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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Oct 1957, p. 16

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PAGZ SIXTEEN TNE CANADIAN ~TATESMAN. EOWMANVILII. ONTARIO THURSDAY, OCT. 3lst, 195? ATravel C a'e for Miss Soccer of 1957 A high]ight of the turkey supper tendered by Reeve Roy Nichais in honour of t he winnîng soccer and softball teams in Darlington was the crowning of Miss' Shirley Bothwell, Maple Grove, as Miss Soccer of 1957. Mr. Nichols is shown presenting a travel case to Miss Bothwell. A' large numrber of township athietes and special guests were present for the supper in the Sauina Community Hall Friday evening. -Photo bX' Rehder School Inspectors Say Local High School ln Excellent Condition Particuharly glowing reports on the tcaching at Port Hope High School were received by the Durham County District Board fîom department of cdu- cation inspectors at a special meeting held Thursda.y night at the Bowmanville School. Thirteen inspectors have been conducting a general inspection of the district's school during the hast two weeks. This gen- eral inspection takes place every five years. Recommendations b v the in- spectors intluded discontinuing BACKACHE May beWarinq Bacicache is ofien caused by Iazy kidney action. When kidneys get out of order, excest acidsanmd wa3tez remain in the system. Then backache, di3turbed rcit or that tired-out and heavy-headed feeling May Soon follow. That's the trne to take Dodd's Kidney Plls. Dodd's stimulate the kidneyî ho normal action. Then you leel hetter-aleep beter-work hetter. Get Dodd'à Kidney Pilla now. 5 Grade 13 work at the Millbîook school, where facilities are in- adequate for upper school in- struction, and formation of de- partments with departmental chairmen in each subject at the large schools at Bowmanville and Port Hope. Facilities Excellent At BowmanvIlle and Port Hope, the inspectors said, or- ganization, equipment and fac- lities are excellent, and can be compared favorably with those in any part of Ontario. The inspectors suggested that teachers at' the different schools within the district get together from tîme to time witn those teaching the same sub- jects, in order to profit by ex- penience gained at other schools than their own. Considerable time was spent at the meeting in a study of public school enrolment figures in the district. Growth in Dar- lington Township has been par- ticularly fast, where many pub- lic sehools have doubled in en- rolment since 1951. At Maple Grove School, where pupiis weîe enrolled six years ago, there are now 243 pupils. iMM'RA ARE i PUBLIC SKATING 8 Io 10 p.rn. Friday, November lst 8:30 Io 10:30 p.m. Tuesday, November 5th ADMISSION Adulis - 40c* Children 25c Exhibition HOCKEY Saturday, November 2nd .ai 8:30 p.m. Oakville Seniors VS. Bowma nvi île Orono Combines ADMISSION - Aduits..... .. . ........ for Reserved Seats and General Admission Students and Children.....................0e CHILDREN'S SKATING Wednesday, November 6f-h 3:30 Io 5:30 p.m. ADULTS ACCOMPANYING CHILDREN - 25e No Skating Wednesday Evening Growth In Port Hope Though the western part of the district shows the greatest growth, at Port Hope too the increase in public school popu- lation has been notable. In Port Hope enrolment has gone from1 986 to 1.565 since 1951. The pupiI-pt-r-teacher ratio at the four schools in the dis- trict was reported as 19.3 at Millbrook, 22.2 at Bowmanvilie and 22.5 at both Orono and Port Hope. No specîfie mention was made at the meeting of the im- minent need of a new schoal somcwhere in Darlington Town- ship xvhere population growÉh has been most noticeable. Pies. ent faciities will be adequate for a few years, but the board has rcalized for some time that a new school is in the offîng. STARIKVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Orme Falls vis- ited Mi. Wes Falls, Orono, Sun- day. Miss Beverley Allen, Mr. Ted Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. Percy, Allen, Toronto, were recen guests at Mr. Llew HallowellS. Mr. Ed. Ruthven, Zion, at Mr. AIf. Dobson's. Mis'. Jin' Stark and Mrs. Bert Trim were in Toronto, recent- ly. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Robin- son and familY visîted Mrs. Prouse and Charles, Osaca. Mi. and Mrs. Keith Caswel. Port Hope, and Mi. and Mrs. Alex Martin, Newcastle, weîe recent guests with Mr. and Mrs. Brian Caswell. ZION Mr. and Mis. Herman Haas opened their home for the com- munity shower for Mi. and Mis. Herman Haas Jrn on Friday nighit when the newly-weds re- ceived many beautiful and use- fui gifts. The groom expressed their thanks for the gifts and gave a hearty invitation to al to* visit them at their home in Bowmanville. The ladies serv- ed refreshments and aIl enjoyed the social time together. Mr. and Mis. Wilfred Frank have retuîned home from their honcymoon and have gone to their new home at Orillia. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cameron attendcd the opening of the Community Hall at Utica on Friday evening. Mi. and Mis. R. C. Stainton, Mr-. and Mis. Jim Stainton at- tended the Maintenance Club Dance at the Airpoît on Satur- day night. Mr-. and Mis. Henry Dart, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Geissberger Si. took a couple of days and visited Niagara Falls and the Plowing Match at Simcoe. Mr. and Mis. Joe Allen, Toron- to, visited at Norman Leach's. Mi. and Mis. Archie Joncs, Gary and Robert, Ennismore, visited at Mis. 4dlex McMaster's. Messrs. Arthur and Bob Daît and Hans Geissberger Jr. visited the Plowing Match at Simcoc. Mi. and Mirs. Christian Stor, Bruce and Jacqueline, Islington, visited at Hans Geisbciger's Si. Mi. and Mis. Jim Stainton and Davy were supper guests at Leonard Shaw*s, Oshawa, Sun- day. Mr. and Mis. Russell Robbins, Bowmanville, visitcd at Normani Leach's. Mi. and Mis. Henry Daît,1 Kenneth and Bob. Mi. and Mis. Arthur Dart attended a shoxver at S. Maybury's, Scarborough,1 for Mr-. Lorne Keeler and Miss 1 Elaine Brown whose marriage1 will take place on Satuîday at i Scarborough. Messrs. Bob Dart and Hans Geissbcrger Jr. have been in bcd with the flu. Mr. and Mis. R. C. Stainton attcnded the turkey SUpefo the football boys at Solinar and the dance afterwards at New- castle. Mr. and Mis. Nelson Fice at- tended the dance at Newcastle. Mr. George Gordon. Miss Beth Moore, Mis. Clark-e Moore, Osha- wa, visited at Keith Stainton'â- Zone 0f fici At Legion M, "It is not only important we1 gain new members, but we should keep our older members interested and active," Zone Commander William Beaton told the Bowmanville Legion in# a brief address on membershio at their regular meeting Thurs- day evening. Mr. Beaton was one of three Zone Officers fromn Oshawa at- tending the maeeting. Zone Pcp- py Chairman Hircock also spoke urging the members to take an active part in the forthcoming Poppy Day. Poppy Day is one of the biggest annual occrsions for the Legion, he pointed out. Zone Sports Officer Art' Walker outlined the plans for branch competitive indoor sports this winter. President Jim Firth expressrd his thanks to the three guests for attending thc meeting. Comrade Jim Fair announced the Armistice Supper to be Memorial Hospital Weekly Report For the week of Oct. 21 - 27 Admissions - -- --- - ---- 42 Births: 5 male, 7 female ---- 12 Discharges - ------ ---- 49 MVajor operations ------------ 6 Minor operations - . ------14 Emeîgency treatments 14 Visiting hours 2:30 -4:30 p. and 7 to 8:30 p.'n. TYRONE The combined meeting. of W. A. will meet at the home of Mis. A. Hîlîs, November 14. Mrs. Cornish of Oshawa will be guest speaker. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Philps, a baby girl born Monday, Oct. 28 at Mem- orial Hospital, Bowmanville. Mr...and Mrs. Kenneth Atche- son, Oshawa, spent the week- end at her parents, Mr. and Mis.- John Hilis. Mr. M. Dubyk underwent ani operation at Western Hospital on Tuesday. AU wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Phihp, Morganston, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Philp and Mîbs iJe an Philp. ICongratulations f0 Mi. and Mrs. Ross Hall (Wanda Wil- Ikins) who were married Satur- Iday ]ast at St. Paul's United IChurch, Bowmanville. Severai from here attended. Mr. and Mrs. Howard McRob- erts and family, also Mrs. Fred McRoberts having bought a [home in Bowmanville, moved on Saturday. They will be miss- ed by their many friends. Messrs. J. Leggett and B. Rae. have bought their farm. Mrs. A. Hilîs, Mrs. J. Broome, Mrs. J. C. Cook and Miss Gract Smith attended the W. A. Pres- bytery at Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. J. Broome at- tended the Broomc-McCarmoni wedding in Toronto on Satur- day. Corne to the Mission Band progîam and sale at 2.30 on Saturday in the Sunday School room. Mr. S. G. Harmer and son Lloyd. Erindale, visited Mr. and Mrs. i. C. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Werîy accompanied Mr. and Mrs. George White and children on Sunday and enjoyed a tour of Casa Loma and also visited Rev. and Mrs. S. G. Andrews, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. A. Thiessen and family, St. Catharines, Mr. and Mrs. H. Spragg and Billie, Ham- ilton, spent the wcekend wiih Mr. and Mrs. H. Hall. Mrs. W%. T. Worden returned home with her daughter, Mrs. Spragg- for the' wintcî. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Virtue and John x'isited Mi. and Mrs. H. Wonnacott, Toronto. Several people from here at- tended Salem Thankoffering service on Sunday. Mrs. M. Dubyk tahked to her husband on the phone Tuesday evening after his operation. He is quite cheerful and tells her to kiýep the home fires burning. Mr. and Mis. W. Bank, Beryl and Grace, Weston; Mr. and tMrs. J. E. Griffin and family, Mrs. M. Bennett, Mis. Vera Milîs, Enniskilhen; Mr. and Mis. Roy Lunney, Bowmanville, were Sundav afternoon callers of Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm. Monday evening callers were Mr. and Mrs. C. Hone, Bowmanville. ELIZABETH VILLE The whole community has been hit by the flu bug and most evcry home has or had a flu patient. On Friday evening the 4-H Club girls met at Mis. McAI- lister's for their first meetingl of the unit "The Club Girls stand on guard". Six girls goti pamphlets to become members. Mis. McAllister servcd dough- nuts and chocolaee milk. Sympathies are yjtended to the White family in !heir recent bereavement. Mis. Hank Whiteý passed away on Friday afteî- noon. The funcral was held on Monday afternoon. Word has been received ro Dr. C. Hoîner of the Durham and Northumberland Health Unit that she will speak to the Home and School Association on Nov. 12 at Pcrrytown School in the evening. AIl interested are asked to attend. Mr. C. Rowland. Toronto, isý staying a few days with Mr. and Mis. H. Muldrew and his moth- ci. Mrs. J. Muldrew. Mi. and Mrs. Elliott and fam- ilv, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mis. Qiuantrili, Sunday. Oui Fall anniversaîy services were held on Sunday. In the moîning Rev. B. Long of Oronp spoke. Oui own choir provided the music. In the cvening Kirby Choir provided the music and Rev. Long and Rev. Bryson weîe the speakers. Those on the sick li.,t at prrs- ent. Mis. R. Beatty, Mns. W. IlretHome services haid onSunday were well attended. e eting Here Harmony United Church choir under the direction of Mr. Rossw Meteaif provided two anthems. held Saturday, November 9,1j Messrs E. Maycock and C. King was open to all veterans. He favoured with a duet. Rev. T. A. urged everyone who is a veter-1 Morgan, Trinity church, Bow- an to ottend and extended a cor- 1 manville, was guest speaker and dial invitation to non-members gave a very fine sermon remind- of the Legion to also attend. ing' us how thankful we shou d Keith Yeo was inducted into be for the littie things in lifie. the ranks of the Legion in on We are very grateful to Har- impressive initiation ceremony. mony for their fine contribution Zone Commander William Bea-1 in their service of song and to ton aidied the regular initiation Mr. Morgan for his message. team in the- ceremony. Collection $113. Sports Offîcer Ted Sheehani In last week's report of the reported that Vice-President Ab Home & School Club it should3 Mavin would manage the Le- have been Mrs. G. Shackleton gion's Juvenile team this year I instead of Mrs. R. Crawford on! Jed Wilson has offered to coacii the executive committee. the team and we are happy to The Young Peoples union aire accept hi<-offer, he said. sponsoring a community Hal. Mr. Sheehan poýnted out his: lowe'en party in the school on wishes for a minimum insur- Friday evening Nov. 1. Admis- ance coverage for injury to sion charge for those not in cos- members of the teami this year. turne. Everybody welcome. The Legion's Christmas party Young People's Union held for members' children will be their regular meeting in the held on Saturday, December 1 church Tuesday evening. Glen 21, it was announced. Blackburn, president, opened the meeting and conducted the Beatty, Mr. Longyear. Mr. R. business, Gloria Moon, Don