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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Oct 1957, p. 2

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1948 Ford Coach - .7 v OAetip q n TEM CANAD!Mi STATESMAYq. EOVWMNV!LLE= OWTAIO rAC*z .. Y wF Special Speaker at Mission to the Nation ln Oshawa Nov. 3 During the week o! Nov. 3 to 10, the "Mission to the Na- tion"' o! the United Church o! Canada will be centsed on the Oshawa Presbytery o! the church. The guest minister who will conduct the mission is one of thie nost outstanding prea- chers of Great Britain. He is Rev. Dr. Donald O. Soper, o! London, England. Dr. Soper is one o! the out- standing church leaders o! Eng- land. He is past president o! the British Methodist Church, and for mariy years has been the senior ministes o! Kingsway Hall, London, one o! the best known English churches. His chusch is an active centre of practidal Chsistianity, with a wide f ield o! religiaus and so- cial work, including care o! the aged, a home for unmarried inothers, a creche for workingr mnothers. It is a great experi- mental centre for the sympathe- tic case o! men and women who have seached "rock bottomi." Many o! his admirers think that Dr. Sopes is at his best in his open air meetings at Tower Hill and Hyde Park, where he is neyes without an answer, no rnatter how awkward the ques- tion put to him. His radio and television appeasances bring him to a vast audience in Bri- tain. His congregation at Kings- way Hall on Sundays reaches the 2,000 mark. IVide Experlence. In addition, Dr. Soper has had wide experience in evangelism In India, New Zealand, Ceylon and other parts o! the Common- wealth. He has paid more than one visit to Canada. He is an able preacher, a notable scholur of the Bible and a courageous ànd out-spoken Christian lead- er. Dr. Soper's visit to Oshawa is under the auspices of the Osh- awa Presbytery of the United Church, and ail the churches ut ithe Presbytery are co-opera- ting to make this an outstanding mission. The meetings, with one ex- ception are to be held in the U.A.W.A. Hall on Bond street east, starting on Sunday, Nov. 3, and continuing to Sunday, Nov. 10. The one exception is the meeting on Thursday, Nov. 7, which will be held in Simc>e Street United Church, with pro- vision for an overflow in St. An- drew's United Church. Al meetings will be at 8 p.m. The theme of Dr. Soper's Mis- sion wvill be "The Kýingdom of God." Special emphasis will also be placed on the music for the mission, and Billy White, well- known throughout the Toronto district as an inspiring song- leader will be in charge of the musical arrangements and will personally lead the singing. Meeting Sehedule The scheduie of thé meetings o! the mission, with the subjects and chairmen, is as follows: Sunday, Nov. 3 - "TheKing- dom of God"; chairman, Hon. Michael Starr. Monday, Nov. 4-"The King- dom and Famiiy Life"; chair- man, Walter Beath. Tuesday, Nov. 5-"The King-1 dom and International Affairs"; chairman, W. Ross Strike, Bowv- manville.1 Wednesday, Nov. 6 - "The Kingdom and Labor-,- chair- man, Mayor W. J. Naylor. Thursday, Nov. 7-"The King- dom and Peace"; chairman, Rev. H. Lackey. Friday, Nov. 8 - To be an- nounced; chairman, T. D. Thom- as, M.L.A. Sunday, Nov. 10-"Thy King- dom Comne"; chairman, Rev. H.1 A. Mellow. One of the features at each 1 meeting will be a question er- iod, during which members ýýî the audiences wil have the op- portunity o! sending up written questions for Dr. Soper to an- swer. Sirice the question per- iod has been one o! the main features o! Dr. Soper's outdoor mission work in London, this wili provide an opportunity for discussion o! subjects which are close to the hearts of those who attend the meetings. NE WTON VILLE Mr. anid Mrs. Wray Soule-, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elliott