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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Nov 1957, p. 11

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~EU~BD'AY, NOV. 7th, 1957 T~ fANAnTAM A MA7bI ~r~wMA ~TY? V V I%~Y'I~ A UP~ Centrai School Wins O;atorical Competition Màcny Pupils Také' Part 1Public speaking is the order «Mf the day in Durham County schools. Preliminaries havc been going on in preparatieni rer * vsemi-finals at Solina, Th ree Bowmanville public schools ran off their contests with inter-sehool finals being held at Ontario Street Schoo I Wednesday afternoon, Oct. *lu. Acting as judges were Mrs. .Xoward Jeffery, Miss Margaret McGregor and Rev. Harold t2urner. Winners were: Chrisil Ricl,- ter whose subject wvas MY Visit to See The Queen: Jane Dej Jong-Juvenile Delinquency: Ricky Lander-Flying Saucers. Ail were from Central School. The firsbtIwo were eligible for the semi-finals at Solina, winners of which will be found, elsewhere in the paper. Winners from Central corn- peting against the othe r twvo schools were: Jane DeJong, Christl Richter, Ricky Lander; Mary Ruth Osborne - Lester Pearson: Carol Elston-Sputnik. Others competing at Central wvere: Marjorie Stewart-John Diefenbaker; Helen Vanstone- 166 RING ST. E. 1 BOWMANVILLE ALL DAY SATor NOV. 9 Skuing; Yvonine Anonichuk - Puppets; Judy Brough - Doils; Michael Leddy-Hockey; Cyn- thia Hacking-Trip in Autumn; Ann Ferguson-Astronomy. Competing at Ontario Street, School were: Antony Malloy- North American Indians; Lilian Miller-Education; Jean Cully -Niagara Falls; Carolyn Sta- cey-A Royal Thanksgivin', Roderick Taylor-Royal Cana- dian Mounted Police. Janet Scott - Harbours; Robert Mc- Manus-Winston Churchill: Pat- sy Thompson-Tobacco; Patsy Carter-The Fruit Cake-, Judy Paeden-Thunder and Lighfn- ing; Margaret Pickard- Ont- ario: Karen Barraball-Alaska Highway: Carolyn Meadows - The Common Cold: Mary n Lymer-Sugar Cane. An Ontario Street winners corn- peting in the inter-school cn test were: Jean Cullv. Roderick! Ta lor, Janet Scott, Patsy Car- tel', Jud.v Paeden. Those taking part at Vincent EVTT~ Friday night for the same pur- Massey were: Jane Oliver -- TJI>JJ YV..JILE pose. The Beaver: Louise Maguire- School attendance is getin There was no cburch service Historv of Eating Utensils; Pat-baktnoml th on SundaNy but SundaN' scbool sy Mvin- Ta FenchEx-bac tonorml athogh 0neas usual. Carroll N'ichols led the Mavn -TwoFrech are fl clear of sickness Bible class, superintendent Mur- plorers; Cheryl-Ann Luxton - The Horse, Woodrow Perry - yet. Latest victims of mumps ray Payne read the morning Hockey: Susanne White - The are the oldest and youngest inI Scripture. It was assistant Suri- Chimpanzee; Betty Darch t inrhueodKnadday but soîne of the regul1ars, theDnnrhoshlàKn n ad to carry on as assistants iPoodies: Gary Crombie - The baby Sqteven. We hope that wi'11 were ill or flot in a position to Royal Familv; Jean Cole--Beet- he thp end of illness for tlit corne. 1\'rs .A. Thorndvke did les; Willis Fowler - Rabbits:; famiiy. thev hav-e had a long a'ete-rrnr1cas Sandra Dilling-Hamsters: JiM hîard srt .hv h rmr ls_ IMcDonald - The Boy Scoutch Visitors during the weekend Jamboree; Michael Charles --- Mrs. Ken Ashiby and Mrs. E. were: Doreen Milison of New- The Unitcd Nations; Jobanne Barrowclouph attended the ICasit uie1uti:N~ Parkhill-The Bluejay; Bonnie' bourg PresbYterv Woman"s A-;- and r5 Don Bwrand'dan,- iMutton-The Queen Openini sociation fali rallY aI riaikfoi C ghter Donni of Toronto with Parliament: Graydon Colville-- on Tuesda.y. Thcy and Mis, Mr. itnd Mrs. Murray