White and Mrs. Culpack. Lots Welsh and their group were in. of others are recuperating. charge of meeting. Bible read- Mr. and Mrs. Sam Moore (nee ing and devotional were given June Thickson) spent the week- by Don Welsh. Grace Blackburn end at Thickson's. They had favourcd with a piano solo. Bob returned from their honeymoon I Craig had charge of the topie and were on their way home to which included several in- Toronto. promptu debates on the aspects ______________of education. Lunch was served and a social time enjoyed. Mr. and Mis. George Honey, S ULINA Fenelon Falls, who have been staying with Mrs. W. G. Werr.,, Phyllis Anne Westlake was for several weeks were called a Sunday tea-guest of Mrs. Hil- to Toronto last week owing to da Mutton, Oshawa. the death of Mrs. Honey's sister. Mrs. Reg. Land, Steven and Mis. Anderson, Town, la stay- Kathy, and Mrs. F. Cook, Bow- ing with Mrs. Werry now. Imanville, visited with Mi.1nd Erie Shackleton was the wint- Mrs. Frank Westlake, Jr. i ner of the public speaking con- test hed in our school. He wji! On Sunday morning the Mui- be conlpeting with speakers ray 'lMalcolms, Norman Wilsonms from other schools at Hampton i ad the Harvey Malcolms ai- u n Tuesday. - jtcndcd anniversary service at Mr. ai-d Mrs. Matthew Mar a nct ille United. In the inorn- chan', and Susar.. attended th-e! iig Rev. Albert E. L o wedding o.f her 'brother, mjj« Spri ngville was guest * ker Donald Parsons and Miss Thel- preaching on "Loyalty rDis- ma Young at Picton. Susan wa cipline. Also in attendance and flower girl at the wedding.- adding, much to the service Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cr.v. With their musical renditions rierman and famîly, Mai were the Young People's Choir Groe, ithMr. and Mrs.FE.Of Mount Horib, with Bill Me. Grovisti. Alpine organist. Always a plea. Mr. and Mrs. Lyall MeMahon, sure to hear fresh Young voices Town, Mr. and Mrs. M. Mar- lead in song. At the evening ser- chant and Susan with Mr. and vice Rex'. K. J. Campbell of B Mrs. L. Wlels-h. lieboro preached. 0 Mr. and Mrs. W. Blackburn Mr. and Mrs. Ray IRob-n*s and family, Mrs. K. Cowling, enjoycd a short motor trip to Haydon. xith Mr. and Mrs. F'. eastern points this week. Blackburn.iOnStra vigth Mrs. Ivison Munday and Mary On Sh aturday eening ea Loti, Mrs. C. Welsh and Betty aphMlcls noyda wit Mr an Ms. . Btte-1 even îng with the Allen Beers of and Mrs. J. Lancaster. Bthî. Mrs. L. Brine and familx', Misses Elizabeth and Lindi Town wih M. ad Ms.w Rowan attended the Grandy. Van Roessel nuptials in Brook.. ,Mr and Mrs. R. Shackleton. lin Chiurch on Saturday. Hamlpton, Mrs. G. Shackleton, Mr. and Mrs. Art Rowar, and Fred, with Mr. and Mrs. K. Mrs. Mabel and Miss Annie Shackleton. Rowan motored to Acton for Rev. and Mrs. F. Jackson and the funeral of the late Johin John with Mr. and Mrs. Geraid Kingsbur.y. Mrs. Mabel Rowan Shackleton. remainied for a few days with Mr. Fred Smith, Miss G race her nîcce. Smith, Long Sault, Mr. and Mvrs. J. Cook and family with Mr. and Mrs. H. McClure. We are looking forward to the opening next week of "Thr' Acres" restaurant owned by M.% and Mrs. H. McClure. DIA 3-3303 for YELVERTON for*A On Wednesday the DonaldiSRCE Stinsons Carol and Garry of SEVC Cornwall, Mrs. Robt. Stinson of Lotus, were guests of the Har- old Stinsons. On Thursday the Stinsons were supper guests of the Garnet Brown's of Peter,- borough. ME 7 S. 's M ay we suggest, a few of our many fine gifts you can Iay away now for Xmas. A small deposit wiII hold your gift tli you require it.le OS 4 i~L 4 :4 4 4. r- g, 4: 4 ç w il DRESSER SETS 3-pce. sets and 5-pce. sets .9.95 up GENT'S WATCF( for every taste at all price rangr- COCKTAIL SET ln Copper TRAVEL CLOCKS and Clocks for every occasion Hooper's 28 King st. W PEARLS from $1.00 up Also CULTURED PEARLS .4 For the Lady of Vour Lif e FINE WATCHES YelIow and White Gold BINOCULARS in various power Ideai Gif t BILLFOLDS A wido selection to choose f rom - Ma' Jowellevy & Gift Shop .MA 3-5747 ELECTRIC SHAVERS AUl Make* Se@ our Wide Selection of FINE DIAMONDS 42-pIece Service for 8 Wm. Rogers In Drawer Chest - 39.95 BLACK ONYX RINGS with Initial 12.00 Caine ini and Look Around - We Will Be Happy ta Serve You "M CANADIAN STATESMAN. 30"LANVMLE. ONTARIO THURSDAY,-OCT. 318t, 19W- PAGE BIX-IMM

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