on Sunday. Mrs. Etta Clarke, Buffalo, who spent the summer at her cottage here left for home o011 Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Rod Glmu and son and Miss Marie Dam- pier, Toronto, with Mrs. Geo.1 Ovens, over the weekend. Mr. Tupper Johnston and hisi sister Miss Olive Johnston, moved last week from the farmn into their new home which has been in the course o! construction for the past year. Mr. Robert Gay, Oshawa, and Miss Evelyn Reid, Starkviile, were Sunday dinner guests withi Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Jones. Miss Annie Nesbitt attended the funeral of.#Mrs. Clarence Reid, Port Credît, held at Drono on Sunday.1 Mr. and Mrs. Murray Porter, Sandra and Donna, spent Sun- day with his parents, Mr. and' Mrs. Norman Porter, Manvers Sta. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Moase, Lindsay, and Mr. E. H. Jones, Toronto, with Mrs. G. W. Jones on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wood, visited the newly-weds, Mr. ad Mrs. George Felgate (nee Max mne Wood) at Kingston onr un day. Sunday visitors with Miss, Bertha Thqmpson were: Mr. Jack Arnott, Orono; Mrs. Barns, Dundaik; Miss Hazel Barrie, Oshawa, Miss Tuoker Couch, Mr. Walter Fenton and Mrs. Marjory Watson, Toronto. 1Plan to attend the Newton- ville United Church Thank-Of- fering Services next Sunday,l 1Nov. 3rd. Morning service at 1Il a.m. Rev. R. C. White, speaker. Special music. Ev- ening service at 7:30 p.m. when the Port Hope maie chorus will once again delight us with their service o! song. MORRISH The turkey supper held last Wednesday in the Sunday School Hall was a great success so much so that it may become an annual event. Fsom 5 p.m. until after 8 p .m. the kîtchen was the hub o! activity. Turkey with ail the trimmings was serv- ed to walting guests. Nine turkeys were well cooked by Ms. Broadbent o! Port Hope, vege-1 tables by members o! the W.A. When ail bills are paid we shal know how well off we are and compare the tesults of a bazaar with that o! a turkey supper. Mss. Ken Symons o! Welcome (neea Phyllis Parker) has been 1 doing duty in her old school,' INo. 5, dusing the illness o! Mss. E. Wilson. The higher pupils iwese deiighted to have their popular teacher with them if only for a short time. We un- derstand Mss. Wilson is much bettes and will soon be back to take oves as usual. JRegular Church Service was heid at 10 arn. The service was in charge o! the Rev. Mr. Bees o! Springville whese at one time the Rev. A. W. Harding was pastor and was thîs day guest pseaches at the Annivessasy Service. A small number o! the Junior Choir led in the singlng and Miss Elaine Anderson sang very sweetiy a favourite sacsed solo "Does Jesus Case", accompanied on piano by the osganist Mss. Helen McHolm. In a very psac- tical sermon the minister out- lined places o! refuge for a Christian: the Home, our Faîth, the Church, the Bible, God's Love, and Prayes. Sunday School was held at Il a.m. and Raliy Day Program used, conducted by the Superin- tendent Mss. Fred McConnell. Ms. George Harness was leader in the responsive reading and prayes iitany and Elaine Ander- son read the Scriptuse lesson. Story part was given by Mss. F.McConnell. The collection will be sent ta the Christian Boasd o! Education, United Chusch o! Canada. Sunday School will be at 9:45 next Sunday for, we hope, the last time this year, so that any who wish te do so xnay join in the Annivessary and Thanksgiv- ing Service at Zion at il a.m. Mss. Vera Anderson visited with her son Ms. and Mss. Ross Anderson and family at Balti- more Friday and Saturday. Sun- day she visited her sister Mss. Charles Bebee who is again a patient in Memorial Hespital, Bowmanvîlle. Mr. and Mss. C. Warner o! Toronto were Saturday guests of Mss. Wm. McHolm. Ms. George Harness and fsiends are hard at work build- ing a new house to the