat race. There are some of contemplating the subject course who are perfectly hap- wouldn't be a bad idea. It was py with it. About them %%e need "Osborn On -" xvhatever the not worrv. There are others wno word was describing the idea. seemn to have got on the tread- We'll look it up and pass it on mili and do not know ho\v toi to vou. There is this thoughit get off. In the iast month we too-the rash of books on the bave found it the most frequent- subjeet indicates that a number lv mentioned subjeet of conver- of people are cashing in on thîe sation, with the exception of current worry. But the buving the flu. public is supposed to be o! 'age. That it is a number one sub- It may choose, or refuse. ject is shown bv the number of * * books being xritten about it,FO FN somne o! which are probabivFO FN helpful to their readers. Withili For fun and no tensions, trv the last month Or two we have David Walkers iatest story., in noticed ads for two more, the Saturdav Evening Post, one "Teach Yourself to Relax" by ~of the October issues. The set- Joseohinc Rathhone, Ph.D., and ting is Scotland, but it involves Refreshes - without filling Ppsï- Cola Smith Beverages Limited i Bowmanville AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR HOW MUCN WILL THE REPAIR BILL BE-f PAYT-NG for telephone servicing and repairs is one household expense that isn't ever likelv to worl-y you. You'1l appreciate our quick attention to any interruptions in vour service, and the fact that repairs don't alter your usual mnonthly bill. Add to this our constant work on the entire system, and you have a newv and interesting picture of the value of your telephone. «) THE -a girl from Canada visîting an -uncle who is the deadiy enemy o! an attractive young bachelor >1 who shares fishîng privileges mn tj the river dividing their proper- i ties. tAnd we hope you happened -to read a column o! Scott i iast week in which he describ- -2 ed the fracas between Reynard athe Fox and one o! bis chiekens - n a moonlit night. By the tinie sthings, the source material bas always disappeared, but Mr. Young's description o! bow tht, ben, having eluded several trushes o! the fox, turned ber Lback and retired with dignitv 1toward the safety of the hen 1house was loveix'. "I couid al- most hear her knees knocking," ihe said. If « ou stili have iast tweek's Globe and Mail aroundl. Mr. and Mrs. Sf çiinton Hon ored at Enniskillen On Fiftieth Anniversary Enniskillen Hall was the scene of a happy event on Saturday, Oct. 12 wben Mr. and Mrs. Her- bert Stainton o! Hampton, for- merly o! Enniskjllen, celebrat- ed their Golden Wedding Anni- versary. Mrs. Stainton is the former Edith Creeper o! Hay- don and the couple were mar- ried in Haydon on Oct. 14, 1907. The hall was decorated with pink and white streamers and belis. The table trimmed witli gold ribbon, a three-tier wed- ding cake in the centre and bouquets o! amber 'mums RI each end made a loveiy picture at the head o! the floor. Mrs. Stainton, wearing a navy dress with a corsage of white gladioli florets mixed with am- ber 'mums, was attended bv ber sister Mrs. Annie MeNeil o! Havdon wbo was ber brides- Mr. Stainton was presented with a boutonniere o! white 'mums. He was attended by bis brother, Mr. Wallace Stainton o! Toronto wbo also bad a sim- ilar boutonniere in honour of the occasion. The bride and groom, Mrs. MeNeil and Mr. Stainton, received the g2.,ests. Tea was poured fromn silver services at either end o! the table by Mrs. Howard Stevens and Mrs. Ethel Ashton. A de- licious lunch- was served by granddaugbters, nieces and daugbters-in-law of the happy couple. Friends and relatives attend- ed fromn Toronto, Oshawa, Bow- manville, Hampton, Enniskil- len, Tyrone. and surrounding districts. The couple received- manv seli Down were among guests at the wedding i the Presby- terian Church, Barrie, and at the reception following. On Saturday afternoon an au- tumn Iwedding took place in jKedron United Church wben Edythe Short became the bride of Harry Lindberg of Kapuska- sing. Relatives and friends were entertained at the homne o! Mr. jand Mrs. P. H. Short, at a re- ception following the ceremony. 3 Kedron guests at the wed- .1 ding o! Robert S. Farndale and IMargaret Helen Fry in Albert f Street Church, Oshawa on Sat- 1urday afternoon. and at the re- ception following in the Legion Hall, inciuded the groom's par- ents. *Mr. and Mrs. Howard rFarndale, Douglas and Wil- liam Farndale, Mrs. R. S. Gil- lan, and Mrs. F. G. Darlington. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Farn- dale entertained the wedding party following rehearsal on Friday evening. Our best wishes to Miss Jean Blackburn, iîl in Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital. Miss Blackburn had been with ber sister at Ke- dron, Mrs. Murray Mountjoy, prior to ber iliness. it~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~mi 5o0 ewrt orwie r~i uyears ago. ivrs. IVeNcil Iloveix' gifts, cards and beauti- "ma r. andrs. rarvey uPas- woud b wothyou whlewas also wearing navy andn, fui.buquets o! HorvrsyWPas- to look it up-we tbink it w'as rtycrae ndaflbuut fflwr hc oejydawe di h Friday's, Oct. 18.-prtvcsae were very much appreeiated.co9e.oeaweeninte Cornwall area, and viewed the * * eaSt.LarneSaa rec FOR EVENINGS BESIDE Af . . 5j Mr. and Mrs. J. Elliott, Fred- THE iTFIRD OS IEV f'C dy and Robert. were hns It was interesting to learn A uwuo s B os P ie s~ giving visitors 'at the home of that Louis Bromfield's youngest Mr.Sunde, H'gh.and Gove., Jdaughter, Ellen Bromfield Geid, ArTojps rnd rs. J. K. Gvsr bas settlcd in Brazil and writ- M a vers C o n il sT osonto wre aneekend Jisit- ton a boo1k about it called a~vr "Strangers In The Valley". The ve. r. W culcOoo new home in a new land is Fa- For Tiî i r e i n t o John Morrow and Mr. and Mrs. zenda Malabar and there the x i ii I fl GatPso, shawr Gelds reclaimed land, remind- hldyget nteHre ing one o! the original Malabar Manvers Township Counicil Municipal World for supplies, Pascoe home. in Ohio. Louis Bromfield was held their regular monthix' $1.84; T. Whillier&son supplies Miss Bernice Lazenby and not too favourablv inclined to- meeting in Bethanv recentlv 28;Uie oniso or e ohr r.Lznyo word their migration at first, Reeve E. Argue presiding and $18;Uie oniso o-hrnohr r.Lznyo but later came out to visit and ail members in attendance. thumberland and Durham for Brantford, Robert Werry !rom was caught up in the sense o! Communications received andi hospitalization $119.25; Garnet T oro n to University, wece adetue lereane heeread bv Clerk Ross Davidson Porter, relief rent $15; Clifford Thanksgiving guests at the to 1w,,rite bis last book "Froni mncluded an inquiry for Bow-ý Fallis Store, relief accounit Caec er oe IMý Experience". The reviewcrI manvîlle Hospital regarding an, $13.85; John Burn's Store, relief Th W. L. Mountjoy family o! lles bok avs 'lis s idignt atint;fro th Clrkaccount $15; Treasurer school were Thanksgiving guests of a Bromfield writing.'" o! Bovmanville concerning a section No. 1, $700; Ralph Mal- M.adMs vro otn Another book to take one oli relief motter: Township North colm, on account assessor's saý- Markham. of onesel! we imagine, would Y'ork re a relief matter;Dept. o! 1 ary $850; Ross Davidson on Miss Bervl Mountjoy, Lon- be "'Lost Cities" by Leonard Radioiogy of Ross Memoriai Clerk's salary accounit $150. don, spent the long weekeda Cottreil, the famous cities of Hospital in Lindsay c.crig h onclwî ee gi er parents' home, Kedron. ancient times, and on the same a delinquent account; Lake in regular sesion on November subjeet but covering some dif- Ontario Developmnent Associa- sth at 1:30 p.m. ferent ground probably, "Van- tion announcing a meeting to O IU R ished Cities" bY' Hermann and be held in Cobourg; Depart- O IU R Georg Sebreiber. We would in- ment o! Highways concerning KEDRON , WILBERT DRINKLE finitely prefer these to the con- the annual audit o the road templation of what may be in account; Hydro Electrie Power Rev. F. Halse o! Toronto. ex- Outer Space. Commission with four applica- (Intended for iast week) pastor o! Bowmanville Bap- If xou have ever read an); lions for hvdro service and an The congregational dinner tist Church, of!iciated at the copies o! the English weeklv. arrears account to be added to 1 held on Wednesday evening inj funeral o! Wilbert Drinkle on Time and Tide, you will knowý the tax roll; Magistrate R. B. connection with the current Mondoy afternoon, Sept. 30. The that an anthologv o! selections Baxter enciosing shares o! fines çhurch projeet was attended bx' service was beld fromn Lynn from it, publisbed recentîx', for the month o! August; Fulton 100 persons, inciuding severalj Funerai Parlors at Elmvale and wvould be worth while reading.'Fulton and Staples