Payne; Indians: Paul Sweete-History Stella Bennett of Port Hope Ir e.Hcs fFxoo of Aviation; Marie Hendry i took part in a short skit. .:iMan Mrs. R.Hik o boro. Arabian Horses. Ken Ashby and Gilbert Aus- The news of the death of Mr. Finalists competing against tin loft on their annual deer E. Sumnmers brought sincere re- the other two schools werc. bonti during the weekend. Ed-! gret ta the manv here who knew Cheryl-Anne Luxton. Jean Coi'Q [Par Bi.rrowclouigl was uriabi- him. His ser'vice to the famn .Sandra Dilling, Michael Charks, Io go because of fin. Harold and district bias been long and fruiz- Paul Sweete. Arnold Austin went north last fui. Three New Members Inducted into Lionism Len Lucas, Vic Mleai Approve New Building Norman Mitchell were induet:-In a report for the Houte ed into the Bowmanville Lions Commrrittee Lion Ross Steverns Club in the customary cere- suggested the construction of a mony at their regular meeting nev. building to replace the car- in the Lions Centre last wek nival equipxnent storage shed. Initiation proceedings w ere The present space being used conducted by Lion Andy for the old shed could be turr- Thompson. He repeated the cd inio a parking lot, he toid rieaning of the word Lions for the members. This wvas aiso the new members. Past Prcsi- made a motion and passed byr dent Jin- Marr read the Lions the nmembership. code* of ethics and Past Presi- dent Don Williarns repeated the Our bingos are successful, but Lions objects for them. we would like to sec more peo- A brief resume of eacîx man's pie coming out for them, Lion past \vas read by Lion Howardi Jack Cole said in a report for Gibson. After the cerem-ony the Bingo Committee. He su- they were wvelcomed mbt the gested the club purchase an ad- club hy their fellow Lions with ditional 50) chairs and ten ta- the usual handshake. President hes for bingo nights and othcr Fred Cole exbended his per- events. A motion that these he sonal greetings and wvelcomed purchased by the Bingo Com- them into the club. They wvere mîite vas approved and pass- jpresonted -witb their pins, cer- ed. tificates, code of ethics, bylawýs ebrtBihdy and constitution and badge of Cvn mer elebrate Brhdy mem'Sevenshipembers celebrated BobKersinbt.i ~ît their birtbdays at the meeting. BobKet.They were: George Webster. Distingulshed Speaker Walter Rundle. Ernie Bradley, Guest speaker for the even- Cliff Samis, Ed Summers. Bob ing was the Hon. Dr. Matthewýý Kent and Glen Martin. Presi- B. Dymond, Ontario Ministrfdent Fred Cole extended h-'s Reforrn Institutions. Lion Gîci.- congratulations to Howard Jef- Martin introdnced the speaker fery on a recent promotion at giving a resume of bis carcer. the Goodyear. Dr. Dymond spoke of the oper- Guests abtending included; ation of his department. He Dcputv District Governor Art xvas thanked bY Lion Joe Coop- Brunton and Vice-President cr who p--esented bim with a Arcoîo Farmer of the Port Per- gift on behaif of the club. i rv Lions Club. Other gues(,s Lion Jack Roughlcv gave al I xvere: Clarke Wilson. of ttie report on rnidget hockey for Kinsmen Club; John Morrison, the Boys and Girls Committee. superintendent of the Boy s' It \vas suggested the club spon- Training School; Leo Moise andi soc a league for mnidget plav- Murdcch Beaton, music instrue- ers this year. instcad of an ah- tor for Bowmanville Public star teami as bbeY did last sea- Schools. Mr. Beaton played son. This ,vas moved and ap- piano foxn the sing song in the proved by the membership. absenice of Lion Ross Metcale. A NEKIN 0FCAR B BORN! Thig la the Golden Jubilee Car- a revolutlon on wheels-boldly plannod