west o! the one now occupied. This wilI be a very attractive building and we wish Ms. and Mss. Harn- ess and family many happy years in their new home. Miss Joan Marvin is slowly' ii'npsoving and is expected ta se- tusn home within the next few days. The iast o! the apple csop is slowly coming te a close for an-, other season. .Most o! the apples are o! a good 1quality and nicely coloured. Fail work is nearly finished but these seems te be quite a lot n! fence repaising te be done te keep wayward cattle withLfl sale bouni. _ Wise OwI Club Recog nizes New Member Jack Hately o! the Goodyear Machine Shop, was presented with a life membership certif i- cate and button in the Wise Owl Club on October lOth. At the same time Foreman of the Ma- chine Shop, Jack Nichois, was given a framed charter certif i- cate to hang up in the depart- ment as a reminder to employ- ees that it pays to wear safety glasses. These presentations, hy Plant Manager Charlie Cattran, took place in the Machine Shop, while other members of the de- partment looked on. Hately was accepted into membership because o! the pro- tective safety giasses he wore while on the job, when a near accident prevented himn from a possible ioss o! an eye or a very serious eye injury. A story on this was covered in the Sep- tember Clan. Jack Hately is the first one in the plant to gain membership in this club. Many Showers For Miss Hart Bride-to- Be Miss Mariaret Kathleen rtart o! Oshawa, whose marriage to Mr. William Ross Prout, son o! Mr. and Mrs. C. Alexander Prout of Newcastle, Ontarjo, took place in St. George's An-_ glican Church, Oshawa, on Sat- urday afternoon, Oct. 26, has been feted at a series of prenup- tiai events. Mrs. Charles Langmaid and Mrs. William Ashton of Solina were co-hostesses at a pantry sheif shower at the former's home. A mock wedding creat- ed much merriment; those tak- ing part were Mrs. Eber Snow- den of Maple Grove-the bride; Miss Pearl Leach o! Solina- the bridegroom; Mrs. Ralph Lar- mer of Blackstock-the best man, and Mrs. Norton of Mark- ham cenacted the part of the ma- tron o! honor. The hostesses were assisted by Mrs. Douglas Flett and Miss Pearl Leach irn serving the guests. Mrs. Glenn Prout, Bowmar. ville, entertained at a miscel- laneous shower. Mrs. Grant Hart o! Oshawa was the prîze winner in the program o! games. Serving were Miss Joyce Hart o f Oshawa, Mrs. Horace Vetzel ànd Mrs. Marshall Vetzel of Courtice. Before leaving, al] the guests autographed the bride's book inciuded among the gifts. Mrs. William Ridgely and Mrs. W. S. Tramner were host- esses at a neighborhood shower at the former's home, King Street, East, Oshawa, when the future bride was showered with miscellaneous gifts, also a Sun- beam Cofee Percolator and aluminumn tray. Prize winners were Mrs. William Hart, Mrs. Reginald Smith Mss. Douglas Hart. The hostesses served lunch. Miss Gladys Dale and Miss Anne Christie arranged a paper shower at the former's home, Simcoe Street, North, Oshawa, when the guests were former and present girls from the of- fice o! Anglo Canadian Drug Co. Ltd., Oshawa. An appetizing lunch wua served by the host- esses. A famlly gathering was heid at the home o! Mr. and Mss. William Hart, King Street East, Oshawa, when the prospective bride was presented with a yel- October meeting cf the Wo - man's Association was held att the home o! Mrs. Ross Sharp o n the 22nd in the evening. There was a good attendance o! 28 members and f ive visitons. De- votional was in charge o! Mri. Wm. Howells with Mrs. Alma Yellowlees taking the Bib5le reading. Mrs. H. McGiil expres,3 ed their thanks for kindness and cards seceived, also a card from Mss. John McGill for gift seceived. Progsam was in charge of Group 2. A very in- tesesting discussion on needles our children receive was en- joyed with several questions 1 answered. A lovely