o! Lindsay children, who were entertained interment was at Waverly Cem- In it appear such writer!sasG regarding a request to assist in by Mrs. W. Davis, Mrs. W. Ros- etery. K. Chesterton, Graham Greene a hospitalizatiori matter; also a nak, and others with films and Mr. Drinkie died suddeniy on Winifred Holtbv, Rebecca West: j lst o! the number o! Jurors to games, following the dinner1 Friday, Sept. 27 at tbte home Virginia Woolf, C. Day Lewis. be selected from the Clerk o! bour. During the evening h Io is itr r.WlimR The magazine was founded inj The Peace. program for adults was chair- nolds o! Elmvale, where he bad 1920 and these are considered, On motion of councillors Har cd by Ross Lee, general chair- gone to visit. Death was caused to be some o! the best pieces 1vce' Malcolm and Robert Brown man o! the projeet. by a hearù attack. xvhicb have appeared in that1 bylav No. 1339 was given the Reports were given by Mrs. Hdisuivdb bswie time. The book was well re- three necessary readings, sign- Harvey Crossman on Our pas- disuve b hswf, viewed in Toronto Saturday ed, seaied and numbered. This toral ministry, by Russell Dow-n the former Sarah Elizabeth Nigbt. This independent weekly bylaw deals with the assuming on worsbip and service. bv ii Elford Evans, and one son is edited by Lady Rhondda who o! ail streets and lanes in regis- hiamo Snowden on Christia*n edu- Frank Drinkle o! Penetang, also said when she fouinded it, 1'No- tered Plans number 33 and 46 cation, by Harold Werry on the seven step-childi'en; Lorne o! thing is to he accepted, even if as public throughfare and the Church program, Everett Mounf - Port Arthur, Ernest o! Dorches- an emperor bas written it, if it Munieipality to be responsible joy on Cburch Home and Win. ter, Char~les of Scarboro, Mrs. is not worth reading in itself. for maintenance o! the same. Werry on Worid Missions. Ini Wesley Flint (Ethel) Oshawa, Anythîng is to be accepted, Ask Auditors to Resign the absence o! H. Farndale, the Alvin, R.R. 3 Oshawa, Marshall even if the charwoman hi'5 A letter received !rom the chairman gave the report o! th~e o! Wauhashene and Douglas o! written il, i thppn obe imo upgTyoad eorsCmite.WlrNaan. goo"Mc Do n al;d was reviewed Davis reported for the Visita- Born at Waverly in the Coun- wb ereby the firm stated that tion group. Thanks was ex- ty o! Simcoe in 1886 and edue- the township auditing fee would Pressed to Jack Francis, mater- a ted there, Mr. Drinkle was the be increased for the 1957 audit- jais chairman, for excellent son of the late Joseph Drinkie. ing and that each sehool section posters. The film "Through the!i His father was kilied in acci- -wouid be increased. A!ter co Looking Glass", was shown inident 65 years ago and Mr. siderable discussion a motion conclusion. ýDrinkie was brougbt up by bis was made by Robert Brown, At the regular morning ser-1aunt and uncie, Mr. and Mrs. seconded by Harvey Malcolm vice conducted by the minister, Frank Robinson, During most that the resignation o! the pro-, beautiful arrangements o! chry- i o! bis life he foliowed the oce- sent municipal auditors be re- santhemums from the Short- upation of farming. Later he quested. Lindberg wedding, adorned the worked with the Canadian Pac- On motion of Deputy-Reeve chancel. To mark the Queen's if ic Railway. Lewis McGill and councillor visit, the National Antbem wos In 1951 he moved to Bow-j Harvey Malcolm a grant of $15 sung as a prayer. Harold Werry manville, and since coming bere was mode to the Durham reported briefly for the propo- liad gained many friends. His County Five Hundred Bushel Sa1 committee with findingsi sudden passîng brought sorrow Potato Club. from the reports submîtted by to ail who knew bim. On motion o! Harvey Malcolm the congregation. Palîbearers at the funeral seconded by Henry Jakeman Congratulations to Henry were bis three stepsons Ernest,. it was decided to engage three Kidd whose marriage to the Charles and Marshall, and three fence viewers o! the Township former- Beatrice Aikens was a nephews Arthur, John and Cli! - o! Manvers to visit Mill Street recent event. Mr. and Mrs. Rus- ford Reynolds. in the Hanilet o! Fleetwood and _ ___ have aIl fences and obstruct- ions that are encrouching on the said road allowance remnoved * J by whatever means are found t0 De necessary. I Accounts The Reeve and Treasurer IeCpani aigt qi were autborized to sign cheques TeCpani aigt qi for the following accourt a home worksiiop. Treasurer, for the transfer to road accounit, road voucher No. 0,$2,550.81 Wilbert Malcolm sheep daim $14; Durham Pýot- ato Club $15; Registrar o! IDeeds, list o! transfers $9.86; JManvers Municipal Telephone 1 jSy.stem, tolîs for 1 year $27.35; Presentation I For Kedron Bride-to-Be Kedron: A!ter spendîng the iPat few xears nursing inthe~ lias been visiting at ber Kedron home prior to ber marriage on Saturday to Mr. Harry Lind- berg o! Kapuskasing. Recently Kedron community honoured the bride-to-be at the home o! ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Short, when friends gt,athered to tangibly express hest wishes for happiness. Rev. R1. H. Riekard was chairman for the programn which included lbe foliowing: group singing: eadîngs by Mrs. Harvey Cross- man, "The Bride Makes a Cake" and poetry by Edgar Guest, a vocal solo by Frank Hancock, "Wben You Corne Home(," readings by Mrs. Har- o1d Werr, and an impromptu quartette, IWhose rendition of -I Want a Girl' was well re- ceived, The chairman ini an appre- ciative address to the bride-to- Ibe expressed the good will and good wisbes o! the community and asked ber to accept the gift o! a set o! foiding serving tables and a vase. The honour- ed guest expressed %varm thanks for the kind wishes and the .gil±. Bsof have a bank accounf- and a purpose for saving BITUARYShe was a member of Burns OBITUARYPresbyterian Church, Asbburn. t m Besides her husband, Clarence MRS. ROSE CRUMB Crumb, she leaves four daugh. The funeral service for Mrs. ters, Mrs. Ken Whitney <Dora. 1Rose Crumb. w-ho died at the i tby) o! Newcastle: Mrs. Riche nQueen Elizabeth Hospital, To- ard Bradley (June) and Mr~ eronto, on Oct. 3, following ai' Ray Lucas (Evelyn) both iilness of two years, was heid terborougb. and Mrs. Dava~~e in Burns Presbyterian Churcli, bitson (Margaret) of Scarbor. Ashburn on. Saturdav last. ough and three sons, Clair and Teservice was conducted by Cecil o! Ajax and Leslie, of TeD.B .Arsrn fWhitby. Rev.r Der. B. D.rmstrong 9in Also surviving are a sister, Ports Perh nermet was iMrs. Zella Burgess, o! Osýawa,, t~n hrhCmtr' and five brothers. FredWit 1- The palbearers were six ne-, liam and James Tarves o! Nr.. phews, Jack, Jimmiie anid Scot- hington: Reuben Tarves. of Nan. tie MacDonald, George, Jack ton; Albert and Don Tarves of and Charles Burgess. Toronto. A daughter of the late John_________ and Harriet Tarves, ihe do-,ceaG- ed was born at Ashburn 53 The United Church of Canada years ago. She was married in ,vas formed in 1925 bx' the un. IToronto in 192.1 and lived at Pe- ion of Metbodists, Congregation. terborough f'or five vears andi alists and part of the Presbyter. for the past 3½ ears in Ajax, ians. ORDER and assure your home of having a steady supply of heat ail winter! "' USE THE BEST LIQUIFUEL FUEL OIL Finest Quality Stove and Furnace Oil for safe, economical heat Metered Deliveries )Promipt Dclivery- 24-Hour Service iStephen Fuels (formerly Osborne Fuels) C.N.R. Yards Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5410 We keep you at your "Sunday best", * e e e e e e O e e e * e * e e e e e e e 7 Vot can rely on us to keep al] the famnily's duds at their "Sunday best". Clothes reg- ularly cleaned here give many added months of prideful w-car. Modest prices. PHONE MA 3-5520 FOR FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY. Bowma nvi lie Cleaners & Dyers Ltd. 84 King St. W. They work as a teani, yet each has his own reason for saving, his own dollar objective, his own pace in achieving it. A bank accounit takes care of every type of saving need. You can start with any amount you wish, add to it at any Urne you choose, keep on as long as you like. Last yearalmost 500,000 new deposit accounits were opened with the chartered banks, making a total of nearly 10,500,000. The owners of these accounts know that a bank account offers the simplest, safest, most convenient means of safeguarding and accurnulating funds. Save at a batik - millions dot THI -CHARTERED -BANKS 5ERVING YOUR COMMUgiTY ý . . . . . j N.. .. -. j. N. *>S.."~" * s.~~ J.- . s.. . ~ *4 BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY 0F CANADA .,..-~. -I ,J -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 66066 0.44 ..... ..... PAGE EIGHT -- THE CANADIAN BOWMANVTLLE. ONTARIO THTIRSDA'T. OCT. 24th. lm . . . 1 - . ý . . - -ýàý