ftra the very beglnnlng as a Golden Anniversary showplece for Pont.tao and General Motora. Thiis one you reaily must see-here is a car unlike any you have ever known! The Golden Jubilee Pontiac is an ail-new breed of cars-in eight brilliant series and 30 sleek models covering cvery possible price bracket. In ail of thema you'1l find engineering ad- vances so daringly different yqt so basieally sound that they wiil triggcr the next big change. You'Il find à few of these ideas here, but there's much, much more: new jeweled-action power; a new transmission; new handling; new eomfort; new styling. Be among the first to diseover the newest. Make it a point to see your Pontiac dealer soon and prove te yourself that no car in history ever left yesterday so far behind. A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Ponti'ac G.eM.OC. Buick R0L~9IiYf ML W Truck Free Gifts For Everyone VAL UABLE DOOR PRIZES AI the end of the day a draw will he made for these five free door prizes: 1. Super Automauic Electric Toaster 2. Ronson Shaver 3. Ronson Lighter 4. Book of Lubrication Coupons Eve-LeelAir Rd The most perfect suspens ion system ever designed- and Pontiac's revolutionary Aero-Frame is spccificai/y deqigned for it! Air cushions on ail four whec/.ç literai/v float you or'er the bumps ... keep the car perfect/y level regardless of load or roadi QuJadra-PpIoiseROADABILIT? On/y the wheels know where the bumps aret Pontiac's new suspension geometry ends dive, swav ami bau nce f0 brin g you the smoofhest ride, easiest handling you've ever known! Circies-of- Steel sAFETY Pont iac's camp/etc/y new body construction surrounds y'ou with girder steel protection - above, be/ou', fore and af f.( Now you con drive with wvonderful new peace of mmmd! STABILITY Here is the biggest basic construction change sincc the car/y days of motoring. Pontiac's reto/utionary new f rame design is /ighter, stronger, more stable titan the cowentional box type used on other cars. NeOw Direction STYLING Here's a fresh new look in automobile styling-and on/y Pontiac has it! From clas8ic gril/e to bold rear end, Pontiac makes a decisite break with thte fads anid fn//ls! And despite Uts silhouette that's incites iowcr, there's more room inside 'han ever! Asotro -Rme PERFORMANCE Try Pont iac's new jewe/ed-action rcsonse! Scores (if exe/usir e engineering innouations mahe Pont iac's hefty pow)er plants miracles of smoothncss ... and the finesi of them (t/ Its the new A'stro-F/ame V8. EVERYONE 15 WELCOME Robson Motors Lumted - PONTIAC St. E - G.MC TRUCK DEALER Bowmanville MA 3-3321 r.ise Robson PONTIAC - BUICK. 166 King St. E. Motors - VAUXHALL CARS Bowmanville Li ieted - GMC TRUCKS MA 3-3321 and 3-3322 You are cordîally învited to attend . .. .. . .. AT LIMITED TO INSPECT THE New 1958 5. 10 Gallons of Esso Extra Gasoline Free Refreshments 7 to 9:30 p.m. We are pleased ta announce that we have contracted with the Rotary Anns to provide refreshments during this period. The money miade by this group is to he turned over for the new Library Fund. BUICK - 166 King Thirty all-new models in seven series distinguîsh the 1958 Pontiac, introduced'today by' G ene r al Motors of Canada, Limited. Lower, longer, wider than ever before, the 1958 Pontiacs feature many new advancements in sbyling and engineering. Coul springs replace the conventional leaf springs in rear suspension, while air ride suspension on ail four wheels is optional. Shown above is the Strato-Chief 4-door Sedan for 1958. TIM CMADUN STATESMAN. BOWIL&NvmT.r- nwmAl:?Trt 8 MA 3-3321 and 3-3322

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