vocal solo was enjoyed by Mss. L. Ashton1 accompanied hy Mrs. R. Ormis- ton on the harp. A seading by Mrs. H. McGill taken fsom the "Observer" in the Famiiy Her- aid. Meeting closed with themne song and prayer, followed by hot mince pie being served. Mr. and Mss. Geo. Irwin, vis-; ited Mrs. R. Dickey, Reta and' Allan, Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. Keir Lamb,- Raglan, were with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brun tj and Mrs. E. Page were visitors at Mr. and Mss. Alfred Randle's and Mss. Geo. White, Hamptorn. Mr. and Mrs. James T. Brown, Geraid, Merle and Lynn, New- castle; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Ronald and Ray, Hay- don. were Sunday dinnes uet of Mr. and Mss. R. J. Ormitn Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spry. Mr. Harold Spry, Rochester, N. Y., with Mr. and Mrs. E. Wright. Mr. and Mss. Walter Oke were Sunday visitors of Ms.1 and Mrs. John Oke, Oshawa. Ms. and Mss. W. M. Henry, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrsi Adam Sharp. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Howells called at Malton Rehabilitation Hospital, Toronto, to visit Mss. Howell's father and spent the weekend at Mr. and Mrs. Floyda Maybee o! Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ely Dumas, Paul and Casolyn, Oshawa, were re- cent callers at John Griffin's. Ms. and Mrs. Lyle Brock, Mr. and Mss. Herman Haass, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Van Meer and Randy, Provid- ence, Mr. Jim Kinsmen, Cous- tice, Mr. and Mrs. M. Stainton and Clarence, Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGill and Reva, were Sunday guests at Ms. and Mrs. Keith McGill, in honour o! littie Dale's !irst bisthday. Ms. and Mrs. C. B. Wagg, Uxbsidge, were Sunday visit- ors at A. L. Weasn's. Mr. and Mss. L. Stainton and family, with R. Hope's, Port Persy. Mrs. J. Bate, Lindsay;,Mrs. E. C. Ashton, Maple Grove; Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. May, Toronto, were visitors at Mr. and Mss. 0. C. Ashton's Ms. O. C. Ashton kas got al grand big shed build, Mr. Fred Samis .being the carpentes, with othes helpers. This shed wasi low orlon blanket. A buffet lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Johnson of Oshawa, entertained the future bride and her ïmmediate fam- ily at a dinner party at Venture Inn. From the staff of the Woods Transport Company, Whitby, the prospective bride received an upholstered hostess chair. At a stag party in Toronto the fu- ture bridegroom was presented with a deep fryer, and from the office staff of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. Ltd., Toronto, a floor polisher. Following the rehearsal on Friday evening, the bridal Party was entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hart, Pres- tonvale. ENNISKILLEN Thanko!fesing services wese held at Solina on Sunday. Rev. R. B. Green o! Enniskillen was the guest minister at the after- noon service. His sermon con- tained much food for thought for evesyone. The choir under the leadership o! Mrs. J. Baker sang the anthem "Send Out Thy Light". The girls' trio, Pat Knox, Pat Davis and Gail Bak- er, sang "Fairest Lord Jesus", and the quartette composed o! these thsee girls and Helen Knox also contsibuted a number. In the evening Rev. N. T. Holmes of Hasmony was the speaker. His message was 'also well seceived. Wes Huis took the solo part in the anthem 'I Will Feed My Flock" and the girls' quartette conciuded the service with their selection "Now The Day Is Oves". 1 Next Sunday, Novembes 3'l Sunday School will be at 10 o'clock with church service at 11:15 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Allan McKenzie and Gayle o! Columbus wese Sunday tea guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Allan McKenzie'and Pat. Bradiey's School Hallowe'en concert will be heid on Friday evening, Nov, 1. Evesyone is, welcorne.1 Mr. and Mss. Ralph Davis, wese guests at the Taylor-King' wedding. on Friday evening in St. George's Anglican Church,1 Oshawa. Reeve Roy Nichols and Mrs. Nichols entestained the winning football and basebaîl teams at a turkey suppes in Solina Coin- .munity Hall on Friday evening when 125 were present. Mr. Tom Baker was master o! cere- monies on this pleasant occasion. Mr. Jack Kiveli observed his 75th birthday annivessary on Satusday, October 26. Many happy returns, Ms. Kiveli. The Women's Institute bazaas was held in the Community Hall on Wednesday night. The at- tendance was not as large as usual owing to the rainy weath- er. -Mr. and Mss. E. Larmes, Ms. and Mss. Glenn Lasmes, Black- stock, were Sunday visitons o! Ms. and Mss. Hasry Yellowlees and family. Ms. and Mss. Clarence Tink, Mss. Margaret Chapman, Ms. and Mss. Percy Dewell and family, Hampton; Mss. Mabel iMcKessock, Oshawa, were Sun- day tea guests o! Ms. and Mss. Bruce Tink and family and Mss. Addie Tink. Mr. and Mss. Chas. Langmaid were guests at the Prout - Hart wedding in St. George's Ang- lican Church, Oshawa, and se- ception in Harmony Chusch hall on Satusday. Ms. and Mss. Chas. Johns, Ms. and Mss. L. Preston and sons, Bowmanville; Ms. L. Squais, Salem, wvese visitons with Ms. and Mss. Roy Langmaid on Sunday. Ms. and Mss. J. Leger and children, Oshawa, were Sunday tea guests at Ms. and Mss. Ross Csyderman's. Ms. and Mss. A. Hilîs, Tyrone, jwere Sunday tea guests o! Ms. and Mss. Wes His and family. Miss Evelyn Taylor, Peter- borough, spent Friday at her home. Ms. and Mrs. Lloyd Broome were guests on Saturday at the Broome - McAsman wedding in Toronto. Miss Helen Knox was In Guelph at the weekend for the intes-county judging compe- tition. Mss. Ella Taylor and Sandra o! Toronto wese visitors on Sun- day with Ms. and Mss. Stan Mill- 'son and family. Mr. and Mss. Bob Johnston, Dan Milîs; Mr. and Mss. Russel Gilbert, Bowmanville, and Ms. Gordon Pascoe, Gaît, were Sun- day guests at Mr. and Mss. Cecil Pascoe's. Ms. and Mss. C. Hamer and family visited on Sunday at Ms. ICharles Hamer's at Brooklin. Ms. and Mss. Bryce Brown and childsen, Oshawa; Ms. E. Ormiston, Ebenezes; Miss Helen Baker, Toronto, were with the IJ. and Tom Bakes's on Sna for tea. Ms. and Mss. Hilton Tink, Eb- enezer, wene Sunday visitors ot Ms. and Mss. Harry Knox and THURSDAY, OCT. Slst 1957 1 1 finished on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cox attend-I ed the funeral of Mr. Fred El- lis at Lindsay on Seturday. Mr. Ellis has lived at Ennikilln for many years. Sympathy is extended to his many friends and to his sister at Fenelon Falls. Miss Carol Cox, Hilton, sperit Sunday with the Cox family Mr. and Mrs. Ted Werry andi Patty, Mr. Bill Mahaffy, were with Mrs. A. Perigbe, Caesarea, on Sunday. Messrs. StevMrt Mark, nù Jack Perry, Port Perry, wmere with Mr. and Mrs. Arthurý Brunt. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jackson, Mr. Stanley, Toronto, were re-ý cent tea guests of R. J. Ormis- ton's. Miss Birthi Knudsen, spent Sunday with Miss Phyllis How- ells. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Banks, Grace and Beryl, Weston, were Sunday guests of John E. Gril. f in's. Members of Local 78 Farmer's Union, please remember our re- gular meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'Don Lamb's, Nov. 5th. Try to be present as an re- port of the Convention at Guelph will be given. Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Ashton, Lois and Charles, attended the lOth wedding anniversary o! Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bragg at their home at Providence. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lee, Ke- dron; Mr. Frank Lee, Oshawa; Mr. J. A. Werry, were Sunday dinner guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Allan Werry's. Mr. Allen Stainton, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton and boys, attended the Ilth wedding an- niversary o! Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bragg at their home at Providence. Mrs. Gordon Yeo and Mrs. Arthur Leadbeater visited with Mr. Howard Pye, at hospital on Saturcr-ay afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. A. Leadbeater and boys were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. Tabb, Bow- manville. SOLIN.A $8.95 THERMO-PAK INSULATED HUNTING BOOTS $9.95Pair FLEECE-LINED tESTS -$9 Bowma nvilie Surplus Sales 42 King St. E. Phone MA 9-.2fl, Check These Speciaols! BRAKE SPECIAL Chevrolet, Pontiac or Ford, 1949 to 1959 Reline brakes, bonded shoes, G.M. parts $28.95 for only ANTI-FREEZE $19.95 Permanent Type - Only -$2.95 per galon SIMONIZE SPECIAL Includes clean body scum, power polish and then wax. Large Cars Medium Cars - n $12.00 FIEE! Brake adjuutment with every lubrication and oil change. FIEE! Front end alignment check R obson Mo tors 'PJ ~'1 Limited BUICK - PONTIAC - G.M.C. TRUCK DEALER 166 King St. E. Bowmanville MA 3-3321 n n n n $175 À Small Deposif will hold any article unfil Christmas EKe n-s M7en 9s 'Ç4eai 35 King St. W. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5580 THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL 1955 Dodge 4-door Sedan Locallv owned car with custom radio only$1,595 1954 CHEVROLET 4-door Sedan Completely reconditioned. 3 5 An Ai car $139 1953 CHEVROLET 4-door Sedan Four from which te choose$09 1951 CHEVROLET 4-door Sedan God Iencar, coniplete $7 motor overhaul----$ 7 'I.- NOVEMBER SPECIAL Expert Hair, Shaping given F RE E with every hat purchased at MILADY SHOP Just bring your receipt - no money please to Wanda's Beauty Shop 1947 CHEVROLET Sedan Cheap, reliable transportation$ 5 TRUCK SPECIAL 1951 Pontiac Sedan Delivery $595 Robson Motors Limited BUICK - PONTIAC - G.M.C. TRUCK DEALER 166 King St. n.. Bowmanville MA 3-3321 For the best ln footwear for &Ilthie family choose from these famous makes: FOR CEILDIEN *SAVAGE SHOES *BROU WER'S RESEARCH *JOHNNNY BROWN BALLET SHOES *NATURALIZERS *LOG ROLLERS FOI lux -~DACKS *SCOTT-McHALE W. carry a complete fine of RUBBER FOOTWEAR and LEATHER SNOWBOOTS Lloyd Ellis Shoes I49 King St. W. Phone MA 3-5941 1Marlyn Robinson and SammY BJIUWNUS Rels oiFtyRa KcReio; Cemic, aty, ay Bsrdwn's Home and School, Marioa Mu-Ieeelis;, Aduit Gent. Club heid their annual Hallow_ The Missing Link, Harry Mcli. e'en party for the children at roy; Aduit Couple. Doctor awd Lady, Archie Brown anj Ru- the school on Saturday even- sell Powell, Adult -Co ffl Two- ing, October 26th. The paradel faced Lady, Eva MclI got under way shortly after 8:00 Cny~a itiue mn p.m., with Mr. and Mrs. Jhltechidren, liunch wa seved Scott, Newcastle, providing te îiîenncing was eedb music. rnw., and a good time was had There were many and varied: by ail present. costumes, and the judges, Mr.i Mr. and Mrs. Stan Couch and and Mrs. Stanley Wilkins and Linda with Mr. and Mrs. J. Cur. Mr. H. McWilliams had a diffi- son on Sunday. cuit task picking the winnerq.1 The ones who won prizes and what they represented are asi follows: WANTED Girl, 5 and under, Cowgirl, DaOdadClpe Susan Simpson; Boy, 5 and un- DaOdadCipe der, Bridegroom, Jimmie Pitt;1 FARM STOCK Girl, 6 -8, Gypsy, Kathy Organ; Picked Up Free of Charge Boy, 6 - 8, Pirate, Keith Caîl. 24 Hour Service Girl, 9 - 1l, Russian, Dorella Phone Colleet Lancaster; Boy, 9 - 11, Robin- Cobourg FR 2-3721 hood, Brian Pickering; Girl, 12- Peterborough Ri 2-2080 14, Surgeon, Donna McIlroy; NICK PECONI Boy, 12 - 14, Girl, Tommy Simp- Peterborough - Ont. son; Couple, Nurse and Patient, MEN'S EUNTING JACKETS with attached parkas Only $13.95 amas & Robes ]l 7pa MEN'S HUNTING DREECHES

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